?* 3H '• -* > 'V Reportegpf^ PUBLISHED WKEKI.T AT DANBURT. TTXJT * PUFFER & f£9tf*T~ Vt/As. «■ Prnf R4TKS or Hnmcitinias t T«»r, naoalile la all SI.M MO"*' j&K.? -•••» RATES «#*' : *l»Vrl»TlMl3t; : Oa* Squur® (lun 1III«h or lo«*) I time, f 1 'Mi F>r •ncli nlqltloual byy lluii .. BMII in pro|»orlTi• i» to I lie ;iWovu rute». T* niixmiit »«lvefCL«-W will l»» l to result I c*r«tiug to thtfxerAt the Flmo thoy »cinlc uir favor*. • l*cx\ S HlrfN will bo curled AO |nrr «cwt. !il|{lieii UiuaUcul,- Onl* irtUat PoMur amium. JA-.. * - * PROFESSION*. I' C.IMDS. /.. HA yjwifi:, ATTORNEY AT LAW Mt Aiiy N, C. Special attention ((i+ ii to lliocollection of elaimi. If*. /•'. CARTER, ttrro /H.yjs r-,~t r-/sd it. MT. lUttY, SllKlcr t'O., N. O rr*cllc* 4 \vhcr«v»». hisservicea arc* wan til R|f*MAßl# WOOI» KAMI. |>. COOtJWIN. IRIKT iu\l>Kl{»o.\. moll*!) W. ItACON WOOD, 6 A CON & CO laiporturrf HIKI JoMtcri» of DRY trGOltS, AOTJ()A\S WHITE GOODS, ETC. Nok. Mnrkot St., rHILALKLPIIIA, PA. MICA I WANTCD SKCOft> yIAI.ITV MTCA, SPOT TED 02 MPKDICII) UNCUT. SENU SAMPLE* AMI" Pit CP.. A. O SOHOONMAKKK, 158 William St., New York. « ■ (.Errwt R. with WIHCO, RLI.ETT i fRt'MP, KiCHMONI), VA., Dealers is BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, AC. Pren|>t aitwitioa4»«ii to ardrrs, rnid utla a tina Biiaranteed. Virginia State Prison Llvodt m tyectalty March,6. m HSIRT W. PO .TKHS. EUUAB U. TATLO. K jr. i CO., tfUOLKSAIK DRUGGISTS, PAIHTS, eiUi, UTES, TABKISHKS' French and Atnorlcon WINDOW CiLAaS, PUTTY, AC BMOKINU AM) CIIHWINti CIGARS, TOUACUO A 18#5 Mala St., Biohmeod, Va; Aa(ulSm]« — GEO. STEWART." rin and Sheet Iron Manu facturer. Opposite FUIIIUTS' WtirvliuuMi. WIXNiOK, *. « . tOQfINC. GUTTERING AND SPOUT ING I doiio ut short notice. *C«C|>H (v»n%i*llly VFTI hfiud JI line lot o ami Mi nting Bto\».t. OAK RIDGE HfSTITUTE. DO VOl' wi>li to |iatiiiiiizo .i good permaneul and progre«l»e Irtiuof, i)ujiu"itiibp'tactmplrte roun ded eilncatiou ? L>» yolk with la learn U> b« a feather, to eep Uookn, prop.m l for the I' uiveraity, or •o finish a good euuix' of study If no aihtriMfs, J. A. & M. H. HOLT, OAiv KtIHIK ISSt'ITfTK, OAK UIDOK, N. C. Xext tenii begins August Utli. « . » - The Wilmington Star. KEDUirriON Ui PRICES. Attention ia called fo the fallowing te tlucml rata* of aubaoriptioo, ■■ CAf-n IN AKVANCI: tnR DAILY STAR. Oao Yeaf fC.OO I Three Monthcsl.so Six Mouths S.OO | Ona Montlia' 50 TUB WEKKLT ST All. One Year"' SI.OO | Six Montlia 6t» Tbrea Mouths 30 eenta. Our Talegraph Ne« » servieo haa rocantiy Saaa largaijr iucreaaeil, ami It ia our UeUr ■inaUoa to ker|i tin* StAii up to tlie highetl laaitard of new>-|ia|irt eicellener. K- IUiUKD, * W llmiugtou, N. C- DOCTOR mMt: "I rMmmtnd aM | FOR - 4|P4 is Thut Ooi.tbiimtion TAYLOR'S SWEET CUM and ft do*« more than cny prescription writ ten} both piante nre highly medlolnal." If. It. tj BVMI Oum Mine tram tl:«* Bonihcrn Bwnrn; rv.d la hialrfy J'xpctoiitiit. while tho Mv'ld.n la lXucliaffin"uo and th'.ui ocn.Moed thor tu« Kluiply A PERFECT P.'MtiDV. A COIiD noglootod levte t.>ncrlou« feeults, CROfTF jour liomj t»i:hout \.nrtik\r., WaOCFif-O COVan so aiiiioylnir r.r.d r sl"f«t. ALL yield readily to tho scoinlnily fttACJC ol Taylors •wotrt Ornn and MolialJ. ®*o*rCHlTlf and /UTtt. ?1A left u: jttended to, will Ir.td to and the* Met ckl/l ottrca. INSECT CN HAVINQ CT. I>r, Qtil'Man, tho IcaJlntf phyvidan of Oreet Trit afc' rn Vmg T !• , r —it-ior.da • , Mu]loln ,, na fifty ocmt fcritcp thnn PdJ Liver Oil forConouaipttou. tj* Kot ;. 1: in the hatvi IT IS HLt:AS4..T PAL \ |"AULF and Is the flni-ot ki>u*n Throat end Lun,? trouble**. It s!iir.ul*ti the throat and Ctiahlo yoa to turov wli all cbhtruaUrtiia «. 1- . uni ng c tpcratio., ftiicrinc et onoe. Ar-fcrfmr 9\*. 60'. *•. H. f»lret. IT be dooe not keep .t, v o .'til pay, for o;\e time or.y.c*v«f*ahargur or. t»rr« «lar hot''ey to au/ part of the T7. fl. on rrc?!t»t of it 00. Tltr V.' ALTER A. VA Cm., Atlanta, fle. FOB AXX BOWrt THOtTEUT* and CBUlOrin «Mth In#, UM Southern rjmedy Dr. HiuKort' Huoklebeny Cordfal. BO coi.U at I/ntcglats. TIILOB'S PRIUIUM COICC.IE IS THt E£ST. CHEAPCOFFtE. HOME ROASTED COFFEE AT 18 CTS A POUND Pl'TtiriN foUND PACKAGES. Every I'lichiifc ronltiliu R l'reioiii. In Value I'roiu 5 ct» tol'i.OO TltADi: SffIM.IKU ItV Charlotte, N. C. this paper. TUOIII'SKN'S C O MFOUND «iis ma A M FLi) TOXIC AND A.PJ MOT IZIIR. A euro for Dyajicpsli, liiiliaef'ion ami Coiiatipatlon. li |iromote. the M.vrptloii»ot tlie l.iver ami Kidnryn, ami itl'.fi agi'iitle *i,ia' tr i* OijKaii.. . Nnesiek IHwtrKliifi foltowilii! 'llotwi-UNI Jtenors*. inul enftjfhlOil coililltioii ot the general sys tern. MANt 11V Dr. V. 0, THOMPSON, IUIUOGIXT, Winston N. O. fl' H. CART LAND, And dealer in Cassimaree FINECLOTIIH And furnishing Goods Greeosboro, - ' Cuitcr Central Hotel. _ ONWARD! IS THE WORD! The I'ItOORKSSIVB FAItMBK enters Its rillKO VOI.I'MK at tlie following rat« s : I subaciilier. 1 year........$ 1.28 5 silWiibers, 1 y«tr.- W* l 10 subscribers, 1 year 10.00 One copy, 1 year fret to the one sending a club «f ten. Eight CASU (cliargos prepaid) to L l roi.k, It.ll.l.iuu, N. C. ••NOTHI«SS! D ANBURY, N. C '••• lsss - tmjMgm CMISM PAIBIOIM UAIMBof. My lieait within mis siugiuga tunc, Its echo is »vw, «U, Juno, s veet Junft! i 'Die nun's in tlie valley, the bloom 011 tlw briei»t" And 10, thntlead leaves that theautumn lial | slreiiu 4>er«grJW !,*■ te'lh blencom's desire. ' From the lit! ut of the earth there is war bled a tune; It'r»d tier ever Is, "June, leafy June! Ije:id leaves siiuil crumble and vanish in fire, But the souls that will' courage and grief commune Shall never in iiius.c or (lame expire I" Through the Year vHUt the Poet* ' * ..V 1 [ OUll HO ADS AGAIN. With the return, of the balmy fpring I Jays our read,- have become again as I solid as I,rick, but uo man who has ever J seen tbeui in the winter will fur a mo | incut think tliey will be ever thus. The j old adage lis." (t somewhat uftor this j style, "In time of peace prepare for j war," so too our plans should be laid for iuiprjvcmeot of roads before the winter oomes a"um. Almost every one is clear yof the opinion that something otiylit to be done, but 'what, is not so clear. To our mind the first step to. ward road improvement must be a change |D tho system of working public roads. This is manifest frum the faot that it is a , complete failure. Opin ons may differ !as to why, but all will agree that the system ef keeping roads in repair now iu ' vogue is a complete failure, common ' sense then would say change. Hat | changes of any kind will meet with op , position. Tin: Legislature of 1885 pass ! Ed a law that authorised certain changes, j buttery unwisely allowed the Juiiiiees j of the l'cace to say whether it should be 1 adopted iu Franklin county or not, in i ftead of making the law absolute. The I Justice.'! met and one of them made a j speech the substance of which wa- that | i lie always worked the roads until he bo ! caoie forty-five and every boil - ought to do so, of it would be unjust to him, and the result was that only one UIHQ voted fot tho law We suppose that uo changes couid ever bo uiauo following the theory of the gontlemaa above mentioned unless we could dispose of all men who were read froo. The present system is obsolete. It has beeu in use now for a century or more, with very slight changes. The North Carolina of to-day is so different from the North Carolina ,if a eentury or even a quarter of a eentury since that nothing scarcely remains the satue, al most all of our laws have been changed materially silica tho present system of working roads was inaugurated. I The present system is unjust. It lays the burden on those who usually havo least use for roads. Whenever, thero is anything said about working roads by taxation a strong disapproval is ut ouoe expressed. Now let us sec how this present plan works, six days during the year is tho limit ol tho law, put this at three dollars. road tax then on each man is three dollars pci aanuui. 1 Now our constitution requires taxos on I poll to be equal to taxes on S3OO. Then to make the matter equal property would hnvo to pay one per cent., but proporty owners say this is exorbitant, unjust and uurenv.nable, they say fairness domnnds SB.OO oft the poll aqd nothing on prop erty. ** « say a ebasgo must be made. 1 —Franklinton Dvtpaich. - COAL BURNING LOCOMOTIVES. The Atlantic Coast Liue will put coal burning locomotives on the W. & W. Railroad next fall. Six new engines ito buru coal have been ordered, and it is intended, also, before the wintor trav el begins, to have all the looomotivos now in arc oil tho line changed from wood to eoal burners. The contemplat ed change is a measure of economy. Goal, it is olaimed, is cheaper than wood and time M saved in handling. It is calculated that an- cngitu will average fifty mibs on one ton of coal, and as the tender will hold nbout five tons it will be easily seen w icre the economy is. The coal tamers will be put on in time for winter travel and freight traffic, | which, it 19 anticipated, will be much I larger than die travel arid traffic last I year.—Wilmington Star. PKHJUEY. I •• j —,K' nillhl»oro Rrc»rlri-. In olileu times pcrjwrjr puniiheJ uiost severely, but a* tinio pu&ieij nuil in proportion to the relaxation of pim. amt tho ddtestaWo oriuie of periory ■ted, until to day swearing falsely t as common as swearing tu the until, if uut morn so. No one nUo gives his attention to the proMediuga of our ooui I, and will closely observe tho esani : .Datun of wit ticasts and particularly thot£ win.esses who aro intoreited as to tho result, but will be forcibly imprcif jd w'.iji 'lie total disregard of truth. To escape punish ment due to violated luw and gain the point at issue stems to be paramount to everything elso aud the mot general way they adopt to avoid the truth wbeii conlrouted upon oross cxaiuinatiou with asearchiug question, is by saying, "I don't recollect" or "I don't iciucraber," while to all iptastioUK favorable to their side, their memory is perfectly clear and thoy can readily tell all tliey know and more too. Wo do not complain at tho severity of the punishment, it may be milficicnt, but we do oempkiu at the total ueglcot of the Courts aud Solicitors, and all othoi /rood citizens, in not bringing this class ofrnseuls to punishment. When it becomes apparent that a witness, as to a malerial fact, is swearing falsely, he should be immediately prayed iu to cus tody and required to gtvo security for bis appoarancc to answer to a charge of perjury. If a tew of these gentry wore iealtwith pretty roughly it might be a terror to others. Therefore, we call upon Judges aud Solicitors, to make an "xample of some of them. It would have a wholesome influence among rascals. THE HUMAN 31TE. Physicians agree that the poison oon veyed by human teeth ia one of the,most annoying that tli'y have to deal wiili. OO'J of them writes tu the M&liail Reg ister: "I havo uador my atteuiiou se vere and most complicated cases ol blood poisouing, iu whiiiU too patient had but slightly abraded tho band in tin course of a fiirht by striking the knuckles agaiust the teeth of his oppo nent. I havo knowu bauds thus pois uued only saved from amputation by tho application of all the resources of soicncc." THE CHARACTERISTICS WHICH .SURROUND OLD AGE. An Enlish physician, who has investi gated the characteristics and surround, i ug* of centenarians, says lie found that tho average qualities were a good family history, a well made frame of average stature, spare rather wiau stout, robust, witligood health, appetite and digestion, capable of exertion, good sleepers, of placid teperament and good inteligcnoe, with little need for and lmlu consump tion of alcotiol uud animal food.—States vi)le Landmark. O'KEILIA IN THE DISMAL SWAMP. Yesterday's Boston Herald printed the following letter fYem John Boylo O'Reilly, addressed to a friend in that city: IN T:IF. DISMAL SWAMP. Wednes day Morning. May 10, IHBB.—Dear Nod : 1 write this from uciir tho heart of the Dismal Swamp, aud send it by an obliging oanal inawio Norfolk This place is wonderful and beautiful. It is a desolate land crying for attention and reclamation. The story of the Dismal Swamp is a tragedy of nature and a disgrace to civ ilization. Mr. Mosely and I have had twenty four hours of continned amazement aud onjoymont. This is the defamed land on the' oarth. Tho Dismal Swamp is the great est saaitanum on the American Conti nent. In two hours we start for the lake, at ike very oeatre, whore they dug tbe lady. •'A grave too ootd and damp, FoP a heart so warin aud true, And all night long by her firefly lamp She paddlos her light oanoe." Faithfully yours, JOHN BOYI,E O'RKII.T.T. Last night wo stopped at Mr. Wal lace's, in tho Dismal Swamp—ono of tbe largest and most boautiful farms in Amerioa. Last winter he killed on his farm thirty bears SUCCESS IN LIFK. Huron Hotschud (pronounced Kot sebield) the great banker followed this alphabot of advice. A ttend carefully to tho details of your business, li c prompt in all things. (! onsidei well; then decide positively. I) are to do right; fear to do wrong, Endure trials pntienily. F ig'it life's battle bravely, manfully, li o mt into tiie society of the vicious. M old integrity sacred. > I njuro not another's reputation or busiucss. Join hands only with the virtuous. Iv cop your mind from evil thoughts. L ie not for auy consideration. >1 ukc few acrjuaintatce. N ever appear to be what you arc not. O bscrve good manners. 1* ay your aebts promptly. Q ucs ion not the truth of a friend. II espect, the counsel of your parents. S aorifico tuouey rather than principle 'f cuch not, taste not, haudi uot in toxicating drink. Use your leisure for improvements. Y euture not on tho threshold of wrong. W atcb carefully over your temper. X tend to everyone H kind salutation. V ield not to discouragement. Zealous labor for tho right. Aud successs is certain. HUN CHOLERA MIXTURE. Some yeas ago we copied a remedy for diarrhasu, eholeia, fee., from tho N. Y. Sun. We republish it to-day as it is au excellent remedy—perhaps nunc bet ter. A gentleman at Kooky Mount cut the prescription from the Star aud has tried it in many cases and with invaria ble good results. The .SVi first pnb. hshert it in 1851. Cut it out of the Star to-day aud presorvJU for it will be found very usetul in the household. An efficient remedy for diarrhea, dys enfry, cholera morbus und suuiuicr complaints may be compounded as fol lows: I Eipiai parts of tincture rbubard, tinc ture opium, tincture eayenno popper, es sence peppermint und spirits camphor. Dose for adult: 15 to 30 drops in about two tablespoonfuls of water every twen ty or thirty minutes according to ago and violence uutil relieved. One to two doses are sufficient to relieve any mild case->f diarrhcea or dysentery.—Wil miugton Star. HAVING llElt EARS PIERCED. "An opoch in a girl's life is when she has hor ears pieroed for the first pair of carriujjs," remarked a jeweler with a family, "i'ui the father of a family uiy ►elf and 1 know. The first question al ways how to get the holes punched. '•The elder sister volunteers to un dertake it, and the entire family gathers to witness the operation. The mothers holds the trrmblirg hands of the willing victim. One of the boys gets an augur and is driven from the room with re proof;. Then sister coi .'s with tho ueedle. She ia shaking from head to foot. She sets the point of lb- little in strument in the velvet flesh, lets out a little spurt ot blood aud quietly faints It is evident that the operation will have to be oonducted by some uuo ficss ten der sensibilities. "At last a happy thought strikes the fatliiv and he Culls upon n jeweler with bis daughter. "'1 would like to get my laughter a pair of solitaires,' he says to tbe clerk, 'but unfortnately her cars are uot piero ed.' ■ The clerk smiles, stand behind hor, and pinches each little car till it is white. Tben ho runs a sharp steel needle through both lobes aud wipes oli the half drepof blood with a piece of muslin. " 'Do up your cars for a week wlier you go out,' bo says in a business-like way, aud then: 'Now, sir, what sized Boliiaires would you like to look at ?' Jevmiltr'i Wttkly. Mr. Silas Folober bas detected a dan gerous counterfeit silver dollar that was passed on liini by someone Kriday last. Ho bas left it nt tho Journal office for inspection. It is almost an exact coun terpart of the standard silver dollar and separate from the penuino it is difficult to detect it. A close inspection and comparison will, however, show the dif fferooee. The most striking variauoe is in the border which is considerable wid er than the genuine. PUNGENT SNUFF. Miss Clara (out shopping): How aw fully the wind blows, Ktliel! Mis* Kth el: Doosn't it .' If I known there was such a gale 1 irould have Miss Clara: Itemaiiied at home' Miss Eth el : No ; put on uiy striped stockings. —N. Y. Sun. lloston is criticised because o( a Hoston sign whieh reads, "Uawn Mow ers Mended ia the Hear." Since the death of Kincraon. it must be admitted, the liostonians bavo become a trifle earcloss with their Knglish.^-Louisville Cturiei-Jdurhiit. " ' ' " * ftovornor (iorden of Georgia, Ins commuted a murderer's sentence on the ground that he wat uot intelligent enough jo appreciate the economy ol bis crime. This is ceitainly gettiug things down to as fine t» point as ingen uity can reach. Baltimore Ameri can. A Western man has named his horse Had I'.L'g. He has discovered that a bad egg caunot be beaten.— YvnJcers Statesman. A darkey preacher from Bath re cently admonished a Geneva audience against the sin of bribery at election, oa follows : "Dis tmg of gitting SIOO (or a vote is all wrong. Ton dollars is ai- much as is worth."—Palmyra Dem. K rat. A very clcvcr girl, that stupid Miss Hlum who just went out. Clever? Why, she never opens her nirtuth. That's where she's clever — Life. Are women angels! Yo, we say, They are undoubtedly; but that's No reason why they at play Should wear their wing upon their hats Hoston Courier. Dick: TV>m, I want you to know Mr. Lunkers, from Paris— lhck: Proud to know yon, Mr. I.linkers Waiter, open a bottlj of yellow labc!. Torn: from Paris, Maine, Dick: Kr-er, waiter j make that order three red-eyed whiskies with pepper.— Judge. Lady, to intelligent salesman in a bookstoro- I wish to purchaso a diction ary, if you please. Intelligent salesman: Yes'm; we bavo Webster's and Worces ter's which will you take? Lady, desir ous of obtaining the most complete and autli ritative. What is the difference between them may I ask? Intelligent salesman: Fifty cents. Mrs. Lardinc(of Chicago)—-Ueally Mr. Higifea, I think that SSOO for to simple a matter as a divorce is quite ex orbitant! Mr. Higfea (firmly, but re spectfully ),—Those aro my usual terms, madam. Mrs Lardine (with hauteur) —Very well, sir, you may write a re ceipt ; bu* I have never paid so much before, aud I never will again.—. Life. The State Prohibition (third party) Convention of North Carolina met in the city of Greensboro on Wednesday last aud nominated iis candidates for office as follows. For Governor, llev. W. T. Walker, of Greensboro (a aiin ister of the Christian church); Lieu tenant-Governor, Moses Hammond, of Randolph; Treasurer, J. M. Winstead, of Greeusbuio ; Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction, N. C. English, of Ran dolph ; Congress, Fifth District, S. J. Montague, of Winston ; Soventh Dis trict, C. P. Fiuzier, of Randolph. No nominations were uiadc for Secretary of State or Attorney-General. The con vention was harmonious and enthusias tic. Dr. Deems and Rev. Sam Small addressed the people at sight. Tho farmer this year is likelv to say "my neighbor is-going to plaut a big crop aud what good will my curtail ing do V That is not the question, my ftiend. The West is going to overstock the markets this year and your planting largely or otherwise will not make the great difference. Tho main reason for you to ourtail your tobacco crop is by so doing you can grow plenty of home sup plies, and what tobacco you make can then be m de of better quality than with a large crop. Witba big West ern acreage oominon tobacco it likely to sell next year bcluw the cost, produe. tion and you don't want to wotk for nothing. Tho high prices now ruling are now uo index of what tliey will be ono year bcßoe. Bo wise—be seusible —and plant full crops.— Southern To bacco Journal. Mary Sbarploss, the richest child in America, is nine years old and worth $50,000,000. NO. 4C PICKINGS Froiu the Wilmington Star. The Georgia rioo crops promises well. Representative Springer, of Illinois hug been renominated. Was Adam really a monkey? Some of his descendants are apes. r Maine, Pennsylvania and Texas all go for Cleveland and tax reform. ' Mr. Morrison, it is reported, will i not run for Congress, as he kt one tiuio purposed. Senator Harrison, o£Jndiaq», d«alar«4 1 he will not run a* Vice I'resident it nominated. The Philadelphia Press, Maine organ, gives him 377 out uf 82«. lie must get 34 more votes. Emperor Prederiok is dying by inch es. His throat is becoming moie eon i traded every day. Ex-Uov. John M. Palmer had been noniimted for Governor of llliuois by the Pcmoorats. This is a good choice. The South Carolina Democrats in dorsed Cleveland but did not indorse the democratic Tariff bill. How is that ! Mi. Frfer, the Republican nominee for Goiurnor iu llliuois (a native Virgin ian), is in trouble about his religious views, lie is accused nf »oeptieisoi, but he denies it. Soutn Carolina bad a big bank Swin dle—Sumter National -last August. Charles K. Marti tt, casliier, departed | and bus uot since been lieardfrotu. Ho uuly got SBO,OOO. His bondsmen are now being sued. Tbe New York Democratic State Committeemen have organised on a Cleveland basis. Tbe New York dele gation to St. Louis will be solid for t luveland. Tbe Republican delegation is split up between iilaiue, Depew, tjircsbam and Shertuan. lion i'liil. Sberldau has had a stroke of apoplexy. lie will reeover. Grant said to us in lbtis, that if the Lotted State* were to get into a foreign war and one millions men were to be put in '.be field, that be would as soon entrust the command to Sheridan as to auy mau in America. The Greshain boom is gom£ it. The letter to Philadelphia Timet says: MJtg',. "Under the leadership ot Senator* Farwell and C'ullom. Kditor Medill, ex- Representative George Davis and other equally astute politicians the movement for Greshaai bas assumed extraordinary proportions and seems to be growing, it potasses the uoticeaole characteristic lhat while the friends of Mr. Blaine take kindly to it after the first eheicc is nut of the Gold the Massachusetts and New York Mugwumps and the Stal warts make like manifestations." A curious thing occurred tu Jeffer son oounty, Kcutucky. A brother and sister eame very near marrying eaoh other, uot kuowiug that they were ot any kin. Their names aro Medeliae George and Henry Stephens. The fa ther and mother separated after a few years, and the father took the son and the mother took the daughter. After many years the father settled on a farm adjoining the wife. The cbildien grew up together, uever nt all knowing that '.hey were related, the pareuts keeping their secret "veil. The young people fell in love, but their parents stoutly ob jected to tbeir marriage. They finally eloped. Franco had two oases of Uip Vi» Wiukle and Enoch Ardou Two l'roncb soldiers captured ID the war of 1870, have recently got borne. The; have been in prison because ol wriou* assaults upon I'russian soldier* set over' the* Under the oinoes y of the new Otifcii » Kmperor they won released. The sto ry of their return u patbetio. The London Daily Telegraph says : "One found his wife married a second time and the mother of many children. The other had left his wife in 1870 ro the eve of her confinement, and return ed to find a sou ef 18, whom be bad never seen, and who bad been married ■ some months. It is easy to conceit* oonfuMon of fact and fueling that uiust ariso in such caw*. Their returu was announced before they appeared, and the whole village, as well as their wivM, had heard of their long captivity an# m unexpected arrival. The litua'iou I* m octtainly complicated, and il ia impo« I sihle the denouement."