- —-: 9 ™_ - Ifeporter and Post. PAPERJOR THE PEOPLE Entered at the Danbury X. C., Pont-qffice /}■ ■tut Second ClftSK jl,alter. THURSDAY, SETT, 22 1887. I'M .!.■!« ' THIS PAPER WANT OF CAPITAL. |Vp have said before thai while North Garolipa nocda capital, her greatest 4 * want it enterprise, ami, we see it no place more manifest, than in our sifter cities Greensboro, mid Winston, (no doubt but they will think us quite pre sumptive to say so,) both aie prosperous, growing, young eitics now up to the '' in (iiost tilings, but as it seems to us do not look far enough ajiefd, but #eem content, to vie with each other. What docs Winston, Greensboro, Dur ham, Charlotte, and such growing places expect to do in a few years, with their rapidly increasing population' railroads are passing out all aides, small towns are springing up on every road to carry pff their trade, their tobacco factories are good so far as they go ; but do not j£ve employment to their many hands ioag enough in the year, other smaller markets will take off a part of these in pUininer. What we want (in onr opin ion) is for these places to look a little further ahead, start other industries, that will give employment to our our tens of thousands of idlers twelve months in the year. We have the raw material here in North Carolina for maniifaoturios that will give employment not only to our pwu tens of thousands, but thousands from other States. Come, you man with big, hard dollars, locked up in your •afe.o, cot loose, throw open the doores, and tee if you cansot do something with yonr money, that will pay you, and at the same time, benefit your city, or State. Wo want to live to see one real, live, wide awake, manufacturing city >■ N, r th Caq>lina. where the small boy, fir girl, and the gi ay headed inafnuiy, or daddy, may have employment every month in the year, not leaving out the able bodied of either sex, or color. Sal em-Winston, Greensboro, Durham, Charlotte, not forgetting Raleigh, eith er have the location, being something of central points between cotton and tobac eo, both powerful staples, while each has the coal-cu ouc side, with the very finest iron ores on the other, fwc only had enterprise enough to get them to a central point, Stokes is a siijsll county, but she can furnish the magnetic ore, 50 fo 65 per cent metallic iron, hemctite, and manganese, to manufacture all the steels rails the whole State will need for uiany years to come. Stokes has the raw material, but hat) pothing else ! has not ppterprise to follow one of her veins of coal twenty feet frirn the sur face, or uncover her 3, 5, S, or 10 feet veins of iron, that capitalists may sec thejii, though it is known exactly where they ape, just where their daddysof our tpbaceo markets left them, when the low priee* at which rolled iron som menced selling, stopped the forges, and pre only covered by the loose dirt which the rains and freeses have thrown in. We have been growling, grumbling, fretting, fuming, saying that nature had done is much for Stokes county, as she had for any county under the sun with the single exception of giving |)S a man, we nqw etfy or are afraid we will have to say, toe last of t(fO whole State. ).'es oar lty}tcli|tfl«, JJoteheads, Grahams of old » are gone, gone over the river, and will not return until the tide eomes id, when we will not need great furnaces, rolling mi Is, and cotton factories. Many of our places have their local man bat we want a Slate man, who will oea ter his energies to one point, while he reaches oat and grasps the four corners of our great State and draws tbem to a common oenter, ppak'iog every body feel, that he or she is interested. We want one greft manufacturing city. We want capital, bptare worse in need of enter prise, *"P#sli" ptuck enerjrv. Our experience, when we !inve plenty of time, ii"ihiii|> to luiiiter u«. we eun sit down awl wy.'e ail editorial as loll? J as \otr lings*, or lit'|o nothings f >r the local oolumn by the. doson without trouble, bat just let the priuter begin to hurry as, and wo get the fidgets, we know nothing and but very little of that. STATU .GLEANINGS. ewa The increase iq weight of this year's tobaoco will tond largely to make up any lack of aero- i ar». The Murphy Bulletin snys a Murphy 1 man has the following posted in nis 1 field : '.'lf any man's or woman's cows | hr oxen gets in these oats, his or her , tail will be cut off, as the case may be. | lam a Christian i)i n aud pays my taxes; but durn a man who lets his crit- ' tcrs run loosov" i Oapt. Frank Brown, of Salisbury , and his force of hauds arc Working like , heavers upon the navigation scheme of , the Yadkin River, just below Peble's , Ferry. The captain h?s an indomitable | will, and the dwellers along the Yadkin | trust there will be a speedy way tor . steamboats along their noble stream. , Davie Times: Durham will soon be ' the railroad center of the State, Last 1 Satuidsy, the citizens of that town, vo- ' ted a subscription of SIOO,OOO to the j Durham k Northern road ; the vote being seven hundred and thirty-six for, to one against the proposition. Twin City Daily, Last week the ' cash in the National Treasury was near- ' ly $600,000,000. Now there is the I problem In a nutshell. —There has been ' a big payment of interest in advance, ' and a big purchase of bonds, but still the ' vaults fill up, Congress is to meet in a ' few weeks, and unless the majority take ' decisive stops it will be bad for the de- ' mocracy in 1888. Promises have accu- ' lated like the surplus revenue, and 1 they must be fulfilled or there will be a ' protest. Newton Enieprjte: Oar jailor has a little daughter who is learning ono of the prisoners to rend, and he is making remarkable progress. He was talking to an acquaintance a few days ago Among other things he said, "If any ( of my friends Jinquhe about mc, tell them I am in Newton going to school and boarding at the hotel." Twin City Uafly: A gentleman who lives in north Liberty returned to his home last night after attendiug the mar-, nage at Mr. Micjtey's. Upon dismoun- j from his ho was root by a a man armed with a large club Fort unately bis mastiff was uosr him, which j he urged upon the fellow. The dog caught the man ii] the breast, and the | gentleman ran in the house to gat a! pistol. While be was gone the fellow, 1 left. , OPINIONS OF THK STATE PRESS. f Ihe man ot woman who always reveals ! a cheerful spirit will succeed in lie.! The pleasant face will carry its pos-1 scssor safely on in spite of every oppos ' ing power. Smiles will banish the, ' darkness that gathers about every life ! i i path, and the suullght will fall npon j life's pathway wherever a cheerful!' I spirit exists. The sunbeams will molt 1 the iceberg and dispel the darkest night | ' that ever brooded over the world, and | ! so a sunny spirit will scatter the cold- j I ness and darkness of humanity, and!' , briug brightness and blessings to those j' witnin its influence.—Goidsboro Head- ItgM. r Providence has certainly smiled on , the people of our lands this year and f especially old North Caroling. The ( oldest citixens cannot recall a single , vear of their lives when a more abun- ( dart crop of every kind of veget'on has c been gathered from the ground. Each j and every season has not only been c perfect for the growth of grain and all c other products of the farm but has been , equally so for the harvesting and cur- , ing of the same. And now in return t for these blessings why should it not be f oar duty as a favored people to set , apart a day of thanks giving in the near a future to Almighty God tor the rich t blessings He has stowed upon as. We t urge this matter and think it should be c considered a very impoitant one. It , seems that we have almost forgotton the duty we owe to the Alwise Giver of > good things. The people ought to wake , up to a sense of their duty and turn a j new leaf in the future.—Greensboro , Patriot. — ! SAM JONE'S PARTY, i Soinetiijjjß a man gets where be is * afraid be will hart his party. I nsed to I be a Democrats. I was born one, and ' and raised one, and 1 stayed on* as f long as a Christian gentleman eould. 1 And then I polled oat, of oourse. And n you Itepubiieans need not be langbing t God bless yoa, I thank God 1 never was t a Republican. I belong to another h party. Th« difference between me and e the Democratic party, between mc and s the Repnb|i«W P* rt 7- if you will call f it so, is that i am a mugwump and you i arc ajugwump. a 1 e Toe much rain hr oottou is reported in North Carolina; weather too cool in £ South Carolina; damage by worms in t Arkansas and Missippt. a WHEN \ ffOTK UNDtCR SEAL 13i BARRED. The quoetiw, ."When a act led note is barred by the statute of limitations," puzzled several «f onr best business men recently. One of them looked the mat ter up and banded a solution to tho re porter, with tho request to publish. It ii copied from "The I.aw in North Car- I lina of Notes and Drafts, and is us j follows "7'hc statute of limitaiions bars an action on a bond or note under seal for the payment of money after tpg years as to toe principal and threeyaars as to the surety. If, however, payments are en dorsed theicou the time must be counted from the last payment. "The statute of limitations bars an action on a prommissory note not under seal alter three yoarr as to principal and surety alike, with the same proviso as to endorsed payments, as above."— Ex. COFFEE AT 7 UTS PKR POUND. LEM IN SPRINGS, July 4, 1837.—1 wish to call the attention of tarmeis in this section particularly to the faot— that they o*n supply their faiullios with good, wholesome coffee for seven conts per ponnd, by psmg j gooJ coffee and J rye, prepared us follows : Pour boil ing water on a quantity of rye, wash and skim off all iniperfeot grains, dry thoroughly >n the sun. Have a careful person to "parch it over a moderate fire quite brown, but do not burn it, then mix and grind with one-fourth good coffee, and many of the old lovers of this beverage would never know tho differ eqpe, and think they were drinking the best Rio. —Carthage Blade. INGERSOL ON RICH AND POOR. The rich have scorn and contempt | for the poor: the poor liaye eijvy and hatred for the rich. There must be some way for the loving poor and the sympathetic rich to get acquainted- If there is anything that should bring mankind together it ia a common belief, I but in this Christina country there is no ! welcome in the velvet for rags. 1 ' would think much of auy religion that I would allow "he rich and the poor to I clasp hands, if only for one instaut once a week. EAST TENNESEE. Reports from East Tennesaeo say that j the tobacco planting is about two-thirds I short, but it if ill bo a heavy crop, \ and will conje BPV weighing out with j last year's erop. ! John Grelish, of Toronto, who was I sentenced to tweutv-five lashes on the 1 bare back and received them, says he j would rather take three years' imprison- I ment than anothor such beating, lie I thought be oould repress even a sigh, | but at the third stroke belled fjr uier cy. The Social Congress is in session at I/iege- a Urge number of delegates, in cluding the Archbishop of Rhciuis, are in attendance. The RKI*OBTRR-PUST should be a regular weekly visitor to every family in this county both for the good ot the families and for our own take, and for this one, among a number of reasons : we arc ondeavering to do a good service by acquainting the people with the county's history and resources, thereby instructing our people in what they ought to know, and at the same time drawing the attention of individuals from abroad who may bo induoed to make in vestments bore and introduoe industries among us. Aud while we aro working for the interest of the county, at large, wo feel we ought to have its substantial support in the way of a liberal subscript tion list, for as Bradford who published tho first Bible in America under the colonial government, at Philadelphia, aid in bis subscription prospectus 'printing is costly;" and when we say "printing is costly" we arc not taking into aocount aoy rcmemeration for the preparatioo of the matter for the paper, and lor conducting the business. We furnish a paper which to say the least will not suffer in comparison with any eonnty paper in the St*to ; indeed there are orignal articles, oovering a vast and varied range of subjects, regu larly contributed to this paper which we oonsider would do credit to the more pretentions oity dailies of the State. Much attention is given in its eolutus to matters of more than passing interest to the farmer,-aud the farming interest of this oouuty affects every one of its in habitants it is as yet paramount to ev ery other interest in this oounty. The very latest general and state news is given on the columns set apart for that department; and its miscellaneous se lections are carefully sifted from its sixty exchanges. Sample eopies sent on application Send on your money a-, once and then talk to all your neighbors afterwards and try to get them to subscribe. I FAITH CURE FAIRLY BEATEN. -h*p)+Jn 11*11 Write* »h« |U ■Mrk4bl« IfiUf. from t*9 AJfrtn* A'. »*.. f.'mprfi+t For many years my wife had been the victim of nervous dyspepsia, of the chronic, distressing and apparently in curable type from which so many of her sex suffer, languish and die. It was all j the worse because the tendency to it wasinherited. She had been under the systematic treatment of many of the best physicians in New York andllrpok lyn and elsewhere for twenty years with only temporary relief. In f.tct, (here were few, if any, kinds of food that did not distress her, so diseased, sensitive and torpid were all the organs of diges tion. The usual symptoms of dyspep sia, with its concomitant ailments, were all present—bad taste in the mouth, dull eyes, cold feet and hands, the sense of a load upon the stomach, tenderness on pressure, indigestion, giddiness, great weakness and prostration, and fu gitive pains in the sides, chest and back, i have often risen in the night and ad ministered stimulants merely for the sake of the slight aud transient relief they gave. Intermittent malarial fever set in, complicating the case and making every symptom more pronounced and intense. By this time the pneumo gastric nerves had become very seri ously involved, am' she had chronic Gastritis, and also what I may be al lowed to call chronic intermittent ma- Una] fever all at once. For the latter the physicians prescribed the good, old fashioned, sheet-anchor remedy, Quin ine gradually increasing the doses, until —incredible as it may seem—she actu ally took THIRTY GRAINS A DAY FOR DAYS IN SUCCESSION. Tllis Could IlOt last. The effect of the quinine was, if possible, almost as bad as the two fold disease which was wearing away her strength and her life. Quinine poisoning was painfully evident, but the fever was there still- Almost every day there came on the characteristic chill and racking headache, followed by the usi|ai weakness and collapse. About this time I met socially my friend Mr. Norton, a member of the firm of Chauncey Titus 4 Company, btokers, of Albany, who, on hearing from me these facts, said: " Why, 1 have been through almost the same thing, and have got over it." " What cured you?" I asked eagerly. " Kas kine," he said, "try it for your wife." I had seen kaskine advertised, but had no more faith in it than I liad in taw dust, for sucli a" case as hers. Mrs. Hall liad no higher opinion, yet on the strength of my friend's recommends tion I got a bottle and began -its use as directed. Now recall what 1 have already said as to her then condition, and then read what follows: Under the Kaskine treatment all the dyspeptic symptoms shewed instant improvement, and the daily fever grew less and soon ceased altogether. Side by side these diseases vanished, as side by side they had tort ured their victim for ten years—the dyspepsia alone having, as I have said, existedfor twenty years. Her appetite improved from week to week until she could eat and digest the average food that any well person takes, without any suffering or inconvenience. With re newed assimilation of food came, ol course, a steady increase in flesh, until she now looks like her original self. She still takes Kaskine occasionally, but with no real need of it, for she is well. I consider this result a scientific miracle, and the " New Quinine " is en titled to the credit of it, for from the time she began with Kaskine she used po other medicine whatever. If you think a recital of these facts calculated to do good you are welcome to inakp them public. (Rev.) JAS. |„ HALL, Chaplain Albany, N. Y., Penitentiary. P. S.—Sometimes letters of this kind arc published without authority, and in case any one is inclined to question the genuineness of the above statement I will cheerfully reply to any commu nications addressedto me at the Peni tentiary. JAS. I„ HAI L. Other letters of a similar character from prominent individuals, which stamp Kaskine as a remedy qf un doubted merit, will be spnt on appli cation. Price si.oo, or six bottles, $5.00. Sold by Druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of pricp. The Kaskine Company, 54 Warren St., New York, and 35 Farringdon 1 Road, London. LAND WARRANTS WANTED According to the late net pa«*od by Con gress almost every po son drawing a I'eti- HOU L« en tbdtosLiMl Warrant of 1 >o a '-■ I, the undersigned, will pav eighty doila.s for every Land Warrant of one hn.i drel mid sirty acres, and deslrevf:/ per ton w'ao draw -, a pension aad has rnt ob tained a Lind Warrant to coram:; n'*ate with mc. O. L. BURToN, Deer Trail, Colo-ado. NOTICE. Having duly qualified as Administrator on the Estate of Maraarett Carter Deceased, all persons initelited to said Estate are re* quested to make payment to me at once, and all those WIKI liave claims against the said Estate are hereby notified to present them duly proven, for payment on orbelbro the ">»h day of September ISBB or this notice ; will I* plead in the liai of tlie!r recovery. 1 i This sth day of September IBS 7. 1 I JA.ME.-i W. DAVIS, Administrator, 1 RPASOVAMEJK S, E. ALLEN, Corner 3rd emu Main Streets, I Winwfon, 4*T, (J. HARDWARE, CROCKERY, AGRICUL TURAI IMPLEMENTS. Glassware. Lamijs, &G> AGENT FUR T. T. HAYDOCK SI BUG GIES CARRIAGES. Ac-, I I CAR LOAD IN STOC AGEXT FOR * I Champion Mowers, Reapers and Rio-1 ders, Farmer's Favorite Gram Drill, mer Girl Cook Slovc, Longmap apd Martinet strictly pure pio pared Paints, King's G|'Cft Western Powder Compa ny's Powder; Ueroules Potrdei or Dynainit«, Lead er Corn Shollers, * Yictor Cane Mills, Cardwell Threshers and Horse Powers, ■ Farmer Friend Plows, Ac HTOCM Consists of a full and complete line of a goods usually kept jn a firsUclaiw Hardw«* asd factory ttor«, Iron, Nails, Horse and Jlfule shoes, Steel Plows, Rlass, l*utty, Oils, Varnishes Ac. Carriage and wagon makers tools and material, lluilders tools, material and hard, ware, locks, liingaa, butts, screws, lash doors, blinds, Ac. l*isnila, cutis, Ammunition, fiah hooks nets, Ac. Farmers, blacksmith and me clianics tools. CROCKERY. nilnn, Dinner and Tea Ma, PorcrUln White Granite, Iron Stone china, c. c. Ware, ulass ware, loimps, wicks narn ers. ■ IB 'W 1 11 11 " C. K. PESfNgTT- J- A. BINNIT? WINSTON MARBLE WORKS, BENNETT BROS. « IN—- Marble and Ciranitc Monuments, Head§toneN, Tablets, Mantels, Opposite Broun'a Warehouse, - « Main St., Wl»«toa JfC, (ETSpocial Designs and Estimates FiiPitisliatl on A w >||oMiuu..^f ESTABLISHED 1871. ESTABLISHED 1871 J. W. SCOTT & CO. Wholesale Merchants IS'. C, Are now receiving their spring stock of notions and dry goods. And almost daily adding to their stock 01 groceries, Buyers are invited to call in person or send orders by mail. Wc hope to build up a large trade with • the merchants of Stokes county and all along the line of theC, F. & V. V Railroad. Brown; Browner, Brownest. | High, Higher, Highest* If you would gel the very highest price lor your tobaoco, make up your when preparing it fer market, to take it tj Browns Warehouse Winston, N C Hero you will find the largest, best lighted Warehouse in town, one of thek* auctioneers in this, or any other State, and larger buysrs by the score. Thai ia not all, if you would stay but a few hour?, or orer night, you Wilt find confutable r »oms, plenty of wood, cook scoves upon whioh to prepare yowr food jood water in abundance and every thing necessary to your comfort (if you hare a cleat conscience,) while the stalls for your stock are all thai you could wiafa tor. * Bring us your tobacco ; we will do all in our power to nuke you oomfortablt while here, and get what you want most—a big prioe for you tobacco. Very Truly BHOWN & CARTER SUBSCRIBE To THE REPORTER AND I'OST. One Year tI.AO Six Months 75 Three Months AO

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