9t«f»rter and Post. i rAria fit TMI PIWLI oMr«d« »*• Banbury X C., Pot-uJIm m MettnU Clou Hotter. THURSDAY, JAN, 5 tut!?. «B2S IM7XE nZSTtZ BS£SS Kxc, 1 JBSGWSBr^Si PL KAS a TELL US WHY. \\%j will iboM Democratic fapars which favor keeping up the Internal R«v eaae lews eontinae to do so in the faee ■dt the bit tkst we new bave more men -0V piled up in the U. S. Treasury thin our we 1 stauassen (polftision) know what Udo with'; why do the; want to *-P It up; why want to tax and bleed the people in tobaoeo |rowing section, ia grinding out of them a tax which ■here ia no use for, which amount* to tak ■og oat of eirealation the money io much -needed to oarrj on the ligitimate busi wee* ef the cobntry. What if tobacee ii a luxury, it ia no more the poor man'* •inxnry, than coffee, tea, p:e for dinner -Sunday, the thanksgiving tnrkey, the -sugar that sweetens the whiskey which ii .killing ao many of our law makers, ii «be rieb man'* luxury; tobacco, in to- 'baeoo Motion, ii the farmer's meat and •bread. Talk about the consumers pay ing the tax, if he doea it ia a doublo tax. Kverybody knowa that th« manufiotur er ooanti oft the eight eents per pound in bidding on a pile of leaf tobacco, ihsnif be can get the consumer to pay it again, be baa it twice. It really loeki to oa, as if thoee Democratic papere, es pecially in tobacco and Brandy lections, who oppose the repeal of Internal Kev -eaue tax, were in lb* interest ol the Republicans, be that is it may. they are eertainly aiding io duving tobacco and -apple brandy States into Republican *anks. VOTWS IS TOBACCO STATES HAY, wot modification, not reduction, but a way with the whole Internal Revenue system, tbey have been oppressed by it long enongh, there is no earthly aae fer it, there is no earthly use for the depres. sion in monsy matters which we have ex perienced for at least thrse years, while the U. S. Treasury is fsirly bursting with its iiunisDse surplus, unless it be a wsnt of statesmanship.- Politicise may talk about economy, but what advan tage is it to tbe people to have the taxes reduced to one half if tbe money is all piled up tbe treasury or locked in the safes of the millionaire congressmen and they bave nothing to pay that half with. If wo have uo congressman with sense enough, or patriotism enough to run the government in tbe interest of the people le place of millionaires, then lets turns ! it over to a lot jf school girls, or old women, who bave feeling enough not to be grinding tbe people down with heavy taxes, when there is ao use tor the mon ey; it is tbo most absurd thing that, over curved our nation, taxing the p ople when there is no ue for tbs money, it looks liks pinching them just for tbe fun of bearing them squeal. Even some of onr lirst-cisss Southern papers advocate keeping up tbe Internal Re venae tax in faae of the fait that we aow bave aoie money bearded in the treasury than tbey know what to do wi:b. Keduee the tariff, we doa't cats bow low bat if wo must havs money to run tbe government, (and all know we must; it sos"ns to us mora like justice that the whole sixty Million* of people should help furnish it, than that it should be raipsd oat of tbo littie handful of tobac. co growers and brandy distillers; their tobacco sn i apples are just aa much their Meat ai*d bread, as the Southern ■tan's eottou, tbo Westara man's corn and stoek or the Northern man's stauu taetnrod produsts are his. Bat tbe ory is luxury, luxury, tobac co is no mti a luxary than peanuts, tes, coffee, or sugar that goss into tbo whis koy wbich ia sending SJ many of oar law makers to thoir Hx 6 foot b»le before tbey bave lived out half their days. No wodilcatiuo, DO reduction, tut wipe out, awaj with the whole Infrual Revenue ajatam, tanftfor reTntue, and lat the peop'e bare the lurplua to carrjr oo their legitimate bunineaa ta what the; ire entitled to and what thej intend to bar*. MODIFICATION OF THE INTER NAL REVENUE SYSTEM M UICH CAN BE OBTAIN KD. Editor landmark: Id the attasks you bsve been rnakirg upon the internal revenue system, yon I have my cordial sympathy; and be. cause The Lankmurk baa beta in the forefront of that contest, I deiire space in it* columns far a few suggestions as |to th* legislation which oar Congress men can reasonably hap* to eeeare dur ing the present session. A largo majority of the people of North Carolina desire the absolute re peal of all natioool excise laws; they want to see the internal revenue system oat up by the roots. At the same time alrneet all of ns have discernment enough to realise that, in the present temper of tlie people of the United States, tbis is oat of the question. Ad vocates of a total repeal may be found in both parties, but tbey are for tbe pres ent in a hopeless minority, in the coun try at large. If for no other resson, tbe Republican dread of its prohibition wing would effectually prevent it from favoring the repeal of'tbe tax oa whis key and the desire among Democrats to make reductions in tbe tariff, so im peratively demanded by tbe business interests of ths country, will cause tbe tsx oa whiskey to be retained. Can any thing, then, be done to relieve us frotn tbe evils which seem to be insuperable from ths execution of the internal reve nue laws? Much. In the first plaoe, ths tax oa tobacco can be absolutely re pealed. Tobacco to its millions of een sunisrs is not a luxury; it is one of tbs prime necessities of life. It is the com panion of tbe solitary, tho refuge of tbe wstry, the solace of the aged. I am glad 1 don't nse it, but with all its at tendant evils it is t* these who do as muck a necessity as tsa or coffee or so g«r - The removal o( the tax will have tbe affect o: increasing the profits of tbs to bacco raiser, and reducing the price to the consumer ItwillaUo enable our plug manufacturers to aland some chauce of successful competitition witn tbe great New York and St. Louis hsuses that are threatening tbeir very existence. It is to be feared that tbe repeal may not prove advantageous to the smoking tobaeeo manufacturers, but this fear, 1 trast, is not well grounded. Secondly, tbe tax on tbe fruit brandy ean be reduced, ttaeugli not repealed. Thorough supervision wili bo necessary to prevent tbe fraudulent use of grain. Stringent and useful legislation upon the details will be indispensable, the time of distillation limited to tbe last four or five months of the year, the ca pacity of tbe stills graded to the prob able source of sapply, and nucerons other safeguards provided, lint with proper restricuious, while the orchards sod vineyards that can b* profitably de void to making brandy are so limited io extent, there can be no very large diminution of the revenue rooeived from whiskey by redaeing tbe txa on brandy. Thirdly, soms of the oppressive fea tures of the internal revenue laws eau be remedied. Tbe miuimum punishment eugbt to be left te tbe discrotioa of the judge presiding, aud he sbonld not be oouipelled 'o seutence every man to at least sixty days imprisonment, thirty of which sre to qualify tbs prisoner to take tho oath of an insolvent The law per. minings* indiscriminate destruction of personal property soiled Vj revenue o'. Seers might well be so modified ss to require the order of a judicial officer or some judgment of condemnation. And, fourthly, the greatest of all re forms in tbis direction ought to lie with in tbs essy resch of eombinsd effort upon tbs psrt of North Csrolina del*, gntion. Let the number of United States commissioners aud deputy mar shals be reduced and let them both be put upon a salary. Tbe fee system is tho prolific sourse of mns-tentbs of the crying svils of ths administration of tbe ifctornal revenuo laws in North Csrolina. Real orimiuals can be brought to justioa without tho daily patrolling of every country lane aud mountain cove in search of a cane. Tho laws bo executed by the deputy collectors with the occa sional (not too frequent) aid of an inter nal revenue agent and unobjectionable asaistants. There is a* pretence of novelty inj any of these saggestions, and tliey are only brought together to show bow musb esn bo don* to rsmovo the butdens of the internal revenue laws, sven if tbe tax on whiskey ramain*. Our admira ble delegation, by a tboronghly combin ed effort in tbe preaent cloeely divided lions*, are in a positioa to demand and soourc attention to their views. Tbece lednctions of internal rev*nu* taxation will not be large enough te interfere with the duties upon imports imperatively demanded by th* country and so vigorously prsaent*d by tbe Pres ident. If tbe duty on sugar is retained (and this will undoubtedly be tbe Re publienn point of attack), there is no good resson why snbstantial and neces sary tariff reductions cannot be accom plished along with the alleviation of tbe hardships of the excise law. F. 11. Hi.mii. N» modification er reduction, butt. w»j with tb« whole infernal system u regards tobaoeo and fro it brandy. BRIEFS OF GENERAL NEWS. THI rsdat, Die. 22. Tha report of Mr. Atkinson, who was •est to Eutepe to ascertain tho falli bility of establishing by international standard a fixed ratio between tbe prec ious rnetala was tabmitud to Congiesi yesterday by the President; it make* a volume of 280 pa^es. Tin election of Hon. Jobn S. Bar bour, to succeed Mr. Kiddlebergor in the U. S. Senate, was officially an nounced in ajaiot meeting «f the Vir ginia Assembly yesterday. A government vassal has beon order ed to croiaa after the aaoraous raft from Novia Seotia, now adrift in tbe path of the Europeaa vessels. ' lutense cold weather and hear? snowa are reported from the West and North west ; in Kansas there is much suffering from want of provisions and fuel, and a number of deaths have occurred. The cold wave had tho effect of forc ing up the price of grain iu the Chicago market yesterday, and provisions were a trifle higher. Two white men nnd two negro wom ea, all iutoxicated, were killed Bear Mt. sterling, Ky., yesterterday, by a railroad train ; they were in a carriage, and drove recklessly in front of the en gine. Un'er the new rule adopted by the House of about oight hundred private bills were thrown upoL tbe clerk's desk yesterday within a short quarter of an hoar. The casiitn bouses and navy vards I will be closed on (be -Gili mat. anil the 2d proximo. The stockholders of the Richmond Si Danville Railroad, ia sessiun yesterday at Kicliuioud, elected George L.Scoti, of .Sew Vorlc, President, and the direc tors chosen by the Terminal Company. Heavy northera have oecurr«d iu the West Indies, by which seventy Tassel* were wrecked and mauy lives lost. Yellow (ever in Florida has been of ficially declared at aa end. A Canadian post office was burglar ized on Saturday Light last and over $20,000 Helen. Grand Master Workaaan Powderly is suffering from a violant attack ot lieuioirliage, and ais condition is said to be very critical. SAT , Dxc. 24 An earthquake shock, luting about tbrae s«*onds, was felt is M**sacbu aetti and Kboda Island shortly after midnight yesterday morning; the dis turbance was sufficient to ■ route people from tbetr sleep Kuropean war talk caused a free buying of wbeat in Cbicaga yesterday, corn was vert dull, and the prorision market was featureless Fearing governnrant intervention, (he riral faction* in the ladiao Territory have agreed to settle their differenc* relative to tbe eleotiou of a principal and assistant thief of tbc nation A mob of one huudrad men made an attempt Thursday sight to lynch fiv* burglars and fire-bugs in Tompkioarille, Ky , but the better portion of the com munity baldly confronted them and pre vented their lawless work. Two big strikes are reported 10 Pennsylvania, ona among the employes of the Philadelphia and Heading Rail road, aid one in the coal ainei at Ash land. Tuksdav, DBO. 27 In the Senato yesterday a favorable report wa« made on the Hlair education al bill; the government postal telegraph to bill waa referred to the Postoffice committee instead of a select cossmitee; and Mr. Pugh offered lesolatiooa, and 'addressed the Senate, in favot of a revis ion of the exialing internal tax and tariff laws; in the (lease the commit tee on Rales wss auaounced, bat no busi ness of special intereat was transact, ed. The semination of Mr. Laiuai lor Supreme Ceart Judge was discussed in in the Senate Jadiciarj Committee yes terday, and it was fiaally referred te a sub-committee. Austria will be governed In her mili tary operations on the frontier by the novementa ef Russia - Prince Bismarck counsels Aoatria, while strengthening her military frontier, to avoid giving provoeation to Russia. The executed Chieago anarchists were placed in a stene-enc«sed grave on Sunday ; several addreases were deliv eree on tho occasion, but the whole af fair was rather of pienio order than that ef a funeral. tyJiTE AS BAD AS BULLETS. Am Old Soldier Talk* of III* C«mi»*l«A In VlrfiuU-The Kuruiy lu Awbiuli- T»«*nljr YmM AfUr. SKI.MA, N. C., Feb. n, 1887. 'Gent/trntri: —Yours inquiring wheth er or not I had been benefited by Kav kine, and if so to what extent, Sic., to hand. In reply will say that ray health has not been as good in twenty years as now. I suffered with chills from malarial poison contracted while serv ing in the Confederate army on the Peninsular Campaigns in Virginia. Did not miss having a chill at least once in twenty-one days, and more frequently once in seven days, for more than fif- teen years. In this condition I visited New York in November, 1885, on business. While there I stopped with Mr. E. D. Barker, of the University Publishing Company. I told Mi. Barker of my condition. He called my attention to your Kaskine and procured for me a bottle. After my return home I took the pellets as directed and found much relief afforded thereby. Of this change I wrote Mr. Barker, who sent two ot three bottles during the past year. My health greatta I increased in weight from 165 pounds to' 20c pounds, my present weight. I believe the Kaskine did it. Quinine had fail ed, as had other remedies usually ad ministered in such cases. Now, unless in case of exposure to extra bad weather, 1 do not have chills, and my general health is quite good. I turned over half a bottle to a young lady friend a few weeks since. I learn from her mother that she was much benefited by it while it lasted. I trust you may be able to introduce Kaskine generally iu this country, in which many suffer from diseases con sequent upon malarial poison in the system. From my own experience I can emphasize its excellence for such diseases. If I can serve you call on me. I am very truly yours, •»,, JOHN C. SCAKUOKOUOK. Seven years ago I had an attack at bilious remittent fever, which ran into intermittent malarial. I tried all the known remedies, such as arsenic, mer cury and quinine. Tho latter was ad ministered to me in heavy and contin ued doses. Malaria brought oo ner vous i>rostration and dy>;>epsia. from which I suffered everything. I.ast win ter I heard of Ka>V.ine and began us ing it. A few bottles of the wonderful drug cured me. Malaria and dyspep sia disappeared, and as you have seen a June day brighter for the summer storm that hail passed across the sky, so the cloud left my life and my health became steely and strong. % MRS. J. I.AWSOH, (41 Bergen St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. Gideon Thompson, the oldest and one of the most respected citizens of Bridgeport, Conn., says: "lam ninety years of age, and for the last three years have suffered from malaria and the effects of quinine poisoning. I recently began with Kaskine which broke up the malaria and increased my weight 72 pounds." Other letters of a similar character from prominent individuals, which Uamp Kaskine as a remedy of undoubt td roetit, will be sent on application. Price SI.OO, or six bottles, $;.oo. Sold by Druggists, or sent by mail on eceipt of price. The Kaskine Company, 54 Warren it., New York, and 35 F'arringdon toad, London. . t I h] Ph»n On# Hundred ■ fl ■ ThoitMnd tpnlirttkona for patent* la ■ H th ® tmted States and Foreign coarv s R1 y • the publishers Of the ftrientiflo American eontinne loirtu solicitor* I lorpiWnU.eamii.tndt-turki.oop;- MaaaaaM r -lit#, ate., for the United Btatee. aud to obtain patent* tn Canada, Kngland, France. Germany, and *ll other countries. Tbetr eipeil. •eee an equaled and tbeir facilities are ajuur- Drawing* and sp* Ific.tions prepared and Hied !■ the Fatent Office ou short notice. Term* very rsaaonabl-v No charge for examination of nodal* arjtrnwiac*. Ad rice bj- mail free the largest circulation and is the roost Intlaen'iai newspaper of it* kind published in the world. The advaatafcf ef eooh a notice every patentee This large and splendidly (tluftratad newspaper is pnbliahed WEICKLV at fS.no a rear, and is admitted U be the beet paper devoted to science, mechanics. inventions. engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress, pub lished in an/ eountrr. It eon taine the names of all patentees and title of every invention patented each week. Try it four months for one dollar. Bold by all nswadealera. _ If you have sn invention la patent write ta Munn A Co., publishers of BcteaUAe Amerieaa. HI Hrosdwsy, Hew York Handbook about pa teat* mailed free. Haiti of I^nntl. I will OS commissioner having been ap pointed for tliat purpose by N. O. Petree Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes coun ty aell to the highest bidder for cash upon the premise* en Friday the 3rd day of Feb ruary IWB a tract of land lying and being in tlx-County of Stokes on the waters of Stork folk Cre.'k adjoining tlie lands of Ale* McKinney and others containing flfly acres more or leas sold us the lands of Susan Pratt dee'd, for partition among her heirs at law. About one-Half the tract Is cleared and In a high state of cultivation, has upon it two comfortable dwelling bouse* for small families. several out building* in cluding tobacco bain*, etc. For growing flue yellow tobacco this laud I* not surpasi ed h\ any land In Stokes County. Title made upon confirmation of sale and pay ment by tin; purchaser of tlie money. Dac ] ember SSird 1887. A. H. Joyce, Conmiinlssioner. WHAT ! I WH WAXTT. Good Locks t0 ke4 P tll '' Tes out ' ALLEN has them. AV eatlier Strms to keep tbe cold and mow out. Allenh,ae them '. V• . i ! . i ■ \VINDOWS to wok ou». S. E. ALLEN 2XA.B THSM. I ,S7Y; YES t0 ee P the oold out. ALLEN HAS THEM on tbe'2d floor. LAMPS to keep tbe dark oat. ALLEN SAS THEM at the | Old Pfohl & Stockton Stand. to keap the damp ont Allen has the Best Utart Aaytfctag ■Sum To keep Anything ELSE OUT. S. E. ALLEN Has It. In short go to him for all the Tinware, Hollow ware, Wood en ware, i # * *' I and you may want, at the Old Ptohl & StocK ton Stand, Corner of Main and 3d Streets, WIXSTQX o. K. FKNNKTT. J. A BUfMBTt WINSTON MARBLE WORKS, BENNETT BBOS.. % Marble and Granite Monuments, Headstones, Tablets, Mantels, &c., Opposite Brown's Warehouse, - - Main St., WImUiHO. £7~Si»cial Designs Autl Ejtiraalca Furnished on Applicatiea -Jgt* ESTABLISHED 1871. KTABLISHID 1171 J. W. SCOTT& CO. Wholesale Merchants GREENSBORO N. C. Are now receiving their spring stock ci notions and dry goods. And almost daily adding to their stock Of groceries, Buyers are invited to call in person or send orders by mail. • JVe hope to build up a large trade with the merchants of Stokes county and all along the line of the C. F. & Y. V Railroad. Brown, Browner, Brownest. High, Higher, Highest. If you would get the rery highest price tor your tobaeeo, make up year *iHf when preparing it fur market, to lake it ti Browns Warehouse Winston, N C Her* jou will fiad the largest, but lighted Warehouse is tewv tuif the be auctioneers in this, or anf other State, and larger bayere bj the seers. That not all, if yon would atay bat a few hour*, or orer night, jot will lad aa«fertabl« ro oms, plenty ef wood, cook stores upon whieh ta prepare year feed |e«d watef in abaodanea and every thing necessary to your eoafort (if yea bare a eleef conscience,) while the stalls for your itook are all that you eoald wieb far. Bring us your tebaooo: we will do all in oar power to sake yen aa.fertsb • while here, and get what you want mast—a big priea feryenr tebaeea. & Yery Traly BROWN & CARTER FTPPHK & WILLI*JUS AT THE Star Warehouse, GREENSBORO, N. C. Offer their services to the planters of Stokes and adjoining comities for the SAL.EOF LEAF TOBACCO. The STAR WAREHOUSE is well and favorably as be in d our of the BEST LIGHTED houses for the sale of Lent' Tobacco in tnis section of North Carolina, and being located at the principal Railroad center in the Tobacco 'Serf ion of the State so that not only the Greensboro blaz ers, but layers from this State and Virginia can easily and cheaply revch if. The Proprietors with an experi ence of u n amiter of years in the narehonse butt n est, claim th-it they can get the highest market price for your Tobn rc.o. llopin £' to ha ve a full sh are of your patronmge we are. Truly Your Friends, If!A. AP °LE f S. O. WILLIAMS REMKMKKR.Ticreu will bo fuiniib«d fre« r.t er«rj 8l*tio» oa lk« C. I. * Y. V. R. R. from 8tok#»l«le to Miriao, far ptrtiei to jack tbtir lilmm (* who wish to »brp it M OrMiboro.