G£/ W. HiNSHAW. N H. MEDEARIS HINSHAW & MEDEARIS, \> iiiMton. ----- TV. C. To the Judders of the Reporter-Post: 1 lie changes in trade that twenty-two \ears experience an J observation call to wind arc muoy. Same seasons the demanii was for cheap shoudy goods and others lor g*nd goods, while mine merchants catered tor tbe Cheap John Trade and other: tried to carry both shoddy and gin id* »a> to .neot the wants ot both classes, our policy was to handle only a pood class o: goods, buy tlieui as low a* money wo'lU buy thorn and sell them for very small profits. This oourve las been very satisfae tory to us ami our gr iwiog trade coupled with the fact tli.it thousands of the best citizens in towns and all over the country have boon our rcgulat customers tor years is unmistakable evidence to our minds (hat our efforts I.ave been apprccaited. If is well known that we carry the largct stock and greatest variety of goods of atiy house m Western North Carolin*. It iiu: beeu our purpose all the w'wle to hold uf the best goods tuade, iti every hue. ndiptcd to the need* of our people, and w« again call attention to *>me of our special'ies a« follow- Complete line ol' Bh,v Hlale Shoes and Boo(n FORMICA. liO KV 'I VME.Y A.\ P 7 l/LDRE.Y. i*. (;o\\s i imo siioks FOR LADIES, MISSES, ( //ILDRJiX A.Yl> Ft) VS. /uciiijiirK rixi-: SIIOKS FOR LA 1 >IFS, MISSES AA D CHILDRFM. We have also l.irgo quantities Shoes and Boots ,M A.Y U F.i CT VJ! E D TO Ol RO H *OR I > Kit IJS Lvun and other tu-»ns in Massachusetts We also carry a laree stock of ( r [J /> FR (i OOI)S IfOLSTE/A MILLS' CASS IMF RES, h'ERSE )W»»J .Hi.-I.VS. FRIES' lEAXS, A'ER SE i'S* COTTO.V.-l DE V. CoTTO. V VJIt.YS SIIF ETLYC, u..a II Of//. ROLL*. EAGL& A.VI) I'll F..\l V Jean*, (.'"ttoTKides, TiolcittgH, Shirting, tt«|H*utid Hull I'uitou. ELKIXM F'ii ('()'S J onus, B1 ink-Ms and Knitting Varus, L. U A Ij. S Holts, I'laidi FiCRRRIS' lUuis, tiOLTEDSXOW FLOF /»', UeJf.IX.ILL CREA'.iJI. 1 11 'CO'S FLOUR •be (iallego Al. IPs Ship Stuff, \\'ACIIO\ IA ,M ILLS FLOI'R, Meat and t'l.op . \ A. FAIR It l.\'A'£ &CO • a,lt ' Sumps, />/, /, (/ (), \'J) S/'A TE Holland Mule Sloes, OLD DO. II I.VJ 0. \ 'Nails. //. /| ' EM E ) ERS iS- ELDER'S . brands ot>u*ars, ISAAC A. SHEI'I'AIiD $ CO S EXCELSIOR COO h' Sl'O 1 f'S I lie (.-n.lity and reputation oi the special goods mentioned speak b r itiein. WI ; Al 1: II Al RI:WN >i>i MKAT. Coffee, Leather. M'dasses, IS ice snd all other lirucorijs We sell all Maple Huidware, Wooden ware, Patent Medicines Tin ware, Hollow ware, Extract*, Spices, Window Gloss, l'titty Otis, Ac., at lowest piice* We carry an -legal t ussorttueni ot Hen and Uoy's Fur, .S'triw and Wool Hats, Hosiery, Gloves, Suspenders, l»ress Shirts Gauie and Merino Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Ac. LADIES DRESS GOODS AND NOTIONS. In this Department we use one rmiui of our I irge store exclusively for ladies goods and cany the best stock of any house in town —Caslmieress, Hutirietlt Cloths, Silks, Dross and Saak Flannels Ginghvm, Chutubrys, Lawns, I'nuts, A'atines, Plaids, a full line of Fancy and Staple Dress Goods of tbe latest styles, Trimmings, Glovis, l Hosiery, .Jer seys, Cloaks, Shawls, Hibbons, Laces, Ac. HO.MKSTKAD Bleached Domestic, all leading brands of Bleached and Brown Domestics, ten quar/or Sheeting, Tickings, Ulaukets, D.iniask, an I liinen Table Cloths, Ot Clot is, |,ao* C mains, B ijy brussels, lugiain and a full line of Carpets, sou Strsw Mattings, Trunks. Valises, Satchels l inbrolla«. Parasols, \o. W HOLES ALK DEPARTMENT. Our wholesale department is complete and we ure prepared to meet all legitimatecomp. tion in like quality of goods trout all sources. T i 1 p We buy Dried Fro its. Corn, Ityo, Oats, Eggs, Beeswax, Hides, Feathers, and all saleable ± I\.V/1 ' v Tj produce and headquarters in that line Fertilizers and GfftSft Seed#, The demand tor the old reliable Star Brand Guano will be larger than ever b i tbe wluat crop tint fail -tid we will be prepared to meet it. Grass seeds of all knit 1 - in «toek. We invite all to come and examine our gjodf and price.a Very lSespeotfhlly, lIIKSIIAiV & MEDEARIS. Winston, N. C . Aug. 7th, ISHS. .WHEAT., I Use only "best Fertilizers. \ % The Navassa I | Factory { j; IN a North Caroluina R| !sss&-% HI * i 3 Industry. f £ With an expei iener cs of twenty years and ® J ma ken the best (Jua- "® « no sold In the State, JBb se for wheat or tobacco. y & Ask your neighbors who have used it % t for tlieir opinion of it. For sale by J Z R. P. MnANALLY, ? WALNUT COVE, N. C. WATCES CLOCKS AND JEWELKY i REMIMBER If JOB want a Watch, Clock, or Jewelry of any kind, if yoa wut Silver | Ware of any kind, or Spectacles fur ( •ay age, or if you want • Watch jr Clock repa'red, Jewlry mc.ided, or any thing ia that line, the old atandatd llOttM of W. T. VOGLEK ■taxi door to the Wachovia National Baak, Winjtvo, ti. V , wiiera jun can ba aacoaitaodaird in all tlia above {•iakly aad ibeaply. f All Work war.j rauted. j I KSTAHI,ISIIKD BY ( /X^VwV'^/T// \ V 1834, ' GEO E. MSSEN fc CO., i wagon Manufacturers, SALEM, N. C- Very Best work at Lowest Prices. Steel Thimble Skeins without extra ; charge. Large stock at Capt. J. E. Gil mer's in Winston, Cafl and nee them. DAtfBURY REAL ESTATE AGENCY. It lias occurred to me in looking OVCJ this and adjoining counties tliai one of (In chief needs of (lie section is a centra point where those who desire to sell 01 purchase land may find what thev wani without traveling over this country. T meet this want I liave concluded (o opei a real estate agency at Danbury, whicl I hope ti> make of real advantage to bod buyer and seller of either lands in fe or only timber rights. So if you wan to buy or sell Farming Lands, Timber Lands, Miner al or Mineral Rights, Timbei [tights, Town Lots, or Real Estate in am shape put us in position to sell for you You will JMIS» no title until you get tin money agreeable to contiact. If you have any wo# rmfUmt w ohm Either in fee or only th t rrunoral rights, ewnt anl se me. If your property has real nurit it is now soll wit, your consent. I will ba at the o/fi-> of Pepper ?■ Son store, Dmbury, .V, on Saturday, an / Monday of raci week, lean note offer you on, reasonable terms thei followtng land v in I >ti to suit parch x •? 'rs : 10U> Acre* of land lyiO£ >•» both tiJiM of thj btaraljw » M r\ it tin. 800 Acrrti of lmd i lloare'i Kutb tn 1 tlw lU:ij;i!i; Uook, ami on aout Me of the mountain, ISO Aertt of land one iui!c v 'outh from Piedmont Spr ugs welt adapted to tru k farit ing. 178 Acres 1 1-1! n»ile« South from I>anbtiry, good firming lands. ♦'4o Acres near tlie Quaker (r ip on the Morth side of tli- mountain. here i* m he-vv b of lleiuatita iron. 'JO to 50 lots within IKX) yds. to (*)■» vJi oftlte D.ittbury Court House. 490 Acres two miles NOUUA from Piubury. 1 store house and two lots, oa Last side of Court llotiso s-jiare in Danlmr). 00 lots .it ('amaca, or the 4 *('fty in the woods." These lots are one fourth, to half mile from the celebrated I'iediiion? springs, Peppers' Alum apriuji Smith;* Chuybeal Springs, awt other mineral spring*. 3 town lots, east end of Danbury. 88 Acres ol land half a mile South fiout Daub iry. » valuable coul properties on Town Fork. I 5 manganese properties live to six miles South from Danbury. 1 1 brap'.ilte prope ty five inllej north from iermm*on. I»ii'bu'r* |,r " p ' •' ,ir * (IUl " v " r I '" rt dev.-lope.l) to tea milm norlli, .in.l north-cut fmi Ail of Hi • ib.iv.' prnpiTl ii'» will !«■ mid nf Inw pi ire. on rruoiiabt* teruii. Address h\ anil, or coniu tlld sec N. HI. PEPPER, Real Estate Agent, DANBURY, X. C. Bring apeelitiena of mln erals, If there are any on jour lands. | August 22nd, 18SS. Big crop* in Stoke* and low price* in HARDV ARE at Craw fordN in Winston r Buy tit* Niasca ou«* and two horso liu> trur f.i;U i warranted nxot, th* ll&ftT at« Um» ( UKi WT I' Sow ii big rmpuf wliuat Mid buy » »VOJ ClUCHimnti Tv»p I (J >mtubus j-J tg» : c* and 0 uria^s. , i I Slwll your corn with DEXTER MIELMSJt, auJ Ua*e /,>ur WaaJ wUliAaM* I j LEE COOK STOVE. I | Unt a WHITE STWl\; MACHINE for your wlfw toi-fatt C4*li, with S 4c»««fw (»UNB l'ouder vui Sbiit. I 1 SADDLES, Dri'U.'saul ttla:i!&oU. k I All kni4% IKON aud STE? I, *>*.# To»U, iiuiliiu; J/iWr t! «uok ac Da* c | Sash. Minds, Locks, llutis. At We ca particular asuaftifc* to oar *IW MVTI ; CI2ILI. 1*1.(» A* uarntito! in evtry particular, two lior*. $5.0) »u« bora* 9ft,M DIXIK l'LOWii, Ik*s'. in town, vary cheap. HLACKSMITI! tools, gilvauUed iron fir bailsr*. to'jivo Hum Jfca. l'lea*e don't lorgt'tu*. R. R. CRAWFORD CO. VAUOHN &PEPPEKSOLD STAND Winston, N. C. KSTABLIBHKD IS7I. U6TABLIAMM UTI J. W. SCOTT& CO. Wholesale Merchant* Aicnow receiving their spring stock of notions and dry good*. And almost daily adding to their stock oi groceries, Buyers are invited to call in person or send orders by mail. He hope to build up a large trade With the merchants of Stokes county and all along the line of theC. F. & V. V Railroad. Wm. C. Brown. Frank C. Br*tra A PR EMU LOT OF LANDRETIPS CLEVELAND? & PERRY'S GARDEN WEEDS BROWN'S DRUG STORE, WINSTON, - -r. . N. C