voijmSMwA Reporter and Post. PUBLISHED WtKKL/TIY ' * DANBURY. N. O. NIPPER K MTFS^PIHVV^IJP, BATU or UV'BfM'BirTIOX I OMTMT.pMtbII Id advanct fl 00 •I If oath*. T5 ■ATM er AnmiiiißiCi Sqeare (ten HIM* or IM) 1 time il GO •rtaeb additional iuaertton AO OMtTMto for longer time or more np*ce nn b# made Hi proportion tath« nbovojatoe, their torero. * Leool Notice- wil) ho «h*rged 90 per coat Ighor ~. • then above ret ©a. _ IKIIMH Oordn will be laaeri lat Ton I>ollart per laian. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A. J. BOTD, J. w HMD P. B. COHNBTO.N, JO LIPS JTANSToN BO YD, RE ID $ JOHNSON, ▲ttorneyM - at - Law. WENTWORTII.N C. Messrs, Reid and Johnston will reg ularly attend tbo Superior Courts of Btokes county. R. L. HAYMORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW Mt Airy N,C. Special attention given to the collection of claims. W. F. CARTER, Mrrta.rMr-gr-l'.it r. MT. AIRY, SURRY CO., N. C PractlceiwherevM fltiservlcs are want U r. DAT, ALBERT JONKB Say 9e Jones, manufacturers ot BADDIiEKY.H AItNKSS, C H.LAHM.TKUNKS Ko. 336 W. Baltimore street. Halt'more, MU, W. A. Tucker, H. C. Smith, B. S. Spraggino , Tucker. Smith & Co , Manufacturers and wholesale Dealer* in BOOTS, SHOW, HATS AN it CATS No. 290 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, M«l. B9*TS, SHOES, HATS A Si) CAP 11. J. * a. K. BUST, WITH Henry Sonneborn Jf- Co., WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS. a, iiMT*r at., (beiwrend- r»an A I.o»bard StiO liAITIUUKE HO. ■ . SONNEBORN, ». BUHLim MU)he» I'utney, L. " Hlair W. 11. HI LEU, STIPE EX PUTJfEYf 00 WHOLESALE DEALER* in M*»ts, Shoes, and Trunks, 1219 Main Street, gft. Ml-«m. KICUMO.SU, I 'A. JUCBARD WOOD BAM 1. P. (iOOI'WIN. HKNKI' HKNOKIUkON*. Klrt|rUV». liAC'O: . WOOD, BACON &C 0 Jmpurtora and Jobbera ur DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, H HITE GOODS, ETC. NM. laa-aii Mmim.st., PHILALELPHIA, PA. Parties having CUT MICA for tale will find it to their interest to •""respond with A 0. SCHOON MAKER, 168 Williaoi St., New York. a. ■. LKFTWICK . with ftWfl*, ELLETT A CRIMP, RICHMOND, VA., ', Wkol«al« Deslera la BOOTS, BHOKS, TRUMKB, AC frmpt alUation paid to order,, ami satia- , cUa%fa«rintecd. firyisw Uw« FRIT* Ootid, a tpeeially March,;#. "> aeaaar w, rowpas. rooa* D. t»Tio ■ R W POWERS & CO., WHOLESALE DRCGUISTS, Dealers ui PAIXTS, OILS, vftfl. TARRISHRS French and Amorionn WIHDOW OLABS, PUTTY, tiC SMOKJNa A#P CHRWINO * . CIGARS, TOBACCO A SPECIALTY 1808 Mala Bt., Hiohmond, Va. Aaful6ml6— BION MKROIIANTO.. S« 8 Howard street, earner of Iximbard: BALTIMORE. We ka*p con,lastly on hand a large auc wall aaaortad itoek of Oroeeriea—,ultaMe toi Saatharm/Mil Weateru trade. WeMlicitcon troin Fuft Skinf, «S. Out l*i ilit.at for "«> D| bu»toaa«ar«»uch aa "o WViapJ »«lf •' adprevpifauraa. All ardeis *iU liarc out »P« atlewHifcnrj f.| y| |k| GEO. STEWABT. Tin and Sheet Iron Manu- o *\ *o«FlNfi,6UT??|l?fciHD tkjdt -7* N€ »-iJ lu 'l-1 dona at abort Optica. 4 • a§| Raaf« raaatantly oa hafed a flita M Vj aad Heating fttn.a. GO TO iwa.iArit K— TIBE BI.OCK, v Tobacco Flues, Sheet Iron and Home coudo Tinware at Living Prices Also Roofing and Guttering at shor notice, at BOTTOM PRICES. Sept 16-ly J.W.SmPLEY] Corner Main and 3rd Htr««t. WIMSTO*, *. C. Under Jacobs Clothing Store. MAHrFACTUIHB OF Harness, Bridles Collars and Saddles, Also dealer in Whips, Humes, Br.ushes, Lap Robes, in fa?t everything in the Har ness and saddlery hue. CHEAPEST HOT'SK IN WKSTMTX NORTH CAROLINA. Will sell ray own manufactured goods as eheap as vou can buy the Western and Northern city made goods. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. Has a stock of the old army McClallan Saddles on band. Come and sco me Sept t!R 1-y. fir own Rogers ts* Co Wholosfele and Retail HARDWARE' Largest line »f STOKVS in Winston. Agricultural Implements | MACHINERY ol all kinds j HARNESS JJsD SADDLES A c PAI.XTS, OILS, FARMSHES, Ac' Special tlfention tnviletl to their IVhntt | dipper l>lutes. Agents Dvpant'i old and welt known Rifle Powder. Sept '26- ly Doors, South, Blinds. Ilaving rebuilt our Planing Mill, Door, Sash and Blind Factory, and fit- ( ted i: up with all new trtauhietry of the latest and uinst approved patterns, we are now prepared to do all kinds of work ia eur line in Ilia very Wa manufacture DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, Door Frumcs, Window Frames. Braok- ; ets, Moulding, Hand-rail, Balusters, Newels, Mantels, Porch Columns, and are prepared to do all kinds of Scroll, Sawing, Turning, le. We oarry iu stock Weatbet huardtng, Flooring, Ceil- j iag, WainHcotiug and all kinds of Dress ed Lunfber; also Framing Lumber, Shingles, Laths, Lime, t'ement, I'Ustur, Plastering Hair and all kinds of Build era' aupplies. Call ana soe us or write for our prices before btiytng elsewhere. MILLER BROS-, WINSTON, N. C. THOMPSON'S COM POUND !«« «!». A MILD TONIC ANI> "" APPenzKR. I *** A ettre fur Oyspeiwia, and Coimi|>utioii. It promote, the secretions ot tlte atuP Kidneys, and gives agunile •■ont- to tlw Or«ana. ltdiewia >'n«lck Wostritinn W)R»iwhtg !*rotwMmr and iMiaHtiotl ol' the general sys tem.' *. •'-Tn MAM F4l TCABO Pr. V. O, THOMPSON, nkpGOrtiT, Winston N. O. M«M>rta fwwwstiyHtof M NrtU/ j "XOTHING MUOCEETie LIKE HIICCESS." DANBURY, N. C„ THURSDAY. APRIL U 1887. i •trf™-" •>n ± lUin athAaptl4f offlW rose, m A tlioniAnljly wnatiieaJis rupAe^' Whoso inlr ' s 'born, Where grcrtf* the everflitifs«iit t'uurn. And so fitr Oft. #nil keen The lliora* ifiay ur»ss IIR- bl«ytns betwseit, May yMH a pother sjejt^ Aud make moi" eomptete. —The Current. HI.AYRM. JAMKS ltl'SSEt. 1.0W£..1„ They an* slaves who fear tq speak For tlie fallen and weak) V 'l'liey are slaves who. will not choose. Hatred? scuttling anir abuse ltathet than In tilenee sht Ink From the truth they tteeiV must thins. They are slaves who dare not be In the right with two or three. LEAVES ONLY. A RnOBT SINTIMENTAt. SEBMO.N Bi ll EN RY BLOC NT. Life is a probation, and Death is Time's yestibule leading into Eternity. Therefore the salvation of the soul is the first and most important thing to which tnau should turn his earnest and serious attention. It should bo the chief aim ! of existence—ihe acrno of every endeav or, aud the beckoning goal of every { aspiration. To attain this continuation j there is a pathway, rough and rugged,; uud each one must treld for himself, I finding, as he goes uo in tbe fulfillment of lite's highest duty, that until the final , goal is reached, there is toil without rest, aud difficulties without end Yot in view of this grand, prominent, mo mentous fast, ltfu, in many instances, Is pasteti anif as A-.'mare bubble j upon the sea ot "fune : and beuce it is, when tho harvest time has come and the reaper is ready, there is so little meet for his sickle. Pause oue mom nt; ye busy throng, and think of man, umlo | above all other animals . endowed with | j all ihd faculties ueoessary for grasping I J the gtat.d problem of life, fashioned aud | formed tuid uiadn in the image and !iku ucss of his Creator, yet so absorbed | with tbe perishing things of this world, that when he is called into the presence 1 chamber of his maker, tho reoordiug • , ancel —viewing the long. e ad funeral! train of wasted opportunities aud mis- 1 ! spent hnnrs, tearfully writes d-jwt. in ■ tlie fioal decree, "Nothing but leaves." Take if you please the worldly youug ] uiau, fresh from tbs barbers and reailj ' 1 for the circle of the fair and lovely ; i look st the spotless purity of bis fault less attire; behold the exquisite grace ' of bis charming carriage ; but tenderly j though, and sympathuingly toe, the > delicate pose of tbe dainly mustaebe ; j lubala, if you oan, the lingering odor of tlte fragrant oltrves, ss he breathes oat hi* apt and well chosen quotations; re gard him as he stiuts ia society the oynosure of attraction, and in the ayes I of bis fond Ophelia the very "glas* of ! fashion and tho mould of form." His | deportment may be without fault and bis convorsatioo may be pure and chaste yet if ho has lust sight of the grand end ot life, what will death fiud when it lays its dissecting knife upon his anatomy 1 "Nothing but leaves." Take tho world ly young lady of society, tbe blind de votee of fashion ; see ber as she enters the parlor and dispeuses ber wealth of smiles upon her oourtly train of knight ly aduurcrs ; the blush, which now and then, tinges ber cheeks, tells that tbe sanctuary of lor heart is still pure aud chaste. The stream of eonversatiou 1 whioh ripples fiom her laps, tells of | oulture, of education and refinemect. | The maoy little aets of geutlenost, and words of kindness, which mark her dai ly deportment, tell of a sweat and love ly din position, lb faot, speaking after the manner of men, "she Is just perfect ly splendid," and well fitted by t. e oharma of bead aud heart to leigtf the quetn of home. Yot if ahe has lost j sight of life's highest duty, aba too will earr> to Uur Maker, "Nothing but. leaves." Take tbe sdroit snd success ful pi'litiuiau, who has reached the "full ! meridian of bis glory," hut finds in his {old age that, like Honlsely, he too has ; nerved tbe king of bis suibilivn rather : ; that: his God, sod has in bi* keeping . "Nothing but leaves.!' And so it is | with ail olasbcs. The astronomer with his, fine array of discovered worlds above ; the geologist with all his sub terranean mines of wealth ; the warrior bis victories on "dress parade;" the philosopher, with his golden chain of wisdom ; the pool, with his limpid tide of song—yea, all these may be ar rayed in all the glories of this world aud wtaring tho garlands of esteem and ud uyration, entwined by the delioafe hands , ot,their fair op«s. yet \f their fee» (, net shod with the preparation of eoosness, they will find when they .each tfie "other side'' that life hero has been a failure. Yes a failure, and what on eorth can be sadder for a dying man ? Tbe grim messenger is almost iViheir door-sills ; aud looking baek upon tho misspent lives, there is nothing to com fort or strengthen them for the trying ordenl. Yea there is : "Nothing biu e.ire*. vi: mfiuory weaves. No veil t i hide Hie p.i,t And as they trace their weary way, Aud count each lost ami mi»pciu day, They sadly find at last Nothing bur leaves, nothing hut l"a\as." —Wilson Mirror. A CHECK FOROVER SU,OUO,UUO. The biggest cbcck ever drawn iu tho United States was that drawn by John D. Taylor, now dead, but then Treasur er of the Pennsylvania Railroad, to Lee, 1 Higgiuson & Co., of Boston, in payment, for the Boston stock in the Philadelphia, | Wilmington and Baltimore road. 1 About ten millions of it was owned in Boston. Nathaniel Taylor was the lai- I I gest stockholder, aud bo had agreed to | I deliver to Jay Gould enough to give him a controlling interest snd enable i hiui to bring the ro ul iato harmony with the Jersey Central and thon disposo : l of the two as be thought be.n. But Mr. Taylor was in bis old are, and he was 1 unable to fulfill the contract I'.uouuh j got out to put the Pennsylvania people j ou their guard aod tbeir representatives j met the Bestou bankets 111 this city , and j never adj.iurnod until the papers it rt dra*u up by which ihey agreed to de liver a majority of tbe stack in the road ' at 140 on tbp dollar, .which wa* about 10 per cent. m>ire than they had ever been able to sell it at, all thi> individual stockholders boini* allowed to oo.:ie and sell iheii stock at that Hgm.-. Thev ' Brought it to tie Boston hankers, and on tho Ist day of July tho B isf n party reeeived Mr. Taylor's check on the Na tional Bank of Commerce of this city : for $14,'2.)H,440 This is believed to be the largest chook over drawn in this j oountry.- -Mat! and Express. | THE MEXICAN V TKR VNS MUST WAIT. Tba beneficiaries of tho Mexican pen si n law will be interested in knowing that it will be a year, snd probatilv iwn years, before their nsuies are transferred | to tbe peusion roll of i.ie government Immediately after tho passag t of the bill Commissioner Biai k askod Congress for an appropriation sulfioirut to employ several hundred dorks for a period of five mouths to examine and report upon ! these claims. This force is intended to work exclusively upon Mexican pension : claim*, and will form asep. rate division ! 111 tho Pension Bureau. The money was to have been appropriated in the [deficiency bill which it nill he renicm j bered, failed to receive the President's ' signature, aud thus did not beoome a law. Iu consequence of th fact Mex ican peusiun applications, instead of being expedited as fast ss this number • of clerks could perform tbe work, will, be oompellcd to take their placo in the regular order of business, and cannot bo reached until the avalanohe ot other olaims that precedes then has bceu got ten out of the way. BLOUNTIANA. Wilson Mirror. 1 Tho first rose of spring is said to be ; shad roes. Atnro way of beiug perfeetl. misera ble is to feel blue, A puff in tbe newspaper enables a man lo raise the wind. A perfume maker is generally recog nised as a man of soents. 'Tis sneesy thing to catch cold now, | | but then everyoody nose that. Will the hair gr >w after death is a 1 question now being agitated by seiout ists. Tltis depends 1 good deal upon whose death it is. We have known a man's hair to keep on growing after bis | wife's onoe nimble fingers weie lying j stiff and still iu tbe peaceful grave The Queen of Ur-eee thkes her strings lin s carriage for whioh she has paid ! |5,000. ' TOBACCO CULTURE. r After plant'ng over, it will bo necei sritv to replant from time to time as 1 seasons occur, embracing every opportn 1 oity to fill up tho mis ing hills. If cut worms are troublesome, bunt for «nd 1 destroy every one as far as possible , for it is useless to put a plant u a hill 1 whero one of these pests has taken up quarters, and expect it to live aud grow. It is important to ceiiunence cultiva tion soon aftei planting, to loosen the soil aud sturt the plants growing. Just at this point many planters fail to do their duty, which no subseqaent work 1 can atone f-.r. Early, rapid and thor ough cultivation fs necessary to produce first class tobacco. If the preparation has been thorough, times ploughing, each time with « band hoe, Will suffice for the or op. For tbe firs' ploughing, no miplc nieuts is hotter than the wing coulter, the next best the cultivator. The sec ond ploughing may be effectually douc with the turning plough or cultivator: if grassy, use the first. The last ploughing is most effectually dono with I three furrows with the single shovel—a furrow on each side, iliou splitting the ' middle with the third and last furrow Never "scrape, down" tobacco with | the hoe without putting back ou the lull j or bed as much dirt as is scraped down. 1 This will prevent baking, and save many j plants should a dry spell follow the ! handlioe working. Any process which stirs the soil of ; fectuaily and often and keeps the plants j free from grass aud weeds, will consti | tute good cultivation, no matter how or with what implement dono. Old laud I will require more worn in cultivation ' thin new, and dark grades more than bright. Short singletrees should be ! n«ed after tho plants are half growu, to prevent tearing and breaking the leaves.— li'j M,j. Ru'it L. ftiy/and, j Hyco, Fa. ONLY FOUR. Lawyers are not so much in voeue as legislators as formerly. Iu the recent U ifr 1 Assembly if North Carolina ihere w r j fewer law "rs than probably ever before We • notiec that in the Connecticut egislature out of i! 0 mem ! bers thero were but four lawyers. It u said to have been an excellent working , body snd to bavo done its business wi h ' dispatch stid wise purposo. We are ' glad to sco the people turning to other callings in life from which to selcot leg islators. In saying this we do uot join in any prejudice agaui9t the legal fra'er uity. In every legislative body thero ' ought to be 1 dozen or twenty experien ced lawyers. In all periods of our history the groat lawyers have beeu great patiiots. Hut it is woil to divide ' the legislature between many callings and thus have the interests of all repre sented. But when a man learns the manlier of tiansacting legislative busi ness by sxpeiicnoe, do uot then turn huu out and put in a green hand. Crude- I ness of work must follow such a course. | —Wilmiugton Star. DEXTERITY. Tbe right, hand is the symbol of : strength and action; tho left of inertness and indifference. Wfe helieye that thero has nover been found a race of left j banded people, although those of tho Punjaub come nearer to it than any others. Perhaps the greatest exhibition of left-liandedncss Is made by Chris | tians—we mean, of course, religious left handedness. Our lives have too muoh tbe indifference of the left hand, and not enough of the zeal and activity of tho right. In tbe matter of giving, we are very left-handed indeed 8011 c seem to bo altogether left-liandod. We are thus a sort of ecclesiastical Punjaub. We are as little admit in giving, often-tiuics as tbe left hand of mo.t persons is in toil or any othsr form of utility. We need good, right-hand cordiality at ohurch and in parish, and real, willing right-hand giving and doing in ail good | woiks, a genuine dexterity in Christian I things— Church Prets. j Tbe somewhat baisb provision of En glish law whioh gives almost everything 1 to the eldest son is ourious y illufi rated I by toe case of the Karl ot Durham, who is now in this oouutry, and bin brother. The two are twin*, but one was born two minutes earlier than the other. Tbe one is oalled tbe eldest son, and inher its a princely incciuo. His twin broth er hat an income about ope tenth at | lM, g*- STATE NEWS. Tho United States Court for the > Western N. C. District is in session at Crcousboro, Judge Dick presiding, j j The tunnel on the Western N. R. It. oaved in on a force ol hands April j sth. Most have been seriously injured, j some possibly futally. j The Trustees of Trinity College have elected a president, and formulated a _ plan for the endowment of the College. I j 'The most important thing that happened ' t was the gift of SIO,OOO by J . S. Carr a to start the endowment fuud. k j Oreensboro North Slat ».• Dr. Wm. j Walker/of the New Qardrfn. hood, was in town Monday. His health is much improved. He was rather de cided on tho safety of the peach crop.— ' Je says he has found on examination | that all the trees which were in full blooin last week, particularly the early peach, like Beatrice and Anisden, arc nil safe, lie says that people forget 1 that the cold spell of two week* ago I j drove the sap down, and tho recent cold snap did not fiud the frcus in con ; dition to kill the blossoms. I'lio Dr. ' thinks wo will have a due peach crop s this year. Jefferson Philosoph Four counties I of 3 States corner vt u tree on Pond I Mountain, at the northwestern corner of ' j Ashe county, namely—this oonnty ; ' J Johnson county, Tenn ; Grayson county, j \ a., ond Washington county, Va. I > hirieeu four home wagons arc now en . gaged in hauling mineral water from ® I the Bromine Arsenic H-aling Springs. | this county, to the railway depot at Sev j . en Mile Ford, Va. to be shipped to var -1 ious points. More wagons are to be j put ou the route. It is reported that ' ' , an order for 9,000 cases of the water has ■ | been received at the Springs front Ku-j ' rope. Q , Salem Press : The Winston Electric Light Co. have awarded tho contract to furnish the light to the Brush Electrio Company, of Clevelaud, Ohio. The rcprcsoutative of the oompauy is bore to close the contract.— We regret to learn that tho residence of A. Savage, near Mt. Airy, was destroyed by fire. Tbo loss is almost entire as there was but littlo snved. His grain and meat, j stored in the house, was also burned. I Origin accidental, and logs estimated At I about SI,OOO A. B. Mock living I on the Shallowforti road, this county, is 1 somewhat discouraged iu ike tobacco { raising business. Ho used to raise enough grain for homo use and for sale. He commenced raising tobacco in a | sntnll way aud made some money at it, i> but his profits becamoless as he increas ed his acroage in tobacco until he was soon forcod to buy graiu. He will this year raise one baru against 8 barns lost year. His neighbors are not making preparation to raise much of a crop. Many of them are not sowing any seed |at all. llesuysthey havo found thai [ they must raise tbetr bread and meat or be broken up. Rockingham uocket: On Tuesday Mr. Fl&rris Peel, who lives near Ilock iughain, was diiving along with his wife ! and child in a buggy, Ariiving at a I branch, his horse wanted to drink, and . Mr. Peel got out of the buggy to take j the bit nut of his uiouth. Just as he I had removed the bit some one came 0 ' driving up rapidly behind his buggy at [ which bis horse took fright and darted away. Mr. Peel was poweiless to do ; auything b it gaze in horror at the fright ! enod animal as it madly rushed along, I bearing his wife and child to death, as j the sequel proved, for 1.0 bud gone far t j before the buggy was torn to pieces aud j the child almost instantly killed, while I Mrs. Peelo was so badly hurt that she { is not expected to live. a | Greensboro Workman Mr. W. E. Bevill uas just received a certified copy s \ of the bill passed by the last Legisla -1 I turc authorizing tbe pententiary author ,! \ ties to furnish a granite base for tho us« t ; of the ladies of the Greensboro Confcd -5 ! erate Memorial Association, for the I monument which is soon ro be erected a I over the remains of the Confederate Doad in Green Ilill cemetery. It ia hoped that the base will be in readiness - by tho 10th of May, whtoh is the anui c vcrsary occasion hero. A proposition I I ' is on foot to build a branch road from | 0 Stokesdale, on the western extension of j '. the C. F. AY. V. Railroad, to the 'j II town of Madifon, Rockingham couuty, eJ a distanoe of eleven miles. There is a •- ■ rival project to connect Madison from i 1- Walnut Cove, above Stokesdalo by a i >s road fifteen miles in length, aud over a ] Ipuo I .] rougher way, *./ ' ' • NO. 40 HUE ffOTBS. * «* ' ' Tho honey weather is when it it warn, and moist, when the air is full of clcelricty aud a stoiiu approaching. dome apiarians believe that bees rc jggutse color, and for that reason advise painting hives alike, so (hat transfers may be more successful. Hoes occupy no spuco on farms, und the product from them is all ptbfit. j They require but Utile, attention, and 1 manufacture lionry when everything elao is ide. A. Canadian b.;e keeper uses cliolo train H:Cfau cTiobaceo (n managing his til renirtTirrj old fjH%ns or ing new on'es. . The bee does not defaoe jour fiolds I by clipping the growing grassed, like the domestic animal l *; it does not mar the garden plants or levy taxes on your l grain. Beu» differ from the whole iusect i wor'd. No trco, shrub, plant or flower I is injured by thoir presence. Bees in their search for honey visit only one kind uf flowers on the saron trip. This is not accidental, but it is a wise provision for preventing hybridisa tion of different varieties from tUo pollen which bees always distnl/ute in tboir journeys from flower to flower. The artificial honey now made in New York is so close to the genuiuo that only the experts cuu detect the dif ference. It is in racks, the sauio as tho natural product, and then the wmg and l"gs of a few dead bees are to be found fo further the deception, it can be sold | ut a paofit for 10 ccuts per pound. There are three classes of worker bees in a thrifty colony, the nurse bees, tho ; ~va x workers, aud the honey gathers. The ffrst duty the young bees perform is feeding the young brood. The second | labor is procuring the wax and building comb. Third and last is gathering hon ey. liP.IEFS ADRIFT. A Pofk eortnfy, tleorgia, man is liv ] nig pleasantly with his eighth wifo. ! The big salt works at Warsaw, N. Y., I have been burned ; loss over SBO,OOO. The North Carohua Legislature re duced marriage licenses hum $2.50 to 50 csnts. The President has appointed Oscar S. Straus of New York to be Minister to Turkey. The secretary of tho treasury has is -1 mod a bond call for $10,000,000 3 per cents, to mature May 1. Several gigantic railroad consolida tions are likely to follow the enforcement of the Inter state Commerce law. Terrible floods prevailed in Dakota last week. Tho Missouri lliver was over the tree tops south of /iismarck. Ex-Congressman Denton J. Hall of lowa, has beru appointed Commissioner of Patents, and will assume charge of the Patent Office May Ist. Dispatches from Manitoba say that the cattle losses from severe weather on the ranges west of there are estimated at 30 per cent In some districts, no tably Cypress hills, tbc.loss is 60 per cent. PICKINGS. From tho Wilmington Star. The labor ticket in Baltimuro rcoeir* cd a surprisingly small vote. Georgo is now said to be te Socialistic for them. There is a Washington rumor that seeius to indicate that Billy Mahnua may be tho chairman of tho Republican National Committee Billy is as cun uing as the most cutSniag. The Chicago Anarchists are not (O bloody-minded as some time ago. They now declare that tho threatened upris ing is to be una of ballots uud not b«lj lots and bouibs. The belligerent blow ers ! President Cleveland is said to havp expressed fears tor tho first session of the hew llousj, Why 30 ? It it elect ed as Democratic by u good working majority. The President und a Demo cratic House ought to bp able «'lo pull together. | Tho worst ot all taxes is that on spir-. . its, cigars, wines, hefir and tobacco, lie is indeed a poor friend of tbo people 1 who would lift this tax und keep up the high lax on (hoes, blaulwu, wool hats, , orockery, hardware, wiudow glass, me* j dioino and cut'ou lies,

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