Reporter and Post. aTTpe, for the peopl gubti'id al tilt Vanbnrg A\ I'oat-oj) i eu Ser.ond Clutis Matter. THURSDAY, OUT, 2) 18S7. THIS PAPKE ORIGIN OF SOMB LOCAL NAMES IN STOKES COUNTY. ID answer to a request we give tlic following information in regard to tlit ongin of the names given to certain mountain*, and localities in tlus couuty. Though we have more than given the hut or j of the uarne of Sauratown Moantaiu we here reproduce it for the benefit of such readers as may not have already read it; the same reason has wggeste-1 the reproduction of our history •of the name D»u River in this place. Blown jum-NTAin possibly took its name, all has been suggested to us, from its appearance as seen in the sjistanco. QUAKKtt UAP in the Sauratown moun tain, owes its name to tl.e fact that the members of the Society of Friends or Quakers living iu the Westfield coun try iiae to cross the mountain through this gipon the way to and fro iu attend ing the yearly meetings of their society in Guilford couuty. 1 hero was also a botel iu the vicinage of this gap kuowu as the Quaker Hotel, which was fre quented by tie Quakers on their journey ings to the yearly meetings in Guilford «o«nty MOOSE'S KNOB, 2572 feet high as as certained by the U. S. Coast Survey, on the north side of Saura mountain was oalled after Matthew Moore, on the op-. 1 posite (south) side it is known as Cook's wall. «AI'RATO\YN mountain. This word (Sauratown) is possibly, as has been sug gested tv us by Mr. Powel, (director of the lJurcau of Ethnolgy, Siniihsotiian Institution, Washington,) a corruption of the Algonkian ward Sawano, signifying southern. According to the narrative of Collen who doubtlosa borrowed from Nicholas Parot, the Satanoi or Shaw nees were driven at an early day by the Five Nations from tho neighborhood of Lake Erie to tho Carolm-is. A portion of them were for a long tinio upen the bead waters of tho Santee (Catawba) and the great Pedec ( Yadkin) rivers undor the name of "Ontawagannha." This ! people began a migrat on iu the latter part of the 17th century to Pennsylva nia, whieh contiuued at intervals lor many years. Their name may Bot un likely have been perpetuated in the mountain of Stokes county. The Late Major Liairston informed us that his fa ther Saiuul Ilairston, Esq.,wa* a volun teer offlcer of the U. S. Army in the war of 1812, and was stationed at Buffalo, N. Y. While there ho met Red Jacket a chief of the Shawnee tribe, *ho had formerly lived in t'lis reg'.on. Re 1 Jacket said "lie thought this region the most beautiful country he had ever seen, and had never been satisfied since hu had been compelled to leave it. His heart •till clung to it, aud be seemed much grati6ed at me ting one who lived ther?." DAN HiVElt was named by 15yrd while running the line between Virginia and North Carolina. In his Narrative of Line twixt Virginia and Nofjji Carolina he says, when they came on kbe south branch of the Uoanoke they soiled it Dan Rivet, and in the absence of any authoritative statement to thf contrary it is reasonable to sup pose tbat tho name Was suggested to bis dkred hjfcthe same fsncy for scriptu. ral damss which led him to name a scope at Rockingham county the Garden of Kd«. This writer knows of no written Mthority for referring tho origin of this word to the name Panapaw who i» said to beco a chief of the Sauras. The Louisville Courier Journal makes a good point. It says: llConsistenoy is uot so much of a jew el as some people think. Hut truth i* • gem of tho rarest value."—Wilming ton Star. tVe remember to have heard the At torney Qencrnl i.f Ireland |>i • t.• in I'.r lUibotit Ralph Waldo Emcrsuu ts hav ing wrilton, is tho i.; bear of little miiid*."' A cheillint that emil I h ivc di- -ir—l a method ef rendering permaiiout no brilliant color of the juieo of polk beri it would bare made a fuitiinu before tin discovery of the aniline dyes made fro;: eoal tar. OUR STATE CONTKM POU Alt IES. t Teach the boys ami girls to read news- c pipers—not sensational, trashy, smutty sheets, but clean, respectable, plain spoken papers. It will do tliem tnoro than can ba calculated. It will make ] ( them intelligent. It will give tbein food Tor thought. It -fill cultivate a taste for uiore extensive reading. 11l will cause them to lovo home better. Then asthey glow in wisdom, they should bo supplied with first-class magazines i and good books. Such opportunities ? will be worth more to them than mints i of gold. By all means cultivate a taste for reading among the childreu; and a good local paper is the best to begin with, as the children can thero read about things that are familiar to them- - about their town and county, and con cerning iuen aud things of which they, have personal kuowlcdgo. From this J they cun go on step by step until they j' rank among the most intelligent people ; of the hud. — liunnuke A'cvos. Some people never get done telling | 1 of the ignorance, failings and meanness of other people. I reckon the reason is that they have no meanness of their own tuw tell about. John Smith has abused me tor years, because I would not by fertilise. He •aid no man could ever farm siontificully lulesa be used fertilise. 11c said it wu-> j be farmers'sheet anksr. lie said he vould by all he could git. So he luor- ] ;aged his old mare, then his cows, then lis land, an this fall I passed his bouse mbe wus iu deep trouble. There wus i raven setting near his house droopin loarsely, tew of his children were lieing in the floor, their arm* locked round each )tbcr cryiu dreadful: his wife was sctm u a chair bur hands on bur nees rocking ;aek an forth refusing tew be comforted. John was setin on the door-bock, tears running down his face big as cow-peas, \ fine young dog staudiug before him with [lis tail lowerod down to half mast evi ilcntly in sympathy with the family. 1 said John what in tho wurld is the mat ter. ''lie said I shall havo to sell my dog and he is only a pup, an ho treed a big possum last fall and if I could keep him this winter we would hav plenty of meet, an thcu wo think su much of one another it scorns that it will break my heart." But why se'.l your dog? He said tew by fertilise; 1 hive morgaged every tbing I could mirgage but him an \ shall have to sell him now, O-O. SOL SQI.IIIS. — Exc/innge. The longest lived of our State dailies either contcmpory or ot tne past is j the Wilmington .Morning Star, and it I shoes no signs of being on the wane. During tho last month a goodly number of our State contemporaries have allud ed to its twentieth anniversary of publi | cation in a manner that exhibits a very 1 n a iked degree of personal reg-rd for | i-s editor, Mr. Theodore M. Kingsbury. ; If ihcse congratulations as well as tl.nse j for a number of yoars were collected into ! a scrap book, after the manner Mr. j t hilds lias been doing with notices of Ins paper tho Philadelphia I.eilxer, they j would form an interesting souvenir o' its kiud. We have more than once dur ing the last two years expressed our opin ion of the Star, but do not c ire to repoat what we have already said and must cut short our congratulations by sincerely wishing it a continuance in its good work and successful management. We need not say more, we could not say less. BKIKFS OK GKNTUAI, NEWS. THURSDAY, 0;v. 13. A terrible de tractive storm is report, ed from the southern coast of Mexico ; a j town of eight thousand inhabitants wan swept away and many lives lost. Tho U. S. Supreme Court ycstcrdai granted writs of habeas corpus iu tin : cases of the imprisoned Virginia a tor I neys, returnable next Monday, whei they will be tried upon their merits. The first snow storm of the Reason pre vailed at Utica, N. Y., yesterday. , Another desth from cholera st Swin bum Island, S. Y"., is reported; th } Alesia's passengers will not be penuittei to couie ashore, s Ope death and three more cases c f yellow feyer are reported from Tamp i since last report, but the situation is rc s garded more hopeful. ' Mr. Hubert Garrett resigned the pre idency of the Baltimere and Ohio ltail I road Co. yesterday, and it wasacceptet Another cotton-laden stesmshi s caught on fire at Savannah yeatcrday she oas four thousand bales on board. The President left Minneapolis Tues ■" day night, and commenced his eoutl r- w»rd fligtit; at every point along tL night's lido the people wore out in fore ' w.''i bands and bonfires, to extend greo' ...i . Sioux City was reached about sur i -v, where the Com Palace was tl 1 pivut novelty, after an mspoction i w :iub the party left for Omaha, on read ' ing wlitoh place a perfect ovation w; I tendered. ic : m ! Frost, as far south as Port Gibso ' Miss., Tuesday night. Detroit won tho third gaiuo in tliej match with t. Louis for tho world championship. j * PBIDA/, OCT. M. Minister Masning'* funeral will ta'.(r place to-day from the Fifth Avenue 11.- n tel New York city. « t The striking brass workers and book r printers of Now York city are still out » of employment. Further particulars of tho terrible a railway accident iu Indiana show that ■' sixteen persons were burned to death and i eighteen wounded. r Bcven lives were lost aud maud injur- . ed by the burning ot the iusane asylum , at Cleveland, Ohio. About three thousaud miners are out on a strike in ludiaua, and a coal fain- . Ine is apprehended; the men claim to be u pooily pa'tJ, and will stay out until their ' demands are complied with. . A thieving messenger of tho Pacific ~ Kxpress Co., at St. Louis, has made a 1 I confession and s'! 1,000 were recovered. | j Jennie Lind is reported to be dying. J The government will will bring suit ' against the wardens of Holy Trinity, , Church, New York, for bringing a uiiii- j ! ister to this country contrary to the , : 1 Fnitcd States contract labor l.iw. 1 ' i The Mayor of Chicago has stopped t tleorge Francis Tra'ti from speaking. j t | The crookeduess of tho Connecticut j ! bank cashier grow as the investigation I ' proceeds, the loss so far aggregates j $159,000. I The Detroit* won the fourth of the , World's Championship seties, at l itis- j ; burg, yesterday; the scoio was, Do i troits S, St. Louis 0. ; A young man was shot and instaully killed yesterday in a Savannah boarding 1 house; tbc. killing was in sclf-de cnce. The President was at Kansas City. Mo., yesterday, and laid the corner- i stone of a Young Meu's Christian Asso ciation building; he was shown the won derful progress of the city, and made a 1 s, eeeh in response to the Mayor's wcl ' - come. ri , i Yellow 'ever has made its appearance | ,' at Palatka, Fla., and a strict (|uarantiuc | has been established against that place; I s six new can's arul two deaths are re ( ported from Tampa, Fla. SATURDAY, OCT. 15. 'I he cotton crop for tho present year U estimated at (1 550,000 bales, an in- *■ crease of 4'>,ooj bales over the previous s i one. t; , (ten. lioulangcr lias been relieved r 1 from his ooiuin ind in the French aruiy, and his nriest ordered; it is further stat ed that he has resigned. v Sir Charles Tupper has been appointed ' 'to represent Canada on tho Fishery , Commission. e Two deaths from yellow fever and a three new cases at Tauipa since last re port in. fe irs are entertained of a sprc 11 j s 1 of a disease at l'alatka y The large cotton cloth mill at Balkie.. if Conn . was destroyed by fire yesterday i - morning, throwing nine hundred opera- . i- tives out '.f employment; loss $150,000. ° lUmarkable dullness was the featute '' of tho Chicago grain aud provision mar- kets yesterday. The health officer of Now York re ports no new ease of cholera since the 7th inst. , eight eases were taken from | tho Alfsia and twenty-six were develop ' cd at quarantine. It. 0. l>unn& Cn.'s trade review for i the week does not make a very cneour ( ! aging oxhibit, general depression being the principle feature. This week '2O'J failures in the United 1 States and Canada, as agaiust 212 fjr , the previous week. 'T I A saw mill boiler explosion in \Y ost le • Virginia killed three men aod tore (everything loose in tho neighborhood. | Total net receipts of eotton at all I porta since September Ist, 181,058. e -BUNPAY, OCT. 10. The President's journey ycsteiday | le from Kansas City to Memphis was de ft) void of any strikiug incident. An attempt was made to wreck the 0 f Presidential train while it was passing pj through Arkansas; a tiostle was fired, • 0 . but it was discovered iu time by the pilot train to prevent a torrible castro phe. i il_ i Oa Friday, when tho train on the .j, jSjuthern Pacific Road, was a short distance frem El Paso, it was stopped "P bv robbers and a dynamite bomb hurled at the mail oar, which was badly shat tered; tbo mail agent soiled a gun and is- shot one of the robbers doad, and th th- others took to their heals. ' je The total visible sapply of cotton foi ce ' the world is 1.930,049 bales, at in. Judge 11. T. Kllett, who made tin ihc welcome address to the President, it of Memphis, died on the stand before th jl,. i ceremonies were completed, 'as Telegraphic communication will j Charleston was cut off Friday night l)Dj |by a fire in tho surban town of Magnb ' lia which molted all of the wires. A DRUGGIST'S lISMB. j H Sick Man's Wife Disregards Hp> Atlvtce and So Savos Ilia Lite oi Her Ku»taad. . .... , 1 am n wood carver by trade aud It is ou: >f my in oto write 1 .1 r»; » my wife thoii-rht it was no in n th isi't that i should lot you know what loar rcniody hits done fur me, and 1 think s . too. I live in Kast 157 th street, west of | Third I'venue, and have lived there fin | about twenty-three years, where 1 own | lral estate. Up to the time lam nlmut lo m ::t wfi I had I a sii mj*. well num. Tlin-e WHS always mon or less I j malaria i i the II.; 'ibi rhoiwl, hut I had not pers >u:dly jutl'Tiil from it. Zt was in 1. > 1 I Umi'uiy tlr-t attnek. li eame on as such altifkj eonuii"nly do, with h. r.i!a"!ies. 1 -i of appetite and e.nibi tioti, oiltlly pciisui lilt with slight fever afterwards, a di*p aitUin to yawn and ■.iivteh, an Iso f .rth. I was employed at tint time at Killians & Itrothers, furniture iiKintifa -tuivts, iu We,- 32d air el. I hoped the attack would wear .111, bllt as .1 didn't i consulted a well known aud aldo physi.'inu ia M irris auia. who gave ine ■; mine and tirl.l ilio ui. it to do. 1 run sum up the 111 : four and a halt or five vears id my .x; ri en.e in few words. Oeeasioo :. > 1 was laid up f.*r a day or two, but "ii th.' whole 1 itii kto my work. I p: tuktot; qldliilH'. i 1 lo *e: dose.i ft* u year lo yen.', ii-i k ; ' ..11..i ... - Or and worn . hi;. ''lt tiimi. My l" ' '- v s now w. d i'. - j tiins) liiul''it." »J .nsweiest tdy and regular. I h i d ..oh ru« in iu wor.t ; foMu. mml ii iut- grluilliijs nie down in spitj" of all lo..: I eoiihl i! ■ • i r-.e do> tors eo'ihl do il ! . ! :'i i g ;> i.' c flit in .1 o.'ir.'.'i ; . I mint i .10 p. : "II nail u'olie all : i; -. ;t)i and • rme and liotliin;; w"*.s ri I>! t i toiivh it. I '.ves fast losing'll iai;d si; . nh. and ii'«>;it Mareli. I8?H. I kiioekedotr ■ nrk . ;:iire ly .-.ail went lnone t hell UVII siek. ai'.d to t!iu for all i couiil tell. J rail d iwn so rapidly tlu.l I soon !.■ ."on-' unable to walk ui.y disia'.icM. Li; : I wont from room to i' hiiii iu myn.wi house only by friends holdingme nphy . in harm. The dosi'-s of i| a .ine w re iiii'i .aited until 1 oj'.cn luoi tUirtf fauif U * fhttc. The etToetS of this liKor n-ions stiu.illation was to make me tiearly wild, it brt.ko my sleep hi! up, and I often walked tho •tiior, or sla;; ei'ed alMiut it, all night long, scare, iy sl.le to bear imy noises or even human s|>eeeh. Sly tonnwr was extremely irrilahle. As to food, one of my fittle children would eat more in a meal than 1 could in a day. 1 would order f.H.d and then turn from It in disgust. 1 iived on quinine aud • ■tiler stimulants and on nn/acl/, like a in winter. The qiiinine set my head in a whirl, and tho liquor—given an a medicine —made my stomach so sk'k I could not tolerate it. From 17ft pounds (my proper weight) I ran down to 97 jiotinds—the weight of a light cirl-~ind was *arceiy IxHter than a skeleton. lfn+ubodi/ 'V»L lok-n a haU-kt t a/ul b'lsfJvHi wic lirtk'n lulled me 1 should id i* teei» bcih'f off. During th« latter j>ort of this period, ea-lv in my physieian said: " Mfl>r, there's no uec in my taking any in rv moiury of yon. I can't do you any nl. I ":ii*:it jsiur pounds of uui ni ' vj your thiMat and it wouldo't iuilp v u." .' (). i .o ■■■; en-rth of thfs I inive un the na" t.f |inii;ii.' ®ft«g.*fher, and nia.l.: up my n-.iiid lo do,nytiling nKiru aud take mi' ohttßCM. 'R nv weeks nftervards—ah/.ut tho hut i f May— n:y i:i(" saw an adviu tiso 10Pitt of K'-skine ;n .; JToW \ork |M{ltt> She told me of it I >• I; •• Stuff and nousoliw! it can't do me any good." itut she went to a druggi.-t's. neverthe less, to get it. T'.II ndviscsl her against Kie kine: he sahl it was uoiiiing but sugar; that she ought not to throw nw'.y her money on it. Ac. fie s.dd he didn't '.eeji .1, hot laiuld it if ho insisted on havin ■ it. T irn ' awav In d ; . i:-.l my o > : p'v).e to ' our iH'iglll)'!. "r. A. G. II gewald, who :rot her n lsciio at .1 drug store iu Sixth avenue. Almost ;i:i;-t niv will, and wdthnnt ! the least '• .I l» ml iking it. In one week 1 «v !■ * ■:> I begin to ideep. 1 ' ;'ig ;;hi'!,ts.' 1 ImU tohnvi ail 'i; ; liu* aud lo gain strength. This was now the first of June. nnd by the end of that mouth 1 was Ki» k .it nil n!* at I'. Smith's settill -I. '. ty iu lliith Street, v. here 1 icoik ' n'.v. Bin«e thi*n I Iniv- n .-T b»st a day from".". I■. 11 t. iikins ' niv, about forty ;x'l! ■; f p .1 doses a day, I i;; - to g iln The ma latta eppoa re-1 i. • -■ i.. ■ i ilfni* sys tem. and iviw. I-. • ' l.aek in; old wei.rht— 17fi | md iny old ! ktv. 1. rth t'l ;.|- 1 am OS J. tiinhih | movt to in' ' in ■ ami lif K i -l;ii'v il .'. \)i \ ■ *' i u I -si! /.v • did. tie' ' I r thin-.' it | coui-i do w»o 11 * ' man I to life. 1 I.: :• - • I' 630 !: • N w York, p. s 1- . Ii of tho shove statem"nt I ier I>' ho ."llon ing - ll'lemon. ; !■■ ■■ i illy ao oiiednti d with f fi ! : Ah X- L | a ider Weir. •>- • i . • 't ; Mr. tiei rge ; Seiuiiaii, loSlh t•. , t in.l Cotrtliuidt «vonne; Mr. A. M'-aibtia, 161 th street and Coiirtinndt ""e:: ;e: Mr. I'- F. 1' V.ilipel, 10-ttll s:: • ■ C ell'llandt avenue; Mr. John Luii'-iy, C;i) Kast l.'ifth street; Wr. J dm ileiishaw, 121 U>olh street, and mm v >thers. 1 will also reply to Ivtter.. of i;n|U;i> We submit'ihaL Ilio alawe astonish -111:; cure, vouchor for ai .t is 'j rcpil ■ tanlr men,' is dtaerving of a thorough slid candid iiivosiiitiition by thinking people. And wo furtln r submit thai e when druggists turn away customers by f.tlsifi nig the churaeler of a reined} 6 because tiiey do not happen to have il I, on hand, they do a great wrong- Il this afflicted man had not disregard™ the druggist's advice and sent else where for the rem dv he would withou doubt have lits-n in Lis gi - ve. Other letlms of a «ui lar eluiraeto o from proiniiK'Wt imlivuliials, whk'l stamp Kaskim* i." a ri lmsly of un i doubted merit, will be «inl ou applioa d i tlon. Price, il.uo. or 6 IwMlui. r.,00 Sold by ui sent by mail oi | ris eipt of pri.«. The K.oikiiie Cumpaiiy, fit Worrei j i St., Mow Yurk. le NOTICE TO TAX I'AYKUS. I will meet the elUr'i* of Stokes county for the purpose of col It* i i the State an ,r county taxes for the year IHB7, at the fol lowing times aud places, viz : (•-.rmautou Monday, October 17th io! Oultou Tnesilav " ■ i Kianeiseo Wednesday '• 111 " iKair 11 iv Thursday " -0 " ic ii 11 siniin >iis St Krl.lay •* 21 " (.1 ' Flinn'a Store Saturday " k! " I Walnut Cove Monday " 24 " t|! The Taxes will 1 c Iflj ceut-s ou slOl va na'i .ii of property nnl saou tl.e (voll. ') 1 liop. tie; people Will 111 et me at 11 j_ above tr . an i,s aud pay llielr ia\i prompt ly. • i • Ist day 1 ■'' • ! iwi »f*7. li. 1. IIALTON, SI erii L. KLINE, o. Practical Watch Maker AND .1 i :w I :i * The Singer ScwiDg Machine Office I " WIWQTOrJ, N C. 1 l J If- ii v. ant your i.aich out, re .. : .ny other work in the Jewelry • I' !. . ■ it .... lie in the C The Wilmington Star, ji p.K.iirtni x ix rmcEs. Attention is called to the following re duced rates of subscription, CASH IN AIIVANCE: - Til K PAIL V ST A It. One Year $(1.00 j Three Montlissl.f>o Six Months 8.00 | One Months 50 TIIE WEEKLY STAK One Year §I.OO j Six Mouths CO Three Mouths 30 cents. Our Telegraph Xeivs service lias recently lieen hugely increased, aud it is our deter mination lo keep the S i An up lo the highest standard of news-paper exeojlence. Address, W.M. 11. BEItNAKI), Wilmington, X. C. I I THOMPSON'S COMJ > 0 U N D HiiUiffiH. * *• t v t" t ttttr A MILD TONIC AXl> A FI'ETIZEH, A cure for D\spepsla, IndlgeMion anil ('. i.-' j.ati.'ii. Il promotes Ihe secretionsol the l.iver Mill Killueys, and gives a ginilh' one to the Organs. lUlicves Xueaick Pi ost rat ion following rrotracted Servouss, and enfeebled condition of the general sys tem. . MANI'F -VCTl'llKtl UV Dr. V. 0, THOMPSON, DRUGGIST, Winston N. C. ■ bit (LH t , . ST! VM i ■ tiSEJL. 4 JHU I Moxican : Mustang Liniment i- CXJIIBB ! Stistioa, Scratches, Contracted Lixabago, Sprains, Mnsclea, 1 Rhenmatinn. Strains, Eruptions, Earns, Stitches, Hoof Ail, ™ Scalds, Stiff Joints, Soraw 'J' Stings, Backache, Worms, EHes, Galls, Swlnney, 'J Smtses, Sores, Saddle Galla, "" Dnntona, Spavin Piles. °- Cracks. THIS 0000 OLD STAND-BY »-y.mpHahM for eTerylKKlf eisrHy what li claimed . 0 >rR. OOC of the reason, fop the great (Hipularlly oT rte MiiatanK lJulmeat Is tounil In IU anlTerial "" nppllrnblllir. Krarybodr n»«a» such a amUnlaa a- | The I.uwbprmnii need. It Iu ease of accldeal. 0. Tho Iloaaett ire no«l. It for generalfamllj a». m The Cannier needs It for his teams and bljmen. Tho Mechanic needs It always on his worlt Tho Wllner needs It In case of emergency. Tho Planeer need. It-eaa't gat along wlthont It. Tho Farmer needs It In hU house, hU stable, an.l his itock yard. The Sleaashoat man ar the Baataaaa needs ■ J It In Üboral wpply afloat and ashore. 1111 Tfee llarse.fancier needs H-U Is hi. best s '" friend and aafeat rsllaoee. The Hloek.grower neel« 11-U will safe him .theu.sud. of dollar* anil a wotld of trouble. The Itallrand mo a needs It and will need It tA long o. his life 15 a round of eerldenu and dangt-rs. Tho Hnckwnodsmnu needs It. Tliere la noth hurllhe It »I an antidote for tho dangers to life, limb and comfort which .urrouud the pioneer. Tho Merchant needs It about his store among hi. eniployeoa. Accident, will happen, and when 111- theee come the Musung Liniment Is wanted at once. 111-can Bottle In the Uoaae. -Hatha beet of I),. soonomy. Keep a Battle In the Kaeterr. Itslmmedlate asc In ease of accident «a»ee pain and lose of wage*. Keep a Bottle Alwarala Ik* Stable for nee when wanted. . --- . ' ■ ill. . K. BENNETT. J. A. BINJfITT WINSTON MARBLE WORKS, BENNETT BHQS.. DEALERH IX Marble and Granite Monuments, ftleadNioncs, Tablets, Mantels, &e«, Opposite Brown's "Warehouse, - - Main St., WlnitoaVC. Deigns ami E>tiinatcs Fwrnishml on Application. ESTABLISHED 1871 ESTABLISHED 1171 J. W. SCOTT & CO. Wholesale Merchants GREENNBORO IN'. O, Are now receiving their spring stock oi notions and dry goods. And almost daily adding to their stock oi groceries, Buyers are invited to call in person or send orders by mail. t ) Wc hope to build up a large trade with . the merchants of Stokes county and ail along the line of thcC. F. & V. V Railroad. ! * i '« Brown, Browner, • * Brownest* High, Higher, Highest, If you would got the very highest price tor your tobacco, make up yoaf and, when preparing it fur market, to take it ts Browns Warehouse Winston, N C Hero you will find the largest, best lighted Warehouse in t»wn. one of tb« b* auctioneers iu this, or any other State, and larger buyers by the score. That not all, if you would stay but a few hours, or over night, you will find csmforUbW lu ouis, plenty of wood, cook Moves upon which to prepare your food |oo4 ntM in abuuduueo and every thing necessary to your comfort (if you bars • *lMf conscience,) while the stalls for your stock are all that you could wish tor. linug us your tobacco : we will do all in our power to tnake you oonfortabU [ while here, and get what you want most—a big price for your tobaee*. Very Irmly BROWN & CARTER. SUBSCRIBE To THE i REPORTER AND POST. ». i " One Year St.SO n o 81x Months 75 :| ;; Three Months 50 T I ■ "••r.v- • * #

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