REMEMBER W9MM r»u come to tli« Twin Uiiy not fur got that Vogler baa the largest urn) be*t as sarted UuLIDAY stcek iu iowd such •a aWcr waru, eloeks bronxus, gold and •tlrer Leaded cant Maud umbrellas, j*w. •♦rj oferery «U*oription. Aeliin, Lam- Wt fold pans, the best that arc made Lie hM Jvat added to Uie stock a very baadsaala ease of the finest of POOKXT ILXIVES ANDSCIS.OKB - Ml forget the plase. W. T. VOGLEIt Wtaatoo, - N. C gy*™? prnmjilJy done. .11l tmrk wwmU+i WMRMAXTO.Y, Jt'. C., addition to a getiernl as- HtMil *1 Marebaodifo, Corn, I Van -4 tUj, *od tha leading brands of I food and ,li*ery sti- : u* 'yiP l ii 'I V. ..-oju —— : jpfttteuiss BOSBSJIF IOCiWaNT A tdBLK. B UREA U. CH LM MMM SET, TABLE i WARE, COFFIN'S of all sizes and prtm, or anything, in the fkmUurv Un #, call 'on ClC mne it ice, east 'side of oourl-housc square WjJtoTOX, - ■ X. C Nm'i f>n lo go thrixigh his niam wtiMlatimrr* and fee a here he ewn goods. Attention Farmers! mi • vol miFKivriLiz n fob your tobao ocrop this year » if vou ro tue BEE HIVE It en imi.d villi Aliti-TlUft and Anti-Cniil im- Flag. earrjing mi assijf ment nf I i iirh Oral- T.hivi Krt ICI ■tktalkcturcd bv lui-n wlie make i" d.-als \vi:!■ aiij 11.311 or sol of Inen to force tin? price* of t'irii |.;oo 11.ct1.01- ah. v Mi koaeat. legitimate I'tirf : snd )• u nil kow tlmi wbcn it gels into the binds of the HKK III V'K force it vill bo £• 11 ai ike VKKV Li V Eel LlYlMi I'hCHT. Wo will carry in stuck the following brands : OLD OMINION SOLUBLE, FARMERS FPIEND AND PIEDMONT. The flrat Is found, bv the best «n .lyw, t« r ink high ill tlio *** for To'iaco 1, an I it bei:tg» it makes It raaaaaable to suppose tbu mi mU Jiurera will I-h • m>t ii.i /by nt i'in » It o.m of ta: b n», ill -y a«-urc us h. . will da Par»«r», waeonfidfiuly riHMiinii'vid OIJI* Dv)-11N10 il SOIiHBijK t i ynu *4 1 'ip t>p F .rtil /. n-, ml W,- «iil My that It ia our boueat opinion, aft r oareful in | tirv, that is 1 hig or gtado g>.ida thin vi> full u ibis market a: 30 tenia Mr bag nor*. The (teend, FARMERS' PR BND, w.n foruMrly n! 1 here by Me*«r». Hodgio A Sullivan, it Jwt litre s;.;.i «ke Mad it bat that tb»y pronounord its Irisl p«rfeotl| satisfactory. To all tb'-sa * sbun{ t.« use K.VU.IIKRS' PllliiMi, We preiaite »• tire yon the right priecs The tkird, PIEDMONT, wae sold, a nmnW of yftra, by C*p> .1. K. Uilnnr, ait I p*r!i«p« tltnr- his u b. en n Ferttliisr sold hero that give as good satisfao.ion to everybody, *s f'IbOMON T. Oif prioe on ii vrill be lower titan (111 brands of inferior goods. We will also sell, for Oatsaud Corn, the same goods we sold lust fall for When. ROY ST LI'S HIGH GRADE ACID PllOSl'HA'i E Aak year ftiehUs, who bought it, how the* like it. 1 bey all teil o» tbat it's dotn, bettor than oilier and t rice gaeda. Oar prise will unit be per bug, while llm same class of (foods, sold by oilier parlies last full, si front %>!>> ia aow s' In |'i 2.5. Our ti run will bo A'triotly Ca»b. We don't feel like .wiling ii to nur 1 1 lend-on t.nie «kaa Itwauld east tbem about pT sent, interest. Aeware of those who pose as yonr friends, bv offi rinir to -i ll \ou fcatlae. The tredit aystem ia only a cunning device, uaed by aome fertiluer eampauio* to make something out of tritb- In bad better bcrtuw ibu money at oor } pet cent., and pay caab for fertiliser, than to buy on time al 2U per Be We ta a#'# ns: it is te our interest to jfire fott pood goods; we cannot afford to sell yoa any thini? that we heliuve to IWlMiai ii WPtild injare as TVe belieta, eundidly, that we offer a line of goods as good as an)bod/a cuallt g Irou. per bag more. See yonr fi ieods, elnb together and buy the toa ■*' * Vt.ur» Anxious to Please, V. 0. BUTT & SONS. BY ' J. t. N ISSSN^ GEO F. NISSEN & CO., wagon Manuraciurn^, SALEM, N C- Y T ery Test work at Lowe-it I'riccs. Steel Thimble Skeins without extra Large .stock at Capt. J. E. Gil mer's in Winston, Call find scr Ihem. THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR W,C, POHTEH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGCIfcT eftEEXSBono x. c. iidNfiUß)i REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 0 It Inn occurred to me in looking over I % this and adjoining counties-that one of*he 'chief needs of the section is a central i point where those who desire to sell or 'purchase land may find what they want ! without traveling over this country. To meet this want I have concluded to open a real estate agency at Banbury, which 1 hope to make of real advantage to both buyer and seller of either lauds in fee |or only timber rights, to if you want to buy or sell Farming Lands, Timber Lands, Miner al Lands, or Mineral Rights, Timber Kights, Town Lots, or Real Estate in any shape put us in position to sell for you. You w ill pas* no title until you get the money agreeable to conti act. If jcu have any l.'ilher in fee or only the mineral inc. If your property has real merit it is now sold ifith your consent. 1 will be at the office of Pepper Sous i store, Danbury, .V, C., on Saturday, and Monday of each ■ceck. loan noic offer you on reasonable tortus then /'ollutrtng lands in lots to sioit purchasers. j 1000 Acres of l»nd lyinj on bot!. shies of tbo S*uratowo MouuUin. WO Of 1 .Ud lying between Moore'. Kurt and the Urging ' lork - H,ul ~B * mtl ' j side of tLc mouuuiu, 150 Acre of land one mile South from Plednwut Spring* well adapted to truck farm ing. ITS Acres 1 1-2 miles South from Danbury, good farming land*. fJO Acres near the Quaker Map on the North aid* of the mountain, here is a heavy bod j f liitu.iliUi iron. I •oto 50 loli within 200 yd*, to 000 ydi of the D.tilbury Court House. I •UK) Acre* two niiltu rouiU from Danbury. • l siore V.t uae and two lota, on East aide of Court House * 4 uare in Danbur,. 1 U0 lots at Oamaea, or tlie »Cl'y la the woods." These lots are one fourth, t« lwlf mile from tlie celebrated llodrao..: .Springs, Alum »|«leg. BmltU,s Obaybeat Springs, and other mineral springs. 3 town lot*, east end of Daubury. Acr.-s ol land half a mile South fiotu Danbury. 8 valuable coal properties on Town Fork, : tnesc p npcrtiis five to six milea South from Dntibury. •11 . i Jj. 1 / i r ntfl-is 1 > "th f." >-n Oermanton. ' i) '•! .i propci tlea*(ui«ru >: l» dereloped) sis to ton iniioi north, and northeast from ' | '>«. i*r . All of 111 ahmeiiroperli 'S w ill !»• aold at low plieee on renaonable U.iius. AiUl'- ss by id ii! t or come aud sue N.-M. PEPPER, Real Estate Agent, D.4NBUKY, N. C. t Bring specimens of min eral**, if there are any on your lands. •*,' August 22nd, 1899. . Big erops In Stokes aud lew prices In IIAKDV ABE at Crawford's in Winston € Buy tin Niuea uim and Iww hei-M wagoia. ttuy Crawford'* warrauted axea, Umj IJIvST aic tUc Cft&illttVT Am .1 big TC wheat and buy a *».oo Cincinnati Tup IS»»g*r" (J.-iutubu* U .ggios aud (J irriages. Shell your corn with UKXTKK iHKLI.KIt, auJ iiaks y«ur \>mi with * LKK COOK STOVK. ;«t a\V 1 1 1 r K XCWIXU iIAUKI.HU for your wife H>r #Ji ««\ I Uv> OU 4 GI'KS, Puvder ud9l»t. SAuDLKS, llriilo«|in4 UUuketi, All kinds lU'JX arid STB* I. 'V» Toola, JliiUUj tftteeial seek 3 Noj S-AHliuda, Loeka, BwlU, A« We ca jMitio«lar atkoutiun t« «ur »BW MVT I'tllLL I'LO warranted in every particular, two I .mm W.Oti o«« kun DIXIE I'LOWS, beet in town, very cheap. BLACk.SU ITH tools, gtlraaiaad h+M l„ li*iWra. flues Su\ l'UvvKAlan t f-org«»u«. R. R. CRAWFORD VAUGHN A PEPPER SOLD STAND Winston, N. C. Fine Tobacco! Kaoh succtcding yiar ihowa Bore ane nore the iiapartanoe of growing only llio fiuor grade* of Tubaooo which in ill marketa command th* hignoat prices. No section of lb* world growa better Tobaceo than tbe aeatiua tributary to the Winston market. Low gradna and commea Tobacco can be jrnwa almost any wlirre and never pay any profit to aay one. Th* (election anl preparation *f ' 4I|J tobaeco ia of th* grst impart an j* «nJ tha *lmti*n *f a fertill xer especially auited to tha land, climate, length of aeaaon, adapted to thi growth matnrilj, aud oaring of tobaaca, la very noarly of equal ia.portanoe. Partial uaiug —STAR BRAND— last year did not get their TeLaeco treaty bitten bccaaae it ripenod early, tad was *ut and cured before the froat eame. Wbena»aa goal to bay a horae ha ia goTernored by hia age. ane and condition and eapeoii lly bia adaptaioa to the dartieular work to be performed,thua reccgniiing tbat there 'i a difference in lioraea. Not 10 with some lata WHO BUY FERTILIZERS. which are no mora alike than horaes, yat with them afertiliiar ia a fertiliser and all they aak ii the prise and if low enough they boy, the reealt generally in paor quality of tobaeeo, low prioea, cemplaint of bard timoa, oonplatut agaiaat tbo Tobacco Warehouaaa, tobacco buyer* and tha fertilisers. The nine partial will ia all probability next aeaaoa look 'around" aad buy a new brand ot cheap ier tiliier and thua coatiaue from year to year, and aa ihey change the branda of fertilizer! cbanhe to luit the priocs they want. THIS IS NOT TRUE! a larfir majority of tba bait farmer! who yenr after year um Old Thoroughly Tested and Reliable -STAR BRAND FERTILIZERS— «-liirl. have utli»id tbe'r w»a!d be oompetitori aad today stand without as •i| ia lar riral. i bera haa ba«u worn fine tobaeco grown by tha um Of STAR Bit AND SPECIAL TOBACCO MANURE I* N. C. than all ether fertilisers eeaibiiitd. AltU»n,fh thr haa h.-aa an ad van* ta faililiier materials, «e ba»* i'.IC. >UCKD Til K I'lliOS t»» StCU. IN (t O.N I.lf FOR C»>ll and aiTi4ing eur caaaiaixivH* wttn th* faraa»ra. The hic h graJa ia absolutely guaranteed by the ia>aout*elurc>. Fur aaie ia INlnsUn, Kirn*ia «ille, Stekea J *le, lUleirs Cre.k, U*tiaant«n, |)*lt«o, I'lauael*, I'iWt Moua trin, Araiat aud other place* on th* U. V. k T. V R. it. If you deoire ta aaake fiaa y*lluw tnbace* )«■« eanttnl do better than nae A 1.1.1 SON k ADIHSCN'3 STAII BK AN o SPECIAL TOBACCO MAN. UK».S. Very Respectful!/ i' .. H HINSHAW & MEDiARiS, W iaitwß N. C , A pail Bth, 1880

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