lipirtw aittl Post. A FAf Kit Ffl THE PEOPLE AM ft At Banbtry A', foM-oJlte m 4*Mml C'luaa iim'trr. THUUSU4Y, JI'ME7, _|(*B. ■■MMliwlatmaoffliiii M CONVENTIONS Tk* Democratic National Convention «iU Meet «■ the city of St. Louis on the Uk day .t June. Kepeblican at Chicago, Jane 19th. Prebikittea atludnnapolt*, May U«K Stoke* county Democratic ccnveution it Daabury, not announced. Democratic Convention (sth district) at OieeuaKoio July lWti. Democratic Senatorial convention, at Oeraantoo. w«t aunouueed. Ticket For Governor: DANIEL G. FOWLS, of Wake County. For Lteuieeaaf-Govenior : • THOMAS M. HOLT, of Ala«»auce CtUßty. Far Secretary of State : WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, of % ako County. « i? > For State Treasurer : DONALD W. BAIN, of Wake County. For State Auditor: ; GEO HUE W. SANDER LIN, •f Wayne Couoty. Iter tvperiatcudent of Public lnstrac -1 SIDNEY M. FINGKU, of Catawba County. For Atton^y-Geueral: TU DXVIDSONV.'' of Buncombe County. For J udgca Supcrtßr JOeEPII J. DAVIS, •f Franklin County. JAMES E. BHEPHKKP, of Beaufort County. AI,M>W&II: AVERY, of Burke County. j' ... -i.-i For Presidential Elector* at Large ALFRED M WADDEI-L, rf vcr County. •.FREDERICK N. STRUDWICK. of Orange County. ,■ —•' The Florida delegatus are lustiuet od to vote for the nomination of Cleve land tyeaiocratic nominee, for Governor opened his canvass last Monday at Lexington. ' Tub bulletin or the n. c. aori eultural Department for May reports winter oats and wheat good throughout tho Stale ; spring oats not np to the •terafo, tobacco backward, average low, 864 i preparations for tobacco in Stoke* 100. This agrees with this writer'* ,'as reported on the local column of this issue of the Retobtee, a* to tobaoco. Vl STATED in our last issuo that •'Tho Democratic Convtution last week instructed it* delegates for Hon. J. C. Buxton for Congress;" of course we re ferred to tho Convention in Winston though wo inadvertently omitted the words im yiNijTOf., but- we do not think any Reader could have rniaun d.rttood * for \beft! woe no convention Uat wook hi Btokes, and we had already ■tated that the delegates of Stokes have not been instructed for any one ' It is now very "evident that there will ho n« organic union betweec Southern and Northsin Presbyteriai.s It is not too much to any that there should not be Wilmington Star. In tW absence of any assigned reason we do niot *oo why there should not be M i union between the Southern •nd Presbyterians as formerly existed. H n Church cannot maintain Ml organic union between it* factious where, s'fc'lfcig hhtUfn institutions shall wo look to And it. Tills VEAI there will be tlx candi dates in the field for President, as fd folfaws , Cleveland", Democrat ; Giesli iui Republican ; Cowdry, United Labor ticket ; Ciinton B. Kisk, Prohi tion party ; 8. Streeler, Unicn Labor ticket , and Mrs Lockwood, Female Suffrage party. TTTK PRKBBIKK INCRKASIS IX FAVOR of Judge Th irman for the nomination of vice-president , though he emphat ically savs: "I aiu not a candidate tor any office on earth. 1 ouly want a seat in Hea ven." We hope that by unpromiscj grace Judge Tlmrman may be permitted to take his seat among the blessed above. CONGRESSIONAL SUMMARY. | TfEHHAV, MAV, 29. Tho river and harbor appropriation bill was reported in the Senate yes terday, with an increase of $1,781,000. over the bill as it came Trim the House, but it was not called up for action , a lengthy Executive session was held, after which a resolution was adopted to remove all secrecy from the proceedings relative to the fisheries treaty ; in the House the legislative, executive and judicial appropriation bill was consid dered and considerable progress made, after which the army appropriation bill was reported. WEIINKSHAT, MAY, 30. The fisheries treaty was discussed i in open session of the Senate yestor- 1 da), and a inotiou was agreed to that j the proceedings in executive session, I past and future, shall be published in | the Congressional Record , in the | House the legislative, executive aud | judicial appropriation kill was consider- , cd ; both Houses adjourned until, Thursday. FIttDAT, JUNE, I. The conference report on the bill to establish the Departmeut of Labor was [resented and agreed to both in the Senate and House yesterday ; the legis lative appropriation bill and the tariff bill weic considered iu the House. Everything counccted with the fish eries treaty is to be printed iu the Con gressional Record. KATURPAT, JUNE, 2 The Indian appropriation bill was passed in the Scaatc yesterday ; the House pused the legislative apyropria tion bill, and the tariff bill was consid ered, but very little progress uiade. SUNDAY, JUNE, 3. The. e was no session of the Senate i yesterday ; the House passed the ag ricu/tural appropriation bill, and tho tariff bill wai considered without much progress bciug made. BRIEFS OF GENERAL XKWS. Tuesday, May, 2!). A terrific water spout is reported from Nebiaska. which swept away" ev erything under iis influence--railroad track, buildings, stock, crops, etc. In the Chicagu market yesterday! •here were considerable fluctuations in 1 the prices of grain and prvvisions. Throughout Sunday and yesterday ! Gen. Sheridan was thought to be ig i dying condition, out a bulletin issued last states that he is much im-' proved, and the patient describes him self as "feeling splendidly." In the Southern Presbyterian As sembly yesterday the committee en the vote in the complaint of Dr. Woodrow mode a report which was adopted, to the effect that Hod made Adam's body out of the dust of the eartn, aud that it was not evolved from the lower ani mal. Heavy storms prevailed yesterday throughout the Noith and West, great, ly interrupting telegi apbio communica tion. Wednesday May, 30. Mr. Wbitelaw Reid, in answer to the question, "would Blaine _ accept the Presidential nomination," says no docs not want it, and that he would not tako it unless it cauie spontaneously unsought and unsmmous. The storm of Monday was very de~ strustive in Eastern Ohio, Wost Vir ginia and Westein Pennsylvania ; a number of lives wore lost, and the property lost will probably reach several hundred thousand dollars There was a slight improve tent in Gen. Sheridan's condition yesterday. The Missouri is on a rampage and is cauiing great destruction to property in Sioux City. Great damage was done to. crops in Illinois, lowa and Kansas by the rain and bail storm of Sunday night and Monday. President Cleveland ha* gono to New York to review the parades in that oity and Brooklyn to-day. Thursday, May, 31. The N»rth Carolina Deiuocraey ill State Convention at Raleigh yester day, for tin; nomination of State officers aud '.lie selectio# of delegate.) to the St. I.uius Convention : every county in the State WAS represented , an organi sation having been effected and guber nitarial nominations made, ballot iugs ware commenced, and which wcro con tinued until 'I o'clock last nifclit without a choice being made : a motion to ad journ until this morning was then offer ed and carried. An examination of Emperor Freder icks throat shows the glands to be per fectly healthy, and the gooaral result of the examination wag satisfactory. Generrl Sheridan sleeps well, and all of the improvements hitherto reported are maintained ; he is almost on bis way to recovery. Yesterday was observed as decoration day throughout the North, and all the exchanges were closed The Prohibition National Convention assembled in Indianapolis yester day. Another riet is thought to be going on at Pocahoutas, a Mining town in Virgiuia, on the Norfolk & Western Roilroad, but no particulars have been received. The Northern Methodists have de cided to hold an electiou in their pjaces of woislnp, iu November, 1800, on the |uesti«n ot admitting women as dele gates to the General Conference. The explosion ot an engiac on engine on a Kentucky railread killed one man, fatally injuied two others, aud demolish ed twenty-one freight ears. Friday June, 1. The debt reduction during the month of May is estimoted at faur million dollars. The donate Judiciary Committee have not yet reached a conclusion on the nomination of Mr. Fuller to Chief Justice, but there seems to be no doubt that a favorable report will be made. Gen. Sheridan is growing worse and worse, and Ins coudition last night was described by one of hi* physicians a» very dangerous and very critical ; all liopc of his recovery has well uigb been abandoned. The Prohibitionist*, in session at In dianapolis, have nominated Clinton B. Visk for President. Frank P. Fleminj, of Jacksonville, wn«. yesterday nominated as llic Iteiiw cratie candidate fur Gnvcrunr «f Flori da, after a tedious contest of two lays. The delegates to the St. Louis Con veutiou from North Carolina are a unit for Cleveland. Saturday June, 2 Seaate bill to revive tue rank of General of the Army, for the benefit of Gen. Sheridan, was passed in the House of Representatives yesterday . it was immediate')' sigied by the presiding of tieers of both Houses, seat to the Pres ident, who signed it and sent the nom. ination to the Senate, and as soon as received confirmed in executive sess ion. A strike of miners'has been inaugu rated in the liluc Stone district in Mer cer county, W. Va , and rioting isguing •n among the whites and blacks. The Chicago wheat and corn markets yesterday were h ghcr and provisions dull but strong. A deadly fend prevails ia Hancock, Tennescc, between the Jones and Green factions ; a battle took place Thursday, in which two of'.bo Greens were kilt ed. The German frontier regulations are being rigidly enforced, and all travelers with irregular papers are turned back. A water-spout at Beaufort, in thi> State, yesterday afternoon, did mueb damage to shippiug and building*. Suuday June 3. J uJge Thurssan lias been interview ed in connection wi'.h the Vice Presi dential nomination, and says be "can accept only upou condition that it oomes without any struggle;" and it ia further stated that lie hag consented to have bis name presented to the St. Louis Convention. i Four hundred Taiu nauy liraves left I New Vorlc yesterday afternoon for St. Louis, and expect tB roll icto that city on Monday morniug. Ywterday was Queon Victoria's birthday, and it was generally eel«br»- ted throughout (ireat Britain. Emperer luedtrielc hks withdrawn bis signature frous the bill prolonging the (icrman Parliament, and Bismarek and the cabinet threaten to resign unless the bill is sigecd and published. Last night's bulletin reports Gen eral II eridan's conditions all favora ble. 4 H£*n TONIC. Celery fltttl C« >caJth* prominent Ir>- fmii«OM, an- the be* and mii-4 W ■ • MIY# Totiku It Rtrcnirthcna tuM ■ m uufcta Uii- UOTVOUB ay*tcm. curing ■ M rvtHtt Wcukuet*, H>hUia, 3kip- M CM 111 W &4» 7LT£BARM. It drlvvs ma the poisonon* humors o/ M Ui>; t>W»«KI fHjrifyinK ttJiil euriotiW ll - B - . aad so tkoa* dJ^u.^ J roaultiiiK from Unpui* ol tw|*mr- ICIKPY • W J ActiogmlldLvbuliurtlytwilbebowefe II cure*, habitual court ligation. and procnotcaa regular habit. Itatreoftb eaa th efcaaach, ami aide di* eat lon. 1 a J i DIURETIC. fV HI ■% 0% ■|BA £■ lu Its oompnailion the tx*t tunl lnoat h 6 Hn I I I I 1 : ;; active diuroticaof the Materia Medic k |l| QUI I arc combined Ml cottfically with other effective rein Mien for dkauea of tho I kldiw)* It rati be relied ou toglvu quick nllcf nod speedy cure. _ - ______ Hui»d»wiUa*ieaiin»«»tuai*hev«.beenrw©eiva4 For The NERVOUS £2«n^TMJi£SS?&:fis The DEBILITATED fltea tl M Sold by DrmffiiU The AGED. « ELLS - •"■gSHSAg*- Prop '* LAND H VI.E. Veitditioiii K\|«t»uas.--lly virtue td'ait «»\0- j cut lon in my lwml« ill fkv«»l* ol W. ll.Watta , against William 11. ami Jerry - hai.ctl hv tin* .Stt|a*rior Court ofSlokc.s ettiiul> on the 7tll I lay ol'.Muy I*BH, reftrrnaUrc to August Term of Stoktu Superior Court IBBH, I u ill sell to llw higlwst bidder at public auction at the eouri-hottae door In Danhury. on Momlay the »th cny «>f J«tl>' the following describodAraft or |iarcel of land | belonging to IViilhwU H* J>buigUter, ItM-aUni In tlie County of St«*keK on the waters of North Ihiuble Creek and adjoining tl»e lauds of Pink and .lerry M«iigflter ami others. The almve ilefH'tilietl land Is to IN- >old to H;Uisly a judgment tlockeUnl on tin* Judg ment I)• ickeC of the Superior Court of Stt ikes , Ct>unty, wlteteln William 11. Watts isplaiu tilf and Willirm 11. Slaughter and Jerry Slanghler are defemlanls ; the above lauds having tieeu levied on by me to satisfy said judgment. May HUli 1888. u. I., shir. IN' ot ico. Hy vii tueof a of tin l f'lerk >'f tlio Superior Colin ofSldkos county, aiipulntliiK Die n ( i!nii>issi n*r t>> miikc sain of attmil 40 lu'n's of liinil to tlx' lielrs or llannoii Kis'-r. tUtvaw-il, known as tin- ♦•King old plucc*\ 1 will sell on tlic ise* on In** 543 rd «lay of Jtuic 18t$8, to t-h«* highest bidder, the followed describ »d lands, to wit, at tout 40 acres, lying ami being in Stokes county «»i» the waters of Muddy Jreek % adjoining tlie lands of \Yiu. Lloyd, 1). X. halto.i and others. Said lauds are situated iiuiiivdiately on the C% F. & Y. V. R. ll* and arc well timliercd and very desirable for building lots. Terms onelialfcash,balance oa sixth mouths time, with bond and ap proved security. Tliit the lUthday of May ITTH*. Sale at loVlock, p. hi. is. A. Cairo l !, Com. Summons for Relief, North Carolina, i In Silperior Court. > Summons for relief— Stokes C unity, ) IJelore the ( I.KHK. Kiclunoiid IVarson vs Ituth UuhaniMin. Klitta J. Foddrill and John V. *Woodsou* h. I), Harris, W. K. Har ris, Samuel K. If arrisami Jennie llar ! ri», infants, and Aft. U. hurliam, Jsssic X. Durham, ltasie 11. Durham, Fanny. O. Durham, (iraeie Lee hurliam, Cor nelia 11. Durham ami Emma F. hur liam. The State of North Carolina To tlie Sheriff of stokes (.'o.-(«rMinj;: Von are commanded, to summon Uuth Bo liannon and others, tin* defendants above named, if they I* found within your county, to appear at the ulQS> of tin* ('lerk of tin* Su periir Court, for tlie county of Stok«»s on the llth dav of June 1888. and answer tin' complaint, a copy of which will be deposit ed pi the oftiee of tin* Clerk of tl»e Superior Court within ten days from date of this summons, and let t' e defendants take no tice that If they fail to answer the said com plaint at that time, the plaint ill" will apply to the Court for tlie relief demanded in tin* complaint. Hereof fail not and of this summon* make due return. tviveu under tuy hand, this 'JOth day of April, lt*Sß. N. O. PETRKK, rt.KitK sri*KUioit rot*nr. It apiwaring to the"satisfaction of tlie Cmirt iliat all of tlie above named defen dants except It utli Hohanuoti are lion-n'si-. I «lent* of thiscounty ami State and that this is an aeti* ti for rule for (tartition of lauds iu ' Stoke* county; It is ordered thai tlie above j summons lie serwM by publication for six successive wceki iu the Danbury Kkinuit >;« j Y Post, a ncmspaper published in Danbury, N. C. N.4>. PET KICK, C. S. C. Notice. letters TfstMiimilsrv under tlie last w ill and testament of Carter, dee'd., hav ing duly issued to tlie undersigned from the l*rohste (Tourt of Htokcs County, notice is hereby given to j>ersoiis indebted to said es tate to come forwsrd and make immediate settlement, ami to ail parsons ludding claims against said *state to present them foi pay ment to the undersigned on or before tlic | Ist day af June IHflO, or this notice will Ikj I plead Iu bar of their recovery. This April 117, IN*. W. li. Carter, Jesse Carter, Thos. F. Carter. lAcrutoti of V| B. Carter, d«!M. Metafile & Scott, Atts.. Ht idsville, N. U. TDIHHUC rrtfarlir for Hale Nr. W. K. IVppM bariiMt concluded wit to remove witliblt family to XortCaroH**. otters (or wJ« on *«cy /ouoarble t'rma, bis house anil about th|*a arm of land in llife town ol Tianbury, ft. 0., known asllm Aa ron Wagiiftr [>l:»Ja. TV* hnuse l« a r vxl i two itorr, tlx room building, with kitchen and hum conrenieatly arranged for the com fort of a iruiily, and boarding house. Pur chaser will Iwexpwicd to j«> Iwalf live price eash, and tlf remainder at the efid of one ami two years. Parties wlahlng to pur 'hase can call on Jaa, A Pepper inthls place who will showHa-m life p.^erty. [Daobury, N. C., 4W7 tf. - IL!y MS IZ/ 4^nkl Aiter Forty year*' J Tn|YT7!W experience in tha ■ ■fcj 5 : w.r«!on ofranrt ■FH ®" {, ian Qni Hundred ■PH ■ 7 1 : r.-.f.l sppHratUinn frr patent* in. ■ N ■ t United Mate* and Voraicn conn ■ |3 ■ tri««e, th% publisher* of tho 8-nentiflo FiHl American continue to act as aolicitors ■ | >.« c patenta,oavoata. trado-mark«.copy ■■■■ ri«ht«. ato., for the United Mate*. and to obtain patent• la Canada. Kngland. Franoe, Germany, and nil otnwr eonntriea. Their experi ence m uoujnaied and facilities are uusur* Dtaainfts and o pact float ions prepared and filed la tbe I'ateut Office on abort notice. IWrn* very reasonable. Nu charge for examination of mod als or drawinga. Advice by mail fiee. PateoUobtains) throuah Mnm AOo.arenotioad In the SCIKNTIVIC AXKKIC AN. which baa the larteet circulation and la the moat influential newspaper of its kind published In the world. Tha adTtntaires of such a notice arsry patsutea nnderetanda. Thia lariTH and splandid'r 1 Host rated newspaper la pabliahiHl WKKKLY at S3.WJa year, and >a admitted to be the ueat paper devoted to aoiono*. mecbantca. inv-ntien«. encineering worka, and other departments of Induatrlal progress, pah hahed la any cuuntiy. It oonUina the nam of all patentee and title of every invention patented each week. Try it four months for ona dollar. Bold by all n*wsdeal*r«. If you have an invention to patent writa to Sfftroad Co., of botenufla Ai^ecioaa» X Uaodbovk about patents mailed (Tec LUMBER WANTED —MY THE- North Carolina FU&MTVXE CO UKKH KAX I» KAC'rOIIV « VI.KSUiKIMM | SAI'KW. X. H I \STO\, €. I KI LE FOU crrriNu iiai:D wool) I.UMBKU. Cut with »jiiaiv ciuU ami of even I• • iiijt lit», 12, 14 or l'» f«f*l lony. JSaml 10 an* MoivhauUblt!, luii 14 FEBT LENIiTIIS DESIHAIILE. WALNt'T AND CIIERItY b.t\v all I.iiihlm>i- full tliicklM'»a, 1 and *2 incite* thick, uith 1 c«lp>>» ami ends. RI IXS FOR HSPECTIOI SrUi tt— Mn*t be liut lam tlinn r. Inches wide uhh m»t m«»r«- than 1 knot, 1 in- h in diameter or 2 liitfbea brl 'ht «p. -Inoltt'lwl imbrrtiot it|» to nelcrta and not tli »n Ji'liii'hM wWc. frt'e froiM lii-nrt rhrrk* or ist,adniHM of three 1 Inrli kwrfs aiwl wmuii iiiu nl-lr. t'nVi- —IiM-lioh* anv IcniMli and u-'.dth not enough for i-oinOHm, i alilcli not Ivm llian one halt* in tit lor UM), PHICKS PA 111 FOlt U'MIII.U I'EU m FEKT I>KMVCIIKI) ATOI'U F.VCTOKY. Scleet Common. Cull* Walnut and cherry f '.nn j*?.«iu YH. poplar. a>h hlreli I.V) f.23 * .73 Saeet ma pit* »*e l.'J r » lam .b.l l.uiiibe. taken in e«rb'»nj(e for Furniture l»y the M.C KHrnKiire Co. Salem tf! 4 tfj CAN YOU ANSWER IT ? H *ll V PAY I UK iik.vvr II For freight, diayage, aion, storage, etc., on KuruitureHl iliipped here from tbc North West, wlicc you can buy ly a*, if not better turo made hern at home, by North Carolina Furniture for much l"sa money ' Such liedsteuda, Ilureaun. Wardrobe. Chamber suits , Waslistands China Closets, Kxtension blen, Cemro.'l'ablcs, Safes, Sic. Then I say HdvH' the FIUINITUItH uianutactu-^B THE NORTH CAROLINA II FURNITURE COM r.wt«r/,llalrn, X.O, Where thev h#vc ouc o( tbc equipped Ftjruituro FaetorieJH in the "South. Nothing Shoddy All work warranted. Write root to their factory for I'iicex j^B ■bhhhhhbjl Call ut Uoo. Stewart's for your TOBACCOIFLUES Winston, N. C. Aug lily NOTICE. By virtue of a ileeroc of Iho Superior Court of Slukt'i county, Spring Term 1888, appointing mo a cuiuniisxioner to make wile of the land* set a*idc to the plaint ktls ill a suit pending hi tlie Superior Court of Bloke* county, wherein J. W. Moretloid and «>UMIP» are plaintiffs and Joseph \V. More field I* ricfcmlatn. I will sell ou the premines, on Saturday tlie l>tli (tay of June 1888, to the highest bid ler. a traet of land iu Stoke* county, con taining 14 acres nmn* or less, on tlx 1 water* of South Double Creek, adjoining tlie lands of I). N. Dalton, Oeorgo Pearee and oth ers, ft being the same land. «ot aside to the (ftalntiflk in the above entitled suit. Term® made known on day of sale. This the 4th day of May 1 Ml*. J. W. MOREFIELD, * Commissioner, THE WEEKLY NEWS AND OBSERVER THE WEEKLY NEWS AND OB SERVER is a lung ways the U-st pnper ovor published in Nortli Carolina. It is a credit tulle people ami to (lie State, '/' lie people should take a pride in it. It should be in every family. It is an eight page paper, chock full of the best sort of reading matter, news, market reports, and nil that. You cannot afford to be without it. Price, st.2fi a year. We will furnish the WEEKLY NEWS AND OBSERVER until January Ist 1889, for sl. Send for sample copy. Address NEWS AND OBSERVER CO., RALEIGH, N. C LAND WAIUIANTB WANTED. According ti» the late twi parsed by Con gross almost every |>en»ou drawing a Pen sion U entitled to a I.nid Warrant ol' 100 acres. I, the undersigned, will pay eighty dollars for every Land Warrant of one hun dred and sixty acres, and desir every per -1011 who drawn a pension and lia» not oh snlnoila I,and Warrant to communicate wltli inn. *i. 1.. lIUKTOX, Deer Trail, (olonulo. MIKVOI GOIX G Tq PAINTI ' •* • Before doing so it will pay you to call and ** examine our stock and prices. . '. ** I- •» v. *•: r Our stock- is complete consisting of 11 'hite Lead, Linseed,, , - Oil, Rendu Mixed Points, Varnishes, Dryer Jfr. In short nil material necessary to do //est-class work. Also n, complete assortment of Paint Brushes. AHIICH AFT AVinMton, - N. C. •" ' * ■ C. K. BENXKTT J A. HHNNJ9T WINSTON MARBLE WORKS, BENNETT BROS.. Marble and Granite Mrtnu meats, . Headstones, Tablets, V Mantels, Opposite Brown's Warehouse, - - Alain St., ▼aXClati# . . «.« ( i •» -. •. $:• - V CV"S|»via! Designs and K*liiuat« a A l uruiftlivd oh A|»pliratiM.^p| , Brown, , . » Browner, Brownest. . ■ High, Higher, Highest. If you would get tlio very highest price lor your tobacco, make ap yMMT ivlieii preparing it fur uiurket, to take it ti Browns Warehouse , Winston, N.C Her* you will find the largest, best lighted Warehouse ia tin. eaeaf tUW 1 auctioneers in this, or any other State, and larger bnyers by the nn«. IM ' * not all, if yoa would atay bat a few hour», or over night,yaa will iwfcrStt ro oms, plcuty of wood, cook stove* upon whieh to prepare your f»»4 a>S* ,in abuodanco and every thing necessary to yoar comfort f>f J»a kav* « ***•' • >-•' •• ••• «r*n.' -♦ ' -»• ;.i* t- act ounscionce,) wh.le the alalia for your stock are all that yoa eeaJJ wiah tea. i ■ Bring us your tobacco: we will do all in our power to make yea tisfcekil » here, ami get what) on want uiost—• big price tor year tobaeea Ver? Traly • , BROWN & CARTKI i ggwtv&fc is #. The Largest Manufacturing Establishment in'the South Have eatablished in (Jreensboro, N. 0., a branch house, where they will keep a large stock of their goods as well every olbcr line kept in a first-olasi Faraitara n. House, via: «. CHAMBER SUITS PARLOR SUITS, BED LOUNGES, WARDROBES, TABLES, CLOCKS; PICTURES. FAJVCYAJVD PLAL\ CHAIRS of all kinds, wliioh will be'sold cheaper lliin ever known ui (jreeaehaM. Pon't Forget the l'lace, . >»• «. NEARLY OPPOSITE THE MCACJOO HOUSE, j ' I For City Trade Good*on Installment*, • • \ I H \R. FORMS, Man*+V, T* »• . m rr J. & P. COATS £ - 1 -rHrui* • > - •* n>.v^ 1181 -~ TOU OAK BUT IT Ofl K * .* . if, A. M4tt. '/"•• AT JOBBER 8 PRICES. IVJLYUT corn, jr, C.