THE DANBURY REPORTER-POST. VOLUME XVI. Reporter and Post. rIBLKQUD WtKKI.Y AT ■ ]d- . *. DANBURY. N! C. PICPI'KR ft SONS, Pubs. &■ Prop :r . ** -* *-*• BATES tr m/»*4 MirTlO* ; €*• Y«ar, om»M« 1* advance 81.AH H ?«**] v- ' RiTM or AMTKKTIttIMUI ■ • Sqaare ( ten line* or lc*») 1 time *1 00 • r eaeh additional iu»ertlon Su for Unjor time or more *pac« run be wadaU* orrop«rtiou to tb« above rale*. Traanleut •■trortUer* wHI bo e\pce**l to remit ao*orhug to Lk«M rate* at the tim« tUe> MM id ttielr far«r». L>eal Motlcaewttl btckargodSOpercent.btglier thaa ahovA rate*. B utinea* Car 4.« wfttl be limerted at Ton Dollars •r miuß. PROFRSSIOJfAL MRUS. R L. HA YAK>HE, ATTORNEY AT LAW Mt Airy N, C. Speeial attention given 10 ihe collect ion f, claim t. W. F. CART Ell, &TT9*#MY-AT-&*W* MT. AlltV, SUKUV CO., N. t ?IM! l.*i«wliaiei%i«*J*an? twmd kJCNAKP w#o® | IMIBT MkIDSKtU.I. W. tiAl'OK , WOOD. BACON & CO ' la)>«rMii and Jobber* uf DRY GOODS, JVOTIOJTSA WHITE GOODS, ETC- K«.. Haikel SI., PHIL ALKLI'IUA, PA. Parties having CUT MICA for sale will Sad it to their interest to e*T«Sf Old with A. O. 801100N MAKER, 148 William St., New York. a M LKfTWICK. with WIR««, EIJ-RTT it CRCMr, . RICHMOND, TA., Wholesale Dealers ia BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, &C. Prompt attention paid lo orders, sail «tii>- cliou guaranteed. V'ryMts Stmt* Crista GtoJ* a March,«. Mssar w. fowsas. soma ». tavlo. K W. POWKRS A CO.. WHOLESALE DRCGGISTH Dealers in PAIHTS, OILS, DYKS, TARNIBIIK> Trench and Amorican WINDOW GLAfc>S, PUTTY, &C, HHOKING ANDCHRWIMi CIGARS, TOBACCO A 1806 Main St., Richmond, Vu. A»gu«U>m2C—- GEO. STEWART. tin and Sheet Iron Manu facturer. Opponitc Farmer*' Watvhons*. wiwnr«x, K. t., ROOFING. BUTTERING AND SPOUT ING done at short notice. Kssp* constantly on haud a fine lot of Cooking and Heating Stoves. SUMMER MILLINERY ' AND STAPLE NOTIONS. COJtSISTINti UF Ulsr«i, Hsslery, Zephyr and tlaa bttl mailt Reliable CORSKTf. TrlMMed Hats and Bonnets, T« knit Ever) body. First door .South of Hotel Fountain, WINSTON, N. O Ur» N- S- Davis. L. KLINE, Practical Watch Maker kN]> JEWELER; I '■ ■' r. (j The Singer Sewing Machine Office | WINSTON, N C. - * tf too waal yoar waltli claaui-d out, re paired or any other work in tlie Jewelry m. line tills is (be place to get it duDe iu the host stylo. IIM p4*cullar t'flicacy l«t due n»« much to tin- prorcM and WWJBINa »»uIII In coin (poind lug us to II >7 IT T IK* InnreilientK theinseiw*. ,T Takt. lt In 11nit 1 . Itcheck* (IINOUM'M In the outaet, or If tlicv hf advanced will prove a i»olcntcurc. No Home should lie Without It. It take* the place of u doctor uii *1 coatly pn*- script lons. \t! who lend 'OK WHOfC Ni'tlflilui'V IIVcH Will flllil ncurriT it Ihe | M *t im veiitlve of " NI " T «ttul curt' i«»r Indigestion, 4'uimtipntioii, llt-uiliit lie, lliliou«nc«ft, I'IIP* L'lid Mental 1*• |irc*»ioii. Nn IOMM •if I line, ito Interference with i »i*iii«-MH while taking. Kor children it Imnont in nocent Mini harm Its*. No danger from \|M»sure nflor taking. fore* 4'ollc. I»i --nrrliti'ii, lion el Complaint*. iiem mid let erUh Colli*. In valid doliottlc persons will tintl it tllO Irillt cut Aperient ami Toniclln-ycan one. A li'tlc taken nt nl»»lit IIIKUICH rHrohliii: ulecp and a natural evacuation of tlie lioweln. A little taken In the morning HhiirpciiM the ap|K'titc, cleanses liic htoinuch und awcelcnn the breath. 0 A PIIY*ICIAN*B OPINION. "I have been practicing medicine for twenty years ailil luvc never been able to put up a vegetable »oni|x>und would, likr S»niiuon% l.ivcr Regulator, promptly and effectively move tlie l.iver to anion, nud at the same time aitl unate.ul of weak ening) the dlgeMive and asMinil.uive powers of die >)Mcni " , i.. M. HIMON, M »1., Washington, Ark. Miirki of Gcniilncncaii: l.ook for the red Trade-Mark on front of Wrapper. and tiie Seal anil Signature of J. 11./.eilin tk Co., In red, on the Hide. Tuko no other. CHEAP COFFEE. II>: E ROASTED COFFEE AT 18 CTS A POUND PUT UP IN POUND PACKAGES Every I'ackiue Contains a ("resent. In ) nine from 5 els to 93.00. TItADK St'l'l'MKll IIV Joutljerri (|o. Charlotte, N. C. (L/""Mention tliix paper. I>o yon brUove if.* It is a fact! Wnat everybody says must be so. IIAVB VOU ItKAltn IT f 1). D- SCHOULER'S, The original Cheap Jol»n Winston N C. IS lIEADQUAIITKBS FOlt LOW PRICKS! Greater Bargains THAN EVER BEFORE OFFERED liM READY-MADE CLOTHING, FOR MEN AND BOYS, H.ITS C. tPS, HOOTS , I.VI > 67/ O h'S, I I.So n /,' ) '(WO J)S .LYJ).\ •) 77 0. \:sOF .1L L A 7. A'/AS. We woultl full special Attentionourllll6of FINE ALL WOOL CLOTH FOR MEN'S WEAR at the low price of 50c per yard worth anywhere SI.OO per yard. Just received a nice line of hoods tor ladies and children, to be sold at prices that defy competition. ANOTHER LOT OF ft ATI *ft Jr NT HBt I VKtt, which will bo *>ll for the next few ihi\» 41 only 10c per. yard f worth 20c, A nice line of —,Jerseys received to-day- NEW MARKENS- Cloaks and all kinds of Winter wra|» for Ladies and childjen to be suld exceed ingly lo*. -. It will lis lo your Intest when ill Winston Ta call at The Original Cheap John's for any thing T"u mar need. Rmml at the same old stand, nejt door to I'm! Office. "NOTHING HtTCCKEDH LIKE HtTCCESH."' DANBURY. N. C., TIIUItSDAY. DECEMBER 1, 1881 I'IIEHQI'IRREI.S illOHIfiV Tlie coniticl.l joins'tlie shaily grovi>, The mill stHiuls in tlie valley; I Tli» miller lives wlier* ilaily BOUIHIS The fllth'id'9 Hjiiteftil sally; Alone the fenee, across the stream, Tln-re Is a niesay byway, That leads up to tlw ?loping caves, A|».l I brms a sijuirrels' highway. All slimmer long we ilaily hear A merry ringing ('latter; The wlibKing scfulrrelf stoiing s|ioils With quaint, defiant chatter; Kroiil larly dawrt to silent i lieif antics never ending. : A happy lite the gay things live, 1 lirisk toil and frolic blending. But still they doubtless have tlioir caret,. | Mayliap their share of sorrow ; i And like us, hope for better tlung» I I'pontiic coming morrow, i f'iere is an under tide to lite, Althoii ;li it may seem by play That makes its thraldom even felt. Along the siprtrreU' highway. IhirtforJ Time*. A HASTY CONCH SION. "Very proud family, the*o Ueltoni?" said Frederick lUyues, interrogatively, ■ .is he stretched himself oil the jrass near j tbc stream where he and hit ftieod, I George Mj le, liad been fishing. | "Oil, yes, very proud-cau't touoh 'em ; with a forty-foot polo," laughed (Jcarge I I.N IC. ••Oh, you needn't laugh. You know what's roported about tbeui in town is true. Mother aud daughter are proud as Lucifer." ♦'That's itexaotly, l'red. People from a distance can always tell you more about >our neighbors than you ku»w yourself. Hut if the lSeltons are proud? That doesn't take any from the attrae tion of Laura Bolton. I tell you she's > bcau'.y, Fied, aud yuc, must not go back to town without au introduction." "Now, George, 1 came down here to fish, shoot and have a good tiina with you, notto make love to jour pretty girls, and least of all to Princes Helton. No introduotian for mo, thank you. Not that 1 objeot particularly to being intro duced to a pretty girl, but you see I haven't read up toy pedigree ol late, neither have Imy credentials with me. The fact is, 1 never could fiudtany use for your grandees—jour high-toned families, who will not proffer the tips of their lingers until they know who your groat-great-graudfather was." "l''red, you're predjudiced." "AU right: we'll I tit it go at tlut," baid frcd, laughing. The morning after this conversation Frcd llayues, who wan fond of tho sad dle, probably because he was handsome aud dashing, and hoked well in it, started for a cantei hefoic breakfast. "Nut very paitiul to riding out before breakfast iu of the country." said Fnd to biuiself, as he rode about two miles without anybody. Hut presently the sound of horsee' hoofs coming tearing along a by-path he was approaching fell upon his ear. He reined baok bis horse and the next mo ment a young girl, apleudidly mounted, dashed out on the road, ani on before him. As she appeared, l'red caught sight of a bright, haudsoiuo face- her figure was perfect, and she sat in her saddle like a boru equestrienne Fred was quite charmed by the young girl's appoarau:# and gave a free rein to his horse ouec more. How lie mauaged to lose control over bis homo, or bow the borso managed to laud huu clear across the road -ill an in sensible couditioa, was something l f red never could make out, uuless it was that he was puyirg tuo much attention to the girl On before him and too little to (be spirited creature be was riding. W hat lia 1 happened was painfully im pressed ou Fred's uiiud the minute he opeued his eyes. He tried to move, but he groaued aloud with pain llii shoul der sudjtaklc were both dislocated, and what uudei lietven was he to do here mi this lonely road, where he might lay all day, perhaps, without seeing the faoe of a human being. Suddenly he thought of the young girl who was before him on the road wlicu he fell. Did ah* tee him fall, and not torn back to render bio> any assist aace? No, she did not look like a girl that wood play the part of tbo Lerite of old. ••Oh, yes base recovered. I am so glad," Mid • frank, girlhh voice. And looking up the girl of his though ta. The train of her baUt was thrown over her arm, in b«r delicate white hands ahe carried a iI«M jog of water. She knell down on th« fronnd beside him, bendtng her bri|k|, kaudtome face over him, aa she aaid; "Oh, I'm »o glad !" • Thaiik you," iuurw«|red l'rcd, and he forgot that he bad a pboalder or an aukla, "but L oannot mnirtraUud kow it is that I find mymlf kl Uiia eoaditlon." "You were thrown IW»>i your borae," ahe said, dipping her harw-lu the water and bathing hia brow. "I think you arc severely injured." Yea, Frod tbnaght ao, too, for be moved again, and the paia of hia shoul der and aukle made hiiu wiuce. "I believe toy aukle ia apt ailed." aaid Fred. "I'lieo it must be attended to without delay. Helton Villa ia not a great way from here. 1 will go and report your accident and Mrs llclton will aend the carriage " "No, than If you, 1 would rather not trouble Mrs. Helton. Ia there no other house near by on this road? Are we far from Mr. George gyle's' My name is Fred Maynes. I'm a guest of Mr. Lyle." "Ah, indeed!*' and the young lady opeued wide ber beautiful brov.ii eyes. 'Mr. Lfle'a is a considerable distance from here; but if you are satisfied to go to any house on the road, why not go to Helton's? I never heard of any of the family refusing assistance yet to any oue in need of it." "I suppose they wouldn't turn away a suppliant at their door, but do you think the proud Misa Helton would do for me what you have don*'" saiJ Fred, earnestly, M be looked straight iuto the brown eye* bent so curiously upoa bim. "Yc«, »he would, if she took a notion,'' and the girl laughed, as she took her handkerchief md wiped the dripping water Irotu bis brow. "I ehatl 'jeter forpet your kindness and the trouble you have given yourself on lav account." "Now please don't meuiion the trouble. You are in need of more assistance than 1 can give you, and that, too, as I oaiJ before, without delay. Do I understand you to say that you refuse to go to the Helton Y ilia ou principle'' - said tbe girl, laughing as if her own word.* amused her. Fred nodded bis head. "Then 1 will go toGraoay Myres' cot tage, where 1 got this water; it is just round the path, and tho boys will come and help you. Once at the cottage, you arc all right," aid before Fred could make any reply tbe girl was off. "1 wonder who she is? I thoaght she would tall me her name wben 1 told her mine. I'll ask her, when she comes back," was Fred's mental oomment. Hut tbe young girl did not come back Two stalwart boys came imtead, and helped bim up to the cottage. She was waiting for bin, though, had the sofa ready lor him to lie dowu, aud when he was settled comfortably, she dispatched ene of the boys for a doctor. "Now you uiuH keep quiet, and if you have uo objections I'll sit dowu here until tb" doctor comes," said tho young gial; drawing a chair over to the sofa. Kred uiuruiered something under his breath about an angel, and he said aloud: "It ia a pleasure toliaveyou near me, I forget all about my pain." "Now, don't be too complimentary," and the brown ejea were fixed smilingly on bi« face. "May I ask the uauio of the kind ben efactress !" The young girl colored to the roots of her wavy brown hair and shook her bead. "You must MIC DO questions to-day," (he laid, tad Fred saw at once that the wished to keep her name from him. The doctor oarne, attended to Fred and coolly told him that be couldu't leave the cottage for a week. "You beard what the doctor said ; will you cumc and see ma again through the wee* !" said Fredas be held the young girl's hand in his as shu was about to depart. "1 will come erery day," she answer ed frankly. "Don't tell bits who 1 am, granny," was the warning the girl gave the old wotuau who owned the cottage « she mounted her horse and flew away. "What ii the young lady's name *" asked Fred of the old woman the mo ment she appeared at hi* bedside. "If tbefyoung lady want* you to know she'll Ull you htreolf," answered the old woman :u a tone that stopped all fur * (bar questioning Fred waa myatifled. All he could do waa wonder wbo tbe girl eould be "Vv ell, this ia a pretty atateaf affaira. 8o you've beer, tiying your best to kill yonnelf," laid tba hearty voire of Geo. Lyle, a* he entered tha oettagi about an hour after tbe aecident. "George, I ooneider myaelf the luck iest fellew •live," aaid Fred. "lleeaaaa you were'nl killed, I aup po»e," answered George. "Because 1 wasn't killed. No. lie cauae I've made the acquaintance of oaa of tba prettlevt—oaa ot the pices', girls in creation " "Yaa, 1 know- aba called at the bouse aad told me all about it." "Who ia aba'" asked Fred breath lessly. "Miss Helton." And George Lyle walked away, whistling. "Mias Beltoo"' cried Frad, and he started up ia a manner tbat threatened dialccation of the shoulder the second time. HutGetrge was merciful hi atayed away and allowed f red U ask himself a few questions. "Miss Hellou, before you lit down,nay that yo'i forgive my foolish talk of yes terday morning," aaid Fred, when his bcnef.ictrcu called to see him, blight aud early next morning. "Don't aay anything about it. 1 hava forgotten It," and she placed her her cool han4 on hia fevcriah brow as she continued, smiiiug : "You know I can't help being no vary proud." \\ hen Fred recovered be didn't think the Heltons too high-toned to visit, and the acquaintance that wa> formed in so romaotio a manner ended in a mar. riage- Exchange. AN ITEM FOR GOVERNOR SCALES. A merchant of New Heme received from Halem, N- C., a few days ago two barrels of eomiuon elay pipes, the freight en wbieh was $1.35 per bsrrel. The freight on the ssme from Baltimore, nearly three times tbe distance, would have keen only twtnty crnls per bar rel. We call tbe Governor's attention to this little matter to further satisfy him if possible that the great railroad cor porations doing business in this State have -'divided the empue," and in the terms of division it hat been decreed that there shall be no ttafßo between the people east of Goldsbero and those west of that point. All commuuity of inte rest is destroyed and we are forced to go North for eve* elav pipes when they are made in our own Slate. New Berne with her cheap water routes ought to supply a portion of eastern and middle N. 0., with their heavy groceries, and would do it but tor the Railroad corporations who are interested in building up other points. We sought to free ourselves from such influences by a eonnection with the C Y.k Y V. R. R., but the Governor prefers to foster the interest of those who oppress us. Let us appeal to the next General Assembly to acoept the proposition of tho C. F. AY. V. to buy the A. k N. C.—New Heme Journal. AN INDIAN FUNERAL. Tbe ludian funeral—it is a solemn, impressive, intereeung ceremony. The mounters are still. They point up to the Great Spirt, down to tbe bad spir it. They baud round the remain'. They chant ou their knees, later stand, ing up—ihey lay bows aud arrows and other impliments oa tbe remains—tho chanting continue*. The body is placed on a scsffoldiug, where it decay* in time. The skull is then washed and cleaned. It is placed in a eirele with other skulls, and in time disappears. The spirit is now thought ts have crossed tbe wile river to the happy bunting groaad beyond.—Boston Glebe. A TUKKLKBB FOKKST. Away down in Dotronsbire, in the southwestern part of England, there is a rery interesting tract of land. It is known as Dartmoor forest, and is so na med in all old deeds and grants of land; yet, with the exception of a small grove of dwarf oaks, it is almost entirely with out trace' This Strang* contradiction is said to be due U the fcet of die greater part of Dartmoor having actnlty h«cn a forest years age, b#t it was so infested with fierce wild animals that the people were forced, in sei" !' f"nsc, to aet fite treaH, audio, by dcgrn., the loresi was deatroyed Ceitain it is that the soil of the moor ii composed of rich, black, Tollable matter, and that remains of tree trunks hare bean found under the ground Morever, the peoplo ut nur diairict havu, for (fenerations, enjoyed the privilege of free pasturage, through a grunt award ed their ancestors fur services in de. strut ing wolveos iu Dartiuoor forest for the 6am 1 reason the; are allowed to gather ;lie peat which abounds iu the fens or mat shy lands, and which makes an excellent fnel. The atmosphere of the moor is Dearly always moist and fog gy. Indeed the people who live there say 'J hi' Vest wind 1 v\;|_\s brings wet weah er, The east wind wvl uitil colli together ; Tlie south wind surely Wrings us rain, The north wind blows it bark a^ain. —American Agriculturist. I'UNGENT,SNUFF. "Did the weJdirg.go off smoothly "About as smoothly as such affairs al ways go off. The only hitch that oc curred was when the pair stood up to be united."—Jioston Courier. Lady (who has a sick husband) — Don't you tliiuk doctor, that you ought to bleed uiy husbadd. Dottor (abseutuiindejly)—No, mad am, not until be gets well. Epoch. The Buffalo Courier tries to show how a man can live on a week. It is done here in Detroit by a uiau borrowing the rest from his friends —Detroit Free Press. An anti-fat restuarant has been open ed in London. Anti-fat boarding hous es have long bceu'known in this eouutry. --Lowell Courier. Some people appear to be surprised because Cleop&tia was a little woman. It doaent requires giant to make a fool of a mau.— Saturday Evening Ga zette. People have been known to talk against gambling all Ihcir lives on every possible oocasiou, and then, after all, to go and get married.—Somcrville Journal. A new disinfectant is called creolin. It is said lo be superior to carbolio acid. Mayor Hewitt ought to order aeveral ship-loads of the stuff aud have it sprinkled aoout the New York news paper offices.—Charleston .Yews and Courier. A Kentucky man's life was saved by eating an onion. If he drank whiskey shortly after partaking of the fragrant trnit (and being a Kei.tuokiin he prob ably did), the peoplo he conversed with doubtless wonder why l'rovidetiee spar ed him.—Minneapolis Tribune. Trtmp—Will you give uie twenty cents, air, to buy a bottle of whiskey with 1 Gentleman—lsn't that rattier a cheeky request ! Tramp—You won t think so when you hoar the particulars, you fee, I've been drinkiu' all the niorn in' at a fren's expense an' I want to re ciprocate. I'm white, if lam a tramp. —N. Y Sun. Sayi the Governor of New Hampshire to the legislative body : "1 Sawyer game, and your bill Hazen't luy appro val. Here's aV to settle damages.— Springfield Union. "I'm free to confess that I want the earth," said ono man to another " Well 1 see only one hope for you." •'What is thai ?" "Get Jay Gould to make his will in your favor."—Washington Crit ic. WK ARE NOW ON TUE ROAD to jroi. perity if we will just continue to make bouie (applies at houic and limit our to bacco trop to what we can handle nicely; it will bring more money than a large erop poorly worked and cured. Now that the time is approaching for pre paring plant land, we advise onr peo ple to prepare enough land In time to grow lb* plant* yon will require aud prepare the land for all your oropi, and remember the tiuio has eome wheu a g»od article only will command a good price. We have been impoverished by growing one etop, but we ean get over It ia a few year* should we make our home supplies at home, and we will soon have plenty of money and everything we need. A wonderful gold lodge has been discovered in Ariioaa, wliioh is declared to bo (be richest at or known 011 tbe Pa oific coast. NO. '.'o PICKINGS. I From tin* \\ Star. Throe men were killed by a wlialo off the coast of Maine. f»en. W. M. Ttttt, leading Radical in South Carolina, ia crazy. Gov.- Hill, of Now York, has appoin ted iwo women State Asylum manu . ijwrs. will, be Cliris t mas and will probably wiu'or in tbo soutli of France. , » « •+■ ** Dr. Shardy, of New York, who at. tended Oen. Grant, will go to Germa ny to examine the Crown Prince. After all, the majority in Virginia is alarmingly nuall. It is certainly small—probably not 3,000. Mahone | claims it by 'J,OOO. lJu: Mahono is not a good witness. Bismarck has great anxiety at the extreme sickness of tli? a Crown Prince. The Kuiperor has ordered the son of tbo Grown Prince, Prince William, to take his father's p'ace in ceremonies and re ceptions. A negro woman whipped a white girl at Anniston, Ala. A mob took tbo negress out and gave her a terrible fllogging. A mob of negroes gathered, a Dgbt ensued. A brothoi of the whip ped uegro was killed. 1 The Treasurer of the United States has issued his annual report for tho fiscal year ended June 30, 1887, which is bristling with figures running up into ilia hundreds of millions; the telegraphic i abstract will bo fouud very mterest i '"8- i Mr. Blaine has been heard from. lie I feels keenly the New York election. I Kx-Representative Sweat mot bun iu j l'aris. Ho says Blaine expects to run i again. We see it is asserted by New York Republicans that Blaine is stronger in that State than his party 1 is. California has a iaw regarding elec tions that is a good one. It will not allow an election worker to approach the ballot box nearer than one hundred foet, and within this distance no one is : permitted to speak to a voter or to give him any ticket, card or other pa per. | Secretary Bavard has appointed Mr. G. L. Rives, of New York, Assistant Secrctaiy of State in place of Porter. This makes the World very happy. It ! says Hives supported the kicker Nicol | ag.iinst the regular nomineo of the party. Mr. Bayard can make a blunder with exceeding nase. Why should New Yora gobble up So many inportaat offi ces ! The Maryland Democrats did ex ceedingly well uuder tho circumstances. Jackson, Democratic candidate fur Gov ! crnor, bad a plurality over tho He. publican—Bolting ticket of 12,41K, and 8,000 majority over Bepublican and | Prohibition. Good enough. Jackson ran behind Whito, for Attorney Gener al, who got 11,390 plurality, and Baugluu, for Comptroller, of 13,000 plurality. Lieut Gen. Sheridan has presented his annual report to the Secretary of War, from which it appears that the army consists of 2,200 olhocrs anil 24,- 236 men, during the past jear there has been a slight increase in desertion, but the discipline is good, and there is a gen eral spirit of obedience to law; ho strongly favors the general government extending all possible aid to the nation al guard of the several Statos. STANDARD*" AD VICE Would you respect yourself, keep your heart and body clean. Would you never bo told a lie, do not ask a personal question. Would you retaiu the love of a friend, d i not be selfishly exacting. Would you enjoy a quiet eontetlt, do away with airs and pretences. Would you sleep and have a good ap petite, attend to your business. Would you have others to rcspeet your opinion!, hold and unvcr disown theiu yourself. Would you have good health, go out iu the suusbinc. Sickness is wuriu than froekles. WK HAY it JLKT HAD in our hands tho tho first iour volume* of the Colonial lteoords of this State edited by Gol. Saunders, and published by the State. An analytical index to each volnm* would refer coot to tbo OOQ [tonta.

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