The Pfenortsi' and r*o 5? THURSDAY, if KB, '23 JssS. Topics at Home. liißncl tronml Daubnrj, >■ l t «uul) liHllrra Brlrtly 'raid. 44 A Shier* ainang you Uke'u», Ana, l'alcu, he'll jircnt It. 4 ' Any subscriber who fail-, to receive th» it r porter and I'ost every wee it is requested to report the failure. We waat t» sea where 'ha fault is. Full Maou next Monday. Sun riaos 6 '2O; sets 5 31. Court at Yadkinville this weak. Length of to-day II lira., 2 min. The depot at Culler is finished but not occupied. The same prisiotiers remain in jail na reported last week. Wild pigeons are r -ported to be flying above Hauscrtown. Try the dark green coffee that l'eppcr A Sons are selling at '22 cents. Spring term of Superior Court for this county will couimcnco April lii. Tho open au.l moist weather is begin ning to show its eff ot on the grass. "Seed" "Seed" "Seed. ' A freso \ lot at Brown's Brug Slsro, Winston. Brawn's Brag Store, \\ iuston, N. C., is Headquarters for drugs, medicines Ac. At Brown's Drug Store, Winston, N. C., you can get special pr.ces iu oils, varnishes, paints &o. , "Trasses" "Trusses" "Trusses," overy one guaranteed to lit or no sale at Brown's Driiif S ore, Wiuston. A large lot of fresh gardeu aaeds just received from 1). Landretk i Sons at Asheraft & Owens, Winston, N. C. i Mallaiardu 'ts tiriy be seen it this time in the south-western pari of tlm j 1 county, and on the Yadkin in Surry. Peerless Harness oil and imported Castor oil for eariiages, baggies As. at , Asheraft A Owens, Druggists, >t iiiston, ; N. C. The a liuinistrator'a sale of petsoiml 1 prop* rty bo! to the e ta.e of the Jato Gen. Poisdaxtcr is fixed tor the ZOth inst. Letus i!ien, be upa.i ! doing—with n heart for every' lat«"—for wo well know •• that all the coidi we take in the process t —caH be cured by tha timely use of l)r. I Bull'a Cough Syrup. 1 Mr A. il.Jaycahaaa turnip raised in his patch wkieh measures two teet in eircuuiferencs, thirty six niches from the root to tho top of the salad, and weight ' six poau ls and two ounc s. u A man may go to Leaveu and have feathara on his wiujj's, but none j o( us aaem toj atuiois to get tharo car ly. The timely us? of Br. Flint's ( Cough Syrup will frequently detain us % ou earthly shores. Soi l !>y Asheraft A i Owcss, Wiuston, N. 0. v We ask the indulgence of our subsoi- j bers for the delay of a day tu the pub lication of the ItIIPOHTtH this week, i which has been oeca.-ioned by tho sick- t ncss of Mr. Benton Nelson the chief t compositor. Two little devils nuit'nr I if whom ia much Biota than thirteen « fears ef ago set up this issue. "Where diJ you get your new suit!' 1 got it from Sample Brown iu Greens- boro and paid $12.0 1 lor it has adopted * new plan, what he calls the ona priot, sysleiL and won't come down on his goads a bit. I offe.ted him $12,50 for tins suit but he would not 1 •come down a cent on his price, so 1 ' worit out and looked around, but the othet stotes asked §15,00 for '.he same kind ot suits, and 1 went back and took Brown »at $1 4 2,50. Ita tho best bar gain 1 ever got in uiy life. i Tho followitif tire the buying prices t efjpreduee in Daubury: oats 4"i to 60 , cents, wheat 75 cents \o $l, rye 750., 1 earn 50 to 00, peas GO. chetries , biack- ' beriies 8, raspberries 121, damsons 0, I unpeeled poaches 3, blight peeled ( peaches 8, i utipeelod peaches '2, fancy ] peaches 10, i apploa'2l, bright sliced i apples 4, fancy sliced apples 5, honey 10, beeswax 18; chicken 10 to 15, batter ( 10 '.a 15, eggs 121, obestnuts $l, gubcr's (peanuts) s'2, vinegar "2") to in (scarce), • rabbi', skins 15 cents, possum skins 8 [ cts, eoon skins 10 to 25 ets, otter skin* : 75 to $l, lever skins (cleaned of fat) i 75 cents per (lOHii'l, green Indus 5 and dry hide 10 ets, tallow ill cakes 4i cts, . and goo*o feath-ers 50 cents. Til K WF.ATItIU in noting tiio ploasant days we were experiencing last wo..k in our last issue we suggested that the weather unght be only coquetting: r>nd so it proved, for on j Sunday the sky became obscured acu the ' elouds dissipated themselves in gentle showers during tnat night aad Monday. | The weather though lowering on Tues- ! iar became Spring—lika again yester day: cloudy to 4 showory again 10-day. ihcro are ') I mii 7 lor coats, 30 prcftontiiuetits, 1!' set fa«, and 102 warrants ou tlu criminal doekei at this date. a!c oi.n ripi.n nnr.n j , Mauy seeing that old field weed, (he mullein stalk, never eonsided the good it is »ceoniplitliing in curing ling trou bles. It presents in Taylor's Chcrokoe ! Remedy of Sweet fluin and Mullein (he the fmcit known remedy for coughs , j croup, colds and consnmptltin. Mullein bctterticiii fed i.lrcr Oil. Ur. Quillnn, tho leading authority of Oreat Brttan on lang troubles, civos his opinion basod upon experiment, that mullein is better in consumption than Cod Liver Oil.Taylor's Chorokoo Rem edy ofSweet Ouni and Mullein will cure eoujhs, colds and consuuiption. iiißiki\«rrnr.KH. In our note on girdi.ig trees *n oar last issue au error oeonred by tho misplace ment of tho words up nnd dote. l; it should have read as follows: Trees shoutd be gitded when the «ap I is up: for if they arc gir.dud when the sap i I is down thfy will retain a witch uio;s- j turo a« will render tiicm wot when cut! ■ far fire wood or timber. nrwASDtxs ffl woslsi ' i 'irroi.lii ssl YK I'AliMEi!pntemits THtliii voi.iwik .0 iti« jiillowing rates : 1 •uUcriiier. 1 year 1.55 S f.uii, 'libers, 1 year 5.00 IU i.tibs allKO's, 1 yea.- It'.'l.) One copy, i j -r, to tlio cue sending a club of ten. K'slit |{t) rciiMnris, weokly. .Send ("har.i' 4 prep iid) i.. l i..;i'o:.K, Hai.kiuu, X. The RKI'OKTK.It-PfST should be. regular M 'l kly visitor to every family I in this e.unity both for the goo.l •» the | I families and for our o«n sake, and fori "tii- one, a:ir iijj n nuoibi-r of reaxonf . hq arc ctidoavoring to do a good service t.y ac|tiiin:ing the people with the county's history and resources, thereby instructing our people in what they ought to know, and at the shui" time drawing tho uttontio:: of individuals fr m abroad who may be iudneod to r: !■ i:i vostmetius ie rc and tntro luco iudustiit*; .line 1 n us. And «U!e >ve are workm.. for ii..' ;o;.i'.-10, th' .'ouuiy, at Iu: 7:'., j wc feel wo ought to have lui t , : support 111 toe way oi a liberal subscrip tion list, tor as Bradford who published tha fust Bible in America unJtr the colonial govermuont, at Philadelphia, aid in his sul)&oii|.licu prospectus 'printing is costly:" and when wc say "printing is costly" we arc not taking into account any rctuei.icrttioti for the preparation of tha uutter for •ho paper, and lor coii ine' tig th. '.ot^iiieas. We futriifh a pa;>er wliieh to say the least will not mifier 111 comparison with any county parer in the S:a'.e ; indeed there aic articles, x>vcring a vast and vaiied langc of subjects, regu larly contributed to this paper which 11 we consider would do credit to th ■ more 1 preteutiosis city dailies of the State. Much attention in given iu its eolutns to matters of more thinpa-Hlng inter, t to the farmer,-and the fanning interest of this county aliocts every one of its in habitants it is as yet paramount to ev ery othct interest iu this county. The very latest general and state news is given on tho columns set apart tor that department; ar.d lis miscellaneous se lections arc carefully siftod from its sixly exchanges. Sample copies sent on application Send on your money a*, once and then talk to all your neighbors afterwards and iry to got them to subscribe. TAX. notk;e. To OelimjM«ut taipayersof Mokes eoiin y. Owin ; o 1 lie line .ra 111 3 which we Si v bad l">r market ing toi>aiv>, I will give the ddlniqoe.its one luoie cimiiee to pay their taxes tor M e year 1». 7. I will attend at the folic wing time* aid places li-r llin puryose of coilee-ing taxes lor the year 1 s-SS. via:— 1 Danbury, J.'oni'a? M 1 'i "th lis". Walnut Co\>, Tiles 'ar '• tltli •' U'riiiantou" Wednes iay " "tli " Dalton TlinrsUy " (Hii '• Boyle's .Stoi'c I'ricUy " Otii 4t Wilsoa's iStoi'' 1 Satur. ' i'»ii " Venabls's Wove Monday 44 1-t'i 44 I Smith's Store Tuesday " l""th 44 'rll "i I—. o '/i 'llnr d>y 4 * 14th 44 ' t',b!m til's mli' Tiuir. •• ista 41 Kair I'iay K:i lav 44 ltltii 14 , biii'lton's :rre hat inlay " 17th " I (.». ii. Si.umo IP, Mo.l, 44 lui!i •• I'restoiA 1110. Tuesday ,4 -"til •• Klinn's SMte, Wcdiic lay 4 * 4 * Joliti I.i.ivvlll •' Thursday 41 i-iid - 4 The people will pi mm meet m i at tl " above tines and pi acas, 'ill' yth.:, !.:m pron-p.iy, ;;s tliisis my t ! V'-l o*.'. , '»:.vciy j mv bat -i* 1 .. A." -i tha 2 ..'a oT Ma v'i ne.;t j I 's H'lil 1 r ed oil every I' K. I. Dalton, .'fliir. JOUKB BLIKHOf^ AWP PIAWT FOB |i.V/Vl I Th. hi:st At.MASAC. ...d . •"MeypTß W*w : for averr day In tha yaar. To bo bad of W daalT* in uiediclna,or mailed on reoalptof ale. port* 1 Malta in p. Addrt-« VOLINA DRUG AND CKCMtCAL OOr BALTtMORE, MO., U. 8. K s- I A.WORD TO OUR PA IRONS. Thanking l/ott for the lib eral patronage received in the past we add th e old home like sailing, "One good lun deserves another," (end ask subscribers who owe auy fh!nf to send us some mon ey as W E .A h I'. /' > 71 .7 I TH fS TIM h!. If, Hit re/ ore, the reader of th is is due ua anything w•• hope he will Ci.YSli>7'll IT A.Y AV PK. il, TO 17IM. Send, us mij qpnountyou are willing hi/ registered letter ut our risk, for which we ivill re turn a reccivt and change to i*fund for registering the left .. We dislike to pay and, beg too, hat ice waul to git' ' you abetter paper this year than ever, but cannot de> it wil'.oat some help. If you have sore ejus cult at Pepper A Sens fttjro and got ft vial o! that cei ! obrated >yo water manufactured I - for-. mala used by T)r. Jolm Pepper m 1" practice for many year*, warranted t»j euro or money returned. Only 2> cents | per bottle. Prudence is a commendable virtue, but it is never seen in such beauty as j «lien a mother provides hcrsclt witlt a! bottlo of Dr. Flints' Cough Syrup for eases of emergency. Kor sale every where. tf • • ■ - • • iTvplvtltl. senrlot u»i l I'owr.. Iftipl Itcrlfl, N»»li»li 5»|»X, I 110 - [ i Darby a Prophyl actio Fluid will de stroy tho infection of all fevers and all j j contagious and Infectious disetsos.l Will keep the ataosphore of any Mck- iMoiu pure and wholesome, land d -'r»ying unhealthy and conta gion. Will l.'turilizvj any bat! smell \vl»:it.;v r, not by it, l.nt by it. I .-e Parbys *,ic Fluid iu every sick room. v~ l«bTic¥ . •' „>, J' ■ ■', ir .i the ; •»ii i' i. 1 Muul. In Mk«cli, ot iiuui- i .il :•"*« I;. •I. I . -rid i.» til counly Of Vr .o i t: ,\..i is of Jiili .'leelc ;t;lit niljn'liiin tl:u i.Ohls of 11. \V. K.erson ami others. Said Uind levied on by me on tho-."Hi day »»f.Tarmary IH-Sto sit- Ihfy two executions in my bauds issued by the Clerk uf the Superior Court of Stokes County, on judgments against bird tllide wei! aiid iu favor c f it. iJaily, aiiins., "f W. A. Lash, deceased: slid c.vcntlo:i returnii- Iti'- to tii'' Siipuriiir Court. of .' ; e.keseounly, .Spring Twin ISMS. This the Hist day of Jan u.r> 11. I. I).ui".v, Sin-rid'. r^-kfjFSEEMLL. * Our Jllwum'ttt CatoloQM ] of too I'upes, conUininffii ! ' (;'■* " complete assortment of the I h ' L * >lants / !; ° ot> - ...TTjSPods >■> »AKZ&KSI , 'IEH, irf ■'l# I«ouldvlUe, Uy. •• I jii nd Salt?. lly virture of a deed in trust executed to m« I>y I'. If. Main* and wife on the 20th day of April lSi7for certain putposes llim n m ,, w »ncd. 1 will sell fur cash at the Com t House door iu I)anbury n:t Monday iho day of MaivJi, a tract of !'»rty-tivt» acn-.s of laud; lying iu Peters (.'reek Township, a«l- Joini the lauds of Ueurgw W. Smith. \V. A. Kstes and utliers. For lull ileserip.ioo see d- • «l i*! t»u>t regia , t>recl in J'.t>ok j | in and *2O. Thisth:' 24th 'day "t »>• . . K. I. DAI/J o.N, Truwt»;e. >' Ot ICO. Having qualified ns executors of the last will and testament of Samuel S. Wall, dt ceased, hereby give general notiee to all INSiSons indebted to said rsrat,-* whether l»> bond or account to couu: foiwartl ami p>ul" settlemeni ami all pftsntt* In*, mz elaiiiis i said esta'e ar«» request-vi t» pi*csent j Ihuu duly aiitheuticatctl for pa uuntt o t n befoi*e the Ist day of Mareh IS' otbei wise this notice will l»e in bur «lf tlielr \ i*eoevery. Fcbn-uy l«t 18SS. ItoiißßT P. Wai.l.. AI mkutJ. AI.L. Kyeeutoii 1 |v h .t \Forty jctrt 1 S . /"/'yn-.T.i'W gnwirionoa In ih«» Gff^iaaa ■nß 7:> nind •rrnmnooM for I'Rtroi« in Pi F i Pa l Ui .tm? MM ird cono- W- . t* 4 ti ,tt public }of O.'* b-i'r.titlo S"B A *' .n COt;" i'lo toe tMi-bi'-HOit u *** r • . ; 'o J riirLln, 0145.. for tho United Sti»t» .1. and t-« i VtAueo, t' laft ./-.od ml oth rfmnt'i" '1 ir '*|i«n utioa ii ute.iatkiol andthc*r f.:o:.iUos flro umtut ftn r.->p»rci £id i ia tbo J'atoat OfHoo nn . ho:t i uriai f? f iOActonai 1«. No t-liHii • ar OX3 taoduil or dff.wlnpr A«lvio«i by tn«ilfrfd ratent«ol''Ainuith »ush .M »nn iCa.aronotlo®l » Jpth* 8( lKVi'll'H AMICHICAW.whkohbM 1 tholarireat ciro iUtii u and m tli.) moil ludu«nti«l ; newspaper of iu kind published in tho world. Tb« ailvnntago* of aoch a Botic® ovarjr pateatv« uotlf r»tanU. This larir • and RnUndidlr' «*d nawapanar ' ia publß-hfd WKfiKItT at anJ It I ladmittad t(* ba tna belt paper l> acieuoau ! mechaoio*. inventiona, onKinoarinff worka, and i other dapartiaania of in.l ant rial prograaa. pub liahad is any coantrjr. It ron Ulna iha namaa of I oil naUmUaa andtiiUof avary laraouon patap*d I aaoh Try it four wootba for oua dollar. 1 Bold by all nawadaalara. . If yen liata an invantion to pat*«t writa to ! Minn A To.. pubUah«»r« of Soiaoliflo Auicrioan, 111 '•owiwajr, New Yt»rk. I Uaudbogk a tout patent* mailed frao. ; THB DOCTOK F/i YO; "! mrrte- ' nr»d /Wi\ taairi «^te- ■ : 'TspUgy. •.•vv'.T'.-V- : V VvV'"-' That Wonderful Combination TAYLOR'S SSg&SI SWEET CUftS and S^UiLLSt-,^. it cJoen more th«n any preacriptton writ ten! both plants ar© highly modlHml." 21 B. 'Hio :woot Oura 00-.aoa ft*»Tu ih« South# re 1t,.-u:ip a'..l in highly iSxpeotornnt, whUotbt STullclr. «r. 1 twmMntrt tlioy t_r* simply A t-ERFFOT RKJWL'DY. A COLD *k« .'rct -d loiaa tocevjoiui rr*ulta, CUCTF" a? tat- V;u j-iur homo without vurrlt.f, W f TOCi'"Ti "• CO JGII *o annoying r.nd pair - readily to tbo •coioi-v- .'.ACiO #»GVa« IHiyJcr'd Bwrr«t CTuta nn»v atulloin. BROKCH j :« -• r.d ABTII- Y.A. left M ual iiulo>> t*3. will load to CO:. SUMPTION, rtr.d thaaeitijuu-kly rrUeveeand positively «a.-«u. INSI&T ON HAVINQ i T. Dr. Qullßfui, Ih'j Jcv.lin* pbynlolaa of Clre*t r.l-i, on Luiyf and L'roncair.l Troufcloo, r-»co:nniond* "Mullein" adfl/ly forcev 1 ten jr tine CoU Oil for Consdt-pi\on. L."*3lrT'- r » ' ■ *• ***♦»•. . IT (8 eHIfAGAW/ /. • .'.STABLE r.-itl i.» U.- ;d i, r ill FLAWI and J- | fan . cttaahde thn V;rv.»t coVme y - m ..;* r •... • ly,*vlc.. ; exr-o."' T u-.~ i ..mee. »«kro'i •• . . - d*e" If h J d(. "5 . . ;»n • tiir* c-'r. orr '• ci. *-.ypart ©i Hi* Xi. : r« ... • l • Th. a. . . . *• rt*., On. FCH ALli DOWrfj TliX - ».» .'l Tw'" »!d« v.'Ai ■ • t fjuuuurn i BI|(onP Cordial. 50 • al Ei-'cglat*. TSfI.OB'S ?REHIUS CCL2GNE iSIHEBESL OAK HIDGE INSTITUTE. D.') V« V. !toI ' . M .t trOMl VH'i iMiiiiiiJJ amS |u >v i wihc Siiiuu( !»«•>« i i • CO IlipiflC 1101 l l' - I 'U '• I>o you wish to leurn to be a Teuihr, ,to > books, prepare for tin? University, oi to • m course of st inly '■* It* i-r. -ulth-csM, j. x & ii. ii. iioi/r, OAK CiJXJK INsTt rrT ~ OAK Unx.i;, N. *' N \t l* riu August Jilh. rruporty lor Sale ; I) W. it. Peppor having oonrlutlid not to ...• ■• itli liisl niils to ?Voi t (\in»l!iia. !; : i"i K.iio oil v»;iy r ;»->o üblo lorms. In lit !•• . •! " : »li;Ooa«Ti « in ll .■ tov I! übtilj, N. km-'.vn . th' J% lei •,i V pl.i *. Til" 1 s ■ i• l '.' ! two . M/, t; *. nxMii k. .• i uajuco •!• ut);. ;! atj., *. J . i 1« --in»- ; iLof a iiiatiy, aotl 1 . : iiu., moji.-. . • r .i will c\- t > M'Uul to 11 i« '• . 'i ..u'l tl •• nMiiaimier at tli'o cml oi ano t\so years. Indies wishing to pur rl 1 a can *uU on Ja.. A iuthin i»lat*c >\ho M ill show, thorn tiic pruffrty. Danbury, N. C\, I>cc. Ist tf. LUMBER WANTED —m* THE- Norlh Carolina FcA,Y£ri*£F €Q> ori'ic i. AND r vnoBY sali S.IL'/M, v. wiJiMros. KIUJS FOU CI'TTING lIAMH WOOD 1.l MIIKU. I.'ut li- r-t wllh »qii;ire audi anil »f exen 1 11 tir 1G fcot long. fc*ni«l 10 Mtiri'luiiitabU', but I-l KlilCT ljK\lMIS Altll MUM' UESHIAUI.E. WALNI'TANI) CHKRItr I>UEFEUUKI>. Saw all Lumber lull thickness, 1 .■>»! - iiiClies thick, with square and eiuls. itri.r.s roil i vst»Kt tsov Stltcti— Muxt lio not lu*h than I*. inrlic- wlilc wi'li not n» .n» than 1 knot, I inch in diameter or 2 inch a i«ru*Ut niji. CuMtHfth InclmloH Tiiimht- n*t 111* u, «'le?t * a.i! than 5 Ine'u- whit», rtoo tr. -.n licart ohi. .*t or rot, mln. U) ol' tinoc 1 in. li Knotn and wip on one Kido. Culls -hirlml.' Mll> 'en,.'th ami width n : •• , eiio *ch for comnt in, in ». ii'.i'h i»t l«w thiiu j oi it; half in tl» for lIM>, PUU'K.N I'All> FU i.l'MlHdl riilM^i PKKI' i>t;:.i VKI:EI> AT urn I \ TOUV. So'e l.'Muiaoi. Cub Walnut and cherry ) t'!.« Vci. j*ojiiai'i mi»li bh'i'ii I/O 1I Swco! inai'lo t\ >* I 1.00 LumbO takou in oxch lor Furniture t • f!.«• N.C. I uriiltuieCo. Salem \ ! j ||v (CAN YOU ANSWER IT ? I WHY I'WTnR WE VVT CIIAIinK- n b'or freight, drajage, cgni'ii:?- w , noil, storage, ete., on FurnilureßjO j iliippoJ hero Irom tie North andfelj rt'ea I, wlics: JOU tin buy equal |->fl •y H8 if not bettor K:irui-I H| lire aiude here at home, by the Hffl v ' , rih Curolitia Furniture IV ,Vi jmß or much I':fs uinnev ' tiueli »- «3 I i.jjilcdsteads, Bureatia. Wsrdrnbe HP M 'liamber .suits, W.i>ligt m Un .'hins Clouels, Kxtensiuu Ta SS| '!e», Centre Tubles, Pwj'af'.i. ve. Then I say pa mc Fl ! llM'i'l'UK nianuiact'.i g/J |fc|jjrcil by m THE NORTH CAROLINA L s URN IT URIi F.«etory, N.lcm S(. C" , HHWhere titer hav. one of the Wji quipped Furniture FiietorioHj the S.utli. Nothiug Shoddy H Ml work warranted. Wriledi^Hj t# fa-tory for I*t i o» pPf C- F. &.Y. V. RAILWAY • ny. CONDENSED SCHEDULE A V 29 Taking eilbct 0, a. m., Mondity. Dee. 111, 'S7. TRAINS MOVING NORTH. I'ass. .V Kr'lit A Mail i'au. l.v 1 iettnellsville 1 s :iti ,t m l :)tl ji ui Ar Slnxiii .' II 4 I l.v MllXtnti 1137 I |.-> \r Fa.irlleUHe II „tt - |o Lv Faveltnville 1/ '-5 j. in s ■.i it: Ar 5a:,f..,,l j » 17 l.v Saul-it'll ■: I') I . Ait; nsboio IKK) 7-4." I.V ti • lis I,OK) 11l |l| a 111 Ar film Jit 1 luupiu ami Mail N'n I Dinner at Sanfiird. I'ass. A Mail No 11 diniier ;.t (>uriiiatitun TKAINS MOVINt. M>U 111. l ass. & 11 lit A | M ' I 1W l.v I'll 4 Ml t 4 Hi j. 111. At (■iri'llbbi'i.i s 111 ! I.V I ""1..111 7-I" (111 Ar Stnl'urd 1 ill) |im L' lfipiu Lv /Mill nl 150 I8 16 Ar Payi ttevfllo i \:> 7 W L> i'a.v.iUeviilu -i o'J j .*> ;I0 tin. .vr M.ixuui , 11 Oil Lv Maxton J4" I 4 4"> Ar lie 11 ti lUville Ijj OUui I >i ■ ten . • ■ ■ • W eiln. -' r. 1 11.1 \ .ill. j • 11. .ill- a'.d lioro on lli . > «uid .~-a:tiuiav s. Miiia on F.i ti>iy lira,tcli ni 11 ilaily e\ cent^uiHlay. ( b .• •mill, ion • -mid •al ..\ion wit,, M"! N.i l 1 ; t\,r.u..t | .or Trains I •ui 1 ' '♦ ilini i ton. .. iv V LE. (I u'l i ; ; > j'l. (ail a' Geo. Stewart s for your TOBACCO FLUES Winston, N. (I. Aug Uly LOOK FOR Tllli , ' Big Bid Ifilllfj, N KXT TO MK. 8. E. A I. L EN'S HARDWARE STOKE, For an 1 tilling yon intend I biiyiii'J iiibhe liui'Ht' i or saddle line. * " " " Bcccivcil ilrxt '^rcmiuaii'lit State Fall. -(O) liarness. Collars, liridie", Saddles, t llalteri), Whipti, Spurs, Saddle Cloths, tl Iloine-made Wagon Whips anJ Lashes, ' Bitv'k Rands, etc., Lap Spreads, Fly ~ Nets, Brushes, Curry Combs, and every thing in the Harness uud Saddle Line. •i. W. Shiploy, s. k. corner of Court Houso Square, Winston, - - - - - - K. C. k Agent for Fat. Riveted Seam Col lars, best collars in thu world; harness cannot slip off--guaranteed not to rip. Mexican Mustang • Linimsnt cuniajo Selatics, Soratches, 1 Cantrnctod Lmr.bago, Bpraiui, , Kuocioa, Rheum atiea'.. Strains, Eruption®, Burns* Stitches, Hoof Ail, Scalvb, Stiff Joints, Bcrew Stinga, BsckacliP, Worms, Bites Osll?, 8 winner, Bruise?, Bores, Saddle Galls, Bankme, Spavin Piles, Corns, Cracks, THIS GOOD Of.D STAND-BY accomplish t for nsaclly what iaclslmed ; ft»rli. Ono of tiii» renanua for the popuUrlty of , the UuatanK I Inlmont it f .»ndinlta uulvsraal ; II pi>tl« nhllity. Kvoryirt'««r n«*U»s»K-h unietllelne. I Tlir Lamberraaunctni* il in CAM of acchlent. The tlouaefrilo needs It for KcnerHlfimTlyuee. The Cnwnlcrneed* It for hJa teamsnnd hi*men. j The Mechanic ue«vl* It alwsys on hU work j hanch. I The M iner neetl* It In «o»e of cmoretmry. The l'lanerrncr lalt- mu'tr.otalongwHhontit. The ' urwrr nwdn It In hb houw% hie stable, I •iul his stock yanl ) Tbo Hteniabnnt mnn or tko limdiaftu nee»la It la liberal supply afloat». d aalu re. Tfto llerM>fai:elrr n«f.U 11-it bi th frf.'iid and ee/eat rcllsoeo. TUe hi«>ck.Krn*.\ c-t ik-c-Sp it—lt Will aare Win thnuannda of t! liars and a \*orld t u-nubla The Katlrond na.\n aeodalt an«l will need It ao long aa hla llfo Is .1 round of •eefd'ttite nnd dau^fra. Tko Hack itaatfslt. Tbcrt' te noth ing like It am en antidote fer the d».nsjr» to UXe, liml> und oomtort wMch aurround tiio plonoor. The Merchant aecda U*lx>t* bU storesmene hU empkiyeea. Auoliwiu will happen, and whaa tbeao come the Mnstaaf Ualmeot Is wanted atonea. Keep a Settle In tie Uoaee. Tls the beat oC eoaaotny. Keep n llortleln the Fnntarr. Itsl»ta«dlata : *»«. In f-nae of accident pala *ud fos' if wngea j Keep u. lletlie Alwaya lu the Stable for j aae xrbe® wanted. IgSti 1886 P !T • z ! s >*. Cj c ../ 5 r* €=| CI £ jq rv.. •. ii'o m .I£s; if! iT ■ srl - "rr ~ \ ™ 1 "J'"3 i - S?3l| % V thr§ I : - S r " Ol ; £ S sW? rr Z .... s k-h 4 £ 2* 5 b / J - ! h i i oz 1 Z~ ■ I c-f ■ - ?!!!>?!' '-t 3 u „„ r " 5--® | 2»• i- tr-: ; W i. Z> ~ - c = 5 !.M o h jr £3 y i. 3 =*® I J' J j- ~ p «. -»■ "->S 1 - = |.g 'C~I 1 r *2BBl 75881,1 ll LAND WARRANTB WAJ4TCD. U \t tuwliiig to tli ■ hittj act |kvs«»«l hy Con-' almost every person -h awing a Pen- j \ .ion is entitled to a Land Warrant of 100 I acres. I, the uiKlersignod f will pay eighty ' dollars for every Land Warrant of one littii-' ' dretl ami sixty acres, and desir every per- ] ion who draws # |>cnsion and lias not ob- I •jaiie-d a Laud Warrant to coiniuunicat4 > * with me. G. L. BUKTOX, 8 Deer Trail, Colorado. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS FOR 88SS Landreth's and Buist's, AT ASHCRAFT § OWENS, • - IST. C or SIGN 02' TEE E:G GOLD MORTAR. Tljls space is reserved for J }; ftA|l V"» -CiJ> ■£.» ¥ | WhO is now receiving at his store "Walnut Cove, IV. (X, A t'MWM Ai-'iK if QF Si(\'Kt|Si MH'tjCflSX'Dißfi, Including a large lot of aMMag, First-class Family (Irocprics, Shoes liooots W\» which will he sold low for cash or am ntnj produce. SifOXfliti,? 00. i /'/«? Largest Manufacturing Esfublishnientin the South Have cs'ablislicd 111 Greensboro, N. 0., a branch house, where they will keep a luge sti.i.k of ih-'ir goud> as well everj other lino kept in a lirst-alusj Furnitar* l House, viz : CHAMBER SUITS PARLOR SUITS, BED LOUNGES, WARDROBES, TABLES, CLOCKS; PICTURES. FANCYAAI) PL.iLA CHAIRS, of all kinds, which will be sold cheaper than ever known in Greeuibero. Don't Forget the l'lana, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE MCADOO HOUSE, ! For City Trade GouJm on Installments, [ U'R. FORMS, Man tiger. --»■» ». i ~ i iiiiir rn • mmm ■&m BITTERS mow wttk rr«n. Ttomili TOXICS, qulrklj oud tompMtlr (tMSUS i.nd KXUUIIKM TIIK BIX>OU. Ouiikaaa tho actios of Uio Lhcr and Kldncj a. (Imti tka completion, nir.kcethe akin Mouth. It doe* not injure tho teeth, ctuw fceodaoie, or prodorvMtv t t!pat lon -ALL OTHKB I DON IKIHCISKS DO. I'uj otuiana atul DniflgUUerorTwhare reoomnand It I'H. N. 8. UroQMM, of MTHAI. MM*., NN; "I r •cimni'ii't rown'b Iron BlUom m a vahiabU knoio lor nnricliinr tho L!• «• 1, «jid nnuritif all d/apapuo b/MpUMnn. lfc di w nut hurt tho tooth.** Pn. R. M. 1 >ii.ZKt.L, R*»nold*. lad,. Mjn: "I hava proacriltnd Hnm i?a Irun Bittera in mm of an:i-niin nnd blood duicnweh alao *h»u a tonic wag liimhlm], nnd it HA* p:1,•.«*.! thoroughly aaUafaeWwy." flu VV .r brans. *JBHt Mary Ht . Kuw()rk«, U. w»>n: '• Itiown'n Iron Bittera reltavwl ni>- In a MM i.t blood p-.ii ininir. and I beaituy cotnmcud it to th"-** n*to.{inr( a blond purifier. Mm. W. W M >m ailaM,Tttacnvbia, Ala., •MJ*.: "I have lMn IP uliM tr>ra cbildbo««d with Impsra 1(1 *wt nnd eruption on my laco- two buttUw af jir»«n'i, Iron Bit ton* affected a perfm-l rtu». I cannot epook Um> highly of thia valuable medicine," Genuine ban aboto Trade Mark and cmeaed rodtinas on wrapper. TnUr no Other. Mario only bf llliVW S I'UKUiUL CO.. il ALT IMOUK, MA ISP. COATS BIST YOU aAN BUT IT OFI if, A. |.£s&, VT JOBBER S PRICES. WALXUT COVE, Jf. C. INIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA CHAPEL HILL, N. C. pin-: SI:s8Ion is imyiokd INTO two 1 hit MS, ii** liis' beginning tin* last Thursday iuAi ;ust n»! ending at luiBtma>, llm m*c«b4 " ginning raiiy in January and ending tirat L'lntisduy in June. Tuition. $BO.OO for u h tenn. For room rout and service, ss.o# >er term. Those uuahle t«» pay tuition are illuwcd to pivo tlieir notes, secured if immm> >le. Tuition in (lie Normal Course fro*. t Graduate instruction also free.. Thm faculty is now suttlriently strong t» fire nstruetlon in .i wide range of Mtudie*. For terms in the Law School apply N# [on. John Manning, LL. 1). For l'au»- ogue# apply to \V. T. Patterson, Bursar, Jha|»el Hill, X. (J. For s|»ectal inforaaUe* ippiy to KEMP P. BATTLE LL. D.