Post, - t fir j| | { A ?AP; Baa fIH*>E.OPILE * .1/ .M',zv* I ir '■/(»« Mali**. =. —. -~?r —- .'itre r -r —m.i_ , Mo»k '■tt.'Tf (-) billd had 1 cell i.m r .utu the Legislature up t>- iills day I .at Meek, lhma of a prnaie " iture, generally harmless. and', Villi n md ttu. l K>: Gov Kit nor Jarvih if mentioned [ i f>; iti" j'l.'O'- of railroad oomunssioAor.. : It wotld'not bj ia the liue of promotion j Mr J»r* railroad policy whlTt Liov (rni rermntnenUs'tiiiu for the place. M.\X )' R«L£, in hi* new book on l'i c r Maui, says thai ia Uustoti access j t> ill- tiest society ia culiure, in Now } rk n i* money, in i'bitadeipliia „auJ | liLc moiiii, \ a., U is bl »o 1. it may lime leetl no once", but the "blood"' cr ••aur-.iry requirement is "played Money getsa fellujr in if he is as ig'°- j i.imi at eue O lb« New '•codfish j tu -tooracy." In Boston (li* inner cii-j «• >• in made up if men of lite,-any cul ttue —Wilmington Star. iVhatMr. O'Xell is "lore represented rs saying in his new book on Uuelei Sam, is merely a re-set ling of something w-i remember to have read ycats ago. which wo cannot give verbatim, but this ia the gist ot it,, —when a young lady ia met to society to Boston the question is asked, "What does she know V in New York, "What is she worth?" iti Philadelphia, "Who i.s her family «" - =s---r ~ ■■ - 11 A FAILKOAD COMMISSION It seems pretty well settled that the Ij-cislatuie will (lass -iti set creasing t railrosid-'artlimissian, but whether the power of making appoiutuicuts will bo left with u«r or whether iley wiil fe the Cemmisaioner's power shoulii be atv telute or advisorj is sui jeet to a differ ence ofap.aiou. Tl.e Greensboro Pa triot thas reasons on the meaure : •'( 1) The Comae o*»ooers ought to be ■ appointed by the Governor, for the rea son that the Legislature lias not the Constitutional power of appointor tit. (2) The powers conferred on the Coin, luijsion ought to be advisot y. The Cemiqisaion ia au eaperimeut and it be- Legislate e to go very slow. Nothing should be done to embarrass or check our railroad development, which means and prosperity of tbo State. Wise, deliberatt and conserva tive action is demanded It is a very delieat*, perplexing Slate question." THE GOVKRNOII'S MANSION. The question is raised at every ses sion of the Legislature, wlietl er it be more expedient to sell the unfinished building intended for t lie Governor's Mansion than to fiuish it and use it for the for which it was intcndtJ. Whether the Governor would enable hitu to live becomingly ic the b.ulding We do not proteud to lay, but a State thai has so little self-respect as to prate abvfct the building being too grand, aristocratic and expeoKive for a "simple plain people" cannot expret other State 51 ■ 0 respect it The Flyafyth City I ll con aptly rouiarks: "It is sickening to hear persons prate about the oew Gubernatorial mansion being teo grand, aristocratic aud expon siye Why shouldn't the Governor of North Carolina havi a grand houie! lie U chief of a grand people. The State d«Hgbti to honor him We have had enough of thin truikltag to that misera " ble ik'iiilg«|{ieal spirit that prevails tn the Stale and which is encouraged by men who should be a«hanied ot them, selves. Finish the mansion, furnish it •od pay the Governor salary enough to lifelike a gontlenno Mviry trtte ' healtorf Tarheel in the State should be preud to sec the chief executive thee honored. COtTNTY CONVICTS Cue is reminded on l"oVnp at 'h» large eiuount of work d"iic by the few prisoners sow at wurk on t!ie publie in this ooow'y *bot slirnei any eounty, if allowed to keep nil 'fits cor v jets at home, might withfh a f»* w yea's "■g" ——^ ■ a railroad its ciuintj son j wi oh w' an »• uld l c ironed and 'etlju'pped by couMWiug poads without ; for'lipr eoet «o llieeoußtV; sod wouhi t j l at sonie day he a source of -revenue to i the tntpsycrs, in adli'ion in bringu>gf ! in outride capital, the natural rciottrees of the sections lhroui;li wlreh tlicy would would bo develppiwi. j Wo do not know what the | iuvi»mns , id tlie net art-, all.iwing county cuiivtcts ito J.utile roads, hut it It does ni't. go sj lai, in ou ii j | >bould be extended so as to allow thej ! county oua uiisMouers to cuiplny thoui'j joo any publiu works in the hounds ot the liouuiy, aud the State kikh at least as much jusiivu furnish the guard loi county conviets. as to give hie labor and cost of a guar I »o wealthy corpora- | 'ions. Sat does the State press say fl ( \ecordtiig t i our understanding oi j the acts regnlitiiiL' tliiß maiter the judge; lua! ant- o#iy,. of Co.iiniis piioßero to Eire [HT W. { purpoto of working out his fine aud cost, but tie judge is not eoipewered, as far las we know, to authorize the Commis > siouers to hire out the c uivicts on any work other than the publie roads for a time longer thin suffi-'ient tu pay tine ' and coat. W . S ] Briefs of General News BCNPAT, JAN. 20. The Sonatc was almost wholly occu- j pied yesterday in the consideration nl j the tariff bill, and the debate was of mor« interest then usual, being divested . of all political disputation, and the dis. ; eussion of sectional outrage' being en tirely ignored ; the fortification appro, j priatiou bill was considered iu the; : Uona-, an I after debate was passed ; ' . resolutions expressire of the sorrow ( if the House at the dcatli of Mr. W. | Holertsou, of Loutsao#, who diod when 'j a member-elect to the 60th Congress, ' wore adopted, and several eulogistic ad dresses delivered | Mr. William Glidstone has becti j selected to fill the seat in House of Com- j I icons made vacant by the death of Sii 1 William Poaree, which has eatis-d the greatest rej iioiiig among tin members | '.of the Gladstoiilall partv- Tue Manchester Cotton Spiunci's" A-socialion will make a test case in the | liw courts relative to excessive damp- Uosb of Aiucrioati Outtou. T i . i . t > M A Irapio :iT;«ir is mpjirtcd fr'Uii Mis souri; a young girl of seventeen shot the mother r,f h«r Kwselheart, who op ' posed the tKarringo, acd them sent ' 1 a bnllet thrmigh h«r own brain. A colored lawyer of ITainpton, Va ,] . has b.:eii ara ist. d on the oharg'u of rap ing a thirteen-year old white girl, and ( . the jiil is guarded to prevent Knelling A fight with negro rioters is report., I troiu (jeorgia ; iu which two of the rioters were killed and several wounded: negroes now threaten to kill uud burn, 1 aud the indications are said to be sc -1 j nous. tui-r. Jan. 24. A number of bills were presented in t'le Senate yesterday, and a concurrent resolution passed for counting ihi clcj terul vote and making declaration of the person selected Presid-'Uts and Vice President . Messrs. Hlodgctt and Rid. dlebergor made explanations relative to their pair on the tariff hill . the hill to declare unlawful trusts and cohibitia | tious ia rest aint of trade and pmduc | lion was cousidered, but went over to allow amendments which will increase its stringency ; the sundry civil appro. ,! piiation bill was considered in the House. The Hruish steamer Kiin, which left lialiimoae for Kingston, Jamaica, on ' 1 lie 18111, was abandoned off Cape llat terae, with shaft br ken; officers and crew were safely landed. | Miss Charrity McAllister, a maiden 'lady, wis murdered in 001-J blood bv a t negro, tu Cumberland ceuntv. in this it State, early yesterday morning; llie • muiderer was quickly found, when he f was killed rutright on-tlu spet , the no s : gro had entered the hotlse for the pnr- J pose of robbery. ' | Aoiendoients to tbe diplomatic aud " | consular appprnpriatlon bill were report. I ,ed iu the Senate yesterday, appropria ting $600,000 for the execution of the " "»hligati'ins and protection of the inter -1 est* wf 1 lie I 'u.ted States existing tinder ' thelrei'y between thin govcrnwut aid the go*ernmeut of th« Sa uosn Islands. , There aro various ipeeulstious as tj what disposition the House will mike the Senate UiiiT bill. Konrteen thousand ookc woikers, iu Connellsville r«(i»o, Hennsylvaoia, will ' t old a meeting 011 &nturday to consider the advisability of slrikiu); if their scale ' is not aooepwd by ibo proprietors. P?-K ,n r I'!iirt> was ve«terd-iy r» elee-' . ted t-y the Kansas Legislator* withrost oppnsi ten for the term iomfl*"otng t - h 1 o.'March uext. j I jiuid foi* Snlo. ! 1 Ilv .-''•fiit* • ? i Uev«M oil*« Supe'sor 'oiiuoi Stoke* Con iv inn«U ul /lu;ust li 'iin Is***, in tUc suit «f al SV a I *»« ii ft j \|. v h Mhi ?rv* i'j ut t al. me j(V mnr-.voiier *o ell c min lauds tlie ,t%*Dfioh d, J w'H ofti'i' f r sale v lite court ; hon.-e door iti Dunbury, «ii the Uli day *»f M ire l, "HI. 10 ill* highest l» «!*!♦• I* fui | •ih!, tin* following ilto.-; ib; U «.utt« »i tow if ' One th to i Sin w ( ■ •ics aioic or i. i .«lk uwii .is iV Kly i» : ' i ui.ti ur Mood,. tort, • tra *l, wlilsh lns?udtf*» j ■iJ in '! site aii i • water p »wer; i al is* tin;* 1 i i Oil IW Ui |{i Aill- **»-'• A Is*. • ao oth t t.aet of a b» ut 103 acres j i lji lulng C M. L.'.sVy and others ami J known a> il.e Uurt.'ii trail. T!« u.miv ■ la:;d is situated about u miles ■is? • f h.i'tbiny uuhii 'W ('reek ami Dan | i* t'i* in i flnt t >l.a vo *e "ion, and must be j > >M. Purchasers would » o well lo givr heed, and can get any iufuunalioiii or be sijow a tin* premise* 0) apply i i.j to Walter ' Al. Fly ut or the a'. Ihllaru*' V. C. J. (1. IX. MITI lll'.LL, Commissioner. LAM D SALS. J 4u|K»rior ( nrr »»f si.tkf' comii y, j iim hi •.t iKa.iiisjiom'r to »e;i the laud* ii' { John I - o»".;u.s»> i, »u- o, for partition aut'Miu . j nU ueir.«-at law, I u.ilaclJ on the j j itith da* »f FcVanr. ai I o'clock p. in \ ;.». t the |■ i!.i s • > Jii'im- iiacts of land, i flest :ra •* coataiui 14 sixty-two a i.l o.i »-!ialt'i iieres more or leas ami Slinje.'t to th ■ i »tri»Wi«rol' I i' widuw of i 0.1.1 i, , « . ;uHon i | lec'd ;se •. ♦.» I U'.u'-t o.Kitai .i; .1 ve* not intx'umhartd l»> dower third tra : *outui:r ,11' ")•*• i a !«•■» no: .Meuiua'ied by dower, all l.'liu ai«l I'-'iiijj in ttie coonty ol Stokos, «'ii tli. v r > of Town Pork, ail joinlng tba la i«.- "I C .ivin Carroll aud otli •n. j Tlie aluo >4i* .400.1 fi. miny lain Is, well | ini{)n»v« i. ami snltablt lorgrt a tugall kimln j t if crops, il my p->»i tl A sirlii{s to jmr- I« a \; »1 funi Wf».il Ido wvll in c ; im ■ the 4 tinTh> :»'»ove lamU will bi» sold 1 (♦ the hit(lii*»? ontb" f 1 j\iz : One ha f of purchase iwi u } cash • I ani Iho i«:niai : lor »n»oii a credit of six | mouths, with bon I and approved seen Ity for the balatK 'of the purchase* money. Ti le re. .lined until the whole of the purehaxe ' mono> is paid, fltls the *4tli dpy of Jan., ISBl'. OIIUCON FOIUIUSOV, j Uoiiunlssiouer. ' Summoas for Relief. •j Xortl. ( ui.diua, In Superior curt.; ».Suiiiiuon» l'o> - ijl ef— 1 1 Stokes f.'nrr;.. ) Ite! ire the i kkk. j ' W. M Moore n*.d wife J j Hi/ibftl. Moire. M. A. I !l »lly and wlfj Mittiej li.itlv daughter of A man ia Amhews I against ! II Maitin. .lis. f« I J d ntiu. J Jdaiiio, I \Jo iz > l'rili,.e v»:» o! \larrha Alphon- | Sun »;i'l limis «.f \iiTf s i«»n c.f liud. r t "s.tlm.'n I*. .\ a - j tii., Kid • I e ( aJU« " >fv.a Mi t•' 1 1 ivl I .'I Mi • I. \,it if > * (i... VV. 11 i ■\n ia n t.l «.U M\ raj I N'nnn. Willi-. \V« I n»r.i > I John, Satuttfl, J nu**s I ,. M»rij« and .l. ;ri Mai - j ' tin. hf!lrs of William ; I Martin, ferry ami Kiltie 1 liuic •. heirs of Man j j Bar"!#. | j I'othe K e.-it!" of Mokes ( uinty— : i II YOl arc e >uiiu imlcd buinujoa A. 11. | ; Martiu, J.ts. ti. MirtN, J'B"*ph M.irliu, 1 j Alonzo Prinze, son of Martlci Pringle. Al 1, phonso, Nannie Saint »nds*, heirs 1 tf Sal lie Salni m Is. «l »"s *p*i Martin. Kittie ' l.e*. C':i .die AI goo 1. Myra N| irtin in 1 lola 1 | Martin, heirs of John Marti .1 W. 11. Nunn j and wife my ra Nunn. Willi*. Welborn. j .lo'.t i. Samuel. Jan- 'S, and .leuuie , Martin. l« .ri t»l William >: tlf:. Perry autl Kiltie Ilurge, heirs * fjiaiv the defen ilants ahfcve nanntil. if tt> l e fnind within ,v« u. couiitv, to appear a! lit** e*U of tlie Clerk of the s-; e. .or Court the county 1 • I >t k son l o tli ('ay 'I March XSSS. i i I a tiwer tlie v>m;)l tint, a • >pv of which ' w; I! h.? »!ejw s tel in the oOi • • if tit» Clerk ■»f tbo Superior Co nt of s 1: ! co m! . with in ten days from the date of ih s.imut »its, ( ami let the defendants take m ti • thU If ! tjiey fail to answer the said c iijiUint at i that tintthe pl.tiutitf will ap,;iy to l ! ie , Court f»i Ilia relief dent t:tde I In the cout i' plaint. II M »of fail no*. 1 t.I of t!il« sum j mens mak ■ dtw return. I Circa under tny band, litis tlie 30th day c j of January JBi?y. N. O. PKTBEE, C. S. C. | .[A. M. STACK, atly. for petitionsrs. [ ORDEtt. It appearing to the eatisf.ction of the , Clerk of the .Superior Court of NoKes i oun-' 1' 1 loi.t' J vseph Martin, Ajp'ionso Sal mends. k /fittin, N'a tttle baliuonds. Willie: i , Welb-nn. Joba. Sauiuel,--Mantes George and 1 jjfinie Martin, Perry ud Kittie - o-5 S'-ph M ut.n. Kitti** I/ee. Cadilie AI;ood, 1 ' Myraand Join Martin, are non-rSsideuU of 1 • 1 tlie State of So th Etwollnina. . j it is therefore ordered by the Clerk that ' 1 service ol's unmon« He utad • upon said lion | resident ptrlu -. hy publication for six sue- j 1 cetsive we *ks in tie* I .anbury Kkpohtbk 1i k POST, a pa|ter published in the town ot j . ■ Daubury, N. C. I Tills the 30th dav of Januarv I^B9. N. O. PKTBKC, C. S | • Greensboro Female College. I; CiIIECX'BOUO. N C m.iKfixrv h::\ r.NTiI ion of tuts 1 * prosperous luafitun«sn begins oh the 2*2' id of At iirsr, ISBS. Superior a IviiMiage* offered ill nil th* departments of learning u-u»lly taught j in Kei mile Colleges of! Grtlc. ! InsTi uutiou giv. nln Type-writ sng anl IRtenogrsph »Uo Terms modernte. 1 For Cauliigui sppl vto T. \|. JONKS, , President | RHEUMATISM These twin dto*- .iW-ca use tiutvld suHcrtDgr. Decturradmß lltat tliey ;.re to cun- - rv pa! :?nts. I' alue* WT cWerjr t>a.pouuil ltuS per- Wk II jj manontly cunsl the worst %// ft c.ime 01 rb«'UiaaUsDt and GTxff H neuralgia—sc nay Uiuse who )j\jj hav» uj-d IL Ihfff " linilnp t-wn tniutilotl IrJGrv wp it rltttiuiiai is>k at Utekixv yfj /A\ and r " l '>'**trs. I *- leAopV. r I alimisniii; ble t"i;itar.»imd. I LK I aid was ver) >*fi« n contined Ino USE TO I it' l)cvl f»r WiY>ks at a L W(slri , I ttUie. I US«SI Olllf 00»* N»tr - , ) lie i»i i*.ikii v («ien 0111- ff Tl 1». una. Ui»«t was perfivtljr if 1\ \\ cured. 1 eas liow jump II li urouud, and feel as llvrly us m ll u buy. Fiunk I'akoi.i. V Run* tea. jfpvada. fl.ou. Ms for 15.59. Druyjrtsi.i. Mummotti tretliuonlal paper free. Weu. j Hichahdaok«iCo..lYopw..lMirltn ( ,tw Vt. DIAHOND DYES &£.»?SfJZfiZ. [aK|P w?=sr x fpj jlVv'-- r r """ I ■■ * 1. f'r.r, ,nd .ft.. *"U .... kept Oi'tr in vonr k h t % it. »ilu »u-l «hu«r« ilm-im lo lhu«* ) l L.m«w > .: NOTICE. Ilaviiijj qualilbi as ailiuinUtratui' ujtin llici sl.i' uf lic.iU' IT. Mo "v, lll' c.iv.l, 1 j lu"v!iy i;iM> st' nolire I" iill iwreoiw .!.!«'il in s.ii.l goi.t;,- toroiiii' f .rwar I unit maki' iiiini''illnt»'pauii«iu, ami all |«rson» Inn «luints tMii.l rututc uv irqiieit ...I In pr. s '.tt tliem lor si-ltlruii' jl on or be lore llw -'IHII •!.»)• of li'ubruar) iSIOor otlwr this nollewill b« pla'tle.l in bar ot 111 ilr reiDvor*. January 7ili IWD. " \V. 11. Suiter, Ailin'r. The RkPOBTER-I'uST should bea regular weekly visitor to every family in this county both for the good ut the families and ferour own sake, and for tlii-. oue., among a .luuibor of reasons; we are endeavoring to do a good service hy aoquainting t lie people with the county's hi.-iitiy and resources, (hereby instructing our peoplo in what tliey ought to know, and at the same time j drawing the attention of individusls frnm ; abroad who may be iuduct'd to inalrc in vei>tuioutß here and introduce industries among U». And while we are working for th} interest of the county, at largo, wo fei l we ought to its substantial | support in tlie way of a liberal subscrip tion lis*,, for as Bradford who published the fitst Hibie in America under the I eolouinl gDvernincnt, at Philadelphia, aid in his subscription prospectu* j'printing is costly;''and wl.en we say "printing is costly" we are not tnkitig into aecouutiaiiy reuieuinration for the '{ o&the for Jlio paper, aad lor the business. We furnish a paper which to say the ' least will not suffer in comparison with any county paper ill the State ; indeed :here are articles, coveriug u vast and vaiied range of subjects, regu larly contributed tb this paper wliicli we coasidor would do credit to the tuore pretentions oity dailies of the Much attention is given in its coluius u , matters of wore than passiug interest tc the fainier, and the farming interest o , this county affects every one of its in habitants it is as yet paramount to ev -1 ery other iuterest in this country. Tin ' very latest general and state news ii [ given 011 i)ie columns sat apart lor tha 1 department; acd its miscellaneous se. ■ lectious are carefully sifted from lis six!j 1! exchanges. ' I Sample copies sent on applicatiut Send on your money a-, once and thet , talk to all your neighbors afterward.' , and try to get them to subscribe. A M f SV | Who are Weak. Vervoui ami |mb $m Jfi lli l'ilit'vt 'il. vi lli) AIT siilli'rili. IWI j W i'rinn ilu' i ll''i t1 of early evil habits, the results of Ignorance I or folly, will find ill l'i ui-'m-kcikh a pos | Iti vt' aii'l jS-neanetit cure for Xervous Uubll ity. .Seminal NViiaklU'SS, Invuliintary vital 111 uses. *te. Uili*s I. Neml 6 eenti ! man; tle'll cause and euro. J.X. I'EIRH. 012 Cllfltlll St.. -V ASHVIU.K.'I I-..VN. . ! M. W. NORFLEET, J- "• SCALES 11. .1. Cau'TK, Auctioneer. \V. A. WKIIVTRIJ, of Rorktoglmm Co., Floor Manager, j " J. M. JIJWI r, otMokos Co., *M't Klnor Manager. PIEDMONT WAREHOUSE. IN. C. For the SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO I —H lOf fl- In commencing a new Tobacco year, we dc;ire to thank our friends for the |»atron in the past. We promise renewed ef forts in their behalf in the future, we 'guarantee prices equal to any house in Winston. There will be an active de-j niA::i for all good, bright Tobaccos during the Fall trade. Don't forget the place and n.iiiie—PlEl»lO\7. M. W, NORFLEET& CO and NEURALGIA 1 f. •• - j _ aentl to me. For the p.iMiwo yen I liam suf. fend with neuuiKteof tse In urt.doctoraXtcr ■ Uixtor fallUitf tocuie in«', I have now lakea nearly four ©utiles of the i .•iiipoan.i, «ni Hia t frnc fniiit Uie eoniplslMt. I f»vl fmi« ful lojou." csias. II.LK WIS, ( "iitralVillage,ct. Palne's ,1 Celery Compound •. rl lutve Ut t with Hr'itt* ' linn »-utssii. and ctiLil find no fvttef mull I I Uh»-ii 1 ia '« litjt «\IIII|m»ui*«1. Alter usltig 11 six bottl«*sof tliH ibullelop I am now car-| uf * : rUcumatle truulilos," -1 SAMUKi. HuiciuNtio.N, SOL Comlth, N. IL Effects Lasting Cures. J j Palne'sOrteiy (\unpouud has performed many I other cuivs aa manreloiis os tb«*N*,—t uples of . • lei iem mil to any uddrm*. I U rtfcuil W U|le. tlot-H not (Ilsf urh. nut aids dlffesttae, and entire ly vi-gi-tiible; n child enn lake If. W hat's the use of suffering lunger with iln tl— ST . neuralgia? ' I P JO/rr /a'i*ia# KfP* t-vnd «-t f/ruAAy, I OA Bit* rhtrrv , Jienrtp. ft m tVn I €• Ft & Y. V. RAILWAY| Jfegaaajj-^E B^l CO~YI)E.VSEDSCHEDULE *\ m O 2! ! l aki.u eflect 5,a. in . Monday,.lu. e, ie, "sb. Tli A INS MONi.Vj .NOlt'l 11. I'ass. i)c Fi'ld & *v | I a»S. | f.v |]ennettsvilie 0 IAJ a iti Ila p m Ar Max ton 1 05 j M 10 II v M.i\ton 715 1 3 .J5 > Ar Fayettevllle » «n) Tls I ! Lv Fa\ctteville U I"» iOOoaui , lAr Sa:ifor.l 11 la I •!(> p m . « I a Mnford II 27 • : -10 I Ar fire Muhoto 1 })U piu 7 'ii s ,|a (i reel who ro • 00 .1010 a m i Ar Mt. Airy 7 l"» 515 p m No 1 Dinner at (Jrt*enaUnr«». i TKAINB MOViNCi 5u5 i 11. , I'ass. * Fr'ht £ 2Ut 1 2 I'ic Lv Mf Al*y I fiOOantjll l.'sm Ar (ireenslmro t) i'.*» i Ti-lOpm i Lv (.*re**nal»om !1000 j 7 45am . Ar Ninford | IVipm ' Lv Nan ford | 1 lh » :i HO Ar Fsyelteville -IIH) 4 60 . Lu I*a\ eitfv i. 1«• I I OSS *iu Ai Mavton. j bls 1150 ; Lv M utton • 025 j 1015 , Ar lieuueUaville j 7 J'l 1215 , ; No 11 breakfast at (iennanton. I No. i Dinner at banford. ravaencer and Mail Trains run daily ex -0 eept Sunday. u | Freight and Aeeomodat lon Train runs be tween Favitcville and Hennettsvilla ia - I Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays ami l»e - fat-en FavelteVtlle and Greeitsbmo on i'uesdays, Thursdays and >at 'idays, and £ front lireenslioro lo Fayetreville on Mon days. Wednesdays and Fridays;from Greens -1 boro to Mt. Airy on 1 uesdays, Thursdays il and Saturday*, and from Mt. Airy totireens j boro on Mondays. Wednestlays and Fricla)s Traits on Factory ll;anch run daily ex- j d eept Sunday. c 1 W. E. f.K, Oen'l Tass. Agent. J. W. FHY, fien'l Snp't. i, j is ' i I pliolil. Mrivrlet uu.l lrello-v I'rvpr-. | .He*«le*. *4 to nil |»ok, 4 lie I* p * •ri», *te. c j Darbys l'rophylietie Fluid will de r, , stroy tbc infection of all fevers and all ; contagious and thfecfldtt* diseases, e Will keep the atmosphere ef any rink li room pure and wholesome, ahsoibing d | and destroying unhealthy an 3 conta u gion. Will naturaliza any bail suiell i-j whatever, not by disguising it, but by b j distroyiug it. Use l>arbys Prop ylac ■e j tic Fluid in every sick room. 8. to 10 B f NKW 1- Fall ai'ul Wtuip MILLINERY ■y I i AT :j MRS. L. W. MASTEN, Is Main Street, Two l*oors Below Allen'i Old Staod. . i Latest New York styles a speeiilty. d • Hats, Flowers, Ribbons Etc. 11 j as cheap as can be bought e j Special indueements f> the COUN- I- TBV TR.VDE. is i ORDKRS by mail promptly attended j io. Don't fail to call aud e*ai»itie my >'. j stock. " ' ' " ■ 1 ■ ■ ■. I GRANITE, IRONWARE. (fir A - FOR~3S^rSSU. ■■ is ®Sg|ffi™|REV ManufaoturM only k* WW Si LouisStampingCo.Sl Louis For Bale fey an Mm, Barfinm «i BOOM FonUUn^Dwlen 00 MmUw yii| : —STRICTLY FOR CABM— • . N 1) Only Ten Per Cent PR o¥iT _ $$ $}W s£&& Wc keep a full line of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, Clothing, Hardware, Table I ware, Fancy Goods and Con fectlonaries, and a full line ofHtaple and Fancy Grocer ies. we can supply the trade at all times and guarantee OUR PRICES CAN'T BE BEAT *l(if equaled) at any market In the State. Wc buy a great many good« direct from manufacturers, and can sell at Jobbers prices. Wc only ask a trial, to prove that wc mean strictly business, and not idle I talk. 1 Glenn & Thomas, 'jferisaas'lim, • • • At the Red Store. . 'V_ 4 Go where you can buy the cheapest) aid don't forget that the way to Hod where is by trying; so if you want— Groceries, Dry Goods, ' v Dress Goods, 1 Notions, v * Shoes, ,I■ 4 _ Ladies and punts Hats of the « latest styles at lowest PRICES, (,; CALL ON (•) . THOHNTON 4 CO., WSiiSli®l?& * • 1% •% Two Door* North of the Port Ofl#. Should you want to treat yourstlf to a jsuit of clothes, remember this is the place to get it at bottom prices. Just call for M. Fulton who will show you what you want and sell it to you at bottom prfpe*.