itpirtßf and Post. APAPf ft FOR THE PEOPLE fclMilaOiW A. C„ iW-q#te« m aofnd €Um ItH'hr. TWIBDiT.smKMUKItt IKSS. B*AI*Er«SSWSfc£.?P CONVENTIONS. MM oeunty Domesratk ccnveation la Du«wy, aot swnced. PsiaesrsSifi Senatorial ooovcniwa, at tmwsMi. September 17. The Democratic Ticket. For PntMeit: OROVKR CLEVELAND, ot New Voit. For Vw fVesMout; JILLKN G. THURMAN, efObio. For Frssideatial Hectors at Large : ALFRED M. WADDELL, of New llssew Cosst*. FREDERICK N. STKIJHWICK, efOtanfe Owwnty. ■factor sth District: JOHN U. DOBSON, of Swry CountX. JTATE TICKET. 0 For tiowrnor: DANIEL G. FOWLE, of Wako County. For Lieateuaut-Goverßor THOMAS M. HOLT, of AJaaiauoe County. For Secretary of State : WILLIAM L. SAUNDERS, of Wake Cownty. For State Treasurer DONALD W. BAIN f of Wake County. For B«ats Auditor: *0 «HOKWJL W- BANUKItI IN, | of Wayni County. Vor Sayariatondent of Public Instruc tion : SIDNEY M. FINGER, of Catawba County. For Attoraoy-General TBRODORH F. DAVIDSON, of Bancosabo County. For J adges Supreme 'mrt ; JOSEPH i. DAVIS, of Franklin County. , JAMES E. SHEPHERD, of Beaufort County. ALPIIONSO C. AVERY, of Burke County. For Congress—sth District: JAMKS T. MOREHEAD, of Guilford County. IT SUMS probable that the first rail, reed te this place will oorne from Vir giaia we had hoped that it would ex- Ooad iato our State for we consider that tt weald be oao of the best freighted reads ia rbc Slate. But we must be ooataet. of ooorse, with «*y road, let it I e>iM from where it may. Wc can give it ss opiaioa that a road is being built towards this seetioo of Stokes and will not bo so loag teaching as some think. IN RAMINO iHRoi oit part of Vir giaia, Marylaad, Pennsylvania and New Jersey a few weeks ago wo saw large golds of eora in full silk and tassel, while apparently one half of the crop was aot am than waist high, in fact the seemed so equally derided that wo wore suable te determine wbieh was inteaded tu the pri»eipal erep, the oarly «* the late one. The corn ia those States baa only a third as much stalk as ours: ttko ser lo smaller, but it has two or throe times as many stalks on tbe land te the square yard. We are behind the •iaMO ia tfeb part of the South, aud stiek too closely to the old rut-, in some eases it wiH pay as to go by new roads. Could we aot profit by tbe mode of farming farther north ' Prlefiof General News SATt anaT, alq. 25. The hotel sit Bou Aqua Springs, T*OB., was burned Thursday night. The President's message on the fish eries qnostwm «u the all absorMng top ic "m Washiagton yesterdiy ; tke Dem ocrats regard It as a statesmanlike utterance, while the Republicans ecu. aider it as purelp political. Judge ITiurnwn awd his party left Port Huron yesterday in charge of a Chicago delegation, aad were licartity ctmetcd wh* they wade their depart ure An official bulletin from Jackson villa, dated Thursday, 6p. ui., report* seventy cases of yellow foyer up to date and tea deaths, yesterday there were fourteen new oases and two deaths , the weather is reported as very favorable to health. D*o'« review reports a better feeling in trade circles and a marked improve ment in croji prospects. In the Chicago market yesterday there was a big bulge in wheat and an advance in corn ; pork products were steady. For the past (our weeks there were 770 failures tu the rutted States, against 602 last year TUESDAY, AUGUST, '2B. The President it is reported has contributed ten thousand dollars to the oamraign fund, and the matter is caus. iag much discussion in Washington ; Col. Lainoct was interviewed on the subjeot, who said it was the President's habit to make such contributions, but declined to state whether the report was true or false , he oharacterixcd the statement that such large sums had not been given before as all nonsentc. A yuung lady of Fairfax county, Vi., aged eighteen years, was killed by a freight train yesterday, while attempt ing to cross the track. Two members of Parliament and an editor were arrested yesterday in Wex ford, Ireland, charged with offences un der the oriiues act. Official reports ftora Jacksonville show that sixty-four cases of yellow fever are under troatment, and that the to'al number of cases up to Monday is one hundred ; ouc death is reported at Fernandina. and the city is to be in spected , much difficulty is experienced m leaving Jacksonville ; Live Oaks, Lake City Junction and intervening points are all reported healthy. The weather during the past week, throughout the couutry, was generally f»»or.hl« fnr the growing crap.-' . burL wiods and h.avy rains bavc done sou# damage in Leuisana and Mississip pi.. The oldest resident of Lynchburg, Va , died on Sunday, aged 'J9 years. WED.NKSDAT, AUGUST, 29. A stocking manufacturer u Citciu atti was destroyed by fire early yes. terday morniug, involving a loss ot SIOO,OOO. The President has gone on a fishing excursion to Clifton Forge, in the Blue Ridge mountains. The Foreign affairs Committee in Congress has gotten to work, and is making every effort to mnke a report at an early day , the invsstigation of the cotton bagging trust will begin next Fridiy,and tho belief is growing among the Democrats that there may be au opportunity to nuke a party questiou of trusts, the matter to bo determined in Democratic caucus. The official yellow fever report for Monday, at Jacksonville, was ten new cases, uine recoveries and three deaths . yesterday there were twenty-one new cases of fever and three deaths , the epidemic is spreading all over the city ; tho Surgeon General has adopted new regulations to prevent the spread of the disease ; there are tivo suspects in quar antine in Charleston harbor. In the Chicago market yesterday there was another advanco tn wheat, with large sales, Corn was firm and high er, and pork products heavy, with slight fluctuation. The Republican State convention of New York ye&tcrday nominated cx- Scnator Warren Miller for Gevcrnni by acclamation, and Col. S. V. Cru. gcr of New York, was nominated for Lieut. Governor. The Delaware Democracy >n. dorse President Cleveland's adminis tration, approve his determined attitude, and pledge the electoral vote of the State to Cleveland and Thurman. THURSDAY, AUGUST 30. A llartford bank cashier killed him self yesterday by cutting his throat ; his account with the bank is ooirect, but he was short as trustee on three estates. The Indians are giving trouble on the Shoshone reservation in Wyoming, the Sioux, who who wete recently driven off, being at the botthm of it. Another Nihilist plot has been dis covered in St. Petersburg, and many ar rests have been made by tho police. Heavy Taius are reported from Kng iand, which have proved very dauia. ging to crops, and as a rerfult the bak ers ar« raising the prioo of broad. Mr. Helmont Vis rcsomeJ tho chair manship of tho foreign affairs oomimttoe and will vigorously prosecute tho collec tion of information concerning the fish eries question. Official roporjs IVom Jacksonville show that the yellow fever ii on the increase ; up to twelve o'clock yesterday the total uuuibcr of cases was 146, and total deaths 21 ; no case of lever has occurred at Fernandina, and the city is refortcd as never more healthy. Trouble is imminent between tho whites aud blacks in Arkansas, growing ouiof some local election. The Demouraoy of lowa made nom inations yesterday ; tandairaas predom inated iu tiiS-touU decorations. A negro in Mississippi, who confessed to a number of outrages on whito fe males, was hung by a mob of thico hundred men ; he was arrested while; •aking a prouiiuout pal t iu a rcligiou* meeting. Two brakeman and an engineer were killed yesterday by a railroad collision | in Virginia. The Liverpool Cotton Association iia* decided against any change in the present basis rot quoting cotton fu tures BATURBAY, SEPTEMBER, 1. A member of tho cotton bapging trust gave some interesting testimony yesterday before tho House . committee 011 manufacturers. The President returuned to Wash, iugton yesterday from his fishing ex cursion tn Virginia he mot with splen did !nek, and was greeted over v where ! most enthsiastioally by the pcoplp. The people of Jacksonville complain ed of the detention of rcfugcecs, in re ply tt which the Surgeon General says every effort is being inade to reliove the stricken city : the town of Murphy, in Western North Carolina, has opened its gates to all refugees, and arrange ments are being made to convey to that point all who wisn to take to advantage of the hospitable invitation. Jacksonville reports for eighteen hours, ending at no.m yesterday, eight new cases of yellow fever and oue death ; total eases 196 total deaths 17 ; a gnvernnuiunt camp for yellow fever refuges? is to he estnbli.-hed rt -Murphy, V.C. Gen Harmon is preparing lii-i letter of acceptance, and it is stated that he will make it public wlieu he returns to ludianapolis. I*" YOU WANT Oil or needles for any sow ing machine, or the latest wonder in improved ma rhinet, call it\ SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO., OFFICE OPPOSITe p. O. wrnsYON, IT.»A. The RKPOHTLR-PUST should bo U regular weekly visitor to every family ia this county both for the good ot the families and for our own »»ki , snd for this one, among a lumber of reasons ; we are endeavoring to do a good service by acquainting the pcoplo with the county's history aud resources, thereby instructing our pcoplo in what they ought to know, and at the same time drawing the attoution of individuals from abroad who may bo induced to make in vestments here and lutroduco industries among us. And while wo are workiug for the interest of the county, at large, wc foci wo ought to have ils substantial support in the way of a liberal subscrip tion list, for as Bradford who published the first Bible in America under the colonial government, at Philadelphia, aid in liis subscription prospectus 'printing is oostly;" and when we my "printing ia costly" wo aro not taking into account auy remomeration for the prc{>aratioa uf tho mutter fui the paper, and tor conducting the business. We furnish a paper which to say the least will uot suffer in comparison with any county paper in the State ; iudeed there are orignal articles, covering a vast aud varied range of subjects, regu larly contributed to this paper which wc considor would do credit to tho more pretentions oity dailies of the State. Much attention is given in its coluius t« matters of uiore than passing interest to the fuiuicr, and the farming interest of this county affects every one of its in habitants it is as yot paramount to ev ery other interest in this country. The very latest general and state news is given on the columns sot apart for that department, and its miscellaneous se lections are carefully sifted from its sixty exchanges. Sample copies sant on application Sond on your money a*, once aud then talk to all your neighbors afterwards 1 try to get thom to subscribe. friMajCa^ \P COMPOUND THE CELEBRATED NERVE TONIC ; A Word to the Nervous have nerves t Then you are sick. | A healthy boy has as many as you, but he doesn't know it That is the difference between "sick" and "well." . . #V - 5 S- Why don't you cure yourself? It is easy. Don't wait. Paine's ' Celery Compound will do it. Fay your a dollar, and enjoy lift once more. Thousands have. Whyiu>tyou* v.- > "\peLLS, fUCHAROSOH & CO. Proprietors, Burlington. 1l Tall at Geo. Stewart's for your TOBACCO FLUES Winston, N. 0. Aug Illy i THE WEEKLY NEWS AND OBSERVER i THE WEEKLY NEWS AND OB- ; > SERVER a loop ways the bust paper j t ovor publisiyjil Caroliiia. It is ; a credit to the penile and to the State. | The people should take * pride in it , It should be m every family, It is an I ' eight page paper, chock full of the bet sort of reading matter, news, marker reports, and alt that. You cannot afford i to be without it. l'rice, ft.'2a a year. Wc will furnish the WEEKLY NEWS; AND OBSERVER until tlaDuary Ist I ISJSII, for sl. Send for sample copy. Address : NEWS AND OBSERVER CO., RALEIGH, N. C. r emale College. UKEiX BUIIO, X C I TtlK SIXTY BKVKNTH SESSION Ok" THIS j prosperous Institution begins on ' the '22 nd of ACOUBT, ISBS Superior advantages offered in alt tlio . departments of learning usually taught in Female Colleges of high Grade. * Instruction given in Type-writing and e Stenograph also, i Terms moderate. 1 For Catalogue apply to T. M. JONF.S, t President. ' 0- F. & Y. V. RAILWAY » CO.YDE.VSEDSCHEDULE .VO 2 ' Taking effect 5, a. in ~ Monday, J nr.* te, 'fcß. TRAINS MOVING NOUTII. *. i'a». St Kr'lit .* r Mail 1 Pass. ! I,v IJennettsville | tl UtJ a m lir>)«m ) Ar Mail on "05 810 Lv Ma*toll " IS 1 330 Ar Fayettevtlle 0 f Lv Kayetteville »15 10O» am Ar Sanford 11 IS j>l° C hv Sanforil.... 11 27 2 30 Ar Greensboro 130 pm' 7 25 ■t ,v Greensboro Sou jlOls am Ar Mt. Airy I "13 1 & ">l»'ii No 1 Dinner at Ureensboro. TRAINS MOVING .SOUTH. I'ass. «t Frlit & Ma 1 2 I'axs. Lv Ml Airy ' ftOOatu 11 l.'iain Ar Greeiisl*oro........ 25 540 pin Lv Uiwnsboro.. 10 Uo 7 15 a m Ar Sanforil lX>piu 2iopm I,v Sanford '55 2.t0 \r KaveUeville -100 i 4 50 I,v FayeUevillu -lis |525»m ,\r Muxtou 015* § 0 50 l,v M ixlon ''2s 1 10 15 Ar Bimuettaville....... 7]) 1215 Nr. 11 breakfast at G nnanion. }io. i Dinner at Sanlbrd. Passenger and Mail Trains run daily ex cept .Sunday. Freight and Accomodation Train riinsbe ■ tweiii Kavet'-vlllf and U"nnettsvill« oa Moml.ivs Willi"'- • lay * and Fridays aim bc -1 meen Kayelteville and Greenslioro on i l'n. sdavs, Thursdays and Saturdays, ami from Grecnslior*to Fayetrrvllle on Mon ' Jays, Wednesday* and Fildiy*;froin Greens i boro to Mt. Airy on Tuesday*, Tlmrsilay* and Saturdays, and from Mt. Airy toGrexns > boroon Mondays. Wednesday* and Fridays. , Train* on Factory Uraneli run daily ex- I cent Sunday. W, E. KVLK, (Sen'l l*aas. Agent. J. W. FRV, Gen'! Sup'l. 1 M. W. XOKKLKKT, J. *. SCALES 11. J. Cmi TK, Au.-tiuu.» r. W. A. WERSTEK, of Hoofciugiuun 0»., Flwr Munngtr. J. M. JUMVV, OL HU-IK* Co. *«'t Floor Mnnsjvr PIEDMONT WAREHOUSE. WINSTON, IN. C. For (he SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO -* 1 Of 1- lu commencing a new Tobacco year, we desire to thank our friends for the patron age in the past. We promise renewed ef forts in their behalf in the future, we guarantee prices equal to any house in { Winston. There will be an active de mand for all good, bright Tobaccos during J the Fall trade. Don't forget the place aud name— PIEDMONT. M. W. NOR FLEET &CO LUMBER WANTED —ITY TIIK— Xortf Fiw r yrrrtth x Co- I j OK PICT. ASH r V' OUV VI • »»MS SAI »«. V. % M.4' KI'I.E FOR CL ITING JI.VUI) WOOD I.UMISKR. I J Cut ]«#£s Willi square emU ami of ovon leiiKlb*, 12, 1-1 or 10 fi i t lorn;. 8 ami 10 an? Merchantable, hul 14 KEET LtN'UTIIS Utl> MOST DESIKAHLE. WALNUT AND CIIERKY PKEFEKKED. Saw all Lumber full thiekne»«, 1 am! t inchm thick, with w|tiaiv ami eml*. RULES FOR IJftPKCTIOS be not Irwi than 6 inche* whto with not more than 1 knot, 1 inch in diameter or 2 Inchon bright nap. ! •. -Inclu«l 1 iinhor not tip ' j MOlrota and noil. 5 inc'iei wt*le, ftr«* from hourt .M 'K i«rict. »••:.•!!» f tbren 1 tnrh knotn iiid Mpon »nc *l»le. I CnVi—lnrlmle any lanpth ami w lth not (rood enou|*h for coin in on, I* which not lew than one half lit lit for into, PHICKB PAID KOttLUMItLIt PKR 100 * KKT I»KLIVKUKI> AT OUK PACTOKY. Solcct Coniron. Cullt Wfthiutami cherry tft.oo Yol. jioplar. birch l.'O 12.1 .1H Swe*-t i»um maple l.ift 1.00 Iuuihe. taken Hi txchango for Kurmture bj the MJC. Kurulture Co. Kulem aC! Tv |iliulil, Ncarlet »n«l Yffllow ,|>vera. Hcatloi, IMptlicna, Ninnll )io.\, €'h«l> era, «tr, Daibya Prophylictio ITuid will do stroy the infection of all fevers and all contagious and infectious diseases. Will keep the atmosphere of any rick* room p'ir» and wlirle«otne, ahwitiing ' and destroying unhealthy and conta gion. Will naturalize any bad BUIELL whatever, not by DUG lising it, but by distreyieg it. I'S# L'arbys Prophylac tic Fluid IU every SIN* room. All }ai-*ou« aru lurch) noti(k'l t>ial ni> wifi* El'za !>>m has li fl ray liotne w itboui raust', ami that 1 will nut 1* responsible f«»i any «it*bU or contracts alio may mako. Thi« the 18tl» day of Auguat, ISBB. Klhi.ui.No IHOM. J.SP.COATS liif TOU CAM BUT £X OF: w, A. aits, AT JOBBER S PRICES WALNUT COVJS, .Y. C. GO TO DRY GOODS STORE. For bargains in every thing from a jMipcr of needles to a silk dress. WB ARE SELLING t Aliaianco l'laids worth 7 cent* ® oenU Sheet iiig wfith 7 cents ' *' ® lieautiful Calico worth 7 cents . »' 6 ceots. ttice Calico worth 7 coot 8 • *'• Worsted l>rcss Uaods (wool) »t 10 cell*. Whito L.«wns worth 10 cents •' ® #**•• Figured Lawns worth 8 cents •' ® oe#U. Ladies' Triramad Hat worth $1 50 . at 85 oenU* Good Suspanders at 5 and 10 e«nt». A regular $1.50 Umbrella cent*. And thousands of other bargains. ROSENII\CHER Ac IIUO. G O TO # XSOSIPTTS JLOSSSK & SRC'S fe 149 wmm ? $1 j,OOO worth of New Shoes just received A regular $3.00 Mens' Fiue Shoe at $2.00. A regular $2.00 Mens' Kino Shoo at $1.60. A Fine Calf Hoot alsl.*o. Mens' Fine Shoes, worth $1.75, »• sl.lO. lirogan Shoes, worth $1.25, 85 cants. Ladies' Fino Hutton Shoes, wnjth $2 00_ at $1 00, Ladies' Fine Lace Shoes, worth $1 50, at 75 oeota. Ladies' Slippers, worth 75 cents, at 25 cents. Mens' Slippers, worth SI.OO, *' 40 centa. Flue Fur llats, worth S2OO, at 99 cents. And thousands of other bargains. HO§ENBACHER fc BRO. C* Go where yon can buy the cheapest, and don't forget that the way to find where is by trying; so if you want— Groceries, Dry Goods, Di •ess Goods, Notions, Shoes, Ladles and Cents Hats of the latest styles at lowest PRICES, to; CALL ON (o) TMOftNTON & €O., W£Sitl@S, • » 3i» Two Door* North of the l*OßtOfllc© V O Should you want to treat yourself to a suit of clothes, remember this is the place to get it at bottom prices. Just call for James M. Fulton who will show you what you want and sell it to you at bottom prices. 4 vhkyol going to PAINT"? Before doing so it will pay you to call and examine our stock and prices. Our .stock is com/Aete consisting of I Vkite Lead, Linsud Oil, Ready Mixed Paints, J arnvshes, Dryer sc. lnthsri %ll nmterial necessary to do first;data wrk. Alto m SONTPLCL6 assortment OT Pditit Brushes. aniicraft & Winston, ... pf. C.