VOLUME XVI. Reporter and Post PUBLISHED WKKKLT AT DANBURY. N.C. - ■ " - PKPPKR & SONS, rvbs. Prcv ■ATM «» B(IMCBIPVJ^9I ae Yatr, paoabie iu adf«nce,,.., KATKN or ADVERTWI*«: U»e 8i«»ro (ton linen or lesn) I tim0,......ft 'X> r«r ea«h ad«iitimal UmrtioTi ........M Ceatraetx for teujor tltn« or ranrn e»n 6e ■vie la proporMoii teth# above rate*. rran.iout advertUer* will ho eipictod to rvralti to these ruteM at the time they *emlc (ak fami. Lm.l N.Hewitt bo cb*ru*«t 30p.r rentrhtjliel. than afcove rates. tBa«in««» Cards will be inserted at Ten Doll ur annum. PRO Ft:ss I U.SAL Cg U US. n. L. Haymore, ATTORNEYATLAW Mt'Airy N, C. Spocial attention given to iiie collection o el aims. It : F. CARTER, j&rro&XBY-xT-L.i IT. MT. AIHY, SURItY CO., N. C rra«tioo» wherave.-hisserrices are wautd aiOUAHM WOOD SAM L P. OOOt»WIX. UUS K T II KN I>KI(SOK. Klell'DW. liACO.N WOOD,'BACON &CO Isnpuiter* and Jobbers oi DRY GOODS, AOTfOA A WHITE GOODS, ETC. Nes. SOS-311 Maikct St., FfIILALELPHIA, I'A. MICA I WiKTKD BKOOND QUALITY MICA, Sl'OT TKD oa afKCKKD t'NCL'T. SEND HAMPI.KS AND fK.CK A. O SOUOOKMAKKR, U8 William St., New York. a t LEFTWI K. with WISG9, EI.LETT ii (HI Ml', RICI1U0N1), YA., Wh.ltt.lo U«ulers i. lOOTB, SUOBS, TKUNKB, 6C. Pr.ii.t .It.Btion puid lo vrdtrt. .ait »ti*> . tU> ,««r.nUFii. /Mr YtrjinU Slut/ fruon Ueoclt 1 iftna.ly March 6, i» >.,iKT W. POWtlt. J!»UA« 0 T4fW. K \v. row KHS & CO., HHQLKSALK DJiL'GUJUTH, Uu.l.rs in rAI*TS, OILa, DYES, TARMI3MSA, Vronub and Araerisan WINDOW ULAHS, PUTTY, &C HIiaKINU AM) CIIKWINrt 61UAK8, TOUAL'L'O A SI'KC'IALTV ISSS Mam St., ltichdoutl, Vu. A«iysi€»2S— GEO. SrEWART. rin and Sheet Iron Manu facturer. Opposite Farmers* Warehouse. WIXf»TOM« N. C., MOFING, GUTTERING AND SPOUT ING done at short notice. Xity •onstantly ou hand a tins lot o and Heating Stoves. OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE. DO you With to )iationizc a guod penuaut nt and progrtinlt e IckMl, D»you wulitugct a c»ni|)lett' rouu d«d eJucatiou ? Uo you «UU to leiu n to be a Tracher, to eep book*, prepare for the Uuiversity, or M finish a good course of study 1 If so address., J. A. a M. H. lIOLT, OAK UIUUK INSTITf'f::, OAK Uiduk, N. C. Next term bogies August Uth. The Wilmington Star. REDUCTION IN I'RICBS. Attention it ealled to the following ic daced rat#» of subscription, GASH IN ADVANCE : TUK DAILY ST All. Oae Year SO.OO | TUree Montlnsl.so Mix .Months 3.UU | One Months 00 TUB AVBEKLY STAR. »ae Year SI.OO j Six Months 60 IVh Meatbi 30 oents. Oar T.l.gr.pb News serriw In r.c«ntly M« Urj.ly tuere.iK'd, and it is our Ucter- Mia.Uou t. k««p the St Ah up to the highest ft.ad.rd »f aews-pajwr excllenec. Mdrsa, Wit. K. HKNARD, Wilmington, N. C. THR DOCTOR 8AV w : *'! rcoommor.d and A USE TtSP'lyZ*' 0 POR - That Wondorf.it Combination TAYIOR'S ttSttra SWEET GUM and MliLLEiPia It doco more than any prescription writ ten; both plants i»ro hljjhly modtclnaU" N. D. The ftum co:n« from the Southern Bv.-.imr» and InMjMy Erptc? rout, while tfco MxilVln LB ami thaa combined tti-y rvro iLnply A prnrECT REV.SDY. A COLD Wffloctcd to sei ;oua results. ritOT? Aitnclui your lie mo vithcut wptn.'n;:, V'l lOOI'I -V & COUOIi no eancvi'-.T mid pnivtful, AI-L recdily to the eeouihijiy MAGIC r«OWCR i finroot Gum ar.d tthnloiu. KBOWOlirriSoud ABTH. 3£A !e!t unattended to, x%lll load *o CONOTJ" IPROS, and thcac it quickie r. "cvo»i onrl positively aurea. :P?B!CT ON having :v. Dr. Qul!l!na, tlio liidtntf vliyeician of Great Brit ain, Or. Luiiff aisd Broi..'aicl Troui lcs, r "Mollelu" nrflfty ivrccat r than Cod Liver Oil for CcnouiupUon. J. i* Kr.rp 11 n the !i nnr■>. IT IS PLEASANT A *0 P.VLATABI.B and is thcflrcat ksotm rer c • i.i tKo wcrli lor ull Throat and Lur.ff 2* v.-i'.l simulate the throat and encble yo-*. tj V.irr . T all cbmructio'is easily,aidlnj? cxpectoratir.>. .*.;*/in,;-:he oongh atonoe. Ankyour O.rujtglbt ut r Sl.aiscs. If he dofa not keep it, v.«» will pi.... i>r one tino only, cxproan charge* on lore* t'ao bottlua to any pr. t of the IT. rt. on receipt' ff l -0. Th- WALTEK A. 'IWI.ftH - M\nr.U, 1:-. FOR J LI. liOVTT. T ar.d Chi Toet h- Injf, uso tl.nt jjr. rt flouMtmi rci-. 'ly Ttr. Wgjcra' HucV i t-eri r Cordial. 60 ocnU at 1 'r.ifc. THLC.TS PREMIUM !S Ui BEST. CHEAP COFFEE. ho:il ROASTED COFFEE AT 18 CTS A POUND m't ri« in i*oi;ni> vacka ks Every I'acknee Contsilus s« Present, in Value from 5 els to Tit,\n4: st i't'i.trii iiv goutlisrq. Charlotte, N. C. 01f"Mrntion this paper. THOMPSON'S C O M L 1 0 U N 1) WW Sift!#. A M ILL) TONIC A N to- A PI'IO'I'IZI'IH. A euro for Dyspepsia, Indigo*.;oii and Constii»ition. It promotes the secietionsol the Liver Ami Kitllieys, and j:ives a gentle '.one to the Organs. lUlieves N n« l siek Prostration follow in, l'r« ti.u ted herx-oiisv, and enfee'oied condition of the general sys eUl. ggy» MAXt K\( TU I.I.I) IST Dr. V. 0. THOMPSON, PRIOGI'IT, Winston N. C. H" H. CARTLANJ), And dealer in Cassimeres t PIN 13 CLOTIIS And Famishing Goods Greensboro, - - N.C Umler Central tton 1. ONWARD ! IS TEE WOSD I The ntOGi'.ESSIVK FARMEKenters its tiiiku 'VoI.OM t» at th» following rat. s: I subscriber, 1 year $ 1.25 i subscribers, I year 5.00 10 .ukttoribfrt, 1 year 10.00 One eupy, 1 year frte to tl.u ono sending a club of ten. Kight pagns, 40 columns, weekly. Kend C'ASU (charges prepaid) lo 1.. 1.. FOLK, U VI KIOU, S. C. "NOTHING SUCCEEPS MKl' SI'CCIOSS." DANBUIiY, N. C„ THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1888. Tiir Pissnc or MAY. nonirrr WVBSB wilsgX. Tlio spring-time dream must pass away, The summer comes so soou : Ami now the languid, lordly May Leans on the hour! dI Juho. Hair bm#k in jUfTfIMMNBXi w • _ In that broad, teeming breast; Ai oiif wh?i yet is not tleml ■SIio smiles iit const-lons rest. Lo i z in t'»i to glean "Tins souls of facial flow CIS. • Aoil whispering in each wuo«nandgiocn l'lio iiiomoi'iei of pa;t liour.s— Slow-stealing on a&ft rustling wings, With uiar.y a tender .sigh, The West-irin 1 spirit, eonios and bringi Her summons from the sky. The color fade 4 not from lier clieek Which fe- li hisJVag'ant breath, Nor does she weep to hoar him speak '1 he words that t«'ll of death. That wavering song I—ah, well she knows The robin's trembling note I .She turn to kiss tli • I'ull-hlowu That Jun« .v ears at her throat. .She smiled farewell to jlc.jih aud ueli And rivers dimpled sheen, And from the fields love I her well blie wanders forth unseen. The-m mntain pinks began to pine, Aud, w heie 1 er fotilsteps wound, The sweet blossom«>f the e^lantiue l'eil show ering to the grottod. And.yet—the blabbing Wind, since ihen liath ott been heard t > say. 'lwm lo\«*, not death, lie v. hispcred, when lie wo:; the soul of May. MY PPETYY PiiiATE. It giiovea my wife for 1110 to s:iy si. but in tbesc dnys, buck in 187' J. i was » cluwu in a ciicus. Uealiy, 1 wasn't au> tiling, but 1 was in acbry.sulis state' just us a raindrop in a dusty street can scarcely be classified, but by a little ex ertion may get into a flawing gutter, tlien into a river, and so become somn day as inucli of the Atlantic as any other drop. 1 bad boon trying to be a musi- ciaii,bad givca that up to be a concert aiger, abandoned that to turn aiy talents toward poetry and newspaper writing mid such, until I joined a merry crowd of Bohemians and lived as they did- Their gatherings and the tiijuoy my fa thet left ine. both ended together. I had written »(me jokes for a miustel tioupe, and when nothing else suggested itself 1 applied fur a place in the coui pany to black up and sing mournful dit ties (about graves and red roses) in the first part and do a banjo act later on. The ti oupe came to grief out West, and the tiest 1 can say of what followed is (hat 1 got home to New York wi hout walking. No sooner had I reached liroadway than 1 went into a new busi ness. 1 becauie a clown. The first ac quaintance 1 met offered the opportuni ty, saying he was going to Cuba 'vith a clieus and there was need fpr one of tluse useful butts whom the the ring inhster perpetually cracks with bis whip, and whom it is the business of everybody in the sawdust i rena to maltreat and deride—often with perfect juscicc, 1 used to think belore / put ou the cap aud bells. ' Conic," lie was kind euough to add, "you need have no doubt?, jou are a natural, lnslinotivc, true-born clown. And even if you wore not you onu imi tate any and every clown you ever saw. So pocket your pride, take sixty dollars a week, learn your bongs and twenty very , wbitc haired aud rouud shouldered old j.ikci, and couie aloug." The backers and convassers were Cu bans and lived iu the A'aragossa hotel in Kast forth stioot while thay were fitting out for tho voyage. I went in live there, also, lor everything that L undertake 1 do with enthusiasm, and 1 determined to j learn Cuban as quickly as poss'blo and j astonish every one by singing a sang or | e aeking some jokes ia that language In duo liuie wo set sail on a journey 1 i.ever shall forget. Wo voyaged in a j sailing vessel, tnrough a summer sea , beneath a perpetually clcudress sky. ! Wo stopped at Nassau, and showed thero with great sucees, to float after wards for in bluo pathways, be tween wluto isles fringed with palms. It is idle for me to dwell, even for this loving instant oa that experience, and yet it was dicaniful, so poetic, so uticily certain Bevor to bo repeated in its sen-' sat ions, now that 1 aui older and more practical, that I literally tear myself from tin' recollection. There were many more days of it to come whou we skirted tlu bold eastern palisaded end of Cuflu, und then clung almost within the influ- Guco of the breakers as the go-id 0 irk (with tho maddeningly unpoctic unuie . f tbo "Tlie Obijuli Jjawrenoo"), crept past tho forest clad height-, tho white edged buys and curves and the laughing plantations ot the gem of tho Antilles. The journey was interrupted by lung '•standh" at (juantaonmo, and at Oieufugos. It was bold of us to vhrtt tliuse places then for t:ie great raiinutlyn was iu progress and every thing was unsettled, but novor dttTa rash experiment meet with richer reward. We piayed at Colon, in tho heart uf the i»- l land, and then we reached Matanzas, where our vessel was to pic* us up ly d take us to lluvaua. Let me say tint up to the moment we ' left the vessel 011 the other side of Cuba I had constantly sought the companion ship ol my cornet. I had u natural gift for playing musical instruments, and this beautiful ooruet was the main thing I had saved from the wreck of my for tunes. I'pcifl it! improvised what I thought was a sweet, pictty air—a hymn tune, 1 suspect it sounded like—and 1 often, In solitude, blew its soft, liquid notes from out the bell-like throat of u.y cornet. It WAS always iu solitude, or very softly, that I played it, for I doom ed it extravagantly sweet and mount to some day tit a liytun to it, fldapt a psalm to its n itos, or iu some way utilize it to give me f.llllO as 1 conceitedly thought. A as! at Cicnfugos my cornet was stolon and J never had the heart to plav the tune on any other instrument. One day iu Matantu 1 was spending spending stiuo ille hours 011 an Ameri can ulau.of- war, whoso 'dli-el» had formed my acquaintance. A steamer i'roiu New Voik slipped into tho harbor just at dusk, and cast her ai.ciior close 10 the war ship. There was the usual j noise and bustle, and the littlu harbor boats thai swarm like mu.- (Uitoo* around i such a vessel and which passengers are I put ashore, obtained toeir load" and fad |od away iu the twilight. At one 1110- I incut, three of llieSe little boats were i moving almost side by side across the i water close astern of tho vessel I was on. 1 1 coul I scarcely believe 1117 ours; I did j not credit what tiny told -yet, there ! oould 'ue no mistake, for it was repeated ' and carried back to me in a long drawn whisper of mcledy—uiy cornet's off spring, my absolute and unquustioiia ble invention, my pretty hymu tune. 1 leaped into my small bo.it and or dered my mail to pull after tho other vessels. Then 1 *aw that 1 could not do more than guess at which boat tho melody had proceeded from. I changed my command and pulled for the sleaiu er. Alas! twenty-five wauicn had come on her, no one knew which were iu that particular trio of boats and all had Span ish names, 1 knew that for 1 copied every one. After locking thew over to sec if perohnboo any girl or woman 1 had ever known was among theni, pud find ing uone, 1 determined to koep the list and endcaviir to discover how, in all tho catalogue of mysterious, any one, par- I tioulurly a Cuban lady, happened to ' know my tune. Iu leisure hours that ! followed, I sought information about every lady on the list, and learned a lit tle about throe or four, but nothing of interest. 1 Vrjs introduced to one who stopped lit tho saiue hotel with me, hut ! slio lehl 1110 she never had learned a ' tune in her life. I night have forgott'in the matter had | it uot have been that ono night as 1 j I juned against a pole lit the edga of the ring, ready tor the time when I should j oraote my first joke, a lady, ouo ut a largo party of people passing by to their soats, hummed a phrase of that ideulicul tune almost literally in my car. 1 turned quickly, the lino of people pass, od along, and tlun I called "tnadam" "senort," culling as I ran to attract the singer. Strangely, as it seems to me, again I could not tell who it was among the half doien women, following oue at. I ter another close together, that had ring that snatcii of my musical proper -1 ty. 1 touched the foremost one ou tho I arm and said, ,: src you American? 1 ' when her escort, a powerful black-uiui -1 tied man, struck ma squarely in the face and felled me to tho ground. 1 | cannot describe the exaitement that fol lowed; it was almost a riot. Tito ring -1 master niado matters worse by explain , ing that 1 was perpetrating an American joke. Theu be oalmcd the people by saying that I thought 1 had recognised a long lost sister. Two days aftcrwaid, as 1 was hurry i' • ins to re.vb the ship which was to take I u.» o Havana, not mutely a phrase of that now mysteri.us tuno of mine, but the entire air rail;! »ut upou iuy oar. My portci was rushiug on with my bags, a block ahead. Futhermorc my best cl'iti tng was m one of tlio bug*, and in my coat pockni was nearly every cent 1 had iu tin world. It was neces sary for mo to, keep as clone to hi.ll as possible, for I lia I no kuow.'edgo J( his character. Indeed, 1 was already late for the vessel. While I passed, the last note of uiv tune was sum'. I tried to look 111 the windows of the big build ing from which the music issu«d. 1 could 1.4. they worn too hi«(h. I the door and poun le ion il. It was opened by a negro. I asked in 111 who had been singing in there. He grinned and said: iu words 1 cannot repeat and that gate mo a shock us severe as ai y I ever felt, that ho supposed some woman locked up iu there had regaled int. It was a jail. I was just iu tune to go aboard, ntid we ruaolicd Havana and played in that capital two Weeks. I made valuable friend iu tbo city's commercial circles, and when the show broke up and em barked for Now Orleans I re igned and became (lie interpreter and English clerk in a shipping office. I remained there several years, speculated in tobac co and whatever else offered a chance of profit, prospered greatly, and was haj ■ pier and more comfortable than ever be foie in uiy life. For a long lime, ccrtaiuly,during two years, A constantly compared my list of feminine names will whatever names of woman / saw 011 every written or printed .sheet. 1 knew my list by heart; Men del, Alvaiey., Ojaro, and si 011 to the end, but 1 never reason t> believe that a»y Li am.; 1 ran across was that of one of that load of passengers among which was my swoet Hut practical churistoi. In time /fellit' love with a charming schurita in Havana, a lady who did for ui) what Katharino did for Henry V charmed me With bir English toliguo — t it' »he had been educated iu New York and spoke English perfectly Iu the sweet eofasy of love that she begot in me J forgot my quest. I lost all care for my list. 1 even let*iuy pretty Intuu tunc slip from my mind. TO BE CO.NTINUKD. SAVED 15 Y SWll'T RUNNING. At Inkcrmanu, one of the most stub bornly fought battles of the Crimean war, a )ouug officer, who had learned at Kton not much from books but a good deal from its sports, was surrounded aud made prisoner. While goiug to the rear ill charge ot two stalwart liussians, he looked at their long coats and said to himself, "They can't run." Watching Ins opportunity, he knocked one soldier lioau over heels, threw the other, by a wrestler's triek, into the mud, mid took to bis heels. licfore his guaidiaus were 011 their legs and could lire, he had got over a good piece of giound. A Russian lancer made at bint; lie ran as if leading an Kton foot-race, and cleared a good-siz-'d fence. The lancer cleared it after him, aud with lance fixed press ed the fugitive hard. A owolleu brook, running fiercely, barred his way. 11 was seventeen feet wide, but the old Etonian hud won the "long jump" wheu at school having cleared nineteen feet over Oh a I vey diteh. Ho now juiupsd the brook; the lancer refused to follow, and the young officer ran back itiio tlio Etiglsh lines.— Ex. HOW GLADSTONE EATS. /t is reported that Mr. Gladstone as cribe* his splendid health aud longevity, to having early learned one simple phys iological lesson, vii; 10 make twenty five Inlos at every bit of meat. Although tho twenty-live bites might not make any impression 011 the meat, in somo ca ses tho interesting process of counting iu every mouthful must be a species of rumination very diverting to tlio mind, and congenial to the statistical bent of the great treasurer minister. b'or the mastioition, however, shaving the meat off thin auross the fibre with a sharp knife would ho more effective and mote favorable to sociability r.t meals. Most people cut it in chunks, and swallow it, after a treatment that is merely lubri cative, liko that of a serpent. - Ex. A building has been begun on Uroad way, New York, by Austin Corbin, which will be the tallest (or its width in the country. The from is only twenty twe foot, yet it will be eight stories in height. PUNGENT SNUFF. NOT THAT PMITD. A plainly-dressed nmn nlio introduc ed himself us -Mr. John Smith walked ii.tu a doeloi's ufliee, und having ex plained his syuipto.is, asked liow lung it would tak' 1 10 euro him. The doctor, who had fronted the visitor with every possible ciurtcsuy, replied. "You will reijuiro several year's careful treatment under my personal supervision befot you are perfectly well; but 1 think Mr. b« »ble to rot nine .y»»n labors in Uio bunk in ab'.ut iWb luotiHii.' "Doctor, you are fooling tourielf. 1 uiu not Sanltrtlie banker, out Smith the Htiett-car-drivor." '-Is that «U! Well, my good fellow, I liou't sec what you came to 1110 ! ir. There'J nothing the matter will: you, except that you are not a banker."—Texas Siftiugi. liUUlsl.su 111 V Hit BANKS. •«1 see in the paper," remarked Mrs Snaggs, "that sotnu liver thieves luvc been arrested." "Yes," replied her husband, listless ly "It's a good thing they are arrested Think how l'iitsburg would sulfur if they had stolen the Alleghany or the Ohio." —Pittsburg Chronicle. ONK lUUEI' YEAH. She--My darling, it seems sieb a lit tle while mice we entered im» uouße to begin life together. The j,l i J spring time had just begun, the air was voeai with biida and fragrant with flowers; yet, just think, it's almost a _\ear. lie -That's so. I received a notice from the landlord this morning that if 1 wanted to stay in this bouse I'd better cone around and renew tbo lease, lie's going to raise '.he rent on me, too Yea, itsuearly a year.— Omaha World. 111E (JOMVEIS. "No, .James," said a young wife, "1 dou l like thai house we looked at, why there isn't & cobweb in the whole pan try." "W bat do vou want a cobweb iu the pantry for ?" asked her husband. U by, to hang the spiders on to be sure." l'K vCE UY COMPULSION. Fred I) , five years old, bad to learu a Verse to reelte at Sunday .School. His verse was, "Blessed are the peace makers." lie did not exactly under, stand what it meant, and his uiethor . plained it to hiui tuai whenever he satr two boys quarreling or tightiag he nit be a 1 tile peacemaker aud try aud step thcin. The next night as be was beiug un dressed ho sail: "Maiuma, I was a Ut ile peacemaker to day." "\\ u'you?" said his mother; "how!" "I saw two little boys fighting iu the street, aud 1 stopped them." " 1 hit's ugood boy," said the moth er giving him a kiss; "aud how did you part thorn.'" "Why, 1 just ran up and fired stones at them till they stopped lighting and ran away.—lSoston Globe. A NEW TEST. 1 know a carried couple who have a bright child, who I presume was heard her lather pitch int» her mother about those Duttons or sucks or something, and 1 suppose she stored up the knowl edge to make a point on her mother. Anyway, they were at breakfast and the little girl was rather tjuiet. Suddenly sue spoke up ia a very screre tone : "Mamma! Are yon a moral wo. lutn ?" "What do you ask such an extra ordinary question for ? I hope I am." "'.Veil, ;ou didn'tdurn my socks last week," —San Erancisoo Chronicle. Even throwing kisses is attended with more risks than is generally pupposcd. A Watorbury, Connecticut, doctor has discovered this to his sorrow. While thus engaged on the rear platform of a railroad train the brakciuan shut the duor, so badly mashing the doctoi's fin gers that he is now a prosecutor iu a suit fir SI,OOO damages. NO. 44 PICKINGS. From the Wilmington Mvr. Ft is exnected tliat '2,000 delegate* i will attend the r>n!noonr.io State Con i vention in Tennessee. Mi. M. W. Fuller is nuid to make $25,000 or more yearly by hi* lay practice. As Oui' f Justice ho will re ceive $ 10,000. Tho Republicans iu tho Senate have determined uot ta confirm Mr. Fullers appoin'ment uutil nfiur tho l'residen- I tial Conventions have met. nttf ot . uijadeiphi* will t»e iutUvCd It# *c l I uiore uan 1,200 as soon as the high li cense goes into eflout ow he Ist June ; next. Republican Cbairuun Juno* is talk ing iu New York, llesujs Blaine will oppose Cleveland. He might have ad ded.—and be distanced in the rate. The Chief Justice elect it seems comes of a family of lawyers. A sketch of him says ; ■'llis father and his father's brothers were lawyers. O-ic of hi." grandfathers was a lawyer and a Judge ol Probate. His mother's brother was a lawyer, llis maternal grandfather wa» Chief Justice of the Court of common Pleas of the Middle l'is rict of Maine, and after the separation of Maine from Mas sachusetts was appointed one ef tho Judges of the supreme Court of tho State of Maine, and he afterward be. came the Chief Justice of that Court." Mrs. Frances Murray, of New York, died by swallowing her falsi teeth, plate and nil. She wos laughing at the fun of her husband. After several days tho whole was extracted from her throat but '.he esophagus was mutilated and internal hem on ha go occurred. The late Kcntnoky Legislature pass ed 1,571 bills. There were 81 resolu tions adopted, Ato-it lott-Mls became laws by lapse of time, the Governor declining to approve and not caring to v,cto them. He vetoed CO bills. Ken tucky sutlers much from the one man power No doubt many of the bills ought to have been vetoed, and proba bly thts applies ulso to many that wero approved. Mr. H'attcrson, of the f.ouisvilllo Courier-Journal, knowing how wilful and bad was his son, leftistd to rescue him when ho was lodged in thi bar racks for plunging his knife into tho body of n young widow who refused to accompany him to an entertainment. Kditor Wuttcrson telegraphed to his friends not to interfere, but to let tho law t ike its course. It wan uot lha boy's first devilish manifestation. Some days ago wo told of the duel in Mexico and the wounding of Miss. •jc Moore, she saying it. was done be fV'ie she had a chance io fire, ilere u the sequel as telegraphed from St. Lou is : "In this duel Miss Lo Moore was shot through the shoulder, but iccov crcJ in a few days, and last evening, closely veiled went to the bouse of her hated rival, and, meeting hei at the gate, shot her iload. Reluming home she proudly boasted of the cnme. She w..s si H after placed under arrest. As a revolver wus found on the person of the murdered wnuian, it is believed that glie, too, was awaiting an oppor tunity to finish tho work of the du el." Were we not correot when we said either of these lire eaters would make the right sort of u wife for u cow boy. In 18S-1 Hluinc received 282 elec toral votes nil Cleveland 319--.'!7 ma jority. in 1888, with his good, honest, patriotic record Cleveland onglit ta heat the badly "tattooed man" from Mninc at leasi 100 votes Tho rorolt among honest Hopublicans ought to be great enough to secure that desired re sult. 'the popular vote was 4,848,334 for 111-line, iind 4,011,017 for Cleveland —a majority of 02,683. It ought to be a halt million this year. Mr. Tilden earned the country by 150,900 over ull the cuiididstes and 250,707 over* Hayes. One hundred and twelve years ago tho American Congress mot iu Pennsyl vania. It no longer meets in Pennsyl vania, but it is understood that nothing of cpn*cf|uonco is done daring its sessions until Pennsylvania is consulted. —Louisville Vouritr Journal.

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