The Reporter and Post ■ ..J ■ —• ■ i m THURSDAY JAN, 12 1888. Topics at Home. •••urroa«(ti4 lutind %round l)n ibiiry, M(l VouMly Nnitrin Briefly Told. "A • kid'* «b> tn; yott tuke'u uetcx, Ami, MUt. t'e'll prci-t It." Any subscribor wlio fails to receive the RKPORTKR AND POST every week is requested to report the failure. We wait te nee where Mio fault is. m . 1 Sun ridel 7:7, sot* 4 53. Length of to-Jay 9 lira. 40 mill. New Moon 13th, 3:18, evening. There »re two prisoners in jail. We ire now gaining a minute of ligM daily. We are sorry to hear that Col. Cov iagton is ailing. Shad are already being caught in the eastern part of the State. Miss K utna Martin, of Stuart, Va., is a visitor at the McCanless House. *flwTfegnter"oT Deeds TUB issued eighteen licenses to marriy since our last report Our tobacco grewcra arc taking ad vantage of the open weather to prepare their plant beda. Our ice houses are still empty; this time last J ear they hid been filled with ico four inches thick. The Spring Term of Court for Ibis district, Judgo l;lark presiding, will be gin at Weutwortb, Jan. 28. The indications in oar business t.iwus in surroundirg counties poi»t to a rise in bacon and uiauy othar articles- Note the change of time in the run. ning of trains on the C. F. &Y. V. U. K. which went into effect the 19th of last month. The new sash aud blind factory of N. Partee & Co., neat Walnut Cova, was destroyed by fire on Wednesday night, Dec. 28. The unseasonableness of 'he wc thcr has bad a telling effeot on the health of the county a» we hoar; colds utid pneu monia are prevalent. The temperature unecrtvcnt a marked change yesterday evening and the ther mometer iudicatad 20 degrees at 8 o'- clock this morning. Quarterly Meeting will be held in Daubury on Saturday, Jan. 21, and fol lowing Sunday; Rev. Mr Hall, pr«sid lug elder of Mt. Airy Piatrict. Dneks do not seem to be plentiful in the county this winter. The ducks that flv about this country are the mallard, the summer duck and the ahelldrake. The mercury during last Saturday and Sundav .ose to over 00 degrees ui the shade, and the weather has been quite open and springlike this week. No action was taken by the Board of Commissioners a*, their nioct ng, on the plan for a bridge across the Little Ya£- j kin on the Hollow Uoad near Dalton at ! the old site. If you want aouie real good harness 1 leather, a first rate kip skin, some good | atdo and upper leather, or sheep skins, j l'eppcr k Sons have them and will sell I at fair prices. The house of Mr. ltobert I'ell, in the' north part of the county, which has been in a dilapidated condition for some years, fell down lately; fortunately no one was in the house at the time. Matt Chamberlain has put in his ap pearance after an absoneo of moitb* from the county—he should return to hta old occupation for we uete that tar advanced one day last week at Wilining" ton from SI.OO to sl.lO. The l'epper Mining Co., of this place expressed ope day last week quite a number of specimons of iron ore and other minerals to Northern parties for analysts; if they show up cutirely sat isfactory -we have no doubt tlicy will result in some heavy trading. There's method in that man's uiad- Besi" remarked the Super intcaJent of an insane asylun of one ofj bis patients. "How does it show itself«" questioned the visitor. •'« hy be always aaka for a bjttle of 1 »r. Hull's Couch Syrup—when he has a cold." "Ah ' 1 see." Plane aend us one or two postage stamps, wo want to writ* lo yon about what you owe ui ou subscription. We need some money to pay printers, pay for paper, ink, eto., and iuay be if we bad a stamp and would write particulars yon might b»lp us a little. We will acknowledge receipt of stamps fbrough the paper. Satupl* S. Hrown, Greenhorn's pop ular »nd progressive dry goods mer chant has adopted the On* I'rioe Sys tem in his big establishment and now luu all tli* goods marked in plaia fig ■rsa tt the lowest possible prices and Irotn there prions there is poatively no dtvialiiin. K»crytxjly pays exactly the same prioes, and as Mr lirowu takes oar* that his prices aro the lowest iu in town it is a very fair arrange men t all round. If you wan'. gnnl fresh garden seeds, . either Northern soed or home gruwn, go ; to Ptpptr it Sons', ihey have given tlitir seed n (air trial and can guortee tbeiu. "The man that blushes is not quite a brute;'' We suppose not, but there is a vrholeo fsmilv out iu Dakota, who had never cvou heard ot Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. How the; must blush to liavo it fu'ind out | The following are the buying prices of produce in Danbnry: new oats 25 ; cents, wheat 75 cents to sl, rye 750., jcorn 40 to 50, peas GO, cherries .black berries 8, raspberries 12i, damsons ti, I unpeeled peaches 3, biigl t peeled peaches 4 unpecled peaches 2, fancy I peaches 10, | apples 21, britrht sliced apples 4, fancy sliced unties 5, honey 10, beeswax 18; chickens 10 to 15, butter 10 to 15, cpgs 121, chestnuts $1 , gubers (peanuts) $2, vinevar 25 to 4( (scarce), green hides 5 anil dry hide 10 ois, tal low in cakes i i cents and Go"sc feath ers 50 cents. Giddsburo Jlif'us ■ Senator Vance may or may lint be very inlluental di rectly with ihe powera that be, but he link a wonderful indirect influence iu that he is of the pe:>plc and at all tines has and deserves their confidence, lie ts re.illy a great man and without a su perior in ihe Senate. coMMissiosuav MEETING. The lioatii of County Commissioners met Monday Jan. 2 ; present 0. M. Las- Icy, chairman, A. M. ltoyles and Culcb Hill. Five promiscuous cl liins aggregating $.">7,1)7, and threj puu[ cr minims aggre gating $6,80 Were allowed. Ordered that Jan. ltierson, Jr., be allowed (i per cent, interest Ml ois claims which he holds against the county ag gregating §lßl,ll. Ordered that Ji-seph Covington's claim* against tlic county amounting to $718,10 bo allowed interest at (i per cut. per annum from January 2 until paid. , Ordered that C \V. (Jlidewcll, cover the poor l.euso with shingles $ inch thick, '! inches wide anil put a sill nodi r the sumo ard present itemized account to the ilaurd. Adjuorned. Itl II Kit! ! Your poor wearied wife losing sleep nijiht ufter night nursing the little one suffering from tint uiglit fieud to chil dren Jand horror to parents, CBot'P, should liavo a bottle of Taylor's Ckero lisu Kuioedy of Sweet (iutn and m > loin an undoubted cj -up preventive a;i J'-'.ira for cough coids and c msumption Tiir. Koriki vfisi iu nu» The l>ockiDj;him hog is ahead Old Salem sud the county of Forsyth are hard to beat, but wc haven't seen the wei.'ht any jot in any section that will pull down the Kncklugbam nog Ho wo. killed by Mr. 8. Y. W alter, and weighed 4 pounds. Mr. "■ alker got a suiokehouse of meat out of his Christmas hogs.-—lleidsville IVrc/i/y The editor uf the Wetkii) must not read tlio Republican. Iu «ur two last i«suo.i «c published weight" "f porkers that leave tho linckingh tin hog way be hind. Those of J H. Vest, of 'i'obne coville weighing 49'* and 508 pounds, ami one for IJ. M. Vest, of Old Iticli uiond Township, that weighed 030 pounds—which wan alone ahead of the Hockiugham lings 277 pounds net.— Winston Republican. We oxpect to record the killing of a Sum hog this winter whoso weight will far exceed any of the above is ini;itt«ii>r urn ixii r Is iliero any gum in it • Is what all prudent men ask before taking hold of any new entorprisi. Taylor's Cher okee Remedy of Sweat Ouni and Mul lein has ;ni*' in it nnd the finest stim ulating principle known. It cures coughs, colds aRd soi sumption. SUPREME COURT DECISION The Supreme Court has rendered the following decision iu Lawson vs. I'rin glo. Tlio plaintiff as administrator sold uuder an order of court land to make asgets and defendant bought at the sale, but did not pay all ihe purchase money Plaintiff settled up the estate and gave a deed to the defendant for the land under a verbal agreement that defendant should horeafter pay him the balance due oo the purebain. J'laimiff now sues to recover the d*bt aad seek* to bold the land liable for the purchase money. Defendant claims that the debt ia bv the transaction changed from a debt due for purchase money and that he is en titled to have his homestead laid off in the land. Held, that the debt was in it« origin a debt due for purchase money and that an assignment could not change its char acter. ?fo homestead san be had in land against a debt inourred in its pur chase, and tliu iauJ is subjcot to sal* to satiety. j Millßl lGt: LICEME.S | The following marriage licinse? were i returned to the Kegiater of Deeds dur j injr December last • i lienjaniin Tiiggle to Luoy W oodall; ! John Unrrough to Margaret M, Tu'lle; [ l'oter D. Webster to \. *. F. Webster; Jolill I'. Hammond to Martha Lewis; K. SI. Flippin to Margaret Hall, S. L. Westmoreland to Sticy A. Savage: Jer ry Clmhrooke to I'rico, col'd; Nat'.iumel D. Hill ti Laura Sheler; It. S. Coleman to H. Ji. Lackey; Jus. T. Nil?on tu Louida Minchnm; William Marshall to Fanny Tlioer; William K. Woods to Frances Hampton; John W. Creak man to lSeUie Carter: William A. Over by to Kuinm L. Katon; James F. Simmons to Frances Kiser; ('. !. ?e Sharpc 10 I' lora Gentry; Gsntry John son to Charlotte Dalton, eol'd; VN alter Zigler to Mary - on'burn; Suikes Cov ington to Mary llymnu, ct I'd; Mack Hill to l'olly A. llairstou, col'd' Geo. Mitchell to Mollie licnten, col'd. TUB TURNING POIST. Wo learn that the stuvey of the lloan >ke and Southern 11. it has been ordered to be completed aud 'h it work has begun at Winston. If the road should traverse centrally Stokes county It would ninke Winston our market" as in tne past; but should it terminate at Walnut Cove, or erosi the 0. F. & Y. V. K. It , cast of that pout, then the bulk of the Stokes trade would find an outlet byway of Green-thorn. Many of the Stokes people are very runi li inclined to look at Winston with one eye shut bines the clause in tlie U AS. consolidation wa adopted, saying, the I{. S. must cross the (J. I l ', k Y. V. ID I'orayth Co.; but a move in Hie right direction now will make everything right, not ouly with tUe Stol>e3 people, but wit b the uimy good friends of the county who live at, and love the Twin Oily as their home. In our opinion, tins is the most important railroad that Winston will project for years: if alio get* our coal, lime, mangauese, graph ito, granite, iron and timber, she will also get our agricultural product*, and uo difference how many roads are built ou this, or that sida, shu will be a gT'.at! o tv, but let these pass, and alio is a ' mushro' ui growth. The KEPOBTMI-PUST .liould bo.n regular weekly visitor to every family in ibis county both for the good ot I'IC families and lor our own take, and for this one, among a number vf reasons; wc io oitueavering to «l > n g«fd sci nee by acquainting the cope witn the county's liisioiy and i-aeu . thereby iu.itrucung our people in what tlr'y ought to kuow, and ai the same time drawing the attention of individuals from abroad who may be induced to mute in vestments here and introduce industries among us. And while wo are workiug for 'he interest of the county, at large, wc feel we ought to hive its subs: ini'.al support in the way of n liberal subsc iji ti.iu list, for as ttradford who published the fust Hible in Aui6*ica under tl.e colonial government, at l'hiladelphin, aid in his subscription prospectus 'printing is costly." ami when we "printing is costly" we are not takiug into account any reuicmrration fur the preparation of the matter for the paper, and tor conducting the business. Wo furnish i. paper which to say the least will not suffer in conipansjn with any county paper in the State ; indeed there are orignal artieies, a vast and varied range of subjects, regu larly contributed to this paper which we cousid jr would do credit to the more pretentious oily dailiM of the State. Much attention i* given iu its colums to matters of more than passing interest to the farmer,-and the fariiiiug interest of this county affects every one of its in habitants it is as yet paramount to ev ery othet iuturest in this county; The very latest general and state news is given on the columns set apart for thai departincul; and its miscellaneous se lections arc carefully sifted from its sixty exchanges. Sample copies sent on application Send on your mouey a l , once and then talk to all your neighbors afterwards and try to get thoui to stibsoribe. Dr Flint's Cough Syrup ss a sure urc fnr coughs, colds, bronchetis, croup, &o ke. Sold by Ashoratt k Owens, Druggist, Winston, N. C. tt. If you have sore eyes cull at Pepper k Sons store and get a via! of tbat cel ebrated eye water manufactured by for mula used by Dr. John Pepper in bis practice for many years, warranted to cure or money returned. Only 25 cents per bottle. When puasitig Walnut Cove reuieui ber that you will bo well cared for by stopping at the Waluut Cove Hotel, kept by Mr. L. W. Lowis. A.ll Sin Prudence is a commendabl* virtue, but it is never seen in such b?uuty as «ben a mother provides liersclt with a bottle of Dr. Flints' Congb Syrnp for eases of ernergoney. For salo every where. tf. j OAE RIDGE INSTITUTE. DO YOT : wish to patmnlxc it grooti pcrmauenl uiid progrenlvc . Scbsiil, | I)> you wish toget a c«mplrtc rutin dctl ivin '-uiuii ? 1 Do you wish to learn to lie » Trucker, to , Kfi'p pi ."pare for the University, ®r I to fini&h a good course of atii'ly ? j If so addresss, J. A. FC M. 11. IIOIJT, OAK HIOOKIBSTITUTK, OAK HIDOE, N. 0. Next terra begin* August Olli. Villi able Froperty lor Kule Dr. W. It. Pepper having concluded not to remove with tils family Ui Vert'', otters fin- sale on Vt'i'V reaso irhlj ternn, Irs house and about. tlu ; acr sof l.rid in thu i wi> oil..uibury, N. 0., known »,the A i mn \V . e- place. T' -lnus ' u * r™ I i\vo story, six room building, with kit. 1 and burn Conveniently arranged Sirthe com fort of a limlly, atul I,..aiding Jieuse. I'ur cliaser Kin beexpoctcd to pa) Jmll'tlie pric* cash, and tlie remainder at tlie end of one and two jeat* Parties wishing to piu chae .-an call on .lan. A Pepper inthis who wit. sbo* them tlie poorly. Du ibury, N. C , Dec. Ist 1W T. If. j LUMBER WANTED —BY TDK— North Carolina Fimxirtms Co- OFFICE AND F ACTOIiY s^l.KSltiK' SAM.H. X. V. WIWiOS, X. I . Kt'LK FOII CI TTINO HARD WOOD LUMBER. ('ut logs with siju in: ends ami "f even ■imllu, I- 14 or lit feet Ion?, band 10 apt Merchant ible, but 14 FEEL 1 LENUUIti AUD MOST DESIRABLE. WALNUT ASD CHERRY PREFERRED. Saw all Lumber full thickness, I and i inches thick, with square edges and ends, j RULES FOR I*SI»ECTIOV be not !cj«* limn 0 inche* wide with not more than 1 knot, l inch In diameter or i 2 Inchon bright nap. CaMae*—lnclude* Lumber not up to nolo-I* ami j not lomh than 3 Indie* wlile, fret? from • heart cheek* or rot, admit *of three 1 Inch ! knot* and nap on one side. Cnllt —lnclude any length and width not g-xm I ibr common, in which not lew than one hair i« tit tor line, PRICKS I' VIII I'OU I.LMIII.It l'Klt |(V> PKISTIIFXIVKKKD A f OURTACTOKY. ! Select Cflainicn. Culla W'lluittnnd cherry 83-'W p'i.oo Yel. |upl»r. n»li b'rrh I."4) 1.-3 umple 1 JJS l.o«) ,b5 Lum'»o. takanln Tor Furnltoro hy the VC urnlfurnC*. Salem S «'! A PUZZLE CM YOU ANSWER IT V> WHY l'A\ TIIK IIICAYY CIIAHUtS For freight, d'-ayag*, storage, etc, oil furniture sliip|ied here from the North and West, wliru yon eati buy equally as good, if not better furi.iture m.ule lien* at Inane, by the North Carolina Furniture Co., for much less money? " Such as bedsteads, bureaus, wardrobes, chamber suits, wash stand , china closets, extension tables, cen tre tables, provision safes, etc. Then 1 say lit y tin' FUUNITUHE inanulUctiirod by IHE NORTH CAROLINA FURNITURE CO * Store- Factory, WlnttfonV €?• .Saleiu If C Wlierotliey hav« on» of the lu>st equipped furniture futorii'H in the South. Xotliing •ihotMy. All woik warranted. Write ili n-ctly to ilie factory for pries. LOOK FOR THE Big W NKXT TO MR. S. K. ALLEN'S - HARDWARE STOHR, For anything you intend buying in the harness or saddle line. Received flrnl[prumluui »t Harness. Collars, Bridles, Saddles, Halters, Whips, SpnrA, Saddle Cloths, lloint-raadc Wagon Whips and Lashes, Busk Bands, etc., Lap Spreads, Ply Nets, IJrokhes, Curry Combs, and ever; tbing in the Harness and Saddle Line. .F. W. JSliipley, 8. E. corner of Court Houie Square, Wiaiton, - - - - - • N. C. Agent for Pat. Rireted Seam Cel lars, bait cellars in tb.j world; harneng cannot ilip off- -guaranteed not to rip. I Call at Geo. Stewart's for your TOBACCO FLUES j Wtnstou, N. C. Aug lily C- F. & Y. "V. RAILWAY : SCHEDULE jVO Ji) Taking eflert«. m M Monday, Dec, 111, 'B7. TitAittS Ai>\ IMU NOKTII. Pass. & Fr'li. ' Mail >'* , l.v UouuettsviHt* | 8 '0 it i.i i SO p : Ar Maxti a 1 {I 40 iI a 1 daxton ! II :»7 41» Ar Fayettcviiie ill .'») .*'• JO l.v I'uvofh-villf OO pill 8 *>%t u 111 Ar6at'»i\l j 1 17 IJ'.Opm ! l.v S mford *4O I >V\ A. ' .IV MLsboio j OOM 7 4.: i,v ( : t'lnlioro .... .Ml i«. ,i ut Ar i Hot Ml 1 8 t*op in I'ass 'j* JI 1 Mail No 1 Dinner .it -anfjiU. 1 :si. Mali No 11 dinner at (itn'H.ulon TKAIN'S MOVING SOU 111. I'an. Ac. Fr'lit Jc M> 1 L?Pilot Mt -I 10 |. u, ■\i (II 'lMSlhiiu., 8 'JO I i 4 \ (1.-. 'ns •:.» lOOtl iin | 745 mi Ar Snd'jr«i 1 JlO i> in i 2 15 Jim Lv .Sanlord 1 50 j d 1» Ar h'a>ettevill6 I I"> ,7 0*» Lv Fayetleville 4 .111 j ;{0 am Ar Mux ton 0 ! \) 00 lA' Max ton 0 10 { 4 4:, Ar iiciiiictUvillu |8 00 112 00ui Pawigi'r and Mail Dinner at Sml'oid. I*asw?!iij*i* and Mail Trains I*llll daily e\- c 'ji' v in lay. I'roivih. itnl Act'oinodatlou '1 rain runs bp t\v«'fii i* :iii"iisvillo and Fayelteville on Moinluys, WcdneAdays and Fridays and !».•- t*v«'i*n Fay«*tleviH* and tiivenshoro on 'l'nesdays, Thursdays and atttrdays. Triins on Faotury Draueli run daily ex-1 c 'pi Sunday. ('l-.M» c inflection is mad •al .t.Kton with J Carolina C«Mit.ral Kail way Passenger Trains j to and fi«»m NVilniiuuton. V\'. E. KV i .'•!,( i.'n'l Pass, .tgent, j J. \V. FU V, Ueii'l Sup'i. THE CTOR BAYC: "I recommend and i ! BR sP'^® That Wonderful Combination TAYLOR'S MOTS SWEET CUM AND MIUGJLESN. I t dot. moio than any prescription writ i iv >| b -til p \n»a are highly modiolnnl." 2.. n. fiweet Qura con * from the Biratbm ' I Swauip and m highly Expect. rant, wLdlo the Mullein ! ; jt JMuc! ~..i0v svid thus coinbiawd they aro simply A rERFECT P.EKiEUY. A OOLD neglected icada tc nsriotui results, OEOUT your homo without warning, WHOOPING t COUOII BO annpy'n# IW. L pauilul, AEL yield resdily to the ■eeu.inr.'MAGlC POWER ot Taylor'. Hvroot Sum and Muilc.a. BUGNCUITidaad ABTTI -24A left • M.ded to, will lead to CONSUMPTION, and ihttc it quickly relieves and positively oores. BNSIBT ON HAVING IT. Dr. Qulllian, tho lending pfcysfciun 6C Great Brit ain, on Lung and Bronchial Troubles, rooomr. inda ' "Vullaln" as llity per oent better t hau Cod Liver Oil for Ccniumption. GFKrop it i** the hotuo. IT 18 PLEASANT AND PALATABLE and is the finest kauvj reznody in ti»e wvrld for all" lLroat and Lung trouble*. It will Ktimulate ths tlrros* and enable yoa to tfc-~?\r off r.ll obstructions sosily.aio. -ig cxpoctorc'.'.r.n and rrlicvit „■ tho oough jt once. Ank your drugm Jtfor It. 'A te. 800. St «1. ntzes. If he doos not keep it, wo will p ▼, for one time only, express chars cm on Urge niso bottloo to any part of the U. 8. on re™ ipt of fl CO. Thi WALTER A. TAYLOR C«.. Atlanta, Qa. POR ALL BOWEL THOOBLBUuad Childron Teeth lug, u to that groat tkrrthern remedy Dr. Blggan* Huckleberry Corilial. BO oenta at Dru^iflsts. T&TLOB'S PREMIUM COLOGNE IS THE BEST. BEAST! Mexican Mustang Liniment Sciatica, Scratches, I Contracted 1 Ltmibago, Sprain?. Mnscles, Rbenmatia®, Strains Eruptions, BurnH» Stitches, Hoef Ail, Scalds, Stiff Joints, Screw Stings, Backache, Worms, Bites, Galls, Swinney, Braises, Sores, SsMleGall* Banicns, Spavin ' Piles, CortM, Cracks. I THIS COOD OLD STAND-BY accomplish** for everybody exactly what I* claimed j for It. Oocof the reasoni for the great popularity of the Mustang Liniment Is found In Its universal applicability. Everybody needs such a medicine. , The I 4 «nib« rmniinoed* It In case of accident. | The II OOM» wife needs llfot generalfamily use. | The Cannier needs It tor bis teams and hitmen. The Mcchunlc needs it always on his work bench. The Miner needs It In case of emergency. The Ptoneer needs lt—een't gel along without It. The Farmer needs It In his house, his stable, and his stock yurd. The fttenmbnat mnn or I lie Tloattnnn needs | it In liberal supply afloat and ashore. The Uereo-fnncler needs It—lt Is hU best frleud and safest reliance. The Htock-growcr needs It—lt will save him thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. The Railroad ran* neede It and will nerd It so long as his life Is a round of aeoldeal* and dargsss.. The lluck woodsman needs It. There Is noth teg like It *s an antidote for the dangers to life, itanhand comfort which surround the pioneer. The Merchant needs It about bis storeamong his employee*. Aocldonu will happen, and when these oon:e the Mustang Llulment Is wanted at oner. Keep n Del tie In the House. Tilths best of economy. Keep n Boitle In the Fnetery. Itslmmedlate oac In ease of a>. .-Ideal save* pain and loss of wa*aa Keep u liottlo Always iu the Stable fer ■se when wasted. I VAUGHN iPEPPER, Winston, V, C. 7 ~Whole»ale a ul lioini! l>o3ih>rs in— GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Are now receiving and placing in position the most desirable and varied stock of Fall and Winter goods ever offered by any one house in that market. Thakin°- their nianv friends and customers for the liberal patronage given them in the past, we assure allin need thai *« is the place to get 'iiost goods for the least monoy. iS UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA CHAPEL HILL, N. C. T!'H.M 8 S KSSION ,s d, VH>KII INTO T\V..| the Ih-st ber-lii tlio last Thursday in.*.,- ! gust and ending at Christinas, tliu mtml I Usgimiii.g early iu Janmuy ai.U ending br.t I riiiiisdaj In June. Tuition. S;:O..KJ for each term, t'or room ram ami xn ice, ss.iw | per erm. I hose unable t, |.ay tuition arc a lotted to give their notes, secured if possi ble Tuition in the Normal C»ui>c l',e t . I ost (.railuale instruction also free. JI.. I'acuity i» now sulliciontly strong i* en* I instruction in a wide range ot studies. tor teilus in '.i„. Linv School apply to I IK«I. John .Manning, 1.1,. 1). J. OR tet i" : V " J" Bnrear, "PI 1 >' to ' J l '"' Si« information K:;MP I'. BATTLE J.L. D. LAND WARRANTS WANTED. ACCOI ding to the late art passed l»y Con-' gress almost every jKTaon drawing a Pen sion is entitled to a La-id Warrant of 100 j acre*, I, the undersigned, will pay eighty dollars tor every Land Warrant of hun dred ami v .ty acres. and desir every pe;- { ton who draws a pension and not ol>- j sained a Liutd Warrant to connuunicate j with me. U. L. BL'KTOX, j Deer Trail, Colorado. I This space I* reserved for l. S. BAILEY, Wh.O is now receiving at liis store WalnutCovc, JV. J., 4 4SBORTM:E?P® G{M liicl tiding a large lot of First-class Family Groceries, Shoes Booots tf\, which mil be sold low for cash or country produce. The Largest Manufacturing Establishment in the South, ilavo established in Greonsboro, N. C., a branch house, where they will keep * large stock of their goods as well ererj other line kept in a fir«t-cla*» Furniture House, viz : • CHAMBER SUITS PARLOR SUITS, BED LOUNGES, WARDROBES, TABLES, CLOCKS, PICTURES. FANCYAA 1) PLATA CHAIRS, of all kinds, which will be sold cheaper th in ever know* in (.treetabor*. Don't Forget the Pluoe, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE MCADOO HOUSE. For City Trade Uoodsun lustallmentF, WORSEN JWr'ting rrucvrrl ilrtHk'lb. or wKo nufer IV»w talirialtle* peculiar to their HI, th»*l4 t rg BROWW *J H life B» w TONIC. Thfo modicine combines Iron with purr vegetable toniiH. itud if invaluable fir DiaeoaM peculiar to \\ auien. n;. I all who lend M»denUr> live*. It Km rlrlicji and I'n.lllrs the Blood, stiinulntee l i# Appcli:e« Slrnifftlipoii (lie .UiiMclm and >orv«'»- in fact, tli«-numbly Juv iff or a tee* (/lent* tiiOctup!rxinn. inaki-Hthe -kin smooth. It doe* nut lil.ickon the teeth, caaso bsedache, ur pr>v'.uc« constipation— all o'hrr irmmlMntnlo. MM. KI.II/.UETH BAIW). 74 Harwell Ave.. Milwau k« ». W is,, Hsyh under d»t® f»f Dec. 96th. 1884: " 1 hnvo iiM-d Mrowu'a lion Hitwrw. and it baa been moro than a doctor to m«, having cured me of tho weakno»M ladiee have in life. AIHO cured me of Liv er Oomplai:* and now my complex! -n in cloar and good. HUM also been beneficial to my t-bildren." Mas. I«ot/UA O. BHAUDOM. Kant LockportN. T., tajr«: " I H-ilVred untold niiaery frim TOmale Complaint*. and cmild obtain relief from nothing except BTOWU'H Iron Bittern.** Genuine ban above Trade Mark and crnaaad red Unas tin wrapiier. Take u» other. Made only by UUOU.\ CHEMICAL CO.. ISALTIMOME, MD. BKKLKY TIU73HK3 Have ling been tested, 'often iiiiilutctl but never equaled ; unaffected fcy time, use or eli iiiale. liecomuietided by the world's most distinguished surgeons. At the London Im position in 1881 there were 08 competitors, and the only award for trusses was given to I. /J. Seclny, of Philadelphia. We sell Secloy.e t sue* an J guarantee tlieui. \\V guarantee a lit and sat isfactiim or uo charge. ASI ICR AFT & OWENS. DRUGGIST WINSTON, N. C. J. & P. COATS * - *~xaa n YOU CAN BUT IT OF: if, A AT JOBBER S PRICES. U\IL.YUT COVE, X. C.