The Reporter and Post THURSDAY MAY 23, 1880. Tenner at Home. cenrrPiiPPN lnuntl Around llitnliury, mid 4'mtiaty Mnllen Itrlclly Told ••A cliiot'* Htn-itix vim txUo'n union, Aivl, faith, he'll proiit It-** t A ny sub eriber who fails to receive Uie REPORTER AND POST every week is .oquosted to report the failure. We ■ant to see whore 'ho fault is. Sun Rises 4 50 a. tu. Sun Sots 7 04 p. in. Day's Length 14h 08 tuin. New moon next Wednesday. CoBKT in Stokes August 5. Cot'itr in KoukiiigWii July 22. I)tßO—.Wednesday night Alloc wife of Ptllcde Nelson. Goods chesp at the Rt d Store. Ger manton, N. C. Call and see. MR. Phillips, register ot deeds ha-, been off liotne this week. TitBRK are six prisoners in jiil nl' colored and under sentence. DISTRICT Conforenee is in session at Madison, Hi?hop Granbury, presiding. MR. Walter King und bis wife und mother loft this county for Utah last 7'uesdiy. GRAIN of all kinds, pasturo und grn«s ore growing wel!; and corn is nearly all planted. IT is jnst one year the 17 th day of this month since Mt. Airy was rrnclntd by railway. ANOTHER haeit full of visitors arriv ed at tne McCanless home day before yesterday. Tills is just a dchgttful season for n picnic; the foliage is in its flush and the grouud dry. Dr. V. O. Thompson, Winston, N C , M selling cabbigd seed (two papers for five cents. •)■ Young man if yoi want the prott a t dress shirt iu the State go to the Red Store Gerioai.tou, N. C. f Itr.v. 11. R. Itll, Presiding Elder, will preach in the Methodist church at this place Sunday night. ELI.IS Ilairston's wife colored, on Mr. Filter's land is reported to have been delivered of a trsplet. A full lino of girden fioeds nf all kinds at 'vholesalc and r«tail by Ash oraft & Owen**, Winston, N. C. f CROP prospec's ore very fine AND tb«- outlook is good for the heaviest crop ol fruit known in tins section for year*. We hear that Mr. Bcnbow of (Jreens boro is to take chargo of the Piedmont liotcl, and John I'. Clayton of Geriuan ton the bar. QUARTERLY mooting of Danhnrf oir. ouit will be held it Sandy Ridge next Saturday and Sunday 25th and 20th iuat. Full attendance iripiestcd. Till cool wave which has been waft, ing this way since Tuesday caused soutc to be apprehensive that the ountty Would be visited by a light irost. " Tin Wi us '.on Senline\ tells of a pen. Del up hog frothing at the mouth and biting at eveiything within reach ax one of the aighta near the roscrvoir one day last week. TIIF. Justices of the I'cacc of Stakes county are required by law to tveet the County Commissioners at Danburv on the first Monday in June next, for the purpose of levying the county taxes. TUB rainfall during April and the present month baa been light, but though some light showers would favor, ably affect the crops g-enorally, clear, warm weather il needed that tli as wl.o have not plowed all their land may he able to do so. RKV.C. P. Suow, Dei vatuntale, will preach at Davis Chapel on Friday May Slat at 11 a. m. at Pulliaiua' school house near Flat Shoal Churili Saturday, June lat at Bp. m., at Palmyra on Sunday Juno 2nd at 11 a. m.,nml at Danbury on Sunday June 2nd at 7 p. m. The wheal crop. Wheat is leoking well, and if the presence of black heads is to be relied on a« a of a gool e-op we shall have una. The* o d nights are al.'o good for the crop, but s!i»ul I J uiit) ho a wet month the crip any Sudor fr.'iu rust. The lilt o! tSa season. Wo ate this work ■ f the unrolled pait of a WINE-UP whiu'i a g-tla-uaq Ij-id MV ed among otlnrn fir Ins igost bean'ifut young I id) frii'ti 1 as In- said, but h:id b?en pri'vcnted by uirivoidalda circum staaccs from Bonding to her whom he hopes may live to gather the choicest frnita aa she wilJ. "THE Q&EE HO3B BRAT," of l)r [l linen, in full of tho genial an thor's exuberant humor. lis fnn is supcrli uial unit obviuus ; but more is moanl than meets the ear or eye Tim vehicle which ran for a hundred years and a day without * break; typifies a healthy hnmau body and npresents the natural term of its service. ff, hawev cr, u man has catarrhal, bronchial, us tlminatie, or pulmonary disease, he ean. not live out half his days, unless lie eradicates the scrofulous huunrs whose presence causes these local troubles. The treat blood-cleansing alteiativo of Or. Pierce, known as the "Golden Med. icil Discovery," rids the blood of scrof ulous pollutions, and by improving the nutrition, eivos new vigor to the debil itated syste n, and cures these diseas cs. Uniquallcd—Dr -age's fata irh Hem edy. Movement «»!'trains Iho mail train going north le ves Walnut Cove 3.43 p m., Geritimton 4.12., Rural lUII 4 15 , Dilton 4 45., Pinnacle 4.58 , Pilot Mountain ."> 10., Ararat 5.28 arrives at Ml. Airy 000 Coing south leaves Ml. Airy 3.4 i a m, Ararit 4 -•"> a to. Pilot Mountain 4.38, Pinnacle 3JT>. Dillon 507, Rural 11 nil 5 3*2, Gcrwsntuii 5.45, Walnut Cove CO3. The Accommndution train going north Monday, V ednesday, and Friday, leave Wn! ul Covo 7.55., a. m. v Oerinnuton 8.'25, Bnrul Hall 8.55, Daltoii 9.35 Pinnacle 9 55, l'tlot Mountain 10 '2'), Ararat 10 53 arrives at Mt Airy 11 3 fl : going south ( ueidi;, Thursday and Saturduj) 12 "la in, Arart 113, l'liot Mountaii 1 4J, Pinnacle H. 05, Dalum j'l 25, Rural 11 .i II 3 10, Girmuuton 4 05, Walnut Ouve 4 43. Spring Times. To mo back* rolling round filled wi'.h up!) uien mid nretty women and cliil drcit early ad this month mikes »m --tliiuk of July, wlicu the spring season is in full blast. .lust as we have predicted, tliU sec lion like the extreme western pni't »l North uroliiia, is beginning to be ap preciated, and every year will increase Its interest fifty per ejnt., until the toot ' toot! from the Atlantic and Pan vilie railroid, as it steam* up the nar row bottoms (lie Dan, sliaU re verbiate fftun the hills around, aiid the smoke from heavy blast furnaces shall be n'cn to rise to tlu! *wy clouds, when the iutcri-st will increase u tl.rv.nmd fojd This section has now taken a start mid has a s"liii (inundation for a perim uent boom, its toundu'ion is rock, m.derluin an 1 overtaid with iroi, while the heavy beds of manganese, firj clay, lime ami mini, nr. every side will keep it » lid. We will never be satisfied until wo see ten tli"U'nnd men working on this solid foundation, and can ftand oil one ol our mountain peaks, hear tin whistles, and see the smoke cuil ftoni the engines, on ut least tix different railroads steaming for this "iron cen ter" us they bring in or curry out long trains of cars cirryin.' (iioiMau-is of. health and pleasu o seekers to tilts land of spring* and carrying to the four cor oers of t'le earth tlie immense deposits of ireu which fill ovr hills, or the tino tiuibnr which stands above the ore. Mt. Airy 3. S. Coafereaoy. The Ml. Airy iiunduy I'i-tiiei Conference will convene at Klkiu N 0., Fridnv June 7th 1880. -TItrRHUAY KKIHT - Opening saiuiou by Rev. D. M. Lita ker. FRIDAY. 0 a. m. Devotional Kxercises, 0.15 a. ui. oiuauuation, eto , , 10 a. 111. Statistical reports from pattors. 11a 111. The wotlel S. S. Supt., Rev. J. Jl. Prico, W.M. Cundiff and others. 2 p. in opening exercises. 2 15 p. m Tho alliance between the lioi'ie an the 8. S. Dr. J. M. Turner and Itev. T. W. S. I'arker. 3p. 111. Why i* it that so many are iiidilerenl to Sunday school work ! IV. 11. llyuuai, B. F. Craves am! others. 4 p. til. —Who should go to Sunday school Ucv. G. F. Smith, J. 11. Al lan and others. Bpm Sermon on the value of ll.c God's werd by llov. M. 11. Tuttlo. SATURDAY. 8.30 ain Devotional exercises, 0a m Tbe advantage uf dcuiiuuia tiouui schools by Prof. Dred Peacock, Rev. N. 11. Richardson and others. 10 am The old time school and the I new contrasted hy Rev. B. F. Dixon. It" J•"» /* m. U''tt*»'is »f teaehing by |it K Crawford and t). F. Sim mon'. 2 p ill I'eVotional exercises. 2.30 p m—^hat sh iuld he the ti ar li ar's olijjet ' Bi' Pref. l>. MaitTli'inp" son. Ucv, 11. I. AfVwi- and nthmfl. 5 TTI p ui Sunday sehi-ol W. F. Strmid and llev. C. P. Snow. 4 a 111 Election of offieeis, &e. K. O. MASTKX, 0. W., Scc'y, Pres. Shipstuffsl.lspoi cwt. Meal $1.30 per ewt. (lood flower $2.35 per cwt. White corn 021 per cwt. Mixed 600 at the Red Store, Uermanton. f STATE Slßffl. Washington Giizctle —Mr. J. T. Patrick, after several years of faithful service a agent of luiiuigrution for North Carolina, rcsigus to accept a inor lucrative position, tit >rc national in its character. A Northern syndicate has bought 30,000 acr« of land in Cur rituck county, N. C., nod on tho border of Virginia, and will divido into small farms of 50 acres and build town OD tho Norfolk Southern railroad. If you spit up phlegm, and are trou bhsj. with a hacking cough, use Dr J II McLean's Tar wine Lung Halm. In oases of Fever and Ague, the blood is ns effectually, rhough not so dangerously poisened by the effluvium o| the atiposphore as it could be by the deadliest poison. Dr J II McLean's Chills und Fever Curo will eradicate tbio poison from the system. 50 cents a bot'.lo- Cronpv suffocation*, night coughs and ill the eoaru >n iiffjetiirn of the throat and lungs j M ickl v relieved by Dr J (1 McLean's Tar Wine and Lung Halm. Old pnnple suffer much from disor ders of the uriniary org ins, und always ! gratified at the wonderful effects of Dr I J It McLean's Liver and Kidney Halm in banishing their troubles, SI,OO per bottle. NOTICE. Mat'' o!' Carolina iln the Superior tftik«t county. VCourt. S May 12th ISSU. l!oa:iolu A Southern Hallway Co. vs. ■Vllliiti 1.. Ila ! istoi and Sninnel tj.ors'nii and Cabivl llaiistxn • oil !,is I'owel Ilaiistftti anl others. The defendants in the above stateil ease are hereby notified that on the 14tli fJun-J L33D, the Plaintiffs will file their petition and make application to l*|i a Clerk of the Superior Court of Siokes County for the appointment of live commissioners for the purpose of as •essirg the damage which may accrue •o yon by reason of the right of way and construction of tho road bed of the Ho moke k Southern Kailway over your lands in Sauratown township, Stokes c ounty, N. C.. which lands will beniorc particularly described in the petition herein tiled, when and where you may ippear and show canso to tho contrary iT uny you have. Roanoke k Southern Railway Co., Hy A. 11. Joyce, Ally FOR SALE F/ J •() li. 111LYL o(\4 TFI) FOR A FIRST CLASS SUMMER HOTEL 190 Acres. One ami onii halfniih** from PiuiwHeth** a'itn'al Station on the C. F. Sc. Y V. IJn.l, .iu»l at tlw ba*o of the Pilot ilottn tain. Tho;v an* on tlntraM soaie low ntviTiil .u'ivs in clover; is lin«; tobacco land, four dwi'lli us tobacco barns blacksmith liop i&c will miM low for c^i), address, X. r. CTI.LEH, Cullers, X C or M IVppei, rjal estate agent Danbur) We also olTermie oilier tract i't)o acres tine tol-iuvo Sand, produces good wheat, grass 7"i acres cleared tend 011 the plait!, 10 a Tea or more good liottoin la d. schools ind chiitvhes near tbi* place, good dwellings tenmtt houses &■•., 011 tlie place, ill a geod .icigllWllood iiuar the O E iS T V Itailruad. Address W. T. Monks Culler X. C. ir X. .V IVpper, real estate agent. U tiiburj Light Hunting simple in construct i>>n and durablu. Is mounted on the 'nit-Hi s'\l>> w>'ol work and has all tho iupmvi*l aMm lmicn'K. There is nolh 'iiiir on il>« lunrkut i-|iiul *«> it for tbe uortty. Afjvitt* waniud. Adiirr^it ' . FRED S BARSTOW. ]ji oudwfty NeV York nr PEPPER & SONS. Agts. DANBUHY, N.C. Frequently accidents occur in the housohold which cause burns, cuts. sprains and bruises; for use in such ca ses Dr J II MoL.m's VoloiniJ Oil Liniment has for many years been the oonstaut favorite family remedy. V'ou will liava no ase for sp.ntaslcs if you use Dr J II McLean's Strongth umg Eyo Snlve; it removes the film and scum which accumulates an tlio eye balls, subdues inflaination, coils and soothes the irritated nerves, strengthens weak aud falling sight. '2sc. a bu... For s:ck headaohe, female troubles, neurulgeria pains in the head take Dr J II McLean's Littlo Liver and Kid. ney Pellets. 25 cents a vial. Summons for Relief. Xnrth Carolina I In Superior Gouri I Summons for Belief Stokes County | Before the Clerk. .1 T West, Adm'r, of | Vaney I) Kidman, j dee'tf, Mary J. Kedmaiij aud William A. L sli, | plaint ill's, against Dormer Ke«luian, Geo. | Itadiuan, Kdipir Bed. | Petition to sell ■ an, Annie Bcdinan and I l.iml for assets Bedmon. helrs-al- | law of Yancy 1). Med-1 man, Del. | To tlio SlieritT of Stokes eonnty--Greet ing : Von ure cmimatided t » summon Dormer Bedinan, Bedtnan, Kdgar Bedmau, Annie Bedmatt and Bed man, infant without name, I 'is-at-law of Yancy D. Rodman, deed, tli dofenda'its above named, iftliey lie ,011 ml within you: - county, to ap)x*ar at t!w office of the Clerk of tin* Superior Court, for the county of Stokes 011 the 25th day of May IWl>, and answer the coiuplai ut, a copy of which will he deposited ill the oflice of the Cleik of the .Sii|M«rioi Court of said conuiy within ten days from the date of this numaions, aul et the defendants lake notice Hint if they fail to answer the said complaint at that time, thcplaintifs will apply to the Coin t for the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereof fail no*, aud of this summons make due return. Given under my hand, this Pith day o! March ISM), N\ O. rETBEE f C.S. C. oni»;u. It ap|>earin; to the satisfiction of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Stowe* Coun ty, that Doruidr lledui ui, George Bediuan, Bedmau. Annie Bedmau, and Bedmau, the defendants above nam ed are hoii residents of this Mate, ntidrau noi tfte-due diligence bf found tliehdu. ami that they are necessary (Kilties to their action. It is therefore ordered by the Clerk that service of summons he made upon said 11011 resident parties by publication for six suc cessive weeks iu the I.anbury Bki'oUTKU A: I'osr. a pip'ir published iu tli • town of Danhury, N.C., notifying the above named defendants to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Stokes Coun ty, on the 25th day of Afay 1880, answer the complaint of the plaint ills iu tin* alxn e en titled pctton. This the Bth of Apill 1880. N. O. PETREE, C. S. C. C- F. & Y. V. RAILWAY COJfDEjYSEDSCHEDULE .YO 7 Taking effect 3:45, a. m., Mon. Jan, 7th 'BO TRAINS MOV IV. VI, 111. Pass. iS: Fr'ht & Mail 1 Pass. Lv Bennettsviile 5 'Jt a m IMM) am ArMuxton « J M 8 20 Lv Maxtou l4O IMS Ar Fayettevllle S J5 1 25 p 111 Lv Fayettevllle I 8 50 005 a 111 ArSauford 1 HI -V) I 20 pm Lv Sanford.... 1 11 10 j2 3U 'Ar Greensboro 125 pin 72c Lv Ureenslmro i 2 50 15 30 ri iu Ar Mt. Airy I 0 50 T 10 p m So I—. Breakfast at Fayettevllle, Din ner at Greensboro. TKAINb MUViNt. Sul 111. Pass. A Fr'ht & Ma 1 2 Pims Lv Mt Al-y I 3 45 ain J 0 30am Ar Greensboro 7 45 I 100pm Lv Greensl»oro KMX) j730 a m Ar Sanford 130 p m 150 p m Lv Nan lord 1 55 , 230 Ar Fayettevllle 4 ot j5 60 Lv Fayettevllle 415 5 4') * m .vr Maxtou. ft 15 ■ 0 45 Lv Maxlou 025 :10:15 Ar DcuueUsville 745 1 00pm No. 2.— Breakfast at Grtcnsboro, Din er at Sanford. Factory and Madison Branches.— reight and aud Accommodation. Trains moving N'ortli. Leave Millboro i 800 a. in Arrive Greeasboio 030 * 4 licavii (traeusOoro | It' 10 44 Arrive Madison j 12 2i p. in. Trains Moving South. I*«*avc Madison | 155 a. in Arrive Ci eensboro «...• j4lsa. in (treensbon) | 445 •* Arrive Millboro.... j 030 44 Fassencer and Mail Trains run daily ex cept Sunday. Freight and Accomodation Train runslie tween Fayetovllle and lkuinettsvillo o.i Tuesdays, Thursdays ami Saturdays ; Freight and Avommmlation Train runs from Fayettevllle to Bcncttsville on Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays ; from Fa* - ettevllle to Greensboro oil Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays, and from Greeuv l»oro to Fayettevllle on Tuesdays, Thurs days and Svtnrdays ; from (ireensl»oro t«» lit. Airy on Tuerdays, Thumdays aud Sat urdays, and fit»m Mt. Aijj to Greensboro on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Tmi us oil Factory ami Madison Draurl run dally exe»»| f Sunday. w . K. KVi.K. GIMI'I A^Cut. J. W. F.% V. Geu'i Snp*l. IFOu DVsrr.rHiA I'm llrutt n*« Iron Ritcrra. I'hTtiptioiH itK'ommend it. All drators k#*p H. Si .Ob par boUle. (icnuioe tuw u»«l« u*»rk uutl eroded ivd Uucmod \vra|iper. Imperfect direction and assimilation produce disordered conditions of the system which grow and are oonfi •m-d by neglect, Dr J II McLean's Stn i, r ' >•- cniuing Cordial and Htood I'urilicr, by its touie properties, cures indigos! ion and gives toue to the stomach. SI,OO cr bottle. If your kidneys are inactive, you will feel and look wretched, even in the most cheerful society, aud melancholy on 'he jolliest occasions. Dr J 11 McLean's Liver and Kidney Halm, will set you right again. SI,OO. Vv en you constipated, with loss of ap petite, headache, take one of Dr J II McLean's Litjlo Liver and Kidnoy IV-1 lois. Tliey are pleasant to tako and will euro you. 2!) cents a vial. Ready Mixed Paint, White Leaf, Garden Seeds, Varnishes, Oils, Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Stationary, Blank Books Inks, Pens. —go TO — Ashe raft & Oterns, Jiolesale and Ketiiil yrin»ton, N* C. NOTICE I as administrator of Mrs. Ardcmia Adams deceased, la'. ' of th" Sfjjtr of Indiana, tlii.s is to notify ail perso is hav ing claims the estate of said de.reased to exhibit them to the undesigned on or iH'fiue the Hth day of April 1800 or-this aotirt* will Ik* plead in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said estate will pleas, make .miuediate payment. This Bth day of April 1880» F. C. UAIKSTOX, ! Admlnissrator c.f Mrs. Ardemia Adams. Manufacturer of and Dea ler in all kin ds of Saddles, Harness, Collars, Whip", Spurs Curry Combs, Hrusbes and everything usually kept iu Ins line. MoAdoo Building. Clrooiiwboro, >*, - 4f Leader in low piico3 and good goods —«in IIAJU'ESS, SADDLKS, Bit IDLES, C COLLARS HIPS, LAP HOIIKS, S*c., Ijarjjrost stock in WINSTON K.C. Come aud see me and be convin cod. J. W. Hliiptay X xt to S. K. Allen's hardware store UOKNTOWANTEa (OnlvM7s> EARTHSEAISKY ?£• ft? l nlr,r **'' * Ifraphle description of tbf wonderful thliiffi In Nnlur* ; thrilling •lvcntnro» on l,*nU ami Hra r*nown«d «lliKH>veri»-» of an-at ei P»bll»Snd In Kntrlloh tod Ocrman. MX piurp* A QMATBOOKTOBELLfc www_fllreul>ni and extra ivrtim to prints tbvr lOKSIIIIK A HfJI AIilK. « iuriiinutl. O. S PERFECT vsmstsws, I\.lt-« Mid Ton. b«tl«r thwri .n, lhi»» now In u>« i urn k the C..»e« inJt«n bo VTtli «nv foff.« or Tr. Put. Sample »111 In M*nt by mull for Iwrntv in I. i n lump.. «iral. « wnd for fnll particular* of tills »od otbrr f»*t m*llldb .rllrlti.. * "Sal f•»»»•• 4 McMakln, Cindnnili.O. U'mkuw, Mil i.rm, Jiiiligcstion aud lllUuusiiuwi. tula* HHOWVK IRON HITTER*. It ctireo qulcaly. For twile by ull dialers iu medicine. (Jet tile gtuuluc. SI! 8!S M? 8 t tw w t t r *■ ♦ 7 FOU —TO— AIAKE MONEY. It is a concede I ft :7 thai the best tr:ii/ to make money is to s tre it* a, i l the liEE HIJ E gives you helm a list of articles aitil tfricesirh : eh irillmtiable tjou !■> sure mow ey onyottr /mrchast'S ij you trill onltj come to see us. Amr# brut uteri sliorrix, 7"-» Cfo, (-' A# lio'clmir* " 44 *11) 44 4 * in/r* * 4 4; 44 44 SI 11 /li t 'j Kurktf 30 44 44 Iron Hu tu I Ija .ics, 30 44 4% Trace Chains, 32 44 44 1 anil pry lh. Ilccrr.u!/I» hi 1 u i'j Luck*, ID :/*, each. Urci' .1 ncrlct'n Cross Cut tine, (1111 vote) si,lß 44 Great Aiw rimm Cross Cut File*, 15 c/*, 44 Plow I'uint* ail / Landsiiles, 7cf#, eac.'i, h'ncori'e Com Shelters, (improved.) $0,75 each. 4 boxes large size Mincing, 5 cent*. 4 * 4 44 * 4 .V«.'c/i'i, 5 44 .//so a full assort men* oj Mattocks, Ifttrrotv Tee tin l>ushScyihcs, liepair Link*, I'low Bolts, Single Trees, Bjbc'c ll cri ls, Co.v CluiiiiSi b'o/ie, I'ock 't li'iures• Table, Cutlery, s'C.> tjc., AH soi l at BEE HIVE cut prices. For the next 30 ttiya wc will ojj'tr SI'ECML U\i DUCEMEJYTS in all Winter Goods, consisting of Jeans, (Poo/en Dress (tools, Unlerwir Rub. hers, unH many other thuigi. We are rceciviiig our Spring Stock of Shoes and II -it% and as wc u.akc those two lines a SPECIALITY, wo will be prepared to do you some pood on them so be prepared fur bargains. Expect them, ask for tbeui, and you shall have them. If tli.s money saving is not too uiuoli of n trifla to let go unheeded, come to see us, trust our promises and see if we lie. We don't just uiake a broad assertion, (as most merchants do) that we sell cheaper than other bouses, but back our claims by prices thai are bound toconviuce uiiy •'doubting Thom as" New Home Sewing Machines the best at hon- est profits. OUR HULK. — One price to all. OUR Ti:ims JNolt Npoi eii^h. OUR MOTTO-The best bottom vulugm lor - tin; money clow n. 1f you novo lliive tried us, speak to join neighbor about us, ask liiiu if lie tins over tried ihe ItEIC 11IVK, —if be Iris ask iiis opinion about our claims. Give us a trial ti prova our pretcn -1 i'>llß. W ill jou do it' We foal sure you will. \ ours anxious to please, W. D. BArrY & SONS, of at ffarelioujs ♦ ' v* Wins to ii U* For April, May and June /SS.9 '""FOR MA.Y, 18S9 -.CQ Wolnosday, May Ist, first Sale. Thui.-iijy, " *Jnd, third Sale. Friday. ' Mid, Second sale. SuturJay, 44 4th, First 44 Monday, «• (Jili, third 44 Tuesday, 14 7th, second 44 Widiiciday, 4 Bth, first 44 " i) h, third » Friday, 14 10th, Second 14 Saturday, 4 - lltli, Vint 41 Monday, 44 13th, third 44 Tuesday, 41 1 l'h, fecund 41 Wednesday, 44 l.»:h, First 14 Thursday, _May lCili, Third Sale Friday, 44 1 Till, Second 44 Si'nrday, 44 18th, First 44 Monday, 4- iWth, Tuird i - Tuesday, 44 lilst, Second 44 Wednesday, ,4 22nd, First 44 Thursday. * 4 2ard, Tiiird 44 Friday, 14 24th, Second 44 Satuiuay, 44 125 th, First 44 •' Monday, 44 27th, Tlurd 44 Tucsduy, 44 128 th, Second 44 • ednosday 44 129ih, First 44 Thursdy, 44 30tii, Vhiri Friday, 44 31st, Second 44 r&"*Ky hard work, by cloe attention to business, by the &o()d price* always received, by your Ji b eral patronage I have the pleasure to inform you that 1 have sold more to bacco already than f sOld la -it year which puts Farmers Ware house the leading warehouse of Wins ton. A cordial wel eo >ie still awaits you all. Your friend truly A. B. GOERELL Prop. THIS fifpSf lining (?&., Claim that they control the highest tin magnetic iron ore free from phosphorus and sul phur in the South outside of Craubery. Forties want ing a big lining isi magnetic ore, - nese, Mine, coal, fireclay, and ever ythig essential to fmuuifa ctur iron on a Barge seale all near together a,re invited for come and see. En additional to the mineral on fifty or more | rop erties will set I i i fee 4,000 acres of woodland.

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