■- -,-i— - .. Reporter and Post. A f/IPEH FO* THE PEOPLE sJLrrr" B - S*ter«t aUAe *. O Jtjefon^^Vua* U'wi.. 1 ' ™" 1 ' 11 lIIUUSDAY, AV'UCST t«, t«* Has patee ™ rr-'. ™ CONVENTION^ Htokes county Democratic ccnvcniion hi IHaburv, not anmmneed. Democratic Senatorial Convention. at Oermaaton. uot announced. The Democratic Ticket. For Vretndeat. OROVKR CLKVKI/ANO, ot Now Voiit Tor Vice President; ALLIES G. TUUKMAN, pf OM». for Presidential Kicctors at Large ALKKKD M WADDEMj, »f New Hanover County. ;FRKDKKTCK N. STRIiDWICK, of Oiange Couuty. Elector 111 District: JOHN 11. DOItSON, of Surry CountX. STATE TICKET. For Governor: DASIKL G FOWLK, of Waka County. For Lieutenant-Governor •. THOMAS M. HOLT, of Alamance County. Fer Secretary of State : WILLIAM L.SAUNDKKB, of V ako County. For State treasurer : DONALD W. RAIN, \ of Wake (bounty.. For State Auditor: * * OtORQK TV. SANUfcIIMN, •f « ayt.- ■ For liupermUndsnt of Public Instruc tion : SIDNEY M. FINGKR, of Catawba County. F»r Attorney-General i THKODOKK F. DAVIDSON, i of Buocambo County. For Judges Supreme «Sirt; JOSBI'H J. DAVIS, of Franklin County. . J AUKS K. SHRFHKKD, - of lira Or t County. ALPIIONSO C. AVJ£K¥, of Uurko County. , Fer Congress— 6th District JAMKST. MORKHKAD, of Guilford County. y COUNTY CONVENTION. A Convention of the Democratic par ty ot Stokes county is hevuby called to ■tvet in Danbury on the third day of September (first Monday), for tho pur pose ot nominating candidates for Sheriff, Register of Deeds, Surveyor, (Winter and a member of the Lower House of the next General Assembly of North Carolina The Cuoventiou will also ex press its preteieiiee for State Svuator in 1 this the U'id Senatorial district. The Convention will be a mass meet, ing and it is earnestly heped that every Deuioirat iu the county will attend anil aid in thp.wloetion of a county lieket tha* will win. All who believe in Dem ocratic priuctplos and Detuooratie su premacy are cordially invited to be preseut and take part in the convention. Hour uf nesting, 11 o'clock, s, m. Hy order of county executive commutes. A. M. Stack, Ohm. Aug Gth, 18*3. M*s. Blows who lives in Wilming ton, N. C.» probably the oldest person in this State. She will be one-handled rears o. age if she live* till tho 28th of l/itober. We presume »h ;re it »n »u-1 thcntvfl reeord at the lady'i birlfa u she M ri*p»rted to bate many descendants and lobe IK IJ iu high eateeiu. It is uot Di e.innn in to I tear of individual having Attained the a (tf of olio hundred, hut in Marl? every existence thry ara obscure per»or« of no birth. WOKIMK DIMINISHING. It was a rather unusual incident of MM lute tana of Stoke# criminal ouurt that wwetii MoteMvd to tho p»ui- j U-Dtlur) rr raili >ad, may be found fimu fcadicg (be di ß of 'H c **f|j ftf wUk-li *• give fl ib« !i*»l tWi'ul tins istnuuf ih> 1: r.Mif r«K N'hetl.er we m«U be wa-renttrtj pi evmaul«*tog wnvkjjpa.« «il£ thrfcS easea of affray ami two «H» of larceny an indication Hat tbc number or aoiallelr crime* is diminishing in the State ciptntxti Judge Connor, who prrtideu over tliu late tertuofour Superior Court, evpiefsed kjiuc time ago, wc are uot t„«ay We thinV, biVever, that the late term }f our court »Uowi a somewhat improved condition over for mer ouc« Uotli a* t« the abactice of iu dictuicuts for uiglier crimes abd a dimin ution of smaller ones. But the ooa»- p'eiion of tbc onioinal docket o( our tie it court tuay ftot'WaT' us out in ven turing te boj c that, thin »e«uiiug diminu tion of ojiuic in our uiiiist will reuiaiu 'ao. ~ l^- If the tuitulwr of smaller criates is di minishing iu any part of llie Mate we osu ouly Account for it is easier to con vict parties aeftrWd of Smaller qritoca like petty larceny anil affray, than it is to meet tho demands ofjuslioe sgainst those accused sf higher offences, and this fear of conviction may beading as a warning lesion against the commission of smaller criae« Briefs of General News Tuesday, At'OCM' 7, 1888 A terrific wind and rain storm pre vailed at Cairn, Illinois, or. Sunday, which did great damage in tho city and on the river. (Jen. Sheridan died at Nonqnitt, Mass, on Sunday flight, of liis eld disease, heart trouble. There were prostration* and three fa tal eases of suustroke id Haltinioro yes-: erday. The central section of Missouri wns visits! by a disastrous atorui yostcrday mornings, great damaged was done to crops, and there wrre heavy losses in the towns. Alabama elected a iiuveinor and Siate officers yesterday; the Republicans made but little opposition all of the Democratic candidates were elected by Urge majorities. Two «cw esses of yellow fever are re ported at Manatoj, l* la., but no deaths: twenty possible oasos have been sent to lhe fulto woods, l'lfnt City reports one MM. WKI>. AtTO. 8. Ihe elections in Alabama for Gov ernor and members of the Legislature resulted iu an overwhelming Democrat ic victory, the Republicans oarryinjf on ly a few counties. Tho Senate tariff *ub-couiwilttee is hard.at work and lis pes to bo able to complete its work this week. A railway collision, near Loudon, re sulted iu the killing of two train hands and fsur passengers. Two Memphis boys, while hunting squirrels, discovered a large rattlesnake which they attempted to capture ; the rnsult was that ono of the boys was bitteu by the veneuion* reptile, from the effects of which he died iu a short time, Gen. Sheridan's funeral wIH take place in Washington on Saturday next, and will be conducted according to the ri-nsl of the Catholic Church—«a number of noted dignitaries taking part in the ceremonies. A now telegraph comppanr, with principal offic* in Rtehiitond, Va., has been organized with r capital stock not to exceed SIS,vHW.OOO ; it will he op erated under the Gray system. I THI BSDAT, AI'OCST 9. | A very alamaiwg repwt comes from Jaeksonville, Fla , relative to yellow fever ; two eases were discovered yes terday, and thero arc several suspic. ious eases, and there are several suspi cious eases, and the government sur geon expresses llie fear that It is the beginning of the outbreak. General A. P. Ilovcy, at present member of Congress, was yesterday nominated for Governor by the Repub lican State Convention of Indiana. A •flash of lightning put out (he lights in the Exposition building, iu Cincmatti, Tuesday night, and left tbo large audience iu total darkness ; a young New Yorker, wlio was looking in aGitliuggun at the time thought it had exploded and was scared utmost to death. There was an imtaonae demonstration in Paris yesterday oo the ooeasioo of •lie'funeral of a Communist, and some rioloUH proceeding# oocurred,.whioh was •becked by a detachiuant ti troops and the police, ■* Yesterday, fur \be Br»t time since the issue of the cirowlar for the pur chase of there ware no offer. ( front ii> the person of Tbokuaa M. Haines, ea.-dier of tho At lectio an 4 North t'aroliu Railroad ; he was ar rested in Chicago yesteiday Then he was abous to lea?* for Miltaukx® Yellow fever reports from Florida continue tot.. ahrm^'thc' S'tiWcf [Charleston, to be alarming : -he eitfts of Charleston, Savannah and Mobile have established a quarantine ugaiust Jacksonville. The Senate committee cu otder of business are takiog steps towards clearing the calendar of important bus iness befbte the tariff bill it brought jo. m . .J r c « Jam a* fHMtP The river and harbor appropriation bill was discussed in a Cabinet meeting yesterday • the ten day's limit for i'reaideutial action ou the bill expires to-morrow. General Sluridan's remains reached Washington yestctday afternoon aud were eonueyed to St. Matthew's Church, where tbo funeral ceremonies will take plnco tomorrow. Fiffcen hundred invitations have been issued to Uie funernal of (Jen. Sheri dan, anil no one will be admitted to tho church without a card of admission. PATrBPAY, At'O. 11 Charleston is vigorauMj enforcing the quarantine against fcrei-stricken Flori- Vtllow fever repot is continue to be of a m:>st uuiavorable character, ai.d the Surgeon Ciotieral is adopting tho most rigorous measures to prorout u spread fit the disease , tho lioaid of Health at Jacksonville represents that the fever is assuming an epidemic form in that in that plate. The Chattanooga fire on Thursday night proved vejy destructive to life and property : ten 11 en wctc killed by fall ing walls and four fatally injured, and the money loss is estimated at $400,- 000. Mr. Maine reached New Yoik yes terday on his return from his return from his European tour., and was on tluisiasiieally greeted ; he is m excel lent health, aud claims that the trip has renewed his youth. The August report of tho cotton crop kj. «U» A^riwultafO shows the freaeral; average to bo 87.8 as against 93.: l catuo time last year. There was bo special feature in llie Chicago market yesterday ; wheal wis active at irregulir prices, com was dull, and pork products lower. A negro ou irrigor in Teunesee was .yesterday taken from the court room by fifty armed rnon and hanged to tbo bal. jony at ilio building. Southern cities gam-rally aro e«al>- lislunga rigid quarantine ajjainst Jack sonville and other infected points m Florida >. HUN AVO 12. (ion. Sheridan's funeral took place in Wellington yesterday, and was con ducted according to the ritual ot the Kouian Cuthnlic church: the cervices were of a simple character, ngteoable to the wimot of the dead soldter, but tlicv* was much of pomp in connection with the attendance and the fur.eral cortege , the church and streets wore tilled with people, who manifested the utmost re aped, and every thing was conducted without- the least disturbance, tho re mains were laid a; rest fn Arlington Cemetery, where? repose so many of the ua'iou'* soldier dead. Tboro was a tremendous rainfall in Columbus, Ua., Friday afternoon, which resulted in a peculiar . accident ; a rail | road train was wrecked by a nix-iuoh sandbar, and the boiler exploded with tremendous force, but fortunately only two persons were slightly ujured; A singular sailroad accident is also icpor ed from Denver, revolting in the killing of MI enpneer and the injury of a fireman ) 1 ear load of passettper made a narrow osoape. A large number of Annreliiat procla mations have boon seintd in Paris, to. gether with one thousand revolvers Which were teoretcd in the Labor Ex. change. The riTer and harbor bill baa become a law without tlw Freakiest'* signature; 1 ' thhre are nose iU'iua in tbe bill wbioli | be oould not approve, bat tbe great bulk ! of tbe work waa M important that he was unwilling to obstruct it with a WIS. " | Two new oases of fever are reported • from making twelve in aI; two deatha, with blaok vomit in' eaoh eaae ; five oases at Maaatoe ; Mar. 1; evexyood)' baa left PalwatUi. A ear loa4 of refugees from Jaokson. uilla were aot permitted to stop at Cnattaboogn and they went north. | FOR INFANTS Md INVALIDS rnt physiciams rAromrt. BABIES CRY FOR IT. •* im rnm HVHIM MUWUI. Perfeotlf Nourlahaa a ■»!»» wlt»i Of wIltMUt trt* addition of ml*. Thrae Bn«a. »80. 800. ai.OO, t -Wlr-u ' ' I "rr' lh*» dix;tor oMered one of the ?>•** *»k*n » tt'. ah., near It 4k >1 1 oa* thr*» n-aa IndiircatioD, uid orWtrcd nod I own run many uiank* tfif .lt 1 regard Tuur tgud.u ' "" aud mperiQf »o"®T Ltoetov, kiaoa, U Indiana Plaw. RICHARDSON & CO., BURLINGTON, Vr. JMidence i» a wmmendaMe virtne, liut il is never teat ia S»«JK beauty as when a mothet provides with » bottle of Ur. Klints'«rm|li?«jrrwp for cases of emcrgenry. For Mile evefy vherf. Ttptiold. »■« K»vctn. Hrxlnl, Ulrllirrla, Hm»U po*. tl»|. ♦ ' £U. l>arbyw I'ropUjUotio Fluid will de stroy the infection of al) fevors and all contagious and lufectious diseases. Will keen the attupsphcro of any fick-. room puft' aud wholesome, abiotbiug ami destroying unhoaltby at® conta gion. WIH naturalize' any bad smell whatever, tiot by disguising it, but by distroyiug it. T?so l)arby» l'rup'.ylue tic Fluid in every sick room. Female College. anrK*sn«RO, i» c Ttir. SIXTY HEVENTtI SEKsION OK Tilts prosperous Insiitntion begins on the 22nd t f M'dvsT, Pnpcrior advantages offered in all tho department* of looping u.-ually Uugbt irt Female Colleges of liiph tirade. Instruction giver, in Typo-writing and Stenograph also. Tonus moderate. Tor Catalogue ujiply to T. M. JONES, I'iesident. 111.- sr . should" be# repular weakly \isil«r to every family in this county bitli for the pood ot the f.tinilias nnd for our owtj sake,' and for tins one, aiuoi:g i) .lumber of reasons; wo ara endeavoring to do a cood eervioo by acquainting Ih* people with the countyV history ami resource*, thereby instructing our pcoplo iu what they ought to know, at. the sumo time drawing ttie attuut«p Ot individual* from ' abroad wlio may be induced 10 make in vestments here and introduoe industries among us. Aud while wo ate working for tho interest of tlit county, at large, we feel wc ought to htveiu substantial support in the way of a liberal subscrip tion lis'., for as llradford who published the fiist lublo. iu America under the colonial government, at Philadelphia, aid in hia subscription prospeotns 'printing is costly;" and when wc say "printing is costly" we ara not taking into aeoount any reiuemeration for tho preparation of the matter for the paper, and for eonanetinglbu business. Wc furnish a paper which lo say tho least will not in comparison, with any county paper in (ho State ; indeed there aro' orignal articles, covering a vast aud varied range of subjects, regu larly contributed to this paper which we consider would do credit to the more pretentions city dailies of tho State. Much attention is given in its colums to matters of more than passing interest to tho funcer, and the farming interest of this county alfects every one °f its in habitants it is as yet paramount to ev ery other interest in this country. The very latest geneinl aud state news is given on the columns sot apart fur that department; asd its miscellaneous se lection.' are carefully sifted fruin its sixty exchange*. Sample copies sent on application Send on your money a-, onee aud the! talk to all your neighbor* atterwardt ant) try to get them to subscribe. i- I t »W. in Mil in CTir pfl»- mrr «VCT!*TUINF forty lnf«iU> rocf Lar«>iuS Fuoa, «rj and tt fit superior to all ether foo4 wlii.-l> has bMB ami duitaa tho |Mt Us far* that I b»*« b»ai vldtttur ehr«W«o Tka Rliun (* CTuwitr. «t» *a»» rharvo of Uu> laaUtaUoo. Mr rf Z. r>« Corarr, tl I>, ■L JOAN** FuSnOiin* AIRTUM. m.O adanuk Oblo. . .. '— ' After BIN ■ the ÜbIM qUtM and Favifcn coo/v W Ijtl I trioA, (he pnbliahare of tho Sciantifi*> Amvricen oontmue to act M eoltcitora I— ■ for p*UnU, cavaata, trademark*. oopjr •■■■■■ right*. ete., for tho Uuited HUUM. U4 to obtain ptuota in Canada. Kugland. Fran c*>. Germany, ami all oihar oounlrtM. Their eipar*- •ow U uneqooled Md their eeoillUea are unaor ta^S^PatetttOffi no rttiDubV Vo eh3£e for esajnjnatioa of model* noticed of e /u in tho world. The adrantagoe of enoh a notice trorj patentee svfAsnoH admitted to W* the beat paper devoted to aoienoe. reaehaniea. ldVeotlo«a. engineering wrk*. an i frttoar department* « IndaatrUl program, pnb liabed la nay coorftry. It eon Rain* the nany of Oil patentoca and title of every invention patented each week. Try it four month* for one dollar. Bold by all newadoalere, _ If you*have an inveetloa to patent writ* to Co.. jjmblljhew of SoientiUo * petea* mailed frea, "/*'** LUMBER WANTED —IJY THE— North Carolina Cq> lIPPIC'i: AN l» 1' Vc rOICY S.UIKSIWOMS SAI.KX. If. V. WI&HTOJr. S. KUI.E FOII CI'TTIN'G HARD •WOOD M'MHEK. Out lop with squire ends and of even lenutlig, 12, 11 or 10 feetlotiß Banil lOare Merchantable. but 11 FKKT I.KNti PUS Al»l> MOST DESIKAISI.E. WAI.NI'TAND ttIEIUIY PUEFKUKEI' Saw nil idtmlicr full tjilckneia, 1 and 2 incite* thick, with square ejgra ami ends. Ut L.ES FOR KXSPECTIOff. to notthan A inches wMo with • not more than I knot, 1 inch In diameter or f Inelio* bright tap. Inethit m i linger not up to •olvt* and not Iww th-iti 3 tnoh** wide, fron from heart or :ot» admit* of threo 1 inoh I knot* and »a;>,on me aide. -Im-liulo any length and w;.!th r.»t goost cn«Mi|(l» for eo.uni >n. '.*» which not lom thai, one hull t» ttt for u*u, P.\ 11> ¥ORLU M lllslt I'KK 100 rttk.7 VHUVKIAT OCtR FACTOUY. Soied Common. CttlU, Walnut and cherry *3 00 $2.00 fcl.oo Vel. jwptar, ash btreh l.*o ! M .73: maple Jfce 1.34f> 1.00 • .tt tnfflnc. taken in exchange for Furniture l»y the WfJjC. Furniture Co. KalemN ('! C. F. & Y. V. RAILWAY M&rnrnmmi COA DBASED SCHEDULE A'O 2 Taking effect 5, a. m., Monday, June, lc, 'BB TRAINS MOVINCS NOIITII. • Pais. A Ki'lit A Mull 1 Ills*. I.v Dennettsvllle ouo a m 115 p m Ar Mitxton 7 05 S 10 Lv Maston 7 1 | S 3~> Ar Kayetieville. r 0 IK) 7 J. r > Lv Jfayettcvillc, Hi 5 10 Oo a m Ar Saiifur.t II IB 1 140 pm r,v Wnnford 1127 2ao ArUreenslx-ro, iUO pin 1 7-'' LyCrmmnird S 0" 110 13 a in Ar Mt. Airy.., I 7 15 1 515 pm Nol Dinner at ireoiialmri>. TWAINS MUYISt. 6UI i'U. IW* Fr'ht ft Mali la.-. L.l Ml Ai y 5 00 am 11 ISnm Ar tireouslioro 0 2& ft 40 |>m I.V tireMiishoro '.... 1003 145 a 111 Ar Hairt'ord IV> p m 200p in Lv Sanfora 133 Wt» Ar FayettrtHle.V.too 4 30 Lv >'ayettevlll* 4 It 6 23 » ru Ar Maxtoa. 913 0 30 Lv Msxuit|.'».o2s j 1015 Ar Uenm«*ville 71" *»» No 11 tvcaki;iat at Oarftianton. 1 i I'inner at baufunl. i ;.t .nut Mail Trains run dally ex cent Xuul.y. rfrtjld ami Aoeiirtmilatlo'nTrain run* be. •«ina rue i'vill,' an I Mnniwttavillu o« Mimda.n. \Vedu >days and Fridays aim be tae n HaynfeViHe ami t!nhmslioro on Tii>'Sl.iys. TUiirsttay. ami (taMirdaya, and fttun Uih'u»lh>i-o n> Fayelri'vllle on Mon days, Wednesday* and Friday*:fromGrmns bon- to Mt. Airytou luoidays, Thursdays and .Saturdays, and from Mt. Airy to Greens boro on Mondays. Wednesday* and Fridays, Trains nu Factory Branch mfl dally ex empt Sunday. , t* . K. KYf.K, Unn'l Iw, Agent. J. W. KK\ , Uon'i MipX L% ND SALE TBi late IVter tfcale'i t'ann ft mites north of Madison, ItoeblnKluun county, will tic sold at aiMtoii, on the pr.iniscs, July, 1 -tli. It is a line grain and tobacco {arm havlnj; all iKoesaary buildings tiinlier,* etc., (Rxrtalnlns tUO acres, and will Is- offen d as atriiole, of in tluvc lots eontalniiiß ifxnit 2ffJ'ftfirs narti. Terms i.ne tliird rasli, tbe iciidm- in equal fiaynients at 6 and 12 woutiis smaufcl l>y Uomi* of p«Pch«H-. Title 1.1 be toad. wbM |>ind lor. Far fur tjier J«uli tthu iiH'l) to the underet^n- J j Kkv.C. MII.I.EU, «reensb«ri», N. C. (or tUe legatees. /ATCES CLOCKSI AND .)i:\VEL#V' ' REMEMBER waul it Watch, dry of any kind, it' voa w«,i Silver Ware of any kind, or Spectacle* fof any age, or if you want a WafcL ar Clock repa'red, Jcwlry mculcd, or auy« tiling in that line, the old ataudaid house of W. T. VOGLEH , \\ iiutoo, N. 0 , whfre yon mti nodated m all tlio abovo ly *od cheaply. II Work war. ranted. THE WEEKLY NEWS AND OBSERVER THE WEEKLY NEWS AND OB SERVER * long ways tho boat papor otct published in North Ciroiiua, It is a credit to tl>e people and to tho State. I lie people should take a pride in it. It should be in crery family. It is an eight p»g« paper, chock full of the be it sort of reading nutter, news, market report*, and all that. You oannot afford to be without it. Price, a year. Wo will furnish Ihc WEEKLY NEWS AND OBSERVER until Jattjiary Ist ISH9, for sl. S„'od for sample copy. A'dress NEWS AND OBSERVER CO., RALE:GH, N. C LAND W Aim ANTS WANTED. According tit tlio late art passed l>y Con gre«a almost every person drawing ;i Pen lion is entitle.l to a Land Warrant of 100 acres. I. the underpinned, will pay eitfkly dollars for every Land Warraut ofone hun dred and sixty acres, and drslr every per tonwlin draws a pension auit luu not ol>- I wined a Land Warrant to communicate wit 1« me. i„ HTIHTOX, ■ DeerThii!, ( oloradu. vftK YOU c;or\Q Tq pain Tl Before doing so it will pay you to call and examine our stock and prices. Our stock is complete consisting of White Lead, Linseed Oil, Jtiaay Mixed Paints, I amishes, Dryer yc. In snort all material nc-esxary to do first-class work. Also « complete assortment of' Paint It rush e.g. ASIICnAFT >\'l»wton, - - - TS. C.\ C. K. BENNETT J. A. UttiNKT WINSTON MARBLE WORKS, BENNETT BROS.. DKAL.ISHH IN Marble and Granite Monu meats; Headstones, Tablets, Mantels, lie., Opposite Brown's Warehouse, - • Ma in St., WiaitoaNG Designs and KsUrunU'S KurnlihuJ on Application. Brown, llrowner, Brownest* High, Higher, - Highest. If you would get the very highest prioo for jour tobaeoo, make ap ;«■ i. r | when preparing irfor market, to take it tj Browns Warehouse Winston, N G Iler* you will Soil tbo Urgent, best lighted Warehouse in tawa. aaoaf the k»« auctioneer* in thiq, or any other Stat*, and larger bayara by tka aaare. That not all, if you would xtay but a few hour*, or over night, you will M aaafcrtabl* r °oui», plenty of wood, cook stores upon wbieb ta prepare year laa4 |«W wata* in abundanoo and every thing neooseary to yoar comfort (if yea bare a alas' conscience,) while 'tba stall* for jour stock are all that yaa eawid wiah lar.» a . Bring as yoar tobacea : wa will do all in oar power to make yaa aaaafertat • | * • lure, and gat what yaw want Best—a big priaa for yoor tobaaca , . *• -if • ■ '■ wa ac.s« . •• * '■ ' Wrtt*ir I3KOWN ft CARTW 4 « NEW MRS. L. W. Main Stieet, Two Doors lielow Allen'i Old Stud. Latest New York styles Hats Ribbons Bio. as cheap as can be bought •, Special inducements to Hi* VOVft- TRY TRADE. ORDERS by Mail P m*ptly attended to. Don't fail to call and exaaiae mf atock. 3s&> JH«| SBStoSMBb J. 4 P. COSTS amm YOU OA* WOT tt «Tr tf, A. *Ast. AT JOBBERS PRICKS WALNUT COVE, X.C.