The Reporter nncl Post THUKSDAY MAY Ul, 1888. .Topics nt Home. lii uu« Ai'iinml VtHMfctary, MU«I tonntjr MmifW Briefly Toirf ■ ••A cUlel'i aiming you take it tiotoi, A ml, faith, hu'll fircut it. " Any subscriber who fails to receive tilo RKPORTKR and Post every week is roquo.stod to report the failure. Wo want to sec where 'ho fault is. Sun Rises 4.5: i a. in. Sun Sets 7.08 p. in. Day's Length 1 111 16 win. Moon quarter* to-Morrow 7 o'clock 23 minutes, morning. The l'"es seeiu io be thriving unusu ally well this season. Hrmvn's Drug Stove, Winston, N. C. is Headquarters fur drug», medicines Jcc. It is said tlut onion seed raised north of the lutitude of Philadelphia will not iniik* sets. At Hrown's Drug Store, Winston, N 0., you can get special pr ccs in oils, varnishes, paints &o. The Republican Convention at lircrtisbornnnininatcd linn. J. M. l'row cr f.i ongies-in Ill's district. The prices on Hee Hive boots and shoes nre carrying thorn off with a rush : don't .uil to see thrui when in Winston. Peerless Harness Oil is the best leather drossing for sale only by Ash craft .V Owei.s, Druggists, Winston, N. C. If you are in need of a shoulder brace go to Ai'ioraft /c Owens, Druggists, Winston, N. C.; they guarantee a fit or ne charge. The plaintive voice of the dove is more commonly heard this season than last your, and coveys of partridges may be heard "bob-whiting." There are three male prisoners serv ing out sentences in jail, one white and two colored, two males white and one male colored for trial If you have not read the Iteo Ilive Cash Store's advertimmont do so nt once. Head evory woid. tt will pay- it will be changed soon, rrtij it. The Spring Term of i'tiipcrior Court for this district ends nt \\ inston this week, tho-Tall Term begins nt Wuit worth •'u!y '23, and convenes m Danbu ry August (i (for two weeks). "The long wot season'' which set in two weeks ajj i lilt clings to lis; though the execs-iively disagreeable shivery] weather of the fore part of last week lots given way to a suauicrlikn temperature. The Democratic Convention.last week instructed its delegates for Hon. J. C, Ituxtoii for Congress; Mr. Huxtoii is strong, good man, and if noiuinntcd would poll a large Vote ill S'okes con ti iy- D. 11. Mclver, arganiicr of farmers' Alliances, is in the county looking after tho merest* of the laboring classes, and expects to be in this place the first Mon day in June, to make an address on the subject, and ho;.os to see a large num ber o( tanners >»nd others present. Those interested in the order und the. bc'lerir.g of their condition will please address him at Danbury. Do you wear shoe ;' and do you know the best place to buy shoes ' Sample S. Hrowu's One Priee House, tireersboro, carrits ten thousand dollars worth of shoes of all grades, from the cheapest pegged b rt'g iua up to the finest French kid and French calf hand sewed shoes; lu'.n women, uhildtcti und infants shoes of all kinds ure embraced in this im mense stock, and prices are marked down to'rock bottom on the whole line. When you go to U.ocnsboro don't fail to see Fislibato's mammoth stock nf ready-made clothing, said to bo the largest in tho State, there too jou will find a largo assortment of hats and fur nishing goods. If you waut to be assur ed of the low prices they nsk for goods, you have only to stop and judge from tho crow 1 of customers and busy clerks. Now that no arc gettiug such a closo neighbor to t iniensboro, hundreds of our roadors will almost week ly and they must romembor the place to bey the iocs' goods for the least money Many of our country merchants might do woll so soe tho Fishblato stock. The following are tho buying price* of produce in Dunliniy: oats 46 to bO cents, wlioat 75 cents to sl, rye Too., corn 50 to 65, peas 00, clieirics black berries 8, raspberries 12i, damsons 0, 1 unpeeled peaches J, bligl-.t peeled phaolius S, i unpeeled peaches 2, faucy peaches 10, t apples '2l, bright sliced apples 4, fancy sliced apjles 5, honey 10, beeswax 18; chickens 10 to 15, butler 10 to 15, cgifs 12 S, chestnuts SI, gubors (peanuts) $2, vinegar 25 to 40 (scarce), rabbi', skins 15oeuts, p.issum skins 8 ots, noon skins 10 to 25 cts, ottor shin* 75 to sl, beaver skins (ulcanod of fat) 75 ecnls per jmtind, green hides 5 and dry hide 10 cts, tallow ill cakes 41 cts, »»d goose fcall)-crs 60 cent*. Tax tasting The tax listers will meet at the fol lowing placrs and tiiiics ; Daiibnry,' June 4ih, nnd . r ith Wilson's Store, dune Gtli and 7lli; Geritanton, June, St'i «nd 9th. The tax payers should he ready to give in their lists. Tin 1 lit. Airy i'l'lclirulltin At n meeting uf tho citizens of the town at Mt. Airv,-the 20th of Jane was finally appointed as the day to celebrate the complet ion of the Cape Fear it \ ad kin Yallej' Railroad t« this point. A gtnud Gorman will be given at night. Music 4»y Kessnioh Hand of ltichmvud. All the citizens of North Carclina nud surrounding states are em Jially invited to attend. GrO. W. St'ARUKR, Scc'y. Mt. Airy, N. C , M ly, 19th, ISSS. IMrililioui S|»rlnir«. t'apt. l»udlow is laying off lots and drives on the tlm I'teduiimt Spring property Wc predict a grind future for Piedmont, nud when the titty stock holders, ii II men of money, have built their huiidsomo little villus on their own lota, it will be one of he prettiest little towns in the State, and in place of the "city folks" spending two weeks or at nio*t GO days n: the springs, many of them will keep their families in this healthful 'diuie four to eight months in ■the yean where they will be free from the iiitnsuia ef the lower districts. CON(IIIKSsI)N.YL SI.'MM VltV., WAV, '22. In the Senate yesterday a number of bills ot local interest were passed, and to the Itiver and Harbor hill were reported; a large nuiibcr of bills wcro iti'ioduced in the House, and the bill was pissed creating the Ue. partmont of Agiiou/ture and transfcri- j ing thereto the Member servieo «'f the I Signal Service liuteau: the Consular and j Diplomatic Appropriation bill was also passed. •ivkii.v -haV, >t r. i'i Ihe Senate duei'le 1 i.ot to c insider ttie Fisheries treaty in open session. Democratic members of the Hotist ' Committee on Itivers und Harbors ui'e ' dismayed at the changes loade by the! Senate commitliw. items for tho N«iw | England States have been largely in- 1 creased, while those for tho Southern States have been slaughtered. TltrnSOAY, MAV, 21 No business was dune in open session of thu Semite yesterday, an adjournment taking place fooii after assembling, in ordei to allow members mi opportunity to attend the funeral services of the wife if Senator Sawyer, in the I louse the I'ost Ollico Appropriation bill was considered. A favorable report has been made ou the bill for the cstaulndiment of a Da paitiuent of Agriculture, but that por. Hon was stricken out transferring the Weather llareau to the now Depart ment. l ilt HAT »t.\V, i'l. The question of rcdu«-iog t.> n simpl - j majority tlio vote necessary to override | a I'«csidoltlia! veto was discussed in the \eatoiday by Mr. Stewart, ur.d tho conference report mi th- Pension appropriation bill w-u pss-ed- in tto- House the I'ost Ofiioc appropriation bill, the Manue Conference bill aud several other bills were passed. KATI'IUIAV, MAV, -6. In tlio Senate Mr. ISlair introJuocd a joint rosolutiou proposing un amend inout to the eonstitution, and the bill increasing the appropriation for tho ex penses of collecting customs revenues was passed, the House proceedings were unimportant. In secret session of the Senate tho fisheries treaty was indirectly discuss ed, but was not formally taken up. SUNDAY, MAV. 27. Nothing of special interest was dine iu Congress yesterday. When passing Walnut Cove rciueui her that you will bo well cared for by sto| ping at tho Walnut Covo Hotel, kept by Mr. L. W. Lewis. A.ll 'hit l'rudcuoc is a commendable virtue, but it is never seen in such b*?uuty as when a mother provides hersclt with a bottle of Dr. Fliuts' Cough Syrup for cases of emergency. For sale every where. tf. Typhoid* Mini lollou l>iprH, HcuMle*. I»l[>tlit'i ia, Nitiall Darbya I'rophyluotio I'Muid will de stroy the infection of all fevers and all contagious and Infectious diseases. Will keep the atmosphere of any rick rooiu pure aud nhelesoiuc, absolving ami destroying unhealthy and conta gion. Will naturalize any bad smell whatover, not by disguising it, but by dijfroying it. Use Darbys Prophylac tic Kluid in every siok room. 51H0.03 will now buy the Farmers Saw Mill, SIOO.OO the Dixie Planer, $-75.00 the Ox'-Jt inoli Tar Hsel Plan er and Matcliei Manufactured by the ' Salem Iron • orks, Salem, N.'' Write for full descriptive circulars. Orders for ail (deletion on a proper i turn to make cortein subscriptions to tho . Roanoke and Southern Rail Road to be | he'd in Sauntown, lieaver Island and Know Creek townships. A petition signed by 41 freeholders! of Sauratowu '.owtifiliip having been pre-, scnted prtwtig tho Hoard to ordor an' election held ill said township for the | purpose of submitting to the qualified j voters of said township a proposition to! subscribe lliu sum of ton thousand Jul- j h>rs to the Roanoke .'I Southaru 11. It., I to ho rim from Winston nnd Salem to' some point on the liue of North Uiiroli-I na and Yiigi iia through the township ot ileaver Island iu the direction of Roanoke City, Va., the said subscrip tion to be paid in tne coupon bonds ot Reaver Island towuslup, at their face value, said bonds to bear interest at G per cent. | er annum payable lialfycarly and to run .'lO yoaj«, and when issued to be placed in the hands of a trustee to bo agreed on by tho Hoard of County Commissioners of Stokes county, and the authorities of said railroad company, to bear l.itcrcst from date of delivery of the same, and to be delivered in instal- j incuts as follows, $"i,00" when said road sludl have been graded to a connection | with the Capo Fear Yadltin Valley , R'y. at Walnut Cove or Stokcsburg, the other $5,000 when the said road slmll be completed an I put in operation to that point, it was ordered as follows: It appearing to tho Heard that a pe tition signed by 41 freeholders and tax j payers residing in Sauiatown township i in said county, is presented to the Hoard j under tho provisions of an act of the , General Assembly of North Carolina,! entitle "An act to incorporate the Ho in- j idea and Southern Railway Company,"! Section "1- of said net, ratitiod tho :Mtd nf Kobuury to submit to tho qual ified voters of said township, tho propo- sition to subscribe the sum of ton '.how and dollars in Snuratown township binds to the capital stock of tho lloanoko iV Hallway Company, and :t.".j penring that the said petition is regular, and as proscribed by law, now tt is or dered that it be submitted to the iiuali- lied voters of SauMtown township the question of "subscription" or "no sub scription" of the sum of SIO,OOO, in Sauratown township bonds, at their faeo value, to tha capital stock of tho Ko anoKo Si Southern Railway company, for the building of said toad, flout tho towns of Winston and Saletu, lit Forsyth coun ty to some point on the lino of the States of N. C. and Va., tlio said sub scription to be paid for in bonds ot Sau rutown at their faeo value, said bonds to bear interest at the rate of six per cent p«r unnnui payable nuully, and to run tr>c a pound of "10 years. Interest to begin to run »nly from tho lime ot delivery of said bonds and tho said Township receiving certifi cate nf stock, in said Hallway I'oinpany for the same anion its ; as the amounts of bonds so issued, said bonds to bo plaoC'i in thjhands of a trustee, to bo delivered by the order of this I'oavd, to .srud lluit w.iy Oouipuiy as fojlows, when said road iliall havu been graded to spiiiO point in connection with the 0. I''. \ \ . V'. KailKoad at Walnut (love or .Vtokes burg, N. C. and t&,000 when sutd road shall be completed and put in operation to that point. In order that tliu quuli(l!l voters ot s:iid Township may voto on said tjucs tion, an election is hereby ordcrod to be held, at the regular voting prceinet (Walnu' Cove) in said Township, on the sixteenth day of June 18SH, at which election ull the voters of Bald Township shall have the right to vote. The bal lots shall bo either printed or written, and shall bo cast as iugcneiut elections, uiid those in luror of subscription, un. dcr the condititions and stipulations, hereinbefore sot forth, shall vote 'a bal lot whereon is written or printed "Sub scription" nnd those opposed shall vote "No Bubaeripitioo." That John W. ]>avis be appointed Registrar and that Henry A. Uurton Joseph I. B'aek burn, Philip K. Davis und K. L. S i.ith ho appointed judges to hold clec lion.. It shall be the du:y of judges and registrars to see that all such persons' names, as arc not qualified voters of the township, be erased from the registra tion books, aud that they shall meet with the registrar at Walnut. (love, X. C., on the 14th day of June 1888, for that purpose. It is further ordered that said poll holders shall make return of said vote on the 18th day of dune 1888,1 to the Hoard of Commissioners. It is further ordered that this order be spread upon the minutes of the proceeding.-* of the Hoard, by the Clerk thereof. C. M. LAHI.EY, o ii. c. c. Attest, 1). V. Carroll, c. ii. o. c. A petition signed liy 25 freeholders to souio noint on the line of tho States; of Jioavor Island township, having been 'of .\ortli Carolina mid Virginis in tlie j also presented piaying the Hoard to or-! diroetion of ltoanoko City in Virginia, dor ail election hold in that township foi j the snul subsi i-iptioti to be paid for in tli • purpose 'f sal nutting to tlio rota of j bonds of .Snow Creek township, at their j said township a proposition to subscribe , lane value, t>aid bonds to bear interest j ten thousann dollars in tho same manner ,nt the rate of six per. cent, per annum ami for tlio sruno purpose as set forth in payable semi-annually, and to run for n I the petition of township a- period of thirty years, interest to begin ! bovo recorded, it was ordered as fol- to run only from tlio tiuie of delivery j lows |of said bonds, and the said township ro- j W'n the undersigned freeholders anil tux payers of the township of Kesvtr Island in the county of Stokes, under the provisions of an act of the General Assembly of North Carolina, entitled •'An aot to incorporate the Koanoke & Southern ll'y Company" Soctiou 22 of said act ratified the 23rd day of Febru ary 1887, respectfully petition your honorable Hoard to order an election to b« held it; tho said township ou the Kith day of June 18SS, (or tho purpose of submitting to tho qualified voters of Heaver Island township, Stokes eouuty, a proposition to subscribe the sum of ten thousand dollars to the capital stock ot the ltoanokc and Southern Railway Company to run from the tiwns of Win sun and Salem to some point ou the line of tbo States of North Carolina and Virginia through the township of Bea ver Island in the county of Stokes in the direction of Koanoke City in the State of Virginia, the said subscription to be paid in the coupon bonds of Heaver Island township at their face value, saiJ bonds to bear iutcrest at the rate of six per cent por annum payable semi-annually at some point to be designated by vour said Hoard of Commissioners, and to run for the pariod of 30 years. Said bonds when issued to co placed lr. tho hands ef a •rustec to bo agreed upon by the Hoard of Commissioners of Stokes coun ty and the authorities of said Railway Company Interest on said bouds shall begin to run from the dale of the deliv ery of the same, said bonds to be deliv ered in instalments as follows, $5,000 when said roaJ shall have been graded, to some point through said township on whatever lino they may adopt. The other $5,000 to bo paid whenever tho road shall have been graded and com pleted to the Snow Crock township in said township line. In order that tho qualified voters of said t wnship may vote on said question an election i« hereby ordered to be hold al tho regular voting prccinot in said township (Carter's) en the Kith day of June IHpS at which elcetioX all the vo ters of said township shall have the right to vote The ballots shall be cither printed op written and shall be enst a.s in general elections and those in favor of subscription utulcr tho conditions and stipulations hereinbefore set forth shall vote a ballot wheron is written or pi in t cd "subscription" and those opposed shall vote 4% n0 .sub* , ;riptlou. ,, That Mason T. Mitchell shall be u|>- pointed rogifitrar, and l*aac Neal, W. C. Wilson, J. W. Hotlirock and \V. W. Mitchell shall-be appointed judges to hold the said election. It shall tie tlio duty of the judges and registrar to see that all such persons Domes an »io not |ualitied voters of said towns.iip be erased from the rogistntiou books and that they shall meet witb the rei»is'r.r at Carter's precinct on the Htli day of June 18X8 fur that purpose. ft is further ordered that such poll holders shall make return of .said votes on the 18th day of June 1888, to the lioard of (/'oiumiMionors, It is further ordered that t!ii- order be spread up. u the minutes of this JSuaiil by tin. clerk tl ercof. 0. >l. Lasi.kv, ch. it. c. c. Attest, D. V. Can oil, c. n. c. c. And a petition having been present ed signed by •'! 1 freeholders of Snow Creek township pruying the Hoard to j order an election in that township tor the purpose of submitting to the voto of said township a proposition to sub scribe fifteen thousand dollars in the same, manner and Jor the same pnr ' pose as set forth iu the petitions of ! Sauralown and lieuver Island tuwnships | above recited, it was ordered as fol ! lows. It appearing to tho Hoard that a petition signod by IU free holders and tax payors, residing in Snow Creek Township in said county is presented to the Hoard, under tha provisions of in aet of the General Assembly of North Cajoliua entitled "an net to iucocporejo tho Roanoko and Southern ltailway (Company," seetiou '22 of said not, rati fied the 23rd day of Kobiuary 1887, to submit to tho qualified voters of said Towhshlp. a proposition to subsoribe the sum of $15,000.00, in snow Creel; township bonds, to the cspital stock of the Uoinoko and Southein Railway Company, and it appearing that tho said petition, is regular, and as pre scribed by law, now it is ordered that it bo snbmittod to tho qualitied voters of Snow ('reek township the question of ("subscription" or "no subsiription," of the sum of $15,000, iu Snow Creek [ township bonds at their face value, to ' the onpitnl stoek of tho Hoanokc and Southern Hallway Company, for tho building of said road from the towns of Winston ind Salem. in KorsyMi enunty j ceivirg certificate of stock, in said Hail j way Company for the same amounts as the amounts of bonds so issued. Said : bouds to be placed in the bauds of a trustee, to be delivered ou the order of . this hoard, to said Kailway Compauy, as follows . $5,000 when said road j shall have bocu graded through the I township byway of Sandy Uidgc and $lO 000 when said Hoad shall be com pleted as above. In ordct that tho qualified voters of , said township may vote on said ques ' tit>!,, an election is hereby ordered to , be held, al the regular voting precinct, at Alley's in said township ou Saturday tho lfith day of Juue 18S8, at which election all the voters ill said township shall have the right to vote. The bal lots shall LK> either priuted or written, and shall be cast ns in general elec tions, and those in favor of subscription under the conditions and stipulations hereinbefore set forth, shall vote a bal lot wheniu is writ'eu or print-id "sub scription," and those opposed shall vote "no subscription.'' That J. W. Hutch erson be appointcd registrar, and jT. J. Qanu, II undersoil Moreficld J.J. Sliafer and O. 11. Sinuuons be appointed judges to hold said election. It kIiuII bo tkct duty of the judges auil registrars to see th«t nil such pontons names, us are not qualified voters of the township, be erased from the Higistra tion books, and that they shall meet with tno registrar at Alley's on the 11th day of June 1888 for that pur pose. 11 is further ordered that such poll holders shall make return of said vote on the 18 h day of June 1888, to the Hoard of Commissioners. It is furtbei ordered, that this order bo spread upou the minutes of the pro ceedings of the lionrd by Hio Clerk thereof. C. M., ch. it. c. c. Attest, l>. V. Carroll, ti. c. c C- F. & Y. V. BAILWAY CONDEXSEDSCHEDULE JW) 29 Taking clfect 5, a. in., Monday, I)*'**, lit, 'B7. TRAIXS movinO NORTH. Pass. iV Fr'ht A Mail Pass. Lvliejmettsvi iTe 886 am 'i 80 pin Ar Mux ton : 0 40 :i:55 liV Max ton 057 4 If* Ar Fayetteville 11 50 8 10 l.v Fayette vl lie jli 05pm s^oani Ar Sanford.... ..| *2 17 :12i£Opm IA Sanford 240 1 5:» Arireensboio 000 r 7 4. r I A Greensboro 110 10a ibi Ar l*il*i Ml ! 1100 pml Piissftiu.i'r and Mail No 1 Dinner at San fort I Pass. A Mail No 11 dinner at Gcrman'on THAI KM MOVING 3J5 111 Pans. A Fr'ht A Ma'l Pas*. FA Pilot Mt ( 4 10 pro, Ar liivciwlum* •••' » s 50 l.v (Jiv. iishoro ; 1000 hi I 745 im Vi Salifonl 1 1 80 piu 215 pro L\ .Sanford I 50 •» 55 Ar Fnyettevilfto ; 4 1"»* 7 05 L\ Kavtteville 4-50 :»;;0 am Max 101 l 1 *7 000 L\ M i xli.ii I 0 40 0 4"» Ar lienu.-ttsville. j 8 Oil i 1*2.00 in Passenger and Mall Dinner at .Sanford. Pitwnxiv ami Mail Trains run daily ex cel* Sunday. Freight and Accomodation Train run* be. tween lleuncUsvllle ami Fayeteville on Momtu)s. Wednesdays and Friday* aim !*» t iveen Fay«tU!vlll« and Greensboro on Tuesdays, Thursday* and Saturdays. Trains on Factory lirancli run daily ex cept Sunday. Close connection is made at . ..»xton with C arolina Central llailway Passenger Trains tn and from Wilmington. W. K. KYLE, (itiii'l Pass. Agent. J. W. FRY, Gen'! Sup't. NOTICK OF INCORPORATION. Notice is hereby given tliat Articles of Li corporation have been entered Into liy Un persons herein after named miller the name and style of the "PIEDMONT SPKIVGS COM PAN V." OIMKIT OK THE IXCOVII'OItATION. The object of said cor|ioration is for the purpose t»f purchasing and improving the mineral Spring pro|»ciiy known lieretofore as the Piedmont Spring*. I.t&CITII OK TIMK« Said corporation shall exist lor the period of thirty years. I A PITA I. STOCK. The capital slock *4 said coiiipany is Fif teen Thousand Dnllari divided into share* of Three Hiiudred Dollars each, with privi lege of increasing tlie same. PLA( Ror lIUSINKKS. The principal office of tlie Company shall l*o for the present at Winston, N. C., with power to chaise, the same. !.\ Om OHATOHH. The names of the lu'co. pomtors are. S. K. Allen, (». W., J. C. Carr, J..C. Buxtou. J A. Hitting, J. W. Altpaugh, P. H. Ilanes A Co., Brown A Carter, lirown Bros., VV. A. J audi, S. B. Taylor, J. L. Pat terson, John M. Taylor, Vaughn A Ifepper, J. 1.. Ludlow, Frank Miller, F. (1. Crutch tield, K. G. Motely A Co., John A. Gilmer, W. V Melinite. L. U IlillaiutJ. D.Glenn. Eight Aftainat Wrong! CASH AGAINST CRSIMTI TIIE BEE IIIVE CASH STORE! East Side Couit-House Square, WINSTON' N. C. A COMMON SKNBG TALK. KIM) It K. I DEH. —We do not desire to mislead any one, neither do we want u» de wive or take advantage in any manner. Please lead carefully what we have to say from time to time iu this column. Digest* the facts, and if an itnl»clicver, meditate, and if our remarks are not reasonable in your mind pat* them by. If you are favor ably impressed, give us a trial. Allow us a chance to prove to you. ».air • Siit inaction that what We preach is go-nel vriaiii. Ap |>eals to your judgment -m mi sense are the o ly argument we ii soliciting your trade. It is for our intercsi we deal hones'ly with you. Confidence i§ the very essence of the contract between tin; merchant and the customer, and how* can confidence • xist lietwemi buyer and tidier when one of them lutendsto treat ihe other wrongfully. We ci moi aflbrd to Is* unjust io our custo- mers, heuuisc itijmtiee I* always sure to meet its proper desert. Now a lew words as to what we are doing. We have lieen here only one mouth, but in tbat thue we ha%e built up a tremendous trade, onr tales miming as high as S4OO per day. From tin; very l*ogi..iiiug we have had a larger 11ad«-than many houses of years tupl;!i7, and il is conceded by all fair-iiimled |>ersons that we are having de cidedly the largest trade of any new house that evei opened here, and u hat is the mean lug of all tins? It means that merit will ab ways win, that right will conquor wrong, tliHt the Cash System, close attention to business and ei*mom\ i* bound to force to 'the wall the infernal credit system, with its twin brother, high prices. Our low prices have caused a v ail of distress from some of our competitors. We have seen some arti cle* drop 2o cents on the dollar when it was declared tliai tin y wen; being sold as low as could lienlToixled liefgre. In many things we have forced the price down from sto *25 per cent. Pleusi glie us credit for what we d«»ser\c, nothing more, rnderstand us that wt do not el till* to be better or Huurter mcrcbanta than many others, but we do claim tliat we can atievd to si-II gtssls from 5 to 25 i»er cent chea|K-r than firms who buy and sell on time. The firms that buys and sell-; on t iiu«b«*sides having to pav more tor their goods, and losing the discounts, al ways lo.>es II top- less t»y liiul debts, and liesldes an honest profit they have to put on an extra profit to cover then- losses from that Mtunv, ami you and every otlier (lay ing person lis* to |»ay it. Not so at the Bee Hive. Here you buy everything at a clone, quick protit, and do not have to |»ajr what we lose by dishonest people's rascality. We are just in rooeiot i»f a big stwk of Fanner's Supple*, and are cHcring special inducement* iu that Hue. (ilance at the follow lug prices* Com|»are them with what you have been paying, and then think of the little fortune you wlil throw away in a life time unless >on come diri'ct to headquar ters. we aii; «»tleriiig: Aim's* Steal Sjiado at £5 cents. •» »• shovels .it 75. " Kow 11nd's tteel spades at 50 els. 44 14 shovels at 52 44 St»cl bay forks at .17cent*. I#arge *ize handled hoes at 18 cts. Tra«t» chains at ;»2 cts. 44 44 heavy, at i) 7 cts. *• 44 very heavy, at 4'2 cts. Dixie ami Farmer Friend Plow Points at 7». Big bargains in prahi and grass sevthes, cutlery, Arc.. *c., We make a speeiality of shoes and cal 1 your special attention t4> our line of BKK If IV K SM )ES. Our low prices carry tliem off with a rush. We have already liought our thinl stock. We hive sold as high as tlou> 100 paes a day. We call your special attention to our lino of Bs ( Hive Shoe*. Every pair warranted, and if they do not prove as represented we will make a reas onable allowance. HATS! HATS!! ll.VTS!!! IIAT8!!/! Men's fur hats at (J?), 88 ami cents, worth double. TO THE LADIES !' In dry goods ami ... we are offer ing unlienrd of prices. are ottering a line of watered silk* at 88 and 40 its. worth I double. All the latest styles in dress ging hauisat 75 to 0 cents sold by other bouses at Bto 10. We have the • nicest line of white dress goods ever shown in Winston, at prices from ofllerge Mixtures, Cashmeres, Chauibra)s Ac., Ac., In conclusion we nledgo ourselves to try by all 1 tollable means to save you some mon ey, and if we cannot do it we dont a*k your patronage. You will find us ever fighting against the old rotten credit. s>st"ui, against big prices, for money, for reputfttiu and for the best interest of our customers. Yours anxious to please, W. D. Baity &. Sons. WHAT - 7 ■ Dfc£L 411 4 WS WANT. « f *a% «* A . -*i.i • •* •«? 'mmTV# II IMi «• ifl »Y J / f *• I *.» ** Good Locks »• k*ep thiWMM* **im *t*i* fate- # ALLEN hag them. AV eatlier St i*i us to keep tl>e cold aol aoew out. AUMkM^km WINDOWS to i««k* a i. S. E, ALLEN • * HA3 TSCmC. 4J m »Jl MSTO J 'KS to keep the cold eat. ALLEN HAS TilK>l on tb« Id floer LAMPS t0 keep tbe dark Mi. ALLEN HAS THEM at the Old Pfohl fc Stockton Stand. PAINT to ke«p th* damp ««t. Allen has the Best *. •*»** x&sb /• t \± * '■ t * To keep Anything ; ELSE OUT. 8. B. ALLEN Han It. In short go to him for all the Tinware. Hollow ware, Wood ♦ I*i4 en ware, mmmmv ; » i. •» and t * &««* 4 • i- > « • * ' •- you may want, at the **'' - * I*l « r*%? i Old Ptoh! & StoeK * ton Stand, Corner ol Main and 3d Streets, j/L fmi**. #. & , ■ •w «3f

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