THE DANIUI REPORTER POST. VOLUME XVI. Reporter end Post. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT DANBURY. N. C. PEPPER .V SONS, ruin. iS- Propr KSmr, jf*JfliMttmteJSr -'I KAI ».S M Nl llMtltll'itON -. Clio Voir. I'stutilde iti udvHiicc •* 1 Month* .-.T't KiTLH or Ai>V>:KTIKI?|4I: no Square (ton linen or loss) 1 t me *' w i or «N«'h addition;!! iiiMrtUin A' ' CVntmrt.« fur longer i mo oriinm» *i«uro « «n bt made In proportion t>> tlif uu rt»io* Truxooiii h * .111 • o\|H ctv)«l t" r»uiit ' •c-or li-iT to : »" , a r.iuA .»t tliu time tin ;, tiu. their J n or*. Lie:»l X »ticrs v\ ill l.otdmrgod 3cpercent. thsiii »ho\ o NiixVm «* *u: • • vrti' hfl Innerted at Ton FcVar* ' er ttnniiiu. PROFESSION L C.IK US. L. U.-O'MOUE, ATTORNEYATLAW MtAiryN.C. Special attention jjiveulo ihe collect ion o | claims. II : F. CARTER, TTOiI.YKr-rf TT*» M r. AlltY, SURHY CO.. N. c 7iut. t» v 1 r uwi'L sm i> hea >uc Wiiutd THE mcadoo housf, GRKENSUOIiO, X. . CITAS. J). VKHA O.Y, /VoV. Has tlie largest, most elegantly furti ished ami best ventilated rooms of any , Hotel in tlic city. r. DAV, AI.UKRT JONKK ! IDsty 5c„ manufacturers o! S A I9DLEKY.II AltNl.SJf. COLL A l;s.T»:fN K * ' No. ssg vs. linitiMuie turret, Hnlttnu re. Md, HICIIAKIi WOOD HAM I. I*. UOODWIX. RkILV Uk*l>F.k«o!l. Rl'li'UW. It ACO WOOD, BACON & CO ln|»orteni hiii] JwliUom «»f DRV conns, XOTIO.VS HIITTE GOODS, ETC. N. ... .IMII Mailrt HI,, PHILALELPtII-V PA. l'urties having CUT MICA for sale will find it to tlieir interest to with A. O. SCIIOONMAKKR, 158 William St., New York. O. K I.EKTWI. K. with HIXCO, EI.LETT A CXt.W, RICHMOND, TA., Wbolcule Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS. *0 Prompt attention paid to orders, and *»it • ! ct«»ti jraur^nt.'O.l. ,flir lirgua>i S.'atc I'riton G " •/v llareh,6. «n ROHKtir w. POWCR.4. FDOA It D TAYf.O u w row Kits ,v co., WHOLESALE Dill CO'IST* Dealers ill PAINTS, OILS, DYES, VARNISH ;■> > French atirt Amerieun WINDOW tiLAaii, PUTTY, &C | SJIoKINO AM) CiIKW IN (J CIGARS, Toil A Cl'O A 81'ECIAI.Il 1805 Main St., Richmond, VV j Aus'istliir;.;— GEO. STEWART. Tin and Sheet Irou Mami- j factucer. Opposite raniicrs' Warehouse. WIXSION. X «' . ROOFING GUTTERING ANO SPOUT ING done at short notice* K>*ps constantly o;i ban I a Uno lot Cooking and Heatim; Stov*i SUMMER MILLINERY AND STAPLE NOTIONS' CONSISTING! OK OlovgN, Hosiery Zephyr. antl Ibe bent untl ni»«t Itclliiltlc coitt:rs. Trimmed llalii ami noiiiietn. To kull Everybody. Firm door South of Hotel Fountain, WINSTON, N. 0. Mrs- N- S' Davis. Mrs Stanton & Mcrritt, Winston N. C. I Millinery and Fancy Goods DIKSt. TRIMMED HATS, LACKS KM RROIDKUI KS, ttc . *o. Main Street nearly opposite the Cei>tr H ilel. 1 zertza, xm®®# I Drillir- Specific foi 1 i?er Disease. or , ' d,, kifcto in , ♦* •• - ' I'louth; to'Mr io coa!cl ! wli:t.» . •« ~ ,c!( » n Fir; imiti in to» 1 ■?»' or Joints- often nilMakc.'i i i'Ur i.h urn tit!* mi ; Mont.u-lii 1«» hi «>f 1 Utfl: in (.tin r, u?*i:•- ,i ,mt wulor- i l»r;t ii, * r i n , ji , -Uon ; fl.ituli ticy an«l uchl ' J eri'i tiol-ifis; lMiwtii. ultfrimt* iy ciMttlve I mitt ia\: ;' • •.«>I ,!i«itmirv, with it !•.tin fill MM,- . ltifioi Imv Inn fiilcu to do I ; nonii ♦! ing v. lt on'cht t«> I dofclr.' * ; l. |..i;;s. r. Ih'ek, yr'lnw ;ip of the win mid i*yeß: it dry I couuU: fev.r; n-;.: il.»* urine la i Hcioii uid ii jti» roll.i ' nnd, if nllovc ilO etaiid, depoat(s a sediment. S'WMONS LIVER RESUIATOR (PUaC'.V VtGETACLC) !tp nerili.v ,»m »• in !li* -• «it It to nrowjo 1 Toi pid Ltvi. to .i DMUtby ;et n. i It 3''. v. ili rJlrory i.ittcaci' on the JCIDNEYB, * and Bowels. A'l EtrtCTUtL >l;c :>'•! FOR Msi'ariit, Rowel Cotn'diiiid*. l»v M M p*i.i, Sick m iKloche, .» i«tl|-.uftOll. ItiliotlMUCHH, Kid vy A ilWtimiH, JUIIIIIU'\ Memul DcpresHlott, i'ulle. Km! ir«t! by tl.c u-c of i'-llttlonH of It .tlie*. a* ■ TM7. BEST FAMILY i-j: i htlilron, for Adult .4, and for the Agod. ONLY GENUINE h.. our Z Stamp in fed on front of vVr.»pj>cr. J. H. Zcih'n & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., K>LU |-M(JI'KIatUHS. i'l kt , *I.OO. I Brown Rogers $ Co Wholesale and Retail 11 A 111» W A 11 E I li.irpos* lino of STOKVS in Winston. . Agricult vii'til Implemoiils i \I VCI IINHHY olallkinds I LIU. YESS .1, V V SADDLES &-c P. II .TS, OILS, v 1 R.VISNES, frc! Special -i'.l ti'■ 1 invitfd to thrii ll'li ttis i'liiifier Plows. • li'uit . Dvponl's old mi l t nil known Riflt Powtler. xp.'t 20-ly I IJ,» .>>ll ht'licvo it *.* | Et is a fiict ! Witat. -v o.y body a ays mnst bo so. II AVE YOlf l!E \RD Ir' I). D- SCHOUi.EII'.S, The original Ciioap Jot»u Wins:on C. HE\. iji I I:US POI; low I'll! ES! (ireitiT THAN EVER BKFORK OFFKR£O i i READ Y-'.HCIi CLCTHIi4C, FOR MEN AND BOYS, HATS ('.-IPS, HOOTS . /.VP 1 siro/cs, ii.s'odi; vaoons . LYJJ. \ '(J it ■•'/'. \ OF ALL ' KJAns. We would call upcal at tint "ii t.» otir liner, f , , F?Nl£ ALL WOOL CLOTH FOR MEN'S WEAR at the low price of iiOo per )nd 1 worth anywhere §I.OO per yard, J list received a nine line of hoods tor ■ ladies and children, to he sold at prices that defy competition. ANOTHER LOT OF K A'l I\ S J I ST HIX'IVFD, which will lw sold f«'r tlio next few days at only I(K* per. yard, worth 20c, A nice line of —Jerseys received to-day- i ] ITEW MABKENS nmki anil all kinds «l" Winter wraps for l.adies and cUlhljon to be fold exceed ingly low. ll w ill he to your iiitest w hen ifi Winston . To call nl The Original Cheap John's for any tiling yon mar need, found at tha , k.-incold st.tnd, uit door to 1W (>lli«t?. | «>oril!.N; SUCCEEDS I.IKE HUCCESH." DANBURY, N. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1887. -r,jv w ' > P r V II iirr-i MORY. j Riliv tells ;t !:ttl" storv. On its mother's l. o; r Wlieii the eyi -i l: ;» o|nvted -» Kron their inl imp. lt*> about tlie latid of By Lo, And its Uotvert and atmaius; Or t'le loving, jonilin; au-,- ls lialiies meftt i i dl*CAms. Motlu r's 'lice is l.eudiiu; over, •So toenrch e;u'li won!— Bending, :is a hirdie's ni>llv>r Jienils above lior bird. i 'tjeml, piMllied b> poet, is to lier so dear; Though (lio language is the quaiiitcs! Any on • could hear. Now the tiny tongue i*- 11yii* Something toinipait: Ea:,fil> ilse motir li-»u*:.s - Jlears wilii all le - heart. Ile.ns the story—uudei-stands ii, If no others do: Though storv just coinmciu •> As it ends, with "4(10! ' —Gforyc Cooper. | THE ('HKW f PISAITKAKIXG. ; Tobacco is coining down every Jiv more and more tu the smoking basis. I Our grandfathers used it as snufT, our 1 fathers for chewing. Hotli the habit" I are gone or are going out of fashion, and ( America's aromatic weed is itself to tho pi} e eijrar or eigarctt-. ' 1 SnufT was the weaknc.s of tho century, and tobacco in that shape was not le- } , served to the nnlcs nlone v lor the j 1 grnndes domes tool" a pinch when it was ! 1 offered thorn The habit is nearly ex- ! | tinct to-day. There are Hioso 1 • 1 • f Iraeo a oonncolion betareon tbo tiuiulta- i! neons di" ippearam 0 of (lie old tiino ! coUrtcay and tnbahert, Soiue fow rot* 1 oraua cling to it, but the rising gem ra tion rg/'ises to take muilF Tobacco clicwir ij, while' restricted some ex'nit to this country, was a I aim well nigh universal hcie half a centVrv | but it also i.- to-day rapidly out. Although the of the . country lias increased during the mean- j while, there in not hall as much chewing 1 tobacco sold as ten jears ag:>, not u third as much as twenty years past. The only explanation is that coiistum attacks on tobacco elietving are forcini: it out of use. A score cd years ago, when came to ihi ennntry, they always dwelt upi n ties -u! »j-i. and the American habit of ohewing to- ! hacco and "expectorating intn co | - dors," as we cleg intly led it, si-ei.•• d f • arouse their IIO.S! inUMiso disgust. The American habit got abuse ere" ih in this country, and the pr the pul pit and (he feminine win id' deiiouneo i or ridiculed it Then, ti«», Americans j became giote particular in their tress, ami the tobacco marks en the shirt bo som that formerly went utlliuoticed gave I rise to unfavorable remarks. Ilowevet that be, tobacco chewing lus fallen off to a great extent. There was a time when Congress locked like a convention | of chewors, and when the halls af the j Senate ami House were littered Willi , spittoons innumerable. I'o-duy it in said that tobacco is his ing it hold in the world. It is consuin- ' ed ill as large qunntiiie» as ever, but it is reserved almost altogether fwr smok ing purposes. - 11mcs-Democrat. Il is very plain the '/Vm.s Dtm ucrat is cither "behind" on the tobacco ! question or is trying to do something for seed leaf and cigar inun. If Such r. j stat.i of affairs existed as claimed bv the | i Times- Democrat, what would become of j ' our Virginia and North t arolina maim- 11 i clurors who li ve large fortunes wrap- j I ped up in plug tobacco factories 1 II I sucli statements arc true, why is it that 1 I tlicso manufacturers ur.i making money j every d«y and arc the most substantial j t men of the country ? It is a very crro- j neous idea that the Ncw Orleans paper has taken hold of. Chewing is not on ■ the decline, but it is most assuredly on J ' the increase. The returns of Ihc Inter- | nal Uevenuc Peparlment for six months ending July Ist of this jear show an in- j I crease of over 25,000,000 pounds over I tho same petiod last year on liianiifactu- | t red stock of this kind. Tho chew be- | longs to the poor man ami the laborer, and it must be admitted thai these ar' I in the majority. While Congressmen and millionaires may liav■ given up the ] chew for the fragrant Havana, the chew i cjntinues to gam favor with 'he lower , | class, it is not so expensive as smok- • ing, and oan be indulged in while tho 1 wording man Is attending to his duties, at"! as long as the poor man exists, so I'Mig will he conliuuo to chew. There i no e imparison betweeu the amount of !• !i,i-eo manufactured and consumed tn d • .o.d twenty years aga. — Sou,he'll / './(Co lournnt. A I.AND OF PROMISE. t When Alaska was purchased for $7 . .'00,(11 >0 under the adiuinistration of Andrew Joiinson-it was gcneatlly snp posi dwo had bought a barren lat.d Twenty years of piiKsessioU have uot brongiit us accurate mforieaf ji con ci ruing our m w arqiiisitii u as wo might , • have expected in that tiino, but we ktn.iv noogl to assuro us that we made ti « .od 1 ar-Min with l»uring the last three or four years astonishing li.-eovcn shave been made iu Alaska by govcrnmcut exploring parties and by private enterprise. Tho fisheries are far more valuable than had been supposed. Already a large business has been built ug in canning Ir Fortunes have been made in fur,s a. I the prospects of that business are excellent. liut flic miner al resources of Alaska constitute the chief attraction. Iron of fine grade ami i coal iu vast abundance are found. Of ourse there are i|Uai titics of petroleum. •liisl enough prospecting has been done to show that the country ts very rich in ! mineral deposits. At present a gold fc-1 ver is carrying capitalists and adven'u- ! rers to Ibis land of promise. One plant j has been established at a cosi of §SOO,- j 000 on Douglass Island, where rich j gold deposits have been found. Gold j milling is active in the vicinity of Sitka. Kahuious talcs are told of the assays of or iu that region. Population is flow- t iug in Towns are building up, and evi dcnctv of civilization arc visible iu all parts of tijo country. The government !: ;s established two schools in Siika. ; Savcral other schools are kept by dif- 1 I'erci i missionary societies. The devel . puicnt of Alaska is a! ain ist interest. ' itig si.e e. It is impossible to predict i what the country man be iu tliu next ten years. The climate in some parts ftllc country is very pleasant foi a jjreat part of tho year and is uever so severe as persons who have not been there are a; ito think.— Atlanta Con stitution. rili; (ii'.KAT KNOLISII SMOKER. William Hcpworlh Dix.o writes in the fi li.oving eloi|ueut manner of Ihc lt"tit'i smuker, Sir Walter l!al '•( men, when we come to ih ii, in , 1 c grca' hi parts, this man W'i. gi it in all parte. Frmi: the liigli • st masters in special aris he had noth- , nig tu l"ii:. f*| i en* could not 'each line, si ;g . iI nl toil V.MS danced by hnn nut of j e.iuitand i rtuuc ; liurleigh feared his j si.'t let and craft. iMaycrne '.ook les-: ' sons from 11• in in physio ; Johnson con die.! him i'ii dramatic art ; Klllnghaiu pra's. I him as a sailor; liaion thought it an houor t'> contend with huu for Hie p..' ti |uenoo; Hawkina, Frobish-I ir, the adventurous seamen of his ge.e ratior, loo:.' 1 upon turn as their iiiaslet . ll'li.ei retired from a tussle on | theil". v, adinittitig his defeat ;* Pitt j learned lioin Raleigh how to build ships. No man of !i - g- iicratioii offrrcd to coui p. le wiih liiin in a writer of Kuglish prose. Pool, student, sailor, courtier, ] orator, hisii riati. —in cich and every sphere beseemed to liavo a special power and a separate life." I RUING TilK WRONG THING. 11 The toleieco crop in Nin th Carolina and Virginia is short, the crop in the Western States is almost •» complete failure. Tobacco will be high for at hoist two years on tliia* account Far- j mcrs will do well to prepare to plant a j tiig crop next yen, and cure it well, for , good tobacco will firing a good price, | when poor tobacco will not bring much. Work in tobaeco pays better than any other work." The above extract is taken from our valued con temporary, the Salisbury Ileraltl, but we .cuuuot believe that it cxpiesses the real sentiment of tho edi tors. Tim sentiment taut prices are likely fo rule high for time conic is very true in one particular, provided the j preparation for the next year's indicate ] another short acreage. Tobacco sells high at present and why ' Simply be cause onr farmers were compelled to j plant a short crop 1 isf spring. As soon tin there was a crrtainty of such shortage ' prices wen up and hive remained so. The coec|Ucnce is, the farmers* who have devoted more time to their other crops, will have a bountiful supply on hand for the coming winter, and iu ad dition will get as much for their I diacco as Iney would had a largo crop been planted. N "v It !s see what our friend' advice would cause were il heeded and carried out. So suou as preparations are made lor a "big crop," so soou will pricesd - o'i'ie—ong bel'uro a single plant has liucn sef. Thus wo gru it would mate rially reduce Ihc farmer's income from j tlie crop already housed. A large crop, if planted—say somt'liing like the IS fi orop--would glut Ihc market next fall, and this hi# crop, haitily planted, poor ly cultivate?, and Still more pnoriy cur ed - natural consequences id a "big j crop"—would bring even less iu real ! money tbac thecr p that is now being I marketed, tlerc we see the farmer ac- I tually loses the extra labor required in ] making a big crop and besides finds | himself with no grain supply on hand I w i'li which to support his family. Hence the roasons are plainly against j tbo planting of a big tobacco crop We ] think lirothers Bucrbaum and Kames ; stuiply made a lapsus tingui. and did not intend to advise their many farmer readers to plant tobacco on a big scale the coming year' Our planters have plainly teen and felt tho foolisbuess of such a course during few years. By all means plant less tebacco and make it better. This year's crop and prices are a standing testimonial in fa vor of such a policy. And the press of tho two States must tahe hold of this matter aud push it, ar tho nigh prices that are now ruling will induce the far mers to fail iuto their old errors again. —>Southern Tobacco Journal. PUNGENT SNUFF. Cleveland is the first president to wear mustache. Mrs. Cleveland may not object to the hairy appendage, but she frequently sets her face against it.—Norriston Herald. "You must be very polite to succeed in this business," said a barber to bis young apprentice. "Always wear a pleasant smile aud try to flatter every body," "I'll do uiy best, sir" replied the apprentice; "but how aoi I to flatter a bald-beaded ma a V "Kasy enough," replied the barber, "Just ask him if he doscu't want his hair cut Jud;;e "Do you know, my dear." lie said to his wife, "that there is something para doxical about a mule V' She replied she ought tc know if any body did, and asked hiiu why. "Because, although he is by naluro somewhat bclliggereut, yet he is always backward in deeds of violence.— Lije. "No, darling," Burlington mother to a sick child, "the doctor says 1 mustn't read to you." "Then, mam ma," begged the little ono, "won't you please read to yourself out loud f"— Free Press. "Dress," said Bngley, with ail the force of an original idea, "does not make a man." "No," replied Poiu pauo gloomily, as ho fingered Ins wife's dressmaker's bill lie had just received, "but it often breaks a mail Philadel phia Call. '•You say tnat ltobinson is a smart young man V "\'cs, ho is i smart follow, of splendid business attain ments." l llow do you know that ' lie's not in any business and ucvcr lias been." ' That's right. I kuow he is a good busincs man, beca'isc live years ago his father died and left him a fortune of s'.! j,oofr, and lie's got over half of i* left."—New York Sun. ltcgvlar Customer (disposed to he facetious)--"I guess you will have to •rust me for tho paper until to-uior row." Clerk—"O, that', all right sir." Custouiar—"But suppose I was to be killed between now anJ to-morrow Clerk—"Well, the loss would not be much, sir."— Philadelphia j\ew.i. A LONG JUMP He—"That was a wonderful jump of young Sprr ggin's just—cleared five fest aud eight inches " She—"Nothing to what young Wig gins did last week." lie—"What did he do? ' She—Do ! lie did pa out of fifteen hundred dollars—jumped an awfully high I ail'—l don't remember tho height exactly—and landed without any diffi culty in—or Toronto-wherever that is."— Harpers Weekly. i eiGARKTTKSMOKINu. i N. V. ('or. Ilostnn Courier. Tint a great many lalies in this city j indulge in the fragrant cigaretto i- an I open secret. Indeed, the custom litis ! become so universal thut it can hardly |be called a at all It u-cd to j he very common Ibr girls, when a | arty | of thcui met in some, p ace, where there were no men, to take a few pulls a a cicrarette for the sake of tlie for bidden fruit set sation. lint now they m !»ro btdd about it, and I will ven ture t.» ' that the majority of New York Jiirl* smoke cigarettes. A num ber of getulcinuu Uavc told me thai their I wives would lake a cigarette after din j ner when they took their cigar , and ! they approveil of the custom: i knew j one lady, one of the highest h u-n iu the I land, t who wes an inveterate smoker i until forbidden by her physician. Spanish, Russian and Polish ladies | smoke utmost as uiucli a. the men, and j no one thinks the worse of iheui for it. | I should (lot like to see ladies suioUo j cigars or pipes, but I can see no impro priety in an occasioual cigarette. There is ii great difference in the way they are smoked. 1 have seen sou.o women smoke a cigarette so daiutly that it was a beautiful sight to watch tlie delicate smoke culling up from their rosy lips, while others pull'away in such masculine maimer that one becotnos thoroughly disgustod. I have been at a number of ditinor parties where cigarettes were passed round to the ladies when the cigars wore brought to thi gentlemen. I am talking about the best people now, and not Bohemians. If the waiters of Delnionieo's or the Brunswicke would would tell you, you would be surprised at the number of private parties where cigarettes are smoked by ladies. AIfTER BLACKUKRPIF.S, While lying in the rifle-pi's, one day, before Port Hudson, says a w ii tor in the I idette , I witnessed the coolest per formance I ever saw during the war. Just across the road from where I lay bchiud a cotton bale, was a regular jun gle of olackberrics, and they were uico ones, so very nice as to tempt the a| pe tite of a soldier, so that ho was hound to have some of them at all events. So out be went for the berries: but not ling was he permitted to cat uu disturbed | for he was quickly spied bv a ret.el ri- ' llcntnn inside of the works, about five 1 Hundred yard) awav, who soon sent his compliments to Mr. Berrypicker iu the shape of a rifle ball. Nothing dann ted, however, at such a trifle as that, the fellow kept on eating betrit.-., in l'i? meantime keeping a close watch on the ! breastworks; and every time lie would sec a pulT of smoke he would move so that by the lime the ball arrived where he was he was not there. To show how good the rebel was with a rifle, ihc last shot to made at the borrypieker will suffice. Vtter eating all the betries In oared L., .to ■ ldicr started across the road; and thero tlie rebel had ac! "ir sweep at liiin, and just .s lie got to the middle of the road fired; Ihc soldier stepped and suddenly stepped back one step, and I saw the dust fly light in front of his foot, so if he had stood still instead of stepping back the ball would have struck right between his feet. DIBAPPOIN i*KD. "I understand you are to have a big a ;ricultural lair up your way ? "Yes; or rathci wo did intend hav ing one, but we've been disappointed." "Disappointed ? In what way !" "'Why, you see, we got the race course all laid out, and tho baseball field up nice and handy, and everything wus ge'ling on splendidly, when wo found that wo had no loom for go-as-you please pedestrian taces. "You don't say so ?" "Yes : and that isu't the worst of i'„ There's a lot of eld fossils who want to exhibit cattle, vegotublcs and all that | sort a' stuff --Boston Transcript. AN AFTKKNOON CALL "Do you write stories, Mrs. llobeoA —love storing ? inquired Hobby, as he I rested his elbows on the iadys's knee J j and gazed peacefully into bet face. "Do 1 write love stories ?" repeat ed Mrs. Hobson, in surprise. "Why. no Bobby, what put that idea into your ! busy little brain V' and she turned to Bobby's moOicr with an amused smile. "I's did," was tiio dear little fellow's explanation. "I heard liiin tell uia that : | you could beat any womau ill town ro -1 luaucing."—New York Sun.. THE FIOWtRS 60UECTI0N PICKINGS. From the Wilmington Star. Randolph Tucker and Rotcoe Conlu ling are to Argue fhe Virginia «M* bet ro the Supreme Court. We fea ture to sav that Bond will be auatawed. At least wo have great feara. Wa ex pect the Court will uphold Bond on lb* ground of impairing a contract, and will thus evade the force of the eleventh amendment about suing a Stat** The Postmaster Geneial will mak* fc liiv..ruble report of his Department. Ha , tbu.ks jt will Boon be Nlfj*Miw|. I'wo years ago there was a deficit *t *11,000,000. He tli.nkg it will not ex- - eied ji I ,:"'OO,000 now. Auuie Sachs is Ihe name of the wo man who threw a pancake fifty teet at Mrs. Cleveland, while visiting St. Lou is, striking lior arm. Annie won a Grand Army badge, and ie ol course "trooly loll." She was fined SSO. In the Brotherhood ol Locomotive Engineers there is a membership of 26,- 000, of whom 'i,"287 are tusured. Dur ing the last year they paid over a quar ter of a million dollars to widows and orphans. Mr. Walter Bcsant, the novelist, baa undertaken to raise s'-00,000 for the purpose of erecting a memorial to Charley Dii-keus that will surpasg ail others. An enthusiastic admirer is -aid to have contributed SBO,OOO. Judge Gray, of Chieago, is in much fear of the auurchists. As the hanging draws near lie is constantly guarded. Uciectivis Bleep at State Attorney GriiiucH's house. To such a cutiditioa is our country brought by bad, depraved cruel men. Thi greatest tobacco sale ever made iu tli I 'nitcd States no doubt was the great sale recently made at Oxford, i' nII 30.000 pounds were sold that av eriiged ¥*JU per hundred in the leaf. Those uot initiated do not understand that sometimes the biggest price is re alized by tobacco not by any meant aa good as ot e.' hts sold the same daj. : ii depends upon the locality whence tbe I lobaeco coiucs aud how much trade eau I bo attracted from that sectiou. lt pa*a often to let the second or third grade fetch the biggest prico. Do you see 1 I'l.e price of toabeco not raised in ibe best tolacco sections need not be taken always as a guarantee of tbe excellence of the weed. Houston, Texas is a progressive town. It granted sixteen divorces in one day. It ought to move to Chica go. The Boston Transcript says tba Maine Prohibitory law is a partial auo cegs. That is what the Governor say a. Tt is enforced in th rural districts but fails in ttic towns aud cities. \\ n tathcr "lipped up in our nota concerning the Oxford sale of tobaooo. There were S.W,OUO worth sold in ms day and the average was not lest than "ji-0 per huudred pouuds for leaf. Wa had it 30,000 pounds. There worn in ire than 150,000 pounds sold. A company of New Y'ork capitalist* ha., formulated plans to go into tobaeoo culture on an extensive scale in Gasdrn which is known as ono of the very beat tobacco counties in Florida. It ig un derstood that several other large tobao oo plantations will also be planted in Floiida next joar, and that hundreds of farmers will make the "weed" an impor tant part of their orops.— Kx. STILL THE STYLE. An enterprising Yankee, who owned a large chair manufactory, had ocoaaion one day to show a friend from over the water through his establishment. The Englishman, amazed at tbe quan tify of chairs that he saw in their mri i ous itntjjfDs of complexion, exclaimed : "Ow can you bftvei hexpcot t* a«U j so many chairs "Wall," said the Yankee, "1 guesa sett ill' down ain't gono out of fashion j yet."—l droit Free Press. I __ | " Hat have you got in all thoae trunks !" asked ono fashionable girl of another at the station Ihe other day aa . her friend was going off to Narraganaett. "Oh, bait," wa, tho ready answer. NO. 16