Ths Reporter and Post Till HSU AY JAN., '27 1887. Topics a t II >i ue. Orrnrri'nri"! Inniiil V ri.ti 11 1 hnittMirj, ami fotiul.v Hnllrrt Ilrji'jlj Told. "A eh lei V ninnuj; ynil lu :i noil-, , Ami, faith, lie'ii prnit ' t Any sub criber who fails to receive .the KKIK>IITKR AND POST every week is .requested to report the failure. We want to son where 'lie fault is. Eggs scarce at 15ots Com is worth SOcts hero. Sun rises 7.03 ; sets 5."22. There are '2 prisoners in jail here. Day's length 10 hours 5 minutes. Moon's first quarter next Tuesday. Sow clover and grars seed next .month. Dan River was last Monday too high ,to ford. We are glad to hear that OeO. Poin dexter is better. Some of our peoplo aro thinking of beginning to ganieu The thermometer indicated 44 degrees ! at noon yesterday. If you can't 'Bear" a o.ough,' Hull" j it with i>r. Hull's Oouglt Symp Don't neglect trhuiuing' y.iur grape vines this mouth or the early part of uext. The Kegtsler of Deeds has issued! three uurriugo Uieenoe since our list iisue. Service ts held in the Episcopal 1 Chu.-eh, ueai Walnut Cove, every 3r«i Sunday. • The Spring ter-n of Superior C >'irt for this district began at Weutworth lust | j Monday. It Is said thai trasli tobacco, or to , b&cco stalks, thrown into a hog bed will free the hogs from liec. Get thrifty pigs of good stock, and push ihuiu. You will do woll by them 1 in pork for the corn you ft Ito them \' i Col. U. M. Jonos wh > lived here dur ing the war is duad. 110 acted as su poriutendi.nt of the Moratoak Irou Works. Most of our tanners arc burning or getting ready to burn plant beds, pro- j paring to uiako some more three dollar, tobacco. The first quarteily meeting lor this circuit, Elder Cunningiiu presiding, will beheld at Geriuantou next Saturday' and Sunday 20th and 30th iust. Salvation Oil, the celebrated Amer ican reuiudy, is guaranteed to cure rheu matism, sore throat, swellings, bruises, burns, ard frost-bites. J'riee only twenty-fivo cents a bottle. A shipwrerked sailor wanting for a tail is like a business man sitting at homo and uuri-ing a cough or cold wh in a bottlo of Dr Flint's Cough Syrup ; would cure him at mice. For sale by I •11 druggists aud couutry merchants. i Mr. Ira Alderman's little son Tom- j mie died on Thursday 13th iust. Mr. 11. J. Pctrcc's child died of pneumonia on Fridaj 14th iust. An infant sou of John W. and Mary Wf Vaughn died oti Saturday Bth inSt. Mess J. A. White fi Sous, Winston, N. C., have patented their little **Tur | Heel Koad Cart," aud ui 1 receiving lirge numbers oforlersfrom all over tt.-' country. It is the best thing out for doctors, lawyers, anil officers. tf. Few peoplo pay proper attention to a cold, a cough or cold neglected means consumption, a bottle of Dr. Flint's Ceugb Syrup will cure you at once aud relieve you of all danger. For gale everywhere and by Ashoraft it Owens druggists, Winston, N. C. Common tobacco is very low on the market. \\ e would advise farmers, if; compelled to have money out of their j tebaeco crop, to send only the bright grades to market, it may be that the l low grades will pay for hauling in the spring ; they will uot now. I Mr. J. M. l.inville, one of our ex courity Commissioners, was in town last weok, he informs us that there is a per fect rush about tho bead of the C. F &. Y. V. Railroad, speculators takins hold of every thing that ihor« is any money in, says that even no*, wagons arc run ning all the time hauhng to the road hickory, dogwood, persimmou, and, other timbers. Tho farmers in tho neighborhood got $7.00 pc-r cord for ■ticks 4'2 inches loug, :md for pieces 8 feet long they get more. At these prices there has* been enough hickory »nd other valuable timbers burned in logheaps in Stokes since the war to havo paid for alt tuo tobacco grown on the land from which it was out, and pay foi tho building of a railroad clear across the connly, but thanks to iho timber Giver there aro millions left yet if taken c*re of. \Yn heat tlut . he put to work cutting cross tics for our R. It. near town. This looks like busi uess —Gernmnton Timet 1 Some will get f.v led on tobacco this year,if the crop i. everywhere like it is , in this section. We have vet to hear 'orany 20QO lb crop weighing out more I than from "JOtl to 1000 lbs. ftoldsboeo .'lrqus: Mr. A. J. llar rrdl, of this county, returned ester lay. We learn that he was , aid the highest figures of any one on the market, as !follows: S2O 50, *3, 50, SO9. S7O, slOl. Farmers don't fail to Call at the North Carolina store (or furniture, I'n tains and carpets, parlor andohuin ber Mitts, t 'hairs, vhairs, chairs, cheap, cheap, cheap. It. STEV KN:, Winston, N. C The present gi't eration ou. bt to ap preciate those that have thought tor theni. At Aliens, eor main and Hrd Str., Winston, N C , arc mauy useful, nes essafy and labor saving implemeuts that will pay you to buy. Just bear it in mind t hat you can save money, time and annoyance by huyiug what Hardware, Crockery, and ;iilass Ware you wain i f S. K. Aliens, cor. Main and 3rd strc t. Winston, X. (\ Goods as low as any first class house | an sell them. tf. Gernmnton Times. The cars passed ■ over the tressel at Robinson s Mil' on last Thursday moroitig, the cross ties have been laid nearly - miles this w v. i we hope to publish the fact that the ear.- will steam up to Genuantou before the ; leaves put out in Spring A destructive fire occurred in lteids j ville, on list Sunday (Jan IJ-t), by i which the I'ieduiout hotel, Star Ware : house and fourteen stores wero totally destroyed. The fire originate 1 i i tin bar-room belonging to Tin loss is esti uati d at from fifty to seven -1 ty thousan i dollars—am 'unt of insnr. 1 ance unknown. We ell know that Winston is> ur cori crib, smoke-house, wardrobe, and el • -ft where we keep our sugar, ci iToe, spices, and inclicino for the sick babe 1 hcr« too is our workshop who*-- we keep ion farming tools, and our banks (wareln us e») from which wo diaw moiie\ to pay for every thing we need to eat, wear, ot work with; therefore every farmer, mechanic, or professional man who reads this paper in Stokes county, (and all do lor should,) if not well acquainted w ''h ilic place should consult its columns to [know exactly where to find such things las ho wants for the least trouble,or uiuu ey. Not from "here say or thar say" I liut from actual experience, those \»hc ; advertise in this paper will as a general I tuing furnish what you want, as low, and very often lower than you can get the same article at other places. Rea son why,—b.cause they tell the people, the hundreds or may be the thousands of people in their advertisements what they will do,aud when called upon do what they say, thereby sell so much more, and sell for r. smaller profit. We \ therefore say to the thousands and one readers of this paper wlieu in reed of any tliiug, cousult its columns. V.LI) IKE KLALO A,I*I « . r. A V. V. «'O. litillil us a Uallruaii. | Stokes county is neatly one hundred I years old, and uver since, she has had a I name, has been pacing tax to built up, improve, and beautify other sections rf the Statu without hardly receiving di rectly one dollar of the public funJs to develop her own resources. Now that the Legislature is in session, the con victs arc being apportioned, ami the C. Ir. A Y. Y. Railroad Co, is asking for fui liter time to complete its road, which time wo learn has been granted by one branch of the Legislature, with a small er number of convicts than it formerly bdd tho promise of. We think it but justice that an amendment be added,' increasing the number by at least fifty , convicts, and requiring the C. F. k Y. I V. Co, to word these on the branch road, from tho maid line at Walnut Cove, to Rttibury, from tho time the cars reach that place, until the branch is completed to DanCtiry. We do not think the Co.should object to this, when 1 they remember that mauy of our people who live at, and far north from the cen- I tcr of tho county, voted for, and have paid then tax to help build its road along the extreme southern border. Then as a matter of remuneration, not ouly to too Company,t»ut the whole Statc f V'nis load will penetrate a sectio;, abounding in valuable mine; ata, timbers, water power, and Uiineral waters, to say uolh ' ing of its agricultural possibilities, to ' \ that extent, that capital, and enterprise, 1 will flow in and aid hundreds of thou sands to tho wealth of the State, and 1 the thousands of to;j« of freight, and 1 tens of thousands of health, and pleasure '' seekers, who will visit this section, will 1 in our opinion make it tho best paying » short road in the State. We hope that ! not only our members from Stokes, but all those who feel an interest in the gen ' eral welfaro of North Carolina, will oon r si let this matter, and if otn claims arc 1 right, and just, will loud « helping | hand. • Tin: V\■ III! . .ill - "t • ■ !»-« KU'll OiiiMl .:!■:■ JTil KKI.VKH. A lot nf farmer* get together and (lib warehouse rnon, manufactur ers, f i tilit t iiiod, the government, or parly in pott i, fur tbo low prioo of to haeeo, ini'l swear tlioy will never buy another pound of fertiliser, or slick 1111- oiher plant of tobacco, ea-'b pecs gninj! home thinking lh" other fellow ni'iint what lie s till, and that a hundred or a thousand utl CM thought the same way l'jneh says to his old woman, "every body is out with tobacco, and is not go ing to stick n plant; let us raise a hig crop, it will be H I scarce this year that ire will git a big prioo tin mini " So all go to work, ailing under the satin: belief, but wlion selling timo comes around they find that each has uiade | mote 'stuff" which he calls tobutcol than lie made the year before. Now | farnn.'is, your success is our hope for a living, poor as it may bo. If you will not get mod we will give you one word of advice. Frst, remember the day for common tobacco hus passed iu Nurlh Carolina, and that if your expences or your land will not admit o your making fine tobacco, you had better let it alone! and not stick a plant Let your neighbors do as they ple.isc, but don't jou touch j it. Last Thursday, Friday and Saturday i the temperature was spring-like,()n Sun day morning clouds obscured the sky and log draped the mount tin tops eo > much so that tit" outlinecf I'ilot Moun tain wad -inly dimly visible frox the Hrown Mountain country There were light rainfalls throughout the day. j Sunday night lite wind blue us roughest and jrain fell its heaviest. At Walnut j Cove a new building that hail boon! toofed was lili tin down, ll fieeuicd that | another pi, rein ;ly eflld spell similar to those wo hid experience I during this! month was about to set in. On Mon day the bright siinshiuo and fitful gusts I of wind Continued ail day find the alums-1 phore became colder than it had been the latter part of last nock. Tuesday I was a bi i.'htj genial day, for though the wind continued to blow with March like ' force ail day the weather was only mod- , er • I,• e Id. Tin wind lay I'uesday tiLi, iod though tin) stm ro.-e upon a clear sky 1) t diiesday the clouds soon i; collected but at the time we write there i is an indication of clear col 1 weather.: it'ALMI IUVE mm Mr. Allen, lias opened a select school Farmers aro begiuiog to burn tobac co beds. Mr. Simpson, who Ins been suffering! with a sere throat has recovered. Mr. Cabell Ilarirston, has sold two! lots to a party iu Washington City. \ cry few wagons aro passing on their' way to Winston or Kerncrsvillo. Messrs. I lege & Varborouah aro go- ; ing into the photograph business. If some of the boys do not stop going ' up the load to a certain place so often there will not be enough sausage ieft to last till Spring. Mr. J. W. llierson, who lives near Gcruiantnn, had his skull severely frae- | lured by a tree falling on him whilo lie: was at work. Some very enthused persons with more brass than brains is about to get themselves in trouble if they do not keep their tongues to themselves. Miss Flora Gentry, one of our most, vivacious and enchanting young ladies, has returned home after a pleasent visit of-week among her many friends. Mr. 11. P. Me Anally and Mi-s Wall, were niariicd yesterday at the icsiJetico of the bride's parents ncai j Madison. May their pathway through j life bo pleasent is our wish. Next. Messrs. Carter and Williams, were; arrested last week on the charge ofij slander by the Johnson boys for oue oliarge and for earring concealed wea- i pons. On the first they oomprimiscd,j, Carter-Williams paying the cost. On , the second they were indicted to appear ; at court. Mr. Wash Marker, went their j security. WAX DOLI,. | Departure and arrival of on Salem branch*of the Richmond & Pau ville Railroad. No. 0. Leaves Salem "6.30 u. tn. Arrives at Greensboro 8.10 a. m. j IU Leaves Giccnsboro 10 a. m. Arrives at Salem I' 2 a. tu. No. 11 Leaves Salem 7.35 p. m 1 nt Sale. I.y vlrlure of authority rested iu in, we will, on Tuesday the 22tid of Febiuary IHKJ, on t! premises, sell at public auetio to ll.e highest lit lil r one Irani ol land sit uated alul lvi 14' i "tet t ml) of Mokes md On I!'" vatet» ~l I.l'Um .s *'reek k'uiwn its llio Xlarv A. Halom tract, i •Joining the lands of J. M. I.IIIVII 10, H. Hrown, T. A Freeman and others and three hundred acres more or less. The aliove is a very desirable tract of land, heavily tim bered, containing 40 acres of bottoms, a 'lice two-story dwelling, three tenant boosts, six tobacco barns, ami otber out houses. Terms of sale, on six months time wiih Imhhl at tl approved security for the jKiri'l ue money and sold iu lots to suit buyers. Sale at iJ o'clock. W.N. ItI.ACKBrpV J. M. 1,1 \\ 11.1.K Commissioners. Ja:i IBtli, 18Sf. . )\ I i • • t it: ** Iw. n. «*l.i..n.\'. m. n. 1.1 i.n n. Si - s> r vi i STACK. y\.l i oi-iu'.VV-sit"! -aw DANBURY N. C. 1 • in ihe eon lit it's StoK-s, I or \ \ !kin, li.ivie. Davii'.Min and i t.ek a. »| if • i alte« ai _nee o 1 . .sin • 'o I: ■in mi .* •i. |o 11. * •. rso r ri€ :e. I Having this d.»> qnalilied asailmi«iis!ratoi> iifH.'i lie. . of Merlin Adams u' I. ; :n" is lum*'»y'niveil lo all |m*j>"l'.s i. «!«•!'*• : t i said i state t.. v* •»•t •• v afd ami ntnke im ine liate • yi:. and . ii p'vsons • •la io» •a I list -i»i-l - • oe.iereli\ not lie . jpr«*Bi"«t them tnst' o iymi" ! du'* heuli'.'ii'ed as : - n.i. eit'i.\ lav oa or I I wise tin- n ticf will !• pie.. ' • I !."ir le, over\. Deeei t»er I 1 e *h 1.- «'. s. |». AI) A MS, W. N. ULA« tvlin.N. AiSmr's. ivotici:. Having ili ly ~ ...Ulii I as v.hnii'i- raioi i.. i .in- Lsia'.e of Ma v !>• I .i.» d . ..II i ; • -ons inneli -d to said 1 - ..ear i. |iiest- J •d lo make pay nil* at onee all I (hose who have claims against said l*>tate ire herehy itoliiied to pre>ei*t tliein duly ' proven, for payment on or n. f.»i. the Uli ■lay «'if Oi'lohe, ! v ' 7or t,lus v, ill l.e e:j,| ir" t' • bafot he'a •.'•« t\e«\, plTiii' l4lh dtv «.i • oh. . 1^), W. i.N. M,A KIM"ICN. J. M. LI N villi:. Administrators LAND SALE- I will sell for rash a the Cotirt-ilonse !ih» in I>ai.l) iiy on the firM i i March next,. or iuuaciesi flam! on l>.n liiM'i adjoi.nn (the lands . I .loe L i>ley I \lf en .stea i. 'I h-'above i* a part of t!i • Wii.i.i AM t •Oli.e la ifies I';i»od livei i ■M ans on t!,• | land, a fair d'Vfdlin!.', and tour . oil tobacco narns. Ii is line tol> eeo hunt; M out i» fourth is ele u ret I and in a roo.l stati* of eul | tivafi a. tla* ii'inaini' l ' thre -t" ihs ai i w«il limhereil. I'. . isliiii'4 to .see the ■land will h• > »wn ■. r it by y;i .1. 1). |. 1; ! !..'!• I' . Mr. \V. A. s "I who lives O!. 11he lia I. i'!. • title t« ih aln>ve iaud .s tut '.ispnt'.i. MIXMIVA FLY NT. j lied Slioal-, N, 0. Jan. sth. 1887. LAND FOR SALE i H\ v : rtue of a Hecree ii' the jf i irt ofMoke4 county. Uia a! I nl! I « *lll j I ina' tiit ptmdiiiv! wlteii .a M. W, \ ItleetvVC . aie pain'it. la.-o'a 1 ■ arc j . i 1 wiil expose to public .Side at i the MII ;se of Jtdin L. Sini'h Jit i iel d, »* >k*-> couiily, oil . v ntti Say the IPlli day i f 1 c'ii • .try 1-7. at 1 o*ch» k I'. M. a I »ra. t «.*" about Eighty acres «,f land lyinti' near WesMi- l-I ti»e i, r> *4' Pinch tint ' .«•««> k lew., as the . ! eaier tract, vvilloil to him by his f iflier NV !i in 1 eji;r» adjoiui m f he la' ilsof.l- 'an tin lands -if the late (Vila UeynoMs ami other.-. The land is good for jriiiin and tobacco. Teuns—Bol d with approved seen "ity to due and payable at my otlice in iMitbuiy on the istli day of April lf->>7. Immediate possession given. This tin II tli dav of Janiiarv l^ s 7 WALTER W. KING. ( ommissioner. Look for it ami don't | stop till you find it The Big Red mt lland. It [imiil! you to tho \ilacc «litre you cai. buy more guoils for one dollar you want lo carry All kinds of Cli 'iISTM AS GOODS are now being duiU leceived. A full liue of NKW SUITS just received for a.en boys and children. Tho lar(je»t stock of OVERCOATS it town. Somo as low hj s3.ho cacti. liOOTS, SHOES and lI.VTS FOB A MfcllE SONCI - HARKED POWN FOB XMAB. A KI.I. LINK ()1 ,. AL|j w ~ IH.MNANTS I suitable for mens suit", just received, lo bo sold ai hall the ]ju«e. i * Don't forget tho 15IG HED HAND. t 1 Find it belore yon buy. It is next door J to the Post office The original Cheap John Winston, N. O. i nyy : •'■ " " Br- -■ i" - . » ,v. - .; It -I it l-iul ■ . ■ .. . .. , i• iV - -• • ' • • ■ j f. '-ir-""]:• p ->il! i j ■lf i . 1 I >| 11 —T. a. a 12.' " ' *•' , . «i.S» 1;-, v'oTui Fir-t i. i .... ■, . . , j; ■ . , w ... ~VV, ■, , Krf.irv'i';, , ..JultuLio II x ■ ' :u V t(• rt r"""T'v "''"ft !• ~. ;•'••• ••••-'•• > •»« 'j ton JIT ! i m • liu«l lino u.»t kt «. u iV. u oWmxl ii . o u ». ~777v IVI3 S A LE. Pursuant to aulhoii y contained in i i'il Naue\ .1 M«-: M i «i r«^* •:«* J in book 1 i". '. s . p' H), U . U - -!l a p iblle tut - (lon to tlif lnd.K r c!i : p "ini.> •». 'II lilt' l?4l'l il.'t\ 111 I).- • n.h.'l 1- (lie 11 ii jKMly in said deedi' « I !vhi-_ Jlill lioing ill Stokes roil lily mi'l a!! e lauds ii{" I'. S. Lyn li. |. l„. Sir!—.. •leoivje |Varc ' anil In 1! .i ; North Double n •. ,i ,1 c«> in n .V . res 11ton* or I IVniH of .1 . . .u»h. i line of salt*. I'J o'clock. W. T. lIoiI.WNOV, Adm'r i f 1.. 15. IJOII \\SON. (ilcnn, (• i t v sta« k, K toruej•*. November I vsi'.. .n «> n i-:. Having lieen this day appointed Admin-i ilrator npoa !' • r■■ .»(*. ' mon Wi; •. Iceease i. i hereby give notici' in .ill p•- ■ > • o in-' claim?. *»ai I e.i n • to | 0 - • MieUl \vHliiit • '««• ii. 1- !: Mil !I li.if | or this notice will Im» plead'l in bar of (heir i IUCOX «'l'\ . j JO-JII'II 11. SMI 111. j AilniiiiH:;t!oi\ I for Sa'h% l-N \ imih if i I '•■•'! I t In- '.»! 11, we will .-oil on lln'|iriini>.«. on i! w;r.»r# «»f* North Donok' ( 'i •. u «•:i M« lay tin* 11th I \ of famiary I - ! I • k a .i iof ;i!»oii! thirty a - i • : I ml :lj i.lli' lands lit' (t-.i:-(■ I*« ■ r .r. \, ihil'i'ii lid other*, t" 'u- of tin ».»••* William li'ij'V. ■ .i will 1.. * ill lon iM'i'di! • t v i\ ni".i;«si I wi'li approval sccurii) will Ix* mjuirod and title • t liiifi 1 iinii 1 all tho pii'- ii i- m'owy i> pai l. Tllistho U da\ I n «*iilh«! | ->u. I'HK>I»KY Pi. \li» K WILLI i .i i'l Alit I. ExiM'utors of Win. I'FAIK'K. Brown, Browner, Brownest, Hl^i, Higher, Highest. If you would got the very liigliost price lor your t ibaoco, make up your tnmd, when preparing it for market, to tako it 1 i Browns Warehouse Winston, N. C. llere you will Ondlhc largest, best lighted Wat house in town, one of the best auctioneers in this, or any other State, and larger buyors by the score. That is not all, if you would stay .but a few hours, or over night, you will find comfortable r °oina, plenty of wood, euok stows upon which to prop-in' your food £Ood water in abundance aud every thing necessary to your comfort (if you have a clear conscience,) while the stalls for your stock are all that you could wish for. llring us your tobacco ; we will do all in our power to make you comfortable while here, and got what you want inost—a big price lor your tobacco Very Truly BROWN & CARTER W. T, CARTER & CO, Winston, N. V. Are Ottering Extra Bargains for 130 Days TO REDUCE THEIR T-ARGK STOCK OK GENERAL MERCHAN DISE, PREPARATORY TO TAKING INVENTORY. WE OAItHY A GENERAL UNE OF Dry Moods, Notions, Hoots, and Shoes, Hats f ami Trunks, And a Full Line of Heavy (ioods. Give us an early call and save money. W. T. CARTER & CO., r kZCina Cordial «• i it K s . dyspepsia, indigestion, WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVERS, MALAKiA. LIVER COMPLAINT, j KIDNEY TROUBLES, G NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. * JT is Invicorot- |T gives NEW Init and Dc- —p-i 1 LIFE to the lightful to take, Upf A a whole SYSTEM •ndqictf:.! value KU\I by Strangthenii« a, a ft.f KKtr !■ i I the Muscles, Ton weuk and; R >7T I in K the NERVES, Women and Chil- Us , I and complctelyl>i dren - fctt S gcstjng the food. . YyYVY> vwvyvTf'yyYYTVTY'YYYYYV AAAA/vAA/ *>»* U i .',' ,M>AAAA»AAAXA O° N u \I U » ■* . *ln a Book, 'Volina/ no hum jl | n| by 1 e a d i n g Mmcrals, ih cop f * 1 nhyßicJans.tclhng posed |y J K cw to-treat ilia, selected \ get.. J cases at HOME, bie Medicines, A !» mailed, together con. Jlned skill- Ife •* r* with asetol hand fully, making a some cards by new Safe and Plsasant Heliotype process, Rctneu.-. on receipt of toe. F'l ml- I V •!! nrt.■ n >i-l H .11 u . n«*r K:i n.a !{■•• i. \ 111.1 .\ I OIIMI \ icui t AI.OO, auti • fuil «LM Wl« Will b« Mlit, Clmi - """»O.IY R Volina Lrug and Chemical Company, Ibi* As \ I tor of K. Smith,' I will -« !l ji ■'»!(•• i- i»i tin* pivini-i's una 1 i - . !•'. ••ifli- -n th" ItHli day of F»*l»- 'i.i I•>;.ii 10 'i>lo"k p. ni. soine valua •l land !yim «• • i tlu? watoi*B of LiiiN' V.i 'i, ilt la-fL. ! Drnry lioyles N". II«'> I > uii l otlnT liniid with ap i»ro\ml > -I'll ity *•!••»;»ir**l, «'id tit l«» ivMirvod • ' ]»' i n in is paid. This 20th i|.4\ 11 •.'iiil.M'r I v *-o. WiL/AAM :. sr. ATE, Administrator. -i'i'K'.-loi; r I IM 1 KIirKIMJII \.M CO. \ ,J. -mi'!, 1 a ! Mill- - I'IK j Sale I of W. J. I', i!i«l Dari im j \ .liia!i!f land. -•in' 1 ::n:s. id' I>r «rv I |Sm v 1.. . d. tv. J I I•> ■ - «! . or*lt»i* ma ie i;i tln^ahow I I • lit it .ml oaiiSi', Nov, Term 1 SS(I by Ufg I H • i'.L . N.. |;.n' .fnd ;; tho llli ! ii ii 1 w i «»t i I'.trsiii lo tho highest i tor :ii i lie I'onrt house dour in J Daiihiiry intl '» onnly of Stokes «.:i Tiles* tli dav nary 1887 a eortain Ii:- i In,!. 1\ in ;on Dan Hiver, near the i" !. i-l'D.i; i\ in said eon tit yof Siokis, la i Is of Or. Mo( ', R. .1. MM'. f 'i»|onel ll« k in.l othots eontainiiig a«* e-. more or to s i»i in«* all of tho ori?- • 1 i »\v:i . i, Malm or Estes Ira -i. i-v M Mo', h V.otu Win. \. Es»- so i ..Id o'J*to IS. .1. Mahe. V mi ».i ■ ' ihen'of aii- hoi torn land, tlld alio;. ifeivs are Well tillllieied. ; Term; ieth e.nh, i:nl alo i«>ade suhjeet ' » coniiinutioii h\ lii eonrt. W. \. MEIiAXK ( 'miiii • ioner of iln Court, Nov. 20th I HEADO T JATT!m ' 11 l! > i S, E. ALLEN, Corner 3rd and Main Streets, ' WiiiKitoi.v iV. O. 1 I HARDWARE, CROCKERY, AGRICUL i ' TURAL IMPLEMENTS, Glassware. Lamps, &>• AtiENT Full . T. T. HAYDOCK'S liTJQ- CiIES CAIUUAGEB Ao.. CAR LOAD IN STOCK AGEM FOR . I C hanipion Mowers, Reapers and iJia ders, Farmer's Favorite Gram Drill, Fa rner Girl Cook Stove, ! i'Oiiguian aud Mai tiuez strictly pure pre pared Faints, King's Great Western Powder Compa ny's Powdery llercujes Powdoj or Dynamite, Lead er Corn Shelter*, Victor Cane Mills, Cardwell Threshers and Horse Powers, Farmer Friend Plows, 4? STOCK Consists of a full anil complete line of a goods usually kept in a first-class Hardware and Crockery Store, IronJ Vails, Horse and J/ule shoes, Steel Plows, (i lass, Paints, Putty, Oils, Varnishes Ac. Carriage anil wagon makers tools and material. Builders tools, material and hard, ware, locks, hinges, butt?, screws, sash doors, blinds, iVc. Pistols, guns, Ammunition, fish hooks, nets, Aic. Farmers, blacksmith and (M cliauics tools. CROCKERY. • China, Dinner ami Tea Sets, }\>rvla)% White (iranltp, Iron Sion. china, c. c, Ware, wira, LatHps, wicks, imru era.

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