OKO. W. IHXSHAW V )I. .Mr.UKAIiIS, HtNSHAW & MEDEARIS, WHOLESALE AND ItETAIL MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN FOURTII STREET, WINSTON, N. C. :)0(: — )0(: ANXOL!NC K M K N T. To our I'ir/'im: / rnvUhr Public —Tlie population of Yvinston was about 43(1 when out Mr. lliiishaw arrived here minotuAii years ago. fiuoc the ilay of his arrival ho has done whatever lie could to build up and develop the agtuulturnl in terests to build up a home market for all tho products grown in this section and to aid in making a country and town that would be the pride of the State, he invested the first money in the tobaeeo business and put up the first Tobacco Warehouse built in Winston, and, in conjunction with others, held three s iccesfful Whuat and ('attic Fairs here which resulted in a favorable revolution in wheat, grass and stock growing, and caused Forsyth county to bo tho banner county at the State Kxposilion During the nineteen years ho has had a trade and patronage that he is proud of and to ln« customer* lie returns thanks. Now with increased facilities, increased capital and accurate knowledge of the needs and want* of the country, with a thoroughly organized and long established business, wo feel that we are in better position to merit trade than ever before. In our different departments can be found a Complete Lino of Merchandise all bought in (juantittcs as low as money anil .experience will buy. In the eleven moms of out tuiv buildings and in our two warehouses will 1 i\,:ui a i;roater vurlet v nt* merchandise than can Is found in auv uthi't" liuuse iti Western Norla 'ai'ulin.i. Fa'lll TS' Supplies and («rocct tcs ul Everv Kiiul. BTAVI.K llAllllWAitE. E\('Kl,si>|; COOK STOVES, TIN AM) W«»OI)E\ WAKE, DUV UOODS AND NOTIONS OK EVEKY DlM'liliTlON, SIIOHs, HOOTS, HATS. Jr.. Our ladies' dress L'"'i*ls, notion and shoe department is in charge of Mr. .Min A, lltuumaiel Miss L Hie Ue.n-ee, and will is l 111.111 compute than ever liel'iire and will lie sold r intir\thly /uir. AH 'h> I'l'/i. v tirr invit* Itu rxwti nr this th jhii 'mi ill. Our wholesale depureniciit is represented in the house liv N. 11. Siedearis, W. T. 1 'oir.ilexter, of Yadkin county, and lliHHi M, ii.ise, of Davie count v. and on the road byC. tinndmati, of Kockltighaiti county. OIMJ GRAIN, FLOUR, MKAT AXI) heavy Lr«»iS'i\ d'pailmcm is In chaiul A. I». Wright, of (,'liailiam county. assisted l»v \\ . .Sprinkle and Keehard Westmore land, (I'Ko sylli. .1. M. .Martin, of Stokes, and 11. C. Ilolman, of Davie county, together with all the oilier sah'sinen, are always reacfy to wait on customers in the general retail departments; while the well known and 4 'Old Reliable" Carter Murehead continues t« move the poods !•» and from the railroad and t«» deliver through town. We carry a larce stork t 'lioice Red and Sapling Clover seed Orchard Gross, ll'rd> Grass, Kentucky Illne (Jr.UB and Timothy Seed*—wholesale and retail at lowest prices. Btar Brand Special Tobacco Manure and Star Brand Guano, two of the most toliaido brands of I'tnadc. Messrs. Allison A: Addison, the manufacturers, assure ns they w ill not change tin quality of th« wllent I Mtili/.ers, c\c pt to improve them —a are co list ant iy striving to do. Kach successive season shew; ■lore clearly I e of cultivating less land manuring more TtberaHv and growing onl) fine tobacco. Th" Star Brand Spoda Tobacco Miiiiinv, .i> a p'odue *r of the desirable grades that are always saleable at m»od prices, is not excelled— while the Gtiouo stand at the heml if the list of fertili/.eri for i»eiK»r»l crops. The price of the Special Tobacco Manure will l>e lower than heretofore, [iy-h HsjiutifC to iu-ini ' ■■ i l/mt i' 'ill sell I'irt ilizt rs mi turn to jnir*ii.s re tut trill >.w rr th> jmyiiu nt lut/onil nutation. CREDIT IN RETAIL DEPARTMENTS! We IH'5 to say to nir c ':r.«£ that, having only one price for goods at retail and the profits Itcing very small, we cannot afford to si I on credit, We make iu:> ; thlic statement so that if any one who has herolotore run an account with its is referred to tin' linn of or t« 4. W. Brown, ou i «•!.!!• will not bo oflbuded. Wowilldowba wo can to uiako it to yonr intamtto trade wiUi |if and cor *lially invite all to i> . i c.vuniinc our stock and prices. Yours Verv Truly, IIINSIIAW MKDEAKIS. 5 °«a34 BEAST! Mexican Mustang Liniment CTmSlfll Soiatioft, , Scratches. I Contrasted Lumbago, Sprains. Hnaclea, Rheumatism. Strains, Sinptiona, Bnrn«» Stitches, Hoof Ail, Bcalds, Stitf Joint®, I Screw Stings, Backache, Worms, Bites, Galls, Swinney, Bruises, Sores, Saddle Galls, Bunions, Spavin Files. Corns, Cracks. THIS GOOD OLD STAND-BY accomplishes for everybody exactly what lsclalincl for If. One of ibo reasons f«>r the great popularity of the Mustang Liniment I found In It* uulvr-real applicability*. EveryN>«!y needs such a medicine. Tbe I.uuiberiiuin teed* it tu .'use of accident. Tbe lluuac*vife uec-Un It for gi neralfamily use. Tbe Cannier needs it f»»r his teams and his men. Tl>« Mcckautc needs 11 always on hid work beach. Tbe Miner needs It In cn«o of emergency. Tbe Plaacer need* It—cau'tget along without it. Tbe Farmer needs it la bin house, bis stable, and his stock yard. Tbe Mteambont man or the Hon turn u needs It In libera! supply ufluat an.l ashore. The' Horee-fanrier ueeds It—lt is bl.« bent friend and safest reliance. The Stock-grower needs It—lt will save him thnubands of dollar* and a world of troublo. Tho Hal I road inr.ii needs It and will need It no long us his life Is a round of accldcntd and d«Uig«T«. The Baakwoodsman needs It. There Is noth ing llko It as an antidote for tho dangers to life, llm!i and comfort whloh surround the pioneer. The iKcrcbuut needs It about his store among his employees. Accidents will huppen, and when these oome the llutitanj; Lluimcnt la wanted at once. Keep a Bottle tu t!ic House. 'Tis tho best of economy. Keep n Boiilo In the tuetory. Its Immediate use In rase of accident saves pain and 1oj»s of wa^rs. Keep a Uottlo \lwuysin tbe Stable for ■ao when wanted. ONLY S2O. Us Style PMMelpMa Siier. Other eoon|»nics rlwirp- 'rem Ho to |e). A com plete ast of attachment* w Ith wvb machine Alio Johnm Ruffler, Joliiikh. TncW. and »*>x "f F.»nr Hemnu-r* uml n Hiud«r. 15 IlAYfi' TIIIAL In your own homo bwlin* you |«v '»ns rent E*ery auchlnr WABKA.VrEb FOB :i YEAH*. Bend for Circular. C. A. WOOD COMPANY, 17 Mvrtb lOth HI., l*biii««!el|iliin. Fa. 000- WHY JfOTL-oot ness men and State official*. Indl vldaal Instruction. Traehlng by TVaeory and Aetna practice what other* t*ach by theory only. Cat/ilofru containing full Information and testimonial!! frr address J. Q. DU3SBMi.K, M A ,Pr«*Sltl. ut, Staunton. V flßl/fD7|C?RS or othe»», who wish to««amin faUvhll I IviCViV this paper,or obtain e«timst« cm advefttung space when in Chicago, will find it on fila * 9mAd*sdVi 'gAgencyc' LQ&D £THOMAS Foi PRICE LIST ON JJJ/ CATALOGUE OF JOB PRINTINQiiftMIit SCHOOL BOOKS W. B. WILLIAMSON, SUCCESSOR TO II 'ILL /. I. WSOJV s• CORRIE, llook*cfilci* 9 Stationer, AND ,j STEAM POWEII PRINTRII When you want F UST-CL ASS JOli I'lUNTlN'i send yuur ordets to tlieui pecial discount to Teachers and Mcrchuiita on School Uooko. Depository SCUOOI BOOKS adopted by State Hoard Education. They Snu furnish you with any book published. GEO E. XISSEN & CO., w agon Ma 11 ufacturcrs, SALEM, N-C --r Very Best work at Lowest Prices. Steel Thimble Skeins without extra charge. Large stock at Capt. J. E. Gil mer's in Winston. Call and sec them. I _ —. NOTICE. When you no lo Win,ion took m,t Jor the JVev, Bnck Store [next to Hinttov i lii/nitm's) r>f ?, H. General Merchandise Broker.- Aw nt fur Stan ilni.l C.x-«i... 1.V,,t...- Ml. Mo ru-ioMid M-rrjm«.i» Diss..! Doiies. All high prudes and quick to act. r ( . I AIjSO KEEP A STOCK OF 0 . j Carries, Buggies, and l'ledmont Wagon* on hand, which I will aell very ( iikai*. o_ al V- DEALER IN in# tee Flour, t'orn, Wheat, Oats ami Hay In small nr lnrp*?r lol» to suit the Imyoi. t You «'an tiive money by tpviiit; mc a call beitu* you buy clm;* lion 1 any tiling »ii ni, »i line. Oon't lull to give me a call. t (| Jr FURNITURE! FURNITURE! II IK M~r.it or ISVTHIM 1> Till! riIKNITUIIE LINE, e P From a cradle to a collin, or burrial robe, a :e h GO TO >i ; CICEftO USE, East oft ho .Court House square, Winston. N. C. in JSelow you will find a lint of sonv "I the articles that may be seen on the four floors of his oxtcusivo furuiturc house. KltHClllCllt. al • r« 1 Manufacturing, inul« k « i.iUin*;. rcpaSi gs!o •*. I*l lioor. to r 'hauilier si.iU of walnut, anil, anil cherry. Ohromos, wardrolies, sitlo hoards, center tilde.*, secirtantfe. writing desks, refrigerators, ans, «»i 1 paintlugs, cngraivinpi, ~ chromes. cliM'ks, tin \».ite * •'(?». limn' ISt !>, I scis, tji !» \i«• of a!l kinds, tin ware, I* knlvcsond fork.-, pldui. ! .*l.l mirrors, wall paper, ami all kinds of window shades. 2il floor. s Chrap chamber M*UI, lied steadd from $2.50 to chairs from 50c to $12.50 eaeb. loiinm'N. |tarlor auits, and baby carriages. 3l floor. Collins. iipbolsteriiu; uood.s, burial rubes, extension table*, mattresses of al I kinds, so fas, cradles, and crilw, wash stands, l»«»d springs, fine lot of carpals and matting, oil clotli, nip*. piu** hair matting made from the leaves or needles of the long leafed pine of North Carolina. SALESMEN, \>. t\ i»r..N 11», T. 1,. LK.STU , 1). C\ M.VHTIN, M. W. NOKKI.KKT, j. s. SC'AI.KS , 11. J. Cut ir, Au lionet r. >N A. \V» ? n t:, « t lb>ekiiigl>am Co., Floor Manager, il. XI. JhsM r, ct Mi ki s Co., Ass't Flout Manager. PIEDMONT WAREHOUSE. w i >Kr», >. t \ For the SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO •Hi fOf 1— lii commencing; a new Tobacco year, we desire to thank our friends for the patron* age in the past. We promise renewed ef forts in their behalf iu the future, we guarantee prices equal to any house in Winston. There will he an active de . maml for all good, bright Tobaccos during i the Fall trade. Don't forget the place and - name— PIEDMONT. M. W. NORFLGET& CO i^fisebmieT £>■ LEADING CLOTHIER Greensboro, N. C. >i TO ALL CLOTIIINO BUYERS. We lieg to announce that oi.r various spring and summer .specialties are now reailv for inspection. OUR STOCK E J/BRACES ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods. Our line of flue Dress Suits Is tlie largest anil lliKst ever shown in North Caro lina. Our assortment of llals anil Furnishing Goods far surpasses all previous exhib its. \ our patronage is repecll'iilly solicited. All we a.-k is a call lo convince you that our sUK-k is the la gest and our prices the lowest you have ever * Yen Respectfully, F. FISHBLATE, i) C. M. VASSTOBV, Manager. r. S.—Suits made lo older from samples a specialty. Orders by mail receive prompt (trillion. a 9 This Space is Xftken |>y f ; R. R. CRAWFORD, DEALERS IN HARDWARE, YY iiiNtoii, N. €. r - —-— — ■' i in i* PAIHTSI —i —tot—ll- For hiu.l.j MWil faints— lo to Aslicraft P""" Turpentine—jo to Asheraf.A Owens , Owens, Winston N. C. (druggists. For Lewis II hit? Lead —go U> Ashcraft] Vor Colors Dry and in Oil —gotoAsheraft .v Owens, Winston N\ C. A Owens, Winston, N. C. For I.iwmil Oil —go to Aahcraft A Owens, for I'uin' lirwdui i—go to Aslierufl & Ow ilruggists. -ns, druggists. For VarnixkeM Awl Dryer —go to Asli- For all kinds of— Paint* urn/ Painter craft tS Owens, Winston, X. C\ Material* CO TO ASHCRAFT OWENS, DRUGGISTS, WINSTON TV. C. wTTT.TiRowiT F. C. BROWN When yon come 10 Winston Look out for the GILDED MORTER over —BROWN H BROWN'S DRUG STORE. where you will save money by purchas-. ing your FAMILY MEDICINES Garden Seeds, &c., W r e also keep the largest Stock of PAINTS and OILS in W inston, ad we pro pose selling them as cheap as any body else. W r e otter special inducements to country murchauts when they are in need of any thing in our line, such OIL, LAUDANUM, PAREGORIC and Essences of all kinds, we will sell as cheap as you can buy them in large cities Dont foriret to give us a trial when yon come to H inston. Very Truly, BROWN & BROWN.