The Reporter and Pott THURSDAY Bm. IX, I*BB. Topics at Home. "A sklal's aaiang jrun taka'a nutu, A*4, raltk, Us'tl print It," "Sflf" tha KtPMTBa AND POST every week is jaswa«tod to rapart tbe failure. We mat to Ma whera 'ha fault is. Uaa lata 6.12p.u. Day's Leafth 12b 20 win. Pull moon Nett Thursday. Fall begiks the 24th Court ia WillM this week. Court in Stokes Nov. 12tb. Court in Ytdkin Sept. 24tn. Save crab grass and small com for feed. The day* and nights will be equal 43rd. Flaw io your stabble as soon as the land is in it oooditioa. Judge Connor presides over the Fall Term of Court io this district. Sprout your land and get ready to •o* wheat by thej eud of this month. Tbe Mail train leaves Walnut Cova fttßg south at 757 a. m., and going north at 4.49 p. tn. Peerless Harness Oil is tba best leather dressing for sale only by Asb araft i Owevs, Druggists, Wrnatoa, N. C. If you are in need of a shoulder brace ga to Aiheraft & Owens, Druggists, Winston, N. C.; they guarantee a fit or aa abarge. If you waat ta bay or edl either farsnog or aiiaeral lands, or just tbe Minerals oa yaar lsad, don't fail to see N. M. lVpper. Of tha five prisoners is jail at this writing there are twa white vales, two colored males sprang aat sentences, and eoe white male (or costs. Whan paeeing Walnut Cots rcmem Ver that you will ba well cared far by atopping at tbe Walnut Cava Hate!, kapt by Mr. L. W. Lewis. A.ll 3m The week's rain «u»p»oJed itself Monday night, wttay suspended fur we dt wt consider that the weather hai •oal|jr cleared at the time we write Tue«Jay noon. There i« servioa at the Kpiscopal Chareh near Walant COT* every third Suaday merning, Her. Mr. Lacy affioi etiag at that, aad at ia the afternoon of the sena day. UUtr *EID—Jmt received a large let of Heist's fteeh Philadelphia turnip teed by AVUOAFT & OWIJIU, Winston, N. C. $ I#o.oo'will no# buy the Farmers Saw Mill, SIOO 00 the Dixia Planer, $275.00 the 6x24 iaoh Tar Heel l'laa «r aad Mateher. Manufactured by the Helen Iran \ orkf, Saleta, N. C. Write (or fall deaeripkve circulars. All the eflcial member! of the Dan bare Mimon will pleaee meet me at the Methodiat church in Danbvry Mon day September 17th at 1d.30 o'oloek to tranaaet the bniiaeis of the 4th Qaatterly Conference. . B. B. HAIL, P. K. Alwayi ia the lead and feet in Ihe •eld again this eeaeoa, Sample Unwi'i One Price House, Ureensbaro, ia ready with a big fresh atoek of Vail and _ Win ter Uoode, clo hing, overcoats, dreaa goods, nationa, oarpoU and etapte dry goods, all marked down to rock bottom prioee ia plain figure*. ■ »'•■> - » •m. At hi* residence near Mt. Airy on Wednesday morning, Aag. 39th, Joha Manner, in the Mtb year of his •€*■ Near Daubary, en Thursday, Jams* Flinahtm, aged about eightj-fiye years. % . . reratMl Mies. Kate Nelaon is maktvg a visit bare. Mr. Jetse Prather (alt with his ily for heme last week. Several visitors inolading Miae. Jady Paae left for heme laat Tueeday , we' wander if she eaat a lingering loak be hind. (OMftaIMMS ] Mr. Xditot: "" i A* the convention daw sot eaw ef natil the 17th I wiah to Ilea the oaats ef Mr. W. T. dark, ef this TMnmhip, far Register of Deeds. Mr. Clark ia a telf-made man aid vary psyalai with the people. Ha ll a far mer, ha* taught tatoal aad ia well qwalited to 111 the ofiot. *is taction •aldofe asks or rewires anything fftm tbe Democratic parly aud I think the part; should rcoogniae us, if we pre (ant good tod worthy man Mr Clark i* net seeking auy office but his friends will presoot his name to tbe convention and I trust the people will consider the tfituation in our eoua'.y, eoaaider Mr. Clark's oonpeteney and availability. Tbe people,-would do well aot to otniait themselves until tbe day of oonvdntiou and hear from all tbe' oieo who will be put before the con vention. QI-akkr GAI>. WHAT IT IMiriTl TO. Does it mean anything that two of the patties who have contracted for the purchase of tbirtythiee iron prop, rties is Stokes, and arc now negotia ting for the purchase of others, with the main man ganese lead, are millionaire Unitod States Senators, one from be Was', the other a Northern man, the tliird an ex. membcr of congress, having served two tarns, aud now President of a Kuilrnad Company, tbe fourth heavy brokers do. ikgbusiocss in the city of New York 1 Expert after expert, have been sent hero, hundreds of dollars have been spent devel jpiug tho iron, and so far as we are informed, all shown up satisfac torily, both as to quality and quanity. As to what we know, the q'lauity is here as to the q iality, from thu analyses of government assayorsi chi quality is what u wanted for the manufacture of steel rails. We know this jeans much for Ftokes. espetially wheu we consider tint we are aow but '.eu miles away frbiu a railroad. VVe saw Mr. Robertson last week the Kagliihtuan ougaged in opening the coal ;he says he has good coal. Five miles awey from the irou there is a heavy lead of manganese, not a pocket, but a regular lead | ex ending six or eight miles across the county ; millions of timber on every side n.-ar to hand for charcoal ; water power for any purpose in the very midst of the iron belt , liiuc for a flux, and fii-c clay for linmj blast 'utnaces near to baud, and at least two railroadi beading this way, there is no reason for sayiog that wc we will not in the aear fdture hare a Urge irou ' manufacturing towu in oir midst; in faet tb s part of Stokes is deal iued to b« tha Pittsburgh of N.»rth Carolina, from . tbe faet, that no other *cctw:i in the > 3t.ts if in tM South, can offer ite many advantages combined &jr manufacturing r Baascmef ateel, chaicjal. iron and wsod machinery whi-b requires the b*et grades of white oak, hickory, etc. What we say here or litre said in for- mer issues of the liar jaris, is not in tended as newspaper sensational reports bat arc fiats a* they exist, and have as to the abandanee and quality af the irou been demonstrated to the satis ac tion of experts who bavn made an ex amination at to tba q-iantitf. The fine timber, water power, etc , can be seen by anyone who will laok, in fact nearlv ovarytbing we clai.u can be seen by aiy ana who will see. ihtpllclaai By reason of the state af shronic in credulity in which -many men pass their lives tbey tuns half the good of this world. Tbey seom to think that doubt and unbelief are proofs of wislom, and through fear of being deceived reject much that is true aad good. To snob minds tbe stateaent that Dr. Pierce's Golden Modioal Discovery is a real and proven cure for all diseases caused by by torbid liver, bad blood oi ser.fjlous bamors carries with its own condemna tion. Tbey do not believe it, apparent ly, because wo say so, aud yet what ■ore, ar less, than this ean wt do* We kaow the facts, ani if we did not make puhlio tba great valae of th's remedy few would profit by it. We try to do oar daty in tha matter and it remains for the doabtcr who needs help to over come his prejudice and givo it a trial. SSOO Reward for an iocnrablo cist of ehronio Nasal Catarrh offered by the oeuufieturers of Pr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. »■ —— [Common', rated.) Mr. 8. P. Adarns- My Old Friend Shep; YM see i take the privilege of call, ingyou "Shep," aed of addressing yon as "my old friend," for wnich 1 hope you will pardon me, after you bare spoken of meal Mr. Ring, but I think to call yoq "Shep" soands more neighborly and WMTO like old times when wc were, what I feai we are not now. 1 see a letter in the last Riroana addressed to the Editor from you, and from the reading of which some people might tbink you i«ie mad, 1 hope you are not angry with me, Bhep, uwe have been good frieada through aa intimate acquaintance *t fifteen or ■ore yean, ead I did not iatend to say anything persooally offen ste, aad had I kaown that yoa took what I «aid as a personal atlaek I would have the made amende honorable. I never waat to unnecessarily injure or retard the business or op bill progress of any man, and I hare always felt especi ally kind to you as yoar father, 1 believe was always I true-friend of mine and I tried to reciprocate bis friendship. i I bad not seen you much since tbe Congressional Convention at Greensboro, | July 11, aud thought everything wasui lovely between us as two "snnflowers kissing in tho sunshine," until a letter appjared in tbe Wiuston Stntinel of August 23d sigued '• Douiocrut," which you afterwards c hum;J as your produc tion, in which you make an attack on Mr. Stack and uiyself, because wa among many others exercised the privilege of thinking that there ought to be a change io the office of sheriff. Although 1 have beard from good autnority that you have been in our neighborhood at tbe rest deuce of Mr J C Wall, oc two differ ent occasions soliciting liiiu to become a candidate fur sheriff. You charge uie with going to Walnut Cove (on the 25th of August) "armed to tho teeth" with a hickory s'ick in uiy hand and a pistol io my hip pocket and with making threats against "Democrat," ete. My quondam friend Sbep, you are mistaken in your assertion, I went to Walnut Core on a different business and had a small common size walking cane with me which you have seen me carry for tbe last several months, and mad* 00 threats of violence not used any harshness, and had no "blood in m; eye," nnr did I have any pistol and have not bad one in my pocket for many months, as that is a chargh of violating the laws of the State I hope the solicitor will give you an opportauity of making that charge good on oath. You charge me with being corrupt,, etc . if that is so, you ought not to have insisted so persistently on my taking the chairmanship of the Democratic Kxecti. tive Committee at our County Conven tion on the 7th day of last May, wheu we met to seleot Delegates to tbe State and Congressional Conven lions and to reorgnnis.' the Committee for the ooun. ty. you kn> w you did insist on my taking the chairmanship until 1 peremptorily declined aud then you went for Mr. Stank, who is our present chaitman. and after tint, in your Sentinel letter, you ask the Lord to hare mercy on it (the Democrat io party) if it gets into such bauds, (meaning Mr. Stack and myself). My priitinus friend Shep ) 1 fear that you liavo gotten into some selfish hands, you ought to remember the fabled story of the monkey usiug the cats paw to pull hot chcntnuts out of the tire, some some people u-ight use your paw through souie selfiali design and when you get it burnt, they would neither give yon any chestnuts nor ronder you other substan tial aid. 1 could point out other incon sistencies but «ill not as 1 think you arc too young to be "corrupt" and there fore will not charge you as being sc. My obteivation has been that a man had better have a low enemies than is try io ever stock himself with friends as he cat not please every body long at the same time and be sincere as there are so many different interests and demands. My former excellent friend Shcp, in the oUsiog scenes of your lotter to the Kditor you uae ugly language such as ought not to be uaed by good boys and lam satisfied you were not taught to talk and write that way under your pa rental roof. As for my corruption, character, etc., 1 will say that I have been living among the people of this county for more than fifteen years, some of tbeui have known me all my life and duriug this time I have received a liber al share of their patronage, have associa ted with theoa io different ways, and it now remains for you in yocr youthful career to make or insinuate a charge) if what you say is true then for fifteen years you have been deccptivo; but what you sae does not hurt mo for no one belieycs it and Ido not think you bolievcd it when you wrote it, your past life has been inconsistent with your statement; tne fact that you who claim to have all tho requisites of a geutlcmau ,-hould cutor luto a ue-vspapcr contro versy with me is of course a sufficient guarantee among those who considcrjyou a gentleman that 1 am worthy of your august notice. My whilom friend Sbep, the closing paragraph of your letter woull sound dangerous at abort range, and I am sur priaed that a goo) boy like you should write so and use such vioieut language; it sound* moro like the bravado of a braggart at lung range, than you, sober minded conservative people will not en dorse your language, it will be applaud ed only by "bullies." Ido not think you had an ice cap on your head and your feet in a tub of tee cream when you wrote. But I fear that 1 aui ma king uiy letter t.o long as the public are not interested in,noredifidJ by our controversy aud 1 dislike very much to hate to display my name In such a man. •er turough newspapers. lo our parting I will say to you to keep 0001, do yoar own thinking and acting, and remember that consistency snd sincerity are jewels hard to flod but moehtobe admired ia any one. . Ia closing I Mast Say Out I am sorry to part with my intimate frieod for so ma ny years, bat fate has so decreed it, . since you hate oitraciiad me from your precious society. , Anciently yours, W W. KINO, ! MtKRIAQE La'GSSI^ The following license, iu lO'ifrj Lave I been returned to the register uf Deudi i -Mice our lot report _ Joel H Uulc, and Martha J Hut ledge LAND SALE A J commissioner appointed for the pur pose 1 will sell on Saluiday the oth day of October 1&88, s valuable tra« t of laud In th»* comity of Htokes on tin? wativrt ot Siindv branch, a stream flowing Into Town Fork Creek, adjoining the lands of Thomas i'ut tle, William Smith, Mia* Martha Lewis an I others, containing eighty-four and a half acres, This land is being sold uuder a d«- otee cf the Suj>erlorCourt Clerk of Stok * county for part tlon among tenants iu com m in. i\ is a liue tract of laud; about on«'- tbird cleared, the remainder is original for est abounding in line pine ami oak. poplai and hickory timbe:, first class tobacco ami wheat land, well watered having upon it ! several g«»od springs aud bold branches; lo cated thre«» uid a half or four miles from the C. K. AY. X. liailroad. The sale will l>.* made upon the premises .n a few hu nlred i aids of the Widow Lewis' house Persons desiring about th s tract of land are reined li. It. Stenpul, I*. l.ewis aud a C. Younz. who lire near by and are well acquainted with the same. Terms ope-half cash, bind and security for remainder on six months ered't with eikht per cent, interest interest from day of sale, title retained until pur chase money is paid. .September sth, IS*#. A. U. JOYCE, Com. Notice to Noii-Residents. North Carolina, ) In Superior Com: Stokes County, $ Amer Til ley, Laura S. I Caller, aud husband It. A. Culler, James K. Til I ley, Adocia Nelson ( aud her husband Le- i ander Nelson, Kiohard J Tilley, Oscar Tilley, > Flora Ne'.son and her J husband Harden Nel*)Speciil proceeding son, Willie Tilley, It. returnable before \V. (ieoigc assignee of ) Clerk on the 20th Caiuelius Till ey, i October IbBB. Manlia Nels.n and h t > hushaad Julius Nel- ) son. Jane Purdle aud herhusbanl Lamlreth l*urdle and John Til it y, plaintiffs against Lucy A. King, Powell 11. Tilley aud other* | In the above action it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Powell 11. Tilley is a necessary party to this action aad is a non-resident of this Mate and can not be, ajter due diligence found therein, for sei vice of summon? this action a special proceeding far the sale of laud for position among tho plaint ills and heirs-at law as tenant j in common of certain real estate in.Stokes County North Carolina, b;- iongmg to the estate of the late A. 11. Til ley deceased. It is therefore ordered tha* publication U made once a week for six successive week* iu the UKreuiEH-PosT a newspaper pub lished lu Danbury, Stokes County, N. C., notifying the defendant to be and appear at the otlfce of the Clerk of the Superior Court at the court-house iu Danbury on the 20th of October I*6B and answer the complaint uow oa tile inlaid action or the same will be taken pro coutesso as to him. This September 10th N. O. PBTREE. Clerk of Superior t'ou*t. ' North Carolina, J In Superior Court. J Summons for relief— I Stoke* C>uutr, ) Before the CLKRS. W. L. Tilley, administrator with the will annexed of O. H. Simmons deceased, and family L. Simmons widow of said O. 11. Simmons, plaintiffs, against Sarah Grant, widow, Ji se;>h C. Audiews and Nettie E. his wifr ami Sophia F. Sim mons, defendants. In the above action it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Josapli V. An drews and Nettie E. Andrews his wife are necessary parties to this action and are noli I residents of this State and cannot be, afte ; due diligence tound therein, for service of summons: This action is brought for th; purpose o! obtaining a construction of the last will a.iti testament of O. II .Simmons, d'e'd, and for dower. It is therefore ordered that publi cation be made ouce 11 week for six weeks successively in the ItEI'OBTEU-rosT a news. pa|>er publislie.l iu Danbtuy, Stokts Coun to. N. C„ notifying tlie said d efendants to lie and appear before the lion. Judge of our Snperior Coart to b; hold for the county of Stokes at the court-house in Danbury ou the 10th Monday after the Ist Monday fh September 188s, then and there to answer the complaint ofthe plaintills which will > deposited in the oflico ot the Clerk within the three first days of the term. And let the defendant tnke notice that if they fail to answer the complaint within the term the plaintifli will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded iu the complaint. Septem ber 10th ÜBS. N. O. PKTKEE, Clerk of Superior Court. LOOK FOR THE Pig flal NEXT TO MK. 8. K. ALLEN'S HARDWARE STORK, For anything you intend buying in the harness or aaddie line. Received drat,'premium .at State Tain Hainesa. Collars, llridlca, Saddles,, llaltera, Whips, Spurs, Saddle Cloths, Ilotue-tnado Wagon Whips and Lashes, Bask Bands, cto., Lap Spreads, Fly Neta, Bruakea, Currj Couibs, and every thing in the Harness and Saddle Lint. .1. W. Shipley 8. ■. coiner of Court Home Square, Winston, - - - - - •. N. C. | Agent for Pat. Riveted Scam Col lars, beat oollara in the world; harness eauuot slip off- -guaranteed not to LAND BALU. By virtue of a decree ut the Suffer lor Court of Stokrs County, K. C. t ap]>ointhig me commissioner i will sell on the premise* for cash to the highest bidder on Monday the 241 h day of September, ISBB, a small tiact of land situated iu Stokt s Countv, X. C., adjoining the lands of K. L. Liueb, Hi I, John Hunter and othe.s estimated to contain C ! acres; foi description of the same s«.*eiuoifrom J. W. Jessup to If. P. McLaniel, deceased, recorded in Hook 4 J7. page J&7. It is a valuable tract of tobacco laud, with tobacco barn, etc. thereon. Done to satisfy Cmlance due on said judgment. This the Oth day of August, 1888. WINKIELU M. Mci>ANltl.S. Commissioner. IN otice. //.iviiit; qualified as administrator upon lit* estate of liockey Tilley late of Htoke.s county dec'd, I heieby give general notieeto all persons indebted to said estate to come forward and utake Immediate pay meat and all persona having claims against said estate are requested to present theiu for settlemeu duly autheuticaied on or before the lird diy of August I&4*, or otherwise this notice will be lpead iu bar of their recovery. July ;lOth ISH3. A. J. TJI.LKV, Adiu'r. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator with the will annexed of O. li. Simmons on the 17th day of July 1888, 1 hen by give geuer al notice to all persons indebted to said es tate to coine forward and make immediate payment and all •persons having claims against said estate are requested to present t kcin for settlement duly authenticated on or before the ;»rd day of August ls8!>, or other wise this notice will be pleaded iu Vur of their recovery. This :50th day ot July ISBH. W. L. TILLV, Ad'm with will anuexod of 0.11. SIMMON | I^ANIISALE. I will sell to toe highest bidder for cash at I lie court-house ilooi in the town of Dan bury on Monday the 3rd day of September ISN\ foul hundred aud 'oily one acres Of land located in the county of Mokes on the waters of Mill Creek aud Xeatm.ui adjoin ing the lands of Joel F. Hill and others. These lauds are sold as the lauds of J. 13. Vaughn to satisfy sundry executions in my bands, anions which is one to satisfy a judgment rendered in the Superior Court of Forsyth couufy wherein William Stockton to the use of M* 1). Stockton is plaintiff aud J. li. Vaughn is defendant ; in; iu fa vor ot T. L. Vaughn against said I. IJ. Vaughn, aud ono iu favor of N" incy l'ttzir, guardian against the same. This is a val uable tract of land and wiil t« sold in t. act., as levied on ; one known as the Dixon tiact containing three hundred and sixteen acti* more or less, one tract known .is tlx.- Smith tract containing seventy-five acres mo e or hss, third tract knowu as tl.« l'iny Miountaiii traut containing fifty acies uioie or less. These lauds will be sold free IVoin auy el lim of homestead, the defendant wav. lug all rights oi homestead aud may lie sold in tracts of sizes different from those herein given, aud may be sold for part cash and part on credit depending upon sucli agree ment being made upon day of sale between the defendant and the various judgment creditors for whose benefit the sain will lie male. July uUth, ISSS. R. I. DALTON, Sh'ff. WALNUT COVS ACADEMY. A first-class high School for Boys snd Girls. Fall Term btgina August 27tu. Vuitiou from $1.50 to SB.OO, aud SI.OO extra for each additional laoguac. —JIUBIU $3.00 I'EK. MONTH— Beard from ss.lo to $2.50. For fur ther paiticulars apply to J. T FAIIRELL, Prin. Miss. Minnie C. Lcach, Music Teacher and assistant. MCCANLESS HOUSE. DANBURY. N. C. ""''This house has been enlarged and newly fitted up for tho special accom modation of summer visitors to Pied mont Springs and tho Mountains. It is the largest llotel and has tho best arranged and most airy looms of any housj in town, with double verandas of 120 feet promenade each. It U beauti fully located ou a high and well bliaded elevation, fronting the Court llcuse square with its shades and evergioeus, with the grand bceue.y of the Sauratowu mountaiuswith its varied oalois ofgrceu for a back ground, and where the pure invigrating air and fresh mountain brtctci habe free aocoss. This House Las a well ventilated parlor furnished «itb piano. Daubury is situated 21 miles from Piedmont Springs, 3 miloa (rum Pepper's Alum Springs and within easy distance of Moore's and other mineral waters A lino of good hacks, with good teams, will be run from tho Hotel to the Springs at all times, or when desired at reasonable rates. Also good and and geutle laddie horses on easy teiuis. Mineral water and ice kept in Hotel at all time*. weofc, 91 per day. Children under 10 years of age, and servants ; half prioe. Danbury is reached by the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R. R., from Greensboro to Walnut Covo wheio easy i and comtortable conveyances oan be bad at reasonable rates to Danbury, a distance of ten miles Da. W. W. MCCASLESS Prop'r. Right Against "Wrong! CASH AGAINST CREDIT! THE BBK iiive: CASH STOBE! Hast Side Coui t-Houso Square. WINSTON, N. C. >M to Jiicobi, the Clothier. Our Motto tin j Heat Bottom Values for the Money Down. COMMON SENSE TALK TO THE WORKING-MEN OF OUR COUNTRY KI.M) HEADER. —In these days of '•trusts" and "combinations" among capi talists, Manufactui, ts and Merchants, to wring from the woikinguieti of our land unjust and extortionate profits ou tlioir pro ductions, it is high time you were loeKiag aroun .! for some means of protection, and We hail with pleasure llu: coming of labor clubs, farmers Alliances, Ac., and the deter minations of so many to throw off the yoke of bondage, know u as the credit system. 1 want to congratulate the hundreds of t'amers throughout the P.edmout section of our good old State, who li ivc seen the dan-1 gars lurking in the credit system, hi | gone to work to rid thennelves and n-i, I* ti of (lie abomination. This accur.-od v. stem lias long had a strou,' hold ou cur ;.'u(jle, and it may seem hard to break its grip; but if you wlUpers.-vere you will not fail to win, and then you will be a happy, proapM • ous and free man, free to buy your goods w here you please and of whom you please. And when . come actoss some time a merchant all be und up with theoo combination manufacturers to charge you about 25 j«r cent abeve an honest profit. You can as.ert your independence and give them the gr> by. Wi> don't believe in this way of giring one mania a toivn control of an article which enables him to name his own price, and charge unjust profits. We believd in conviction because it will regulate values, and Is nofhing hut justice to a trading pub lie. We believe that when a business has'nt merit enough in it to stand without being propedup by combinations it is a fraud »nd not worthy the patronage of a buying peo ple. We make no agreement with any man or company of me.:, to sail an article at a cer tain pric.. U't; believe in a fair aui free fight; an lif every man m town wans to sell DIXIE PLOWS or DuL'tiLAS' *5,00 SHOES let them sell them, and let the house can't staud fir ; go down, be it us or any one e!sj. The is an exact copy of a Intler reeeived by usiroui W. L. Douglas, manu facturer of Douglas' $.1,0') Shoes: W. D. BAITY, i SON'S, Winston, N. C. Ointlcmii;: —l am in receipt of an order from you for $ i,OO Shoes, I would say that 1 have learned that you are advertising and selling mv $4,00 Shoes for $2,50 per pair, this is contrary to my instructions, and as you did not sign and return to me Hie con tract which I sent you lam obliged to re turn to you your order refused. Yours, dee., \V. L. DOUGLAS. But we have Douglas' s'£,oo Slides an I you c»n buy them at au honest profit. Now we wan', to ask the woikiugmen of this country what they think oft His;' Some one had reported us becau.-rfi we dared to sell for an honest profit. Some merchant and the manufacturer hai agreed to try to run out all who arc willing to sell for an hon est profit, and haw clear sailing to rake in your dollars. What do you think of it a merchant in your own State and u North i n manufacturer combining to make you pay an utyust profit for an article? Is it not time to wake up and staud for your rights and those who help you. We don't promise to give you goods. We sell for a profit; but aro satisfied with a re »- sonable ou ». We spend nothing in loafing ami nevor combine with any one to charge au unfair profit. Itfsa duty you own to yourselves to investigate our promises, it costs you nothing. We cannot afford to de ceive you. Theie arc two interests wo our own and our customers, and we believe when wc do this we have dono our duty as u.cicliants. We hold the reins of kinship and friendship over the pocket-book of no man, bnyiugaad selling merchandise is business, and all things else arc not to b„ counted when you go to speud your dollars, and you do youtself an injustice to buy of any oue because you have been trading with him, or be la your kin. Bemembcr wc ask no favoritism or friend ship. Wo believe in letting every tub stand upon Its own bottom, and only ask jonr trade upon the claim of the best bottom valuea for the money down. Don't forget that when in Winston yonr interests will be cared for by caliing at the BEE HIVE. Yours against the old rotten system, a gainst combinations and unjust profits. W. D. Btiity &Sons. WHAT *. I t wa "wvu?T. Good Locks to keep thieve* out, ILL EN has them. Weather S trios to keep the Gold anduuow out. AUexi WINDOWS to lookout S. E. ALLEN HAS TECUM. STOVES to keep the oold o»». ALL EM HAS TUKII on tut 2U fl»j LAMPS t0 keep the dark oat. ALLEN EAS THEM at the Old Pfohl & Stockton Stand. to keep the damp out Allen has the Best. iua I 4 To keep Aiiythiug ELSE OUT. S. E. ALLEN Has It. In short go to him for all the tinware. Hollow ware, Wood en ware, and / you may want, at the Old Ptohl & StocK ton Stand, Corner ol Main and 3d Streets, Wl.YBT*#. JY. 0»

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