SEoJv. hAish n h medearis. HINSHAW & MEDEARIS, W i its ton* . - - - - C-V To the Readers of the licpotier-Posl : Ttic chhDge* in trade (hat twenty-two ycarfc e&ptirience undobsoiVktton call to mind arc tunny. Sjmc Bcasons the demnud Vtii tor ebe»t shoddy good* and oiliers for g"1 nonds, while Sumo merchants cu'ured lor the Cheap Jotm Trade und others tricSrt to carrvbotli shoddy aud gMjds so us to meet thu W.iiila i.J both clas-oa, nut policy was to handle only a good cl.irf.-t of •goods, buy thetn as low as money woild buy tuorn nud sell them for very Small protiis. This cour>c ias beeu very satisfac tory to us and oar growing trade coupled with tlifc ftct ill lUsands of the beat eitizens in towns and all over tlio country liave boon our rogul.u oiwninurs tor years is unmistakable evtuoiiot) m our minus tiiat our effort, have been appreuaitud. It ID wall knnwti that we carry th; largest stock und greatest van .-ty uf goods of MY house in IVcs'.cru North CaTolini. It has teen our purpose all the wliile to got hold of the best gomW nude, iu evi rv line, ad»| ted to the needs of our people, utid we agaiu call attention to soma of our special'ies as follows : Complete line ol' Hay 8 tale 81iocs ami Hoots FOR .l/AW. Hit)'.S. UVM EX .L\ /> VMLDREX. 1». (;()XN KINK WIIOKS FOR L-UHtS, 'MiSSKX, CHUA>REA . /.\ 1) HOYS. riN !•: siioi:s FOR LADIES, MISS S3 AXl> CHILDI! EJf. \Ve hu'va al*o large quantitiea Shoes anJ ll.iots ,HfAXUF, / t'T I' Hl. I > TO Of'/! OWX ORDER IA kjjnu and other towns in Massiohusetia Wealso carry a large stick of /,' ( /ill I' (KHtltS. NOkSTEJXM I 1.1 S' CASSLtIEUES, h'ERSE \ >'• ft! IKS' J IwI.YS, K'ER SE YSiCOTTOXADEi* CoTI'OX lA/LYS, SH EETIXO !,uJ \\'H)l. HULL. \ EAGL& AXD I'JIEA /X' -leans, des, Tickings, Shirting-", Hope and Ituil Siuinj; t'uitiu. ELh'lX' 1/ f 'li t'(J'S Jeaus, Blanket* :wd Knitting Varus, 1.. I> \ L. fi. Holts, I'lai lt. FEItRRIS' BOLTED SXOII' fLOI'H- ,: » a // IX.ILL ('HEXSHA Iff 'O'S ELftt'Ji the Gallego .Uiir* Ship Stuff, WJCJ/O] JA .!///>AA'AfV/7l\ Meat and ('bop ,\\ A'. /•'.////// /. \'A> CO i Lard and Soaps, /)/. l. \f OXD STA TE UoiSHand Mule Sl'.ocs, 01. /) / H). 1/ /. \ '/ft. \ .Nails, //,/('. EMEYERSft ELDER'S* JJrt.ud* ot * 'OO A' V'/'O 1 ■ l-'S Ihe ii 111 v and -u-utation of tlio special goods mentioned speak tor .hem. tu WE Alti: VIM >> M 10 V'l\ 'Coffee, L oat her. Molaoaes, Rice and all other Groceries We sell all tuple Hardware, Wooden ware, I'aicut .Medicines Tin ware, Hollow ware, lixtraots, Spices, \\ in low Ul iss, I'uttv D'.ls, ite., at lowest piices We carry an -legart assortment ol » en an 1 Hoy's l''ur, .S'T.IW and \\ 00l Hats, 11 jsiery, (ilovae, Suspenders, Press Shirts 'Gauie and Merino Shirt", Coll irs, Cuffs, 'I ies, iiunJkerchii-U, iS:u. LADIES DRESS GOODS AND NOTIONS. In this Department wo use one room of our l.irye store exclusively for ladies goods and curt) the best stock of anj tiouse in town—Cashnieress, H-iirteili (.Ilotlu, Sitits, Dress and Sau t I'laiiiel- tlinihims, (.uaoibrys. Lawns, 1 riuts •iS'atiuos, Ila ds, a full lino of Fancy and Staple Dress Goods of the latest styles, rriintnings, Gloves, t irsets, Hosiery, Jer s«ys, Cloaks, Shawls, Uibbons, Laces, &e- HOMK3TEAD Bleached Doiuostic, all leading briinds ol llleaclied and Brown Domestic*, t-n quar/er .Vheetinsf, lickings Blankets, Diraask.anl Linen la'ile Cloth*, OiH Moths, Laae ('.irttins, B idy brussols, ln»r in an I a full line of Carp-its mud Strnw Mattings, Trunks, Valises, Satchels. I iiibrellas, I'araiols. itc. W HOLESALE DEPARTMENT. Our wholcsalo depurtmeut is complete una wo nr-s prepared to meet all leglfi>uute coaipetiou in lik quality of goods fron ®mH rtources. TjT>/ \-|-|TT/ 1 Wo buy Dried Frnits, Corn, Kye, Oat*, Kggs, licswux, 11 »«les, Feathers, and all saleatl jl IX\JU U produce and headquarters iu that line. fertilisers and Crass The demand tot the old reliable Star Brand G ualio will be larger than ever fol tin- win at crop fa.l ml we will b prepared to uiect it. tirass seeds of all knit's in stock. Wo invito all to couie and examine our g mds atid price s Very Respectfully, HINSHAW iV 31K1>EA!II8. Wicßtoh, N. C., Aug. 7tli, ISSB. | Use only "best Fertilizers. \ | The Navassa | 1 Factory I tha North Caroluina raj $3 1 § Ind„ S tr.v. jt With an expei icuce iW I g of twenty .years and v ® * makes lliv best Cilia « no sold in tlie State, ? for wheat or tobacco. 5" 5? Ask your neighbors who have used it % t foe tiieir opinion of it. Foe saie by 2 2 R. P. McANALLY, w WALNUT COVE, N. €. WATCES CLOCKS AND JEWELRY REMEMBER If yon wont a Watch, Clock, or Jewelry of any kind, if yon wint Silver Ware of any kind, or Speotacics for »ny age, or if you want a Watch or Clock repa'red, Jcwlry uie.ided, or any thing ia that line, the old standard houxe of W. T. VO(jrLER i\«*t door to the Wachovia National Wiojfoo, N. C., where you can t>« accommodated in all the ibriii quickly and ihciifly. All Work win . rantod. I «;EO E. NISSEN & co., i I it Tf |J JS ft wagon Manufacturers, . SALEM, N. C- Very Best work at Lowest Prices. Steol Thimble Skeins without extra charge. Large stock at Cajit. J. E. Gil jmer's in Winston, Call and nee them. DAI7BURY J' j • REAL ESTATE AGENCY. It has occurred to IUC in looking over (his and adjoining comities that one of the chief needs of the section is a central point where those who desire to sell or purchase land may find what tliej want ! without traveling over this country. To | meet this want I have concluded to open ja real estate agency at Danbury, which i I hope to make of real advantage to both buyer and seller of either lands in fee or only timber rights. So if you want to buy or sell Farming Lands, Timber Lands, Miner al frauds, or Mineral Rights, Timber (lights, Town Lots, or Real Estate in any shape put us in position to sell for you. You will pass no title until you get the money agreeable to contract. * 0 If you have any 1 Either in feo or only the mineral rights, come and see inc. If'your property ha.* real nisrit it is now sold with your consent. I will b« at the office of Pepper f- Son* .store, Danbury, .V, C., on Saturday, and Monday of each week. I ran now otj'er you on reasonable terms then t'ollowtnglands in lots to aait purchwr*: 1000 Acres of hud lyii»j on both sides of t lio Siuratown M«JU ittiu. six) Acres ofl«ml lying between Moore's Knob and the Hangup Ko*lc, mud on t«»Htl« *iie of tliu mountain, 100 Acres of laud one mile Boutli from Piedmont .Sprtiigi well aJaptsJ to tra**k farm ing. 178 Acres 1 1-i! miles South from Daubury, good fanning Unds. >4o Acres near the (Quaker Gap on th%» North sids of lh« mountain, hers is a heavy Wrd of Jlciuatito iron. I*o to o0 lots within 200 yds, to 000 ydj of the Daubury Court House. 490 Acres two miles south from Danbury 1 store house and two lots, ou East side of Court House square in Danbury. 00 lots at Camaca, or the "City in the woods.'* These lots sre ons fourth, to half mile fhnn the «-»*l»«l»rated Piedmont Springs, I'ejij Alum spriqj» Smith;* C hay beat springs, and other luiuural springs. 3 town lots, cast end of Daubtiry. Acres of laud half a mile South fioiu Danbury, S valuable coal properties on Town Fork, ituinganepc p o|*rties live to six miles South from Danbury. 1 Crapliite pmpe ty five miles north from tioruiauton. 10 Mica properties (more oi less develop".l) six to ten miles north, and north-east from Danbury. All of ih»* above properties will be sold at low priees ou reasonable terms, Address h) mail, or come and see N. M. PEPPER, Real Estate Agent, DANBURY, N. C. Bring specimens of min / t rain, if there are any on your lands* August 22nd. 1888. Big erops in §tokcs and low prices in HARDV ARE at Crawford's in Winston ) r Uu} lh ; NiMeM out* and two hors« wagons. Buy CraoftvU's ttarrault'tl axes, the HIiST aie Uic tUEALIE^T \ Sow a blj; CO * boat autl bujr * H.YOO Giuoiunttti Tup O u i | »nl**'i aD, I o* rr ' ,l S ,,,| « &b«ll your d»ru with DKXTKH autl Wake your t>rca«l viik lit IFflVt LEE COOK IITOVE. G«sl a WHITE SCVVINU M.VL'tIIXK for your wife for ca«h, wlih • irairor*. GUVtf CiL'NS, Powder \i>d Shot. &Ai>DL&S, DridJft and lilaukets. All kiuU lUOM aud ST*l I, Tool,, UuiUin x JTaMrlal iuab u Dmi, Saab, Bluidj. I.otk«. Runt. A« W« ca particular atMnlita t* «ur XIW fttVTI ClllLl, I*l.o N warrant«d in cT«rj partieular, »wo bona H.Oj »uo bw »« 91 M. DIXIE PLOWS, beat iu town, T#ry fittap. IILACKMM rrif 100 It, gftlraoiMJ iron for boiUrs. loWaato fUe» Viva** don't forget us. R. B. CRAWFORD It CO. VAUOHN APEPPEKSOLD STAND Winston, N. C. KSTABLISHKD 1871. MSTABLIIU9 l#Tl J. W. SCOTT& CO. Wholesale Merchants grkknsboho O, Aienow receiving their spring stoek mi notions and dry goods. And almost daily adding to their stoek #4 groceries, Buyers are invited to eall in person or send orders by mail. We hope to build up a large trade with the merchants of Stokes county and all along the line of thoC. F. & Y. V Railroad. Wm. C. Brown. Frank C. Brow* A FRESH LOT OF I lANORETH'S CLEVELANBS & mm' s GARDEN SEEDS BROWN'S DRUG STORE, WINSTON, - - . . N.C