VOLUME XV. i Reporter and Post. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT DANBURY. N. C. xr; " . ll- PJCPPKII & SONS, Put*. Ac Props wr rr-.--7ti.--i rat km or si rmtitirriox t Cn« naoublo in advance, fl.Sfl Hi Month-, 70 RATKN OF ADVimi«l*«l ' ne Sipuire (ten lluen or I©**) 1 tlru© •! Oft |\ or 6* ell addiliou*! Insertion M Contract* for lunger Mme -i more *|«acc . an l>* m ule In prt>|H»rtlon («'!» above ntfew. Traumrat a4vertl*ei• wfl l *»«' e*i»«eted i«» rem t to Utojpratae at the tlm. they *ml argodSftf r"eul.ltl«>«i than above rate*. UtiNlneiu> t*ard» will bo ln*erte.l *1 Ton Dollar* «er aiinom. PROFESSION'A L CJIRDS. x. i. norli, J. w 11 Kill P. B. COHNBTON, JUMUS JTVNSTON * BO YD, RE ID 4' JOILXSOA \ - at - Law, WENTWORTII, N C. Messrs, Reid «i.l Johnston will reg ularly attend tbe Superior Courts of Stokca county. R. L. HA YMORR. ATTORNEY AT LAW Mt Airy N t C. Special attention givoilO the ecd lectiod of claims. W. F. CARTER, j&TT*BX , sr~jiT~£cii ir. mt. Airy, sukuy co; f x. c Practices wherevm hitserviceaare want d f. DAY, ALBERT JONES JD9.y Ss jQXkQ& 9 ■oamiffcctttrers ot . « ADPLELT.JI AKNPSS, COLLAHS.TuVNIU» Ho. 356 W. lUUituuiO street, iUitlui >ro, M l, W. A. Tucker, 11. C. Smith, H. 8. S|»raggtni, Tucker. Smith & Co-, M;»nufartufer» un I wUolf*a'.e Dealer* in BOOTS, SIIOXB, L'ATd AM) CAM Ko. 200 halttwore Slrcet, DulUrajre. Md. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS ASO CAP ILJ, .t if p&tr, WITH Henry Soiincbom 4' Co., WHOLESJILi\CLOTHiKnS. M iUITIISI.,(UI»[eiiUS»» •» li-nib.nl Sl»| U.i/. l IMO/iP'A 11. M. 8«NI«EBIJRM, S. BI.fMI.INE bfyh'ii Putney, h. tl lildir H'. it. .vu.es, WITH STEPHEN PUTXE Y$ CO H'hoi title ilf alert in S»ots, Shoes, and Trunks, 1219 Mam Street, g*pi. Mi-urn. hwuvoxd, VA. JUI'H AM* WOOD HAM I. I'. UOtlitWi.V. m i:m:V ukn in: list IN. hD'U'd W. li.it o.w WOOD, BACON & CO I mi wrier* and Jobber* ot DRY GOODS, A'OJKIYS, WHITE GOODS, ETC. No». 30*111 Mntket Mt., FHILALELI'HIA, FA. I'll ties having CUT MICA for sale will fiud it to their interest to c"renpond with A. 0. SCHOONMAKKR, 158 William St., New York. a. K LKFXWKK. vilb WIKGO, EI.I.ETT k CIHW, RICHMOND, VA., Wholesale Pesters in BOOTS, SHOES, TBUNKS, &C. Prompt attention paid to order.*, and satia ctiou (rsursnteed. _ fitr- Virginia Slate Priion Good* a >}>maHy March,m aoDKHr w. rowta*. rno*« n. TAVIO . R W I'OWKRS ft CO.. KtiOLESALE DRUG GISTS, Drulers In TAINTS, 011-8, DYES, VARXJSTIgS, yronch and AmeriCHn ■yriSBOW CjLAISS, PUTTY, &C. KMtiKISO AND CIIKWINC CIGARS, TOBACCO A SPKCIAt.TI 1306 Main St., Bichmond, VtiJ A»(uit(smiH _ _ _ WIIJMM. RIM ft no., WVULWM.B O ROOK RSI AND COMMI SION MRRCHANTS. 3o S Howard street, cnrn.r of (.oinl^rd BALTIMORE. We keep coi'Stimtly on hand a l»ri;e an>. Well assorted stock of OroceHc»— snilnble to! Huuthcrn an.l ttealetn trade. We aollelt i»i>. aigoroants of Country Prodni*—»urh m. L'ot ton; Fcatliers; Olßaet.ji; l*eeeWH\W i)ol;llrle i; fruit; fura; Skins, etc. Oui 1.m1.i.u for do an buaioessaie »ncb ua to UHrrnht quik salcl udpronipt ralurna. AII orders will hare our a pt aitemioi. yt "" GEO. STEW MT. Tin and Sheet Iron Manu facturer. Opposite Farmers' Warehouse, WIXSTOA, N. ROOFING, GUTTERING AND SPOUT ING done at short notlre. Kaaps eenstantly on hand a tine lot o ' Vookißf and Heating Stores. GO TO f. I llMpm « tikes dlock, M) i AVinslOn, IV. C. Nl h) FOll CO(ll) :t it , 11" bea-j I'Juea, iron aifi Ilojn • mado Tinware at I-.ivin«- Prices > Vl«o Rooting ami Qnttoring at u'.mr 1 notice, at bottom prices. , Bept 10-ly IF YOQ INTEND TO BUY Anything in tho HARNESS LIT\2E LOOK FOR THE BIG RED SADDLE, Southeast Cor. of C:urt Eauia Kezt to Messrs. Pfohl & 3:ockron, WARKiJts, im.rF.n.s WHIIV-i. LAftliKS. >l'i lt:t, ItA'IKS. II \ K iiakih, nous: i.nr.siins, nn s.i • u KV CtIMBS. I.A I* Kt'i;KAl 'S. I I.V Ni l i a: h t vrnvi iiiku in vaj: ii.\hn,:.iß link. Homo mado Collars a Specialty, lloceivod first preiuium at Stalo Fair Ualeigli, N. ('. Yours Truly, J. W. SHIPLEY. Winston, N- C. Brown Rogers $ Co Wholesale and Retail H ARDWAR E- Large*'. lino of STOKVS in V\ ioatoo. Agricultui'ol Im] ilomo'its M ACHINEI i V of all ki nds N.IICYESS XV D S.IDDLES^c PJII.STS, OILS, r.IILYISUKS, s-r> Special attention invited to their l( /,it»s Clipper I' luws. . Ijrnts Di/ponVs all and well known llif/t fowler. Sept 'J(i-lv Doors, Sash, Blinds. Having rebuilt our Finning Mill, Door, Kr>h and Ulind Factory, flnd fit ted i: up with all now mtcliiptry of the latest and utnet approved putlt-rns, wo are now prepared to do all kind* of work in ctir line in the very bcst*l)la. Wo waAufacture DOORS, SABII, BUNDS, P.ior Frawo*, ' l indow Frimes. Rrack eti, Mcttldimr, I land rail, Jiulnslers, Newels, M.infela, P'.rcii ('olninos, and are prepared to do uli kinds of Scroll Sawing, 7'urniiij:, ke Wo carry in •.look it'estbeibourdiug. Flooring, foil ing. U'ttinscotiag and all kinds of Dross ed Lumber; al*» Framing Lumber, Shingles, Laths, Lima, Cement. Fluster, Plastering Hair and ull kinds of tiuild ers'tupplics. Call ana see us or write for our prioes before buying elsewhere. MILLER ones-, WINSTON, N. C. THOMPSON'S COMV 0 U N D !«!(Htm A MILD TONIC AND— A PI^CTIZIMt. A eitre for Dyspepsia, Indigestion and C'or.stipatiou. It iiromotes ai'Ci-etioiiHot the Liver anil Kiuneys, nml agt>ntle '.one to tho Organs. Relieves Nneslrk Pioetrjtioo Prntraol 'ti h'ervou«ii, and enfeebled condition o»' the grueral sys tem. MANI V It Tt i:i I» ISY Dr. V. 0, THOMPSON, DRITROHT, Winston N. C. "NOTHING MIJCCEEOM LIKE MIICCKSS.' DANBURY, N. C„ THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1887. I A TINT Slltti:. lIKXA. They fomi'i hint l»y tin* roadside tl ad, A ra%'f«l trump iinkii»%vii; His fjcu untttnu-d In tnute in*.*pair, Msl f I *« n««r>is • f.-t hmvu. il i'l »•" -.itt ..• * 4 |. : -* * I Of greeting to the day, j The breeze blew fresh and sweet, and st irred | His hair in wanton play. I They found no clue to hotnu or name, i ijtit I it'll with a ribbon blue * i They found a package, and it held | A baby's tiny shoe, ! Ilalfworn ami old, a button ofl', | it stHunetl a sam-tl thins;; ~ Willi levi'reiic:' they wrapped it close . ! a* l *! tied the faded .string, Ami 1.-it! it on the peaceful bre.ist Th".t l.fpt til*! accret well; Antl (i«»«l \t.!i k;»ow and understand The story it will tell Of happy thimand peuvfu' )innie Thai d-'i J tramp soui.'iiin • knew, Whose only relic left him was The, baby's tiny shoe. 5 GERMINATION OP SEEDS. A larpe proportion of tho goeds Orst s ; planted in the spring arc lost by rotting in tho ground. To prevent this and cause the seedn to germinate more read ily the following plan lbsugKestod, hav ing heretofore been w«H tested. After having thoroughly pulverised and lev r | ellcd the ground, place about two •padefdHs of fresh stable mauuri in conical piles in rows on top of tho ground at proper distances apart, according to { the seeds to oc planted. Draw the diit j over said piles of manure so as to form ? neat hills, %nd when you plant your f j seeds place them in tbe manuro. The ! manure will preserve the seeds, oven if t plant id a little too early, until the weather turns sufficiently u.irin fo cause I I hum to germinate. SOAKING SKKDS lItFORR I LANTI.NO. liefore planting, when tho weather is eool, or when danger is apprehended . from insects, earbonato of ammonia should ba added to tho wa'.ei iu which j the seeds are to bo soaked. When seeds first germinate llioy oblaiu acid from tbe j anil, having no leaves to absorb it from • the atmosphere, and tho carbonate of ; ammonia supplies it. Experience has s ; proven that germination is thus hnstcn- Icd as well as maturity of the orop, and i , : that the yield is increased, all other ' things being equal. About four ounces ,of tlie carbonate of ammonia to a gallon | of wator may be uod. Tho proper time i , for tho seeds tn soak is from twenty-four ] ; to torty-eight hours. i ■ AUVANTADKS OK BI'R'ICTINO FEEDS BE- I ) | FORK I'LANTI.NO, . j Some seeds, especially corn, can bo i , 1 sprouted to great ndvantago. To do i this uflur removing the seeds from said I i i soak, place t'lein in a proper vessel and I cover Well with wet cloths. Occasion- ' ally pour on warm water, the vessel pre ferably being in a warm room. Sprouts ! | will s*oM appe.'.r, wjicu tho seeds are in 1 a proper rm.dition for planting. If pre- i 1 f :rabh, a headless barrel,say an ordinary i I fish barrel, may he us-id for sprouting, i 1 Tho barrel shuuld bo stood on tho end i and filled about half full with fresh stable luiinnro. I'ack down and wet ; with water to tnako it heat. Cover the | manure with a layer of straw several 1 inches thick and then lay cloths of any | kind on tho straw, l'laco tho corn there iir. and treat as before directed. In this caselho sprouting m ly bo dono out door* If ihc first sprout lhat staitafrnin corn ! bo broken off, or even out off sloso to the grain no injury will follow 'ther small roots will start out anil the corn will come up as well as if tho root had not been broken. Tho principal advan tages of sprouting are as follows : 1 1. You can got a much belter stand. 2. You can drop the corn according to the stand wanted, one gram for one stalk, and so on, thus saving seed and \ time in th nning. If tho sprouted graina only be dropped throwing away those I ; that, have not spmuted they will nearly 1 all come up. e k 8. The young plants will havu a con " sidernblo start of tho grass and woods,' tiius rendering cultivation mu«h easier. 4. As a good stand can lie procured j at the start but little time will afterwards be lost ic replanting, and upon the whole | a much better yield can be aoourod, pa"- ing in the end imniei.aely fur the extra labor incidental to sprouting. It uiav he woll to add that sprouted seeds aVitild I not be planted until the grouud gets sufficiently warm to oauße tliciu to eouic up readily. ITILtTY OP 01, ASH. Whero melons or similar vegetables are grown, wooden boxes provided with glass tops can be employed to great ad vantage. These boxes uiay be ein structed of four boards about a foot long and ten inches deep. A pane of glass should be neatly fitted in the top, the bottom side being left open. After hills have bocn formed as already de scribed and the seeds planted in tbcin, said boxes should be placed over tluni so as to exclude thj- air. the prif tfp.il advantages of tucsc boxes are as fol lows : 1. The seeds can be safely planted at least ten days earlier than they oan it) the opcu air. 2. The seeds will germinate with far j more certainty than those planted in the open air. 3. 'I he young plants will be protected from the ravages of insects. 4. Maturity will be hastened about three weeks—an important item in mar keting early vegetables. As the season advances, a little air should be given the plants at the bottom of the boxes. Finally, if it b« melons that are gruwn, when (ho vines aie about ready to jump, the boxes should be re moved and the manure dug away from them, leaving only enough to sustain them. After mixing will this inunure with dcrt, about half and half, it should be again drrwu .-round the plants. Thus arranged, the manure will act Car better thau if it wcro in a body, as the carbon ic acid gas of the atmosphere can more i readily penetrate to the roots of the plants, and the dirt mixed with the manure will prevent the plants from firing. IIHYAN TYSON. EARLY-MATURED HOGS. From an lowa standpoint, the veteran observer, C. F. Clarkson, mentions the | question of early and cheap ma!urit«. ( « f swine and says it is evident that farmers must decide on one of two courses. The old plan was to raise the strong hog which could stand profitably our liaid I winters, when he is from six to nine months old, and which will make a hog weighing from 300 to -100 pounds when i he is 18 to 20 months old. This class of hogs will not need much pampering or waiting on, but live all summer ou good pasturo and all winter on what they oan torugo, with tho aid of a small feed. This is the hog which was just suited to the old-fashioned system of raising and feeding. The ucw plan is to raise the improved hog, rapid iti growth, always fat and ready forinarkot at any age. lie must be a domestic hog of docile nature, winning confidence and an extra feed by his beautiful form and gentlemanly manners, lie should be abundantly nursed have a wide range of grass, plenty of fiue. cool water to drmk aud wallow in, and never have to live through a single winter. The question is, which will pay best. The I'ruirie Farmer reports two cases Mr. S. L. Shaw, of Leo county, 111., had a May pig which on November 17th weighed 230 pounds. This was six mouths old. Mr. Peter Pokus, of Ot tawa county, Mich., killed one pig six months old which weighed 240 pounds, and another eight months old weighing 300 pounds, Pigs wcighhg this amount at tueli ages, will pay for considerable petting and rich feed. This latter class of pigs never have to pay any taxes, aud stand only oue-thiid the ohauoe of be ing swept away by cholera. And from tho fact that they are more closely in olosed during the summer, they are not so much in dungor as when they range upon tho public highway whore dead hogs arc hauled, and where dogs fre quent. If pigs are kept in a pasture as far removed as possible from the public highway, and from sir emus which are polluted higher up in other farms, aud if every dog which comes on tho farm is shot on the spot, there is really | but little danger from cholera to pigs ! which mature at eight months old. GEORGE WASHINGTON'S SUIT. Mr. Allen Thorndiko Rico, of the A orth ,'lmericn'i Review, has become I the ownei of tho silk coat, waistcoat and Kueo trousers and the gold knee and shoe buckles which George Washington wore when ho took the inaugural oath of firs* President of tho Untcd States The price is supposed to havo becu about sj'Jo.— firrpcri H.izar. - tm » —i The West Virginia Legislature is now h-' I ling an extra session. Lot not North Carolina follow this example. e "A LAMB AT SCHOOL !" Most of our young readers will be surprised to hear that tho well known nursery sorg of "Maty Had u Little Lamb" is a true story, and that "Mary" is still living. About 70 year*ago she j was a little girl the dauglitei ol a far- i iner in Worcester countv,Massachusetts. She was very fond of going with her father into tho K.dds to sao the sheep, and one day they fouud u baby lamb which was thought to be dead. Kiud bead'/"? JitjVjL ,>wever, !ift»J it ' up 1 'M»v ,v •*, »:»!, is it seetu' fto ■ breathe, SIR it homo, made it a warm bed near the stove, and nursed it 1 tenderly. Great was her delight when 1 after wet .'.s of careful feeding and watch ing. her little putiont began to grow well and strong, and soon ufter it was ' able to run about. It knew its young j mist less, perfectly, always cama at her | 1 call, and was j.appy only when at her j side. One day it followed her to the j village sohool, and, not knowing what else to do with it, she put it under her de;k and covered it with her shawl , There it stayed until Mary was called up to the teacher's desk to sav hor les son, and then the lamb walked quietly aftci her and the other children burst out laughing. So tho teacher had to shut tho little girl's pet in the wood shed until school was out. Soon after ! this a young tudent, namod John ({oil- ■ si ne, wrote a littlo pnrin about Mary ' and ber lamb and presented it to her. J Tho lamb grow to be a sheep aud lived for many years, and whan at last it died. \ j Mary griovod so much for it that her ! •jiothci took some of its wool, which was 1 •'as white as snow," and kuitted a pair i of stockings for her, to wear in remeui qrance of Icr darling. Some years af ter the lamb's death Mrs. Sarah Hall, a celebrated woman who wrote books, composed some verses about Mary's lamb and added them to those written by John Rolls to ue, making tho complete ' poem as #o know it. Alary took such gdod cafe of tne stockings uiade of her lamb's fleece, that when she was a grown up woman j she gave one of them to a church fair j in Huston. As soon as it bcuauio known that tho stock ng was made from the fleece of "Mary's little lamb'' everyone wanted a piece of it ; so the stocking was raveled out and tho yarn cut into short pieces. Kacb piece was tied to a card ou which "Mary" wrote her full name, and those cards sold so well that they brought the large sum of $l4O to the Old South Church. — Jlmerxcan .]%• riculiuralist. HOW PRESIDENT WASHINGTON LIVED. "The stylo of living of President Washington's family would not be tol erated in a I'resideut of these Demo cratic days," writes Frank (1. Carpenter in a letter from tho National Capital. "Ills servauts were all in livery, and ' this livery was white, trimmed with j scarlet. Tho ( Goneral kept a chariot and ! four horses exclusively for Mrs. Wash-! ington, anil for this he had black postil- I til ions in livery, lie rode himself in a cream colored, six horse coach, and he j appeared at his receptions with a sword j at his side, 110 did not shake hands at j his receptions. Tho guests were arran- | ged in a riug. and he walked around and j spoke to then) with dignity. Only those '.hat had the proper introduction, or the proper social standing, came to his le vees, and it was ncoessary ts appear in full dross."—Ex. Money is si abundant in tho North I and so m iny poopio are rich that there ! is great rivalry in hunting ways how 'o j apoml it Psintines sell at fabulous sums. At a New York salo Monday night the following prices woro realized. "A Summer I andsoape," by Rous soau, brought $21,000; a work by, | Millet brought £ 18,f,00 ; one "y Rre- j too flfi.OOO, aud onn by Tioyati $lO,- I COO. S vcral others sold for upwards | of $5,000. In the war between tho States tho troops of North Carolina held t'-oir col , ors on flie perilous edge of battle, un , til the giant inind of Johnson was tm [ potent to plan, and tne matchless j,e --[ nins of Lee could no longer execute, , | and they deserve a monument as ondu f | ring as tho stars. —Wadesboro .Mrnsen il K'r. j Agrarian disorders prevail in Russia I and olond. T'uring Marob four land '! Ed proprietc* were murdered by p«as -1 ants, aud to f:'. tl.is minitli three noble | men havo also been murdered. STATE NEWS. Oxford Orphan Asylum is in need ol funds. It is reported that the hotels at Ashaville, N. C., are crowded with 1 J guests. Capr. ,1. D. Myers is now operating . | a first elas machine and can furnish ica from tlic faciory at naif ocnt per pound, ! at V\ ashing ton, N. C. I ! A tiundsome Episcopal church i.-i to Site yc tho "Hapr/fl' Valle.y," i O^ldV' ll " O. U will be fin-, jibed inside with natural woods. Raleigh .Yews-Observer: 15. \on Herd, Esq., Ph. !>., retires from tho Chemical Depaatmu it of tho State de -1 partnient of Agricul'ure. He has been j conueeted with it for I years. Gov. I Scales is prevented fioni official duty ! by sickness. Rev l'oroy Eubauks Ins been appointed to take charge of the \ Episcopal uhargos of Concord and Lex ington. I Jefferson Philosopher: It is claimed . that the Droiuinu and Arsenic Spiing, of this county, is the only una of the kind known in this or any other country. The water is bottled at the spring in half gallou bottles, and each ease for shipment contains twelve of tboso hot- I ' lies, 6 gallons of water, which finds a j ready sale at Richmond, Va., and other j places, at $0 per case. New Horn Journnl-. Mr. J. N. ' ; Fosouo brought to the city ou Thursday 1 ] a fine stall-fed ox, which ho sold fur | I $17.00. Such boof us this always com- j | mauds good prices. Our towns- j man, Cleuiant Manly, Esq., has accept ed the call of Cypress Creek Academy j Jones county. Hon- F. M. Suu- , iimns has also received invitations for] similar work, and has acueptod one to be at Greenville. It is said that it will take twenty thousand dollars to pay for tho guano and other fertilizers gold hero [La Grange] this spring. is made by gness but if any ways near true j the coining crop is pret/y largely paid ! for- Giccnsboro JVeui: A very interest ing mceeting of citizens was held in Renbow Hall last night for the purpose of taking preliminary steps toward the incorporation of a savings bank, which will bo known honceforth as "The Peo ples FivoCents Savings Hank of Greens boro-" Tho Norfolk Virginian says a young man from North Carolina, about 20 years of age, enlisted in tho marine oorps yesterday, lie was six feet and five inches high, and when taken to tho barracks for a uniform tho longest pair of pants jn hand were but knee breech es to hiiu. A special order had to be given out. He was only a specimen North Carolina brick Mr. H. H. j Raiford bid $75 a year to carry the mail | j from Goldsboro to Walters, six uiilos , and back, but we sea it annouueed from | Washington that the contract was award ed to Z. T. Carpenter, of Washington, I D. C., for SIOB. —Goldsboro .Messen- I ger. There has been for years, and we j fear it is still kept up, chicanery in j giving out contracts for carrying the mails. Charlotte Chronicle: We sec it is j stated that tho Staij Treasuier 15ain is | firm in his determination to enforce fhc collection of the drummers' license tax, notwithstanding tho decision of a State judge that the United States Supremo Court docision makes it invalid. Wo arc requested to announce for tho , benefit of tho farmers of this community j that a Fariuer'slnsfitute will be held at ! High Point, on Friday and Saturday, April 29th and 30th A letter from Tayforsvillc informs tlio Chronicle | that Col, A. B. Andrews has written to | Mr. 11. Z. Liuney.of that place, request | ing ilic people to meet him tu Stateß - ville to-day and perfect arrangements by : which be can secure tho the road bed. j This done the work of lading tho track will beg.u on Monday, the 2nd day of May The Salisbury Wafchman gives creden?o to a rumor that has pre vailed hero for sometime past, to the effect that all trains will ruu from Paint Rock via Statesville to Charlotte after the firstjof May, instead of coming di rect to Salisbury, and that a mixed train will run from Salisbury to States ville. An extensive drouth has prevailed in j Texas for several weeks, extending a i distance of 800 miles across the State, from the grating lands of the far west into t ie (line region bordering on Louis -1 iana. NO. 43 BRIEFS ADRIFT. 1 A Missouri train wrecker lias beccn sentenced to death. t The Pennsylvania Senate has de i elarcd for female suffrage. Tlio Jersey City, N. J., election re ! suited in a democratic victory. The whereabouts of Bingham, the ' slayer of Miss Turliugtoa is still a mystery. 'J Ti.-l 70»1» birl'i lay of King William !nf II j%nd wa* V-ldbi in Auisier daui, April llilli. ' " » TUt! Cherokee fvinale seminary at Tal erjtiah, I. T., has beeu burned; loss $260,000. Three Alabama railroads are to con solidate and form tho Bloouiington and Atlantic Air Line. Ex-Secretary Daniel Manning, who is in England, was greatly improving in health April 11. I New Jersey poach growers say that the crop of the coining year there will bo the hoariest kuown for years. The body of the young woman who was murdered near Railway, N. J., has I not yet been identified at last aocounts. J Jefferson Davis delivered an address at the unveiling of tho equestrian stat ; uc of Albert Sidney Johuson at New j Orleans recently. i The Rhode I'laud Legislature stands as follows: Senate—2o republicans and 10 democrats. House—29 republican I and 41 dcin 'crats. ! President Cleveland has accepted an invitation to attend the Piedmont Fair wnioh wi'l be held in Atianta, Ga.. du ! ring tho first 2 weeks in October. The State Department at Washington lia9 paid tho Chinese Minister $117,000 the indemnity voted by Congress for tho sufferers by the outrage at Rock Spring, Wyoming, a ago. Adifco., losaived in i.o— Eygpt last Friday state that several I Arab tribes in the Soudan have de tatehed tliomsolves from tho Mahdi's authority and proclaimed ono of their sheiks Sultan, with a residence at N#s sala. They have an organized army ot 8,000. Tho new Saltan has appointed 5 governors of provinces lie is dispos ed to be friendly with Egypt aud the British. PICKINGS. From tli« Wilmington Star. The foreign trade movemaut in New York for March (-bowed a ltrgc increase both ways. The Noble Gladstone, in a recent letter says he is "prepared to face any ' thing to defeat coercion." | Anarchy is dead. It expired at Chi j cago. No funeral. The seavanger cart took away tho remains to the potter's field. Under no circumstances will Judgo Thurman be a candidate for Governor ! or any other office. So ho firuily de clares. Tho Tory Prime Miuistcr, Salisbury, made a lurious attack on Gladstone , and the Irish in his Primrose Loaguo i speech. Tho immigration from Europe to this i country is enormous. The steamers j are erowdcl and extra ones have to be 1 employed. Tho Inter State Railroad Conclusions |is certainly earning its salt. Complaints are as plenty as blaekbeiries in a good crop year. John Kelly's memory is vindicated by the publication of somo of his private letters. They show that be was faithful to Mr. Cleveland. The Bell Telaphone Company expen ded for operating $230,908. But its receipts weru $1,097,908. "Bring in another horse." A Georgian w:ints Bob Lincoln for j President. Ho must think that brains : are not necessary now for the Chief Ex ecutive. It is the name that takes him. Nine boy bandits have boon working up Chicago. '1 hey "ripped the lining i out of tho town" and committed forty fiv.- cases of burglary. They are cow in the clutches of the law. Now rip them. The Supreme Court of South Caroli. na has rendered a decision as to married I women's power over iheir separate es- I tates. It decides that a nnrried woman . can not ihortgago her separate estate except for the boneGt of that estate.