4rKMrM%/ iht »t*liiiry ,V. office t'tm* -ifa'/rr. "ftiUltSOATi- MAY-84, IW. ..lll*_ II J .IP I ■ ■ I' ' jSmenriSSSa^risarsw T—eai 'j.■_.'-■■! 1 j" .'■■ ■■!—, •SOW&iYIOM. The' D«iimciatlo Sjational Convention •will meet in *he «Uy «f St.'Lewis on the ••6th day It-J-One. Repobltcan at Chicaga, Jane IMb. Vrohibitimi'at Indianapelik, Ma) 30. 'TbeDemdcraiic'State Convention for -Nerth'Garilina irfU meet in Raleigh on ' tk*'9orli of' May. Stoke* ctrtrtity'lKjinrtcnitio oenvontion 'wDanbury, n*t announced. I>—jirerte C—vention (5U> district) -•t Greensboro July 11th. 'l)e»oortl«ftB«»—l»t c«nv»ith>n, at 1 German tun. not announced. David Peindextcr, Ksq., gave us a 1 pleasant oill last MouJay. He will at • tend the commencement at Oak Ridge 'Next week. Thence he goes to the ■Democratic State Convention. Give •m Fowl, Mr. Poindexter (you, too, Mr • Slate.) —Germanton Ttme^ We like Fawl too but ate a lilt!* I particular about the kind of bird, w* 'will take C-LAfcK for ours. Wl witMT acroks the liver last Tues day where Mr. 9helly, is uncovering large cjuanitiet of very fine magnetic iron are iu vein« which nitasur? in places fion four to eight feet thick. lie seeuis well pleased with the development so far though ha hm not do>ie any work on ■bat ar* considered the best mines. ■ Mr. Sbelly, who is a mining engineer *f: 1 long experience, aud a very agreeable j Kuglishioau by birth, ia progtcssing ■ rapidly considering the unfavorable con- j •ditien of tha weather. I • i SOMC PlltfOJta ruiKK the extension ; of the IS reeoibors-Salem Railway to Wilkeaboro will not bebuilt immediately, for they seem to be of the opinioe that the work which is new Uiu»d"nson the iine from Wiaeton will be put in *s apart -tf a branch read ts Daubury to get to our iron and manganese. We ipv» this hearsay for what it iaat be woi ill, but whether there he any foundation for it | or no. wo feel insured that the road which may tap this seetioa will get a big booty. We do uot hesitate to ex press the spinisn that for the distance of fUur miles swath ut Gerusan'on te four Utiles worth from Daubury the line would furnish more tonmpc to the aver age laile than the same number of miles •f auy line in the State or the South .outside of large manufacturing towns. The Uuivertity of South Carolina now lua twrlitf-fivc members in the facility. Khey mean business. That is the way te match enward aud upward. Sustain year chief seutrev of edaeatioa.—Wil mington Sinr. tiUd to learn that this old institution has attained a conditiea m prosperous and progressive. In the year IStiit one of its ablest professors who had just re signed to accept a chai,' in the Universi ty ot California, wrote to this writer the following words ea the condition of tne University of Soath Carolina: '-This Institution I believe is irretrievably de stroyed. Y«sa know that it ia withoat endowment aud has been sustained by an annual appropriation from the Legis lature. The present Legislature con sists of two-third* negroes, and the re mainder with few exeeptisca ef the sor riest white men in the State. They have math) a liheiil enough appropria tion but have made a condition that all races aul eslor should ha admitted. They have alas made the board ef trus tees eligible by theaueirca, and have jast eleetsd a beard composed of ineu such aa no reputable Professor would bold ofbec under. There is uot a resec table or e«M a man of any character among tbetu. t really believe that the moat respeetable among them are ne. grses. The blow ia fatal to the institu tion. It will aot he sustained by tb« State.'' Wr l*» K4»T CLAIM to he eaiupetoiit to judge, hut from our utaadpwta', heliovo i that a»m«af jour most aauguiuc Jfowo eratie papers ate injuring our prospacts, j hj the stand they have taker on the lu- > ternal Revenue aud 'Tariff Kjuestiou. Politicians may have i( this •way or lh;it, •but' thoHjuestit ti 'Uppermost rfitli 'the i peojile l in' Revenue eursdd districts 1 is to i gtv rnt'fif the 'internal Revenue nm| 1 these districts are large endugh to con. trol the baltiuco of power. In'he dim I light *c have, It seems to us that there 1 is not independence enough among the press of the Nation; some papers which were strong fr - the repeal of the Hove- , nne 1 laws and a redaction of the Tariff ro th* lowest notch before Mr. Cleveland's , message, have tilicc weakened very uiucb i on tlie repeal and strengthened on free trade. Mr Cleveland has made us a good president, nu doubt, and would , again, but if there is no satisfactory MO. , tion secured on tho internal Revenue, I his uicsssgM will lose us many places in Ilevcuuo enrted districts, and we art apprehensive for him, for while the Rev enue law only directly atfects districts wherever you hud voters you find men who chew tobacco, stuvke eigarn and drink whiskey, but it is gettiug too late in the day to discuss this subject now: the next gale from Washington will probably bring us uews that the die is cast ono way or the other. BRIKFS OF GENKKAL NKWS Friday May, 'lit. General Sheridan is confined to his home iu Washington from fatigue and cold; some exag«ratiug reports as to his conditiou have been circulated, ail of which are douied by his family and phy- 1 1 in the Methodist General Conference in New York, yesterday, 1 >r_ Newman was elected bishop oa the fourteenth The town of llrowaton, Texas, was partially destroyed by a eyclone Wednes day afternoon; three churches and eijfht dwellings were demolished crops and trees swept away, a colored woman kill ed and eight ptrsous fatally injured. Several attempts have been made to bum St. Viuccut's Orphan Asvluui, at San Itafael, Cal., recen'.ly, atid it has been discovered that a boy was the in cendiary, whose purpesu was to make his escape from the liisiitutiou. The l'resideut rolurtjea to Washing ton yesterday aad attended the cercino. nies of laying the corner stoue of tin Catholic University. The North Carolina Republicans \es. terday nominated J. B. Mason, of Or ange' for Superintendent of l'ublic In struction, aud I). 1.. Russet, 1> >l. Furehes and R. P. Ruxtou for Superior Court Judges: the electors at large ate pronouuecd Klaiue men. The Presbyter:.in- had a grand time yesterday in Philadelphia on the acea sion of Uie fratcrual ruuniou of the Northern aud Southern Associations. Tuesday, Mv , -- The great Qood lu the Mississippi riv er, which lies been without prcedent in the destruction and sulT"ring created, i* slowly abating There was u considerable drop in the Chicago grain market yesterday, an 1 provisions were qaiet and steady. The printers throughout the country are making efforts to raise uiouey to erect a monument to the memory of Ho race Oreely. * A Teuuessee sheriff attempted to ai res* • negro murderer, when he was fir ed oa by the sc lundrcl and riddlAd with bullets, cansiug his death iu a few rniu utes, the murderer then madn his escape. A deliberate attempt t>. wade to feuru the town of Anderson, S. C , Sun day night, tevuril buildings were set oil fire, and uiuoti excituinent prevail*. Wednesday May, 28 The Secretary of tlio Navy asks for $47,01K) to build a nw mill at the Nor. folk titty yard. Thursday, May, 24. In the Southern Presbyterian Goasr •l Assembly j enteral ay the iurther con sideration of Dr. W oedrow's case win postponed until Friday; an invitation to attend the Centennial celebration to-day in Philadelphia was then received and accepted, and the Assembly soon after adjourned, aad in a body went to the depot and took passage for the Quaker City. Col. Johu A. Kagg, a vo'rran of the Mexican war, died in AsUcville yester day. A railway accident in Missouri killed twe engineers, two fireuian aud two tramps. A fatal shooting affray is reported from Webster, Jackson eounty, in this State, glowing out of as old feud about a small tract of land, in which on* man was killed and Ilia lather Mortally wounded; the murderer made his escape and is still at large. Saturday May, '-0. ' Goucral Sboi i lon was not »• mtoll yes terday morning, aad a physioiau in con stantly in attondaueo on liiui; heart fail ure ia said to bo his trouble, Hon. \\ . 11. H. I'owles lias b.-'-i: u luiuiuiottsly iCL'iuiinatoil or l>y the l>omori.'.ts iu tin o.ytti litriet if North Carolina; delegates to t!> ■ dt. fjoul Convention w.r selected, and President Cleveland tnd taritt" reform outhu.iia*tieal!y endorsed. | Tlio Chiosj market yottoidtiy was ' rery aoti?« in ?r*ina md very dull in piovisious. The ratinii-ipal (flooiiont in Staunton and N.j; 'lt \ a., rßeu)'»il i.'( , n»r,illy in the 'i -.e - tin* IVii. . o uciiP' ;» Hfj' i. au Mayor \r*., elected i'i Nor ! fillt. A "' iiifliniet.'^ij ball n.n i{i>. , Admiral I.uco'an.l mP .-ci* of >he Acrtb Atlantic st Ijtvmfoid, S. f)., last night, which \n • i hrilltaat ttfair. Sunday May, 27th. Oliieial anmiaueeqiont h inado of tlio liead«juar:iTM in St. Louis, duriug the ho en tl»o Democratic Naiionut Coo. ventiou, of (Iu National Committee and the delegation* froiu the various State?. A meeting of the Kxeoutive Cotiuiii. mittee of the Irish National I.eagus iu America has been called, !o bo held in Cleveland, Ohio. June l'Jtli the aet'.on •f the Laague relative to the l'ojic'a re •crtpt, and Ihe boycott of the officers by the resideut Bishop, are the causes (or the cull. There w.i.s au exciting scene in the Northern General Assembly of l'resbj terians yccterday, on the occasion of tie prenentation of the report of the com mittee of conference with the Southern Assembly reUtt.a to organie union; the report gave assurance that a long step had been made towards • reunion of the two Churches, and it wss receivad wrb the wildest demonstrations of pleasure. lien. Sheridat. was reported late last night to be critically ill. Information lias tceu received at Washington of un expected revolutions, ty out bleak in ilio island of Harti, and a war »e«sul h.i-s been ordered there t protect American citixens. Km. President Divis was unable t« to attend the ceremonies in connection with the comer stone of a Confederate monument tit Jttckson, Miss., l ridaj, and sent a letter of regret. THE LACMCB' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT or ORDER. If jrou desire to purcha* a sewing luacbtix*. i*k our ttyuufc ut your pliux) for terms tuxl prtOM. Ifyou euonot find our Mont, write direct to cumrot xldrua* to you boiownarotX NKW MILLINERY STORE, MRS. L. W. MASTEN, Main Stteetj Two Doors ltelow Allen'i Old Stand. ! Latest New York styles * specialty. ' Hats, Flowers, Ribbons Etc. : as cheap as can be bought. | Special inducements t> the COUN- I THY THADK. ORPKKS by umil \iroinplly attended 10. Itou't ful to call and examine my stock. WATCES CLOCKS AND JEWELRY REMEMBER If yon went a Watoh, Clock, or Jewelrv of any kind, if yoa wn.t Silver Wave of any kind, or Spectacles for any age, or if you want a Watt It or Clock repaired, Jowlry me.idcd, or any thing in that line, tho old atandaid house of W. T. VOGLER next door to the Wachovia National Bank, Wuuton, N. C., rflierc you can bo accommodated in all the abovo r|uii:kiy and cheaply. Work war. ninlrd. WEAK J'ii w•« v: »*a I»>»uc wb rlj M»\ir ftU*. «'oD«.in*nir (Vlaiy a««d — . (%*a, tht*» w ■ t »■ l: I(«11 htn t4iik.tUaut4.it g H n HfnfO l>- t!l tlM«jxlvr«. fit fftg^VtaHEUMATISIM , M aim f u 5 nJij. r*iN*'« IUJ(»I Co*Pt»r*:i i«iri*wi t.hn HA tj I ■ vTjh ajj I4t«>d It I.ut tb'- I. -Hi. fc.ni. vrlit.-j* ,/IK'I.Rf..BV Or 7 J-Tv jLmm II ■ R iatwn •!. «M T*t> tT- theM. - /nakinr ortrai.* l. \ lira*.i\ ,-omi t.>>a. Jtn thr ixxkb t n»»»ljr for Hhruoiattaui. fif B KI9NEY COMPt. MNTB » dra H 3VW a j w curaev«- ». •-•• t. nii.n.xi *ifh it* um« WjPk \iL J9H Ft J R if to. nv. malm it the l«at ..•u. .l> iu Ul Vn§. Vl Mr K?nev o»«iuplii«; u«. Jr DYSPEPSIA H g It. and utri* p.Hfni l lli»- V —-- - ft> H _ ng. m| tivo iht I* why it can* u\:» tbo tpmpoundco^n™ 1 Paink*., imjb) (Jovporyn 1« ik l ! * raih*r- P tic It ■ !n*at:r«. "*T»«nd neural to tho nwi-la. > *m4r .*i4- i *»-« lin IJV. Ntrvc«i. ProMrMloa. Ncrma Haa4.ch.. IW«niu«n.lM br rrn»~.i-Ml .nj biuluraa ■5.ur.1,1., N.rvou. W«l.m luutk »"£ - t>yt- ,Vr ' fI.W. " M ' V I>n- .1 M». fxp.l.,«n4 all «OKti«» ol lb. KMaajra. WELLS, RICH AHD3ON ft CO. Prop's ' UUJIUSUiOtf. VT. I.ATVD S VT E. j Vi it li'ioul Kxpolta*. -lly viltdo «.l an t\f I at'tu* in luy Itatitls infavttr « i't». 'I• Wall* 1 iiunt William I'. ami -Ion > Sl4imhUir Is kiietl lt\ t 1m ihtpt'iiatr C'oiut otatok'"- ttniuty on tin* Till tin) nfMay lift", ivturimlilf tti 'lVnu ot'Stnke.'.Sni* , i!oi't ourl 1 uill sell t,i lint brltlrr at pnldii ■metkm at the eourt-lmus*' tlti.tr in »>auWury. ou Monday tlie UU i.»y t»f July ISfsS, tlw following describedtr»ft or panvl of laml lN'litnglii|j| to William 11. KUugliter, UniUed In tlio fount) lb" "liters of Nnrtli Dl r. -a mid adjoining lhol..ntU of I'luk and Jury .slaughter and utlu .-a. I'liti aliovM tltwiibed land Is to l«' -•*••'d to satisfy a juilgmont dtK'ki'ted o*i the du.i'j int>,it Doi ki't iiftlif *iu]KTlor Court ofSlokos County, ulicieln Wiltiani 11. alts is tiff and Willlnn 11. S aiigliter and Jorry" Slaughti r lire defendaiiis ; the above lands having Iwtii levied ott hy me to satisfy said iudgment. May !*«?■ I»SS. it. I.l) At.nix, sirtr. ol lot;. • By viimtcif \ «l* 'Te:k c»f *!it» Lsiii««'iior CtHiit of Sink.?* county. «;»iK»;t»t ii»-^ n»«' u ( otnui!«ii( n«r to make silt* of about 40ai*tva ©f Inntl f«-lending to tl« lii'irs of Mnnnott Hi*'**, kno'vn as tin* ••King old |»l.uv*\ I hHI *Ol on tho i»'> on tin' day t4" Jiiih l?*Bi\ to t!»e the followed dedcril' *d lan l«, to w it, abotit 40 arres, lying aiul Mii| in Stokos ooitnty on tin- waters of Muddy ('reck, adjoining tl»«' faudM of Wm. Lloyd, I>. N. !>al!o t and other*. Sait lan.ls nn* situ.it« «l iinuiMtli.ttfly on th« C. F, SI V. V. IC. K« and are well timbered aud very ilesitable for lots. Ternu onelwlf e:tal». balaiuv sixth lnontbs time, with U>nil and ajn provfd avnrit). This tin- lOtli day «»f May Sale it ! oVlik'K. p. ill. 11. A. Cnrro'l, Com. Summons for Relief. North Carolina, i In Su|«»iior rourt. ■ Sitinnioiis for r -lift'— S'okeu Cjuuty. ) IU-ioi«* tlie « i.kuk. lttch.noii l IVarsoii 'tnth !V»hannon, Klirjt.l. Foti- i!! and .!«din I V. Wuo«lm.ui, I), li. iiarrU, XV. K. Har ris. Sa.uiit'l h\ Harris and Jiu»ni«* H .»r --| ri>. infants, aul >l. I). Durham. .I»ssie X. Unrlutiu, >. Hmlinn, (I'arif Ditrhuin, 01- nella It. IhtrliiMu and Kmma K. Dur ham. T'h* of North Carolina To tlie Sliorilf of f'o. -tinH'tlng: You arc commanded, to huiiuiioii Hutli lt«»- iianuou ami otln'M, tin' ftcfi'iiilantM al«ovf named, iftln*y la* I'mud witliinyour e«»unty, to ajn«ear at tlie office of the ''lerk ofthe Su jieriir C\mrt, for tin* county «»f Stok«»s 011 tlie 11th dav of June IHBH, ami answer tlie •'t»tiij»l*iiit, a copy of wldeh w ill be depotdt «l in the offi.v «»f tin 1 'Merk «»f tlw» Sii|w*rior Court within ten days from date of thin Slllilimuui. :»:i«l let t e il«-fi a ii.iaiits take 110- tie»* that if ?ln*y fail to ausw«*r the said eom l|ilaint a' that lime, the pl.iisilitf w ill apply to 11i> Court for the relief drmandet! ii« •!.-• •'oinplaiut. Hereof fall not aud of th!« siiiiiutoiui make due return. Itivou umler my hand, this iftHJi day «•!' April, IHKh X. O. rKTHEB, t I.KItK Hi I'KIUHU (IK ItT. It a|>(H>aring to tlie sat i*f.u-tioii of llie Court that all of the almve n ime«| «k*fen •lautsexcept Hotli Ikihanuou an* noti-rea:* \ dents of thiseouiity ami Mate ami that this j is an iuii« ii for rule for jut-tit ion of lands iu Stoke* county; It U ordered that the above Hiiinmons Im* .H»M\ftl by pubiieation IW six •ueceitfive wmkiln tin' Danbury llttpuitTKi: V a tMMV9|Ki|iei pu'dished iu Dituhur)', N\ C. N. O. PETItKK, C. S. C. INolit'e. letter* TittUftliMttlSW limler t1»o hist will ami testament of W. 11. Carter,«lec\l., luiv.- iiic .aily I*hu«hl to the uiulcnigiM'tl froin tlie Probate Court of Stoke* County, notice is tiereby given to |n*r»oiis imlehteil to *uil es tate to come forward ami make imin*liat» «»tt lenient, ami to all persons bobllng claims aptiii4f *aitl estate to present tliem for pay ment to tin* umlt'ryigiicil on or Iwfon* tl»e Ist lay iif .lime IHHII, or tliis not in l will be plea*! In l»ar of their recovery. This April 17, liw. W. 11. Carter, Jeaae Outer, Titos. F. Carter. Kx*«-ut«>r* of W, it. farter, •!*« *«l. Mehane «V Seott, Attn., lti'iilsville, X. C. Valuable tropertf lor Kale l>r. W. H. Pep|iet liavhig ounclmled not to remove wltli lil& family to Xort Carolina, oiler* for sale on very reaaonrMo terms, hi* lionse and about three acres of land in llie I town of 1. anbury, X. (known as tlie Aa ! Ron Wagner plane. The Itnuse is a good two story, six room building, with kitehen am! Imrii conveniently arranged for tl»c com fort of a trmily, ami IxKirdiiig bouse. Pur chaser will be expected tspaj half the price cash, ami tlie remainder at tlie and of one lami two yeara. Parties wlsbiiu; to pnr clutso can call on Jas.*A Papper Infills place who will show 111** in the pro| eity. Danhnry, X. C, Da**. Ist Is.'J. U- n'i'-r jjt fi-rtiiAHiafJ fOTTirtffj'in ■ I ' , ] Thou«*r-1 •ppl!'*ftUcP» fur pai*iiU» in HiNtN UmUd "Uu-« itotl lon.ru CJIIL- ■ ■ IN m ln««, tb« pul>!i«hrra cf ib«* | AMTttMU conliuu* U> *et »j I I tor ettMlt. trm i»-n»*rk«. copr- MMaaJi rtrku, •to., for Uio tjnitotl KUto«. and \ %o obtfcio pit«oto in OoMdo. Eoflojod. Fntoeo. Oormotiy, and »ll oibor eoantrioo. Thoir»*t'«r»- otkeo is uuttjuied Mid their (Militto* »xo aoour> Drowlnt* ond opoH*e*ti(>n« proporod and AIM • tLo I'ninat Oft.'i no •licrt notl(»». rt+f roo*. nntiio. No t-litre* for t um. iittioa of iuo JoH (or drawmrs. Ad r ir« hy rotilfrro. Falniii«oKtttno(t tlironr» Inlh » IKNTIKIf AMKIUOK.whicb ba tb«liuc«!ttciratii*tion fto> u th j miMi Imluootml ) ] n#*f n|-«r of ito kntU pub!iit!icil ttt iu« world. 1 Tb* r. t«/voUgM of oach o aotuo ovcry |i«tvnt«« 1 i ardt'-»tnu4a. TLI» U'Koand •ptonriidjy n«Tsp%por ft pnbln l.od WEEKLY nt Ikl. C » ,o*r. and m edniTt !to be th be«l p«p«r dovot«d to Niouc*. .1 m* ! » >'«, invi»ni iouh, (•'tcinttoiititc works, ftod , I other i«pftrtiuoutd cf lr> '. i-trial pwb- I liabr lin any oounlr it curtain* t!.o iun..j r.f a'l uao>:>to«a and t»tot o?er>- invontioa patrntrd j ••ch > mI. Try it fuur laontb* for ou« dollar. Bold by all n»*«d"airra. If torn ha*t an mrrntion to writo to Monn .1 •j.'il.ii.tiHi i t>f bcioultbu AiuorMM, H H oiid«»>. I*»* Vork. - . X Has.dlH>vkapout pal«uU man«-d fro*. LUMBER WANTED —I!Y Tlli*- Xorth Carolina Firji, ' rr: ~ f 'o OFF UK* AMI FA«'TUII\ | S %w:w 4*. wivs rox. n. Kt'LK FOU crTTINU IIAIJU Wood I.CMIIKU. Cut logs with *«pi.ue ends aud of even leiiuths, 12, 1■! or ii» foet long. mi«l 1" :vr- Mer-liaouUe. b.u II FKET j Alii) M"ST DKSlltAltl.E. ! WAIATTAM) t IIKRin I'llKl KltliKl). I Saw all Lumber full thi ''km -s, 1 and Ineiie- thick, with s-ptare «• and emls. j Rl l.iS roil IXSI»KCTIO\ ) S't-'i- >1 i»t 1.0 M.'f ♦lmp • in- ic« wl'V %»itli not more tJiiiu l kuut, 1 in«*h n ttiniiiPler or V tliclio - hri .''it !»;.»• CoMM-*r -! M. la l' • L . wil.or not lip ♦ ne|»*.*ta and , iiiit lc« tli «ii 5 Inches witlt*, fjre from tlHHll fill*, k' OT tt .'.'till 1:. of t*' i*e l fuel* knot* amt «a,i n ' | 't'nltt - I pfl tilo »tiy cim ijjti lor t m i in >ii, i wlitcli not lew- than •me hall ut f'.t lor u»t. I PUK'K.S P.\t|» FOK l.t MIII.It Pi:i: KM FKKT I>K!.I VI ICKl) ATOi'U FAC TOltV. Sr'ii».-.t CouililOli. CulV Walnut ami ffirrrv S'.-W #2.fN> ?!.(*» Vol. pii|il:ir. -»i>h h»rf!i l.'O 1 •.•.1 Sswi fiim iiiH|i|r &c 1 I.ini I.Miiit o. tnkrulii 4*\t initifc tor Furniture 1»\ t!>• V t 1 urultnr! Co. Snleni \ ('! | CAN YOU ANSV.iiR il" ? W IRmi, i-w tur iik ivv \ttct .■ ! HB l '' r frfii'llt, ilriva;,., " l:,l " is "Si8 i BH-ion, alll , etj., on i'lirnitureiffj •I " j'ore trom e North andfl| made here at home, by ll H ■ North Carolina Kurniture t'«.,H lunch 1- ms money ' Sucb a-^B ■ Itnrenus.'Wardrobe.H: mils g THE NIRTH CAROLINA I HFUKNITUKE CO.E bere tltcv one of the bc>t SO I'lippcd Kuruiture MB"' tlio South. Nothing Shoddy HO IbV All work warranted. Write di-HK Eareet to their fnetory for l'tiees tlm Call at Geo. Stewart'* for your TOB ACCOJFLUES Winston, N. 0. Aug lily NOTICE. lly virtue of a deerce of the Superior Court of stoke* comity, Spring Term INNS, appointing me a coimuisMoner to make JW»!C, of tile lamii set asitle to tlie plaintiffs in n aiitt |M oiling in the Superior Court of Stoke* county, wherein •!. VV. Morofleld am) others are plaintiffs and .hmeph W. More field U a defendatu. 1 will sell on the premises, on Saturday the Otll day of June 188&, to il»e hi;Jio«t )>i«t der, a tract of land In Stoke* county, con taining 4-1 acres mun- or l«ns, on tin* water* of South Double Creek, adjoining the land* of D. M. l>alton, tieofflK IVaree and oth ers, It l>*iugUie aaiue land sui aside to the plaintiff* in the above entitled suit. Term* made kuawn on day of sale. This tl»e 4t.h day of May J W MOKF.FfEI.D, t .uiun'mimier. THE WEEKLY NEWS AND OBSERVER THE WEEKLY NEWS AMD OB SERVER is » long ways (lie boat ever published in North Carolina. It i» u credit to the people and to the State l lie people should take a pride in it. It should Li in every futility, it is an eight page paper, oliook ftiil of the aort of reading matter, news, market report*, and all that. You (nnnot afford to be without it. Price, SI a year. We wil! fund h !ho WEEKLY NEWS AND OBSERVER until January Ist for 81. Scud f. r sample c«> t >y. A i! dress NEWS AND OBSERVER CO., RALEIGH, N. C. LAND WAIUANTS WANTBI). t-4til ? I it* U1 pasknl by Con ivs» almost every |wrsoii •'-riwlnq a IVil- ; t ils entitled to a F.AIIII Warrant of ICO I, thMiiHlerstsii"il, «ill •« !»- '!:»« t'>r every l.aml Wana«t ofolm lniit ' " d ami >.mj acres, mil de*lr every |*er '.»*!• I^:>i pension ami lias not oli *i 1..1,1,! \\ triant to coinumnirate ith me. ti. 1.. IH'HTo.V, Deer Trail, Colorado. vftti V °U y 0 PAINT? jftcforc doing so it will pay you to call and p;xa*mnc our stock and prices. | Our slock is complete consisting of White Lend, Linseed, I 'til, llradij .Mixed Points, lar/iishcs, Drt/er f-c. In short \irlt mnte/ tal nc -cssnri/ to do lirstetuss work. Also a ;• nwrfc.'c assortment of Paint llrushcs. ASIK'IIAFT "Winwton, - IV. C. I O.K. !i KS N KTT J. A. HHNN RT WINSTON MARBLE WORKS, BENNETT BROS.. DUALEHNIX and Granite MOIIIJIIICM ts, Headstone*, . Tabic!*, Mantels, &c., > Op/io.sifc lirotni'.s U atwliou.se, - - MainSL, ▼aNOinsto U./' s |HVUI 1 >«s»iuu» mi*! h&iimutt'A Furni*liud on Brown, Browner, Brownest. Hish, Higher, Highest. It you would get the very highest price tor jour tobacco, tuaka up yaur raiud | when preparing it for market, to lake it 1} Browns Warehouse Winston, N C Here you will fiinl the largest, best lighted Warehouse in tvvru. vuaaf lli# bu»' auctioneer* in thit, or any other State, mid turner buyers by the «»®r«. That not all, if you would stay but a few hour*, or over night, you will And oomfortabU i plenty of wood, oook Moves upon which to prepare your fosd jood wat«t in abundance and every thirig neecMary to your comfort (if you have a olej' 1 conscience,) wh le the atalls for your stock are all that you aould wiah tor. Hung us your tobacco-: we will do uli in our power to make you OMnfortak* i » here, and got what you want moat—a big price toryour tobacco Very Truly liKOWN & CARTER roMsr| , lpts& 00. The Largeai . \[ani(J\ictnriiis Establishment in'the South Have established HI Orcentboro, N. (>., n branch house, whore they will keep a large stock 'if their goods us well every other line kept in a tirst-clasn l'urnilur# House, viz : CIT. l ÜBJiR SUITS . PARLOR SUJTS, Bill) LOVXGES, WARDROBES, TABLES', CLOCKS, PICTURES. FAXCYAM) PLATA ('HAWS of all kinds, which will bc'sold cheaper tinn ever known in (irotasboro. Dou't Korgat the I'laco, NF.ARLY OPPOSITE THE. MCADOO HOUSE, For City Trado (ioods on Initilliw'illf, If. R. FORBIS, Manafrr. 'cwuma M 3P. BQjSS" lotirorok J. & P. COATS llif YOU OAN BUT IT OF: if, A. 14$#. AT JOBBERS PRICES. IKIURUR COVE, J\r. c.