.I.' lj DANBIRY REPuRTEh VOLUME XVI. Reporter Post. Pt'Bl.liltEP WKKICLV AT DANEURY. N.C. PKPI'KR & SONS, Pubs. & Prop* *r«rh • I H\rt:s OK HI IMIIII'I NIS: Cue Vcnr \able In advan.-e hi Mouths R.iTfl OF AnVi;iiTS*IIIU« ne Square (ten linen or 1- H) i than *' n " 1 or each aduitlomtl iii-ertlon l "' j Contract»f»»r I* ''.ri t mo »r inort- -puce t »u I ••• In |»rf j"-rt .• • '«• I lie abnvu r«to*. Trauxieut Htlvert'.M-r* \> 1 t»e . M».vtr 11 » remit accor li'i'j to too*o raloh A !:»>• t sue they HOIIM tliflr lavoi-h. I*»eal Ndtlce**rlll oeoliar •. than t , Mtnd'ti*" v ill t»e lii/orW/.Tvi X o:» Dollars or annum. PROPi. !/- CV/j L a'J ) ATTORN I'Y AT LAV/ Mt Airy N, O. Spmal ftttenti* n i-.i VM» toil- »• IS •! • a •' claims. » W. I'. CARTER, jiTTO*t>YST~;t T-L:l tr» MT. Alltv. Si:i!UV CO.. N.C IllttlllVllllM.) ID n.l> : V.I 1 ttl THE MCADOO HOUSE, UKEKNSUUIiO, X. • Cir.'lS. />. VELW O.Y, Pro'r. lias ihe luigest, 111 isl ulegiDlly lull- ! ished and best ventilated rooms of tiny Ilolel in the city. r . DAY, ALBERT JONSS 3D ay & Jqs&SS* ma;>uf:ictur*M Sot SAUM.BKY.MAItNKSS. " ' AK K • ' V K' Mo. M'j W. Ifaltlmoie meet, Ualtiuwre, Mu, HICIIAIiti tfool) s.\M I. | . (iOo! v. i v. MKMV UKXURILSO.V. BWll'llW. liACOA WOOD,BACON &C 0 Importer* m:4 Jubi»or* DRY GOODS, .YOTIO.YS, WHITE (tool>s. ETC'- v»tn». .'Mi -.IU M ilkct >i., R#TF KI L*»»I V; I' A. Parties 1» iv;t)£ CUT MICA for salo will fiuil it to their interest li c»TCßpond with A. O St'lliV. i.NM \KKR, 16S will;, rff St., No . \ lit. U. E. LEKiWI 'K. with KINGO, CLLKIi' & fRIJIP, HIfIIMOND, VA., Who:ua'u I'Cillers in BOOTS. SHOii : '!'• .'MBS. SiC. Prompt aitenli"i I 1"' to ordiri, anl antia* tlion (jnur.intc'it. p{r IV ( , I'riton (•',.!> n -yfrt ' Marc)*,"'. ■OSKBT W. rOW*a»." Hl'un D. T.m It W I'OW ICUS & CO., WHOLES Ah E />!>' CO ■ IS TS. Dealer* In PAINTS, 011.3, DVKS, VARNISHES, li'reucU utul Airiorionn WINDOW GLAsS, J'UTT3T, SMUKIN'4 ASii ( lihU 1 (i 01 OAitS, TObACCO A Pl'liOlAl.H 1305 tlaiu tit., Riohmoad, Au u t.e tUtJU— GEO. 3 CF; A' ART. Tin aud SUeet Iron Manu facturer. Opposlti- FiiruieiV Wa.c'ious*?. niN»;ov, X. t . ROOFING-GUTTtRING AND SPOUT ING ilono at short : oUce. Kcnpn constantly o.\ liiil u li i' 1•' «> Cooking an t Mcatla.j Stoves , \ SUMMER MILLZN£BY STAPLE NOTIONS | CON.9ISTiyO OK I Glor t s, Uo-lci v Zeplijr. mid j (lie !ICHI and inont Ueliitbiu coiisircs. Trimmed Hats antl Dunnctß, x To Suit Evcrylnidy. Viral South of JIITUI Fountain, WINSTON, N. (' Mi't-t- N- S' Davis- Mrs Stanton & Kerritt, Winston N. C. i "'j * i /—DVALKRS IN-> Millinery and Fancy Goods r lllKSr. TRlJ|St|;n HATS, r.ACr.S KM J DUOIDERIBB, 4,1„ .sc. 1 Mais Siroot nearly 'lpposilc the Centr Jfetel. feu ri JtM pectilfar « fllcarv f* dn® a- iii i* It t«» !!• • niwl NOTHING .. i . 'i}. 1 i; • i I T IT tllC I | u,,,t 11 Take I . ... r In thf i'.vl t, ot If , they l»o advnncod vtll provo. i»ot . t cure. No Ie In WiiM li 1 It taktM tliopincoof a (ltH'ltir anil »«lly pn- MM'lpllon All •h. J FOR V.HOSE I *>'ttontu•-? llv- - '.'ill nr*i"FiT it llio •»« ' |»r Vf til t\ m* niulriii'i inil'. •»' •.», Coliti I • '. T!U!oilMIO««, lllii ; ni Mental i)«|in ilnn. No lon* , i of f liii*'. no Intt i; i"i n « wiih mv lih-v* j M hil. I.il; i• ; l-'ol • : ;;\lr• •11 ii .• nitwl In -1 iHM'oilt ami tin: N»> from ' i*\; nr.' ." I. :• laltin Cmvi I oll«*. 11l- • arrlia'a, I»«>vvf L i. ■»mp , .alnls. !'••% I»I Kli llU-hh anil l'i'V«*rlMli 'nl«l*.. lavalld" nnl li'llcat«' pt*r»«iiis v. iI! 11 *)' I It the ii*lt«!»**»t I Aj»fiUni an«l 'i'onu-1 lay tan ii.m-. A lil tl»* taurn a' 11i_ l»I lasuii s i ami a ualmal I'vui'ualloii «i the tioxveN. ! A little i. • » 111 the i .nrnliitf Hhar|iriia ; th" ap|wiii«-, i-h-antios t!»•; htoiiiach and sweetens t hr*»ath. A PHYSICIAN'S OPINION. "I have I «;i i-inclu 114 inc nine for Iwri '•/ vear* n:>il i vc ncv r 'wen ftl>l-' l» LtupU \cßct.ililc «• iiijtouml ih.it wtmltl, r Simmon* l.ivr Krpulutor, promptly ai> I cffc» •'vtjy lit • lhe I - r t.» return, an ! .ii l' « --iiinc linic ai ! in&teatl «t'« ■ »•- Icn'1114) the dij:c*iive and aKtim •• power* of the v> stem." L. M. HINIWN, >1 i»., NVadiingt. ' 1 Mtirkdof GriinliiPiirM; InioUfoi 1 In* red Tmih'-.Mark on front nt Wrappi r, and 1 lie H* 111 and Nlictuituru of J. 11./idllu *Sc Co., In rctl,*eu the Hide. Take no other. /iroicii Rogers $ Co Wholostilo itntl Retail li, A 111) W A HE I.argps', lino of STOKVS in Winston. Afjrieull ui'al Imjilemontw \IACHI N F.UV ol ull kinds IUILYESS .I.\ D S.WDI.ES r. a \ ts, airs, " ih.visws, t-c' I Specialullcnlion itirile.l Id titcir Il'/ut'". Clipper Pltnet. .I f nl\ fi nl' i'sot.' an I xr l! known ; , ."&• '• h «|iot "JO !y I )» ,vou ixjiicvo it It is a Kti-i! Wnat ovarybody Lays ill "vis'» 0.1 Ul. II W'K VOi' UK.Vitn IT ? j i). D- SOHOUfail's, Tliooi'iginal Choap John Wiastan C. IS IIKAIHii; .;iTK!t-i Foil LOW J I'iilCES! THAN BEFOEK j FU.j~ 3.H u 1 FIEADY-n OS.OT I] JIC, FOil MEN AfiD BOYS, " If. ITS ('. //V, HOOTS . /.VP sifoi :s, 1 /soon)'(}()() bs\; . m N .vorio.Ys or ALL ■ KIXDS. |. ; VVc v.tu'd i ail. •;>!■ :«l «Mil.«>u 1 » m.luiet.f r-INf: ALL wOr>L CLOTH FOR MEN S WCAB at tlio |ikv prieo of 500 per yard 1 worth anywbero $1 00 per jfard, i ' ! Just roeoivod n nine linu of hooJ.s tor . liitlies and oliildrcn. to bo sold at prices i i that d»fy ooinjii tilion. i I I I ANOTHER LOT CF NVIIX* JINX* i!i:civ::i>, Whiclt will U> soli! f»r tUe iiesl f.»\v days! at only !»'>•• ja;r. yard, worth 20e, t I A r.ice fine o. i —Jerscija ro> •rice I 10-dftj- NEW MARKERS- Clonks and all kinds of Winter wrap* t for Ladies ami i'liihUen to l»o toid excecnl- . ii»nlv low. ' a It will IK? to yi.i.r liitcst when ili Winsto- t t To c-nll a I t ' a The Original Cheap John's r lor any thing yon i i> mvd, i.iand nl tlio same old stand, next door to IW. Olllce. a "Nt»Tiiii\(j si cx Ei:ns ijki: "jc DAN BURY, N. C., THURSDAY. OOTOiiHR k ii). ISB7 " % t;oi> itr.t: s motih:!?. I A 1 it. 1 scliil 1 with lla\«Mi liair, And stml t - yes, s>s-.vti?f tnd Fiir, ho I.n« «»'s w lion 4 a ili ,'d •! 1 "Ki'/is all, Ami I'jotn tlio- •io !i«; iijis tlu i • Call i The a«v.'iits of litis sini|»!e prtyer, *(J.»i!hl-.' «*!— >.!bl«'vi my in >li r." A >o:ith ttpoti Lil *'s Hires' **i«l \vi I . Who IOAV«*M a ,*;eniit' tnotlmi'S ni«le. V.-t k «•!»> o.i:Io .'i« 1 uiii.in h'- l»r« « 1 !I«• ■ wot«!s t'■.» lit ■ - • i ! ! f i»- h■ i • And wh. ; n I:.toinp:at!-»n Irl • ' j t*God h|osM!—(Jod hi ■ my tnothi'r !" A white haire.l i:i;t:i v,» -/. v» I. •' Alon-: lif**s \\" UY t N J-OV. •I JM •!, | And * ■ »i"fi —a d's now Hear* words of ii *ht tlut i ! .ti An J prajs ith rev.-." it!.:! l>rov»*: j "Hod bl'v.s!—tiod Mew my mother CHBMISTItY OF 7 KLLOW TO -lIACCO. Mai. Rnyiand to Cupt. Snow's Articio. Kifjtor I'obiccii Journal: In a for mer eoiiinmniouti. n answering the sever- 1 al queries propounded by my esteemed friend, V 1. W. 0. Knight, editor j Son/hern Planter. I stated in substance j tint uioutinn is a distinct substance in- ; I liuri .it in evt ry | nrt of the tobacco plant, jjrecn or dr., roots, tlalk, leaves and seeds, and is not generated by the pro cess of c uing, ar.d that tlio relative P»rti>itl nf nicotine varies considerably in ' the vjiions types of tohaeo.i, tlio yellow crmtaining mueli less liai Ihe dark liea- I j vy type. In lliis view 1 am pleased Io see that I C'ipt. W. 11. Snow fuily concurs in his ! review Journal, Sepi. 10th. liut from j some t f tho view therein cnnnciatc>l I I_ , i am tore 1 to di"i nt. , That.ihe 1 iwcr leaves of tho li haeeo | I plant a> ti.cy iij■ :nm ! t:ic»iinc ■ :i re milder util nnke th J ber.t ■' ..j '.v , ■i' i S : Im. 11, prodiie. i in iim! letnrers and! | ccnsumcir. Capt. Siitw says- '-It is i-.npcralivc i 'hat tli>>c leaves be remo-.cd li ■ii the j .-talk ot-f jio CLI •, if desire I wild. The i ripe stalk contains un aerid pun- j I g."it flavor jwctgu to Hit leaf largely i j c omposed i f chlorophyl, exceedingly | i biticr in flavor and green in color. J This, with (ho potash and .acetic auid, ' I uith the evolution of ammonia in the i iieat of the curing barn, I ad 'lie leal j with a sub-Unco capable nf blistering J the mouth * * liut if the leaves ! are removed from the st !k and cured in the best known way tboy are void of | pois.ui so lnrg.dv contained in the stalk." There is only one | owenous substance i in the tobacco t hint, nicotine, and I'npt. I Snow says that'•the .ilk coin ns l ss j iiico,iuo tli:i:i the leaves," which is trur. Chlorophyl is t! " coloring matter of I the plant, fi uud mora largely in tile I leaves tintn it. tiie stalk, wliicli abounds in woody fibre—pure cellulose, t bio. I lopliyl is neither bitter nor poisonous.'; ] i he lieu*, changes the color of the «hl ro phyl globules, as tile process ofctndntiou | goes un in the curing proce-s, bit! not a particle of poisonous matter is evolved during the euiuig. See list of sub stances forming theeonstituents of the tobacco plant hereafter enumerated. There is a very .small percentage of nitrogen in sellow tobacco cured ou the stalk as demonstrated by analysis less than one-half of ono percent., 15-100 actual according to Dr. Veelcker. The | ! stalls contains wui less, 44-100 of one ! percent, of nitrogen. Wo therefore as sert, without the fear of successful con- j tiadiction, that ammonia, generated from so small a percentage of nitrogen iu the leaves ui>d stalks of tobajco cured ; on the stalk, is too small to sensibly at- 1 feet tlie taste or autcll of iho leaf. To suiu up the matter, then, we litid there is no poison in the chloroybyl or ' potash, acctio acid or aiiiiiinuia loading up the lj;if cured alouj with tho stalk, ; ' aud that th" stalk contains no substance '•foreign Io the leaf possessing -an aer 1 pun„."ut flavor ' " 1 liright yellow tobacco :oiitaius the 1 tollowing: Liuie mngnesia, oxide of iron, 1 potash, chloride of sodium, phosphoric ' acid, sulphuiic acid, soluble .silica und 1 carbonic acid. t Dr- A'oclcker says. "I find merely a i trace of the nitrates in the fancy bright I tobacco, which is one of the reasons why t this tobacco ha a very mild taste, for in c all lilting, streiof to! aocos I tin 1 inva- t riably nitrates are present iu consider- f able proportions." This, mark you, is c the opiuiou of England's most eminent a analytical chemist of his day, fouuded t upon the in ..lv«i» of a aamplu of tobavco ! raised by Mr. K. K. Lyon, of Oraovillo i . county, N. and cured on llieilnllc. PLAN ri:i!t; (IV PAST NOT WITHOUT lIO.NOIL I!'fore V. rse had evolved the tele- j . graph or Mi t' r.uiek invented tho renp- ! or, S!.:i!.', Long alidTii''! e. 'i e conti i ving j and i-lab ra'ing tho yellow jiro cO'- -tie fin" or' i,;' tuba -' > glinting. The brigh» yellow type lr ; way I to p'i 1 'i favor and afpreei'ill long ! years b-T N-e th , iT Mi 1.-TH —li irn" — evolved Iroui th" brain of t s wort! v ' patentee. A _ "Till M . :s ,s.\\ si n-i:s s That • apt. Snow's,barn is a success] j is most cheerfully and candidly coined, od, ami 1 only dilicr with Oapt. S iu ! claiming too much, as 1 coneeive, for ! the qual.ty of leaves cured If the stalk ' in tii.i "Modern Haiti." j Stripping the leaves ftoui tho stalks I as they ripen certainly increases tho product, and curing in a "Mod I liarn"' ; is cheaper as regards f ul and attention, li is greatly to his credit if hit barn will "reduce the eosi of curing 40 per i cent TIIK IINK IIOR.-I PI.AN rKit who is unable to constio • a "V.dern j Hatn need not -lisp ur ot curing his j crop yellow and of linu quality by the t furnace und pipe-flu", the regulator or j some ether good flue in hi# log barns ' ; daubed tight with proper a| pliances for ; ventilation and the regulation of the tempo jnturc. Tin; sup. liority i f Virgil.; i ind North Carolin.t yellow tobacco has been built l I oil the pr idnet cun ton Vi sin//.-, niid j until chemical analysis denionstratcs' ! that curtig tho leaf stripped fro.n the j i stalk makes brigtller, miMer and batter , j tobacco, tbo present prevailing mode j '•viH continno fir ail uniformlv j >o to | bacco. liut for plauls ripouiiig at tlio j bottom aud to > ivc tho ripe lower leaves, while allowing tho upp r 1-ave i to re- | main slat, nag till ihey also ripen, the at strioni process will ;. iL »i.,. in ' ■ loa. ili. ... ' To 'ol. S. 0. Shelton, the | i bacco | lantt-v of Western North ' .- | na, credit is iln"'or reviving ■ old ipi act ice ot harvest ' the Icivi ssml not ! tho stulks, .if.or tl " mode had long inaiiicd in "innoe.i us iL-suefiido." I I thank hull for calling my attention clev- i ! en yc ars ago to his patent hanger, which , I 1 have used to advantage more or less i ' every year since. A liOOU T111.N.1. The character of tho soil and climate contribute greatly to the fine quality of our brigl't yellow tobacco, and tor this typo the planters of Virginia and North Carolin i have no competitors, Wo vir , tually bold a monopoly in tus lino us long :t» we do our duty and raise it Jin whether cured on r off )|io stalk. It. L. 1 AiiLA^iD. j llyeo, \'a WtI.TEU'ASU EQUJtL TO PAINT. I'he following is good, cut it out and j keep it, liousckerpers ufter trying it will never be without it after- ' wards: Tho following receipt lent out by the Uliitod States Treasury Department to all tho lighthouse kccputs, makes an article that answers on wood, brick or stouo, nearly as well us oil paiut, and is much cheaper: Slack half a bushel ot unuluokcd iimo with boiling water keeping it covered during tho process. | Strain it, an ! add a peck of salt, dis solved in watu wafer} i. |e pounds of j ground rieo put inio hi ili .g water aud boiled to a thin paste; hai ' u pound of powered Spanish whiting, aud a pound of clear glue dissolved in warm water: ' mix tlieso well togcthor, und let the ' mixture stand foKseveral days- Keep ' the wash thus prepared in a kettlo or i portable furnace, and when used put it ' on as hot as possible, with either paint- ' er's or whitewash brushes. ■ i citizens should iccollect that , uuiiy of action is uoeusury for uny_ thing. Unless we havo a man iu our - midst who would take tho lead aud put j life into others, there is little hope. It , is clear to us that new aud lively indus tries are our want, to employ labor, to f add to our population, ti keep money tit t home, 11 help advance ri .1 estate aud to ,i make us an independent. And to this , end there s'loitlJ bo more unity of v thought an 1 scntimtQt. Merchants f should organuo an as-eeiaiim to talk i over tin sa ii.niters and to id in giving n a itronger push to on r pie .Hit advance- i; mont.— I'Ajrot'evillc 06., -if . v ' liKl'lNti A I'ANTIILU. A popular pliysieian liviiig in one if the counti s rfWes erti North l'a. liir, and «ho i. s'meivb it of a pi- les'ri ill, I had quit u singular and thrilling ad j vol 'i - with a pi'ithi i some ti::ic ago. ill" ■■ ol lin : ! >•. oiling • i : ' ja si i. , winding unirital'i trail, when Ihecaurj Uia largo log which bj at! i right ntigl i a ros-s tl, • path, from the !I > vcr soli or which the earth had been .iv ; '■■■.! mvn . liiii- ! iriinii ■; a coiisidera ildejuuip-olf- The doctor had placed' roiio fool on the log, and (til just m 'lie 1.. ' ; linjiingi v. •it whet, h • saw, t'i i bis horror, a full gr. wn pnnther crouch- ! I mg low on the ground, close up against ' : the log, and almost directly under liitn. j A hat was he to do? What could he do to defend himself should the savage , brute attack hiiut lie hud no weapon | but a s nail p cket knife, and that lie knew would he a poor defenso against Iho murdcrou;; onslaught of so forn.ida ble a hi'ast. liut the dootor, bcinj; a cool-headed, bravo man, di I not lose bis presence of mind and succumb to ab ject fear. lie at once recalled the many 1 stories which he had beard related and which lie had lead about wild, lavage annuals being cowe 1 and hel l at bay jby the unllili liing and steady gaze of ' tlio individual vhoni they were about to ■ rush upon. So ho fixed his eyes upon those of the pant r, and began to slow ly edge ofl s id- wiso along the top of ihe log, and when near the end of which he leaped quietly down, s'.iil keeping his' eyes fixed on tin ' nig. ;-ms brute, lie • , then retreated e. , j>|y b.-i -kwurd f r ! several paces, and, wheeling suddenly j ! around, II I down the rough an I preoipi- ! tous pathway almost with the speed of a thoroughbred race horse. The doctor, jin relating tho incident, c aid laughingly, '•' 0..5, you outbt 11 hive seen mo run j l-'or I will lay a wt-cr," continued he, ''thai I made m io" 1 ts—down tier : mountain aide that would put to limine '.he finest feats id l"apitig ever aecoiii- J 1 plished by a wild bn.-k '' It' the pau- I lhcc.juit i ■ thin ii--.nr k -aj it.— 1 ' ''jrp.'i.f i.tlhlin, KILLING OK A TJ\Y.\, There arc towns in North Carolina j and Virgiimrthat havo been actually: | kil' I by the uhiiraetcristio m"iiu;icss ■ol suae; I'adl!.• i l)o" or two' II Id fogies who hold property can do the 1 I work. Natural advantages amount to ' I nothing when the old sc!i.;mers -i:i I ha i i .of ,i. 1,. ;,[ the reins. T;, ' work is generally done slowly, but it is i done very effectually, indeed. We havo in mind a town not 20') ' miles away ! ! it has been killed by such a course- -and so effectually killed that \ ' not even tho uioft progros-ivo cili/en therein can ever hope for a revival This town, proul of her aristocratic j standing, spurned all enterprises of a iftanufaoturiog nature. A tobacoo fai. Tory iv.is established, but such an indus try was m t looked upon with favor by tho case-loving city fathers Tiic live | proprietor ot the factory wis iu the | habit of rising early, and a long, shrill j whistle from his engine eall d the fac-j tory hands to ivork a; an early hour. 4'his whistle, blo.vn at 7o'clock in the morning, disturbed the early slumber of the easy old citizens, and they kicked. An ordiincc was passed, prohibiting Mr. from blowing his whistle earlier | than 1) o clock. What was the result ' The factory .-hut its doors, the story 1 went out, and enterprise unil capital that would have gone there and built op the town passed by and stopped where there was a warmer wel come- This is but ono sample, but it is 1 enough to tell tho tale. Wo know of another place w 're the fastidious city ! rulers have prohibited tho tailroud en gines from blowing within tho incur-I poration, and where brass bands are ' not allowed to play on tho streets with out pel mission from the mayor. Those are steps that ill toward municipal { suicide. They kul slowly, but sure ly. This is nu age of activity, when fogy isiu must step aside and let enterprise have the floor. There is no room for the old ideas of ea.-e i.nd repose, no matter how weleouni they were to oui 1 fathers and grandfathers, ('apital stops 1 where ii is want; 1 and pagevly sought, ami not uli 'i a a town doubts whether ■ or not it wants it. The town that would grow must lovo the whistle of the ] factories above ull other music. It i must be willing to ho waked hj such tinisb at (i o'clock iu the morning and t must get up by that musio and go to I work.- SouJ/iern Tobacco Journal. i TIIK CAUSE OF POVERTY. The followers of Henry Oeorgc say that poverty comes bee base everybody don't own land. Tins theory cannot ap- ! ply to Ivistein Carolina for it is well ' IfTTTitvn that too much land has made j in i'iy men poor. 'I he simple ownership j of laud does not prevent poverty. In dustry, souriety, honesty and economy arc the weapons to fight poverty. A ; iu .Al i who has a good shate of these qual iti'-s ean own land if he wants it; with out these, land will not prevent poverty. There is a vast deal cf truth in the old sa« nig that very oinn is the architect j jof his own fortune " Smart men like I Henry George can easily in i'-e man be- ! Ijevn that tlieir poverty is attributable to ) some one else's conduat . they are half j inclined to believe this any way. liut • after all, common sense suggests that j t.inc tenths of the cases of extreme pov erty arc brought about by the conduct | of thoso thus afiiotod jVem JStrne Journal. TIIK LATEST PARK. Tho red-headed girl an 1 white horse craze has not yet struck Wilmington. White horses are plenty, but red-beared girls arc scaree ; and probably tho thing won't work as well hero as it does it other places. The craze bus prevailed in Northern towus for some t'mc past, and tho "gist" nf the thing seems to be that whenever you see a red-beaded girl, you will sec a white horse. As a ,ed headed woman walks along the street she becomes aware of the excite. !■ Nt she is creating. I very man who see* her, stops short and begins to look up and down for a white hone. Mcu who see her pais a window, rush out of tho de rto look for a white borso- If she goes into a store sue cannot but oh- j .-servo that the clerks slip to tho window ; >r di, !• leaking for white horses, utid slit-! | sees men, as sl.o passes tlio promenade, I signaling e;.e!i other and shouting back | ; and forth.— Wilmington Star. A lIUUOLIC IDYL-Ell. 'John, 1 want you to have every weed pulled out of tliss gulden before 1 get homo to-night.' '1 can't lo it in one day.' '\es, you can, it you arc industrious. I( 1 was young like you, I could do it in h ilf a day.' 'Say, father.' •Well !' 'Ain't you glad you ain't young like me«' >ur f ooplu will learn with much pleas ure that the peiiitJiitiury authorities at It a leigh havo accepted the offer of the directors of the Madison branch railioad to grade the same from Stokcsilale to I adisoii for $12,000. Work is expect: o 1 to commence in a short tine.— Twin r,t,j Daily. i'i N;i;.\r SNUFK. \ >ung W ifc—''l took great pains itiili the salad wo had for dinner, Kob eit. Robert, rubbing his "embon point" ruefully—" And SJ did I, my dear."—. irk insus I. if,. Up in Current Literature- "Who was the meekest person that ever livcJ, funniiy ?" asked the readier. "Moses' 1 •'Correct Tomuiie, and Willie Waffles may tetl us who the oldest person was." "She," promptly replied Wil lie. A Timid Man—"Are you afraid at tho midnight hour?" Well, ouly at the inJiiient when tho clock strikes twelve You see, it is such an un. | pleasant sensation when one doo* not ' know, for instance, whether it is Tuos- , day or Wednesday." -Lone Hint- , ter. "Where is the island of Java situa- , ' ted'" asked a school teacher of a small , boy. «l dunno, sir." "Don't you know whore coffee comes fioui ?" "Yes, sir; wo borrow it from tho next-door , neighbor." Out in Nebraska a man invented a new flly trap- a blanket saturated with coal oil —which lie hung up in his house and burned after it was full of flios. New ho is trying tofi id tho house. If you want a large fino piece of flex ible Sandstone fur ;i museum, send Copper A: Sons, I anbury, N. 0., $2 50 ' i aud they will deliver it well boxed at i tho express office iu Winston or at Wul- i uut Cove. , NO. 14 PICKINGS. From the Wilinin ton Star. Tlic labor vote will ccrtain'y liave to be counted among the potent factors in j 1888. Heecnt murders committed in Misis sippi are laid at the door of colored Ma sons. There is a split among the New | York Anarchists- Hanging is needed j and not st ills. Fred Grant is said to be something j uf a bully. Muhono's "oheek" is still the theme j of Virginia papers. (■en- Narango and Gen. I'radillo, | Mexicans, have fought a duel, lirsult is not known. ! The campaign in Tennessee is won ! derfully enthusiastic and cxcitiug. Prohibition is the cry. Gov. Tjco, of Virginia, it is said, would like to wear Kiddlebcrgcr's shoes. 11c is a man of good solid sense, if noi brilliant. Turkey has accepted Russia's pro posal to send a soldier to Bulgaria with power to restore order on the basis of the Uerliu treaty. The new York papers record the d-'aih of Charles \V, Thayer, of Hrook- Ivn who killed hiiuself oil account o( disappointed love, l'oor old fellow, lie loved not wisely, lie was over sixty years old. The Ktinponn nations arc all in line, nuh guns cocked, ready to shoot eiali oilier to death. This is what diplomats oall "an armed neutrality." The advantages of Wilmington as a port, are much superior to those of any J other couth of Norfolk. And don't j you forget lhat iu your calculations. It i said Hen Hutlcr and Gen. lloger A. Pryor will appear for the Anarchists if they succeed in gelling their cases before the l uilei States Supreme Court. Wiegins predicted an awful cyclone for the Lake region and Northern At lantic Coast on Monday. It came but two thousand miles away betweeu New Orleans and Galveston. That was an excellent guess for Wiggins. Mr. Carlisle is confident that lie will bo the next Speaker of the House It is given out as probable that S. 5. CoX will be the Chairman of the Ways and Moans Committee, lie will be a good one. When the President gets houie he | will bo so used up with his hurried ' fllying around the circle it will take a fortnight for hiui to recover. He will , be in Ihe samo fix watering place vis itors are after a sojurn ot a month or two—completely broken down. Hut, as the boys say, ho is n iving a mighty good time. Hi.K NOTES. Scvjra! correspondents in the .Imtr icnn Ike Journal advoca o wintering bees uuder the kitchen. Remember that your bees will need at least a rea«onablo amount of atten tion any caro for wintering safely through. As to the two processes of wintering bees, namely, ou the sumuimcr stands or in a cellar, about eight out of ten ad vocate the former, as the bees are less, aible to disease. It will set bees to fighting and rob bing to put broken combs in o the hive unless you put them in ju3t at nightfall and put in only so much as they will clean up entirely, aud go into their combs over night. It is a mistake to visit the boos too of'on during the winter. It is apt to disturb them; they become restloss, somo times discharge their faeces, and by 'his means produce a stench that is enough to destroy them. Hettcr ahvo 'heir winter quarters so constructed tlmt wo call asoertaiu their condition without disturbing thorn. The lloeky Mountain bee plant tClc omo integrifolia; is roccomniended by Professor A. J. Cook as worthy of bo. ing experimented with for bee pasture. It is a beautiful flower, which swarms with bees two months iu succession- It is sown in au'.umu. It. is profitiblc to sow seeds of sweet clover, catnip, etc., by the roadside aud in feneo corners and oul-of-lhc-way plaooi.

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