VOLUME XVI. • Reporter and Post. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT DANBTJRY. N. C. PKPPBE A SON.-, Pubs, if Props RATF.S «»' HI It.M KIIMION ( Cue Your, pnoablo In adtnncc, *!..*> Hi Month*, ......75 KA I KS OF ABVERTIHINVt ne B«|unro (ton line* or loan) 1 time *1 On or each additional iuytntion ..in Con tract* for longer time or more »pace can lie ( nutde in |>ro|N»rtiot to the above rate-. Transiunt *«lverU.»cr. will l»e oxpe.tlad t«» romit kC 'onlUiK to those fate* at the time they *Oiul thrir favor*. I,uc.nl Notices will he charged SOpei > out. higher than above rate*. Ittudnea* Card* will he liwertcl at '1 en Dollar* er annum. PROFESSIONAL IJIRDS. R. L. HA YMORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW Mt Airy N, C. Special attention given to the collection of claims. W. F. CARTER, ir. MT. AMY, SI HHY CO., N. C r radices where ve.- his services are wan til THE MCADOO HOUSE, (iItEKNSUOUO, X. C. CIIAS. D. VERA OX, Pro'r. lias ilio largest, wosl elegantly furn ished and best ventilated rooms of any Hotel in the city. V. DAY, ALBERT JON KB JPsiy & Joixes,. manufacturers >l »API>I.KKY,HAItNK.SS, COI.I.AK.S.TIII'NK.S No. 3:iii W. Italtlniore Ntrcet, ItiiUlmore, Mil, ItK'UARU WOIJ1) RAM I. P. (lOUtIWIS. HKMIV HKNIIKIIKON. UlOll'll W. lIAC'ON WOOD, BACON & CO lni|»«rter.-4 ami Joh born of DK.Y GOODS, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS, ETC• No*. 309'- ll Market.St., PHILALF.LPII IA, PA. Parties having OUT MICA ' for sale will find it to tlicir interest to r "-respond with A. O. SCIIOON MAKER, 158 William St., New York. U. E. I.EFTWKK. with WIKGO, EM.KTT A CRI.MP, RICHMOND, VS., Wholesale Dealers is BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, &C. Prompt attention paid to orders, anit satis clion pnuranleed. Virginia Stalt Priio i (!oo>h j ' ia''y March, 0. m KSBXKT W. POWUHS. KOOAU D. TAVI.O . 11 W POWERS & CO., \RI/OLESA LA; D it t'a am rs, Denier? ill PAIfcTS, Olt.S, DVKS, VAUNISiIKS, French and Atnorionn WINDOW OLA«S, PUTTY, &.C SMOKING AND CHRWIMI CIGARS, TIIIiACOO A 130S Main St., Richmond, Vn; AufuslfimJO — GEO. STEWART." Tin and Sheet Iron Manu facturer. Opposite Farmers' Warehouse. WIKNTOft. S «' , ROOFING, GUTTERING AND SPOUT ING lonc at short notice. Keeps const intly on liand a Una lot o (Jookitig and Heating Stoves. SUMMER MILLINERY STAPLE NOTIONS CONSISTING 01' GIOVCN, Hosiery, Zephyr, unit (he best unl most KeOiible CORSETS. Trimmed Hula and Ilonnels, To »ull Everybody. Kirst door South of Hotel Fountain, WINSTON, N. c Mrs N- S- Davis- Mrs Stanton & Morritt, Winston N. C. IN-, Millinery and Fancy Goods IHKSI. TRIftIMKP IIATS, LACKS Ell BItOIUKRIKS, He., *-. Maia Street nearly opposite the Certr Hotel. WANTED "SliSf (nBSIILT Its pocullar efliracy la flu© i u* ninth ti> the procesH and NOTHING «Kin in eoin;tbn tiding us to iitfc it tin- lmrrrdlcnt* thms«4\v " Tuke II In time. Itehecks ! di*ea •••• in tin- outset, or it , the.v b" ndvan-et will prove a potcutcntv. No Hue stouM to Without It. It takes the place of ;i doi'tor and costly lire- _^ n hi-njit lo:i.-. \ll WIM» .• 1 I FOR WHOSE Hcdiutary ll\i-a will finet ncuEFiT i it tlu? bi'st preventive of andeinvh»r Imlii^eKtion, Con ot I pat l«ni, lltMidttclirt TtilionnnrM, I'ilcN end Mental lleprmiNlnin No b»>s >r I lino, no Interference with mtsinpKH while taking. For chlldnti It .4 most in nocent nnd harmless. No dancer ironi e\|M)sitn* nflei* takiin;. ori-* r dir. lii nrrluea, llowel i'oinpliilntH, IVverUIi- IICHH and Fi'verldli Invalids and j del lent perMins will Und it tin- mildest ( Aperient nnd Tonielliey run use. A little taken at night inxiu« r%'lr«-*hlng sleep and a natural evacuation of the lioweK A little taken In the morning hharpens the appetite, cleanses the htumuch and is wee tens the breath. A OPINION. "I have been practicing medicim fur twenty years an«l have never been able I» put una vegetable comi>oiiiid that would, Ike Aim man* I.iver Kegnlator, prompily and iflTectlvtty now the Liver to acilon* nnd at the same time aid •.uslc.ttl ofvvt.ik- the digestive .«nd assimilative powers ot the system" L. M. HIWTOM, m n . WashiAgton, Ark. Marku of GeitnliieneK* l«ook fori lie red Trade-Murk on front uf Wrapper, nnd the Hral mid Shrnature of J. Il.Zi-llin «te t'«». la red, on the t>lde. 'i'uhc noothci . GO TO f. S. " T T TIME IILOCK, AN'instOn. ,\. (J. FOR GOOD Tobacco Flues, Sheet Iron and Homo mado Tinware nt Prices Also Roofing and (Jnttering at shore notice, at HOTTOM PRICKS. pt Ifi-ly IF YOU INTEND TO BUY Anything; in the HARNESS LINE LOOK FOR 'I 1110 BIG RED SADDLE, Southeast Cor. of Court Hcuso Square Uezt to Moss s. Pfohl Jc Stookrca, II AIiNKSS. liUlDl.i S.I'IIM, \;:s. ll A f.T l: lis WHIPS, LASin S. SITUS. HA MIES BACK B %KDB, HOIt.SK lIRI 9HRM BITS CUB BY roMIIS, LAP KI'BKAhS. Fl.\ NITS AND KVKUVTHINti IN TilK HAHN'KS.S LINK. Homo made Collars a Spociaity. Hcccivctl lir-t pretnitnn it State Fair Kalcigl:, X. t'. Yours Truly, J. W. SHIPLEY. Winston, N- C. Doors, Sns/t. Minds. Having rebuilt our I'laning Mill, Door, Sash and Blind Factory, mid fit ted i: up with all new mioliiMtry of the latest and most approved patterns, wo are now prepared to do all kinds of work in cur line in the very best style. We inaftufacture DOORS, SASII, HU.N'DS, Door Framos, Window Frame.". lirack ets, Moulding, Hand-rail, lialus'.ers, Newels, Mantels, Porch Columns, and arc prepared to do all kinds of Scroll Sawing, Turning, &c We carry in stock \\ cat hot boarding, Flooring, Ceil ing, Wainscoting and all kinds of Dross od Lumber; also Framing Lumber, Shingles, Laths, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Plastering Hair and all kinds ot Build ers' supplies. Call ana see us or write for our prices before buying elsewhere. MILLER BROS-, WINSTON, N. C. Brown Rogers $ Co Wholesale and Retail HARD \V A It K Largest lineofSTOKVS in Winston. Agricultural Implements MACHINERY el all kinds II.IRJVESSJAD SADDLES &c- PAISTS, OILS, VJIRMSHES, sc Special alien/ion tnri/eJ to IAI ir ff'/nten Clipper I'lmcs. •igtnh Duponl't old and u-ell known Rift i Puwiler. cpt *2t)-ly "NOTHING HUCCEBDS LIKE StI CCESS." DANBURY, N. C., THURSDAY. JULY 14, 1887. t ami:. WRUI llort ; BY JAMKS IIE-TKIt HOCKWKT.I.. 'Tis sweet to lio|>e that when I he nlijht. romes swiftly at the close of day, Some voice from «»wt tlic far away, Will come to us ami sweetly s.iy, '•Hcyoml tlie darK there is iijjlit," Ami sweet to hop** that v hen the tM • to l it phi at our tcef, That voice will whisper, clear amlswc»t, '•Fear not tin* cross, I am thy gultle." If we couM know that when the sun lias set within the Occident, | The Master's voice would say "Well done,** We could look forward with content; Hot ()! to dnad that our lot When we before the Master stand, Will he to hear the stein command, ♦•Depart from me, I know you not." i r« me, gentle Hope, thy solace hring, And whisper to my lonely lieait Until I hear the angels sin#, And all the clouds ol doubt depart; ITi t'l I look beyond the shies, Through Faith's etcri-al Udescope, And see I he dawn of rise, Ami watch the golden portals ope. FEMININE PLUCK. THE ITAL) LUCK OK THREE OUTLAWS WLLO CARRIEI) OFF A WO.MAM. ! Men arc accustomed Ic look upon wo men as frail, tender, and without pluck, hut the bravery and heroism of the fe male sex, when forced to face the inev itable, shine forth in instances which men may have equaled, but never ex celled. In Juno, 1778, three ruffians, otic of whom was a half-breed Indian, rode up to the pioneer cabin of Henry ('lark, situated near the State line between Kansas and Nebraska, due north of Smith Centre, and oil the batik of the Republican River. It was about 10 o'clock in thu forenoon, and Clark wris in Murysviile, Kansas,on business,leav ing the wife, who was a robust woman of twenty-five, alone on the place. Hos pitality is the rule jf the West, and when the men asked for btcakfust she c( uld not well refuse, although she made up lior mind at first glance that they were, bad men. They said they wore looking for sioek, and seemed to be pos ted as to Clark's absence. All were heavily armed and tode good horses. While Mrs. Clark was very much frigh tened and anuoyed at their presence,she made a j retenecof being eool and brave and this probably put the o'lmax off for souie tioi3. She prepared a good break fast, and the men sat down to oat, but it was easy to see that they were not hungry. They only made a prcteuic of j eating, and when they got up two of theni seised her and lushed her out of doors »nd the third, who had already mouuted, received her on his saddle. In speaking of this act, Mrs Clark ex plains : •1 had been expecting just such a move, and was in a measure prepared for it. Wo had no neighbor nearer than three miles, and I fell that only in be ing taken away from the house was there any chaucc ot rcscuo from their clutch es Men wore constantly riding over tho country looking for laud or stray stock, and I had strong hopes of meet ing sonic party before we had gone far. Therefore when they seized me I made j but little resistance, and, apparently to their great surprise, 1 did not scream nor faint." Tho men rode off at a gallop up the river, skirtiug the edges of the timber, and in three quarters of an hour reach ed a cabin which had been abandoned in the spring by a family named Miller. The settlor's wifo had died, and he had removed to Rod Cloud. The cabin was | a small and snug affair, haying a heavy ; door with a bar to it, and two windows provided with almost bullct-prool iuside ! shutters. The men rode straight to the cabin and dismounted, Mrs. Clark being assisted off the saddle beforo tho man j who rode the horse with her got down. As she struck the ground sho giabbed I for the but of a revolver which stuck out of tho holster of tbo man who help ed her down, and what happened in tho j next two or three minutes she rcla'.cs j herself: "I was and am a fair shot with rifle i or revolwr I first seized the weapon j with the idea of committing suicide, but c' anged my mind in an instant, pulied ' up the hammer, and shot the mau in I i the leg before he had taken his hands ! | off mo. Then I darted for the cabin, | carrying tho smoking weapon in my i hand. The half-open door was only ten : | feet away, and I was in.-i'le and had the | | door bar in place in a few second-!. In- j ! deed, Iho man whom 1 had wounded had i ! scarcely cried out. before I was in the | house. My action was so sudden and ! I unexpected that not a hand was streteh- ; jed out to stop inc. Fortunately for me, ' : the bar stood on end just behind the I door, and as 1 slipfed it into placu 1 felt ' that I had been saved. Two or three I years of pioneer life gives a woman I courage and confidence, and I knew I i had disabled one of the men and had ! five bullets left for the other two." The wounded man rffn «fcul- : let in the left leg just at the KIICC, and ; made a serious matter ofit. He fell to the ground and cursed and groaned IU a ! terrible way, and vowed that the woman ' should be burnctl alive at the stake to pay for his injury. His companions were at first iuclined to ridicule him and to admiie the pluck of the woman, but. i when they realized that he would prob ably lose his limb, and that the trio hail a peck of trouble on hand, their anger became frightful. Tliey made a rush for the door, evidently expecting to eas ily lay bauds on the woman und drag hoi out, but tliey found it barred. When they turned to the wiudows they found them also Well secured. It became plain to them that she meant determined resistance, and iliey gave up their efforts and retired to consult. Froin what Mrs. Clark overboard she was convinced that the two men waited to help the wound ed one off and leave a*, once, but he ob stinately refused to move an inch until he had beon revenged on the woman, lie called their atten'ion to tho fact that it was a lonely neighborhood, not likely to be visited by any strangers before night, and that they should batter in the door aud seouro their victim. When they referred to his wound as evidence of her bravery, he fiercely shouted : "It was an accidental shot. She's got my revolver, but she won't dure fire it to save her life. Oct a log and burst in that door." The men hunted about until they found a large limb which haft h en trim mcd tip, and they seized this aud made a rush for tho door. The woman kucw just what they were preparing for, and she softly unbolted ono of the blinds and swung it back until she could sec them. Ono of the panes of glass was go. e and she rested the revolver iu this openiog, took deliberate aim at tho man nearest her, and when sho pulled the trigger ho fell down and expired with scarcely a hick, having been shot through tho heart. The other immedi ately ran away, but took a circuit and came back to the wounded man. Then the cursing, raving and storming were renewed, and the wounded man prop ped himself up and emptied tho con- ' j tents of his Winchester and his revolver into tho door and window blind. Mrs. j Clark had warning, and she sat down nu the floor iu a corner. Some of the bul | lets fell inside, but sho was in a safe j placo. When tho wounded outlaw had | exhausted his ammunition lie called up on his companion to beat the door in with a rock lying near by, and threaten ed him with death if he did not. Mrs. Clark was looking out of the window, and she says : "The man was thoroughly afraid of me, more so than of his friend, and ho refused to obey, saying there had been nonsense enough, and lie would now help tho other way. He stood looking toward the cabin as he talked, aud I »aw the wounded man slip a cartridge into | his revolver and raise the weapon and fire. Tho bullet was meant to kill, but j it did not even wound, and tho uian turned, drew his own weapon, und fired tliteo bullets into the would-be assas sin's body, causing his death in a min ute or two. He did not go near the body, but waved Ins hand to tnc as a | token that I was not to be disturbed, | and then got the horses together, strap- I ped the rifles to the saddles, and rodo away as hard as he oould go." The woman soon left the eabiu and took her way homeward, but was mot by j her husband and three catlln hunters | about a mile away. The threo latter I pursued tho fugitive for niiltjj, securing | two of the horses, and exchanging sever al shots, but he finally got safely away. A large New York tobacco manufac turer declares that un appalling amount I ot valcrinu and opium arc used iu the manufacture of eigarottos, and that arsenical preparations are used in bleach j ing cigarette papers.—Kx. A straight lino can be drawn through \ seventy-live miles of Iho Indian River, Florida, without touching shore. It is [culled the struightest river in the world. THE SENSATIONS OF THE DYING. It is doubtlesn llie ease that in many instances—and perhaps they are the majority —dying pontons lapse gradually j into an unconsciousness that ends their ' bodily pain, ami saves them t'roiu tho anguish of the final parting with thoso j they leave behind. It is not un.-ommon, J however, for clearness of comprehension )to persist to tho last, and perhaps it is I still more common for sonio of the spc- I cial senses to preserve there activity. We think it was Ernest Wagner who, 'in bit "General I'ithology," dwelt par I t icularly ou the preservation of the sense |of hearing in many cases long after the ' apparent occurrence of unconsciousness, ! and who tenderly cautioned his readers tlut this possibility could be borne in mind. The following touching account of the late Dr. Wilson Fox's last mo jients when his friend Dr. J. Russell Reynolds was at his bedside, is given in the Lancet's obituary : "On the next morning when obviously and consciously dying, and after his eyes had been fixed for a few minutes on the angle of the room and some gray streaks of dawn were catering, it, he said suddenly "There is a great light, a glare of liglil, * * * I feel so strange * * * a glara of light. What is i', Reynolds V The reply was : 'lt is the peace of God.' 110 grasped his friend's hand firmly and said, 'God bless you."—New York .Medical Journal. THE HOME OFTITK BRIGHTEST YELLOW LEAF Away lip among tho rocky cliffs of the Alleghany mouutains in Western ! North Carolina arc stuck here and there- j rough cabins—tho home of the rough 1 naturcd, but brave and whole souled uioU'jtaiuoors. Around these cabins are little patches of cultivated laud where tho native usually grows his '-crap of tobacker." This tobacco when proper ly cared far, and seen on the market is noted for the fineness and silkiness of its I texture and always commands the lngh- I est prices. The home of this leaf is peculiar to its growth. The elevation is frequently 3,000 feet above the level of the sea, i and the plant grows free from all taints jof atmospheric trouble. It expands bo il noatli the rays of most grateful sunshine, and is sweetened and flavored by the aromatic dews of these high latitudes. No wonder that its texture is fine. It does not grow large but wnat it loses in size it gains in delicious quality. The mountaineer eut, it in the yellow Au tumn, dries it iu the sunshine, or in a rough built barn, and then he begins to use the yellow leaves for his own pur- j poses. What he has left above his own | j needs comes for sale to our Eastern i ivaichouses, but rarely ever brings its i | full value for people rarely known its , i real worth.— Southern Tuborco Journal. WITHOUT COAL OR WOOD. PnTHtIITRO, PA., Juno 18.— Penn sylvania railroad engine 408, Engineer Burbauks, that brought mail train No. 10 west from A) toon a, arrived prompt ly on time la>t night without a pound of coal or a stick of wood to make the steam. Ibis was tho first engine that hfis ever attempted to run west of the | Allaghcny mountains with crude potro- ! leutu as the only fuel. The pipes from ! t e 600-gallon tank of crude oil on the j tender did the business. About ten 1 | barrels of oil were ctnsumcd iu the run I 1 whrcli was a thorough success from stai t to finish. Tho process is the invention ! jof a Russian scientist. Tho sesnnd ' section of the day express cast pulled I out of the Union station at 0 o'clock J | this morning drawn by tho sauic engine and with the same kind of fuel. Pas- | scngcrs aud trainmen aro loud in its praise. PUNU»ST"VNUKF. riiere is something better than the gift of tongue; it is tho art of holding tho tongue.— Home Journal. Never make a wager with a woman You may be sure that no woman bets unless she has a suro thing. Lowcl! ; Citizen. Patient (dissatisfied with dietary res trictions) —Say, Doc, I'm blamed if I J ' I am going to starve to death just for the ] 1 ] s ike of living a little longer.— Shroud j | and Casket. ! The new Mayor of Cliicogo is overrun | j with office seekers. He is trying to I catch tho measles so that he, can give j i theni all something, but he is afraid | > there won't bo measles enough to go ' rouud.— Phil. Sumlay Call. STATE NEWS. The President sliouk hands with two hundred and fi'iy-thrcc North Carolina Teachers on Saturday. Milton Jtdvertirr From what we cau lcaru from the farmers, tho crop of tobaeoo {•hinted is about 00 per ccnl of a full crop, and that is doing poorly. !t is not growing off at all well and is quite backward. Salon: Press Francis P. Patterson, of this placu lots been appointed, by the President, Register of tbo Land Offioe at Lcwiston, Idaho, to lake tho place of Pat Winston, resigned Mr. I'itlorson is a bright and clever young gentleman, and no doubt will fill tho placo accepta bly. Faycttcville rr We learn that during the extreme hot weather of | the past few days, the heat of the sun iias caused the trick on tho 0. P. & Y. V. Railroad between Sanf ird and Egypt to expaud in several places, and form a perfect 8. Trains have to run with much caution. Tho rails will have to be cut to straighten thorn. Winston Daily In reply to letters of inquiry in regard to the tobacco crop ill this section it is learned that the be lief is that if the season is good there will be about two-thirds of an ordinary crop. Warehousemen say they expect to have to pay more money for the coming crop than for the last, as they think the grade will be higher though the quan tity will be smaller. Cor. Dan Valley Echo: —The factor ies on Deep river, in Randolph county, furnishing employment aud good wages I to many hundreds of hands, and these | have not felt any hard times. Regular i work, good houses with guldens attach ed, they seem to have plenty and are happy I here are three factories at Raudloinau, which turn-out daily not less than thirty or forty thousand yard, of plaids Webster's Weekly: We want Rock ingham to have a fruit, grain, tobacco und grass fair this lall. The ladies should also have an opportunity nt the same time to display their handiwork iu quills, preserved fruits, ete. It is an old saying that if it rains on the firsi dog day it will continue to do so until •log days end. If this bo so we are in for a modern deluge. A joker tells the poor editor how to exist on apples alone during apple time, but makes no provision for Ihc winier, but we will not cry wolf till tho wolf is at the door, for indications point to a good persimmon crop. His receipt to thoso interested is Eat apples for breakfast, apples at noon, and swell up for supper. « Lenoir Topic. The blackberry crop, : like all of the others: is full aud will be jan important item for this county. It I is said that tho crop within the stock law I 1 boundary is much superior to that of past years and that it will improve year by year lu March Mr. 11. V Thomp son sold out his Bromine and Alum Springs in Ashe county for 81,000 to the present company that is bottling aud shipping the water on such a grand sale. The sale was made ill this wiso : Somc | time previously ho sold to Dr. L. C. i Gentry of Jefferson, a fouitb interest in I the property for §lO upon condition | that he should try to sell the- springs and [ should be responsible for the cost of ad i vertising, &o. The doctor sold for SI,OOO aud made a clear SUSJO out of | the speculation.' Raleigh Proif restive Farmer Dr. | G. A. Footc, of Warrenton, reports a lot of clovci that is 5 feet 11 inches high, and ii is estimated will yield at least 12 000 pouuds per aero. Is there | an aero of cotton in Warren county that j will yield us much profit ' Dr. C. I W. Dabney has secured sufficient funds for thu weather signal service to estab lish 100 signal stations in our State. This, he proposes to do before the oarly frosts, so as to give our farmers the full benefit of its walk. Reports of the weather will be sent to each station dally. The central slat on will be at Ralei»ii The Tobacco Convention will meet at Morehetd City ou tho 17th of Au gust Truly this is a day of organiza tion, and wo trust the farmers of the State and of the whole country will heed tho lesson I hat is being present d to j them by ull other classes and interests { ar.d ' go and do likewise." Jjcttcrs j from all parts of the Slate, indicate I better crops and uiorc hopeful feeling I among the farmers than wo have had for ! a long number of years. Commissioner | liobiuson, says that the July reports ! are .loumig in and plenty aud gladness I are sniiFug on all the land. Ttikfl care | of your crops, aud be prudent and get ... dof liens i,id mortgages. NO. 1 PICKINGS. i From the Wilmington Star. Tin iv will be $36,000,000 loss in tho Treasury on Ist September limn on Ist , July. Col. J. M. Smith is the Georgia far mer king. He lias a farn rated at §IOO,OOO. A vote in the liritish House of Com mons makes the coercion (crimes) bilk > permanent. After the Ist of May, 1888, stores will not be allowed in Kailroad cars ia New York Sta'e. | The mass of the Northern soldiors do not seem to be very greatly exercised over the flag fluri'y. A Northern paper thinks Mr. Cleve land saves §35,000 annually as be docs not entertain much. General Mas ten Workman I'otvderly says tlio Anarchists arc uot wanted by the Knights of Labor and must go. Mr. Corcoran, the benevolent banker is sufficiently recovered from his attack of paralysis, to go to Deer Park for re -1 cuperation. A cyclone passed over New Prospect, Louisiana, and other hamlets, doing much damage. Fight lives arc known to have been lost. The heroine of the month is Miss ' Wakefield, who saved a six years old child tiy jumping overboard with it when the steamer Champlaiui was burned. There is a scheme afoot in New York i to annex Canada. The organization H i known as the "American Annexation J League." There arc Canadian inem r bars. Kmpiror Doui Pedro, of Hrazil, fa vors a bill before the Chambers of Del egates to provide fur the freeing of 1 ,'200,000 slaves within the next two years. Tliey Invc a startling rumor in Geor gia that convicts were "shot down like dogs" for refusing to work on Sunrfay. Suiely there must be an error some where. i Philadelphia proposes lo speud $lO - on a Fourth of July celebration. All I North Carolina will no! spend SIO,OOO i in erecting a monument to the memory s of her forty thousand dead who died in s her defence. ( More than hall a million dollars havo r been subscribed to purchase a site for tlio proposed Cathedral in New York. I J.J. Astor, ('. Vanderbilt and P. \V, ( James hayo each gived §IOO,OOO for that purpose, UK I EPS ADRIFT. It is reported from hrazil that, mon j. keys have been trained to work in tlio field aud that they give satisfaction. Lynchburg, Va., July 5. The prcs i idont "f the Tobacco Association reports i that the sales of tobacco during Juno 1 amounted to 42,000,000 pounds. It is now said that the Delaware peach crop will bo short indeed this year and that the 8,000,000 baskets cxpcct- ed have dwindled down until there is I not more than 1,500,000 baskets in sight. r The New York Chinese mission has f between 4,000 and 5,000 Celestials in its Sunday-scools. About sixty havo joined the various churches. The first j Sunday-school for these poople was K founded in Now York eighteen years I a U" n People who want land can be aoooin -1 modated for awhile yet. There arc still • 9,000,000 acres of public land in Color • ado, 12,000,000 in Arizona, 30,000,000 in California, 49,000,000 in Dakota, • 7,000,000 in Florida, 41,000,000 in Idaho, 7,000,000 in Minnesota, 41,000,. 1 000 in Utah, 20,000,000 in Washington e 'territory, and some millions of acres in ' other States and Territories. t Preparations for tho celebration, in . Philadelphia next Scptciubei, of tho . centennial of tho Federal Constitution c are being actively pushed. Ponnsylva ,l ma has appropriated $75,000 for tho o purpose of the celebration, and other s State appropriations havo been made as s follows Massachusetts $40,000 ; Con o nccticut $5,000; Delaware $2,600; g Khodo Island $2,5(10. New Jersey, , r Virginia and South Carolina have also r made appropriations. Tho Governors s of all tho States and Territories have e j I'Con invited lo the celebration, and havo ;t | been asked to send representatives o( their militia.

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