Reporter and Post. a—= ■■ " - ~ ' = APAfIA FOR THE PEOPLE I* ■■ Danbury M. C., Poat-vffice .*■ Mectaul Clot* ilait- r. TBVMDAY.SOV, 8 lfc*7. «WM aiMD avb*faaadoofll«>l »««. WmjM "ATBut Fknllt(V ASM. THE LEAF OUTLOOK. W* took the occasion in oar editorial ot August 4, to say, "KeporU f:om dif foreol Ithmn markets agree that tbe prise «f Im/ tobacco has very apprecia bly improved within the last few weeks. But we took the fcppoitunity to advise «nr people in tnis wife, "Donot deceive jouraelvea, however, into thinking that thte fitful rise in tbe price of the leaf is t* be attributed to an inoieascd demand, •■4 that you will be ablo to sell a 'big efop', if next year at present _ M pnwts Oar ooatenipora'y, the Salisbury Mtrald, however, has lately expressed •a epiaion quita at variance with the akttt. It aaya: tobacco crop in North Carolina •ad Virginia is abort, the crop in the Waaler n States is almost » complete failure. " Tobacco will bo high at least two years on this account Far mers will do well to prepare to plaut a big atop next yea, and cure it well, for good toboooo will bring a good price, whan poor tobacco will not bring much. Work ia tobaaco pajs better thau any othar work." Now to the contrary, the Soul hern Takmec» Journal expresses the opinion liraabaitowed by our editorial last Au gust wiiea it say a: "Tlx sentiment t jit prices ar likely to rale biglifur tiuio come is vc r l IM is our particular, provided th ■riMiiliM for tbo next year's indicat aaithrr abort aereage. Tobacco sell bigb it presen/ sod why 1 Simply be •MM oar fsrm«rs were compelled t plant a abort crop last spring. As sooi M tbare was a crrtaiuty of sucli shnrtag prieoo wen', op and have remained so Tb« caaaequence is, the farmers wli bave devoted more time to their olbe ere pa, will bare a bountiful supply 01 band tar tba coming winter, and in ad dition will get as luoeli fur tbeir tobacc a* toey would bad a large crop bf«i planted. "Now lot* see wliat our friond's advic would oause were it heeded and oarriei oat. Ho soon as preparations arc mail far • "big crop,'* so soon will prices d •line—long before a single plant ha been set. Thus »c sec it would mate nally reduce tbe farmer's income fron tba orop already boused. A large crop if planted—say souii'hing like the 18-1 ornp--would glut the market next full and thia big crop, baitily planted, poor ly cultivated, and still uioro poorly cur ed —natural consequences ol a "bi| or op"—would biiug even less in rea mouey thao tlie crop that is now boiii) marketed. Here we see the farmer ac tually loses the extia labor required 11 making a big crop and besiues find himself with no grain supply on ham with which to support bis family." We bave given tbe article of th Somtktm Tobacco Journal in full on tin outside of Ibis issue of the paper. fui PUBLIC AEE OCCASION ALL! treated to an account of some obscur person having attained to the age of baadred years. In such cases, however almost without exception, the stateiucn it nad« concerning some one of wbosi age there i* no record whatever of ai Mtbentio bind, llut in the instance o CUevreul, tbe diatiuguulicd Kreucl obemiat, we bave an authentic example a( a ana having just entered upon hii hundred and aeeond year, still vigorous sprightly and cheerful, and who stil continues to davota himself to his multi ple labors, and to fulfill be official func tiaaa. Were Obevreul to wiito hu reminiscences they would comprehend a peiiod covering the whole history ol modern chemistry, for be was contem porary with Baron Berzeliui in Sweden Sir Humphrey Davy in Kngland and al Me alder cbemiati of Franee, all of whon pa— ed away many years age. To tbi aohiriti ns question of bis old servant, it tbe evaaing of tbe one-hundred ane Crst birthday, whether he did not fee fatigued by bia day's labcr, be answer ad, 'ln fact lam beginning to get i little old, and shall taka some precau tions." TUB KIW YORK C» BHX.PONUENT of til* Philadelphia Ledger in alluding to Ik* improvement in the price* of stock, and the loss of senfidence tnat had been occasioned by financiil dismtrrH that drove the public ins: of On- •treet, «The **trmirdin»ry devi'lopun-iit • f Ibe bii'in re»"iirjfs of tin! »uth and Snt|lh«re»l Had dmAII In-avily MI iln* basks »f N-w York. I'll'- in>.iicy s.'iit out to Miction* iicvvi retuiiu il, and this eannrd a money siringeucj whieb the Government relieved by l:>rge Crchaars at bonds, and by unking uka here tho repositories uf public moneys." BRIEFS OF GENERAL NEWS Sunday , October 23 Amos Greeny a desperate character and murderer of a young 1 woman, was taken from jail to Carroll couuty, Indi ana, yesterday morning, by a inob of two hundred men, and hang ed. A Canadian propeller has beeu blown to oieoes by an explosion of her boiler and thirty-five people killed. The National Republican Committee will meet in Washington on the 3th of December to fix the date and place of the next National Republican Conven tion. The total visible supply of cotton for the world is 2,087,3(57 bales. Wheat was tho active featuro yester day in 'he Chicago market; com ruled quiet with trading only noderatc, and the proviaiou market was slow and easier. The President readied Washington' morning at sunrise, and went quietly to the White House; there were no crowd to meat bun, which was a gratifying feature. The U. S. Supreme Court will hear further in the Auaro'iista' oasc and has decided to allow the State of Illinois to appear in the proceedings in opptisiion to the petition for a writ ot I error. There ware eight new cases of yellow feyer and two deaths at Tampa, Friday , up to date there have beou 100 cases and 35 deaths. A factory, at Bristol, Conn., was blown up yosterilay by an explosion: three persons were killed and seven se verely injured. The laying of the cornerstone of the monument to be erected in Richmond, Va., to the niemoty of Gen. Hobert K. Lee rill.take place neit Thursday, the 27tb inst.; an immense concourse of peo ple will be present. Tbo Detroits and St, Ijouis played in New York yesterday, the last game of tbe scries for the world's champion ship in the Kaat; tho score was—De troit 1, St. Louis 5. Hon. K. B. Washburn, ex-Minister to France, died last uigbt at Chica- JTI'ESDAV, OCTOBER 25 The National Committe of tbc Wo inans Foreign Missionary Sotiety of the M. K. Church in iu session at Lincoln. Neb.; the collection for the past year amounted to $190,000, an increase of $33,000 over the previous year. The laDor political elements of the ; The fall meeting of the National country will hold a oonferencs in S'j JojKcy Club began iu Washington Louis, in December, when it is proposed J yesterday to eliminate word "labor," and adopt the caine of "National Free Soil ; Party;" the conference will also fit the date and place fur holding a Natioual : Nominating Convention ID Montreal, on Saturday night, a body of students from Mcliill I'uifersL ty, became so riotous that llu police were obliged to fire on them. A furious gale and snow stjrm pre vailed ou the lakes Sunday, and it is feared that the loss to shipping will be ho»vy- The negotation.i for conventions regarding tue New Hebrides Islands and the Suaz Cntl have been concluded in Paris and were signed yesterday; the neutrality of the oanal will be preserved, and tho New Heb rides will be under the protection of Kogluh and French men-of-war. In the U. S Sup. erne Court, yestcr. day, Chief Justice Waite read the for mal order iD the auaroliists' onto which provides for a hearing on Thursday next of tho argument upon the petition for a writ of error The Chicago wheat and coru markets jesterdsy were p radically unchanged while provisions ruled higher, especially for deferred futures. A boiler explosion at lronton, Ohio, yesterday, killed four men and wounded twenty. Two Scotah members of Parliament have been sent to Ireland by the Scot tish Liberals, 10 assnre the people of their sympathy; they met with an en thusiastic reoeption. Ex-President Davis, en route to Macon, was magnificently received at Montgomery yesterday; one hundred guns weic firsd and thousands of peo ple welcomed hiin. ' A Tampa special reports twenty llrrec new cases of yellow fever and two .i. iths yesterday; the disease is spread ing in the better part of the city. I . WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26. Valutblo mill property aud about $150,000 wjrth of lumber have boon destroyed by forest fires near Little j ltocc, Ark. Three negro men were killei in Cal houn county, Flu., > tew day* since by | a white man, whose boat the men were j using to eatcli drift logs. l'erkins, Dupec iV Co., Boston bank •rs, have failed; liabilities 10,000 assets $'20,000. Destructive forest fires prevail in Ohio, and a town was only saved from burniug by tho most heroic efforts of its citizens. A Paris dispatch says the Czar, with a view to takiug decisive action in Bul garian affairs, has formed an anti Ger man alliance between Russia, Belgium, Holland, Sweden and Denmark; other powers are expected to join the alli ance. A dispatch fioui Sofia says a plot has been discovered to assassiuato Prince Ferdinand and Stauibulofi and Natche vitcb, Mr. Gladstone ihinks the gorcrn inent'a policy in regard to Irelaud is going from bad to worse, and that his auxiety is greatly relievfcd respecting tho length of the stiug&lc. Suow is reported frdm several points in Virginia. Tlie President h»s issued a proclama tion appointing the 'Jttli oi November as a day of thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by all people of tbe land A vessel has arrived at Savannah with small.pox on board; she was scut to quarantine. Six or eight uew cases of yellow fever aud five deaths reported from latu- Tlio uow Anatomical Ilall of the University of Virgiuia was opened yes terday. A |ii ■ rrcll over a trifling matter, by a Virginia farmer and a farm hand, resulted in the latter being instantanily killed by tbe former. The regular meetings of the Cabinet have boeu resumed. The Chica ;o wheat market yesterday was especially strong, moderately ac tive, aud provisions moro active than usual. Two more cases and one death from cholera on the steamer Brittannia at New Vork quarantine. Argument in the Anarchist cases will be made in the 11. S. Supreme Court to-morrow; Geu. Pryor aud Gen. But. ler will speak in support oi tho petition fot a wiit of error, and Attorney Gen. Hunt, of Illinois, in opposition to the petition. THURSDAY, OcTonna 27 I>r. Porter reports froui Tampa iliat there were fourteen new cases of yellow fever on Sunday, and about eighty sick in town; up to date have been about two hundred and fifty cases and thirty-four deaths. The historic castle of Prince C*ar torzskc, near Cracow has boon destroyod by fire. An engagement on the Servian fron tier between Albanian brigand, and a force of front ier guards, resulted in '.he killing of ten Servians and twenty Al banians. The Manchester market is goncrally tame, but firmness prevails. An official article in the Msseow Ga zette, concluding with the words, "Rus sia as well as France can now lay 'we are ready,' " is regarded in Berlin as as suggestive of u.enace to Germa ny. Tho Norfolk & Western Railroad Co., reports a large increase in earniugs for the past three months. The Chicago gram markets yesteday ware firm and higher, and in provisions there was an improvement in prioea. Thirty thousand Confederate fete nans were review jd at the Maoon fair yesterday by ex- President Davis; it was arranaed that he should not speak, but at the sight of a tattered Confederate flag in the procession, he arose and made a few feeling remarks; GOT. Gorden and Senator Celquittt also made short speeehos. Tho Missionary Council of the Pro testant Episcopal Cburoh, in session at Philadelphia, yesterday considered tho question of establishing theologioal sehools for the education of colored ycople. Richmond is making big prepara ralions for tbe Lee monument obser vance, tut bad weather threatens to interfere; the ottv is orowded with visi tors. The municipal election in Baltimore yesterday was carried by the Dcuiociati witb a largely increased majority. F3!Sj.nnHEfISHES Yi'Jiat tlie Mt. Lebanon Shakers round—lncident in the •V tor? of ss (juiet Community. t | * Tho Mount Lebanon (New; York) Shakers arc a quiet com munity, secluded from the fret and worry of the outside world.! Tliey r.rc widely known, Low ever, for their strict honor and probity in business, i f>l W f !. n Tho Shakers believe that na ture has a remedy for every dis eased A few have been foiuid— ; tlie rest are as yet unknown. Many were discovered by aeci dent.. Others came to light as the result of patient experiment, and research. Ur%«v ' Nervous Dyspepsia is a com-1 paratively new disease, growing > out of the conditions of modern ] life. It is7l. joint affection of I the digestive organs and of the l nerrou3 tysteia. .7 These two were formerly treated as sepa late ailments,'and it was left fur the clear-sighted Shakers to prove that tiie basis of this terrible and often fatal compli cation lies chiefly in the disord ered and depraved functions of digestion and They reasoned thus:—"lf we can iu dueo tho etoir.acli to do its work, and stimulate the ex'-re tive organs to drive out of tho body the poisonous waste matr tors which remain after the life-1 giving elements of the food l have been abnorbed, we shall have conquered Nervous Dys pepsia and Nervous Exhaust ion. And they were light. Knowing the infallible power of Shaker Extract (Seigel's Syrup) in less complicated though similar diseases, they resolved to test it fully in this. To leave no ground for doubt they prescribed the remedy in hundreds of cases which had been pronounced in curable—with perfect success in every instance where their directions as to living and diet wero ecnniulous'y followed. Nervous Dyspepma and Ex haustion is a peculiarly Ameri can disease. To a greater or less extent half the people of this country suffer from it— both sexes and all ages. In no country in the world are there so many insane asylums filled to overflowing, all resulting from this alarming disease. Its leading symptoms are these: Frequent or continual head ache; a dull pain at the base of the brain; bad breath; niui ceoua eructations; tho rising of sour and pungent fluid* to the throat; a 3ense of oppress ion and faintness at the pit ol the stomach; flatulence; wake fulness and loss of sleep; dis gust with food even when weakfromthe needofit; sticky or slimy matter on the teeth or in the mouth, esj>ecially on ris ing in the morning; furred am! coated tongue; dull eyes; cold hands and feet; constipation; dry or rough ckin ; inability to fix the mind on any labor call ing for continuous attention; and oppressive and sad fore bodings and fears. All tLia terrible grotm Shaker Extract {Seigel'fl Syrup) removes bv ite pos itive, powerful, direct yet painless and gentle action upon the functions of digestion und assimilation. Those elements of the food tliat build up and strengthen the system are sent upon their mission, while all waste matters (the ashes of life's fire) which unremoved, poison and kill, are expelled from the body through tie bowels, kid neys and skin. The weak and prostrated nerves are quieted, toned and fed by the purified blood. As tho result, health, with its enjoyments, blessings I and power, returns to the suf ferer who had, perhaps, aband ( oned all hope of ever seeing another well day. jj 1 A tf»- NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS I will nvvt tlie citizens of Stokes ronnly, for tlie pur]»isi' of collecting tin- Stati' and oounty turs for the yeaj IB#7, at tlie fol lowing timrs and plwos, via: —■ Uertuanton Monday, October 17th lfiß7. DaJton Tuesday " IK " Kmnrisco Wednesday " 10 " Fair Play Thursday " -0 " t» II Simmons St Friday •' 21 " J C I'll nil's Store Saturday '• 22 " Walnut Cove Monday " '24 " The Taxes will be tW§ cents on SIOO val uation of property and S2on the pull. I ho|>e llie people will m •ct i)ie at the •bore times ami places ami |wy their taxes promptly. 11. « Ist ilay of Octobet *KK7. It. I. DALTON, Shoriff. L. KLINE. Practical Watch Maker AND JEWELEIt; The Singer Sewing Machine Office WINSTON, N C. I I I If you want your watch eleanrtl out, re j or any oilier work in tlio Jewelry J line this is ilic place to gut it done in the ! U'st >tyle. The Wilmington Star. KEUri'TK X IN I'IUCES. Attention ia calleJ to the following ic duced rates of subscription, CAHII IN AUVANCK : THE DAILY STAB. One Year SO.OO , Throe Month.« 'Si* Months 3.00 I One Months 50 TIIK NVKKKLY STAR, j Oue Year SI.OO | Six Mouths 60 Three Months 30 cents. Our Trui'li News service has recently Ikkmi largely Increased, anil it is our 'li'tcr iiiinatlon to kecptlie SrAit up to the Highest 1 ' standard of now>-|ia|*»r cxTvllcnce. ! Address, W.M 11. ItKltN Alii), Wilmington, N. C. THOMPSON'S COM P OUN 1) ?!!!{Sim A MILD TONIC AND— A I'PIiTIZKR. j A euro for Dyspepsia, Indigestion and J Constipation. It promotes the seeretinnso! | the Liver ami Kiuueys, and gives a putle j '.one to the Organs. Relieves Nneaiek • Prostration following Protracted Servonss, ! and enfeebled condition of the general sys- ! : tern. MAXt'r \f'Tt'UKD BY Dr. V. 0, THOMPSON, DRUGGIST, Winston N. C. BEAST! Mexican Mustang Liniment oußoa Salatica, Scratches, Contracted Lumbago, Sprains. Hotels*, Eh.nm*unr. Strains, j Eruptions, )mii Stitches, ' Hoof Ail, (calls, StttfJoinU, i Bcrsw Btings, Backaoho, Worms, BHM, Qalli, Iwtnney, Braises, Korea, Siddla Galls, Bunions, Spavin FilM. Cracks. THIS COOD OLD STAND-BY aroompllabee for everybody rxirlly what U claimed fori*. On# of the reasons for the irreat popularity of tbe Muetan# Liniment Is found In 1U anlvereal 1 applicability. Kvorybody nstds such a medicine. I The I,anther man needs It In CAM of accident. The lleoeewlfe ne 1a It for general family use. The Cannier needs u for his teams and his men. i The Mechanic nacda It alwaya on hU Work j b«t. Tha Miner needs It lucaae of omerirency. i The I'lenner needs It—can't Ret along without I*. ( j | The Fara:er needa Uln hie house, hie eiable. i and hto stock yard. The Slvaabaat MAB or the Beaimia needs N tn kSLerai «rpp)r aßoatand Mhnrn. I TV> flmt fancier aeeda 11-it to hto beet Irlead aad aafert reliance. The Plaek-frawor neerin It-It will aa*e him tt*>n*ande of dollars and a world of trouble. The Rat 3 read inaa needa It aad will need It it long aa his Mfo la a roimd of accidents and dangers. The Bach waodaman needs It- There to nuth log like It Man antidote for the dangers to Ufa, , nmb and comfort which surround tho pioneer. The Merchant needs It about hto store among tUe employees Accidents will happen, and when e tocae come the Mustang Lin I mem to wanted at once. S Keep a Baltic lathe lieu a*. Tie tbe beet of economy. Keep a Istile in the Fnrtary. lulmmedtou IM in caae of accident eavea pafn and loaa of w*ea Keep a Battle Always la lha Btafcle far '• aea when waaie*.* •- C. R. BENNETT. J- A - HBNNHTT WINSTON MARBLE WORKS, BENNETT BROS.. DEALERH lIV Marble and Granite Monuments, Headstones, Tablets, Ulantels, &e. f Opposite Brown's Warehouse, - - Main St., Winston HC. £?~speual and Etlimatca Purnishud on Application -,^s* ESTABLISHED 1871. ESTABLISHED 1871 J.-W. SCOTT & CO. Wholesale Merchants tiIIEKINSBORO O. Are now receiving llieir spring stock of notions and dry goods. And almost daily adding to their stock oi groceries, Buyers are invited to call in person or send orders by mail. He hope to build up a large trade with the merchants of Stokes county and all along the line of theC. F. & Y. V Railroad. Brown, Browner, Brownest. High, Higher, Highest. If you would get the very highest price tor your tobaoeo, make up your mii>d t when preparing it far market, to lake it t:> Browns Warehouse Winston, N C Here you will find the Urgent, best lighted Warehouse in tewa. one ef the b« auctioneers iu this, or any other State, and larger buyers by the score. Thai not all, if yon would stay but » few hours, or ever night, you will find oemfartablo r °oiuj, plenty of wood, cook stoves upon which to prepare your food food water in abundauce and every thing necessary to your comfort (if yon have a aleir conscience,) while the stalls for your stock arc all that you could wish lor. Bring us your tobacco : we will do all in our power to make you eomforlai t while here, and get what you want most—% big price for your tobaee* • Very Truly BROWN & CARTER SUBSCRIBE To THE REPORTER AND POST. One Year ft 1.50 !§i\ Months 75 I Three Months 50