Reporter and Post. A TKthi FBR THE PEOPLE IWtrMI ut Hit Danbury .V. C., I'usl-ufflce M Second (Tan* Mutter. THURSDAY, FKR. 28 ISM L -i ' — 1 ssus paper rtiatoSsK^ss TAB BESTINEI/S LETTER FROM "A DEMOCRAT." Wc'notico that tlie Winston Sentinel to its last issue gives ("or may be was paid for,") nearly a column and *a-half of spare to "a democrat," who tries to convince the readers of that paper tha the REPORTEK-POST ia only semi Dem ocratic. ■ The communication is too thin to deserve notice, but as all tne readers os the Sentinel may not havo the same chance to borrow', and read the REPOKTHB, a» "a democrat" has, wo suppose that is the way he learned so much about its politics, only seeing it when be could borrow a tiumbei now and then, or may be, he is a subscriber who has not nor never intends paying Ilia subscription, and only gets bis pa per out of the offioo chance. We will say to "a democrat," and the readers of ttio Sentinel, that if they will look aver the Ktate papers, they will | fifed probably mere clippings from the j REPORTER, than from any country pa per in the State, and as an evidence that looked upon by the press iu this and other States of tha highest fype Demo eratie, they give it credit for bettcj jndgaient, (but not sounder principles) than it claims. Such able papers as tho Raleiga A t ws-Observer, Wilming- Star, Charlotte Chronicle, Rtatesyille Landmark, and others, of the truest, aad best Dotuoeratic papers in the State. The llichiaoud, and Danville, Va. papers, as well as some Northern papers, reproduce many of its articles witheut comment, or if commeuted upon stall it in only to endorse what the RIPORTF.R says. True the KEIMR TER differs with some of its ablel con temporaries onltlie Tariff and Internal Revenue law. The reason the best rlass of Republican papers pablish and eoderao so aauy of its articles, is} be cause they rea4 the REPORTER week after week, ktow it to be conservative in principle, working with its poor a bilty for the best interest of the coun try. The reason Democratic and Be publican voters alike endorse it, they (ROW it is of the peoplo, and for the peo ple, and fer the people every time. If "a democrat" would know the real truth of the REPORTER, we would adyise him to subscribe, and pay for it that he may see every week what it dees say, and not l>e borrowing a number new and then by chance, and throwing dirt, without knowing whom,Jor what bo is throwing it. The REPORTER does not think it true Democracy, to praise every scrub, because he claims to be a Democrat, or abuse every Republican, because he differs with it ill politics, that principle in politics, business aad social life, has done more than almost any other oue thing to lower the standard cf morality in our county, State and Natton. Tha REPORTER-POST, claims therigl.t to censure fraud and corruption.uo matter in what party it is foued, and will net give its celumas, to help to places of boner and trust *'a democrat'' or Re publican, if it believes they are unworthy the trust, not even if, "a democrat" does say, or may say, it in a Mugwump, or Muggulwumppy. * Four hundred and forty prisoners in one cointy jail in ona year do net leok much like a diminution of crime. This is what Foisytb county jail contained in 1887.—Wilmington Star. Judge Connor soaie months age ex pressed the opinion that the number of smaller ciiuics ia diminishing iu the State; but Forsyth does aot seotu to be morally improving. If tha numbr of •mailer crimes is diminishing in any parts of tho State wc can only account for it is easier to convict parties ol smaller crimes like petty Isrcuy and affray, thai it i» to lueci th« deiuaud* ol justice agaiust those aucuscd of higher offences, and this fear of conviction may be acting as a warning lessou against tba oomniissiou of smaller crimes. BRIEFS OF GENERAL NEWS. Tuesday*, i'Bn. 1!. iu the Senate ysstordiiy, Mr Plumb made a speech in opposition to tho Blair Educational bill, and Mr. Reagan ene in defence of tho administration of the l'eet Office Department, iu the llou9e an interesting debate took place on the bill punishing the advertising of lottery ticketa ia the District of Columbia, which was referred to the Judiciary committee by a vete of yeas 117, nays 115. The legality of the discharge of about forty midshipmen in 18S5 has been sus tained by the Court of Claims. Hon. James G. Blaine bus written a letter from Florence, Italy, in which he decliues the use of his name for the He publican Presidential nomination, and in deing so makes the claim that never > in the history of his party were the chances so favorable for a magnificent victory; Hon. John Sherman says he has been expecting such an utterance from Mr. Blaine, and that it was on this hy pothesis that ho had tutored the Presi dential list. A distructivc fiirc occured in the wholesale district of St. Paul, Minn., yesterday morning. A county treasurer in Texas was luuidcred by thieves on Friday ni^lit, ! aud his office robbed of J>,t»OUv); the treasurer's head was cut off. Work was partially resumed yesterday iu some of the Pennsylvania coal mines. During a drunken revel by some Hun garian miners, iu Pceusylvama, on Sun day, a houbf was set on tire by an over turned lamp, aud live men and one girl wetc burned to death. Wed. FEB 15. Several speeches were made in tho Senate yesterday ou tho irnil service m- I ijuiry, and Mr. ilawiey, of Conneticut, made a speech in opposition to the Blair Educational bill flo'use a number were committees and there \i\tn general debate ou the I rgers Do 'licieucy bill. Tiie President, accompanied by Mrs. Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. Whitney, and Col. and Mrs. Lamout, will visit Fioii da next week; no stop wiil be made at any point, unless it be for an hour'* drive ia Savannah. There was an advanee in the Chicago provisiou inaiket yesterday, but trading was very light the grain market was | weak •■»! id lower. The Crown Priuee is not allowed to talk, and has to make signs or write when he wishes to make a communica tion A mob of sixty men, in an Illinois town, forcibly took a negro, charged with ravitbiag a white woman, from the custody of » jailer, aud hung him to a tree. the strike troubles in Pennsylvania appear to have broken out afresh, the Roading Company has refused to make any terms, and all of its railray employes have been ordered to unit work. FRI. FER. If. In tho Senate yesterday, during dis eussiou upon the proposed resolution di recting inquiry as to tho causes ot ineffi cient mail service, Mr. Teller aiada a j sharp attack on the aecrocy of the de pigments and legislation by the Scuate behind closed doors: further discussion followed, and the resolution was abopt cd, the Urgent Delicietiey bill was con sidered in the House, but the debat* was principally of a political character, in w/acti the internal revenue laws fig ured largely, aud which gave rise to an interesting colloquy between several members. Tho case of Jay Gould and Russet Sage, who are charged with appropriat ing to their own use $3,00U,000 of Kan sas & Pacific Railroad bonds, is on tiia! in a New York court The bank at Cisco, Texas, was robbed oa Wednesday of $O,OOO aud some val uables on sale storage, by four men, who entered ou the proteaee of wanting a bill changed : they made good their escape. A remarkable phenomenon ia r sported from Akron, Ohio; the canh rocked, honses swayed, preceded by n terrific report of an explosion, and a grea* fis sare in the earth is the only sign of the strange occurrence. A disastrous fire occurod early yes terday morning among the business blocks >n Providefcce, R. I. Emperor William haserdered a special report en the condition of the Crown Princ'a larynx; Dr. Mackanize protest- , ed against tho treatment of tba ( doctor*. The Czar does not mean to bo eclips r..l by the ex-Kmprcss Eugenie. tilic expended $500,000 upon a mausoleum for tha dead Emperor and son, and Alexander is about spending $650,000 on a monument to bis murdered father. The people of course have to furnish tho money. The gale :ir it ."now storm in Kngfcud still contiuu«.s ut.d all railwsT lic'a are blocked. Tlic nomination of Oommotlore limine, I t» bo iiaar Admiral, was ■ >ufirm«.l l>y tbe Senate joaterdnj. Tba lo»s by tlje Eituiru, N. Y., fire Wednesday nigfct, will reach $250,000. The fisheries treaty eauied much speealatioa and disciuston venterday in Washington. T wenty fire per cent, of the coke OVCDS in the CounelisvtlU region, Pennsylvania shut down yesterday, throwing fifteen hundred uiea out «f employment. SATURDAY, FEB. 18. 7'he Blair Educational bill mi laid before the House yesterday aad referred to the committee on Education, and an hsnror more was occupied in a parlia mentary tanple oyer the order of busi ness. which produced a scene of tho ut most disorder and noise. The Inter i'tato Commerce Commis sion yesterday rendered a decision in favor of the plaintiff in case of a color ed against tho Georgia llnilroaJ j Company. Several business buildings in Westei ' ly, 1!. 1., were destroyed by fire yestcr j day morning, causing a loss of about ! $1 0,000. A man in Chicago, charged with beating t» death with a strap his little step-son, lias been found guilty of mur der iu the first degree. The House Elections Committee imvo decided the Alabama contested oase in I favor of Davidson, the sitting member. Negotiations'are in progress which it i? thought will «ad tho striks m the Pennsylvania ceal minos. There was a $OO,OOO fire in Ocala> Flu. yesterday. ! Four mon were killed and fout badly i sca!dd by the explosion ul a boiler on a [ Louisiana plantation. The striking railroad meu is Penn sylvauia are furious over tho seentttiem of the differences betweea the miners and the railroad company. In the Senate yesterday Mr. Piatt concluded bis speech ou the resolution 'jtoicfer the Prosuient's message; in the I House two bills were passed amcuding j the internal revenue lUWJ. ! There was a general breaking down iof prices in tho OLic.tgu grain market yesterday, and provisions were greatly depressed by the weakness and declin i ing in grain. Judge Alexander McCue, at present Solicitor of li.e Treasury, has been ap , pointed Assistant Treasurer at New York. 1 A heavy storm ef sleet and snow yes terday in Lynchburg, Va., which al most put a stop to i-BJincsS. Tho Governor in West Virginia has maic requisition on Governor of Illi -1 now for twenty-eight meu, who are charged with bciug paicipitants in a uiurher. ol" liitnd. I will offer far sile on tlie 3rd day of March the old hoiue stead «>t .I n. Fra« J j /ier Do.** cl. containing om* hundred acres more oi less, on w hi'.h i* a jjood dwelling lio'i . un.l all tuveasiry out buildings, to bacco bains, &c., the laud is well watered, and is a Upted to tlie growth of line tobacco and ail kind of grain and grasses. There is also minerals ou the land, iron and mica and other minerals, two goad orchards. This land is situated on the waters of Snow Creek and ad jo ius the land* «»f \V. J. Moore, Joel Hawkins. Hiram Smith and others* Term cf wile made known o;> Hay of sale. I'his the Irtli day of February ISBB. Sale on premises. A. H. FRZIF.R, Administrator 50,000 doKeu liahbit Nkinsi, WRITE TO So{J|To|f sft WHOLESALE GROCERIES, CJroeiiKboro, i\. O. and your order for GROCERIES* they are HEADQUARTERS. ViHAT KIMS AMERICANS. . jt«rUltlc»-~l l«i«Kt ''u,.*!! *' « T-- m*oi ;»r 2ituty. . ++*% Tbc fi.lsirr.iing l!se.w of th'.j aountry w nr.rvous debility a:i>i prostration. '-It £oes under many names u:i it u essen ti.illy tLu earner " complaint. Hospitals find private institu tions for nervous pa. Vnta nw' crowded. Tho nveißgo of Ufa in the United Statc-j is de creasing every year. r> Sudden iealbfi from nairoiu collapse n.mong our hnsines*, profess ional and publia men nrs nc ciVqxieut ns scarcely to excite remark. Tho majority of Gui citlea, committed without ap parent reason, or under so-called "depression cf spirit?," fue really prompted t y nervous prostration, which i: a fruitful source of v r.ri crime with nil tbeir rrvjf and horror. Theso {,ic*3 ara ftartiinr. rhey threaten t l- n vf>ry life of tho Tbry the of ;ta o'.v r and pro> tH-rity. 'l* ey wreebmfmhood's trenrth and m'luan'e u?cful licsn and bennty. Every one ehotdd Icnov- tlio canses. What are they? The mi.-'vor is ear? antl terribly Onr viciom pernor, a J uabits; cur OR-ele"? anu 1 awl era eating r.nd drink'.iip; tho in terra'i mental and physical strain firising i'rom our mad race after money, position end . he i'eare and Etrr rjles of pov. •rtv; tho uso cf narcotics and limnlun'.i; o-.r fashion of 'uniinp dry into liiqLt and flight into day; and, bricfiy, otii despcrato willingness to pny any piica for an hour's • ilensnre or fneeeei So we | burn life's candle rt both ends and f. 11 tho lurr.dc asjdtanß ami the rraveyarda. , The ti fro-.n which we mixer and tlio is, in plain Uah, I rr:r.'ts Jas It ' :» tented in ti;« Is't-n-ca trA in 1 'lie orgjiiir of DLrrstlon, Assiai ition f.:itl .Nutrition. Healthy 1 iigcVui-.-: b. inetknl cr des ui-yed, t...i v. •• -lc 1 •»ly, TJCTTOS induduil, i - tiUraliy tlarved; ■ ev n w "i L: no traaci at .m to toll l:to ead iory. ' Ksrvons prostration eenda out iia warnings:—headache in thn mo;ning; a perslitent dull hcavin or aclur.g at tha base pf tho.brahi; rrukoi'illness; lo« of .-.ppeTite p.uil disgust with food; lo*s of mental energy ml interest in ovuinary duties and i buainen!;; restlcesucss ami anx iety without xi!' y a.-iignable reason; crucia'dous; b.'.d breath; foul mucous on tiio •' teetlj; occasional giduinces; palpitation of tho l.jart; cal low nees of tho skin; coated torguo and gradual f»iluro of strength and ambition. The remeily Is a total aban j donment of the habits and cus toms wltivii cause tho disense in each individual case, and the use of Shaker Extract of Roots (Seigel's Syrup) to cure the mist Lief ak eauy done. Tliia gnwt remedy, prepared by the Shaker Community of Mt. Leb mien, N. Y., ween i.dly adapt ed to eradi.-ate i L/'ya pepw.i. .To do tl ia it acta directly aiul g r.'lv but i-owor fully upon thad: ouicreastom ach, liver and L. Ineyj, restor ing tht lr toiio a;vj v p>r, pro moting t'ie seeiction c! bile, ex* pelling . :• i J ":"tt?r." from the system,.v.ul pui'llying the blood. Upon tLo nervous 6ystom Shaker Syrup) acta an a f*:de an 1 Avholesome I anoilyne without tl;e slightest narcotic o£ jet, and then leaves the nerves to regain their nat ural tone andoiranglli through its wonderful upon the function c-f nutrition. ... It ia to rr.y more nerv ous dyspeptics havo been re storea by it from the depths of miser; to a fresh enjoyment of life and labor than by "any . or all other fencs ot traatmant coral in «L Wbon pausing Walnut Cov« rcinciu ber that you will bo well c*rod for by stopping at tlio Wtluut Covo Hotel, kept by Mr. L. W. Lewis. A.ll 3m NOTICE. Tfavlit-;•|n.*Hi-.T i-titmitor o i the la#t will anil testament of Jotm Baker, deceased, iiotice is hereby gi*r j that all person* ow ing the CBtatu of iny testator must couie foi wnrd and settle the saute and those Imviug tdaims on the estate mnat present them duly authenticated on or before the first day of Febuary 18S5), or this notice will be j.lead in bar of their recovery. This the sf7th day of January 1888. G. ft. ALI.KK, Executor. W w VT73 WASTT. Good Locks to keep tliieve» out, 41, LEX » 1 Wea tlier ISU'ius to keep the cold audsuow out. Allen Has th-era I 1 S to wok out. S. E. ALL EN TUEIvi. STO 1 ICS to ke«p tbe cold out. ALLEN 11AS Til KM en tlicL'd LAMPS to keep tbe dark out. ALLEN SAS THEM at the ()M Pfohl & Stockton Stand. I PATXT to keep the damp out Allen has the Best SEfcSbl To keep Anything v ELSE OUT. S. B. ALLEN lias It. | In short go to him for all the Tinware, Hollow ware. Wood en ware, ! mmmm and I I littfiU you may want, at the Old S'lohl & StocK ton Stand, Corner of Main and 3d Streets, WIXSTO*. Jf. C, I a. E. WESNfCT. J. A WINSTON MARBLE WORKS, DEAI.EKSj lIV Marble and Granite Monumeits, Hea3stones, Tablets, Mantels, He*, Opposite Brown's Warehouse, - - Main St., ITimiUilfO. E7"Spcclal Designs and Estimates Varnished OH APP!IC*UO* _£s;T i ESTABLISHED 1 «71.» ESTABLISH ID 1871 J. W, SCOTT& CO. I Wholesale Merchants IN'. O. Are now receiving (heir spring stock 01 notions ami dry goods. I ' . 7" Arid almost daily adding to their stock 01 groceries, lfuyers are invited to call in person or send orders by mail. ——— - « hope to build up a large trade with the merchants ol Siokes county and allalo g the fine of theC. F. & \. V Railroad. I Brown, Browner, Brownest. High, Higher, Highest. If you would get tho very highest prico tor yonr lobasso, make a* y»w when preparing it fur market, to take it tj Browns Warehouse Winston, JV C Here you will find tho largest, best lighted Warehouse in tewa. eae ,( *. U j auctioneers m this, or auy other State, and larger buyers by the iMrt. Tl*t not all, if you would titay bot a few hours or over night, you will Cad eoiafertahle ' o| ms , P lonl r u( *«od, Cook fctoycj upon which t# preparo your feed feed tMM M abuuduneo and every thing necessary to yonr eemfort (if yon have a elee 1 oii'ciencc,) whilo the stalls for your stock are all that yon could far. Bring us your tobaeco oe will do all in our ponor to uiako yoa eiakak A wlnlt hero, and get what you want most —A big priee feryoar tohaeae. JtVery TrmJy BROWN As CARTXH .UPPLE & W AT THK Star Warehouse, GREEN SBCRO, N. C. Offer, their services to the planters of !Stokes and adjoining counties for the I SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO. The ST. / /V Jl. IKK UOI'SE is i veiland favorably as be in if our of the BEST LJG 11T! 1) house ■••for the. sale of 1.1 //' Tobatv.) in luis section >fj\~( ,th Carolina, and being hxated at the principal- Hnilror, / center in the Tobacco > Hon- n't he-State so that not only the. Greensboro buu, but buy rs front this State and i'irginia ran easily and cheaply reveh it. The Proprietors with an emin ence of a mi/nber of years in the Warehouse business, claim thitthcy can get the highest market price fur year Tobacco. Hoping to have a full share of your patronetge we are, Trultl i our Friends, IT. A. Ar "LE j- S. G. WILLIAMi REM KMliKK,Tierces will bo furnished free at every Statioa aa tka 0. f. Y. V. R. B. from Stokosdale to Marion, for parties to >*ck tlaair takaaaa who wish to ship it to Gr«ansbore.