The Reporter and Post' TIIUIISDAY MAY 0,1880. Topics at liome. ■wnrrraraa laaait Irmiail D.inbnry, nad (aunty Mnttera llrlrlly laid s1 . •_ _ r.-*.- i—- 13c;. •'A olktel's Sinn 115 yon tsko'll nylos. Ami, t'allli, lie'lt 1 noiit II." Any strb irriber who fails to roocive ■ llie HSPOUTKU AN 11 POST every week is iequosU)d to report the failure. We want to see where 'he fault is. £un Rues 5.7 a. ni. Sun Sets C 53 p. m. Day's Length 13h 46 min. Full Moon next Wednesday. Ul— - . - 1 *Coort IN ST KE9 August 5. COURT IN FOHSYTU May 20. Corn at 62 eeuts pet bushel a' the. Red Store. Wk hear that Piediuiul Spri.ijj will open about J uue Ist. TuEttE are four eouviels all colored working the public road. IT is qnito warm during Ihe day but ' tee nights are quite cool. IT WIS cool enough to enjoy a fire later lhan this lust season. Rigstnck of Ladles spring hats at ihe 1 Red Store Germanton, N. C. Mr. N. Martin's baby bis been quile aiek tbis week of pneumonia. Tas ncLiaiiTvuL odor of ihe locus! bloasom is now wafting on the breezes. IT il so quiet here at this time thai •on# oin aim >st hiar tho dropping of a leaf TIKRE will be prcaehing here nezt Sunday morning by tho pastor Rev. Hr. Snow. DR. W. W. McCsnless who has been n-uch indisposed il again about we are glad lo see. 1 Dr. V. O. Thompson, Winston, N "0., is selling eabbige seed (two paoers) "for five cents. f You can find a full Stock of the 1 "Thoinasvillc Chairs a! the lied Store sermontnn, N 0. J. M. Ful.on formerly with 7"hort;- 1»D & Co., hai accepted a situation with Jaeeb Two k Co , of Winston. Tns Guilford Hsttlo Celebration brongnt a large erowd of peoplo logeth. | er ; a numb r went from hore. A full lino of garden seeds of all kinds al -vholesale and retail by Asli •eraft 4 Owenss, Winston, N. C. Wt acknowledge the reception of an -invitation to the an.iial Miy raess nf the Gentlemens Driving Club of Char lotte. KALI, pi lying seeuis played out Ibis soaann, but marbles are indulged is by ihe boya iucludlaj the old boys er mar ried ones. Wr HEAR LITTI.e COMPLAINT about •the tobacco fly destroying the young plants ; tbc prospects are that tbe crop ■will bo large. The past sesson has not been .1 food ■one for bees—.lhe scarcity of sour wood blossoms last year has beon suggested as Ibe causo. Cottou checks 5{ ; nails $2.20 to $2.72 ; calico from 41 to C| ; 4,000 yds. plant bed cloth a! 210 at the Red Slere, Germanton, N. C. THE APPLE AND PEACH trees seem to have resisted th'e frost of laat week %ereabout; ihe vegetation to tbe nerUi-east did not fare as well. Ot'R Mad overseers have done some thing within the last two years towards putting up sign boards at the forks of roads, but much remaioa to be done. THE picnio at Piedmont on Easter Mocday having pioved just so nice, there is talk of aiothcr at an early day. A targe number of "blades" is expected, j In a nursery wherein all is life and langb instead of eryiog and fretting there is sure lo be fuund Dr. Bull's Rs* by Syrup, Priee 25 eents a bottlo. Mo one can think olearly when suf fering with headache. Lazador will banish this disagreeable ailment. I'i ice 15 oenls a paekage. C'apt John L. Smith, of Weatfield, N. C. sold at Piedmont Warehouse, \\ ta ttoo, N C. on April 20th, 4427 pounds of tobaeeo for $1450.37, making an av erage of over $35,00 per owt. This «a Iho biggest average fur Ihe same amount nf tobacco that has been made in W in-tou ibis year, and is the lsgest check any former has drawn. Pied, taint is the place. D* not coasuli aay body, tut invest twenty Rive cents in a battle of Sal. vatiiin (Ml. It kills pain! V, hou * j rrfleot that «i w ,n» h'juian beings die of Consumption we most come to tbe con. lusion that e~ory h*!y almuld be provided with Dr Hull's syrnp, the poor consumptive's iricud. j A full report of the proceeding of the | late meeting of iho Hoard of County Commissionss is given on another col umn of this issue of the Hei'ortek. Mar rlage Liceoici, The following mitrriageliecntes have been returned to llio Register of Deeds siuco out las! report : Henry Yates and Nancy Lillic Ful- i ton; Thomai Martiu col and Mary Gol- j den; William Thomas Neal and Ella Carter. Home Supplies. 7'licre has never been such a curse in this section as tho tobacco craze. It is well for the farmer to have somo good tub ceo, but tbe bad effects of AI.L TO BACCO ia deui iustr»tcJ by the fast that this country is worse off for money thin in 1868 ; and three out of fiur of our people a a ciru and laco" buyers, and would boy peal, beans, potatoes and other things if t'nov wKre to bo bought. Plant Irish 'ol.iloei. Before )ou plant twice uj much to bicco as you can manage just think that one acre iu Irish potatoes if on good land, with one working, will bring you from §l5O to S4OO before ibis time nest \etr. What will the same land in tobacco bring ' Wo just aicntioti pol itous as one crop out of ma ny that would pay the fati'ier 10 ferow. * Motoiaicn I uf trains he mail train going north loves W'tluut Oiive 428 p iu., Geruiantou 4 40., Rural 11-ill 507 , Dillon 6.32., Pinnacle U. 42., Pilot Moumaiu 5 50., Ararat 13 16 , going south leaves Ararat 4 15., a. in. Pilot Mountain 4 88., Pin nacle 4.55., Daltiiu 5 07.. Rural llall 5 31, Oiriuanton 5 4i. Waluut Cove 0 05. The Accouiui'xl'itioii train north ■M nil.iy, edmiKtl.iy, and Friday, leave Wal ui Cove f*.47., a iii. (iermanton 'J.OBJ going south on l'ui»day, Thurs day and Saturday, leaves Walnut Cove 5.4' 1 ., Ucrinantou 3.4.')., a. m. COMMISSOMERSMSaTINQ. The Board of C juuty Couiiiiiasonor* uiet last Monday iu regular sesamu, A. J. Brown and Culeb ltiil present, \. J. Htown acting chairman pro. tern. Ordered that the following promis cious claims be paid. U. W. Merrl't and A. J. Pringlc, j p. on aecouut In proceeding against K"l --ly Murtin, lunitie, $2,00. G. W. Merrit! registrar of olcctiou Nov. l»8i, ?1,97. J. P. Allen work on po«r house, $3,10. J II H hi'.tcn, mending shoe. Sir. $2,35. \V. 11. Ilawi ius, d. s. court offieer, $7,50. Dr. 0. I!. Smith examination of Ki-l'y Mania $3,00 Caleb lliil per die u ai.d milo age as eimmissioner, $21,10 A. J. I'rowu per diem aud mileage as commissioner $2*2,00 J, 11. Kllingtnn eza iuation of Mrs. II utchcrson lunatic 3,00 C. \V. Olldewell keeping poor bouse for April 1889, $05,63. ('. V . (ili le.vell woik ou poor housei etc., $0.04. A. J. Taylor luuiberfir the poor house 18,01. Jauies T. Smith guarding conviets, 22.80. Cliai. Moody repairing teols, »,45 N. A. .Mar'iu goo Is for prison crs in jail, 5,55. Ordered that the following pauper ul pwuuccs be made : Alice Stephens infant to Sis Daw*, $2,00 Patty Wilson to Dr. J. H. Smith, $3.00 Ordered that the fallowing releases from lazes be allowed : W. 11. Hoyles from SI,OO for 1887. Caleb Ames, Suo.v Creek, owing to infirmity from poll tor 18*1. $2,00 P U Dodsou from poll lor error 1888. $2,00. John Moser froui double poll for orror 1888, $4,00. Baser Martiu from poll for errot 1883- $2,00. J. N. Lasley error State tas $1,43, couuly $3,33 aud rail, way tas for lloauke h Southern fur 1888, $4,76 J O Neal, Meadows Town ship, from poll 1888 $2 00. J. 0. Noal, Meadows Town, ship, from poll third iustal tueu! of railway lax to C. P. k Y. U. R error K. li. Martin from $1 01 in Snow Creek 1888 error, sl,ot Onl. 10.1 that J h Davis bo employ, ad lo guard tha eonvicu in jail while working the | üblic road, at 80 cents per uay fur one month. N. O Petree, eKrk supeiior court filed his official report uf fiues and tax-9 since list report. Sun Irv i ffi nal in solvent court claiiu>aod eUims for wbi-jli ihe county i. liuble w re ap prov.d by toe L'oard. Block Law lor O.siibnrv | We should have tho slock law fur Diubury, anil pave KOIHO of lis gutters. J Tlio proprietoi of the REPORTKR would i imt mind paviug a little, but In never . o 'uld |»ut down rock to resist a hog, for ah jut t\ro hours after o irupluling a ten j job for four bandit, an old sow I woul l come along and turn over iu two | hours the last rock put down. j •' 4lieriKioit Tea.*' Said Mrs. G. to Mrs. D (Twas o'er a cup of fine Hohca) : "Our pretty hostess yonder, Has gained in IBO'« surprisingly ; She seciu* as wall as well can be ! What is the causa, I wonder." Said Mrs D. to Mm. (>., "She's olmigetl ini'.ee I, but thou you see Skt put asilo »l'j(>ol itti, An 1 tried that famous remedy, Whioh did »i> much for yc.u and ine-v Picrco's Faveiite Prescription." For biliousnes.'S sick headache), indi gestion, and oousiipatiou, is no remedy equal to Dr. l'.criu's Little I diets. Frequently accidents occur in the bousohotd winch cause burns, cuts, sprains and bruises; tor u=o iu such ca sed 1 r J II McLs'iii's \ olcuiiio Oil Liiiiineiit has for many years been the constant favunle family remedy. You will havo iio use f r epeotasles if you use l)rJ 11 McLean's Stronj.Mli uuig K)0 Solve; it remuves the film and scum which accumulates au the eye balls, iiiflamiltinn, coils and •soothes the irritated nerves, strengthens weak and falling sijht. 25c. a box. For s:ck headache, female troubles, : miufalgcria pains in the head tako L)r J 11 i.cLcati's Little Liver and Kid ney Pellet*. 2 j cents a vial. If you spit. tip phlegm, and arc trou bled with a hacking cough, ui>o Dr J II McLean's Tar wino Lung Baliu. In eases of Fever nt.d Ague, the blood is as effectually, though not so daugerously poisctied by the effluvium ■•I the atuiosj here as it could be by the deadliest pots.■n. Dr J 11 McLean's Chills and Fever Cure will eradicate ih'.c poison fruiu the system. 50 cents a boi'.lir Croupv guff icationi, night coughs and all the oouriion ulfecii IUS ot the throat and lungs quieklv relieved by Dr J II McLean's 'l'ar Wine and Lung Balm. Old peaple snffer tnueh from disor ders nf Ilia nriniary organ", and always gratified at the wonderful cßeets of Dr ■I ll McLean's Liver and Kidney Halm in banishing llieir troubles. ' ,00 per buttle. Imperfect digection and assimilation produce disordered conditions of the ijstoai which grow and are confirmed by neglect. !>r I II .McLean's Strength enitiing Cordial and Blood I'urifier, by its tonic properties, cures iudigostion and gives tone to the stomach, SI,OO er buttle. If your kidneys arc inactive, you will feel and look wretched, even in the uiost cheerful society, nnd melancholy on »iio jollies! occasions. Dr Jll McLean's Liver and Kidney llalui, will set you right again. SI,OO. Wen you constipated, with loss of ap petite, headache, tako one of Or J 11 McLean's Little Liver and Kiduoy Pel lets. They arc pleasant to tako and will euro you. *25 cents a vial. 4 Ready Mixed Paint, White Lead, Garden Seeds, Varnishes, Oils, Trusses, Shoulder Braces, . Stationary, Blank Books^ Inks, Pens. —go TO — Ashcraft & Owens, | Wholesale a«4| Wins 3T • C, i r»:: t%xsvzi**i\ CUP llrimnV* !r«Q llittnrjt. .rim* rv- oim.wrul It. All £i'wh*rs kit p it. f l.tti per Urttle. ficnutae htL\ iradc nwk red Hut* on n ntpivr. At Brown's J>rug Sioro, Winston, N 0., you can get special pr ccs in oil*, varnishes, puinU>&c. Summons for Relief. No.tli Carolina I In Superior Court I Summon* for llollff Stoke* County | lleforo the Clerk. J T Wo#t, Adm'r, of| Vaiiry 1) Itcdin.'i», | Mary Koiltnun I and William A. L«sh, | plaintiff's, mr.i'ut Dormer l!e-li»inn, (100. I lUmliuhh, Edgar Had. | Petition to soil • an, Annie Hodman and I land for assets Hedinon, lieirs-at- | law of Yancy D. Ked-1 man, Deft. | To the Sheriff of Stokes flounty—CJroet- Ing: Von are c imui:i!ile.l t > summon Dormer !ielm m. > onfn Kedman, Hedman, Annie lleduian and Ked man, infant without ii.-ime, lielis-at-law of Vanry I). R'tl-uan. dead, tie* dof.*inlantH above named, Iftl»«y he ,oUlid witliiu yon comity, to ap]*ear at the ofllee of the Clerk (if the Sup'rior (Jourt, for the comity of Stokes on the 25tli diy of May lf"{J>, atid answer tlie complaint, aciipy of which will 1»« de|H>9;ted In the ofll.v of I he ti -ik of the Superior Court of aaid contiiy within ten days from the date of thh numinous, and et the defendants take notice that if they fail to answer the said complaint at that time, theplaiutif* will apply to the Com t for the relief demand?.l in tlie complaint. Hereof fail no', and of thh summons make due return. Given uwler my hand, this 12th day of .1/arch 1S&0, X. O. PETKEE, C. S. C. ORDKU. It appearing to the natisfictlon of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Stones Coun ty, that Dormer Hodman, O;.or-?e Kedman, Kedinau, Annie lieduiau, and Kedman, tbede r «Midhiits above natn ed are t.on residents of this Mate, and ran uot tfte- »lne diligence be fouud therein, and that they are necessary parties to their action. It is therefore ordered t>y the Clerk that service of summons '•tetn&dc upon said nun resident ptriies by pu'dlcatioa for si\ suc cessive wo.*ks in the I.aahuvy Jskpohti;u A I'omt, a pi|»or p'iblished lu tha town of I'anbury, X. 0., notifying the abovo named defendants to appear at tho office of the ! Clerk ot" the Superior Court of Stokes Couu ty, on the tiotlr »!Jl> of */ay 1880, answer tlie complaint of the plaintiHs in the above en titled ectioa. This the Bth of Apiil IW*O. X. O. PKTKEE, C. S. C. 3STOTX 08. Xorlli Carolina, Stok 's Co'i tv. James Kterson, Jrj having qualified as lulmimatrator of James llierson, Son., de eeaseil lulu ill' Stokes vomity, hereby gives to all person) having olaim* ugallilt sahl dee'd, to present them duly proven for payment within the time prescribed by law; otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their jecovery. Those indebted to sa d decreased are re quested to B*-'tic the same. Feb. J'.li 1 889. J.vMKS RIKUSO.V, Jr., ndm'r.: of J.vMES UIEKBOX, sen., dee'd. C- F. & Y. V. RAILWAY CONDENSED SL'HEDUL EXO 7 Taking effect a. in., Mon. Jan, 7tli '£9 TKAIXS MOVING NORTH. Pass. Fr'ht «Sc Mail 1 Pass. Lv BennetUville 6 10 j» m CX) a in Ar Maxtou « :WJ 8*) Lv Maxtou., 040 015 Ar Fayetteville 8 Jo 1 25 p m Lv Fayetteville 8 50 I) 05 a m Ar Sntifbrd 10 50 1 _n p m f,v San ford 11 10 j 2 -\0 Ar Greensboro, S2op in 725 Lvdreensboro 2 50 15 80 n m Ar Mt. Airy Ili 50 I TIO p m Xo 1— Uieakfast at Fayetteville, Din ner at Greensboro. TKAIXS MOVING Sol i 11. Pass. & Fr'ht A Ma 1 i Pius Lv Mt Airy 3 45am 0 :10am Ar Greensboro 7 48 100pm Lv Greensboro I# (Hi 7 'Mi ain Ar Sanford I'lOpin 150pm Lv .Sanford 1 55 2J) Ar Fayeltcville .. 400 5 50 Lv Fayetteville 4 !•"> 5 4o » m Ar Maxton. 0 1} ft 15 Lv Maxton 1125 11035 Ar Beuuettsville 745 1 100pm No. i. —lireakfast at (•nensboro, Din er at Sanford. Fnrtory and Madison Branches.— 'reigbt and and Accommodation. Trains moving Xorth. I.eavo tllllboro N Oil a. in . Arrive Greensboro ft 30 'f Leav« Greensboro 1010 " Arrive 12 25 p. m. Trains Moving South. Leave Madison I 1 55 a. in Arrive G.eeusboro 4 15 a. ui Leave Greensboro | 445 " Arrive uillboro | 030 " Passenger and Mail Trains run daily ex cept Sunday. Freight and Accomodation Train runs be tween Fayetcvllle and Uennettsvillo oa Tutsdavs, Thursdays aim Saturdays ; Freight and Accommodation Train runs from Fayetteville to BenetUvllle on Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays ; from Fay etteville to Greensboro on Mindays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and from Green*- boro to Fayetteville on Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays; from Grecusboro to lit. A ry ou Tuerdavs, Thurslayß and Sat urdays, and from Ml. Aljy to Greensboro r n Mondays, Wednesdays ami Fridays. Trains ou Factory aud Madison llranch itin d-ily "excel t Si^liday. •'. B. K \ I Kj fleu'l I'ats. .\ .e it. J W. F.« ., Gj.i'. F-up i. 31iitiy Persons .'.re !»; 1 rr; down from overt* «»k or hoiwohold o«n »ipown*a Iron KilUtm fehti!ld- the svitem, aids dkrcation. r. mnv ■-» ov. cess of li.Jc, uud eurca laaUria. Gel lbegv..u uc. NEW Fall aiil Wtiitsi; ALLLLIISKRY AT MRS. L. W. MASTEN, Alain Sneet, Two Doors Below Allen'i Old Stand. Latest New York styles a specialty. Hats, Flowers, Ribbons Etc. as cheap as can be bought. Special inducement.* tj the COUN- TlU' TH \DH. OUHEUS by m iil promptly attended io. Dun't 1'..11 lo call autl examine my stodlc. NOTICE. M.iviugqualitled as adininistra'or of Mrs. Ardeiuia A«iains late of the State tif Indiana, this is lo notify all pJrsoutt hav i j«4 elaimik a.nains»t tl*e estate ot t>aid deceased lio exhibit theui to the undersigned on or before the Sth day of April IMKJ or this O'ltiw Ntill be plead in bar of their recovery all |>erso:is iudebted to said esluto will make .minedlate payment. Till* Nh day of April livSO* K. C. JIAIKSTOX, Adminifsrator of Mrs. Aidemia Adams. IVII r GO OUT OF THIS COUNTY FOB YOUR SUPPLIES IVIIEX You Can Get Them Of IV. //. VAUGHN, Wulnut Cove, N. C. 1-OR AS LITKLK MONEY AS IN ANY OTHER MARKET. Copland see for yourself r/wn. uassuuj M a hint Core. IVOTICE. Having «|ualifled as administrator upeu the estate of Isw * Galloway decease 11 here br give i;eneiul notice to all pers»usindebt ed to siid estate to come for wan I and make Immediate payment and all persons haulm: claimsagaingsaid estate will present them for payment on or before the 2nd day of Ap'il ISOO or otherwise this notice will bo pleaded in bar of their recoveiy. This Ist day of April 1880. CUAULES T CUIUS I'IAV. Administrator. "Dallas .Manufacturer of and Dea ler in all kinds of Saddles, Harness, Collars, Whip", Spurs Curry Combs, Brushes and everything usually kept in las liue. MeAdoo Building. (J rooiiKboro, N, C Leader in low'priees and good goods —.in HAULERS, SADDLES, BRIDLES, COLLARS Hll'S, LAPKOBKS, 40., Ijurgest Mtoclc in WIXSTOX X. C. Come and see me and be eed. %3. W. fm»iplcy Next to S. E. All m's hardware store fAGE.ITi WANTED. (Only |I.TI.> EARTHSEAiSKY , or Marvel* of the Universe; m graphic deecrlpilon of : lb* wonderful thin** In Nattiro ; thrilling adventure* on Land and See renowned dleoTveriM of irreat ei plorrm. IHihllahed In Kairllf>h and Oerman. Mt pagee. «v Illustration*. A ORJAT BOOK TO BKLI- lllu» train! cirfulam and »>itra lormi to ncente TMMM. rOR*HKK a WflAhlil, Wl=K\ PERFECT IV If7 C '°~ F St l !?A It JISi I \/f uld better than any J 1 /3SI '/ tht »* bow la w* j mtm kof the I I I Vi mnr ' 1/ Vm U Coffee or Tea Pot. Sample will be 1/ ITAfI • rot b * Bn * il fop twenty rente In l I IfKA "tamp-. Atrali WanlH to ' K "\t\» 'or full particular* of thla f % •"d other fa«t aelUnc artielee. * fMcWihln. Cincinnati,o. tti in ««i V ■% ♦" * t t * » V FOIi lwstf) OneWay —TO— MAKE SIOXEV. It is a conceded fact that the best U\IJJ to ?naka money is to save it'an t the DEE hi I"E gives you heloti a list of articles and urice.s which will enable you to save mon ey onyour/jrurchases if you, will onlij come to sec us. Ames beat steel »hocrls t TJ ct*, anch m UoiCl'tniTs " 44 4'J 44 44 l)eir* 44 4 4 4 1 44 44 Iron 44 jfcQ « »« Steel llaj Eork*, ' :i(j 4i 44 Iron Uoun l llnics* Z r j 44 44 Trace (Jhuiiw t 32 44 44 Grindstone l uacZ pv' lb, Kiutli Loc.V*, 10t/«, ea:U. Great Anierican (. 'r-.e?* Cut S«o, (a trro:e) $1,13 44 Great Hierion Crow t.'nt File*, 15 c/*, 44 Plow I'uint* Lttndxi U#, fctt, each. Favorite Corn Shelters, (Improve.t.) W ,75 each. I bona larye size Mutiny, 5 ernes. 4 44 4 - 44 o 44 Also a full assortment oj Mattocks, Harrow Teeth, Dush Scyihes, Ilepair Links, Plow Bolts, Single Trees, Beak But Is, Co o Chains, Hope, Pocket Knives» Table LutU-ry, ftc., tfc., AU sold at BEE IIIVE cut prices. for the next 30 thuja we will offer SPEC ML L\ DUCtCMEATS in all Winter Goods, consisting ot Jeans , j Woolen Dress Cools, Underwear, Rub. bers, and many other things. jtho&l Ssl ilitl. Yi'e are receiving our Spring Stoek of Shoes aud HaH, aud as wo ii.ako iliphb two lines a SPECIALITY, wo will be prepared to do you some good on them so bo prepared for bargains. Expect them, ask for theui, and you shall have tlicni. If :h.s money saving is not too much of a trillj to lot go unheeded, come Io see us, trust uui pivumcs aud see if we lie. Wo don't just make a broad assertion, (as most merchants do) that wo sell cheaper than other boupes, but back our claims by prices thai are bound to convince any -'doubting Thom as" New lloiiie Sewing Machines the best at hon est profits. OUR RULE.— One price to all. OUR TERMS. I\ott. wpot oa«h. OUIt MOTTO-The l>P«t bottom vnlnon i>i- tlie money down. If you novoi have tried us, speak to | youi neighbor about ur, ask him if he i has ever tried the BEE lIIVE, —if he has ask his opinion about our claiina. Give us a trial t-> prova our pretun- I tious. Will you do it' We feel sure j you will. Yours anxious to please, W. D. BAITY & SONS. I I -It • " »■* of at farnica t Wimiwt K» For April, Miy and Jane v * iBB9 tT'-POR MAY, 1889^31 Wednesday, May Ist, Firm Sale. Thursday, » 2ml, third 8al«. Friday, •' 3rd, Second sale. Saturday, " 4th, First " Monday, *• Gih, lliird " Tuesday, " 7tb, second " Wednesday, « Bth, First " Thursday, " tftli, third " Friday, " 10th, Seoond " J Saturday, '• lltli, Firit " Monday, " 13th, thud •« Tuesday, " 14th, Second " Wednesday, " 15th, First • Thursday, play 10th, , Third Salo Friday, » 17th, Sooond " Satarday, » 18th, First " Monday, • 20th, Third '• Tuesday, " 21st, Sucoud •• Wednesday, '« 22tid, First «« Thursday. •' 23rd, Third " Friday. '« 24th, Second" Satu. jay, " 25th, First " Aluuday, " 27th, Third " Tuesday, " 28th, Second '• eduesday " 29th, First " Thuiady, » 30th, Third " Friday, " 31st. Seetnd " 1- anuera Warshouse oofatinaM to lead. Accept many thanks fur year ver.» liberal patrooage. Wo tre still aril at Wjii tor your interest. Take pleasure in saying that all grada* of Tubaceoare selling fair'y well. Goad rich, ripe, sweet rod and mahogany wrappers and Cllers aro selling hiyh. Good and fine bright wrappers, cutters and lugs are scarce and in deiuaud at. i liberal prices. Bpccial pains shauld be taken, at thiai season of the year, to market your To bacco in good keeping order.— Jp x full Juan |ui ||)[ Buyeii? at my saleS your tobacoo neatly with the best of Auctioneers, who aA | ways labor faithfully for your interest, to sell it—and with uiy atten tioL given to the sale of each pile—-you eau, without exception, be well assured, that you will always receive THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE We laok closely after your every in terest, day aud night, and cordially in vito you to sell with us, whether you have a large or sunll crop—.whether you have common, medium; good or fiue tobacoo. Should 1 hare last sale when you eoma do not hesitate to drive into FARM ERS' where a J-IBIWt ADVANCE 3 Wmc,BE M.-iffE on your tobacco {when you do DO? visk to remain for the bait) and the reiuaia der ot the money, whoa so will be scut to you at uiy own axpsuit*. 1 hanking you very kindly for BIT in creased daily sales, having almost douk. led in amount sold sold over any pte vious year up to this tiuic, I am, Your Friend Truly,