WINSTON, NOUTII CAROLINA, OCT. 24th, 1887. TO OUtt CUSTOMERS AND TIIE PUBLIC. Pet.,tending this has been a bard year on everyone wo have dona •M ftfUi more Our large increase is mainly due to the fact that wo //, M DLL GOOD, Ft OA 1.,51 I,()()l)i>, from first hanu? tn large quantities at the lowest package prices and «**& M %W && toadU* living oat of our business. We are pleased to state that both our WHOLESALE & PETAIL' lwk fall k»» MMf been equaled We sell goods from our Retail Departments only FOlt JA.HH and *° #re at lon. No house in this country oarries so full a line of as wo Jo. Our stock of BOOTS AND SHOES MMrite more than four hundred eases, not a shoddy pair in the lot. Fifty easeslUl BUKR SHOES. We can fit and suit Children, Misses, Boys, Ladies and Gentlemen wiih BAY ST AI K Shoes and .Boots and /KIGI.KR SIIOLS. THK TVO BS«T "BSAKDM or GOODS MAI>K Also have a fail liuu of other Shoes and Boots DRESS GOODS. Nauels. Lindsays, Shawls, Cioaks, Jerseys, Hoods, Hosiery. Merino Underwear, Blanket*, Wlovoi. and Notions, J*at£ tTiih i ,in greater variety thin ever before. Immense Stock ot Hilt'*, Caps, Hardware, Wooden Waro, Drugs, Or oceries, Oils, Lratl cr, Ropes. School Books, Stationory, Trunks, Grass Seeds, kc. . WM c&Mitar «he otM Unndredtb part of our stock" in a newspaper colun n. We invite all to coma and examine our goods before buying. We will make it to youi interest. Remember that you can conic ncirei Getting Everything You Want at Wholesale or Retail •I ear bonne than in any bouse in the State. YOl'IlS \ LkY 11 KM KITH LL\ , HINSH AVV N MEDEAIIIS. i BIG SHOT. f. IISHBLATE, can now show the Finest anil Cheapest t —stock of- — Clothing Hats & Furnishing GOODS ' fiver shown in North Carolina. we ask Is a call to convince you that our Stock is the LARGEST and our Prices the Lowest you have ever see l Respectfully, F. FISHBLATE, Leading Clothier, Greensboro, N. C. C. >l. VANSTORY. Manager. L. KLINE. Practical Watch Maker and JEWELEH; The Singer Sewing Machine Offioe WINSTON, N C If yoo want jxxir w*.eii CIIVMIC.I out, K'- paire4 or any other woik tn the Jewelry ilMtkia ii the place to g*t it flcna in the GRAND OPENING! Of Winston'B Largest CtOTHINC WABSJJOVSF? —UY— Ac BHO. We hare romoved our ilock of CLOTHING from both of Clothing Stoies to our NEW CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, next to Vaughn it l'oppor'«, where wo will be ptepareil to serve our many much better thau formerly. We shall keep the largest stock of Cloth ing and Gents' Furnishing Goods in the State, and our prices will he the Lowest. $3,000 Worth. of New Goods Opened To-day. Every Customer buying $'2.1)0 worth of goods or over will be presen ted with a ticket, icnich en titles the holder to a chance of a 575.00 Gold Watch and a $(io.00 Music Box— the Music Box plays ten pieces. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! , IF IS NEEU OF tIVTIIIHU IX TUB FURNITURE LINE, From a cradle to a coffin, orburrial robe, GO TO V I CICERO TJ3E, Kunt ol thoLCcmrt House square, Winston N. (?• Heiow you will find a list of souie of tho articles 'bat may be seen on tbc four floors of bis exteuMvo furniture house. \ Basement. Manufacturing, itnderUkina, retailing stoves. l*t floor. Cliaiubfr Milts ot wnliuit, Mh, and clipny. Cbromos. wurdrolM'«. side boards, tentei tables, secretaries, writing d« »ks, refrigerators, book, oil |Niiiitinp«. enpaivini:s, chronica, clocks, tin water sots, dinner sets, !«\t sets, table wait* « fall kinds. tin ware, knives and forks, picture frames, mirrors, Mall (taper, and all kinds of window sluules. 2(1 floor. Cheap chamber sets, bail ste.nls front si\.V> cliatrs from s>c to $12.50 cacb, lounges, parlor suits, and bal*y carriages. 3d floor. IVlhiis. upholstering c«ods, hnrlal lobes, extension tables, mattresses of all kinds, so fa* cradles, and erihs. wnali stands, lied springs, tine lot ofear|»etH and oilelotb, rugs, pine hair matting in.uK- I'.um tlie leaves or needles of the long leafed pinoof North Carolina. SALESMEN, \\. P. 11l NTU.N. T. L. I.KSTIC, I). V. MARTIN, M. W. NORFLEET, J. S. SCALES 11. J. C'IU'TK, Auctioneer. W. A. WEBSTER, of Murkiiisliam Co., Floor Maiuger. J. JJ. Jgttl'P, UT MOKES Co., AU'L llnor ilojujjwr. PIEDMONT "WAREHOUSE. WINSTON, J>'. C. For the SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO —I tot 1- 11) commencing a new Tobacco year, we desire to thank our friends for the patron age in the past. We promise renewed ef forts in their behalf in the future, we guarantee prices equal to any house in Winston. There will he an active de mand for all good, bright Tobaccos during the Fall trade. Don't forget the place and name— PIEDMONT. . M. W. NORFLEET&CO GEO. E. NISSEN & CO., wagon Manufacturers, SALEM, N. C- Very Best work at Lowest Prices. Steel Thimble Skeins without extra charge. Lara;e stock at Capt. J. E. Gil mer's in W instoii. Call and see them. Big crop* in Stoke* and low price* in HARDWARE at Crawford's in Winston# ltuy the Xlsseu out' ami two iiorso wagon*. Buy Crar font's warranted axes, the 15EST ate the t'HEAIIEST. Sow a bl K cropof wheat and buy a $55.00 Cinoinnati Top Buggy. Columbus U iggica ami (Jimages. Shell your com with DEXTEIt .SUEIXER, aud lrnke your bread witk the H*W LEE COOK STOVE. / ■ Ciut a WHITE SJWIXU MAUHIXE for your lor $25 caeli, with 5 drawers. GUNS, GUXS, Powder nui Shot. * SADDLES, Uridles and lilau&eta. All kinds IKOX and STEEL, Carpenter* Tools, UuilJiug A'aterlal us Uhti Saali, Blinds, Locks, Ilutta, &c. Wo call |>atticular atiention to our NEW SOUTH CIIII.I. J'LO iV warranteil in every particular, two horse $5.00 one horse $8,28. r ' ——— DIXIE PLOWS, best in town, very cheap. BLACKSMITH tools, galvanized iron fi»r boilers. tobacco flues Ac. IMeaso don't forget us. R. R. CRAWFORD & CO. > i, 11 VAUGHN & PEPPER'S OLD STAND, Winston. N. C. PRICE LIST ON jm^SW ~Z.r SOI CATALOGUE OF JOB SCHOOL BOOKS W. B. WILLIAMSON, SUCCESSOR TO WILLIAMSON $ CORRIE, Bookseller, Stationer, AND STEAM POWER PRINTER. When vou want FIRST-CLASS JOB PRINTING trad yoironldi to thai r ecial discount to TeacUors and Merchant* OB Sohn#l Booki. Papaiitary SCIIOOT. BOOKS adopted by .State Board Kduoation. Th«y oao f»mwh j«a with an; book publieked. w. C. BROWN. *. C. BROWN When you come to Winston Look out for the GILDED MORTER over —BROWN & BROWN'S DRUG STORE. where you will save money by purchas ing your FAMILY MEDICINES Garden Seeds, &c., We also keep the largest Stock of PAINTS and OILS in Winston, ad we pro pose selling them as cheap as any body else. We offer special inducements to country nuirchauts when they are in need of any thing in ur line, such as CASTOR OIL, LAUDANUM, PAREGORIC AND ESSCDCCC of all kinds, wc will sell as cheap ai you can buy them in large cities. Dont forget to give us a trial when you come *o W inston. Very Truly, BROWN & BROWN. *

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