VOLUME XV. Reporter and Post. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT DANBURY. N. C. PEPPER k SONS, Pubs. vS" Props BlTftM OF ftl'llM* ItIPTIOX ; Cn» Tear, paoahle in advance, 91.n0 81 Month*, 75 RAT MS OF ADYHLTI ISIXU : One Hqunre tten lino* or lens) 1 time 91 on Poroach additional Insertion AO Contracts tor longer time or more "pace can be B»4e in pro>«oriion to the nliove rates. Transient adverther* will he cspectoil to remit accenting to llie*e rates at tlutt time they Mend their favor*. Local Noti.-e* will he charged 50 per cent, higher than above ra****. ■u*inc-M Cards will ho inserted at Ten Dollar* par annum. PROFESSION. 1L CARDS. A. J. BOYD, J. W. REID P. M. JOHNSTON, JULIUS JOHNSTON BO YD, RETDftJOHXSOX, Attorneys - at - Law, WKNTWORTII, N. C. Messrs. llcid aud Johhson will regu larly attend the Superior Courts of Stokes county. R. L. HA i WORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW Mt Airv. N. C» Speriul attention given to the collect ion o, oluims. I—l2in m F CARTER, jiTTVtiINEF'tfW-lrii IT. MT. ah: V, Nl'illiV CO., N. i. Practice wlieiwe. 1 •- •MMTICI'.S are wanted P. DAY, ALBERT JONES. SPay & Jones,. manufa 'Hirers of BADDLKRY,HARNESS, COLLARS,TRUNR iio. 33G W. Baltimore street, Baltimore, M*\. W. A. Tucker, 11. C.Smith, II.S. Spraggiiif Tuclcer, Smith *■ Co.. Maiiui'acturhn & aholesale Dealers la BVQTS, SHOES, HATS AM) CAPH Mo tflO Raltinorc Street, Baltimore. J/d. M J. * it. /•;. liEs i\ WITH Henry Sonnebovri 4" Co., WHOL ESJ LI: CL O NIL EN V M Amoyor St., (uciwceiiUeinimi A* lAtmb.ril Stul JIALTIMOItJE Ml). H. SOftSEBORN, 8. BUXIIXI Mtcfhe* Putney, L. H llluir W. 11. MILES, STJCFJIE. \ I'UrXE 1' $■ CO H'holeiMl dealer* in Botls, Shoes, and, Trunks, 1219 Main Street, gept. S-SI-Bm. RICHMOND, VA. BKllAl.li WOOD SAM I. P. OOODWIN. IIK.NKV IIKXDERSOX. Kli'll'D W. ItACON. WOOD, BACON &C 0 ImpurlerH and Jbbbcra of DRY GOODS, XOTTOXS, W ITITE HOODS, ETC. No*. :ioo-:tii Mm kit St., PIIILALKLPHIA, FA. Parties having CUT MICA for sale will find it to their interest to C*"res|)on l with A. O. SI'IIOONMAKER, 168 William St., New York. R.IT OGLESBY, C. W. SCOTT. WHOLESALE MOTIONS AiND WHITE GOODS, (512 Main Streot LYNCHBURG VA. O. E LKk'TWK'K. with WIKGO, EI.IJSTT It CRUMP, niOUMOND, VA., Wholesale Dealers i* BOOTS, BHOKS, TRUNKS, AO. Prompt attention paid to orders, nod satls ction gauranteed. Virginia Sate Priion Goodt . tyectatly March, 6. m BOStaT w. powsas. soo.a D. t*vlo . R W POWERS & CO.. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Dealert In PAINTS, OILS, DYKS, VARNISHES, French and American WINDOW GLABB, PUTTY, &C. SMOKING AND CHE WHO CIGARS, TOBACCO A SPECIALTY 1305 Main St., Eichmond, V«; AngujtGm 26 wuamTKRJW * «0., WHOLESALE UROCPRS AND OOMMIf SION MERCHANTS. 3o 3 Howard street, cerner of Lombard; BALTIMORE. We keep constantly on hand a larpe ana well assorted stock of Groceries—sultaHe fti Southern an i Western trsde. We solicit con signments of Country Produce —such as Cot ion; Feathers; Ginseng; Beeswax WodljtmM; Fruit; furs; Skins, etc. Our tacilit.es for »to ng business are such ss to warrant uuik sale! •dprampt returns. All orders will have out Pft ti^Mrtiss. GO TO % i »* r t TIISE 11LOCK, "WiiiMtOn, IV. C. FOR GOOD Tobacco Flues, Sheet Iron and Home made Tinware at Living Prices Also Roofing and Guttering at shor notice, at BOTTOM PRICES. Sept IG-ly J W. Sill^LEY, Corner Main mid ;trd Street. WIHSTOS, SI.C. Under Jacobs Clothing Store. MANCPACTRRKR OP Harness, Bridles, Collars and Suddlcs, Also dealer in Whips, Hamcs, Brushes, Lap Robes, in fa:t everything in the Har ness aud saddlery hue. CHEAPEST HOCSK IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. Will sell my own manufactured goods as cheap »s yiu can buy the \\ estcrn and Northern city made goods. PATRONIZE HOME IHUUSTHY. lias a stook of the old army McClcllnn Saddles ou baud. Come and see me Sept 26 1-y. Brown Rogers s % Co Wholesale unci Retail HARDWARE largest line of STOKVB in Winston. Agricultural Implements MAC HI NEIIV ofall kinds HARNESS JUiD SADDLES S, c. PAL \ TS, OILS, VARMSHES, &C' Special attention invited to their tV/itles L'tipper I'tows. .Igrnts Dvpont's otet and welt known Rifle Powder. Sept *2G-ly Doors, Sash, Blinds. Having rebuilt our Planing Mill, Door, Sash aud Blind Factory, slid fit ted i: up with all new inachiotry of the latsst and most approved patterns, we are now prepared to do all kinds of work in cur line in the very best style. W« mki^ufacturc DOOKS, SASH, BI.INDS, Door Frames, Window Frames. Brack ets, Moulding, Hand-roil, Balusters, Newels, Mantels, l'orcli Columns, and art prepired to do all kinds of fecroll Sawing, 7'umlng, &o. We carry in stock Wcatheiboarding, Flooring, Ceil ing, Wainscoting and nil kinds of Dress j ed ' Lumber; also Framing Lumber, Shingles, Laths, Linns Cement, Plaster, | Plastering Hair and nil kinds of Build- J ors' supplies. Call anil see ur or writo , for our prices before buying elsewhere. MILLER BROS-, WINSTON, N. C. GEO. STEWART. Tin and Sheet Iron Manu facturer. Opi>>>il»' Farmi'iV Warehouse. wixstox, r , ROOFING- GLITTERING AND SPOUT ING ' done at short notice. Keeps constantly on liand a fine lot of Cooking and Heating Stoves I aUonB for VitSf^S |N| thn I'n.ted RUt^Dd^l|n Pla v continue to act m solicitor* I flMhl 1 far patent*. r,a*f*t«. tr«de-uj*rks, copy iwnJi right*, ate., for th* United Utates, and to obtain patents In Canada, England. Franca. Germany, and all other K>untrie* riielr eiperi •nre is unc|ualod and their facilities are unsur -9 Drawing* and *peciAcations prepared and ftlad In the Patent OHice on short notice. Terms rery reaaenabte. No charge for examination of modela or drawl Ma. Adrir* by mall free. Patents obtained through ICannAOo.arenotleeA I.Xeici KMTirir AMltßlCAM.wkieh ha* the I ares* i circulation snd >s the meet influential XliSEer of »U kind pnhlUhJ In the world' The advantages of snoh a notioe overy patentee Bl Thia\arae and splendidly illnstrsted newspaper la published WKKKLY at tXHOa year. and la adm'tted to be the neat papordaroted to science, mechanic*. Invention*. engineering works, and other department a of industrial progreee, pub lisbed in any country. It contain* the names of allpatestoea and title of every invention patented Cm week. Try it four months for one dollar. Idbv all newsdealer*. If ton bare an invention to patent write to i Munn A Co.. publisher* of Bcieutifle AjasnaM. HI Broedwar. New York yMaadbuek at>uut pauiuta mailed faaa. "NOTIIINO HUCCEEDS I.IKE SUCCESS." M - . . .... DANBURY, N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1887 Si^i® DIMTANCK. MABOARET W. HAMILTON. On softening (lays, wlien a storm was near, At the farm house door 1 have stood in tlie gray, And caught the distance, faint but clear, The sou mi of a train passing far away. Tl»e warning bell when the start wos made, TIIA ibgine'S puffing t\F smoke unseen, With the heavy rumble as wheels obeyed— Across the miles between, Anil so sometimes on a moonloss night, When the s'ars shine soft and the wind is low, To my listenim; soul in the palid light. Come the trembling vtiiees of long ago. The tuneful echoes when hope was young, The tender so »g of love serene, 0 And the throbbing rhythm of passion's tongue— Across the years between. "THE NEW SOUTH." MR. lIENRY W. GRADY'S SPEECH AT THE NEW ENGLAND DINNER. The following is an extract from the speech of Mr. llenry W. Gradv, one of tbc editors of tho Atlanta (Ga.) Con stitution, ut tbe dinner of tbe New Kng land Society in New York. "In speaking to tlio toast wi:!i which you have honored tue I accept the term, 'The New South,' as iu ut seuso dispar aging to the old. Dear to me, sir, is 'lie home of my childhood and the trad itions of my pecple. There is a new South, not through protest against the old, but beoause of new conditions, new adjustments, and it you please, new ideas and aspirations. It is to this that 1 1 address myself. I ask you,gentlemen, to picture if yoa can the footsore sjldier who, buttoning up in his faded gray jacket the parole which was taken, tes timony to his children of bis fidelity and faith, turned his face southward from Appomattox in April, 18G3. Think of liiui as ragged, half-starved, heavy bearded, enfeebled by want and wounds, having fought to exhaustion, lie surren ders his gun, wrings the hands of his comrades, and lif'ing his tcar-stuined and pallicd face foi the last time to the graves that dot the old Virginia hills, pulls his gray cap over his bruw and be gins the slow and painful journey. What docs he find let me ask you, who went to your homes eager to find all the welcome "you bad justly earned, full payment for your year's sacri6ee—what , docs ho find when he reaches the honn , ho left four years before ? lie finds his , ' house in ruins, his farm dcvaslefl, his , ' slaves freed, his stock killed, his barns empty, his trade destroyed, his money Worthless ; his social system, feud.il iu its magnificence, swept away ; his peo- | pie without law or lugal status, his com- { rades slain, and the burdens of others heavy on his shoulder. Crushed be do feat, his very traditions gone, without , money, credit, employment, material,or , training—and, besides all this, confront- ■ ed with tlio gravest problem that ever met human intelligence—tho eslablish -1 iug of a statue for tho vast body of his 1 liberated slaves, what does he do, this hero in gray, with a heart of gold l Does 1 he sit down in sullenness, iu despair? ; Not for a day. Surely (iod, who had scourged him in bis prosperity, inspired liiui in bis adversity! As ruin was never before so overwhelming, nevei was restoration swifter. The soldier stepped from the trenches into tho fur row ; horses that had charged Federal guns marchod before the plou h, and fields that ran red with human blood in April were green with the harvest in June, worncd reared up in luxury cut up their drctses and made breeches for their husbands, and with a patience and heroism that fits woman always as a gar ment gave their hands to work. There was little bitterness ia all this. Cheer fulness and fraukness prevailed. 'Hill Arp' struck the key-note when be said : 'Well, 1 killod ae many of them as they did of me, and now I am going to work.' Or the soldier, returning homo after do feat and roasting souio corn on the road side, who made the remark to his com rades : 'You may leave the south if you want to, but 1 am going to Sandcr ville, kiss my wife, and raise a crop, and if tbe Yankees tool with me any ! uiore I will whip 'cm again ' 1 want | to say to Gen. Sherman—who is consid ered an able man in our parts, though i s me people '.hink ho is a kind of caro : !■■« man about fire—that from the ashos I left us iu ISO I we have raised a brave and beautiful city ; that somehow or other we have caught the suushinc in the bricks and mortar of our homes ant! have builded thorcin not one siugle prejudtm: or memory. 'But what is the sum of our work ? Ave have foun-1 out that in the general summing up the fret, negro counts more than he did as a slave. Wc have plan ted the schoolbouse on the hill top, and made it free to wbito and black. We have sowed town, and cities in the placr of theories and put !-Usinc"i above p'tli ttcs. We have challenged yout spinners m Massachnsetts'and iron makt-rt in Fennsylvania. We bave learned that the $400,000,000 annually receiv ed from our cotton crop will make us rich. Then the supplies that mtikc if are home raised. We have reduced the commercial rate of interest from 21 t ■ G per cent., and are floating 4 per cent, bonds. We have learned that one Northern immigrant is worth fifty for eigners, and have smoothed the path to Sou'hward, wiped out the piacc where Masons and Dixon's line used to be, and hung out our latch-slring to you aud yours. We have reached the point that marks perfect harmony in every house hold, when tlio husband confesses that the pics which his own wife cooks ate as good as those his mother used to bake, and we admit that the sun shines as brightly aud the umon as softl) as it did 'befoie the war.' We have established thrift in city and country. We have la! len in lovo with work. Wc have restor ed comfort to homes from which culture and elegance never departed. We have let our economy take root and spread among us as rank as the emit grass vfliich sprang from Sherman's cavaliy camps, until we aro ready to lay "rids on the Georgia Yankee as he squeezes pure olive oil out of his cotton Rbed, against any Down-Kaster that ever swapped wooden nutmegs for flannel sausages in the vallev of Vermont. Above all, we know that we have achiev ed in these 'piping times of peace' a fullfl. independable Cut il.lHSoutli ili.u which our fathers sought to win in the forum by their eloquence or compel on the field by their swords. It is a rare privilege, sir, to have bad part, howev er bumble, iii this work. Never was nobler duty cotifidcd to human hands than the u[ lifting and upbuilding of the prostrate and bleeding South, misguid ed, perhaps, but beautiful in her suffer ing, and honest, bravo and generous always. In the record of her social, industrial and political illustrations wc await with confidence the verdict of the world. "When Lee surrendered—l don't say when Johuscn surrendered, because 1 understand ho still alludes to the time when he met Gen. Sherman last as the time when ho determined to abandon any further prosecution of the struggle' —when Leo surrendered, 1 day, an I Johnson quit, the South became, and has been HDCP, loyal to the Union. We fought hard enough to know that we were whipped, and in perfect frankness accepted us final the arbitrament of the sword to which we had appealed. The Siuth found her jt ol in a toad's he-id. The shackles that held hot in narrow limitations fell forever when the shack les of the negro slave were broken. Un der the old regime the negroes were slaves to the South, the South was u slave to the system. Thus was gather ed in the hands of a splendid and chiv alric oligarchy the substauce that should have been diffused among the people, as the rich blood is gathered at the I cart tilling that with atHucut rapture, but leaving the budy chill and colorless.. The old .-'outli rested everything on sla very and agriculture, unconscious that these could neither give nor maintain healthy growth. The new South pre sents a perfect democracy, the oli garchs leading into the popular move ment—a social system compact and closely knitted, 1' ss splondid on the suiface, but stronger at the Cl.re —a hundred farms for every plantnti >u, fifty homes for every palace, and a diversi fied industry that meets the complex needs of his complex ago." Witness the diplomacy and presence of nnnd shown in this answer, in the caso of the youug lady who sat in an alcove of an evening parly with a bright youug uilitary man, her little niece on her knee to play propriety. Suddenly the company u elcctri6ed by the excla mation of the child : "Kiss me, too, Aunt Alice !" But tho sudden shock is succeed by a feeling of relief as Aunt Alice calmly replies; "You should not say' Kiss nic two," dear; yon should s»y'Kiss mo twice.'"— The ln-leptn denl. BEAUTIFYING OUR HOMi'B. Since the lays in the lone, ago v. ben \d:im and Eve dwelt id the garden i '\ Eden ami the beautiee of ihat paradi'e I wore theirs to ouj >y, the chief pursuit of man has been to search out happiness. The idea! of that happiness is to gain j for himself an abode like unto that of oui first parents, and call it his own. Kacb of us can make for ourselves a homo, adorn it with the beautiful things Nature has to lavish given, if we so desire, and all she asks in return is the care and labor bestowed on her reasuros. Tlnse whos» heart's desiro is to have f-r themselves this ideal of a home—this little Elcn all of their own have inly to bring to their aid the beautiful things Natur) has pr vided ami with willing hearts and ready hands rear fur themselves au abode of i peace and plenty It is not wealth which gives to some homes that air of attractiveness so inviting It is the individuality of the inuiate» Ihat is im pressed upon their surroundings ami gives character to all about them. There is uo surer exponent of the refine ments and high moral culture of a neigh borhood than the appearance of the ! homes and their surroundings. The | humblest entuige, about whose do rwavs aro vliinbmg vines aud w'* ..-e windows are drapud with tbeir clinging tendrils, present to us a much more inviting pict ure of bappiuess and homely pleasure than its more pretentious neigbi r of stone with its barrcness of grandeur. The inspired writers sang of the loveliness of nature, and the grandest inspirations and illustrations were drawn from the same inoxhaustible source. The bards of all ages have taken "up the refrain, and it shall continue to echo d"wn the hulls of the time shall be no more. It is our privclege and out duty to gather about us alt that will help to make us better, and to make for ourselves suoh a home as will influence our charactei for good aud develop in us higher ideas of living than that of a mere animal ex istence. Let us Mirroood ourselves with the luxuriance tnd beauty of na ture, become familiar With her charms and graces, aud bring of her stores to decorate our homes. There is an influ ence emanating from an intimate asso ciation with nature that is ennobling in its tendency ami which will lift our thoughts above the gt jsscr tilings which arc physical to things intcllcetuai and spiritual. In this intereoifrse with Na ture we aro developing » love for the truly good and beautiful ami receiving a refining influence that cannot fail in hav ing its effect on our lives.. We look through nature up to Nature's God. • hen its riches aro brought into the homes of the poor, even the squalor of poverty disappears aud a ray of the brighter liuht from above takes its place. I Exchange FOR VALUE RECEIVED. Cheap journalism will not do, wheth er it consists in quantiy or price. There isjust standard of value for ill marketable gifts as well as commodities, and this will soon rr later regulate itself. Some of our contemporaries have made efforts to furnish themselves to subseribers at figures far below the standard. People certainly do not think more of a paper which puts a low esti cstimate upon ttself. Wo doubt wheth er they pay for one such with any great er regularity or promptness. People are eager to claim, they should, as in all things tlso, so in journalism, be wil ling to pay for value received. Cheap jourcalisin, in whatever souse, we be. licTQ to ba a mistake.--Chaarlotte Church .1 Itssenqer. APIIROPRIATION3 FOR PUB LIC BUILDINGS. WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.—The House Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds to-day ordered® favorable re port on Senate amendments to itie bill making an appropriation for a public building at Jacksonville, Fla. It ap propriates $250,000. The co:uinittee also ordered a favorable report on tlio bill appropriating SIOO,OOO for a pub lic building at Charlotte, N. C. The Senate Committee on the Dis trict of Col'tmbia this imorning ordered an adverso report on the nomination of .) C. Mathews, of Albany X. Y , the eolorcd register of deeds of the Dis trict of Columbia. The vole wis 7 to 2. It is understood that the two were Sma tor Harris an I Brown Matthew Stanley Quay is the name ol the new U. S. Senator from Pennsylva nia. lie is a Republican, Bx-I'RESIDEN'T DAVIS AND THE OitFHAN. One morning my train, which was the lirst one to £0 through to New Oileaiis, ran considerably past Beauvoir station, ; and the engineer had to reverse and go j back to pick up a couple of passengers. One of thoni was Mr. Davis. He boaid ! Ed the last car audsft down tn a seat behind a young coupic who got on just above Misissippi City. They had evi dently just been married, and were | Yankee to the backbone. Hailed from Philadelphia, as I learned afterwards, i She was very pretty, bul evidently dis gusted with the South. Presently J sut ! down just behind Mr. Davis, in time to bear the young lady say; "What place I was that where we stopped just ; now?" i "Beauvoir, I believe," answered the young fellow, without looking up from his new -paper, i 'Why that's where .fcflf Davis lives," 1 she exclaimed; then in an under breath. "The old rebel} he ought to have been j hung!" '•And ; ray, Miss," said a stately 1 voice at her elbow, "why do you, a ; young, innocent girl, pronounce such harsh sculeuco on him?" t "Bee i ' e," she replied, not recogni sing the speaker, "because he deserved it. lie tri dto ruin our country, aud caused thousands of brave men to die. ! lie made witlows and orphans—he made me an orphan," and tears swelled into ! her eyes. | "Did Jell Davis do all that'" ask | etl the man, huskily. "The girl looked cariouslv over her shoulder aud said: "1 believe he was ! responsible for it." , | "The stranger bowed in sileucc, and ; when he raised tears fell on bis coat | sleeve and he said: "I uuderstaud the , spirit which prompted you tc speak, but , I wish to correct the view you entertain of Jeff Pavis. . i "He is not the cruel person yonr im . ■ agination paints him, young lady. Here in the South, as "«I1 as iu .he ' North, thousmds of mournirs for dear i 1 ones who fell in the war. Jefferson , Davis sympathizes with all. Whether . j they wore the blue or gray makes no difference now. You, 1 take it, are ,| a soldier's orphan. In the los- of ymr . ' father you have Mr. Davi s sincere I J % , j piiy. If he can aid you iu an; way he 1 \ will gladly do so." \\ I'.h the word 3 the stranger took a card from his pock » et, and presenting it to the young lady , left the ear She read the name iu si lence and handed it to her somewhat . annoyed companion, M uch to his sur prise be saw iuscribcd in a plain, firm , j band the name, F | J EEFERSON DAVIS. Beauvoir, Misissippi. | —lit:cau\ior Cor. Ronton Globe. A REMARKABLE PETITION. A petition of a somewhat remarkable character will shortly bo presctited to 'lie Legislature of North Carolina, by the farmers (or more properly speaking, a portion of the farmers) of Mecklenburg county. This petition will pray for special legislation to prevent the impor tation of (ieorgia watermelons into Mecklenburg county. The petition had its start among the farmers of lierryhill township, and it was yesterday placed in the hands of sheriff Cooper, The pa per is quite numerously signed, and the chances arc that a large addition of names will be appended to it, before it goes to our representatives in the Leg islature. The petition calls for protec tion for our home watermelon raisers, and prays the legislature to pass a spe cial law for the benefit of Mecklenburg county, prohibiting the shipment into this county of Georgia watermelons. The petition sets forth that our home watermelon growers need protection from the influx of the Georgia produc tion, and a high watermelon tariff is demanded. 'I bo petition in in the hands of sheriff Cooper and it will be sent to Kalcigh this week.—Charlotte Chroni cle, Wo have in vain looked among all of our exchanges for a single opinion favor able to the innoeence of Cluverius out side of North Carolina. Wo liavo not seen one dissecting opinion as to his guilt and the extreme baseness of the I crime—first reduction ol his cousin, | who loved and trusted him, and then her toul murder during the darkness ol night and in the gloomiest of places.— Wilmington Star. Francis 15. Stookbridge, who suc ceeds Conger from Michigan, wan bom in Maine in 1826. He is a Republican aud a "boodle Senator.'' I : E ROWERS eOLLE NO. 29 PICKINGS. * From tlie Wilmington .Star. The English Liberals believe tlmt nu extreme coercive policy ou the part of the Tories will smash up their Ministry. Let them cource then. We regret that Get). Jo McDonald w»s defeated in the Legislative caucus for U S. Senator. David Turpio was the successful n>an. He once serv ed for a few days in the Senate. Gen. McDonald wa» tie man aud ought to have beeu ebosen. You cannot find two daily Democratic j papers in the United State that advocate i the same measures all the way, and op | pose others. Some are so extremely independent as to favor many uiore Ite -1 publican measures than they do Demo cratic, and yet thoy pretend to be among the faithful aud the "uuterrilied." Mr. U. 15. fc'arwell, Logan's successor was born in Now York State in 1823. lie has served two terms in the Ilousu of Representatives. He has held many offices at home, lie is said to be very geuerojs aud charitable. lie is very rich in money. I'OIJITTJAIJ. "Did the President remove the wrong tnau t" is a question, it is said, that eaustic Senator Ingalls proposes to argue the affirmative of in connection with tho removal of District Attorneys Stone and Benton—MontgomeryDis patch Dent. Every Dcmocr-it in Missouri is a Thurman man, bui .1 i* nut that many Democratic papers arc pronouncing fur Tliurnun and llill in 18S8. Missouri will stand by any good Democratic torn naiion-liut at present it looks Clcvelan disb.—Kunsi* City Times. President Cleveland's intimation that be may be constrained to call an extra session of Congress next spring in case I tho present Congress shall bo uuablc t 1 reduce taxation and dam up tbe Treas ' ury flood brings into proiuiuonce the question of tbo Speakership of the next i Houso ot llepresentaties.— Phil. Record Dim. CREDULITY ON STILTS. A llaleigh correspondent of somo paper says of old people in this Stato : J "Quite frequently there are para graps in papers of this State noticing tbo fact that people aged 100 or upward I have just died, or done something to bring thorn before the public. Incred ulous persons laugh at these statements and say that people do not live to thu the age of 100. Your correspondent 4«ill venture the assertion that there are now living in this State oyer 100 a century old. There isoue in this city who is certainly 103. Hannah Putter, colotod woman of Craven county, is certified to bo 109." As tho Star bad more to say about the easy credulity of newspaper men as to very old people we may comment briefly on tbe above. As fur as this paper is concerned it has not denied that there were now und then persons even as old as 100 years or more, but the cases are extremely rare. Nearly all of the persons said to bo over 100 are negroes. This is very | suspicious. We saw a negro some years 1 ago who remembered well when Colum ; bus discovered America. No record that could stand the test of tbe courts has ever been offeiod to prove tho eor tainty of a negroc's age being above 100 in North Catolim. If so, when and where. Life insurance has been operating for over 200 years. Life companies select their subjects. Tbey have to be care fully examined by a medical expert, and all persons arc excluded who are not of sound health, and in whose family i there arc consumptions, scrofula, heart ! disease, insanity and so on. Millions > of peoplo are insured and all have been . critically examined. Now it would bo reasonably supposod that if any class of j. inhabitants would attain to extreme age it would be some of tho insured. They are picked subjee,s, and are almost »1- t ways peoplo of menus so us to avoid 9 hardships and exposure. Now as to e the result. Of the tens of millions thua | selected and insured not one bas ever J lived to be use hundred years old. Not j. one ocnt hasneen paid by any insurance company on account of death when the | person iosired had attained to his hun- dredtn year or more. And yet all over North Carolina ac cording to tlie newspaper*, tliero are genres of old m'groe* from 100 yuura tq 165 years —V« iluiiugton Mar.

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