JATTEIT: 'ARMEHS ] Believing 'I: '5 i>e ; :o *he Merest of all par ttea, we ?>m-i ! .: V "o eotidticf our fertil iser .t oh J f ' SYSTEM. - ; And we « H r .-•; ft* ill >«e Star Br a,ad Wheat Cr At per tan, or per saek of 200 lbs. It will be i« sood condition Tor drilling, l and Its mthidard will be H»intaiii( d. Wpeeial price osi «o3sd Car load IOIN. RespeetfiiSly ■ M W& MEDEARIS, Winston- N C•• Jul ■ ' BHP* ■ BEAST I Mexican PtEi*. Muster', LinK^s opr.so *-*«»«« Scratches. C;. . ~;v '. lottbtgo, Sprains. Mnsclw, llKiiiimiiin Strains, Li*uptiouj, Inn, Stitcht"'. Hoof Ail, •ml*, Stiff Joints. Screw IHagi, Backache, 'Worn;', BUm, Galls, flwlnnej Braiaea. Som, SudS.e.." lnnioni. Spavin ' !*■* Crack- THIS COOD ClO SJAJJC-JY jMoompllahasforevarybody oxc, ■:>*' #or U, Omo t the roast riß for > lie kt tIM XuMftctc I.lnlment >m fcunl 1 •u-S --»»»lleakility. EToryl»ody . Lnmbermnn nsods It l»*.oast. it . Th« II •asewlfe need-* it i" .cy. .Tke Caaaler needs It ;for ' (,n >. r-. Tke Meckanic need ■ n ..l u. % P~**- Tko 111 I net* need? It In c Tke IMeneer needs It - a>.\ { Farmer nofJ- it In ill. Jioua i Md Ma stock yard. The Steambonininn P-fho I'i 11.»4 •« 1 It In liberal supply afloat and nshor-. Tlio Herne-fnnrier need* It-it « » friend and safos* reliance. Tke Stack-grower iue«!- U-.i/ '>Va» h!r tkoananda of dollars and wo; 1;' ol : Tke Railroad mna nt-eda it and *vi ! n 1 • long a* his life Is a round of nccldcnuaud darter Tke Hack wood sin an noeils iu Thai »»s noth ing like it as an antidote fur the dangers to IK • limb and comfort which Hurronnd the pioneer. Tke Merchant needs It about his store among his employees. Accident* wtU happen. and whe.. these come the Mustang Liniment Igwanted uionce. Keep a Bottle In tke ISouae. Tis the Wit of Keep a Battle in tkeVaetary. Italmmedlatc vse in cost « f accident saves and loss of wo«es. Km» a Bottle Always la Ike Stuble for j'm wfcea wasted. ONLY S2Q. Tliis Style PMMelpMa Singer. Other floupituTcJi • h i.from >4> u> ftk). A com plete sir of allurliiii'.-iitu Mitli ench iu.it Id ue. Also Jt4iu»>ii litililur, J.ilifihon TmW, and «f Four Domun-rv und a Hinder. 1» IIAVS' lUIAt. hi your own how*- liefbrw you pay owe eeut. Every naekkio WAUIMXTKIk V«U 4 1 UKM. Ik* lid for Circular. ® C. A. WOOD OOMPAp, > -til lot:-. St., IMiilNlMpMii. I*h. "" "T 15% !• .rciSs 422*4|» k .®*he»3 . /n d| r T s:,r ,'I: ' l.Vf>- LCGi'E OF ,i W. B. WILLIAMSON, *! SUC yCESSOR TO II IL L/. IMSOX $ ('0 R /,' /E, Book§cllcr, VXD irTEA3L J'OWHIi I'KINTKH . Wli i jou want !' lltfT-CLASS JUIJ PRINTIN'j :>oud yuur onlci> to tl-ii I fOcialds.-c ut to 'l'catlicrs uIJ Merchants ou School Hook*. Depository | „ j SCIIOOT HOOKS adopted by State Hoard Kdncation. Thoy can furnish you | with b. k piio'.i-hed. . i .) - y k.EO E. N£SSEN & CO., 0 w iigoii asi is fact nre rs, J SALEM, N- C- Very Host work at Lowest Prices. &lee! TliimMc Skeins without extru charge. Large stoek at Capt. J. L. C*il -1 nier's in Winston. Cull (tud see them. NOTICE. II I, i IJIU ■:>'!" Winston lixik "ul Jut the Sni; Unite Mure [next to I Hit: 'wir iS ; I fcyn w y 'j .'.'a'-':* 'J •"! 1 h, -h-i 'M% General Merchandise Broker. ' -N I A-ent for Slai.li il Cnui.', EiUjstono Si lulilo ruano anl Jli-nyuiaii* WshJ liunes. AM gratlea and 'l'litk to act. o I ALHO KEEP STOCK OF t*i " r i c«". a " U I>ie,ln,o,,t Wa S° ,,s "" wWch 1 w,n VCl ')' ' m:AI ' I i o [\ DEALEU lis I- • ' t„i ii Wlieat. Outs and liar in -mall or larifi'r lots to suit tie buyer. I Vivf monev by •..•iving tnt- a e.ll b»fi>re yon buy chu v lirrc any tiling 'ii tin "M. a call. T || PGGRAN Jr j. tersr- Kg -4-ua '' I! FURNITURE I FURNITURE! ir I*; XNN> or ANI'TIIIIVU in TUB J KURiMTIiHK LINE: Froma cradle to a eotlin, or burrial robe, GO TO i StGESK) T132, Kivst oi ihp Cmii'i Hottso square, Winston' N. C> Below you will find a ii some of tlio articles tliat may be seen on the four floors of lii» extensive furniture house. Basement. Manufacturing, undertaking, retiring stove*. | INI floor. Cliautber si IU ot walnut, asli. cherry, Climnins, wartlrolira, side board*, center t iMrs. secretaries. writlng tl« sks. ivl'rii»»»rators. I took cases, oil pa it Minus, engraivings, chromes, elot k". tin water x-Ls, dit.'ier-«;ts, tea sets, table wait* of all kind*, ! iti waif, . I. hcsand fi»:ks, i >ictuiv frames, nii..o, ... wall jiaper, and all kinds of whitlow shades, 'id floor. ( 'heap ehaniher s-'ts, stead, f«*«sn to $25, chair* from .>oi» to $12.50 each, lounges, pallor suit.*, and baby carriages. •11l floor. Coffin*. ii| bolstering good**, burial roln»s, extension tables, mattresses of all kinds, so -1 IJIS. • radii N. alld crib*, wash 11 amis, lied springs, tine lot of carols and malting, oilcloth, I ruus. pine bail matting inad« ftuin the leases or IKHMIIOS of the long leafed pine of North ( andiua. 1 SAI.ESMKN- W.I. |»i. A | I » \ . T. 1,. LKSTIC, D, C, M M.TIN, i M - W. X«.l;r! I l-.T. J. 8. SCALES 1' -•■ i i ii . ' \\. A. WKIISTKII, ofltockhigliam Co., Flour Manau-r. .). .V. J»i r, IMi ikes ('(i.j Ass't Floor Manugwr. PIICMONT W ARE HOySE. Fo, the SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO -4 —tot 1- ;n commencing a new Tobacco year, we desire to thank our friends for the patron age in the past. We promise renewed ef forts in their behalf in the future, we guarantee prices equal to any house in Winston. There will be an active de mand for all good, bright Tobaccos during' the Fall trade. Don't forget the place and name— PIEDMONT. M. \V. NOR FLEET & CO F. FISHBLATE, i LEASING CLOTHIER Greensboro, N. C. —t — TO AI.L CLOTHING BUYER*. We lu>s to announce that our unions spring anit Minimer >[*• ialtir, are now re-iiily for iiiilx-ction. Ol II fcTOCK EM lilt ACES ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods. Our line of ana DIMS bulls it tlie largest ami liufst «ver slmwn 111 Xortli Cr.ro liua. cirr assortment of II«ds and Furnishing »oods far surpoves all previous exhib its. , . \ oni patioiiage is jieetfnlly solicited. All we a>k is a call to convince yon that our ' stm kis t li* l;> uest i.ml our pi nt;* tlie lowest you have ever seen. Very Kespeetfully, F. FISHBLATE, € M. V.l\»TOHf, Jlnnaser. ... I'. S.-—Mills math- in or-', i from samples a specially. Ortlers Uy mall reclve pruuii I attention. ' -■*» —i... . t _ l, I Rig crops lit Stokes and low prices in HARDWARE at Crawford's in Winston. . I.uy (lie MoShon y Oraill Drill Hint took the premlumat the Centen nial and nil the went e\'i>osltioiis. Sow a liig crop of «lieat ami buy n $.->3.00 Ciu top l Shell y„ur coin wltl. DEXTER MIKM.KII, ami hake your broad with the NEW LEE COOK STOVE. (>et aVi IIITE S3WIXU MACHINE for jrour wife, ami !UXS for your boys and lot's all lnvc a time. ic WE also keepColumbllS llllggies* All kinds IKON and NTEEf,, Carpenters Tools, Building .Vulerial sueh as Doors, Sash, Winds, Locks, Hulls, &e. We call |«irlienkr attention to our NEW SOUTH •r! CHILL I'i.o iV warranted In every I«rtlc.ilar, two horse $5.00 one horse $3,25. IHjAC KSMn II tools. Molns es mills. & iron fi»r hollers, tolmcro Hues iVC' I 1 "lease don'l Arjvtu*. ill R. R. CRAWFORD & CO. J" Two Doors West of the Post Ol'lice Winston. N. C. PAINTS!: -I—tot —i- For . ■>:, M>f •' /Ws-4o to Ashoraft! Fm Tur,,„llm -y> to Ashcraf. A Owen., i* Owens, druggists, Winston N. C. jdruggisu. For Lewi* White Lmd— go to Aslieraaj For Color* Dry and In OH— goto Ashcrafl & Owens, Winston N. C. A Owens, Winston, N. C. ) l-or /.;«»> I Oil —go to Aslieratt »V-Owen*.l For JW Br«*ft«-goto Ailicraft &ow druggist*. r'"»' ''mgglsU. ' For rarnMirs And Dryer— go to Ash-j For all kinds of - Talnlt anil Painter ernft & Owens, Winston, N. C. \Materi*tla CO TO > i ASHCRAFT OWENS, DRUGGISTS, WINSTON JV. C. w. o.TsiunvjT *• c ■ BKOWW When yon eome to Winston Look out for the GILDED MORTER over —BROWN & BROWN'S DRUG STORE. where yon will save money by purchas ing yOUl* FAMILY MEDICINES (wilTllcil Seeds, &c., We also keep the largest Stock of PAINTS and OILS in Winston, ad we pro pose selling them as cheap as any body else. We otter special inducements to conntry murchauts when they are in need of any thing in ur line, such as CASTOR OIL, LAUDANUM, PAREGORIC and Essences of all kinds, we will sell as cheap as you can buy them in large cities Dont foraet to irivc us a trial when JOII come to Winston Very Truly, JJIIOWN & BROWN.