GEO "yr . * NH- MEDJSARIS- i HINSHAW & MEDEARIS> wr.ysrfov - - c. * f« th* Renders of the Reporter-Post: ft is *rat.»*ieg to tftoWfbUU say oar busincsa lut year *« VEll* MUCH larger tbaa thai of ftwtow yehr weer p»«ro»*C» helportls tomcrran'e our trade Mid Wo ure itinkful it. •» . .» Oar aaolto kts always been to «ell good goods at the lowest pnees for witch it is powtfcle to make • living out tIMMDaa! *T - i i# We will Make no Change from this Rule. We d-Ml offer -BAITS" to ca«-h trade bat deal fairly with ali-xme Ban'. uK>a«y U worth as nmeb a. anetWY It ia wM\ kaown that we carry the Injgn., and most complete Moek of SOODS to b* found i« tilt. part of the State Moth Wholesale aui,Kofaii Impart menu pill bo le 4 OggM with the Mwcst aod most desirable styles e f goods W* call ep®cial attention to rar * LADIES DBPARTIHBNT. AND TO OUR SHOE AM). HOOT DEPARTMENTS. AI.SOTOOUK r- • . \ f >£,* > L *- OxQQexy ?2epartmmU FIELD SEEDS. TWero ia always a difference of troiu U.'» to 7b cent* per bushel botweo the prioe of poor quality and good quality of Med. We bay and leil ««iy the best seed* to be bad and utter one thousand bushels Kod Clover, Sapling Clover, Orchard Grass, Timnilty, Nurds Orast nod Ulue/jrass Soed at low prices ■«? STAR BR AND FERTILIZERS. TV Me fertiliieri eonfcriwe to grow in popular fiver and no ono who wishes to raise fine Tobacoo cau afford to plant a crop vttiiout using thorn. Wa offer them again this yaar with ilic full assurance that the very high standard will be fully main tained. I'riues lower than tlicy were last year—terms tho same. I'lenae remember that we cau cjme nonrer furnishing you with every article of supply aud merchandise you need than any house in the State and at prices, quality of goods considered, that defy competition. We ask tint you come and see our gi odt be/ore making your purchases. Yours Very Truly, HINSHAW OS MEDEA HIS. EGG N AlXI) Babbit Skins WANTED Ship to UN and get WE ARE IX A POSITION TO HANDLE Unlimited QiiantltieH FOR CASH GROCERIES, jvn CASII BUKEXB of -t~L~KLYV OFPROEVck Gi*«en«lx>ro, IV, C Hi i 1: * ( LOOK FOR TLIK KBXTTOMR. 8. E. ALLEN'S IIAR DW ARE STORE, For anything you intend bnying in the harness or saddle line. ■•calved «r«t>«••■»«*■• !»* —State r«li. HITKM Collar*, Bridles, Baddlci, 11 altars, Whip*, Spur*, Saddle Cloth*, Oema-mads Wagon Whip* Leslie*, Beak Baeds, etc., U[> Spread*, Fly Mete, Brttahee, Curry Comb*, aud every thiag in the Harness and Saddle Lino J. W. Hhlplof t *-■»"' -k 4 •-; *■& comer of Cowl Dease Square, W tat tea, - N. C. Agent for Fat. Rivaled Beaiu Col ' Wrs, beat ootlare ia the world; heme* MM net slip off- -guaranteed not to .*• m 111 t vi s»a ' " 1,1 * •«««■•«»• Futiigfactk>n n^ n GO TO DRY GOODS STORE. For bargains in every thing from a paper of needles to a silk dress. WE ARE SELLING I Alananco i'laida worth 7 ceota i»>. • \ ® oeo,# Shoeting worth 7 cents •) at 8 acuta, lkantiful Calico worth 7 cents 11 6 cent*. Nice Ca'ioo worth 7 cent* •'* wots. Worsted Press Good* wool) Rt 10 oei ts. White L«wn» worth 10 cent* »' ® Figured Lawn* worth S eents •' ® «*■*»• Ladies' Trituuiod Hat worth $1 60 •* 85cooU. Good Suspender* at 5 and 10 cent*. A regular $1.50 Umbrella »* 65 ce,,,, • And thousands of other bargains. rosewbaoheb a bro. 3 O T O HOQEXTBAOECHH * »HO'» & IMf ttftlll sl/>,OOO worth of New Shoes just received A regular $3.00 Men*' Fiuo Shoe J'f 00- A regulur $2.00 Men*' Fino Shoo •* A Fine Calf Hoot "! li'in" Men*' Fine Shoes, worth $1.76, V«. . Urogan Shoes, worth $1.25, * . aww»* 1 Ladies' Fino Button Shoes, wojth s*2 00, Vr Ladies' Fine Lace Shoe*, worth $1 50, et 5 ccnte. Ladies' Slippers, worth 75 cents, ■* -f cen '*- Men*' Slipiiei*, worth SI.OO, . •' «° ceo Fine Fur llats, worth S2OO, % «* 99 And thousands of other bargains- ROSENRACHEB H BRO. Wiaetea. *• c * Tills space Its reserved for 4. 6. BAILEY, WhO is now rooeiving at his store WalnutCovo, N,C. f A MMM UMWNWM •# Including a large lot of elitUic, First-class Family Groceries, Shoes Booots Arc* which will be sold low for rasMor oeuntry produce Go where you can buy (lie cheapest, and •V don't forget that the way to find where is by trying; so if you want — Groceries, * Dry Goods, Dress Goods, i U. #. llftfX .1 ♦ * • Notions, Shoes, - . • • $ - -» Ladies and Cents Hats of the styles at lowest PRICES, o> CALL ON «> rmmrm& co« t wsutt«. » su Two l)ooi"« North ol the Poft Office- Should you want to treat yourself to a suit of clothes, remember this is the place to get it at bottom prices. Just call for James M. Fulton who will show you what you want and sell it to you at bottom# prices. K II 111. 11l I «JU— "7 J K- M. w. J. 8. acn.Bs H. J. Cltum, Aurticmwr. W. A. WbUMthr, of Kw-iiujjluun Co., rioor iitnavrr. J. X. JsMt'i', »f Stobe.\'o., kct'i flour Manager. PIEDMONT WAREHOUSE. * - WINSTON, I*. c. I " • ' '■ For t/u SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO |Of J III commencing a new Tobacco year, we desire 6 thank our friends for the patron age in tlic past. We promise renewed ef forts in their behalf in the future, we fuaranfee prices equal to any house in Vinstot. There will be an active de mand ftr all good, bright Tobaccos during the Fall trade. Don't forget the place and name— PIEDMONT. M. W. NORFLEET& CO $ I JEO E. NISSEN & CO., wagon Manufacturers, 1 SALEM, N. C- Verjl Best work at Lowest Prices. Steel Thimble Skeins without extra charge Large stock at Capt. J. E. Gil mer's Winston. Call amd tee them. Big erops In Stokes and I*V prices In HARD WABB • k \ • . Crawford's in Winston Bit/ Vho ud i« kaiM . ...feut..Wte»4y J'i »»muii»A UM. UM HJUT ara.lha CKIIIUir _________ « Sow a big crop ut wheat and buy a fM.OO CiaoiuMti Tap (Juiuwbun JjugjiiM ami ' / . I ' Shell your eoru with IJKXTKK tfUKLLKR, aud balw you* We*4 *UfcM»MV LKK COOK BTOVK. k - '*& • . * '* / r 'V ' (tft a WHITE 8IWINT; MACHINE for your wifo for dub, wtftk ft 4mwm- GUXb GUKB, Powder \nd Shot. SAI>DLKS, DriUlet and BUukKa. • ——* • •> • All kind* IKON aud STSII, T«*l», HuiUla* Vatartal H* at B—t, Naah, Ulludi, Lock., IJutli, At W« ca particular atUaliaa uMr WWW MVTB ( 111 LI. ri.o K warranted In rvary jwrticular, two hurt* ft tt >«ni *.— DIXIH PLOWS, beat iu lowa, tary aheap. III.AC'KSIUTH tools, gnlvanlud Irau for bollan. tobaaeoflaea Afc l'li'KM don't forgelus. It. R. CRAWFORD CO. VAUQIIX APEPPEHB OLD STAND Winston, N. C# '»!. /klishkd iß7i. J. W. SCOTT& CO. | Wholesale Meretiaito ORTCKNSIIOHO IH. O, i s ;\ • - * t i ' v: , t Aie now receiving; their ipriog «m| g notions and dry goods. And almost daily adding to their stock 94 groceries, Buyers are invited t»«aH in person or send orders by Mil, Wc hope to build up a large trade Willi the merchants of Stokes county and all along the line of theC. f, & V. V Railroad. Wm. C. Brown. Trtak C. Br«wa A FRESH LOT OP LANDRCTIPS (hi cmzum 4 FERRY'S GARDEN SEEDS * BROWN'S DRUG SUM, WINSTON, . . . . R.«

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