CEO. VV. HINSHAW. N H. MEDEARIS HINSHAW & MEDEARIS, inston, C. To the Headers of the Reporter-Tost: JJie change* in tralc that twenty-two years experience and observation cull to mind arc many. S.mie seasons the demaml vubr okoap shoddy good* and others for jjimd goods, while some merchants catered Uir the .John Trade and others tried to carry both shoddy and good* so us to meet tho wants ol both classes, our policy was to handle only a goud class ol goods, buy tbein as low as money would buy them and sell them for very small profits. This iurs« las been very satisfac tory to us aod our growing trade coupled with the fact tint th lusands of the best citizens in towns and nil over the eonntry have boeu our regulai custom-is lor years is unmistakable evidence to our minds that our efforts have been upprccititcd. Ii u wull known that we carry the largest stoek and greatest variety of goods of any house in Western North Cnrnlirii. It has boeu our purpose all the while to i»*t hold i>f the best guuiU made, in every line, ad :] t•t To the needs of .ur ; .vj le, and we again eall attention to some of our speeial'ies as follows Complete line of Bay State visors and Booln FOR J/ K. V . 110 )W, II VMFA '.IAD 'll //, />/,'EA\ i». (; >x.'s KINK !*»11 > i :s FOR LA OIES. 1/ ISSES, 'll /LIHiE. \ ./.\OFO )W. zll:riMi snoi:s FOR L. I DIES, MISSES .LYD CUI LI Hi EM. \I" ,i. We liar* also large quantities Shoes aod I loots .)/, -/.-A EF. ICT! It E/) TO OIL' OH V ORDEII IA Ljnu aud other towns in Massachusetts Wo also carry a I irge stoek «d /,' / '/>'/» /', II (!OO / )S. TfOLSTEJXM 1 LI.S' C. ISSTMER.ES, A'ERSE ,/ /•;. /. \ v EUIES' lE.\ \ A'EE SK YSt COTTO.)'. /OE V. COT/'>■ \' ): I /!. \ 'S, Sli EETL \ '; »»d WOtU. ROLLS. iftfTfc"I*' 1 *' iVTI THE A /X' Jeans, Cottonades, Tickings, Shirtings, Hope and Mali Scvinj; '■ t ton. ]TE'(M CO S Jeans, ]llatikets aud Knitting V. i.i>, L. 1! A 1. S. Hid , I'l.-i. ii. FE H H HIS' Hams, BOLT EO \\Y>ll' FLOCK. 1 ELY.-ILL ('RE AS 11. /U'l'O'S E R M»« Ualiego .villi's SVkip istuff, II \ICHO I 1.1 .MILLS FLOI If, Meat and ( hop ,\ A", /■'.///,'/ IA/\'S &'CO , U eud Soaps, Jjf. /. I/O. S'DST.I TE " iseand Mule Sloes, ()LI) DOAI IA IDA Nails. //. /I ' MMEYERS# ELDER'S- "rand* of Ml., s,y.>v/. /('.!. sil i. IE. / lit >.V eo'S E.Y ELSO/R ( 'OOA' STO lE$ I be iinnlity and -"putatieii «>!" the special g.. "Is mentioned -[ • it. !• r-i cm. Jvi« iz "ii s•:,v :m i :hs -? >:% >f li.vr. (j|ibc,)|l.«atlitrk Kice and all other tiroceries We -ell ul ,-taple Hardwire, Wooden ware, I'a.ent Medicines, rarb', ftollow ware, Kltiaot», Spices, U in low 'l iss, l'utty _ > Is, \ ~ at lorn 't pi i Wo esrry an'degart assortment ot ien and Hoy's Kur, and Wool llats. Hosiery, til \ . Suspenders, Pre- Shirts, Gsuiq aud Merino Shirts, Coll irs. Cuffs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Ac. KADIES DRESS GOODS AN!) NOTIONS. In this Department we use one room of our large store exclusively for ladies and cany tho be-t stock of any in town—Cusbiueress, Henrietta Ciotln, Silks, Dress and S i:! I'Unacls tiinghiais, i . i übrys. Lawns, I'rints, A'atines, Plaids, a full lino of Kanoy and A'uple Dress Goods of the latest stylus, 'I seys, Ol»aks, Xliawls, Hibbons, Laces, \c HOMKSTEAD bleached Domestic, all leading brands ot lileached and Brown Domestic-, toi uar/er N'le eiiny, Tioktugs, Klankots, Dimask, and Linen I'able Cloths, (.lil t'ln'lis, Kiip t)irtain, I! •J y bi-H-se's, lnjr ml aad i till line of Carj and Straw Mattings, Trunks, \ alises, Satcliels. I'nibrella*. I'arasols, \c. VVIIO LESALK I )EPA KT.M ENT Our wholesale depart incut is complete anil we arj prepai ed 10 uieet ul! Ii gi lunate oompetioii in In. lahty I " I!r oiu •11 sources. t>i>/"vT\TT/~ n We toy Dried I'rnits, Corn, llyo, Oats, Eggs, licoswax. Hides, |\ •!. !,. i AvV7l ' v' ' J produce and headi|uartcrs in tliat line JTortiXisers and Crass Seeds, l'be demand lot the old reliable Star Draud Li wlit tie larger than ever lei the wheat imp fall lid we will be prepared In meet it. Grass sucds of all kinds in «tock. Wc invite all to conic and examine our gjods atid piiec.s . v Very Kopectflilly, HINSHAW N 31I2KIEAHIN. Wiueton, N. C., Aug. 7th, 1888. % I Use only best Fertilisers, || i TheNavassa \ 1 Factory I is a North Carolnina 5 Industry. jgjj | i With an expei ience J&/ I "J of twenty years and 2 ® makes the best Siua « no sold in the Htate, t w? 5 for wheat or lohaeeo. r Ask your who have used If % n for their opinion of it. For sale by 2 £ U. P. Me ANALLY, ™ WALNUT COVI3, N. €. WATCES CLOCKS j | ; AND JEWELRY REMEMBER ' ' If jon want a Watch, Clock, or \ 1 VW/ JWtW Jewelry of any kind, if yon want Silver f | J - H Ware of any kind, or Spectacles for, ««y age, or if you warn a Watch or , Cloek repaired, Jcwlry mo.idcd, or any- IjIKC). K* A C,o.j thing in tbat line, the old standaid bouse of j - w t voofFp wagon Manufacturers, ' finxt door to tke Wachovia Xulioiiiii : Hank, Winston, N. C , where you can ; |SA I jIljiVT, •C* bo •coomniodated in all tho abuvo Quickly end sheapiy. Very Best work at Lowest Prices. V . Steel Thimble Skeins without extra 1 , T3Lh Work a» .i c hargc. Large stock at Capt. J. E. Gil-• ranted. , nier's in Winston, Call ajid see them, i | DAHTBURY 1 REAL ESTATE AGENCY. It lias occurred to nic in looking over (liis and adjoining 'utilities that one oftlie chief needs oftlie s3ction is a central point where those who desire to sell or purchase land may find what tliej want; over this country. To meet this want I have concluded to open a real estate agency at Danbury, which I hope to make of real advantage to both buyer and seller of either lands in fee or only timber rights. So if you want to buy or sell Fanning Lands, Timber Lands, Miner al I .Minds, or Mineral Rights, Timber (lights, Town Lots, or Heal Estate in any shape put us in position to sell tor you. Von will pass no title until you get the money agreeable to contract. If ynu have »uy I #s&s« I Kithcr in fee or only tin mineral rights, come, and see inc. [/' your property has real nwit it. is now sol i with your cofuii'iit. I will be. at the oj)lcfl of Pepper «$• SON * store, Da itbury, . V, C., on Suturdiy, and Monday of each week. I tvm IKHC offer you on. reasoivtblc terms thm following 11 ri ls in lots to suit piiroh'ts 'ri: H»OJ Acre* of 1 til both »iiie*of the Siurntowu M m ttiin. *OO Acres "fluid lying betivoen Moore's Knob and.the M.ingiii; Ito.-k, and on south »ide of the mountain, l."> 0 Acre* of land one mile South from Piedmont Springs well a lapted to tru k farm ing. I 178 Am* 1 1-2 mil«'s South from Danhury, good farming hinds. (MO Acres ii*Mr the QuakerOap on the North side of the mountain, here is a heavy W- d of Hematite iron. •JO to 00 lots within 20 ) yds, to 600 yds of the Daubiirv Court House. 490 Arnw two miles south from Danbury. 1 store housM* and two lots, oa Fast .side of Court Ilomo square in Danbury. (i 0 lots at (am.ieu, or the in the woods.*' lots *re one fourth, to half inilf from tin* •Hebrated Piedmont Springs, IVpj era' Alum spring* Smith;* Chuybcat Sjh .ngs, and other mineral springs. 0 town lots, east end of Danbury. SS Acre* of land half a mile South Danbury. fc valuable coal projierties on Town Fork. r,»»- -i.-jh n five to six miles South from Danbury. V. 1 Graphite prope ty five miles north from (o rniauton. Iff Slim i>n.|H rti-s ( ur l. « devoloi»-d) six Mt.'ti miles 1101 th, and noitlwMut from Danbury. All of lid' above pi oj.TtU'B will 1k» sold .i| low price* iiii niw.nalde ti'niij. Address Uy mull, or con. , ami see N. M. PEPPER, Real Estate Agent, DANBURY, N. C. Bring of min crals, if llicrc are any on your lands. August 22nd, 1888. Big crops in Stokes and low prices In HARDV ARE at Crawford's in Winston | llti) lb • Nisstu oitc .iihl tnu hoi bo wsi^ows, 1 liny C'in7forri'j wurraulotl uxtw, the BEST aio.Uio (HEAIIEST w U bia n wiiwu mill Ixiy » V.-..ooCiuoiunati Top Hu^jr ! CitiiuubiiK and C^Tlap-si. Shell )oui ooru >vilh I>L.\ \ hit •MJI.LI.hK, ami Uuke your lueaU wiih fee LKK COOK STOVE. v. »»'t :\ \\ III"1 K S >.\\ l\(i MACHINE for your wife for with * GUNS GUNS, Powder %nd Shot. SADDLES, ]!riUe« ami JJUnUot*. All kind. IUOX uu.l ii rit? I, •*■*.» Tool*, Uiilldluj .V/.tii-rinl iue|i « Sa»h, llliiitb, Locks, Rutis, Ax We c« partii-iiUr atientioa to our NKW SUI TH CIIILI. I'l.OiV nnri.iiitr 1 in ever} particular, two limiw $.-,.()> one liorw W,M. DIXIE I'I.OWS, ho«t in town, very clio«|>. BLACKSMITH tool*, gulvanlzml iron f.r luiiori. toWofliiei A.-. l'Ww don't forget us. K. R. CRAWFORD & CO. VAUOHN ■& PEPPERS 01-U STAND Winston, N. C. KSTAHLISHKD ,871. ■«». „„ J. W. SCOTT & CO. YVlioleftale Merchants GRTKK]NSIIOIH) I Aie now receiving their spring stock * notion* and dry goods. 1 . And almost daily adding to their stoek 01 groceries, Buyers are invited to call m person or send orders by mail. He hope to build upa large trade with tlie merchants of Stokes county and all along the line of theC. F. & V. > Railroad. Wm. C. Brown. Frank c . Beowgt A FRESH LOT OF lANORITH'S CLEVELAND? & f£f(f(Y'S GARDEN BGGDB BROWN'S DRUG STORE, WINSTON, - -J. - N. C