The Reporter and Post THURSDAY SEPT. C, 1888. .Topics at Home. renrren*** la Mid Areaml Dniihiiry, Mid t'enaty Nnlteri Briefly lold ••A cUtel's Mnang you tftkc'n note*, And, faith, he'll print U." Any aubsoriber who fails to reoeive the REPORTER AND POUT every week is foquMted to report the failure. We want to sea where 'he fault is. m - San Rises 5.42 a. m. Sun Sets 0.18 p. m. Day's Length 12b 36 min. Moon quartors noxt Wednesday. Court in Wilkes next Monday. Farmers liavo begun to save fuddcr. lJlackberrics arc now quoted at -1) eta. per pound. We have not been annoyed by mos quitoes this season. It ia time to prepare land for Irish potatoes for a fall erop and for wheat. The Mail train Ijaves Walnut Cove going south at 7:37 a. iu., aud going north at 4.49 p. w. We have seen much tobacco that will have to be out before it is tipc in order to save it from frost. The Board of County Commissioners did uot meet !a»t last Monday owing lo the river being piat fording. The recent heavy rain may have the effect to render tobacoo Tery sappy and difieslt to oare of a niec quality. The summer visitors have begun to hie away to their quiot or bustling homes though quite a number still linger Peerless Harness Oil is the best leather drowsing for sale only by Ash craft & Owcts, Druggists, Winston, N. c. Work on grading drives and making the foundation for the dining hall of the hotel at Piedmout rings is going on lively. Several barns of tobacoo have beer, cured above Lawsonville; the result was not very good owing the dryness of the leaf. If you arc in need of a shoulder brace go to Atheraft A Owens, Druggists, Winston, N. C.; they guarantee a fit or no charge. Of the five prisoners in jail at this writing ihrrc aro two while males, two eolored males serving out sentences, ami one wbito male lor eosls. The slaughtering of chiohons by our hotels must have been immense this saiumer, yet the home supply i.f half grown ones seems lo have been equal to the demand. Run. Daniel G. Fowlc and Hon. Oliver 11. Dockory, Democratic and Republican candidates for Governor, will address the poople at Walnut Cove on M«nday the 10th day of September. lURNIP HKEII. —Just received a large lot of liuist'a flesh Philadelphia turnip seed by * ASIICRAFT & OWENS, Wintton, N. C. Tne river was past fording last Mon. day and those who would have had to crosi it to get to Danbury wcro prevent ed from to the Democratic County Con vention which was postponed till Monday September 17 th. Remember tho Democratic Conventiuu for nominating County candidates and a member to the Legislature, has been postponed to Monday, Sept. 17th, lot every body who feels an interest iu hav ing good officers be present $160.00 will now buy the Farmers Saw Mill, SIOO.OO the Dixie Pluuer, $275.00 the 6x24 inch Tar Heel Plan er and Matoher. Manufactured by the Halem Iron » orks, Salem, N. C. Write for full descriptive circulars. The following are the buying prices «f produce in Danbnry: oata 45 to 50 cents, wheat 75 cents to sl, rye 750., corn 50 to 65, poas 60, ohetries , black berries 6-7, raspberries 6, t unpeeled peaches S, blight peclod peaches 8, 1 unpeeled peaches 2, fancy peaches 10, i applet 21, bright sliced apples 4, fancy alieed apples 5, honey 10, beeswax 18; ebiokeua 10 10 15, butter 10 to-15, egge 10, oheslnuts sl , gubers (peanuts) $2, vinegar 25 to 40 (scnrco), rabbi*, skins 15 cents, possum skins 8 eta, coon skins 10 to 25 ots, otter skins 75 to $1 , beaver skins (oleaned of fat): 75 cents per pound, green hides 5 and dry hide 10 eta, tallow in cakes 41 ots, and goo«« featb-crs 50 cents. rtnwil Mr. T. L. Vaughn, of Winston, left for home Tuesday. Dr. Townee Wimkish, of Constanti nople. is at the McCanlcss House. Dr. J. W. Neat retwrnod from Mt. Airy Saturday where be bad boon with tbe view of purchasing property to loealo; he thinks the prices aakea for vacant lots unquestionably high. Mr. James A. Pepper has returned from \ irginia with a pair of fino horses, though wo have not had an oppoituuitj of judging of their travelling qualities by riding behind tjieiu. Miss. Mary S. Molley of Reidsville with "That caressing nut *xqiiisite grace--nev ei bold, Ever present—which Just a few women peases*'' left for home yesterday. Probably the present Congress is the most recklessly cx-travigant of all the Congresses that have preceded it. Tliiuh of $154,000,000 being voted away in ouc than would have roo Buchanan's Democratic Ad ministration foa sewn years. The ex cess or increase over 1887 is soo,o' 10,- 000 or as much as liuchauaii needed tor a whole year. Shameful —Wilming fou Slar. Wo don't think the Slur should R. um blii at this think it is in fauor of kc«j - 'ng up tho Internal Revenue system which if demoralising our people to an extent that no law has ever dene and increasing tho surplus in the treasury if the poor suflejiag widows of the Con federacy whose sons are paying this war tax cant get auy of it. Let us (five it to the widows of Union soldiers, it is no good to any one piled back iu the dark vaults of tho U. S.T. | 'nin ■indicated] Mr. Editor, In your last issue of tho REPORTER 1 notice an article from Mr. W. W. King, which requires and. answer from inc. Mr. King >ays I aui an embryo politi cian aud political aspirant for the Leg islature. 1 aui not an aspirant for the Legislature; have never asked any man to aid me to get the nomination, and be fore this communication is published nol only Mr. King but tho public will know that my name will not he before the convention. 1 admit that lam an em bryo politician aud HI my futurs political training, if I should learn to be as eor lupt as Mr. King I pray God for some body to tako me ofl' in iny embryonic state. Mr. King also says he came to Walnut Cove to see Mr. Taylor on bus iness; if so, why did be not go to Mr. Taylor's icsidcncc instead of coming di rect lo Walnut Cove. Tor be well knows that Mr. Taylor lives four miles north of Walnut Cove, between this place and Danbury; aud why did lie come to Wal nut Cove "armed to the tooth" with a hickory stick in his hand and a pistol in his hip pocket; and why did bemadeso uiauy threats against the author of the piece signtd " Democrat The fact is, 1 felt that if I concealed the name of the HUtnoi of Ihj piece after Mr. King's throats here on that day that ho would think I was afraid to assume the author ship of it, and I did it in order that he might bo ablo to have his satisfaction in the manner he desired. Mr. Kiug says he learned lata in the evening thnt I was tho author 'he fact is I tidd Mr. King to his face I was the author. Rut, Mr. Editor, 1 should uot com plain of auy of those misrepresentations uor upon any attack Mr King has made on me political, but Mr King says, "The very day 1 was at Walnut Cove I gave Shop what I thought to be good advice, to £ivo bis time and attention to his fiuuucial affairs, and get out of debt, 1 then and now have claims to flic v ineuntof about five hund ed dollars a guiust Aim, and if lie would give tuuc and attoniion tc hie creditors instead of office seeker", ho would receive the plaudits of all honest men, eta " 'I he facts are these; at tho time of ilic fire a I Walnut Cave by which the firm of Wilder A Adams had the mUfortune to be burned out, the firm owed debts for the purchase of goods, and upon the advice of friends and counsel they made su assignment for the benefit of their creditors, making Mr. Staok trustee in the assignment, we made a full and hon est aurrender of all the assetts of Ibe firm, and 1 relinquished tho homestead that the law gave me This is no secret and the records in tho register's office will boar mc cut in what I say. If tbo property is judiciously baudled it will pay every cent the firm owes, and 1 hope have gome lell. I do oue ecut individu ally to any man Now for Mr King knowing these facts to be tiue as he docs, to publish what lie did and to mis represent the fuels as llicy are, is mean, low and contcuiptiblo and no gentleman would be guilty of such an act. If 1 desired to attack Mr. Kin»'s private character I could show it to be so black that the angels in Hades would scorn to fellowship liui, but 1 am abovo this. Suob attacks as be has made upon mc recoils as a boomerang on the man who utters them. Now as to tho advice ho claims to have given mc is another per version of the facta and all I have to say abodt it ia that Mr. King simply lies.' Now, Mr. Editor, I know my roaiarks aie barsb, they are severe, they are such no gentleman deservesaud no gentleman will wear, and I bupe he has the man hood, if he daaires lo reaont what I have aaid, to do it otherwise than to attack mc in a newspaper oomicunbation. S. P. ADA)'*. Sept. Ist, 1888. At Rrowu's Drug Store, Winston, N 0., you can get special pr ocs in oil?, varnishes, paiuts &c. jt_ "fliiinlly Bceluxat Ilwuie ' 11 .iur free trade politicians would wipe out the Internal Revenue system lor which there is no earthly ami let u R have free trade among ourselves then we would be more apt lo listen to their tree harangues in regard to ffo trade ftom abroad. P ft* til on and sorietv, impose many privation upon the fomalo sex, in the way of dross. First it is one freak, imd then another, and from the fact, thai many of them are unhealthy in tne extreme, it is small wonder that uiany women succomb, and thai 'female weaknesses" are the too frequent result. Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription is tne only postivc euro for these complaints in existence, and thousauds of women can bear witness to its effioaoy "Fa vorite Prcscoiptiou" is a legitimate medicine carefully compounded by an oxperiencod and sgillful physician, and adapted to woitiau's delicate organiza tion. It is the only mjdicine for wo men, sold by deuggists, under a postivc guarantee, from the manufacturers, that i; will give satisfaction to every case or moocy will be refudded. This guar antee has been printed on the bottle wrapper, and faithfully carried out for uiany years. Dr. Pierce's Pellets, or Anti-blllious Granules, Laxative or Cathartio ac cording to aize of dose. Purely vege table. CONGRESSIONAL SUMMARY. SATURDAY, AUG. 25. In the Scnato yesterday the message of tho President on the fisheries question was laid before that body, when a lung debate tool; place, Messrs. Ediuuuds, Hoar, Hale a>d Sherman attacking tne policy of the President, and Mr. Mor gan defending tho samo, but tho matter finally went over without action; *.heie was no quorum iu the House, and hut little business was transacted by that bod_,. TUESDAY, AUG. '2B. In the Senate yesterday a new con ference was ordered on the army appro priation bill; Mr. Walthall, of Mississ ippi, made a lengthy speech on tho re port of the judiciary committee on the Jackson (Miss.) esection, in which lie ooniplained of the periodical arraign ment »f the Southern people for alleged o(Tensos that arc cloarly out of the sphere of Federal legislation, and characterized all such attacks as intended only for campaign purposes, arid for the disseuii -I.tsion of partisan roporta and bittei sec tional speeches; in the House the Fronch spoliation claims section was stricken 1 from the deficiency appropriation bill, and this done the bill was passed; a res olution was offered and reported author izing the President to suspend for a giv en period the duty on cotton bagging WEDNKBDAY AL'O. 2!>. A resolution was agreed to in tho Senate caliintf upon the President fur copies of all correspondence with the liritish government relative to the tish-j erics and other questions in conncotiou therewith; the sundry civil appropria tion b 11 was consideied, and a long de bute ensued relative to the expenses of I the government; thoie was a lively spat in tlic House on the question of leaves »f absence, after which the Cklahouia bill was taken up and considered until adj mrnuient. THURSDAY, AL'O. 30. A bill was introduced in the Senate yesterday permitting the importation of jute bagging free of duty, in order lo protent the cotton interest from the in. juryiufltcted by the jute bagging "trust;" Mr. George made a speech on the fish eries question and the President's rotol lation messcge, which he will resume to day, iu the House a joint resolution was passed providing temporarily tor the ex penditures of tlin government also a bill providing that government securities and paper money shall be printed iu the highest style o! art on hand roller pres.-ef SATUBIIAY- SKIT. I. Joint resolution providing temporal ly for expenses of government was re ported in tho Senate yesterday and pass ed . the tortitication bill «as passed the conference rei>ort on the sundry civil appropriation bill was considered in the House and agreed to. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION AND MASS MEETING. A Republican Mass Meeting and Con vention will l/o held in the Court House at Danbury, on Saturday the 15th day •f September, for the purpose of nomi nating candidates fur the Legislature aud other county offices, and transact ing other important business. K very body invited to attend, \V. V. MCCANMU*, t'b'in. Pritdonoo is a conuuondabta virtue, but it is novcr seen in uc!i b?auty as • hen a mother provides borsoll wiib » bottle of Pr. I'M in fa" Cough Syrup fur eases of emergency. For sale evisry tvliore. t if. markuoi: Tlio following licenses to marry have bceu returned to the register of Deed* since our last report H. Winman Crutcbfield aud Nancy Ziogler W. 11. IJoylcs aud farah V Kiug; James IV. Ftilk and Sallie J Ca.-sill Andy L. and Isabelle Hooker. COUNTY CONVENTION. A Convention of the Democratic par ty ot Stokes county is hereby called to moot in Daubury on the 17th day of September (third Monday), for the pur pose. of nominating candidates for Sheriff, Register of TVcdd, Surveyor, Coroner ami a tucmbet of the Lower llonae of tho next General Assembly and a State Senator to it-present the Slid district. The Convention previously called to meet on the 3rd inst. did not deem i*. nine and proper to make nomination* in asmuch as a largo section of tho county was entirely eui off by the rains and high waters. Kvery Democrat te invited to attond. A. ftl. STACK, Ohm. Sept. Oth. 188*. I jind lot* HalP. As Commissioner appointed by the Judge of the Supcrioj; Court of Stokes ceuuty at August Term, 18i*S, in ease of W. A. Lash vs Mmi'i va Flyht aud others, 1 will sell pri u((/c/yllie following lands in Stokes county on Snow creek and Dan River. Pint tract . : 00 auies know, as :h« iUUic Ual! tracl •: IjoiJiiii'j the i on's of Taylor Duuhap, J.ts. »V. Davb and others. Necoun tracl ot' 100 acre# known as tlie Mutton and Morgan tract adjoining Hie lands of C. M. ( nsley aud others. yilso one oila• t•• t oi' f>:'o utss known, ;■. • • ; tract oa »ow Cre k and v"• * e ii.. i • -i t * .i* 'here is • > ; ». ii- .• mill tit the c Itj. ih. above laiu' ' well Wa f etod ttlld i:!.i.M*"* I ami goou lot eultrvation in t»i)ac c•; ml r he different kinds of grains snd gm • . I will sell the above lands privately to any one wishing to buy good bajgains, and will be sold on such terms a«« will make tin payments due at Spring Term of the Su perior Courf 188 P. Any |>ersoiis wishing fo see the above lands call on Walter M Flyut or myself. This t'le old day of September 1888. J. • il Mitchbll, Commissioner. LAND WARRANTS WANTED. ACCoiding ' '> '.lie tali - »"t pa«sed by Con gims almost every pt-rsoii drawing a Pen sion is entitled to a l.»ml Warrant of 160 acres. 1, tbc undersigned, will pay eighty dollars lor every l-and Warrautofone hun dred and sixty acres, and desir every por ton who draw s h jKMision and has not ob aaineda I.and Warrant to communicate with nte. (.«. l. BURTON, Deer Trail, Colorado. LOOK FOR THE NKXT TO MH. 8. K. ALLKN'S lIARDSV AREBTOHBf For anything you intend bvt/ing in the harness or saddle line. R«.'«'a!red amt'preinliiiu ,nt Stale Fwli—- IlanirfM. Collars, Kridles, Saddles, Halters, Whip*, Spur*. Saddle Cloths, Unme-niadc Wagon Whips aud Lashes, Bask Bands, etc., Lap Spreads, Fly Nets, Brushes, Curry Combs, aud every thing in the Harness and Saddle Line. .1. W. Hlilpley «. r. comer of Ourt llonse Wlniten, - • * - - N. C. Agent for l'at. Riveted Seam Col lars, best collars in th» world barnosf eannot slip off- -guaranteed not te rip. I Pi for p4»#ola l« ■ |m| the UnlUd SUW* and Y>-r*urr. oontp- IraS iriM. tbn publiKhor* of Uia SetMUflo rJni/l A a jrto*n c t:tiuti« to *ct « •oIMtOW I ■ for n«UnU, UTMtf, tr*d»-mArk«,oopr kMM rlfhU. •««., for th« Uniud Suw, ltd to obtain pAteutd tn C*nid*. KngUod. rruM, mad *ll OUMf oouniriM. Their *co« is uooqoalod »od ihelr ImIHUm W uuiW Dtswinte and ap*ctflo4UoM proparod and il«i tn tM fftlont om oe on »hori nolle*. T«rm« rwMonabl*. No eh*rfm for eiamioaUoß of ■o4w or Anwiag*. Adrioo by mall frva. i o kiiic » w JjH tha 1 arv*H oironlatlon and in tha mo-a innaaatlal nevMAcnt of ita kind uubiMthad In tha wvrid. | Tba kdvaoUfM "r «och a notloa ar#r j paWaCa marhanlo*. fnrantlo«R. «n#lnoarinit wotk+ aad otßMr dapavtaania of Indoatrial pwniwa, ptk» lifhrd In anr oovntrr. Ii cooUlnn th« naiaaa of an i ni««« and title of o»orjr lOTantioo pataflil B.i wwl. Trt it fmr laontS* for oaa 4allaa. d hy all nrnklulfM If rou havd an iOT«atir»n to palaot writa IS Co . of BoiooUSo AtMAMS klaodt ooh'aooat n«t«nta mail»d fra% LAND SALE. Hy virtue of a lferoe of the Superior Court of Mokes County, N. C\, ap|ioiutiug me commissioner 1 will ael! on tli«? premises fui ihhli to the highest biihiei on M»mlay the 24!h day of September, 168K, a small tract of luiul situated iu Stokes County, N. C., i'ljoiuiii£ tlie lauds of F. L. Llncli, Susan Hill, John Hunter aiul others estimated to i-oiilaiii 54 acres; for description of the sum** see niorijsane from J. W. Jessup to 11. I'. Mcl.aniel, deceased, recorded in Hook 27, page 157. l! is a valuable tract «»f tobacco land, wi!h tobacco barn, etc?, thereon. Done tosmisfy balance due on said judgment. This flu ZV.. day of August, lKt-W. WINFIKI.D M. MCDanikm. Comiuisiioner. > ofi?e. J/.tviiu? qualified as administrator upon th* estate of key Tilley laf» of Moke-, county dee'd, 1 hereby give general notice to all persons indebted to said estate lo colli' 1 ! >!*\\aril an ! make immeiliaie payment and all persons havinu claims gainst said estate arc requested to present th in for settlenient duly .uithcntl-nied on or l>et'o:i» !he :lrd di> ot* August Irirty, orotherwise tins notice ?>e lpcitd in bar of their recovery. July | JJUth lrfSN A .1 TILLEV, Adm'r. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator with the will annexed of 0. 11. Simmons on the 17th day of July INV\ 1 hereby give gener al notice to all persons indebted to said ev fate to come forward aud make imiuedia! j l»aymcnt ami all persons having elaiuis | against said estate are requested to present I them tor settlement duly authenticated on or before the 3rd day of August InBU, or oilier wise this notice will be pleaded in | bar of their recovery. This HOtli day ot July IHB.S. W. L. TILLY, Ad m with will anuexed of O. 11. SIMMON'S, dee d. LANDHAI.K. 1 will *HI tot lie huh* *' hiddor for ciwli at the court-iio'.ise door in the town of Dan bury on Monday the ;trd day of ScptcmlM-i l!Soc, four hundred and foity one acres ot . hin I located in llle comity of Stok-s on the j wateib of Mill Creek and Neatnuu adjoin ing the lands of Joel K. Hill and others. These lands arc sold as the lan la of J. L». Vaughn to satisfy sundry executions in my uauds, which is one to satisfy a judgment rendered in the Superior l.'eurt of Forsyth county wherein William Stockton lo the us *of M* 1). Mockto-.i is plaintiff and J. U. Vaughn is defendant ; one in fa vor o! T. L. Vaughn against. said J. 1). Vaughn, and one in favor of Naucy l'it/er, guardian against the same. This is a val uable tract of laud and wiil be sold int. acts as levied on ; one known as the Dixon tract containing three hundred and sixteen aeies more or less, one tract known as the Smith tract containing seventy-five acres moie or less, third tract known as the Tins mountain traa containing hfl) a rcs m »tv or less. These lands will lie sold fire from any claim of homestead, the defendant * av ing all ri-Jits of boniest eai and may be sold in tracts of sisofe different from those herein given, and may be sold for part cash and parton credit depending u|ioti such agree iii' nt made upon day of sale between the defendant and the various judgment creditors for whose benefit tin; saie wi'l he made. July IKHIi, IHB*. H. I. I>ALTON, Sh'ff. WALNUT COVE ACADEMY. A first-class high School for Bojsand Uirls. Fall Term begins August 27th. I'uitiou from $1.60 to $3.00, and SI.OO extra tor oacli additional languac. —MUBIU $3.00 I'Klt. MONTH— Hoard from SB.OO to si.f>o. For fur ther particulars apply to J. T KAKHEIj L, I'rin. Miss. Miuuia C. Lcuch, Music Teacher and assistant. McCanless House. DANBURY.N C. This house has been enlarged and newly fitted up for the special accom modation of fuinmor visitor! to Pied mont Springs and the Mountains. It is the largest Hotel aud has the best arraugud and most airy looms of any boost in town, with double verandas of 120 feet prouieuadu each. It is beauti fully located on a high and well shaded elevation, fronting the Court Iltuse square with its shades and evcrgiecua, with the graDd soene.y of the Sauratown mountains with its varied CJIOIS of green for a back gronud, aud where tho pure invigrating ,l ir aud Ircsh mountain breezes babe free access. This House has a well ventilated parlor furnished with piano Danbury is situated 21 miles from Piedmont Springs, 3 miles Iroui Pepper's Alum Springs and within easy dis'auce of Moot e'a and other mineral waters A lino of good hacks, with good teaius, will be run from the Hotel to the Springs at all times, or when desired at reasonable rales. Also good and and gcutle saddle horses on easy teims Mineral water and ice kopt in Hotel at all times. O*"Board sl6 per month, $5 per week, $1 per day. Children under 10 years of age, and servants ; halt price. Daubury is reached by the Capo Fear it Ysnlkiq Valley R. R., from Greensboro to Walnut Cove wbeto easy and comtortablo conveyances oan be had at reasonable rales to Danbury, a distance of leu miles 1)r. W W. McCANIiESS Pmp'r. Right X^aliiHt "Wrong! CASE AGAINST CREDIT! TILE BKE IIIVG CASK STORES East Side Cout t-Houstj Square* WINSTON. N. l. la Ja ultt, lli« rintliltr. Our Motto the /Jest Hot torn I aluc.s/'or the . Money Down. ANOTHER| COMMON SENSE TALK TO THE WORKINiJMEN OF OUR COUNTRY A'/.V/J KKAOKU.—In tlirv );t\s of • 4 trn*tV ami ~c ombinatioie»M iimoni; caju tul»•!.>, Mamir»aiirna ami Mercluut, to fmin the unjnai -inll extoi i innate j.rotils un their j»ro iluctionH, it in inniinl tin vine mean.H «»f i>iute« tin i, aul we hail With |»lensure the of lalnir cUibn, farm s, Ace., ami thu «lei«r intn.iti«»ns i»f ho many to throw "II the yoke of I r» mlage, known ls tin? eiedit «)»ti)iii. I want to congratulate the huiitlrtnlM of f'aiuieis throughout the Piedmont imviioii of •ur '»«hml ohl St.ite, *ho ll tve ?»c«-ii tlie dun-1 gon lurking iu tlie credit ») hUmii, an I irone to work to rid tliemwlves ami rn of the abomiimtioii. Thin accurst ha.s long had a «troii: hold on out |* -ople, and it may aeeiu hard to hr«'uk iu i; i|i; but if you willperseveie you will not tUil to win, and then you will b • a ha|»j»\, pr«»«i|KT rrtia aud free man, five to buy your Kood.* where you jdeiwe ami of whom you please And when you come uciot* some tune n merchant who is alI iNtiind up with tlwuo combination mauutactuivni to charge you about 25 per cent above an hones' profit. You can awn your iude|M*udeuce ami give tliein iln goby. Wi don't bolieve in this way of giving one mau iu A. tov n control of au article which enables-him lo name In* own price, aud chirge uiiju«t proiita. We believe in compctioti because it will regulate values, aud ii nothing hut justice to a trading jmilh lie. We Itelieve that when abm»iue».t has'iit merit enough iu it to ataml without lH*iug pro|ied up by ctaiibinatiooa it is a fraud and not worthy the patrona^-of a buying peo ple. We make no agreement with my man or company of men towll an article at a i-er tain price. We believe in a fair aiul fn-? fight; ami if every man iu town want* to H-ll DIME PLOW 6 or DoftiLAS' SI.OO t)BOK8let them .noil them, and let t he lioiiHe that can't stand lin* t;o down, be it j us ot any on els *. The follow ing au exact copy of a letter I rccehed by iwfrom W 1.. Douglas, manu facturer of l)ougl.u* Nlnies: W. 1). HAII V. V WinMoii, \. (Ji ntltnuii: —l am in receipt of an order from you tor f i,U" Shoes, I would say that i hive learned tha' vo i arc advertising ami » Sin- ' it i 5J,.V) per pair, this is contrary to m> mstrucihuis, ami as you did not sjjpi an«i tniit oe tlw eon tr.iet which 1 s«»nt \ oti lam re turn to you your ord -r rofuM .. Yours, iVe., W L. IKUIOLAN Hut we have Douglas' > .Slnw*s nn«l you csii buy them atau honest profit. .Vow w«* want to a«k the workiugmen of this country what they think ofthi* .Some one had reported lis because we dared to Mdl for au hoiie*i profit borne merchant ami tl»e manufacturer lu« agreed lo try to run out all who are willing to sell fot an lion cst pn»flt, aud have clear to rake in your dollars. What do you think of it .t mere haul in your own Mate ami a North rn mamilactiirer to make ytm pi> au nnjn>t profit for au article? Is umu time to wake up and stand for your rights ami those who lielpyou. We dont promix! to ijive you goods. We •*.•11 for a profit; but are satisfied with a rei souable one. We s|N*ml nothing ill loatln: and nevor caiihiue with any one to charge an unfair profit. It Ik a duly you owe t> yourselves to investigate our pnunises, It •••ists you n*»tViinu- We cannot ail'url to de e«'lve you. Theie are two inten*sts we our own and our customers, and we believe w ln-n we doth'f we have done our duty h.s increliants. We hold the reins »»t kinship and friendship over tin* pocket-Iwok of no man, buying aad selling merchaodiH. is bunitiess, and all thtm*s else an> not to h, counted when you go to spend your dollars, and you do joureelf an injusti(« to buy of any one because you have been trading with him, or lie is your kin. Kemctulicr wea*k no favoritism oi frieml ship. We believe iu letting every tub stand upon it* own bottom, ami only a>k >oui trade upon the claim of the best bottom values for the money dowm. Don't forget that w hen in Winston your .Interests will he cared for by eaiiing at tlie DEB 111 YE. Yours against the old rotten system, a galnst combinatiotei aud iinlust profits. W. D. Baity &Sons. WH A T I \ "WE WANT. Good Locks '»ko«| tltieveioiTi f/>/>tJ\ ha# them. Weatliur St riots to kt'«J> ilio cold nud MUIIW out. A,llorx Ixas thorax I IMI>O"\VN t» i«ok oat S. E. ALLEN SAB TBCSM.II STO I AW t«J k««p th« coU ««t A I.L K.N II AS Til UM «■ ii» 14 LAMPS 10 ke *l' lt# J * r ' l ALLEN 9AS THEM at'*• ()ld Pfoh! & Stockton Stand. t I*AI\T to keep tbe 4aiap •«! Allen has the Beet liL&M 'IV kt'r|i Anything ELSK OUT. j 8. B. ALLEN j Haw It. In short £o to him (or all the tinware. I follow ware, Wood en ware, wmmimv and tiMfitl you may want, at the Oil I'tohl & StocK ton Stand, Corner of Main and 3d Street* Wursrw, .Y. &

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