Tha Reporter and Post THURSDAY. JIAK, I>2 1158. J Topics at Home. MimMM laiiti &runn«l l)nubnry,| ftatf Uuatj Ua«n- Kriefl.v TolU. ••A •kid's atnauy you tuko'li ■ ten, Ai, faith. he'll f»rcut it." sub.criber who fails to receive Ik* ItironTEß AND POST every week is raqaesteJ to report the failure. We! *ut to sea where 'lis fault is. Court April 16th. 8«* "MB 5:57, aets 0.03. Fall Moou next Tuosd.y. Master eomes on April Ist. Th aspen trees have tassel* I. A new mill wheel is boiug put iu. t,eagt!i of to- day I*2 hrs., G mm. Keep your chiumey* burnt out tills I ■Skill. Mi**, Judy I'ace of Daurtlle, Va.,! ia »isiting here. Try tk* d.t rk green aofTee that I'eppei J A Seas aro selling at 2'2 cents. Th. K*s tiler *f Deeds lias issued but i two licenses to marry this uouili. -> "Seed" ".Seed" "Seed." A fresh lal at Brown's Drug Store, Winston. Brewa's Drug Store, Winston, N. C.,l ia Haadijaarters for dings, medicine* Ae. The plaintive and tender notes of the turtle dove, fell upon our vara this week Died—A: Stokcsburg, Mooilay, Mar. 12, Ana I'., w«dow of tli* late William 1 Lath. The robins are affording our festive! apming citizens a goodly aaiuuut of gauging. Dr. W. V. McCanless ex'endec hi*' kaud ts us on his return last Saturday from Baltimore. : /"eppet k Sens want a gallon of little klaek t *ni»u seed for whteb they will j pay a fair price. At Brown's Drug Siore, W inston, N. C., y«a can got speeial pr ces iu oils, raraisbes, paints \c "Trusses'' "Trusses" "Trusses," ! a»ory oac guarantee! 11 (it or no sale j at Brown's Drug S ore, Winston. A large lot of fresh garden seeds just j reaeired I'roui D. J.atnlreth ,t Sons at Aakeraft k O wens, Wiuston, X, C. | Peerl«M [I arness oil end imported' Caatar oil for csrrugoe, btig t 'i*« fio. at Aakarafl A Oweu«, Druggists, . s c. Thin win ly weitlur of airly »;iri it aoald be taken advautuf of by the boy for iuduliring iu the inn icent diversion •f kite flying. Polecats have been seldom seen in tb* Brawn Mountiau country during! tk* las; twanly years, bat one was kilt- j *4 at Mr. T*m tiimiaun's lut week. I Th* election on the Stock io the , pertien *f Quaiier Gap township held Hatardsy March 10, resulted as fallnv.s:' 42 for atock law, 51 agslust stock law \ The open weather duriug the last ' week hos b en a very native one with ■ tke farmers as the ground ha* not been tn a condition to plow sii ca Claisl asaa. Wo hear that the passenger train made ita flrsl trip last Tuesday to Flat j Shoals on the Arrarat river abeut six aoiUi Tfotii Pilot Meuntaiu sta. tion. There are 5 prisoners in jail awaiting trial at tlu April teriu of Court, two white (male and female) and tno eol'd ■ (malt); and oae colored female for cost*. The Pepper Mining Co., liar* shipped 1 a large numbur of specimens of miner als ta parties in the North and South,' who aro interested in Stokes county |>ro*pects. Don't neglect your garden it you would hare plenty of early vcgtables, plant pleuty of good Seeds and plant them early, uot lorgeting to have your g ronnd ia good flx: Meaers Houston Bros , of Greeubo-! ra, kave bought and sold 180,000 eggs, a**tgh to nourish some 90,000 persons for a afesl allowing two eggs fur eaeh par so a aad mora rabbit akius than any Iraatin tke State. ;>■& $190.00 will now buy the Farmers Saw Mill, SIOO.OO (he Pixie Planer, $i75.00 the (1x24 inch Tar Heel Plan ar and Matcher. Manufactured by tb« Naletß Iron orks, Salem, N. C. Write for Ml descriptive circulars. I>a not decide the question i f what j youkbail wear this spring and sutiimer ( have seen the new styloa at Saaple Brown's On* Price House, 1 tireaqaboro. Tbi*pw*r>of free advice I* for both sexes and.all ages, llrowu's stylei aro correct, hw gooods are frt*h and reliablo and people who have tra ded with hiui a long time say that tiis prices are alwav* the lowest. —■ H || The followiig aro the buying prices j of produce in Danbury: oats 45 to 50 I j cents, wheat 75 cents to sl, rye 75a., ! i 1 Burn 50 to CO, peas (JO, chet rios , black- ! ] | berries 8, raspberries 121, damsons | 11>, 1 unpcrled peaches 3, blight peeled 1 ■ peaches ii, 4 unpeeied peaches 2, fancy j | peaches 10, i apples 21, bright sliced i apples 1, fancy sliced apples 5, honey 10, j i j beeswax 18; chickens 10 to 15. butter j | 10 to 15, oggs 124, chestnutssl,gubers j > (peanuts) Si' 2, vinegar 25 to 40 (scarce), ; ] rabbi*, skins 15 cents, possum skins 8 lets, noon .kins 10 to 25 cts, otter skins i 75 to §l , berver skins (cleaned of fat) j75 uents per pound green hides 5 and ' i dry hide 10 cts, tallow in cakes 44 cts, I and gooso featb-ers 50 ccats. Durham Tubacc Plant : Keiietuber i the times and alaces for the Democratic 1 i Coi.'ciitioua. The Sue Oauvoution | niueis at Haleigh, May 80, th* Nation !al Cunveotion rt St. Louis, June sib Cleveland will bo nominated at St. Lou i ia. Who will be uouiiuated at llal | eigh ? I Fayettevillle Observer : The citi- i/.ens of Mt. Airy will celebrit* the | eompl-tin of the O. P. A i". V. K.ll, ia I May by a grand trade display, a cavalry ; display, etc., etc. Tliey expect a iarge crowd and a big tn;ie. The run of I -had is reported to he better this year i than over bcfoie. \>* fuppus* that we I ire now reaping the fruits of the J ('oiumi?sinti. Shad have boen an expen -ive luxury, but we hope, now that the i may reach a lignic low cucughn for ' all. ;i43«JAOE IJCCttES 7'tio mnrtiaje wer« returned TO tUe Ucgisttr of I>red-! aioce 1 our Ust report • Kll;« .) 25. Netrtoi &ri«2 KlizaUeth L. : Wiu. A. WliitiugtoD aod la*.iui."*# Kiton : «l•1m G. Wood aid I laucindi Kf»« ; Alexander \\ kite and fiuura J. Tut tit. V?: TCI.L vol I*L4INLY 11 at Simuious Liver /Regulator will rid vou of !)>ap- 4 psiu, Ilrndaelie (Ymitipa- I 'ion, au 1 l>illio , itiiioria It will boeak up ' 1 I ■ hills and fever and prevent their re-| turn.rnd is a complete antidote fer all mil inal pt ison-- yot entirely free from •lisini ne ur calomul. Try it, and yoa i Till be astonished at the good reaulta of 11he genuine immotis l,i/er llegulater, ( lirepared by J il. /.eiliu A Co.* RIKG IIGGD Ve regret to tee so much preparation | Il all sides for a tobacco crop, i It seems to point to the result—tobacc* loan to comparatively nothing, and the ! larger portion of our farmers corn and I neat buyers. We don't object to our i people growing tobacco; but we tell I yell to uiake your meat and bread at home: then phut what tobacco you eaa 'ffiike good. Hemeiubcr the tiiu* for j buying provisions on mortgage is past. fhen remember that we do aot have • ! >uch a ero;. veal as the last one, one* in ! j ten years; and plant j'ist what eora yea think will do yea. If yea da, tktre I uiny be u wet or dry apell, and you will 1 i not make half enough: aid should th* season be just right, and have more j j ; than you need aud have uo market far i it, yon can put it into pork. »Ve don't I charge aay thing extra for'this advice, i and you can do as you pleas* about tak ing it. SHORT HAND. Hiort-band thoroughly taught by oar unproved meihod on Munson's System in from four to live mouths by corra apondence. Assistance rendered stu. deats iu getting gaod good positions. Success ouarranteed. Don't go to short hand schools at great expense when we can tench yon as well by mail at a nor iu:tl cost. Our instruction ts just as satisfactory, as nil exorcises and mi,takes | arc corrected and returned, aad ne* in struction given, thereby making it just 'as thorough as a uorsonal instruction. We will guarantee to e.arry a student to 75 words in four months if instructions are carefully followed. All of eur stu dents are pliccd in positions immediate ly upon graduation. Tuitton, limo ua i limited, 00; $5.00 payable in ad | vauco and $5.00 upon cowpletioa of course. Text Hooks and complete out tit; poat paid $2 Write us if you wish further information. UOOK.KEEPmU. { Uoth iugle and Doukte Entry, forms lof Mercantile, Uanufcaturing, Inau- I ranc* liaukmg, etc., togetker with all furms of Commercial Paper Calcala tions etc., taught practically by oar methods of correspondence. Sets arc worked and san'. for corrsetion. * e will guarantee to teach practicul book keeping in from three to moat lis if in-! structioas are followed or will refand ! tuition, l uitios, tiuie animated $10: , $5 payable in advance and $5 upoa j . completion af course. Books, Blanks, etc., complete by mail $4.00. Ad dress, BOUT UK EN HItORT-tlANtl BL'REiU, Chattanaoga, Tena. MILL SALE. 'I By virtue of a decree of the Superior , | Court of Mokes county I will sell OH Mon i day the Kith day of April, IHKH, the mill in Danbury, know n as Aaron Wauner's mill. Any one wishing a good plera of property 1 will do well to buy. Terms made known " on day of sale. i'Eils lUtli day of March i IHFS. U. U. CLENN, I Commissioner. When passing Walnut Cove remem-! ber that you will bo well cared for by 1 1 stepping at tho Walnut Cove Hotel, i kept by Mr. L. W. l,owis. A.ll 3m ' If you have (ore eyes call at Papperj l k Sons store and get a vial of that eel-1 ' ebrated eye water manufactured by for- ] mala used by Dr. John Pepper in his > practice fot many years, warranted to j' cure or money rol'irned. Only 25 cents ' 1 per bottle. | 1 IN ol i j llaviii!! qualified as executors of th« last i | will and tcMunient of Samuel S. Wall, de- , j ceased, we liereby give general notico loall ( persons in«lebted to *.ti(l eal.iU) wUeLber by bond or ae«\»iiul to eumt- foi ward and «iaak« 1 settlfUi.-nt aud all against aaid estate are raque»U*d to pnwent i tbfiu duly authenticated for payment u i or before the Ut day of March I#BW, or other- ( w ho this notieo will be plead iu barofthrir recovury. Febuary Ist 18H8. r. Wall. Al.ukrt J. Wai.l.. * Kxecijtors TAX NOTIC E. To Uelimjueiit tax payers of Htokea coun ty. Owing to the fine seasons which we hive had fjr in trkethiß tobacco, 1 will give tb« delinqueut.H one morn chance to pay their tax*s for the year lfc 1 *?. 1 w ill atta ul at thr follow ing tiine« and pl.acea for the purpose of collMC-ing taxes IV»r the year 18bS, via : Danbury, Monday March sth 1888. Waluut love, Tuoada.r 44 *lh 44 Germanton' Wednesday 44 Tth 44 Daltou I'hursday 4 * Hh 4 * Boyle's .Store Friday 44 tHh 44 Wilson's .Store Satur. " 10th 44 Veunble's Stt»re Monday 44 12th 44 Sinitli's Sto.-v Tacaday 44 13th 44 Francisco Wednesday 44 14th 44 Ca V. Smith's atnre Thur. 44 15th 44 Fair I'lay Friday 44 16th 44 • ! Shell#n's store Saturday * 4 17th 44 j ). H. storw, Mon, 44 lUtli 44 • 1 I'rvatooville, Tueaday » 4 30th 44 1 Fliun'a Stole, Wedneadty 44 'iaat 44 John Liiivvllle*a Thursday 44 12nd 44 The people will ph'ase mont me at the aiiove times and pi »ce», and par their taics • promptly, as this is my third and postively !mv last call. After the V>th ef March next | costs will be charged on every tickot. K. 1. Ualton, SbfT. Summons for Relief. North (' irolina, t In Stijierior Court. Mokes County, (j ; .lani«t3 M. Kiser and i Alfred Kiser, moii «if> Philip Kiser, dee'd., > p'aintifl's, against Wm. Folly Fer- | guson, Nancy Moore, j Alex Moori* and Mar iiaret Meore vife of| Creed Moore, lieirs of j Uamioa Kiser, Rlir.a , betli Davis aud Da- j ; vis Julia Draiium. t II h i t > Wesworelaiid, > Summons fer Hal iff. ! el. Ca W ostinoreUtid,) A. M. Westmoreland, j | K. J. ll.iiiscr, James I Laura Mer« | ntt. Kobert Hud Mrrriti; W. 11. I I Kiser, Michael Kisar, | j Alfred Overhy, Jaina-t I 1 Overby, JehnOverby, 1 Saruk Overby, Nancy J I HolJr and llolci, | I Cornelia Overby, S. I J E. Daniei J i L. J. Barr, ) I liaa - llarr and C. K. > I Kiser, defendants. y I To the .Sfieriff of Stokes County—Greeting: You are heraby comnusmfrd, to sum- | [ mon Wm. Kiser, l'olly Ferguson, Nancy j Moore, Alex Moore aud Margaret Moore. wif*j ef Creed Ma«»rc, heirs of liarman Ki ser; Kli/abeili Davis and - Davis, Julia Uraiuiii, Vhilip Westmoreland, J. C. West-1 rat»reland, A. M. K J. Hau sea, James llausar, Laura Merritt, Hobt rt ' Merritt, Hud Merritt, W. 11. Kiser, Michael | Kiser, Alfred Overby, James Overby, Joha Overby,Sarah o\erby, Nancy Holes aad -- Heirs, Cornelia Overby, S. E. Daniel L. J. Hair, Isaa.* ltirr aud | C. K. Kiser. Hie defendants above named, if they be found withiu your County, to aj>- j {war betore the Clerk of the Superior Court j for County of Stokes at hia •tliee in Danbury on Saturday the UUhday of May IsfW, and answer the ci iuplaiut, a copy of which will l* 4 de|>oaited intheolliee of said Clark Superior Court of said Ceanty within tan days from the date of the service of this summons. Ami let the said defendants take notice that if they fill to anawer said complaint within the iiin«' prescribed by law. the j platatifls will apply to the Court for tlie re- | lief demanded in the complaint. Kfreef fail not, aud ol this sumnoas make tine return. Given under my haad aad seal of said Court, this 20th day of March, HBS N. O.I'KTItEK. I Clerk ef Stokes Co. Superior Co art* | Notica to Non-Eesidsnts. North Carolina. > InSuperor t'ourt, Stokes Oonuty, ) U-lere tlio Clrrk. Jsuies M. Kiser and j Alfred Kiw-r, son .f > I'hillp Kl»er, dee'd.) I |»laintll!s, | I'etltloa tosell laud. against j Ord>*r. 1 Win. Ki»er, Tolly Fer- i jiisou andiitheis, de- ;> feiidants. } It appiarltu; (Vom the petition Bled aud sworn to in the above Aititlcd action that the defeudaats Nancy Mi sire, Kli*al»-th Da vis aud Davis, James O.ertiy, Naaey Ikiles, and pertiap. otliert whose names an no! known are non-residents of the Mate of Not til Carolina; and are necessary partiesto . this action; It Is therefore ordered that sendee of luni , mons be intV> on the abuse named defeu . dants bv putilieattoa In tlie Danhury Uk- POBT*B-PudT, a uewspa|>er publisbe.l In i Danlniry, far si* successive weeks. This tlie 20th day of March, IWH. N. O. I'ETRKE, Clerk of Stokes Co. Suoerior Court. ! The RkI'ORTF.R-P«iST ahuuld b«> regular weokly risitor to every family m tbiit county both fur the good ol tlic families and t'oruur own nake, uud for this on', aniciug u number of reasons; we are endeavoring to do a good >ervics by acquainting the punple with the county's history and resource*, thereby instructing our people in what they ,ugbt to know, and at the same time drawing the attention of individuals from abroad who may he induced to make in vestments here and introduce industries ! auioug us. And while we are working fur »b« interest of the county, at large, we feul we ought to hive it# substantia! •apfurt in the way of n liberal subsorip liua lie'., for as Bradford who published the fiist Bible is America uuder the colonial government, at Philadelphia, j aid iu bia aubacription prospectus 'printing is eostly;" and wlten wo rav "printing is costly" we are not tuk'ng iuto account any rcmemerulioii t«r ihu preparation of ibe mailer fui ibe paper, and lor couducUng tlio business. We furnish a paper which to say J lie least will not suffer in comparison *iih any county paper in tho State ; iutiecd there afe origiial articles, covering a vast and vaiied range of •jubjocts, regu larly contributed to this paper which we consider would do credit to the more pretentions oity dailies of the Sta'.e. ! Much attention it given in its coluuis to matters of uiorc than passing interest to i tha farmer,-and the fanning interest of 1 this county affects every one of its in habitants it is as yet paramount to ev ery etliei interest in this coumy. The ! vory latest general and statu news is given on tin) columns set apart for that department ; and its miscellaneous sc ' | lections are carefully sifted from its sixty exchanges. Sample copies sent on applica'ion j Send on your money a', once and then talk 'o all your «eigbbors afterwards and try to get thcra to subscribe. I'rudenec is a commendable virtue, but it is never seen in such b-jauty as i nhen a mother provides bcMolt with » bottle of l»r. Flints' Cough Sjrup for cases of emergency. For sale every where. tf. ' I vphold, Mvnrlct unit Yollon Fawn. l>lpilicr4n. krai:i yox. chol era, pic. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid will dc- | stroy the iafccliou of al! fevers and all contagious and Infectious diseases. Will keep the atmosphere of any rick room pure and wholesome, abioibing ! and destroying unhealthy and conta- i gion. Will naturalize any bad smell, whatever, uot by disguising it, but by distroyirg it. Ilso Darbys Prop .ylac »ic Fluid iu every sick room. ( LAND WARRANTS WANTED. 1 According tt» the lata act pMted by («n j almwi erwy percoa drawing a Pen *ion i« entitled te a I .And Warrant of 160 acrae. L the will pay eighty dollar* for every Ijiiid W'arraat ofone hun dred and Aixty acrae, and doeir every per tan who drawi a pension and has not ob s.tinrda I>a:iJ Warrant to coatmuuicaU: , uithme. •. L. BI'KTOX, Doer Trail, Colorado. , j THE WEEKLY NEWS AND OBSERVER THE WEEKLY NEWS AND OB SERVER is a long ways the best paper ' ever published in North Carolina. It is t a credit to ilie people jind to the State l The people should take a pride in it. ilt should bo in every family. It is an eight page paper, chook fuil of tjio best jsort of reading matter, news, market i reports, and all that. You cannot afford Ito be without it. Price, §1.25 a year, j We will furnish the. WEEKLY NEWS AND OBSERVER until January Ist. 11M89, for sl. Send for sample copy, i j Address NEWS AND OBSERVER CO., RALEIGH, N.C. | OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE. D' jO YOU wish to patronize a good licrinauent and progre*lve School, I Do you Willi to get a caiuplrte rami ded education ? Do you wish to learn to be a Teacher, to ; keep books, prepare for tlie University, or j to finish a good course «f study ? If so address, J. 1 &. >l. 11. UOIX OAK KIPOK INSTITUTE, Oak UutuK, N. C\ Next term begins August Oth. Valuable Property for Sale Dr. \V. K. Pepper having concluded not to remove with lilt family to Hert Carolina, ofiors for sale on very reaso lrbl»terms, bin hoita* and aluml throe acivs of land iu the town ol P. anbury, N. L\, known as the Aa ron Wagner place. The house is a good two story, sii room building, with kitchea and baru conveniently arrauged for the com f.>rt of a friuily, and boarding houae. Pur chaser will b«» exacted tapav half tha price cash, and the remainder at tha end of one aud two years. Parties winbins; lo pur chase cau call mi Jaa. A Pepper iuthis place who will show them the p.t»| erty. , Danbury, N. C., Deo. Ist lko7. tf. THB DOCTOR i»A recoirmcr.u and r |§f&gp I a: A f c.ifn:.p;or A' ; V'fs w ■ Thct Wonderful Combination TAYLOR'S reSeT;/ ! GViSET GUEV3 r.r?d UIULLh ! ttO' 1 ? nor l tsnn ony prcacr!ot!on x i v tt>r; both p!nnto aro highly mcdlolnul." If. JJ. T.ic Rwi-ot Gum comca f:\ :r i!s.- Cv. r.jr.p n*. lio Uif hly I"xr>c *urnnt, while ttt? K k". r. id Utici..v "l;ic.i i and Urm oombhteU tv y . i • i .ir.j>!y f f>S«IFEC f RET.: 1:2 1. A COLD ; t. J !•:..!•• ! rc v • ■ s . | nttaokA jour itouio v.ithci » i , ' > COUCIII MJ I .t p • ..!• . 1..1. > ; to tho lire:... •. !y f \UIO r D ' , Uv.*cot Oum a,..t . L;.O.fv'll. 'Jit, •. .u! .x.'-V'l. MA lfll tu-ittondce to, Avltt lead to OONCUTj'I'HOK, nt.d thee,' 1. quickly r Mirnd posl'ivoly oarcs. a:: ct O:. haVi jo IT. Dr. Qui m, V j le"dl»r »n of Groat Ih - ; Lt:. .. !.rl Bio: . -1 ' 1 '■> r " ".tin ; "Jlullolu"imfifty bottc. . i Liv.i o*l : for Com nmp'icn. C iTKrrp li l- tl>; huu-j. IT is FLEABA::T t latadu?. end iu thft JUicrt known i ?medy In t..0 world : v all Throat . ..1 leirj trouble:. J- % ..J r'.i date tho l thrnt '1 enr-.L:-! rn i to t".i- f •»'! r'.». .r.. rtlons 1 tiwily, air.jvt exploration : tlic ooti rh \ ' aton-o. Askyoufd.ucciJtforlt. I If ho does not K«ep it, 1 , fO* « 1 only,axj itoanypUft ; of thi> U. 8. on .t of 81.C O. , Tho W\ A. "W..JU fi., AttnMt , Om FOR AI.L HOV/KL TIIOUTILL2 r-.ndChildxon T«v -!. | laff. "'" 0 tliii- in' "t Cotithcrn remedy 3Jr. B 4 gcrorV | I Huokloberry Oo 'aal. Co , .ntaet Umc^ietn. mon'S PREMIUM CCLCGff£ Yi THE BEST. C- F. & Y. V. RAILWAY i* oy" v u ' n.w . I COXDE.S SKI) SC HE DLL E .Y) 'J'.i j Taking ofli *t C», a. in., Monday, Dec. 1». 'ST TBAIXS MOVING NOKTII. Paet. A Fr'ht .V Mail PrtttS. Lv BennetUtHTe - s sfi » m '• •' • p •' Ar Max ton | 0 D '•> Lv Max ton t i» .*>7 j Ar I''a\ etteville ,11 MJ 10 j Lv Fayette* llle |JI 05 pm v . I Ar St ford 2 17 !- -«» pm | Lv S tnford 1 li 44 1 Ar(treensboio ! (100 ]Lv (.rc-ns-onro 110 10 am !Ar Pilot Mt I 8 001» lit ( I Passenger and Mail No 1 I)i:r .. .;t I'urd I Pass. & Maii No 11 diunei' . ; 1 ■ 111 TRAINS MOVlNti -SOl . L. Pa»4>. Ki Lt Ma'l !'>» . ILv Pilot Mt j I 10 pin j Ar (•recnnboi'o ... j s 'lo Lv (iro»*:is!ioro j lOtHJain 7 m Ar San ford j 1 -JO p:n !' pm jLv .SanfosM 1 *»0 •" l.*» j lAr Kaveltevillo (4 15 , 7 1: "» Lv Fayotteville I :i » •• .50 am .\r Maxton. -7 ' 00 i Lv Maxl iti 0 I'J , -i Ct Ar Iknuettaville |* uO i I'jU'ui j Passenger aud Mail Dinucr at Satifmd. Passenger and Mail Tiaiiu n» *-'aily »'x is*pt Sunday. and Acronioila; ion 'I i. ' 'iu b" twecn 1 ue'isvilie and 1-ay» h ville o: Monday>, WedneMlaya uud ! ».i> -> and b. tkveen Kujetteville and on I l'uesdays. Thill.silay.s and Saturday. Trains on Factory li ranch run daily ex-' cept Sunday. ('lose conneclioTi is niadi al ..xton with f'urolina Central llailw.iv I'asscjiger Train • r to and fioni Wilmington. W . K. KVLK. «'n"l i'a «. Agent, j J. W. Kit V, (ion'i Sup't. Call at Geo. Stewart's for your TOBACCOFLUES ; Winston, N. C. Aug lily E| CAN YOU ANSWER IT ? |.'p MiI.VIIV PAY llll". HEAVY IIAI«.|- I'Nir freight, drayaeo, cmiiniis-rSS*! • i>itt, Htorago, etc., on I'itruiluri i&tj ; flipped liere from tto North inwigSfl \Vcst, wlicr. V"ti o»ubuy ly asjo.iJ, if iint better I'lirni-I.HB 1 lure ma Jo hero at borne, by ilnjran Vorth Carolina I'urnlturo Co tor mucli l 'ss money ' Such n-|ijH liediteatls, ISurcaus. ' t'liamber suits , Waslietaiuls ,{B9 (.'liina Cl.isel", Kxteiiiimi 'IV gW bles, Cenire Tables, I'ruvisioiißn I Safox, &c. Then I say 111 \ PSu I lie FUltNLTl'ltK njinuin.i nRJ THE NORTH CAROLINA ll FURNITURE (KKHi YVtetnry, Nuli'in Vt' , Bffl . Whore the? have one of Ibe bes'lH 1 Hiu tho South. Nothing Shoddy SLfiy ! ■H All work warranted. Writodi-^H ! UNIVERSITY Of NORTH CAROLINA CHAPEL HILL. N. C. rpitK HKS4IOS IS IHVIDICI) ISTIJ IVT# , I KKMH, ill* Hi.l I'eeinniog tli« last TharjiUjr I* A«- and rmlhiu at f'liristloas. Hi. leglanlng early in January and Cii* . Tburatiay In June. Tuition. f»r | «aelil«rm. for room rent andnurvi««,fS.W per term. Tlioae unable to pay luitian wa all«« ad tn give tbeir untat. aacnred if paari- I bio. Tuition In the Normal >mi« fr». l'oat Uraduate nl».i fi** Tl» ' FaenUy is now nulfi.'ioatly atrang !• gi'» ! initruetion iu a wide range of .taoiaa. j Fur tenns'ln tin 1 S.-bool »Vf'r "" Hon. Jobn Manning. 1.1.. 1). For lollies npplv to W. I'. l"alter«on, gm*" ' Cha|s 1 itili, X. C. For special Infornallaa apply to KEMP I'. HATTI.E 1.1.. V- LUMB ! £K ,7Art —ItV I llii- Xorth Carolina I'OTE'M €&- \ il'fi' . \ N'n KA' TORY f AILMUtK.MH | SAI WI. X- WINNiOK, K. €. j HULK F« II CUTTINti HARD * N % .« D Ll'Mi KU, . . i !i • , i ire etivis an ! f even liu ! I J!or 10 feet long. Sand 10 an M«*c ;b|. . but II FEK I' LENGTHS . ii DESiUALLE. WAI .i'TAMX 112 in PKEKEKUED s.iw .1 i Luinl.t . full thickuots, 1 aud - i «!. •.-» thick, wl "i nare edges and ends. r ?:i i**i»*:c;tiox 'I ;-t i.r • •» iliitii«» inohOM wide with u-i inrc t'. r ■ knot, I hull ia diameter or 2 »« he !,rl * • sap. • in-. In ' I m" not up to *«• Ifft» Rtil i.ti !i?hh t •iur.f* wide, fm- from * ii-t ot.x.lm Uol 1 Inch Kr. JIKKIUI .i niu HMC. Cn'.' !ii« lu'l . •: . tli and whlth n»it goixi ("lu.ijik t fimi, in which uot lciw than one hall' K lit Uir tit*, Pilirp.S PAII* K«»U I.tWIHI.K I*Kit 10» i : :.r hki.l vin.icn ATOPK kai TOHY. f elect Coaunoa. Cullm " » ltittt rind elicrry l»s.»K) JPl.oo Yd. |».»| Ur. iu»h birch I. 0 1 C 3 .7^ iet gnm maple & i 1.23 *I.OO ,*»5 !. i.ilf. taken in cxcliau«re IVr Karniture l.r tho XX'. I uriillurn e«. Kuleai \ f! 1886 18HG' zz flij =3> -- - P. —h •"• f, —j >-* Li 3 s tn UzhVi* - « c* 'z. >t! * = A'-' "-i-i g Z £.»=• J TJ a—a c l' K?3 «fI I. 2 -•ra i'S- t C sWI ix-2 I- s >s?r cs - - • Z'- a—" ° if i i K si' §.w o l-S Hg.- ts 'i|i Oa o _ 1 : Jz ri "• ~ T'Ssi 'sm FRKSH GAKDEK SEEDS FOR Landreth's and Buist's, AT ASHCRAFT g OWENS, "Winston, • - N". (J --LV SIGN OF TIIE BIG GOLD MOP.TAR. . rttpiiff 00. Tlit, Large si Manufacturing Establishment in the South lluve established m Greensboro, N. C., a branch lmaso, where they will keep ft largo stock of their good* an well every othor hue kept in a fir&t-olus# I'arailur* House, vist : CHAMBER SUITS _ PARLOR SUITS, BED LOUNGES, W ARD ROBES, TABLES, CLOCKS, PICTURES. FAXC >"./.% l> PL I /.A (iIA I S3, of all kinds, whisk will behold cheaper than ever kuowi) m Grotntboro. l>ou't Forgot the Place, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE MCADOO HOUSE, For City Trade Geods on Installments, Tf. R. FOR BIS, Manfiftt. FUEETQALL ?#ry Our lllu tw'ed Catalotfus df&M- t± of 100 Pages, containing a Yf\ Bjff £7 cminlcu: ass«'itincntof the xV i: ttV' 4^'*\1 ' P"" 1 "- Bulbi. in(.s,T>hrt:l)« *Pv NAN i&NEI' NER. M \? L,ouiuvllle, Kj. ■ '' ; ' . • nco in tho B —■j-/ 3 ' i,'. , ~' ;t. ...i,'inofmor» ■ 151 ~ 1 ' no ■ r|g Tli(tn«ann •• atf . i r n.itanbi m ■MB L'nitt-d r •>* .-I I . r.itrn COUD ■KJ ■ I r»* -. f t'.w Scientific Alili'liMiH:.,'.!.'., ;. i fWilu'ltorS 1 I ( r patent*, cm i-nt . i rnrir* -unrks. copy ■■■■ rich- i.l . o I'tuti-d Stiit**. and to obtain paten'* in Cnnn.'n. !'; • I. Franc*, Germany, and nil othi: .n't; i'i.tir cipori . anco i* une.juaicd ami t'.. .r facilities aro unaur- MMOa. Drawcw* t. ! • -.nd fiUd In tlic I'utont o,:i •• >.. i h!i>: - t.- • i'orinn vwjr r«a*nnabb% flo i-hnrt;.-1 ■.rum; tallouof models '«■ or drawing*. Adr, hy m; ,ft o Patent* obtain• l'' • -m" Mu • \Cn.nrr r Miced ,i * inthe Sril .VTIKH \ M Kii If\X, whiuh baa the lar«->t l ire n nn.i -i -•» i.«. t I'ltluoot ia| .. nownpni. -r «>f ii.i i j •. .1 n (ha world. ' *' Tha aovfiningt-i of i .oh a not. > patuulea undi>r>lan!-s. " This largnand rp . •■■» r\i dnewspaper in pHblitfh. d \% ' . «r. nnd i« ... admitted to In- til - !.. -t p '.lt" * icnce. iiirrliann -. inv. mi- .nt; works, and other departiionn •ird :• '. I procrt-t, pub lished in any Minnr. It coianinn the name* of all patentee aii.l i i .. r. . nvi-ntion patented of»«U \*.fk In .• i .r iuoiii.;i iur onu dollar. Bold I-. .1 »!•'"• ' i If ym havo • en'ion in j..'»>nt writ* to I Munn .v «... ... of Ki.outiUc Aiauricao* It I lirondwny, .v \ ■■ r k \ ilftudbuwk about patvuta mailed froa. J-OOIC FOR Tilll |. Big iU:I irftlk,- ■ ■ 1 J . ' I ■ ; ' •• i" NKXT TO V, U. H. ALI, KN'S : iIAHDWAI'.ESTOKE, ror nit.//••/«• intend bi/tjii/j in . /.' h-mints or saddle line, Kecc!ro:l it: *I j»;c nlu:ti at f t:»tj; I'aii. ll.irtH'.t.. I [lit; -, RriillM, Saddle*, llalt»rs, Wliip., .'■■jiur*, S.iJ'.'ln Clatkii, Ilimiu-iiiaJ" W i>*mi Whip* ami l.t.iliac, | l!a:'k Jiui■ l etc . 1..1|1 Sjir»*ds, Fly I NoU, Uru-lic-. ' uriy Coiubs, afid ovory thing iu the llar:iu-s and Saddle Line. • 1. Sliipley, s. k. car nor of Court House Hqunrc, j Winston, - - - - - N. C. Agont for Put. I'ivctcd Senui Col i lars, ln*st oollnrs iu tJi • world; ltunions cannot- slip .ff- -guurantped not i r »P« 3BES fct?L^i.Lcyi.oi;i'UO iaUa J. & P. COATS if l^' L^ YOU BUY IT OF: A • r A ' ' i » Av j J f. \ AT JOBBER S PRICES. j | WALXUT cor /:, Jr. k

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