rriiTiTi «T\ a • ' ! D |7 I -■ IHiii - 1 ■- _ ij VOLUME X VI. Reports a tti *V>w. »»rr.i. " i \ A . DANrV""'. F. C |>, y > f '• . A* i'.", ' •| %i . or 'v. . • . i'. it\, Oim v n • t-" n b. : • '.aii or vt>%rr.t; *> 'I • «" »* l«* •> 1• • " IV> ' ' Ifl t'mtr— ;'o • i» . ■ '!*«**'• " '•* i i v • «. • • .«•.'• ''w ■ •' «• • •• ••«•;> •f •j»»O ts ' . . >«J • I .u: . .no i'•!»•»' .«%> i j i ten - " . ~ , ! MHWiI > : "• ' _ ""llu.ll «l ■ ■ • * ' 1 '*» e. »..»a.>. fltcF&&lO '.t/.kfifitis: | \R, L n. i ) •/■ ATTORNEY AT LAW Ml Aii y N, (J. S.weli'l attention :-i •» .lie« io" • i RIAL HIS. W. F. C.'JRI IIC , - | Mrro'S 'sr- sr It' irv >IT. Alll\|6UlUiV CO., N.C J .1 «!!««- V.I «.1 \ 1 '• > »*!»•• I-H > ■ IMI THE MC'ADOO HOUSE, GBEESSBOnO, X.. CILIS. D. I'l H \ o.\J'fo'r. | Hei tlio largest, must elcg.»i lly fovn- ■ Wi~*. ani V "'.If 1 c msof any Hotel in the or..'. F. DAT, ALUMiT JO.M - Day &, Jorxc^, manufacturer* oi M ABQLKUT.II Ai: n l M«. SM W. Bciliw«Me Mice;, ii.tU-i »• HJCUARD WOOD hAM'I. ' N • OURT UKNUKIIHO.N J.V «• "W. '>*•* O.V WOOD, BACON" & CO JOMHtli* 1 QuJ ilil »v> • • ns r GOOD .vofj-).\ w, WHITE (ruo/is. i:rc. .No*. W -.111 Muil( i !- ■ • i PHIL Ai EI I'l ' I". P.liiKb 1 ."V CUT M ICA for mU will fiud it to their interesv to "»»»«sp«nd with A. 0. SCHOMNM \KKR 158 William S:."t . \ • 6. E. Lht'l'Wl-i. Willi n met, kIu:TT & ■ KICHJIuNt' vr A., Wlp'-nV '• in BOOTS, BHO.BS, Tt:llNK3. S:C. Plow." »'i' i lion jfanriu' ?«• • , pf'w, li ' St. • ■ 1 MllUt w. -V. 1 ' ; -° • u w. ro ; co.. \TUOfj' V UI'V Dr l«S' ' PAir.'ir. o> uvf.s, TAn.Msnr- F>e>.CQ bik'. Americ a WtKDOW eiiAW- Pli'l'TV, i:C!. K.'.illi:lNG AJ ' C.lll WiMi 010APP, Tti iAt t-'O A Sfll lim 130* B iL> . tvic UO'Ott, V..; GEO. 3IEW ART, Tin aud Sheet Iron Manu i'accuver, H i l%. > f • ROOFING. GUTTt uMG AND -POUT ING done at s' o.i. t-. .**. Keepi cuntla.i'ly > •' »" " l " " t!o*l:iiV 11(1 'I"" 11 ' '' SUMMER MILLINERY AND STAPLE NOTIONS CONSISTING OK Wtrsi. Hwlfi'J z»i»ii>i- i«"« tbe bf«t am' mo-« Reliable CUR->£ Tvioi I»i« i »»' Bonnet*, lo tui; J ic» jli«i)> first iUm l ' I'/.i'i'i u H"t '1 Foi .uain, \,NSTON, N. 0. Mix N- S- Duvui- Hrs Stanton & Merritt, Winston N. C. DKALKUB IN—. Millinery and Fancy broods i>li:Sl, TniM IKD HATS, I.ACI.S K%i ' UKOIDIIU ,1 . Main Street m ill ly opposite ilic Certr U*ul. ■y* : - 'J / Cor.it.urt> .l.ln . IU ' i" 1 . ' i WY- ' - • v jt - ■'-• •• t -- -1,. * I 1 . j. • .! ' i ■ ! ?k 'v ; j • f •i " ! 1 t.tf:■■■' in .-f || ««LT.. , I' '' ' - l'- ■1 I I PHILADELPHIA, f' | ~j hi UN Ki) \ ' | : i A* yo i \ .ihir hr:«!th, pcr!iaj>. Jf. c : 1 . ««c'. I pack. •• nll'suic yr. •til • l. •'•i' *. ' : 1 i the-iv.l /. X;:!tl« ' m : » i«. ' j ! ou /r«*nt »'t '"..••i, , • o • . • 1110 K«Mlliintl.H(go.t.K.. > . ■ ..I V I ! a.-It "• » » ; , ' auou .cr uJ GO TO I. ibw® " V , \VinsiOn. TV. '• l'Olt OOOD IT,. •. ••• Fl.m'.. Sl..»c' Iron intl Tloiuti iu:ulo '(inwuio at I l > i , leo« Al*. RtxTn■« "nl «i>t!e• 1i»» at shore notice. »; norru.l l-!tlCl>. >' ;i t T 6- 1 y IF yOQ INTEND TO 13'JY A.'iy I liij 1,4 .:i the ' HAR&E3S LINE J LOOK yOB TilH Bsc*. «?ED saddle, j Sauti .r-st Ccr. jf dour'. H'-.use Square ! ITci- i's&r/: T"Vi! & Sv. "iskron, j lIA IS. I.J ! M ' ... 'I. I, Alls. It I." !■ ' I ivilir?. ' \ Hi • • ' I \".! • K I ».* Uti vj ; . .v. . , i■; * «\iu i i . \ ;»>. • i j %.o '*i. • do Colt • / >. ■» i l!cv?;i» « ; t • 4 .. I i:.ilo : -: N. ('. lour* T- J. W. Wiufitor. is- j. /Joo. fi S'anh. " Having r*»»iu?U ovr. IMill, » Door, Su ii unci »'i 1 1* i'»rv. *•»»« i lit- Ictl i*. i}» wiili «i *ic » uru '.ti tvy of tlie latest MINI II (»Ht a| jn«ivi ii {luttcriis, wo aronow ji-r, -rr l to (fo ;il ! Sml.> of work i. .• li 'C » • ilie v - TV - \\'v n. oto, DOOKS, fc \ II Door Kruiiio>- Witi4o-v l*r.iuif»-. Hraok* j " clff f 4 \ow»:l>. I NIEN, Portli COIUIUIKS, nml r arc propped lo ilo t»li kinds »f Stroll S:\wing, i urniog, c Vc. We cany in stock U'caibeibo. tiling, 1 loorin*;, (.Vil ing, \V ui"s:otat y i*««l n(l kinds »i cd L m.lx i Ssu Framing Lumber, Shingles, Lath*, Lime, Cement, Plaster, I i Plastering llair soul nil kind* ot HuiKl ; cr»' supplies. Call mitt see us or write •or o««» pric. i hcfoio buying elsewhere. MILLEfi DiiOS-, WINSTON, N. C. liroini Rogers >%' ('o W holoian le and Retail II A HOW A 1 { JO l.ui'ge lino oi STOHV S i.i \\ irtntoil. Agi'icultvirnl Implements MACHTNKItV ofnllkinds lUII.YESS . I.\D S.I DOLES&c --\ IKII \ TV, OILS, " IK.YISIIKS, Src ® Special illeniitul ntpH'tl lo l/itir ff'/zll ( lipjH Phtv % *. M , j s]gents D»pnii f \ o/l (•int wr'l kiioum r llif /f- Po'"( ( er l.v . _ .x •• "«» |s. |»4 lalf M 't •IJMHpi.""' , . . ■ T ' -v" '■ Vj . SEPTEMHER 22. 1887. 1 :*'w'. " '"-.if 4 {'A." 'i V • " > I ; c... ,■ I Il '"Jt ' . V l ! .1 I liILII'S ...\;v '„>iiK -v. lt'«J>rl'. it ..ll'' '• " ,i 1 . .» lit .'il I.'!' !|"« :l ' '•> i'-i- v • li \» is ; i.it* wo.k .>i" "(Mil .i r..l l.'t . In.: 10 lllil' tlttl • '■l \t:is' ilIf. .-lalplil .tot. ■ 1 1 I'l - all tls.i'ii "'. til'" 'l■'*■ 11. > i iraitcil ,*ior Jt.ii'), my will, -n. i Go.l kiiottsl can't to iliink. t «l .UiVn kuo»nw4 Till llie wild dark nlglit alie tlletl, , ' "Win n I feun.l Iwr lyiiu so fi.1.l ami , \inl that nett-liuni cliiltl hy her sl.lo. , | • "The little lass, si', has grown, sir— j I.ast .In::.' .-.he t'':.s . years o|.l . Alitl what she has )»'.'ii to me, sir, Can never on . artli he tolil. ••When tki.l, tlu'ie was no one t• inii.il lit l ' I'.u! a woman aslit.-.l next tl'".r ; An.l .'he given to think, ton, la'l her tall one day 011 the floor. •■And ever since, the } oor .'reatnr' ll.is lu*. 1 11 lame W illi a crooked knee ! | So I'd often lift her up in my arms To lake her about with me. [ -For I really loved tlin poor mite, sir, Anil lit r sweet little eyes of blue Was as bill" and as briglil as hn motlier** | tvor, Amllhey look 1 i ine through and .'One nit;.l \a. of. to 'lie 'pitllli I'd Ui'.'n ilrinki" already—'t.t.i-. An 11 to. k lift I. M' >• to 'ai-ry he., lint 1 CMS: i'l V. '.U Iplil. -'l-.'-'hU ' ."Oh daddy, doil't S"! she uhis|ifie.l, But I .|iiiek"!ic I my druiiKen pace, Au.l 1 »."ii: 'Notanother word, young'llll, Or I'll ive )"u a >.'ai» In the fat.-.' "I was brutal, air—l know it; liut the devil was in uie then. And wlieu lit; gets hold of us with the drink We arc only brutes—not men. • Vml the little lass, nbe wor quiel, Hut 1 felt a hot tear fall r Aud it seemed to burn right Into my iiand Though she wiped il oil' with her uliaw'. ' , '-Straight Into n.y soul it enter. .! ! It 111 It.'d mv hartletiod l:"art; | So I said : Til Imiue, h:*a.'-.' j That night iju.'tie .1 new v art. ' 'Now. i-v -ry morning aud evening, 1 kneel, and with heart silKVre I bless III) 1 'O'l for saving : l soul. By the touch of a little one's tear.'* T/.f Qui rc'r. A MODDI.K I'AR.M. 3 1 V t. v.liy iiftcraooti iu company with , ! 1111 l.ijti.ly . lU'.i tellow citizuu, (!t.o. j 11. Snow fplcn.r.'l farm situated nlinut two aud :i I hull miles «iuthwe.»t, of tlii.- 5 city, and I.'hat w" iw convinced us that he is as f ' a suecesi of agriculturist ns a 1 a,f ir. Mr Snow Ita ill the t, act eve. owe - lumircil and twouty-/ivo ucti , scv ' eilly-i 'vo of whicli are in cotto'i and (ii'ty |iu OJ.ru. Beside* this lie h.i !',• n L . . - I iu sw let potatoes, ten in t;ra;i and teti .ti | >oa. - - ine juper, i: ndotK of tlu furiu is lir the i.autls of Mr J isej-lj V. .dw&rd, a sober mid iudustri ut i nan, who is in aii respects a eoinpelo.it and expert farmer. We . noticed thai the cotton was well bowled • and gives pre. nu'eo of an unusually prol ■ ! ilic yield, while the corn, both high anil ■ lowland, is welt si looted, giving promise r of a yield of over " hundred barrels. | With proper season."' and without any I drawbacks of a seriot. « nature, Ml. Snow J will realize handsome returns. A view j of the premises su all tlreir surrouudinga ! was a source of uiurli pit msnre, from its 1 delightful situation, presenting aroman ' tie and lovely landscape i.i all directions 1 He lias over three hundred acress of as line fanning land as there is in thccoun , ty, aud, if he is as succcMfut iu all Ilia 1 future agricultural undertakings, as he ' proves to be this reason, he may, like Horace tireely, be able t» tvrito a book on what 'I know about farming." Ihe farms adjacent to utnl iu the vi cinity of Mr. SnowV art; lnn!;lnj» s'iIOII t did and gives assurance of maguifteitit yields m the staple and ct-rials. Indeei throughout this entire sceiiou tho crops arc looking better than ut uuy time with in the memory of the oldest inhab.tant ; for all of which our people aro doubtless profoundly grateful.—Raleigh Evening « Viator. , INFLAMED EYES. A liorsfl whoso eye is inflamed froiu any cause should bu protected from the c light and the eye strcuglhcned as much , as possible by tonic applioations, as oold solution of ihreo grains .-f .sulphato ol lino to one of water In ease of dns,, " a wire frame fitted with a fine green gauze should bo fitted over the eyes t arrest the dust. 1 Hi: 01111. WHO IIEI.I S MOTil-' EH. Then i" 11 girl, and I love lo think ol ( j r her and talk ol' her, who couies in late wlief there is company, wl.o wears a . ( pre > liltli 1 of tii.ele I responsibility ' ,nd .ly a her youi'.i, Wiaui t'ac .itlu'.'s seem to .i .'pcud 11 and look to '.jiftj, is the girl vho helps ~, i.■ *u r. 1 !.,r oto home siio '.a 'i bios- : pt ied httli li t tmd c iintor.er. She | taif ■ f.ird 'l taslts from the tired, j • i,l fingers that falter at their work iiei st relief figure i. a stufT upon which) the griiy-hairei'., wliitc laced mother 1 v leans and is rested. She helps mother ji" with the -['ring sett ing, with the week's ■ w mending, with a cheerful conversation ti and congeniul couipauonsliip that goino I girls do not think worth while wasting 1 t | on only mother. Aud when there r comes a day when she must betid, as |, girls must often l.cud, over the old worn 1 out body of her mother lying inheedful i in her coffn, rough hands foided, her j long disijuite merged iu rest, something ■ very sweet will bo mingled with her loss, and the girl who helped mother will find 1 a benctlic'.iou of peace upon her head a | and in her heart.—| Catherine Cole. ! c CilKI ST UNITY. T T In a truly Christiau ooiuinunity--a ! cominunitv in which the principle ot' do- ( ing to others a.s we would ha\» them dt> * ' to us, the principle of equal rights a;:;l oqaal freedom, periueatod lawsnnJ iu- 1 titulloiH -there would bo no poveity, 1 i no prisons no almshuuno paupers and no tramps, no mona'.rously neh and mon strously poor. There would be 110 worn en toiling away their lives for a mere j ittanoe, no children ill work who ought to bo at piny, no able-bodied meu vainly j seeking employment, BO idlers enjoying ! | wealth of which labor had been robbed, and no prostitution of the highest talents 1 to the greedy gathci ing of wealth that . c..anot becarried beyond the grave lu 1 a community there would b'j room for all, work for all, plenty for all, leisure j aud opportunities f>f full development for all that God's providence ealis iuto | the world. - Standard. SAM JONES ON "l.N'i EJIS jli I, Well, Ingersoll wa> lecturing—l be lieve it was in Milwaukee—and in his lecture he came to this assertion, aud I while ho leotured there wcro standing ,l bp in the CArfter of the plutforni three '■ or four drunken men standing there talking in .111 undcrtono. That crowd !l , felt like they ought to take the aincn '• corners 011 l!ob . aud all I want to know lS about any follow is who takes the auieu a corners u 'lllll ai.d when you find Bob '■ preael,ingyou til lind the atnen euinei tilled with old red-nosed diinkards ami y other t a-;.bonds of the town . they have s ru I: 'up and taken the Amen corners u)on hi And while Hub was lecturing, e when he reaelie l tbe assertion. " I here h; ii no belt, aud I can prove if. to any ls reasonable man," he got the attention is lof that crowd, "f course. They wee e ; interested at this point, and one of them 'I | straightened himself up and staggered I" > up to Bub and put his hands on his d I shoulder and said, "Can you Bob !" u j lie said, "Yes, 1 can." "Well," the '■ j fellow says, "do it Bob aud make it } I mighty strong, for," he says "1 tell you " that nine-tenths of us poor fellows in w Milwaukee are depending 011 how you ' s j make that thing." Godcy's Lady's Book gives some good is advice in making ono dollar do the work >s t of two. Iu the first place, it 'idvisca - to havo as few clothes as it is possible 0; to get along with. The second is to c i take the very greatest cure of what you 0 j have. Never buy any thing but good k | materials. Never turn a dress inside out when it, is put away. It creases and - spoils the trimmings. Dresses should be kept iu bags which button down the t front, so that the folks are not diti.i'ran -1 god iu putting tin 111 in. Blue paper is s ! the best preservation for white gowns. - ! Bodies should bo laid down flat , on ; ! .'leevcs the bows suited out with paper, s if they arc used for trimming, and each r ' bodies kept from dust. Furs should 1 bo well beaten, taken out from time, , covered with insects powder and sewn |in a holland bag. Boxes for evening ; dresses should be the length of the skirt u and furnish with a couple of hooks, so e ; that if set on cud they form a sort of h hanging wardrobe. Summer wash fu d Inics smoothed out and folded after d wearing, will last longer and fresher i, than whet, they are hung up, and will 11 ; not become so dingy. If throwu down IJ carelessly whon taken off they will soon j lose their freshieu. FARM .vM> GAIII EN" M»TKS. I live the hogs p re, fresh water to ■ rink. Stvil/ does not Ink' 1 its plje •. A tin pan is 'hf b'->t to re dcr >f -ut '». in. Iron yesscU turn l* j •i ik. ' 1 t'.i \ li'tllo tie. ' ; .ml .1 ' w >1 the j t Mird n.i hyr• i■; ti. W- r.' v.ill ~ If be '/.liicd :1. 10. Prevent we.'its bv kt' j.ing the land !j, "■' jpti'd as ci"'ii> , ..n'.ly .s jHissibte tviih i crop of .mno i.iifd. v Jodiei.ms thinuning 'if Irui' trees ( | s u very fine ,nd profitable thing | whenever it eau be cutivlcn.ly prac- ; • 1 h need. The hog is » g,ass-eating animal, though people do not always seem to realize it. Swine like both grass and n hay. I' In curing hay and planting eoru for fodder have iu mind our long tviuters v and when you think you havo enough, i' 1 secure or proparc for a little more It is reported that the round-beaded ' apple-borer has been successfully ex- { eluded froiu trees by placing fresh ma uure around the base of the tree and in \ 1 eoutact with it. I The introduction labor saving ma ehinety hisarrangel the old methods of \: fanning, and in'nothiiig more than in j tint changes it has necessitated iu the ! employment of lured help. By footling the oals unthreshed, we save the labor uf threshing, and also : get the straw und gram together 111 the stomach, getting a better diges tion of both thau when they are fed j sapaiate. . \\ aldo b . ItrOT.-n says in Vuo Nation al Stockmaf,; One mistake which is , made'vy many breeders of Jerseys is to allow '.hem to breed too young, and I ' I'tiii.tc thij hu.i dune uiuuh to reduce | their size. Anyt»g*icultural soeioty eau save uiou ey '..y restricting the numb r of prizes liu each of the classes. Two ] are eno igli to offer for anything, as no ' exhibitor cares for a third or fourth | prize. j | ; Stepl.oa Dealc remarks in the Country j Gcutleman that there is ono great ad , vantage in uiing turkeys lo rear their ' j young, viz , that a turkey hen will j take lo any yo'mg one.., whether hatched by herself or uot. 1 J An iuscct called lobis grandis is said ' I to be a most effective enemy of the po -1 | tato bug. This friend of the farmer is 1 described as less than an ineu long, with bfilliai'l dark blue wing covers, yellow i | bro.ni l ead, thorax aud leg*. | According to a praltieal fanner, the I inert'..,o of lae flock wili cover the eot of keeping it laaviug ho wool ,Ich ar profit; or the keeping may be 1 charged ugalust iho wool which will ii"t t J exhaust it all, leaving the lambs clear | I profit. 0()t)D SUGGESTIONS. We hope the good crops of this year may not cause any of our faruie. s to neglect preparations for next year's crops. These should the more eneour -1 age all to provide for larger grass and 1 clever crops. Our people cannot raise too much grass. In the raising, they 1 are not only addingto their money re sources, but benefiting thoir iand. If a man got twelve bushels per aero this 1 yeai, by eaily prepaiationuud judgment, | he ought to expect at least twelve busb i els per acre next year. This is tlio . way to make farming pay iu this eoun- J tiy. Do uot try 10 cultivate more land I J than you cultivated this year, but try I i to so cultivate the same quantity as to get double the yield next year Early j and thorough preparation and good I I seeds well seeded, will go far towards J accomplishing this. Food orops, to j turn under in the green state, are iuval -1 uablc. — Ventral E.rprt.ii. Vt'e ale glad to sec that our people arc beginning to appreciate the worth of their timber, while some few cut and : burn it in a reckless manner, many arc ■ getting to think as much of a large white oak or hickory* as they do of a tobacco plant. A triple murderer was guillotined in ; Paris yesterday morning, he uiade a violent resistance, but in a few mo -1 men If his head dropped iuto the bas -1 ket STATE NEWS. Trinity College opened July 2-itli 1 rith over 80 students. Tho Government is estabi ig i. urge rack fish hatchery a\\ d • • , Tho high Point Rifles have notified ho Governor that they will disband. The North Carolina Millstone Co., of '.lucre county has made an assignment, j A nan named Be-by, was killed at jho it.iper City last week by a lug rolling I jver him. 1 .There will bo a grand Tournament at ! the KTbttibcth City Fair October 2Jth. i I The Scotland Neck Mounted Rifles , ti have been formal!/ orguuized with , about sixty members. In A wild man or Gorilla has been seen j near Raleigh and a large number of 1 ai persons are hunting him. a Kinston is to have a cotton factory, with §70,000 capital and over §50,000 has already been subscribed. Tbe Daily Hornctt, tbe now paper w published at Cbarloote is strongly iu fa for of a protective tariff. b In tbe State Museum there ar! ! r, O different kinds of salt and fresh water '' fish found iu North Caroliua waters, ii Goldsboro's furniture fac'ory is now about ready for work. A broom facto- r tory is also iu operation there. The Board of commissioners of Wake t county estimate the damage done to ibe | t bridges of the county by tho late storm at $15,000. j ' There are still quite a number of guc *t Oeracoke. The fishing is no- ( |to b; splendid. The S'-Tison c j oso ' about October, l't. Breeches of coutract—Those that shrink. Death is the privilege uf hitman na ture—[llowe. The trial is uot fair who# affection is 1 I judge. Many meu steal because they have not courage to say to their wives and j friends, « I cannot afford it. | Those who blow the coals of others' strife may chance to have the spaiks fly in their faces ! Never tbink that you can make your- I self great by making another less. Those who possess the least inherent purity are tbe most apt to t.uuiico and vilify others. s lie who (cetns uot to himself more , than be is is more than he seeiii',: — (Goethe. Nothing sits so gracefully upon eliil- Jrcn as habitual respect and dutiful deportment towards their parents. I 1 One of the hardest tasks over set a • 1 man is to furgct the good deeds he has t 1 done and to chide himself fur tbe evil. ' i "Yes, sir," t>aitl Mrs Partington, 1 speaking of one who had drank himself |to death, "yes, sir, dissolution has ; broug.'it ma'jy a mau to his grave." r i The man v»im will break one of God's , commandment's habitually and continu . ally, if you will turd hiui Itiosc, will . ) break thcui all. I '/' be wise and active conquer difficul ties by daring to attempt them; sloth ' and folly shiver and drink at night of • toil and hazard, and make the iinpossi f! bility they fear. ' j "I'a, have vou got tho hydrophobic 1 ' | "No, Bertie , whit makes you ask that question "Well I heard mo say to. ' day that you got awfully bl'ten when you thought she had a fortune in her own j name " —[Harper's Bazar. , j Said Mr. Henpeck to a friend : "The ■ combined age of my wife aud myself is I forty years ; now guess our respective i ages." If your age aggregates forty, I suppose your wife represents four and . ; you represent the aught."— [Texas Sif tings. , OBSTINATE LAMP WICKS. Sometimes the tamp-wiok obstinately ' refuses to be turned up in an ordiuary 1 1 manner. It will secin firmly wedged ; I at one side, while the ohcr runs up in i a poinst, causing weariness and vexation of spirit. To ovcrcomo this depravity, : tuke a new wick, draw out a single ( thread ncer the selvage, aud the wick 1 will be found tractable whou intioduced into the burner. The cogs will take it 1 up properly, and it will appear in good form and give an even fla ue wlieu liglit- I ed. NO. 10 SOME FOOLISH THINUS. Talking -lang. Praising yourself. W'firing tight shoes. Tramping for n living. J Sorrowing newspapers. S3 Uotting mau at notAing. Kissing poodles in public. Living beyond your income. Sleeping away the eirly morning lours. limiting for gillie hamled employ - ncnt. . Counting your monoy before it is uirui'd. . '. .In Trying to do business without adver tising. Marrying a man for his splendid mustache. Endorsing notes for friends and acquaintances. Marrying a woman because she lias a pretty faee. Playing the gallant to every woman but your wife. Expecting to h»ve money without working for it. Wasting your stnile3 on every man but your husband, Loaning au umbrella without bid ding it an eternal adieu, Exposing your iguorance by pretend ing to know everything. (Jetting married in life* It- l, n il repenting at dead leisure. . J udgciug a mau ' coat, or a worn- cut complexion. U i * Udo of l,!r Env w l j l "g ftthor people their wealth .on you might be hourdiug a pile up I for yourself. ' I'ailing in love with a woman's hair or teeth before yyu know how much they paid- for tliom. HINTS TO HOUSE KEEPERS. Milk br.ead dries out faster than wa ter bread. Do njt let stale flowers remain it, a sick-cliauihcr. Scald poaches and the skin can oe r temoved much easier by peel' U g with out scaldliug. Wash your flatirons in $ , a psuds auif dry thoroughly, if they at a |[ trou blc * you by dropping black sr ,ocks. It is olairocd that a juice ot a lemon squeezed into a cup of coffee will afford immediate reliel iu n curalgic hnadachc. A few leaven "of green wormwood, scattered where black ants congregate, ' | s:tij to bo effectual in dislodging I th'Jiu. j In baking custard K>t tbe the pan 1 «ontaiuiug it ii»to another pan containing hot water, aud it Will eook mu>H better. I Don't ask a convalescent it'fre wowld like this or that to eat or drink, tut prepare the delicases and present tbeas 1 i in a tempting way. ! A half cup amoninia to a pail of warn water will -sleanse hard-tiuished walls ' nicely; of eoursc the water should be 1 changed when muoh soiled. 9 Kor a gunpowder born, keep thtf , wounds wet with a mixture of linseed . oil, and lime water for three days, and' I then apply vaseline to heal.' For poisoning from' phosphorus, as' . when children suck matches, give a i tablespoonful of magnexia, aud then,- f frflely, gum arabie water; Ibis magnesia . if only a little phospborsw i«r taken. On ironing day, act aside ftf picccV ' needed repairs and mend before t ting away. Keep the wcariug apparel ■ of etch member of your house-hold i where it can be found by the own i cr without oallicg for help in the search. Into a soluttion of gum arabie stir i plaster of Paris until the mixture as sumes the consistency, of oroam; apply , with a brush to the broken edges, of china and join togother. In three days the article cannot be brokcu in the same place. A few forms for use in hanging up clothes may be purchased at any hard ware store for five or ten cents, and r will keep a garment presentable a groat I deal longer than when it is hung upon a nail or hook. A man's clothes i are almost ruined by hanging fold*, and there forms will preserve the shap* , of the shoulders aud keep out the ; wrinkles. The League meeting at Ennis, Ire* land, was attended by ten tho'itand per sons, but the orowd was dispersed bf th ! police aud inillitary.