WINSTON, NORTH CAROLINA, OCT. 24th, 1887. TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND TIIE PUBLIC. Notwithstanding this has koeu u hard year ou every one we have 'lone more business than iu any previous Jear-- •ua ttfii more. Oar Urge increase is malaly due to tlie fact tliat wu E GOOD, 11OJS K& l GOODS, ibeiß from firti kauii? m large quantities at the lowest package oriccb and 95%,% wm M w?sss&&s 10 Bake a iifiig out of our business. Wo are pleased to state that both our & PET Al^ tbw y-'l has Dover bean equaled Wo sell goods from our Retail Departments ouly KOIt CJJVSS 11 uut ' wu urc at bo tr«f No hoaso iai thi»~oo«otry carries so full a line o! giods as we do. Our stock of BOOTS AND SHOES .Mapriaa more than four hundred esses, uot a shoddy pair in the lot. Fifty casosjRUBBKR BHOES. We can fit and suit Ofcildaan, Misses, Bays, Indies and Gentlemen wlili BAY ST AI K Shoes and. Hoots and /ibHG LKR SHOES. run two H«r 'UiamM or aooua MADS. Also have a full lino of other Shoes and Boots DRESS GOODS. KUnaels. Lindsays, Bhawls, Oioaks, Jersoys, Hoods, Hosiery, Merino Uuderwear, Blankets, tiloves. and Njttous, Jean Cashmeres, ice ,in greater variety thiuevcr before. Immense Stock of Hats, Caps, Hardware, W«*oden Ware, Drugs, Groceries, Oils, LnatLer, Ropes, School Books, Stationery, Truuks, Grass Seeds, &o. WE CsiJfMQTB&VMtMATM' Ute one kund*«dtli part of our stock in a newspaper coluxn. We invite all to couia and examine our goods before buying. We will make it to your interest. Remember that you can ooiue nearer Getting Everything You Want at Wholesale or Retail at our house than in any house iu tho State. YOURS VERY RESPECT! I LL\ , HIKSHAW & MEDEARIS. 1 BIG SHOW. F. FISHBLATE, can now show the Largest, Finest and Cheapest —stock of- Clothing Eats & Furnishing • GOODS I Ever shown in North Carolina. we ask is a call to convince you that our Stock is the LARGEST and-our Prices the Lowest you have ever see ! Respectfully, F. FISHBLATE, Leading Clothier, Greensboro, N. C. C. M. VANSTORY, Manager. L.KLINE. Practical Watch Maker AND JEWELER; Thi Singer Sewing Machine Office WINBTON, N C. \ If fM wtnt yonr waieb«»l out, ir l«ird or My etkw wdrk in the Jewelry !• pi«* to g«l it ilon« in the Ml «tyl«. GRAND OPENING! Of Winston's Largest CLOTHING WAR^KOV^FT -BY— ROHENBACIIKR Ac «UO. We have removal our itocli of CLOTHING from both of Clotliinf; Stores to our NEW CLOTHING WAIIEHOUSE n«it to Vaughn k Peppor'#, where wo will be prepared to serve our many much bottur tbau formerly. We shall keep the largest stock of Cloth ing and Gents' Furnishing Goods in the State, and our prices.will be the Lowest^ $3,000 Woi th of New Goods Opened To-day. Every Customer bupirig $2.00 worth of goods or over will he presented with a ticket, ujnirh entitles the holder to a ehuuee of a $75.00 Gold Watch and a $05.00 Music Box— the .Music Box plays ten pieces. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! IF IS IKED OF .4NVTIIIIU IK TIIK FURNITURE LINE; From a cradle to a coffin, orburrial robe, GO TO msM rm, ol tlislCourt House: square, Winston.' N- C* Bo'.ow you will find a list of some of (lio artioles that may be seen on tlic four fluora of hi* extensive furniture house. Ba^cuicut, Mannbcturuift, undertaking, repairing stum. 1 fit floor. Chamber suits of walnut, ash, and cherry. Chromos, wardrobes, side boards, tenter tables, secretaries, writing de«ks. refrijjerators, book case*, oil painting*. engrai villus, cbrmnos, clorks, tin water Mta, diuner acts, taa set*, tablo waiv of all kinds, tin ware* knives and forks, picture frames, mirrors, wall paper, and all kinds of window shades. 2d floor. Cheap chamber sata, bed sUads fi dtt S2XO to'sM, chairs from 00c to $12.50 each, lounges, parlor suits. and baby carriages. 3l floor. Ofllns, upholstering goods, burial lobes. «xti>nsion tabl««, roatli».s«« of a'l kinds, so fas. cradlm. and cribs, waa'j stands, toil springs, tini' 10l of .upets and matting. oilflotli. rugs, pine hair watting made from the loaves or needles of tho lung leafed pitw of North Carolina. SALESMEN^ i-. Ba.N'l'OK, T. L. J.KSTIC, DC. MARTIN, J * if. W. NORFI.tIT. • j. g. go ALBS 11. J. (.kvtk, Auctioneer. W. A. BarsiEk, of Flockingham Co., Floor Manager. J. id. Jjum r, of Mokes Co.. An' i Floor Managtr. PIEDMSNT WaKHWSE. WINSTON, IS. C. For the SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO In commencing a new Tobacco year, we desire to thank our friends for the patron age in the past. We promise renewed ef forts in their behalf in the future, we guarantee prices equal to any house in Winston. There will be an active de mand for all good, bright Tobaccos during the Fall trade. Don't forget the place and name— PIEDMONT. M. W. NOR FLEET &CO GEO E. NISSEN & CO., wagon Manufacturers, SALEM, N. C- V r ery Best work at Lowest Prices. Steel Thimble Skeins without extra eh arge. stock at Capt. J. E. Gil mer's in Winston, Call and see them. Ifi£ crops in Stokes aiid low prices in HARDWARE at Crawford's in Winston* Uny the Jiisseii one and two bor»» wagons. liny Crawford's warrant*:! axes, the BEST are the CHEAHEST. Sow a big crop of wbcut and buy a sos.oo Cincinnati Top Buggy* Joiuinbu» 13'iggiet 4 " l ' C :ll ' r ' !l S eii ' Shell your corn with DBXTEII .SIIELLER, aud bake your bread tiU Ut XIK LEE COOK STOVE. Out a WHITE S'iWlNti MACHINE for your wife for s'is caah, with I drawers. UUXS, Powder *ud Shot. SADDLES, Bridles and Blankets. All kinds lltON and STEEL, Carpenters Tools, Uuildiag JVaterial imdi as Scat Saab, Blind*. Locks, Hntts. &e. Wo mil particular attention to our XIW tOCTI CHILI. PLO(V warranted in every particular, two horse $5.00 one ken* IS,M. DIXIE PLOWS, best in town, »»ry cheap. BLACKSMITH tools, galvanised iron for boilers, tobacco fines Ac. Please dua't forget us. R. It. CRAWFORD it CO. VAUGHN & PEPPER S OLD STAND, Winston, N. C. f m JJW-'I —u g ..XJIJia lIMU-l^JimiM—JLii-1- —— ——BP——i———i Nend For Send For PRICE LIST ON JmSSSr CATALOIBE IF SCHOOL BOOXI W. B. WILLIAMSON, SUCCESSOR TO WILLIAMSON $ CORRIE, Bookseller, Stationer, AND STEAM POWER PRINTER. When yon want F;LIST-CLASS JOB rRINTING toad yowrerdosi to Ami pecial discount '.o Teachers asd Merchant* on Sohoel Books. Depeatery BCIIOOI. BOOKS adopted by State Board KduoaUoii. Tfcey HI FTO*M yea with any book published. \Y. 0. BROWN. I. C. BftOWl When you come to Winston Look out for the GILDED 31 OUTER over BROWN & BROWN'S— DRUG STORE. where you will save money by purchas ing your FAMILY MEDICINES Garden Seed*, &c., We also keep the largest Stock of PAINTS and OILS in Winston, ad we pro pose selling them as cheap as any body else. W 7 e offer special inducements to country murehauts when they are in need of any thing in ur line, such as CASTOR OIL, LAUDANUM, PAREGORIC and Esseiees of all kinds, we will sell as cheap a* you can buy them in large cities. Doit forget to give us a trial when you come to Winston. • Very Truly, BROWN & BROWK.

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