THE DANBURY REPORTER-POST. VOLUME XVI. Reporter and Post. rl'lltKUi VKEKLY AT DANBUBY, N. C. f EPP KR t SOX.'S Pitt*. 4r Prop* KITEB mr M IM TIRRIOX I Caa Year, pauuble U-. mlvatu-e #1..10 . Maatka , BATES Or ABVDBTIHIXUi b« BsaaM f tan liiaM or I***) 1 time * 1 00 vreack aMktiatial iuitertkMi '•o j Caatracti farlaiigr tiinehr tnore apace can be •i»da la prap«rtloa %o the al>n\>c rate*. Traaaleat advartia»r» will l«* expected to remit ! aceerdtag te tkeMratea at ike time they send tfcelr favara. Local Notice*win VecliatgeHs()perceiit.higher . tAaa abaveraXc*. Ba4a—a Card* »CHv. h.aert««| at Ten Dollara j r »t R**Ul|P|| "ll } PJlOFfif JtALCJI II VS. j L H. J i JJOIIE, > ATTORN EU AT LA W Mt Aicvr !ST, O. Special aUrntion gi\«'ii loiheeollvi'tlon of j ,«*al»a. Ift F. OiMTEJt, MT. AIUV-, Br«ttY »)., N. C Fractions vbwtwbare wantd. j uati'. «oiUWix. | nin ■kiixiKsofl. maoi'u »v. UACOX.i WOOD. BAOON & CO laipurMn aud l.ohkti« Dltr GOOJiK. ~\)OTl().VS. WHITE (WQ.H\ ETC- Ko*. 30S-.111 *Uiki'l St., fHILALKLI'HtJk, PA. S'aflioa^avitig CUT MICA far aal« wilt finl it tc tliar interest to «*T*aji«Ed with A. 0. SCRfOKfICIKKR, lit Willitui York. | *. OJl'-'.T* I uK . with ViMCa, fJULTJTJr ft CRIMP, RtOHHeMD, TA-, " 4Clbolwte t>«.ler in BOOTS, tHOKS, T«'ONKB,&C. | Praapt altsntion paiti'tc or&rrt.sail iattl ■»'i ,mi»»l«J rir,mc Staff /*.>.•£» Ouch « 'prrtaHi m I Mint w. row sis. nuiMio. nno. j it w. I'owtsai'.s ti co. XTUOLESAI.K tVJXGGI,ST .S'. j Dcalarwiii I»A1KT8, OILS, OV*S, VARBISIIKS ; French and fcnMrican XTJNDOW GLASS, PITTTY, &C miOKlNd AND'OHfiWIN (i CI6iHH;,T«)IiiVOOO * SI'BCIAI.TA j not B*™ Rioinaond, Va. Ji»,inl«nim — GEO. STEWART. and Sfcoet Manu faitaresr.. Opp»*l« K.toi'l* llrehouse. wKms. * «•.. HOOFING. CUTTERISC AND SPOUT-' INC 4enf at ib«itia*J«. Kaaps roastaatly m lu uJ a tine lot ol C**kiag and lleatlnjs Stoves. WINTER MELLINERY AND STAPLE NOTIONS. coKMisriKu or Toy* Ac Oliri^l miiN GoodN. TrlMXi lint* madji llonncta. * Te Suit Ererybody. • first door South or Hotel Fountain, 1 WINSTON", N. C Mri N- S- Davis- ! The Wilmington Star. REDUCTION IN TUR K*. Attention it called to the followinf le daced rates of subscription, I'AHII IN ADVANCE . THE DAILY STAR. One Y'ear SO.OO I Three Six Months 3.00 | One Months 50 ; TUK WKKKLY STAR. One Year SI.OO | Six Months CO Three Months 30 oents. Oui- Telegraph News service has recently lieen largely Inrreasrd, and It is our deter mination to keep Die fSTAn up to the highest standard of new s-paper excellence, Address. WM. 11. UEItNARD, Wilmington. N'. C. Milling Specific for Liver Disease. AViflDTniflA * Hitter or had taale In • ■ Iwir I UIIIV ■ mouth; tongue coated wlitte or covered with u hmwn fur; nam in the Iwtck. allien, or Joint*—often iiiiataken for ltlp umutlHiQ; nuur Moiuiu h; hm* of appetite; Moinetluicn nunsca nn«l water braMh, or Indtaeidion; flatulency and arid | eructations; bowcla alternately coativo and lax ; headache; I OHM of memory, with a painful seiiHatloii of having failed to «lo soiiiethlnK which onirht to have l*»endone; ' drblllty; low spirits; a thick, yellow ap pMrtnce of the skin and eyei; a dry eoimh; fever; reelleasiicßS; the urine In scanty and hlgheol'irod, and, If allowed to i f * stand, depoHlt* a sediment. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR (PURELY VEGETABLE) IN generally uxed In the South to arnuao the Torpid Liver to a healthy action. It acts with extraordinary efficacy on the TIVER, SIDNEYS, 1 AND BOWELS. AH ErrECTUAL specific fCR Malaria, Uow« I Complaint*, l)y«pi'p*ia. sick HcHilnchr, , fon«t I |»ut lon. llillou«iicita. Kidney Affection*. Jaundice, Mental Drprvufion. i'olle. Kndortcd by the use of 1 Million* of Li ttl«, .»* THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE for Children, for Adult«, and for (he Aged. ONLY GENUINE h.a our Z Sump in red on front of Wrapper. J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., moraiiTcM. Trice, 81.00. CHEAPCQFFEE. no; * ROASTED r. FFEK AT 18 CTS A POUND ITT 11' IN l'()i;.M> PACKAGES. Ever» l'ackiii;r CoutniiiM a Itfscn ( IN Value Troin 5 els. to 9:i.00 TItADK xri'VMKI) lv |outt]erf| jo. Charlotte, N. C. S./ Menjion 1 l>u> paper. v THOMI iON'S COMP 0 U N D nmMM!. t T R * t ftrrtr A MILD TONIC AND— Ai»Pi-:riziou. A enre for Dyspepsia, Indip»?Mon and ('Olibliptttlot!. It promotes tl:»; secretions of tlit» Liver ami Kidneys, anil a gentle one to tlie Organs, llelirves N nesick I'tostrat ioti following I'rotiacted Ntrvouss. ami enfeebled condition of lite general sys tem. II ANI'K AC'TI*IIKI> IIY Dr. V. 0, THOMPSON, DRUGGIST, Winston N. C. DOIV'T BUY YOU 11 TOMBSTONES UNTIL YOU SKK I. W. DURHAM, Winston, N* C Designs tnhiled frco^J H' H. CARTLANI), And dealer in Cassimeres FINE CLOTI IS And Famishing Goods Greensboro, ----- N.C. I'adrr Central llotH. «TVO r nil>'r fSUCCEKDH LIKE HITCCEHS." DANBURY, N. C., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15, 1881 TIIUi:i: DKAVTIGH I. Tin: (ilßt. IN TMK SEALSKIN SACCJUB. Oh! the gitl in the sealskin saoi|tie is fair, .She's a vision that ehatms the eye, With her ripe red lips and iter golden hair, Anil teeih like the ja'arls that lie In tin coral eaves of I lie ocean, where The mermaid dresses her golden hair And Hunts the dirge ot the seaman brave Whose hark has sunk 'neath the loaiiliug waje. 11. TIIK BUMMKIt OI 11l- Oil! the summer girl with her golden hair And her robe of snowy law n. And her blushing cheek is a vision fair. As the suinme.' morning's dawn, Hereheeks are the hlnshlng skie* sun-kissed, Her dress is the inorninn's lleeey mfot, Her eyts are the ocean's fathomless blue, And her lips are the rosebuds fiesh w iili dew. 111. TIIK K AST til lItUDK. Uut the robe* of the maidens mentioned Vale Into th • nothingness beside The lilae silk and the Brussels veil Of the Mushing Easter bride: And their charms are eclipsed as the bride appeals Like an April day, In smiles and tears; At the altar, and there with the bridegroom stands Till the kind old pastor has joined their hands. llortoa Courier. THE WAITEK*KNEVV IliM. \ ouog Jinks hud always told his em ployer that he never touched liquor. Employer invited him into a saloon to take a lemonade with him. \\ aiter, who knew Jiuksy remarked to him as he set down a bottle of old rye that he brought in: "No use asking what you will take." Consternation of Young Jiuks.-S i/Zing*. A FINANCIAL EXHIBIT I'OR THE FISOAL YEAH END ING DUG. IST 1887. w TIIF. POLI.OWINU CLAIMS AI'DITF.O 11V TH It UCAIID OK COMMISSIONERS, VIZ: 1 Z T Smith, registrar $ 1 50 2 J S I) I'ulluin, court officer 9 00 8 J W Rierson, court officer 7 50 ■1 II F Btirkr,jail aceonnt 10 SO 5 .1 d II Mitchell, c b co and making tax list fur 188G 204 00 I! ,) II Lawsoti, registrar 93 7 \V .1 Johnson, registrar 1 l' 4 8 K W Blaii fi Bro, work on jail 2 00 0 U W IJl.iir & Bro, pnnpor coffin 2 50 10 J A Pepper, lcpairing public road -2 87 11 M T Mitchell, registrar 2 -5 12 1' \V Kobcrtsou, court offi cer 10 50 13 J II Covington, keeper of poor housu 713 13 14 Lizzie Peutross, furnishing outside pauper 13 15 15 W It Gaiter, court officer 7 50 10 11 P MoAnally, registrar 1 08 17 Jas Rierson, Jr, c s c in solvent claims 71 10 18 C II Lawson, j p, insol vent claims 2 02 19 Sterling Adams, j p, insol vent claims 1 51 20 J K Johnson, d s, insol vent claims 75 J S D l'ulliam, d s, insol vent claims 5 80 22 John Buyer, sheritt, insol vent olaiius 95 23 G L Burton, d t>, insolvent claims 15 24 1' Vv Hobcrtson,d.«, insol vent claims 12 C 5 25 A Fogle, sheriff', insolvent claims 15 2G S P Adams, j p, insolvent claims 80 27 SB Taylor, jp, insolvent claims 65 28 Crawford Marshall, con stable, insolvent claims . 05 29 S M Ward, j p, insolvent claims 70 30 J \V ltierson, d s, insol vent claims 2 45 j 31 J 0 Niiwsoni, j p, insolvent | claims 76 82 \V 11 Carter, ds, it solvent | claims 532 33 K 1 Pulton, sheriff', iusol -1 claims 255 j34 W II Carrot, ds, insol. . : vent claims 81. 35 II M Jo'yco, work on pub lic road 11 Pi 30 J A Leak, listing taxes 24 0( 37 J A Leak, registrar 1 14 ' 38 J II Covington, burial ot two pauper 7 "" | 30 Pepscr k Sons, publish ing county exhibit 34 00 40 Jas Kstes, cotiveyin/j pau per to Mt Airy 5 00 41 1) W Uncock, oxpensos from asylum ( discharged lu natic) 8 -5 42 U W liluir, 2 pauper cof fins & 00 43 J W. llutledge, reg'slrar 2 30 44 Elislta Abbott, conveying pauper to poor house 1 50 45 J II Carroll, burial of pauper 2-07 : | 40 K H Glenn, sol, insolvent | claims BCO 1 47 Jns Rierson, esc, insol- I vent claims 710 |4B S M Ward, jp, insolvent | claims 112 '4O K 1 Dtilton, shoriff, ii.sol ' | vcut claims 108 50 J S D l'ulliam, d s, iu ol vent claims 1 30 51 1' W Robertson, d s insol vent claims 50 ' 52 W R Carter, d insolvent claims 2 85 53 A C Rhodes, conveying pauper to poor house 2 40 • 54 Win Nunn, 1 claim 85 55 K \V H air & Hro, pauper coffin 2 00 1 50 Wrn Kdwnrds, conveying prisoner to jail 3 00 57 J M Rutle-lge, juror lay. ing off road 1 50 58 S M Coff, juror laying of road 1 50 59 J T Wall, juror laying off road 1 50 1 00 I) J Edwards, jurur laying. off road 1 50 01 W M Watts, juror laying ' ; off road 150 ,j 02 Edwards, Uroughton & Co., stationary 01 12 63 Jos Covington, keepor ? poor liou.'q 100 00 . | l4 J os;ph Covington, keepor poor houso 100 00 05 »lo» Covington, Dorial -of* pauper 2 40 1 00 W W MeCanless, board inp jury 39 00 > 07 W G Slate, pauper coffin 220 .1! 08 Win Joyce, wit claim 0 40 J 69 W R Carter, court officer 6 00 J 70 J II Covington, burial of pauper 2 60 1! 71 K W lllair & Uro, 2 pau i per ctffins 320 1 72 P W Robinson, court of ficer 8 40 !) 73 W W McCanlos, boarding jury 27 00 D 74 S II Gentry, court officer 7 20 75 J 8 D l'ulliam, court offi -7 cer 7 20 j 76 Dr J W Neal, attention ( o pauper 5 50 0 77 Dr J 11 Smith, attention to pauper 4 JO 3 78 G W Martin, conveying prisoner to jail 3 00 5 79 J II Darnel, services to I) pauper 15 00 8 80 T II 15ain, registrar 1 41 81 W L llall, constable and 0 • da, insolvent claim 740 | 82 Jas Rierson, Jr, ex-clerk 2 j insolvent claim 108 87 I 83 W S Sink, d s, insulvent 1 j claim 60 84 S II Gentry, d s, insolvent 5 i claim 105 IBa J W Rierson. d s, insol -0 j vent claim 740 180 J 1! Alley d i, insolvent 5 j claim 50 j 87 Thomas Settle, Jr. sol, in -5 solvent claim 12 00 88 G W Martin, d t, insolvent 5 claim 30 89 G W Moriitt, j p, insol -5 vent claim 80 90 J II R Turner, j p, insol -0 | vent claim 115 : 91 K W Culler, j p, insolvent 5 claim 45 ! 92 Alex Dulton, constable, in -5 j solvent claim 105 ' 93 9 C Rinrson,d s, insolvent 0! claiiu 100 j 94 1' W Roburtson, ds, insol -5 J vent claim 880 |95 T J Boxe, constable, in -5 ■ solvent claim 95 96 T II Ham, mayor of Ger -15 man ton 1 00 ; 97 P II Carter, d s, insolvent >5 ctaiin 45 i 98 G A Carroll, j p, insolvent 10 claim 1 30 j 99 W li Saunders, constable, 2 | insolvent claim 200 K) 100 W A Kstes, jx-.«hff, in -4 j solvent claim 15 . 101 J S 1) l'ulliam, d s, insol- I vent claim 715 102 N A Martin, d s, insol vent claim 30 108 C R Lawson, j p, insol. vent claiui 40 104 M T Mitchell, j p, insol i vent claim 75 105 W 11 Carter, d?, insol vent claim 8 15 j 10G R I Dalton, sheriff, vinsol j vent claim 50 j 107 N I) Putrec, c » c, insol vent claiui 50 108 11 I Dalton, sheriff, iusol. * vcTfit claim 16 75 KM) N O Pclrcc. csc, in solvent claim' 38 90 110 II W Boles, constable in solvent claiui 1 05 j ill J P Dalton, pauper coffin, 250 112 W A Lash, repairing bridge, 5 25 1113 D V Carroll, c b c c, 70 25 114 KJvvars Urougliton, A Co., tux books 3 50 115 X 0 I otroe, est, insol vent claim 10 40 1 lti Jnmes Rierson, ex-c s c, insolvent claim 8 82 ! 117 R I Dalton, Sheriff, in solvent claim 2 70 118 J S I> Pttlliaiu, d s, insol j vent claim 110 | 119 P\V Robertson, ds, in solvent claim CO ' 120 (1 W Meritt, d s, insol- I vent claiui 50 ' 121 S II Gentry, d s, insolvent I claim 110 ( 122 Thomas Settle, jr, solici tor, insolvent claim 2 00 123 R B Glenn ex-solioior, insolvent claiui 2 00 124 G A Carroll, j p, insolvent | claim 07 1 125 II R (.'alter, d s, insol j vent claim GO 12U IV L Hull, d s, insolvent claim 50 127 J M Fulton, j p, insolvent claim 1)0 ; 128 11 C Fisher, scc'y board assessor CF&YV R a 2 00 129 D Poindcxtcr, assessor 20 70 1 i 130 J M Linville, " 12 80 181 C U' MoAnally, « 12 80 132 S M Uoff, » 1G 00 1 133 J II R Turner, " 1G 00 1 134 J C Newsotu." " 18 40 1 1135 Jas llicrson, Jr, " 14 00 120 Pll Mabc, '« 14 40 1 ! 137 \V F Campbell, •• 14 40 138 T J Gann; •« 24 00 1 139 S-iin'l Martin, " 12 00 ! 140 Joel F Hill, !•; 29 40 » 141 J K Crews, « 1120 , 142 S B Taylor, " 1120 ' 143 11 Venable, " 8 80 1 144 Jas \V Davis, •' 11 20 145 EW liluir & Bro, p-iu ' : per coffin, 200 140 H M Joyce, shroud for * pauper 120 147 N 0 Petre, paper fill for 1 | official paper 395 > 148 L F Smith, money in 1 > clerks hands over 3yeirs 13 84 i 149 R I Dalton, sheriff, in > ! solvent claim 840 I : 150 John Boyer, sheriff, insol- J vent claim 90 • 1 151 Jas Rierson, Jr, ex-c s c insolvent claim 14 35 ' | 152 N 0 Petree, csc, insol ! vent elaun 470 I 153 C S Ilauser, csc, in. solvent claim 8 15 i 154 Wll Carter, ds, insol vent claim 30 i 155 J S D l'ulliam, il s, in solvent claim 3 30 M 15G J \V Rierson, d s, insol \ vent claim 90 '157 11 O Butuer, d s iusol. ! vent claim 400 1 ; 158 W L Hall, d s, insolvent | claiui 80 I 159 J G H Mitchell, per diem and mileago to Fayatteville sssesor ot C F > & Y V 11 It 2170 | IGO John A Burton k claim 2 10 > 101 J S 1) l'ulliam, court offi- I cer 840 » 102 Z S Alley, assessor 15 00 j 103 S II Gentry, court offi - I: eor 0 00 101 W RShelton, d s, insol ' i vent claim 240 105 P W Robertson court ' 1 officer 13 20 I IGG W II Hawkins, court of ) ficer 600 157 M T Eitclicll, assess > »or 22 00 ICB W L Hall, constable in > solvent claim 1 75 109 R 1 Dalton, jail sect ) ! tummoning jury, etc 570 15 j 170 Gideon George, pauper 5 t coffin f> 00 171 It I Dalton, summoning jury to lay off road 5 00 172 I) N Dalton, damages by road 2 Oil 173 John Wall, damages by road 2 50 , 174 J E Roles, damages by roud 1 00 175 Devi Watson, damages b/ road 3 00 17C Mary Pluinmcr, damages by road 1 00 177 S L Ilauser, damage by road 3 00 j 178 L E Grabbs, damages by road 3 00 179 lianton Ilauser, damages by road 3 00 | 180 J \X Kiger,juror laying of read 1 50 j 181 11 C Coc, juror laying of road 1 50 1 182 S L Meadors, juror lay ing of road 150 ( 183 J E Snider, juror laying of road 1 50 j 184 Isaac 11 Spainhour, lujing of road 1 50 j 185 N 0 l'etrcc, csc insolv ent claim 79 43 I 180R I Dalton, ShlTiff, insol vent claim 7 G5 187 S II Gentry, d s, insol vent claim 4 05 188 P W llobertson, ds, in solvent claim 13 45 j 189 J S D l'ulliam, d s, insol vent claim 5 80 i 190 James ltierson jr. Ex csc, insolvent claim 41 05 ! 191 Eliui Fulp, j p, insolvent claim 70 j 192 A M ltoyles, j p, insolvent claim 52 193 Cabcil, in solvent claim 52 194 W F Campbell, j p, insol vent claim 20 195 P 11 Mabc, j p, insolvent claim 2 27 ' 190 M T Litchell, j p, insol vent claiui 75 197 J F Hall ds, insolvent claim 45 198 C R Lawson, j p, insol vent claim 52 199 T J Hoze constable, in solvent claim 77 200 J C Newsoui, j p, insol vent claim 551 201 W V McO anless, j p, in vent claim 87 202 J F Johnson, constable, insolvent claim 235 203 Wm Cook, in solvent claim 1 70 204 W R Carter, d s, insol vent claim 90 205 G W Martin, d s. insol vent cases 1 20 200 Bvnj. Smith constable in solvent cases 77 207 R B Gleen ex-solicitor insolvent claim 2 50 208 M T Smith, j p, insolvent claim 97 209 James W Rierson, d a, in. solvent claiui 45 210 J 11 Martin d s, insolvent claim 50 211 R II l'ulliam, constable, insolvent claim . 1 55 212 J T Nelson, constable, in solvent claim 1 25 213 W II Hawkins d s, ins d vent claim 1 65 214 W L Saunders, constable, insolvent cliim 1 25 215 J E Crows, jp. insolvent claim 92 210 J W Fulp, constables guard, insolvent claim 1 75 217 G L Rurton, d s, insol vent claim 15 218 Thomas Settle, jr, solici tor, insolvent claim 9 00 219 D B M«be, constable, in solvent claim 1 55 220 C T Christian, j p, insol vent claim 97 221 G A Carroll, j p, insol vent claim 2 10 222 H L Hall, constable, in solvent claiui 3 75 223 J H Carroll, ds, insol vent claim 15 224 M H Ligon, constable, insolvent claim 87 225 If'alter McOanless, jail account 24 85 22G E H' Blair, pauper cof fin 2 50 227 J A Leak, assessor 30 00 228 1) V Carroll, C B C C making out tax list 229 29 229 P W Robertson, convey ing Pink Blackburn fci asylum 34 G5 230 Joseph Covington, burial of pauper 5 07 231 C M Lasley, oommission- NO. 22 ! or, 7 days 98 miles 10 68 '232 A M Boyle*, commission er, 0 days 102 mill* 19 44 233 Caleb Hill, commissioner, 7 days 119 miles 18 24 ; Amount of promiscuous claims $3630 90 Outside pauper allowances. I (Jrccn Stuart, jg gy , 2 Harrison Bullin, 18 50 ; 3 Paulina Hullin, 10 40 4 Prudy Hall jg gy 5 H and M Hart, jy 0 llios Mitchell's children, 7 20 7 W 11 1 1 ull turd. 9 00 8 Hetty Moore, - 20 9 G. H. Mube, ]g gy 10 Pink Blackburn, 17 00 II Sam Hill, 13 50 12 Isaac Pulk and wife, 17 00 13 John Sizomore, 13 00 14 Sarah A Mounce, 17 yy 15 Susan Mabe, jy 20 | Mary Spainhower, 7gy j 17 Johnson (leorge, 20 00 18 Roina Glide well, **- g( . 19 tirace Moore, 10 oy, j 20 Chas Hoasley's sisters, 51 yo : 21 Nelson Shelton, 10 Jy 122 ! uss Speueer's daughters, 10 20 23 Jinnie Covington, 15 gy i ' u,er Closer and wife, 26 40 ! 25 Katy Redman, 20 40 j 20 Mary Robertson, 21 80 2. lietliy Ash by, ] 0 oy ; 28 (Jeo and Ziphy Shelton, 23 80 I 29 Lino, Power., 7 80 30 Rebecca Slate and Kitty "Wil •on, 14 50 131 H. \\. Robertson, 20 00 32 Mourning Cox, 10 jy j 33 Joseph Kdwards, 10 40 ; 34 Thco Kisor, 13 60 | 35 Lizzie Iteid, 10 50 j 36 I lioinas Benton, 13 yy ] 37 Hetiie Mounce, 5 20 | 38 bailie Shelton, 11 80 39 Adline Samuel, 7 go 40 Polly Southern, IS 60 41 Nathauiel Sholtun, • 11 20 42 Win Bennett and wife, 6 00 43 Fanny Mabe, 4 yo 44 Kho'la Hugging, 4 yy 4;i Alley Hensdale, 4 00 . 40 John Butts, y 00 47 Polly Wilson, 4 go 48 Fred Coin, 6 00 49 Mary Mabe, 11 00 50 Laborn ( Join, g 00 51 Sail e llutclicrson, 8 20 52 Betsy Mabe,] 6 00 53 Betsy Cook, 6 00 , 54 James lteid, 600 55 Harnett Riegs, 6 00 I 56 Mary Mabe (His) 300 57 Martha Slate, 4 00 1 58 Lyda Sands, 1 00 59 Martha A Reid (tor son) 1 00 ) 60 Mary J Booth, 300 61 Lethy Pruitt, 4 00 f 62 M atilda Joyce, 200 63 Lucinda Pruitt, 2 00 1 04 Ruth Shelton, 400 j 65 Beasly Mabe, 4 00 f 00 Betsy Mabe wife of Win, 200 6J Jfcb Reid 2 50 ■ ( 68 Willis Mabn f 2joo 69 Saunders l'yrtle 2 00 ) 70 N'oali tiliuewell 1 00 j 71 Martin Ashby, 2 00 ' ) ■ 1 Amount of Pauper Claims $707 60 ( Amount pd jurors and witn's $1787 68 Amount promiscuous claims $3630 97 Total Expenditures $6126 10 ' Net amount of revenue from all source* for couuty purpose) $4922 50 SCHOOL Pt'ND. • j Net amoun'. of revenue from all source* 1 for school purposes $4576 17 1 j Aiut. paid white teachers $3096 87 1 Auit. paid colored teachen $692 60 1 Auit. paid buildings lor white $529 45 Aiut. paid buddings for oolored $146 29 1 | A int. paid to County Supt. $152 00 | A nit. paid Board of Education S3O 35 Total $4647 50 1 This amount due lo school fund from ; county fund. See minute book, 305 th » ! SI4BB 95 ' • of North Carolina I Stokes County \ 1, D. V. Carroll, Clerk of the Hoard of Commissioners of said connty, do l(ei*by certify that the foregoing is • > true statement of claims audited by said Board from IV\ Ist 1886 to Dee. Ist • 1887, and also a true statement of the 1 amount of Hevonue from all source* for botli County and Sohoul purposes, also 1 . the true imnunt of School fund disburs ed for said year. Oivcn under tuy hand and seal Dee, sth, 1887, j I>. V. Carroll, C. 11. C. C. [SlAt.j

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