VOLUME XVI. Reporter and Post FUBI.HUKI) WKKKI.Y AT DANBUEY, N. C. PKPI'KR It SONS, Put.... % Vrk lIW ii' 1 f-»c: t vv K vn.H OF BnwtKirnox; ■ « Te ir, paj!»U!o iu Rdvmlfo fl.. r *» Mtittihn, 7 o uarim or .invcßTisiMUt «?>• Square (ton line* or loh.h) 1 time .$1 u> Kir ea»«h additional UnArllon, «"«» !ontract» lor longer tluto or inftro upaco can l»e made iu protMirii'm to tlm above rut- . t'ninaieui *«ivt'rti'H'r» wHI be t«» remit t tn tl.ukerutoh attli* tluui ll ojr oviulc loir favori. Local Njilco* wUllte chnrgod Coporcent.l»4;;ltcli tban abivn rati'N. lb -nn«>r Cards willUe innortcU al Ten JUullar nunnnt. ■ PROFESSIONAL CAR VS. * 3== A'. L. H. / YMORE, ATTORN E Y AT LA W Mt Aii-y N, C. Spejtal aUa.ilioii gm-n t«> iliu col left ion iii el Ainu. ir. r. c.nri't'i;, *1 rra xt#& T-h x \r. MT. AIRY;SUAUY CO., N. i. TraulitMs wUereve. bissei vic«is art- wai-til Uicn IKb WOOD SAM L |». OOOUWIX. HKMtr IIKNUKIOON. JUfII'DAV. i»Ai ON WOOD, BACON &C 0 Importer# and Jobber* ul DRT GOODS, A'OTIOXZi WHITE GOODS, ETC. Xw. 309-JII Maikrt st., PHIL AL KLI'UIA, PA. MICA! WANTED BKCU.NI) QUALITY 311«* A, SI'OT TID OR SPECKED UKCI'T. SEND *ASirr.EB AND l»lt CK A. O SOIIOONMAKKII, I.SB Williaiii St., New York. U E LEt'TWT K. wiib trisiao, & NU F HP, KiCHVOND, t A., Wheltsala Dealers in BOOTS, SIICES, TKUUKS, ftC. Primy * aitcntiiin j»aii to onivit, nid #Mli3- •« »>•■ gnarauts«»d. /Stf t'irjii. id Siate Prisou (JooJs a npttialt; M.ticVj 6. tii >CRIRT w fOWRK*. KDG AR 0. TATLO. K W. POU'KRS k CO., NHO LKSA LA* DR COGISTS t . !>eal«r* ill rAI*TS, 01L.3, DYES, V AJlIf (31IK i,, French and Atnoriann WINDOW I*LAoS, POTT*, &C tt\lUKlNti AND CHhWIM. C! (i A KB, TU » A COO AJS I' KCIA L\ V 1395 Main St., Richmond, Vu, / agi.sitnj24i—» GEO. STEWART. Tin and Sheet Iron Manu facturer. OppoMie Farmers* Warehouse. MBFING, GUTTERING AND SPOUT ING done at Short notice. K©a|m MiuUnily oa liatul a line lot o and llntiiig Stoves. OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE. DO YOU wish to jiutronize -M uoou perai a lieu I and progreaisc ichoot, Do you wish (oget a ceiupletc roiiu ded edacetion '! Do you wish to learn to l»u a Trachrr, •*Hp books for the University, «r *0 finish a good cotirse of study ? If so addresss, J. 4. & N. 11. HOI/r, OAK lIIIXJK INATITUTK, OAK lilutißi N. 0» Next term begins August Dili. r Phe Wilmington Star. lIKUUCTIOS IN* PRICES. Attontion is oalted to the following ic duced rutaa of sub^criptiou, CASH IN ADVANCE : TIIK DAILY STAR. One Year st).oo I Three Moutlmf 1.50 Mix Month. 3.00 | On. Mouths 50 THK WKKKLY STAR. O«o Year SI.OO j Si* Moilths 00 Tkreo Montbi 30 ocuta. Our T«logr.]ili Xen's seirlc* lias recently ImM l:»r;e!y iucrcoseil, and it is our deter niii.ti.u to keeji the SrAn up to Ibe highest htadaril of n.'wi-papcr .^eel lenre. Addruu, WU. 11. lIEMAKI), * V\'iluiinj;lou, N t. TNI DOCTOR MVS' #, f roccmmer.d and BRC. K» 'Si iIT-l S orA's That Wonderful Combination TAYLOR'S SWEET CUM and MULLRIft. ft do.->a more then cn> prescription writ* ten; »>oth p'nnts are highly medicinal." N. L.. Tiu- Pweet Jtun •• ;i»c« firom t-iu> Southern •wan;» Imm iilifily l9aalMAßt4 while the Hall* in U> liuoiU£in'vu ftii'l thus oti:il>t;ied ti'.oy u*o eunply A PERFECT KKMSDY. A OOI«"» '.icflocied l»adu towrKnu rrard'a. CfiOTP i\*»Ao>.n y. ur Lone without wvnlnc. WUOOnjftt COUOU *j &T.no>Utcr njv\ pjouiul, ALL ylolrt rwull.y to M*o •rcrAlitfly FOWfr'R 4 i'ajlor'# Bwcot Oiiia Mid MttlLU. I'T'.OKO-il i'i'ifl »ui j AfIVU MA left unattended 10, will lead to OOIfSUTIITION, tndt Hum tl qnHMy nllmit&d . ¥.it't..-iy cm row. iHZifI T OH HAVING IT. Dr. Quintan, tho lrr.di-.rr phyatciaa ot r »reat Bm ain, on i.u ug u d Broacaiiil Troublce, r. ~o».Eii' , »»Jtf "Mullein"**. fifty p#PW".t Ye UT t'liui Ood Llvrr Oil forCwaeumptioaa. | rKotv'' l.ith'liou. . If 13 PLFARAH7 AM PALATABLE and is the fir©- • unotvri rnno.i r iu the w srld for .dl Thiuut and Lur.tf tr.mb'. I'. will a»u«uiato the throat and enable you t > o.T uil obsti-ucUonn «r-ily.aic nc ?xpectoT-»t]«n and v >:i?vi r; tho e-ju,»h atn.ica. Ask|oUfdrD2gl>U:t It. .:o. & !l.Biso«. If he doee not lccup it. T.O T...; p..Y, U : only, expireechargeson juo bjftUfei to any pttrt of Uio v. n. on net ipt otf lxo. The WALTER A. TAYLCIi «.. AUhhK G*. | FOR ALL EOWFL THO J-Ji. LS «nc C. T «th !ng. uso thai gfat Soutucitt rarely Dr. filggen* Huaklebarry Cordml. 50 ocuta at Druggtfta. . TATLOQ'S PREMIUM COLOSIiE'IS THE BEST. | CHEAP COFFEE. no;:i ROASTED COFFEE AT 1? CTS A POUND i'UT ur is I'oi'.M) r.vcK .v. ks. , i:»tv I'iK haiie ( ontaiiit st I Present, li« Value from, r> clk lo*:j.OO TUADtt Sl'l'Pl.lKU BV {Jo. j t' 7 ▼ Charlotte, N. C. this paper. THOMPSON S COMVO U N D| SUSIE siffli.! t T • t f ♦ V t T t * A MILD TONIC A N !) a I>Pl:tizkk. j A eu;*o tor I)y*|M'|ia;a, huligfftiou a*i«! j Constipation. It p»oinole:> ! L»* .eolations ot ; fid Kidneys. ami gives ,•»««• t tlio Oi-gmi-. Ite!fve*' Nne ck j rifwfnitioi. follow in* l'lof! ;»«*t«il • Jiil enfeebled condition of the t; uerai «y - j t ui. MA NIK \t n I:KD r.Y Dr. V. 0, THOMPSON, DRUGGIST, Winston N. C. j H" H. CARTLAND, $ id! 08, And dealer in Cassimeres riMXLOTIIS And Furnishing Goods Greensboro, - ... H.C' Umlcr CcnUiil llote.l. ONWABD! IS TBS WORD! m The I'UOUKKSSIVK KAKM fill enter. Its ; Tin Mi) VOl.omb at 111* following rate*: 1 subscriber. 1 year S 1.25 m> subscribers, 1 year 5.00 10 tnbscribcrs, I year 10.00 One copy, 1 year free to t). olio sending u club of ten. — - - Kight puses, 10 columns, weekly. .Setul I I'Aiii (charges prepaid) lo 1.. L. t'OI.H, Kai lk. u, N. C. I "NOTHIISG HTJCCEI'DM lAIibZ SI'CCESS/ DANBUIIY. N. C., THURSDAY. MAY 31, ISBB. ;Sgp^E lit: hIKD j >h, Ih kint! ti> tho** who lovo you! (iiieve no Unman lovo away! Twime ii tenderly utout you, L«t it bloss yen day by o:.y, Tho' the sunlight now may tlajulo, has nttny » elotuled ftky; ilonni your treua uvs ot'sfuioUmi. You will (.iifin by »n«l by. Oh, kind '•>t?lOi»o \vlTrTfovo yoVi^ Wive them j;l tdiuv-s yon may ! II re to-tlay, l#-moi iow'# sunrise Mi) helioltl th«!in |»;»ss away: Lavish lovo on all arotm«l you; Smiles anil fiwly strew; AH.I, iik' bit-a l UJK»H tin? WATERS, They will yet it;turn to you. lnlcr-Omn. WJY PRETTY Pi RATE , Concluded. Til K ri.IATK'H T.il.K. My father iiad determincii to return to I Cuba. 1 iijustly accused of connivance I with ilic lenders of thu iimurrcotion, I wrc'tcheil ai the thought of tho ruin into wliioh our loviiy homo thcro was tailing, ,he couid nut resist the impulse to go , back. Hu took mo liom my girl coin, patiionn at the common school at Mount M Vincent, and having turned all his ! business into mou;v, settled with ate and cur trunks in the Sarajjovsa hotel in | N'cw York to await the departure of tho | steamer it was a bud choice of a Intel. ; Low characters infested it. My life was wretched while left there alouc because :of the rudeness of the evil looking men j who idled their iiiue away in the public I rooius. My only pleasant recollections lof thnl. wretched week are ot an Ameri can »ho played constantly but very ; sweetly', on a i /ruot, iii sillduou tones, liu a rooui overhead. One air that he I played made a deep impression upon ine. It hs'un'ted me. tine evening, as 1 was I listening lo his cornet, there was a rap ion my deor. I opened it and ttireu meiii | walked in. Tlicy a*ked for my father. j Their up;"'aranco and manner frightened j me. Without many previous words ouc | seined IUC uu! tried to throw mo on llie J lied so tlmt my face should fal! in ore inf ll'> pillows The o:licr» sprang to ' open the bureau drawers mi J largest j trunk. 1 uttered several piercing : and I distinctly remember hearing the I eoniut, on which wan being played the | tuuo that hid fascinated me, thrown rudely on the floor above. Then there , was a rush of footsteps on the stairs aud j the man who had bean playing the in : strumeiit burst into the room Ido not knuw what followed. 1 vaguely remcrn ! ber a few words of assurance of future safety, spoken in gentle ar.d musical, j bul indescribably manly tonus, and when ' ; next 1 retarded to consciousness I was ' ill in bed |nd attended by my father. : I Throe day.f later I was carried to the ' steamer and we set sail for Matauzas. ! At my earnest request my father endea vored to find my rescuer from the j thieves, who had evidently sought to ■ rob us of my father's Kioncy, but all ho , ever told tue that ho learned was that ! the gentleman in question was a low niontcbank (so uiy father called him), a member of a circus troupe aud that he ' had left the house on the morning after j the heroic deed he performed. 1 had never been in love. I had never ' ! even had one of the characteristic love | dreams of a maiden. Hut lam of an intensely sentimental disposition, and the soft spoken, stalwart, fearless sliow -1 man tilled my thoughts iu many odd ' hours, llis favorite sir—pathetic aud deeply religious—floated so constantly | through my mind that 1 set wards to it and tang them softly to myself on the ! starlit nights that followed on the voy age. Wc reached Matanxas safe]?, and for I a time were very happy. WJ werejoy : uiusly received by our former friends und I relatives. An Ameticau circus was in i ! tiro tewn, and 1 attended ouo perform- j i ance in the hop." that one leaturo of it j | miyhTehaiiee to be a cornet performance j by Uiy unknown benefactor 1 was dis appointed, of course. It would have been one chance in a million. Tho • troupe waj a fourth rate oije, and the | ' |>erformance began with extreme diior. j dcr owing to an iusult offered by one j buffoons to a ladv only a few feet ahead | of me, a* several belated spectators, of j whom I was one, were making their way ;to tho seats. 1 must- pass over what j followed. Cuba was in her deepest dis ! tress. We ;uflereib with thuu.-jnds of' i others but why recur to that. Our po |. sition and fortune wore restored; we i i movod tc Havana. Father re-establish ed himself iu trade. I was courted by ' I a wealthy gentleman, a member of a i tnr«e business firm there, and am new a happy wife and mother and a proud A mcricun. TIIK CAl'TI* ItK. I'lio scope is New York. T|io time :is l''rid ijr night, my wile's ovening at home j! is raining and we pre not likely to ho called upou to entertain. Something, who shail say what, *has ' brough't me to the piano. an mstrutrtetit i I have no liking for, and, indeed, ot.ly play with ouo hand, with oue linger, to jbe accurate. Fate is in that linger. 1 | turn ou the revolving chair. I , point that bewitched linger nt the keys. It is i years since 1 have done such a thing'. We luvc been married and in this coun- I try two years, and I have never once i touched a musical instrument. Now 1 slowly and faltering pick out the tuuc I i used to play or the cornet. I "Good gracious, Lester!" n.y swect voiuud little wife almost screams as she ' ■ rushes in upon me, "what did you play then i Where did you ever hear that"' 'j "Why, little one." L reply. "What ' | excites you so? 1 caught up an old thing 'j 1 nsod to play iu uiy salad days— ' She almost pushes me from the piano " stool: she poses angelically before liio 1 ' instrument; she strikes the keys uud from her throat rushes the poetry aud ' the music oj her ballad aud my hymn ' - combined, (lie poem and music of the ' stones we have told above, j At first we rush into explanations punctuated witb shouts of suipiise and j with lepeitud embraces. Then we each ' 1 begin to think. •'liut dulling," she says, "you never told me you were a stroliintt circus • i » j player." i "Sweetheart," I replied gravely, "! ' ' do not ret ail your having s.iul yoti were j , once in the common j.ul at Mataiuas," "1 did not want you to kuow it," she ' murmurs* "We were Suspects. \) o 1 i were under assumed names. Our true 'tnames wore in the Spanish llook of ] lilood' us traitors. We were discovered ' | and shadowed. Faitior eluded the : j watch and went straight to Havana, to the Governor General, to prove his right ! j to return. The local authorities believed I hi in tn be hiding uud tl.rew mc in a dun. ! goon to force me tell where he waf. lie i j was proiectod by the authorities and ho | returned and I was freed." "Sing that aoug again, dear, please," | is all I say. I So I found the little piralo at last.— i Atlanta I,'onvtilution. SKILL AGAINST STItKNGI 11. The following vivid illustration of how Hot may prove superior to mere foiee ; occurs in "Tl.o Autsent ( f Ihe lireakfast-table" by that most genial Author Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes. 1 dropped into a gentleman's sparring ! exhibition only l ist evemug. It did my j heart good to sec that there were a few ] young and youngish youths loft who! could take caro of their own heads in j j case of an emergency. It is u fine sight, that ef a gentleman rcaolving himself { into t ho primitive constituents of his liu- I inanity. He is a delicate young man ; now, with an intellectual countenance, a slight figure, a subpaflid complexion, a I 1 most unassuming deportment, a mildad | alescent in fact, that any Hiram or Joti- i atliau from between theploughtails would of course expect to bundle with perfoet j case. Oh, he is taking off his gold bow- j ;ed spectacles' Ah, he is divesting him- i self of bis cravat! Why, ho is shipping l | off his coat' Well, here he is, sure o- j nougli, in a light silk shirt, and witb two- I things that look like batter puddings in j the place of his fists. Now see that j other fellow with another pair of baiter puddings,— the big one with the broad ! shoulders; he will cortainly knock the .... . 111 tic man's head off, if lie strikes him. ► Feinting, dodgi»g, stopping, hitting, | countering, - little man's head not off j yet. You might as well try to jump I upon your own shadow as to hit the lit tle man's intellectual features. 11c needn't have taken off the gold-bowed • spectacles at all. Quick cautious, shif ! ty. uiinblo, cool, ho catches all the fierce : lunges or gets out of their reach, till his turn couics, and then, whack goes one of 1 the batter pnddings against the big man's libs, and bang goos the other into the s big one's face, and staggering, shuffling, | slipping, tripping, collapsing, sprawling, > down g e the lug man iu a m sceilune ' ou. bundle. DKSTItOY TIIK HUGS J umrnvy PUR TUB "CHINCH BUU"(BUH- I SI'S (TCOrTtHI'S) ON COIIN. KKUOSKNK E.MVI.SION,— Dissolve J ' pound common soap in otic gallon of wa | (or. lioil this and add it boiling Lot to | two gallons of kerosene oil. Churn this | niixturo with a force pump and spray nxzzlo for about ton minutea, until a I perfoot emulsion Is formed and the liquid adheres tn tbo surface ef glass without oilincss. Dilute this by adding uine parts of cold water to one part of thee, uiulsion. i This should then be sp-ayed on the in -1 sects on the com and ground A con venient way is to arrange some sort of a tauk on a siod ; in the tank have the force pump with a short piece of hose aud spray nozzle. As '.lie tank is drawn along the apt-ay can be directed in the proper places. This is for a simple con struettd apparatus. Many different kinds of bund and horse power splaying machines are manufactured. Care should be taken to have a perfect emulsion, as otherwise the kerosene is injurious to plar.t-. This remedy was suggested by I'rof. Kilcy, of Washington, and used t>y the State Eutoioologist of Illinois with per fect success. To anyone who tries litis reuody care fully, I will bo obliged if they will re port manner of application and results to me. GEO. F. ATKINSON, U. JV. C., C/mpet Hill, JV. V. OHUKCiI UNION. "Why cannot there be organic union with the chinches North and South when such reunion sentiments prevail be tvve 11 the men in in gray and iu blue!" Gov. Fit* Leo to tbo Northern sol di.-ry m Iticlimond said. •'Ah, how different today! The "lJlues" who fought for the "(Jray" are the "lJlnes" once moro, mid tho"Uray" who fought for the "liluea" aio the "Grays ' once again (Applause). No kuock is necessary on the part of one to enter the abode of'ho oilier—the por tals are wide open and the heart beats and the hand is stretched in comiueero tion of the restoration of the days of "Auld Lang Syne." I thought of all (Ills us 1 iuw your companies ketping step with measured tread to the same music through our Capitol square, aud I earnestly pray that tlio sun, which now touches and tints this iscut, and whose rays arc peacefully reflected from the bright barrals of unloaded guus, may ofcr shine upon a prosperous, tree, happy and united people." Hcto is reconciliation for you, certainly, in word and mouth; but a union of the churches North aud South, as they once were, would make it moro so in doed and truth. TIIK GROWTH OF INTIMACY Grace, aged five, had notioed ihat innuiiiiti said "Will" wlieu addressing papa, and that the hired gill .said "Mr. C •" Thinking this formality had colli nued long enough, she cried OIK one day: "Katie, how long will you have to know papa before yiu oan call him Will?" The party is getting too far from the pecple and you most call a halt or the people will leave the par'y. I tell you that they will not vote for candidates nominated by packed conventions, and when they are allowed no voice in the xoleetion of caadldates to be voted for, you must hear them in the nominating convention, or elso they wi 1 speak to you in tones of thunder on the day uf elee. tion and bury your slate made candi dates in sore defeat.—Democrat in lleaufort Record. Perhaps never was there graa'er need in this coutUrv than at present of a free and independent press. Wo have too few editors who are bold enough to be leaders rathor than reflectors of public sentiment, who will stand up and de noutue wrong unless it is popular to do so.—-Henderson (lolil Leaf. Tho largnst lisli over seen in I'creon. "Air. S. 15 Wiustead brought to ltox boro lust Tuesday a oarg, thai had been washed np by Stony Creek, on his tarm, during the la'e freshet, that meas ured 31J inches long and 2- inces a round,aud neighed 1G pound v. This is the largest fish we ever saw in this section" I'erson Courier. PUNGENT SNUFF. Wife (club night? •' '-VVill TOU be home curly, «Lihn ?*' Husband : Ye'e», 1 think io, but don't keep breakfast waiting (or nic."—New York Sun. Countryman to dentist : The tooth next to that 'un aclies too, Doc. Den tist : Yes, it aches in sympathy. Countryman : Yank it out; durn such syuipatiiy.,—N Y. .Vun. "Now, John," said a wife who was goinj; on a journey, "whan you bid me good-bye on tlie train, you mustn't lift your hat or kiss we." ''Why net "Itwause people will think that you are not my hunbaud.".—N. Y. Sun. "1 am surprised, Hobby," said his father, reprovingly, "that you should strike your littlo brother. Don't you know that it is cowardly to hit ono smaller than yourself 1 '•Then wliy do you hit uie, pa in quired ttie boy with a air of having the be. ter of it.— Epoch. "There seeiu9 to bo nothing ID the market," said Mrs. Hendricks, despair ingly, to the Widow Jenkins, who Imd just 'dropped in' for a moment. "I am •vrried to death to know what to get for " ' Why, ma," interrupted Hobby, who win laboiiouiily pencilling his Dime on the wall. -'1 heard you .say that Mrs. Jenkins was in the market."—-Harpers liaZHtr. HOW HE MADE MANURE. Students of agriculture arc familiar with the experiments made t>y Jared Kliot m 1747. He made a long nar row yard into which his cattle were turned at night. Once a month the end fences were tukon out and the whole surface of the yard well plowed The cud fences were then replaced »ud the cattle turned in on the plowed ground. This was kept up through the summer, and in the falll the bot tom of the yard wae carted out and spread upon the fields. When any field needed special manuring, this yard was made as near to it as possible. The «} stem of folding sheep on plowed ground and "cow-ponuing," as prae tieed in parts of the South, are out growths of this old system. So is the more modem spsteui of spading poul try yards frequently and eating tut the surface soil for use in farm practice.— Rural JSeu.- Yorktr. PRIZE CIGARS. l'eatheil; (to Ilumley, who had just given a cigar to him) —.Why do you (puff) call this the tpuff) "prize" cigar Ditmley ? Pumlcy-—I auderstnnd that it is the name of the brand. Featberly—.l thought it might bo (puff) because they are so hard to dram. Harpers Bazar. OjURT IT KM. 11 UK« Stanley (a youn2 Waco dude who is very attentive to the fair sex in general, anil to Miss Iliuuiiel in partic ular, who detoste In in} —lv Miss lfum rnel in' Servant.—Yes, she is in. Hugo,—Perhaps vou had better tell her who it is. Servant,—No; if Ido tint filie will sify that she is not at home.—.Texas Sijlingt, FAMILY I'RIDK. Grocer^—You say that your wife, Uncle Kastua, supports the family by taking in washing' liucle Ilnstu»—Yes,*ah. Urocer,—Well, don't you feci a little ashshaiued at times! Uncle Jlastus,—'Shamed! No, sail; dera's nothint dogradin' 'bout takin' in washin'. Is# proud ob de ole 'ooman. A NKI'KtSSAUY I'OUNDAT.ON. Kastern Man,—That's your house eh t My gracious' What does this uiean ' It stands on wheels. Western wouldn't have the wheals ou the roof would you! "15ut wheels' \\ heels, sir! What are they for!" "Why to koep ost of the way of new bushiest blocks, of course. Wher'dyou come from anyhow?" The Florida motto is: "An orange is the noblest work of God." Alto. «« if* ii •' NO. 45 PICKINGS from the Wilmington e'trtr. Dakota shouts for 111 line. California Democretie State Conven { tion is solid for Cleveland. Millions of dollars have been fot by j the recent floods in the Mississippi tit. i er. I'rof. Yirchow rcp.rts that no sign ot cancer can be discovered in the Emper or's threat. ■ - tor , v «i It is thought by some is Washingtr n that Cleveland stands a good cluwoo to Oregou. . . . There are 401 electoral vote.. It re quires 'Jill to elect. North Carolina | has 11 votes. 1 The Aluban a Rads lean towards Sher man. lie will suit thcui eiacily. "Birds of u feather," &c. 111,-lino says he is for I)epow, and that {ho will be nominated. Tic says he will I uotrun again. Hah! Speaker Carlisle* thinks the present 1 session will be the longest knowu in the history ol the Congress. Otiio Democrats indorse Cleveland and Tariff reform. The icforai ball rolls j and gathers siso and force as it rolls. "I c war cloud in Europe is still dark. | suspects Kngland and tjermany ; to be combining against her interests. It begins to look as if Harrison was the coming man on the Rlaine Repub lican tickrt. The Rads think that with him they can oarry Indiana. High license works well even if Gov. llill opposes it. In Philadelphia there were 1,024 saloons in four wards. Mon day these were reduced lo 182. In the Senate River and Harbor bill Savannah gets $200,000, Cape Fear river belew Wilmington $240,000; Ro anoke river, N. $40,000; Yadkm river, N. C., SIO,OOO. In IS7!J, the Chief Justiceship was tendered to Roseoe Oonkling, but he de clined. In 1882, he was appointed As sociate Justice and was continued by the Senate. He dechued this also. Orc.tliuu men in \Y aalungton are warm and iudignant. 'J'liey spit upon the Blaine plan tu make hi>u seuond on the 'iokot. Hut Greshain Imp not a (in gle delegate from his own State. The (California Republican delegation have engaged 45 rooms it the Leland Hotel in Chicago. They will bring tbeir own band nnd 1,000 eases of wines, &o. They are preparing for a big drunk. Cigarette smoking is very hurtful. It is killing hundred of the youth of the laud. There art known to bo 3,000 cases of broken health among the boys in New V'ork city and all from tha cigarette. Tlio Northern Methodist have extend ed the pastorate to four years—a big mistake probably. Thcfc aro not many men who can'bold a congregation for four y«ars. it would be interesting to count the attendance the first six months and the lust six mourhs. Greshain is ahead in Minnesota. Tl# Republican* ask by resolution "for the maintenance of the proleotive prin ciple by a tariff judiciouslj revised and subjected to such reduction as th« con- dition of the Treasury and tie nteesiitiaa of the consumer demand. It is said that 300,000 negroes will go l« Huenos Ayres from tho United States Of these probably one-half will die of yellow fever and the remainder in the poor house, if ihcrc be one. This is the outcome of the effort to beguile the dar kies uieiitiaucd in the Star some timo .Min Wananmker used to make $1.50 11 wuck in a clothing More. Hi* dinner, when lie bad any, oncistod uf a pieee of pie ami a glass of milk, costing 2 cants. Each yn:«r Lin salary wts increased, and at tlin tuno ha was twenty he had saved S2OO. A lesson Now lie i« one of the great merchants of America and very rich and benevolent. A Mr. J. C. L*!ly tnakee a predic tion in the N. V. Star, lie givci 230 vo'cs to Cleveland provided Indiana hu the Vica l'restdcnt. The Republicans arc allowed 142 votes, and 29 doubtful. The only States in the Democratic col. I uinn that a e doubtful are Colorado aid Connecticut. Hut he gives the Repub licans Michigan, Nevada and Oraguo aa certain Are they certain? Hi* four doubtful States are Massachusetts, Min nesota, New Hampshire and Rhode Is. {laud. • Wecxpcot nothing from th*M, 1 although Minnesota may be slig'.ity i doubtful.