.VOLUME Xv Reporter and Post. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT DANBURY, N. C. PtiPPBR ifc SONS, Pubs. s- Props m.;m -- - - » v BAT KM OF NIIINtKiriIOX $ Cac Year, paoitblo in ndvMirn «l..in Moutkii, IS UATK.H OF ADVKRTINI^O: n« Square (ten linen or !«•**«) 1 time, ihi •irenrh addltloiiul iuaertlou, Cautracta for l»nger time or more -pne« » nu bu Blade !u proportion to t lie above niter. Transient ad\crtlMei* will bo expected to remit teeordl'iK to t!ie»e rates at the time they aend tlielr I'avora. • % L^llMttfWlClllheehafgCdSOift rcent.lilj«tier t.iMi ahove rate*. BuNlnv■** CartU w ill be inserted at Ton Dollar* or annum. PII OFESSIOJYA 1. T\l II vs. [{. L HA YAJOIiK, ATTORNEYATLAW Mt Airy N, C. Special attention gftteti to the collect lon of el aims. W. F. CARTER, &RROIIN'IER**W-L'II it*. MT. AIKY, 8U BUY CO., N.C Tract ices whertve* Illsservies are wautii | hJSkliMi' sruuli KAM'I. I'. fIOoHYIIN. ■SI i;v UICXDKKMOjr. niell'll w. L.V .ON J WOOD, BACON &CO liat.orkerit and JnM»eii>«»t " DRY GOODS, .YO'J'/O.A>'• ] WHITE GOODS, ETC. j XUK. aoii-.il I Maiki l .St., PHILALELI'IIIA, PA. Parties having CUT MICA for tale will find it tu their interest to | . —respond with A. O SOHOOXMAKKR, 168 William St., New York. U. F.. L.EKTWI K. with WIMBO, ELLETT i (RIYiP, RICHMOND, V A., Wholeutc Dciilers in - t JOOTB BHOKS, TRUNKS. AC. Pr.npt slteolioa paid to ordors. anl tatif etia. jt*urant,e l. Virginia Slate I'rtso i (load* n pprrtnlti Siareh,6. >" BoasaT w. row Kits. ki>«a« t>. TAVM*. R W POWERS * CO. WHOLESALE DUUGUISTS ; Dealer? in PAINTS, Olt.B, DYBS, VAI:SIMM i Prench and Araericnn WINDOW ULANS, PUTTY, KC HUOKIN't: ami ciikv e CIGARS, TOBACCO A SI'ROIAI.n j 1305 Main St., ltioh:noiid, Va, Aligns it) ii)2o— GEO. STEWART. Tin and Sheet Iron Manu facturer. Opposite Farmers' Warehouse. WISHTO*. X. V , ROOFING, GUTTERING AND S.'OUT ING done at Sliort notice. Koeps constantiy oil hand a fine lot of Cooking and Ittfttlllg BtoVes^ WINTER MILLINERY AND STAPLE NOTIONS CONSISTING OK Toyn Ac ItlliM J-OOdS. Trimmed ll»t« and. IlonuelN. To 'Ult Kverjlru.lj'. Flr,t door South of lintel Fountain, WINSTON, N. C Mrs N S Davis- The Wilmington Star. iJEurcricx IN PRIC ES. Attention ia called to the following ic duced ratea of subscription, CABII IN ADVANCE : TIIE DAIL Y STAR. One Year SO.OO I Three Monthssl.so Six .Months 3.00 One Mouths 50 , THE WEEKLY STAR. One Year SI.OO | Six Mouths 00 j Three Months 80 cents. Our Telegraph News service has recently j been increased, ami it is our tieter mination to keep the STAu up to the highest standard of news-paper excellence. Address, WM. 11. BERNARD, V lIM peeullai- i nieney ti duo ' n as inueh to tl" ; an I NINO sUill In c>mp« nudum a-to L»"F IT till' Ingredients Hi* muclvwi, u, " c 11 'liil\f ii lii time. I• •b- Ki (lima-.-* In the outset, or If 10 they bo advanced will ptove a iiotful cure. No Honic should 1)5 MM ii. '{ i It. takes the place or :i 11 diM'tor anil costly |iv script ions. All who lead for WHOSE 1 K'dentary lives trill Part IIFNPFIT lltlie bent preventive «,f •* and cure It ii- Indigestion, COIIHI i|IUI ion, III'IKIIICIU'I KNIOUTNRM, I I'ilcH t: lit I Mental UepreHHlou. No low 1 of time, no Inti-ru ri'iit e v.Hi i>n Im-s while tali 11For children It .no*t In- I lioeent ami harm t .vs. No dangir from exposure alter taUin-'. Ciirts t'tillc. IM nrrlueu, Itouel ('oiiipluiut*. i'ev erl*h- I itrfft mid leverUh Cnl«N. invalid* :» II • I ! delicate per*«»ns will tliul it the mi l«l« -t Aperient ami Tonic they can II*».-. A little taken at nlnht iiiMir. ri iroliim; vp I and a natural e\a c.ition «*f tin bow.-Is. A little taken In the in.»riiinu *harpcns the :.p|»• Lite, t l.ansrs the htoinueh and ' sweeten* the.br. atli. \ I'IIYSKIVNS OPINION. "I have bc«n er . tiring nn ui:.« f r twenty years .m 11. ••• ncvti I :> able t > | put Hi- » vegetable cifcnp ml lli.it \* d, like Simmon* I-iv.-r I« ■ tilator, pr« (iiptiy 1 and effectively in \c ihc l.i»cr i«» acu «n, , ami at the same time unl iin»tr.ul efwiak- I cuing) the and auimlluive powers t.f the *yMctii L. M. IIINJON, M.D., Washington, Ark. Mark* of GeiinliH'iifHv: I »• .1; for t lie red I Trade-Murk O'l trout ot W . mid the J Heal an I Signature ««l*J. ll.Wiliti «.V l "0., 'n j red, on the side. Take no oilier. III.) 110 AST EL) (". FFHI: AT IK CTS A POUND I ITT 111' IN I*. I'N'P PACKAGES 'I i Cier. I'a« ki»|{c Con);; Ins ;■ I Present in I nine IVcm 5 Cs t093.00. TIIAOK sri*ri.u:i> DY |outljerr| |b. Gliarlcite, N. C. (1 f Mention this | :| . r. THOMPSON'S i c o m ro u is 7 1) tent sittii. Itttttt V t t t T V A MIL!) TONIC AMI- A PI'LOTIZKU. A eure for I)yspeji>in, It*dige>*ioii am! ('oustipat ion. It iiroii ites 11 ■? -tvielimi- 'd the Liver and Kidney... and a ntle "if to i lie Orgaiu. Believes Nnesick Prostration follow IN- l'tot iaetel NTNOUSS. ! and enfeebled e >miitioii of the general sys tein. MANIT W Tl ItKIl IJY Dr. V. 0, THOMPSON, DRUGGIST, Winston N. C. i>or**T BUY YOUR TOM 15 STONES UNTIL YOU SI;E Winston, N* C By Designs mailed froo^fj H" H.OARTLAND, . And dealor in Cassimeres ; PINECLOTIIN And Furnishing Goods Greensboro, ------ N.C. | ' Untier Coutml Hotel, "NOTIIINO SUCCKEDS laiiE Kt CCKSrt." I)ANBURY, N. C„ THURSDAY. DECEMBER f. 1881 "I* THE HI ATI VIT Y OF «'IIKIST MIPS 1.. K. I.AMMtV. Far in the desert east it shone, v .'i ding-star, and on'y one; The nil er plane « |oft the sky. Trembling, ns if letiuked on high. Tlks-iiio* u f..rao»4i l.er \h:ish'd before tfhi* holier llcbt : The pforni eloruis tha« on ether lay Meltr.l '• 11' re its glorious ray; Till half the heav»»n shone pure atM®. clear, | Like seme divin r afmofipbere Than ours, hetv henvj vapours rise From the vile «■ si tli, to dim I lie skies; Me« i herald of thai promised ilay, WII.*II soul s!»a!l burst this bond «d clay, And, purified from earih-staius come, lUtiiant to its eternal home. On ml I'd tho star, nor paused to shed Its tjory o'er the mountain's head, \\ hen on tie morning's sunshine 1011. Where eve's last erimso i !ove«l lo dwell; 'I he gilded roof, t lie stately fane. The garden, nor the eorn-liid plain, Tlie camp, v ! ere red w iteh fires were keeping ittard "'"i a thous: id soldiers sle *pini{. Hi,; tempi*, j> il n-e, itv p.ist, i li t star jans m'i lathe -ky at last. If jmiiM d where, rousedfrtun similiters mild, I.ay 'mid tl • ki::e a newborn child. Are i: e;e n*> elarir»n« upoe earlli To tell tn.itikiud their monareli'ti biilli? Are tl.ere no bur.nets to unfold, Heavy wilh purple aiid with g*»id'? Are there no flowers to strew the ground, Nt-r a relies with the p;i I m-branch bound? Nor fires tt> kindle »»u tlie Jiill ? No! man is tuittci—the world is still, lil w uld all earthly iKimp agre? Willi tl is hour's mild solemnity ; The tidir.i.s which that infant brings, \re not for conquerors nor for king»: Nor for Ihe seep're, north" brand. For nowned ia ul, nor red hand. Ilut to the contrite ami them ek. The sinful, sorrowful and weak : Or tin s. who, with ah -p' sublime. Are waiting t«>r t!»" Lm-tl'i gootl tinto. Onh fortlvse the atmels sing, ••All glory to our newborn King, \ud peace and 500 '-will unto men, Ilosanua •"•!! Aiueu." A FINANCIAL EXHIBIT I'On TIIK FI.SCAIi YKA't KND IXH ]>EC. IST IS!ST. Tll K nil.l.dWtNd .'I.AIMS AUDITKD liV lillt ItCAHII OK COMSItWIO.NWtIt, VIZ: I Z T Smith, registrar § 1 50 •2 ,1 S I) I'nlli.itn, couit «'tl'cpr 0 DO :i ,1 \V Hicrsnn, court ttfliccr 7 ftO 4 II F Burke, jnil aceoii'it 10 30 | .j .1 G II Mitchell, e boo and unking tax lim fur ISSIi 201 00 Ii v 1! Law«oli, registrar 08! 7 W .) •lohnson, registrar 1 04 j 5 K W lllnit >V Bro, work on jail 2 00 j 0 I'. \\ lilair l!ro, pauper cull ill 2 50 I 10 .1 A Pepper, lCfairing public road 22 87 j II M T Mitchell, registrar 2 25 1 12 1' W ltobertson, court effi ccr 10 50 13 .1 II Covington, keeper of poor liouso 713 13 I 14 I.izzic l'eutrois, furnishing outside pauper 13 15, 15 \Y 11 Cutter, court officer 7 50 lli 11 1' MoAnally, registrar 1 17 Jas Hioison, Jr, one in solvent claims 71 10 | 1S 0I! Lawson, j p, insol vent claims 2 02 j I!) Sterling Adams, j p, insol vent claims 1 51 j 20 J 11 Johnson, d s, insol vent claims 75 j .J S 1> I'ulliam, d s, insol vent claims . 5 80 J 22 John Buyer, sheriff, insol vent olaiius 05 ; 23 Ci I. liui ton, d s, insolvent claims 15! 21 1' Yv l!oiicrtson,d s, insol vent claims 12 G5 25 A l''ogl«, sheriff, insolvent claims 15 j 20 S l* Adams, j p, insolvent claims 80 27 S B Taylor, j p, insolvent claims 55 28 Crawford Marshall, con stable, insolvent claims 05 20 S >1 Ward, j p, insolvent claims 70 30 J \V. lliersrii, d s, insol vent claims ' 2 45 31 J C Nowsom, j p, insolvent claims 75 32 \Y 11 Carter, ds, insolvent claims 5 35 83 11 1 Dalton, sheriff, insol olninM 2 55 i 34 \\ II o arret, il s, insol vent ol:iiius B> 35 II M Joyce, work on pub lic road . 1112 30 J A Leak, listing taxes 24 00 j 3t J A Leak, registrar 1 14 j 38 J II Covington, bnriul ot two pauper 700 30 Pepser it Sons, publish ing county exhibit 31 00 40 Jas Kstes, conveying pau per to Mt Airy 5 00 41 1) W Bofock, oxpensHs from asylum (discharged lu natic) H '-5 42 K W Blair, 2 pauper cof fins 5 00 43 J W. Rutledge, registrar 2 36 44 Elislia Abbott, conveying liauper to poor house 1 50 45 4 LI Carroll, bKA,it of paiipor 2 07 40 II 11 Glenn, sol, insolvent claims 8 i.O 47 Jas Ricrson, c sc, insol vent claims 7 10 48 S M Ward,jp, insolvent claims I 12 40 It 1 Dalton, sheriff, insol vent claims 1 08 50 J S I) I'ulliam, d s, in ol vent claims 1 30 51 P W Robertson, ds j insol vent claims 50 52 W R Carter, d s, iusolvont claims 2 85 ' 53 A C Rhodes, conveying pauper to poor house 2 40 54 Wm Nunn, - claim 85 55 K W B air & llro, pauper coffin 2 00 j 50 Wm Edwurds, conveying prisoner to jail 3 00 i 57 J M Rutledge, juror lay ing off road 1 50 j 5S S M o off, juror laying of road 1 50 50 J T Wall, juror laying off road 1 50 00 I• J Edwards, juror laylug off road 1 50 i 01 W M Watts,juror laying off road 1 50 ' 02 Edwards, iiroughtnn it Co., stationary 01 12 | 03 Jos Covington, keeper poor howc 100 00 04 Josaph Covington, koepcr poor house " 100 00 05 Jo, Covington, ourial of pauper 2 40 00 W W McCanless, board ing jury 30 00 07 W G Slate, pauper coffin 2 20 08 Wm Joyce, wit claim 0 40 00 W R Carter, court officer 0 00 70 J II Covington, burial of pauper 2 00 71 EW Blair k llro, 2 pau per ccffitm 3 20 72 P W Robinson, court of ficer 8 40 73 W W McCanlcs, boarding jury 27 00 74 S II Gentry, court officer 7 20 75 J S I) Pulliam, court offi cer 7 20 70 I>r J W Neal, attention 'o pauper 5 /SO 77 Dr 1 B Smith, attention to pauper 4 00 78 G W Martin, conveying prisoner to jail 3 00 70 J II Darnel, services to pauper 15 00 80 T II Bain, registrar I 41 81 W L Hall, constable and d s. insolvent claim 7 40 82 Jas Ricrson, Jr, ex-olerk insolvent claiui ]OB 87 83 W S Sink, d s, insolvent claim 50 84 S II Gentry, d s, insolvent claim 1 05 8a J W Kiersou. d s, insol vent claim 7 40 80 J II Alley, ds, insolvent cla.iiu 50 i 87 Thomas Settle, Jr, sol, in solvent claim 12 00 88 G W Martin, d f, insolvent claim 30 80 (I W Morritt,j p, insol vent claim 80 00 J 11 R I'urner, j p, insol vent claim 1 15 01 E W Culler, j p, insolvent claim 45 02 Alex Dalton, constable, in solvent claim 1 05 03 S C Kinrson, d s, insolvent claim 1 00 01 P W Robertson) ds, insol vent claim 8 80 05 T J Bozo, constable, in solvent claim 05 ■ 00 T II Bam, mayor of (icr manton 1 00 07 P 11 Carter, d s, insolvent ctaitu 45 OS G A Carroll, jp, insolvent claim 1 30 90 W L Saunders, constable, insolvent claiui 2 00 ! 100 W A E*;cs, jx-j-l.ff, in solvent claim 15 j -101 J S I) I ulliani, d s, insol vent claim 7 15 I 102 N \ ''arlin, d s, insol vent chiui 30; 103 0 11 Lawson,jp, insol vent claim 40 I' l l M T Mitchell, jp, insol vent claim 75; 105 W R Carter, d s, insol vent claim X 15 100 111 Dulton, sheriff, insol vent claiui 50 1"7 N (I Putrcc, c .; c, insol vent claim 50 |OS it I Dalton, sheriff, iusoL vent claim 10 75 100 .N (> Pelree. c s c, in solvent claim' 3S 00 ' 110 R W Boles, constable in solvent claim 1 05 j |■ 11 J P Dalton, pauper coffin, 250 ! 112 \\ A Lash, repairing bridge, 5 25 113 1) Y Carroll, c b c c, 7'i 25 111 Edwurs Broughtou, A Co., tnx | \ books 350 115 N O ! etreo, c s c, insol vent claim 10 41l 110 James Ricrson, ex-c s c, insolvent cluim 8 82 117 111 Dtlton, Sheriff, in solvent claim 2 70 118 I S D Pulliam, d s, insol vent claiui 1 10 110 1* W Robertson, ds, iu | solvent claiui 00 | 120 ■ W Meritt, d s, IU.-Ol | vent claim 50 i 121 S II Gentry, d s, insolvent j claiui 110 122 Thomas Settle, jr, solici tor, Insolvent claim 2 00 i 123 R 15 Glcliu ex-M lii-tor, , insolvent claim 200 j 124 G A Carroll, j p, iusolvont I claiui 07 125 II R Carter, d s, insol vent claim 00 j ' 120 If L Hall, d s, insolvent | claim 50 127 J M Pulton, j p, insolvent claim 00 I 125S II C Fisher, seo'y board assessor CF&Y VRH 2 00 120 D Poiiulextcr, assessor 20 70 130 J M Linville, " 12 80 131 C IV 'lcAnally, « 12 80 132 S Mtioff, " 10 00, ; I 3 J II 11 Turner, " 10 00 1 | 134 J C Newsoni. " 18 40 | , 135 Jas Ricrson, Jr, " 14 00 1 j 120 I'll Mubc, ' 14 4"! 137 W V Campbell, •• 14 40 i 138 T J Gann; •' 2100; 130 Saui'l Martin, " 12 0('! 140 Joel F Hill, !« 29 40 111 J L Crews, " 11 20 142 S 1* Taylor, '• 11 20 143 II Venable, " 8.80 144 Jas W Davis, " 1120 145 E W Blair & Bro, pau per coffin, 2 00 I 110 II M Joyce, shroud for pauper 1 20 ! 147 N 0 Petrc, paper till for | official paper 305 118 I. F Smith, money in | clerks hands over 3 years 13 81 i 140 11 I Dalton, sheriff, in solvent claim 8 40 ! 150 John Boyer,sheriff, insol vent claim 00 151 Jus Itierson, Jr, ox-os c insolvent claim 1 4 35 j 152 N 0 Petree, esc, insol vent claim 4 70 j 153 C S Han- r, c s c, in solvent claim 8 15 154 W It Carter, ds, insol vent claim 30 155 J S I) Puliisui, d s, in i solvent claim 330 j 150 W Ricrson, ds, insol vent claim 00 157 11 0 Butucr, d s insol. I vcut claim 400 158 W L I lull, 1 s, insolvent claim 30 150 J G II Mitchell, per diem and! mileage lo FayatleviUc assizor ot C F | & Y Y 11 R 21 70 | 100 John A Burton I claim 2 10 101 J S D Pulliam, court offi cer 8 40 j 102 Z S Alley, assessor 15 00 103 S II Gentry, court offi cer 0 00 101 W RShelton, ds, insal vent claim 2 40 165 P W Robertson court officer 18 20 100 W II llunkine, canrt of ficer 0 00 157 M T Fitcholl, assess or 22 00 108 W L Hall, constable in solvent claim 1 75 100 11 1 Dalton, jail aect summoning jury, etc 570 15 1170 Gideon George, pauper coffin 5 00 171 K I Dalton, summoning ! jury to lay off road 500 17- 1) N Dalton, damages by road 200 j 17." .101111 Wall, damages by road 2 50 , 171 .1 K Holes, damage* by road 1 00 1 j !75 Devi Watson, damages by ! road 300 170 Mary Hummer, damages by road 1 00 j 177 S I, llauiier, damage by road 3 00 j 17S J, K lirabbs, damages by road * 3 00 j 179 Ihnion Hausor, damages by road 3 00 j 180 .1 W Kiger, juror laying I of road 150 1 181 II O Coo, juror laying of i road 150 ! 182 S L Meadors, juror lay ing of road 150 183.1 K Snider, juror laying of road 1 50 IS! Uaue 11 Spainbuur, lajing | of road 150 ; 185 N () IVtree, esc ineolv | ent claim 70 43 I IS 1 ! It 1 Dalton, Shftiff, tnsol i vent claim 705 187 S 11 (lenlry, d s, insol vent claim ' —— ' 05 188 i* W Robertson, d *, in solvent claim 13 45 180 J S D Pulliam, d s, insol vent claim 5 80 100 James llicrson jr, Kx CBC, insolvent claim 4105 101 Mliar Fulp, jp, insolvent claim 70 102 A M Doyle*,j p, insolvent | claim 5*2 10' i Cabell llairston.jp, iu | solvent claim 5*2 104 \V 1" Campbell,j p, insol vent claim 20 105 1 II Mube, jp, insolvent claim 2 27 l'.ili M T Llteliell, j p, insol vent claim 75 107 .1 F Halt da, insolvent claim 45 108 C It Lnwfou, j p, insol vent claim 52 109 T .1 ISoze, constable, in | solvent claim 77 } iOO J C Newsom, j p, insol | vent claim 55 201 W V Mel!unless,j p, in i vt nt claim 37 202 •) I" Jolmson, constable, | insolvent claim 235 203 U m Cool;, constable iu solvent claim 1 70 204 W K Carter, d s, insol vent claim 90 205 0 W Martin, J s. insol vent eases 1 20 200 D'.'iij. Smith constable in solvent cases 77 207 It D I j Icon ex-sulieitor insolvent claim 2 50 208 M T Smttli, j p, inso'vent I claim 07 [ 200.1 a met W lticrson,d s, in | solvent claim 45 1 210 J II Martin d s,insolvent claim 50 211 It II l'ulliiuu, constable, ] insolvent claim 133 j 212 J T Nelson, constable, in j solvent claim 125 213 W II Hawkins d s, insol vent claim 1 05 214 >V 1/ Saunders, sonstable, insolvent claim 1 25 215 .J K Crews, jp. insolvent claim 92 210 .1 \V l'ulp, constables guard, insolvent claim 1 75 217 > \J Durum, d s, insol vent claim 15 218 Thomas Settle, jr, solici tor, insolvent claim 9 00 I 219 D II M»bc, constable, in ! solvent claim 155 220 C T Christian, jp, insol vent claim 97 221 ti A Carroll, j p, insol vent claim 2 10 222 II L Hall, constable, in solvent claim 3 75 223 J II Carroll, ds, insOl veut claim 15 221 M II Digon, constable, insolvent claim 87 225 Hall c" Mcuanlcss, jail aocount 24 85 220 K ll' lllair, pauper cof fin 2 50 ; j 227 J A Leak, assessor 30 00 228 D V Carroll, C 1! C C making out tax list 229 29 229 I' IV Robert »on, convey ing I 'ink Dlackburn k asylum 3105 230 Joseph Covington, burial of pauper 5 07 i 231 (' M Lasley,commission- NO. 23 cr, 7 days OS miles 10 88 232 A M Boylcs, commission er, 6 days 192 miles 19 44 23'! Caleb 11 il 1, ooimii i ssifincr, 7 days 119 miles 18 24 I Amount of promiscuous claims $3630 90 Outside pauper allowances. 1 lireon Stuart, 13 CO 2 Harrison Bullin, 18 50 , 3 Paulina Hullin, 10 40 4 I'rudy Hall 13 co | 5 11 and M Hurt, 10 40 0 Tlios Mitchell's ehildrou, 7 20 ( 7 W II Lunfurd, i>y(j 8 Hetty Moore, 7 20 i DtJ. 11. Mabe, 13 uo 10 Pink Blackburn, 17 00 i 11 Sam Hill, 13 CO I 12 Isaac Fulk and wife, 17 00 , 13 John Sizemore, 13 00 11 Sarah A Mounoe, 17 00 15 Susan Mabe, 10 20 10 Mary Spainliower, 7 go 17 Jolinsou Coorge, 20 00 J8 lloina (ihdetvell, 7 go 1!) Uraec Moore, 10 20 i 20 Clias 1 Seas ley's sisters, 51 00 21 Nelson Slielton, 10 40 22 i'uss Speueor's daughters, 10 20 23 Jinnic Covington, 15 0^ 24 l'etcr Moser and wife, 20 40 25 Katy Redman, 20 40 20 Mary Robertson, 21 80 2. tidily Asliby, 10 20 28 Ceo and Ziphy Shelton, 23 80 ; 29 Lincy Powers, 7 go 30 Rebecca Slate and Kitty Wil -801 1. 14 50 31 D. \\. Robertson, 2C 00 32 Mourning Cox, 10 5(1 33 Joseph Kd wards, 10 40 , 34 Tlicu Kiser, 13 03 1 35 Lizzie ltcid, 10 50 , 30 Thomas lien ton, ™ 13 00 37 Jtctiic -Mounco, 5 2o ( 38 Hallio Slielton, 1180 39 Adline Samuel, 7 80 ■ 40 Polly Southern, 15 CO 41 Nathaniel Slielton, 11 20 , 42 V.'m Bennett and wife, 0 00 43 Fanny Mabe, 4 00 , 44 Ithoda Puggins, 400 45 Alley llensdale, 4 00 1 40 John Butts, gOO 47 Polly Wilson, 4 (J(J ■ | 48 Fred Coin, 0 00 49 Mary Mabe, 11 00 ( 50 Laborn Coin, ' g 00 ] •>! Sail c llutcliu-son, 3 20 • | 52 Betsy Mabe,J 000 53 Betsy Cook, 5 00 , 54James Reid, COO 55 Barnett Riggs, 6 00 , 50 Mnry Mabe(llix) 3 00 j 57 Martha Slate, 4 00 1 58 Lyda Sands, 1 00 | 59 Martha A lleid (lor son) 1 00 1 CO Mary J Booth, 300 | 01 Lethy l'ruitt, 4 00 ■ 02 Matilda Joyce, 200 | 03 Lucinda Pruitt, 2 00 04 Ruth Shelton, 4 00 ■ 05 lieasly >labe, 4 00 • tiO Betsy Mabe wife of Wui, 200 i 07 Bob Roid 2 50 , 08 Willis Mabo, 2 4 00 | 69 Saunders Pyrtle 2 00 , 70 Noah Glidcwell 100 | 71 Martin Asliby, 2 00 Amount of Pauper Claims $707 50 Amount pd jurors and witn's $1787 63 Auwunt promiscuous claims $3030 97 Total Expenditures SCI2G 10 Net amount of revenue from all sources I for couuty purposci $4922 50 BCIIOOI, KIND. Not atnouu', of revenue from all sources for school purposes $4570 17 | Amt. paid white teachers $3096 87 Ami. paid colored teachers $092 GO A int. paid buildings (or white $529 45 Amt. paid bu.ldings for colored $l4O 20 ; Amt. paid to County Supt. $152 00 Amt. paid Board of Educatioa S3O 35 Total $4047 5G This amount due to school fund from j county fund. See minute book, 305t1i P"g-' SI4BB 85 State of North Carolina ) Stokes County j 1, l>. V. Carroll, Clork of the Board of Commissioners of said county, do ! hereby certify that the forego ; ng is a true statement of claims audited by said Board from Des, Ist 1880 to Deo. Ist 1887, and also a true statement of tha amount of Revenue from all souroes for both County and School purposes, also th • true nuount of School fund disburs ed for said yet.r. (liven under my hand aud soal Deo. sth, 1887. D. V. Carroll, C. B. C. C. * [SIAL.J

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