VOLUME XVIII. Reporter and Post (M'llM)llKh WKKKI.T AT DANEURY. N. C. 1' KITKR SON-, I'i Vv. J,- Proa Rkl>» «»' SI IISI'UII'iU'M Vo ir. |iv»4blu in H«lviiit«'O t »I. fi (TU» ;L AIMI IUISINUJ 9 3110 H yi.ire ;»4iu - I» «»r I ♦ I time . ...*1 'H T'tf c«ioii .i.i'ii.iuu .1 . i-« » "i U. in .•«»"•» »" , Ki , r I.:!•(•... pi I • H|U»« «J in !io Cll.t« ' w 'll ,v i'mimuiir ... »ii* i> . ■ •'»••• u roi-li .g lv- .»•#»; nUf «» • • • > •1 ir • • > i • VI • . ill. ll ItiM H- t! U *»« i-« I . cit »•! Minima. / L '■ l . A'IToV.N r • AT .LAW Mi Airy ' f, •> . S|N'«*i.il «.tr ..tiuii 'U •» II • ti«»u «»»" rluMui. "if. F. CA JUTES, v-fsti fr. SIT. A! It Y sniUV CO., N . «. I'mitiiOJ kliuiwmv liissm>io"s arc WUNUL i ' • Ot t.t». WM. I >:U. . U W I Off Kits fi i iV/iOLf'UM.K I'HrtH.JtjrS, j L>l iU*rv in AIN I'f, ,11!.}. HVAS VAT-»-»:«IE.S. j (■'renoh urd Amiricuxi wiwijoftr .'UTi'jf, &c Mh'k.M' aS.p i lib AIM. tJU.AK.i, .A: 00 A tl'E' IAI.TJ 1306 KIIIII HI., UlJhui JIUI, Vu. • .gin IGm'it-* GEO. STEWART. Tin and Sheet, Iron Manu facturer. T!OE BS-vK'K H IXNIIN, A * . SOOFING. GUTTERING AND SPOUT NO tioiM' ill sli.JI i |»«!l\ v>. \n I s coiislniilly on i.a:i i ; fi »• » .JiMtkiiiK «iliil il*Mlili.4 6loVti. inanuittt'iurtr ut mill*, a -.. u!l kind of «i>|>{>ur *.rk >t. in-. \or c » x .7S.T i : A Uuutitul Kcpiahi (tlliKimuiU ul OAK KIIKjK I.nM ill IK uif el ins. 1 ] X hSS ( I)J.LKtJ \l telling :>II nbuut tin* 1 ccii bmicd nktu 1 g\** x t t A I'A II J / \iM >il«-l. I*l lm IliU it »«».i • '•litKliipia!»• J«.:I- J mm, i.i£ an) Hftioo*.. j. .j. . i.-jmiv . !..i ! !> » .! *%.*, ui i 4 > i 4 or i «»*,!.:;•»;■ ,m:-J MlllifllU U*l 1 ;• %."Nl|lh.l .alij.t- ! I> l laltnl in tie I i>-iluu»ui »»• J>. 1., 1 f ?UW. ll |i;u» Nj>) -..111. 4 ouil«! : I..it- I *•««') imlli,unit !.. liiali' .mh i«*t% i»i.ii."», Iv.tulilul I ll.i]k*l, ui •:& > . '• y •4«'i, k *'\' /••* dl iii. ftrv ]|*. 11. ,ii ' '■ tu f Oak Ui iy, N. C. The Wilmington Star. IU.III.TK N IN RNU Atteut'.on U culled to tLc following ic duecd into* of subscription, CASH IN AI>VAVCE : TDK I>AIL* STAR. One Year stj.ol) ■ Three Montli«sl.s( bix Moni lis .1,1)0 I One MOIIIIM 0 Ts:r, u Ki.ia, .• : ; r vti Uuu War vl. 1 ". ; tjlx Moi '!: i til' Three Mouth* 510 cci.U Ou. N A ; • Iv . »■( . Imkii 'lllll UMIII it. t" I I !.- u . il| ,» li|« hi :i,t tl AIIIKIIII 111 i» i" JNt'riitJlU'''. AJJr'ss, i i;. J.. UKN.iUI), Wilmington, M. . . WALUT cQ'/iJ ACADEM7. A higb School lor II o_) s ui tiirlii. l'ull Term bigins August Uith. luiiioh fr'jui $1.50 to $3.00, mad |I.OO citra fur etch additional Innguje. -MUBIU *UOO PKK. MONTH— Hoard from sd.oo to s'lso. for fur ther particular* apply lo J. T. FAHItKLL, Win Jiii.nie C ].rach,Touolie r aMIRtBllt. University of orth Carolina. • CHAPEL HILL, N. 0, TIN NK*T »Mien begius August 30. Tuilioq re duced to !>UO, u hall year. I'oor atu dwts tu ay five note*. Kaoulty of fifteeu teaehera. Tlirca full council of atudy leading to degrees Three ibort eottraea fur the training of business men, tenoh ere, physician", ami pharmacist*. I. aw school rally equipped. Write for o«t«- |pgnc lo 1)i £ . V. 0. Tl|Oll^[>hoi|, dhttggist. 1 1.7// sell yon JumJ.oti the Lowest Prices either II 'hole mde, or Hot a it. Call fin- a n //■ tiling in thi hrug Li,i.r he fore yon bin/ (mil he eonvin fed i.'i.i' Ihe L It,mi fifteen ■ re 'n / ,/ hi-,. J\ */',s, "/ . TiTiO.\. /,•>. el. -ul!', J La, Phut fer " .'// ■ i.rri titun .jr run i;uuuT nousu syr uir. WINSTON N. C. ONWAP.D ! IS THE WOW) ! I ■ •ru>vuii.tKm»7z . TIIIIIII Vlll.lMf Jt 111" ItfllliA ill" li«w : II MiiucrilHTi I j-.MI S 1.. I •i sitlMKUbfm, I yvu." "•.on i 10 milm Til«-ii>, 1 yi-ur (Jill l copy, 1 y-:\r/,-ii !o I 111 fc-iiillii;: .1 .ll!l..riOII. KiJ>t • "A —(I (I'IMI^I 1 ! |MV|iiol) L i.. roLk, v».H:n V Grsens-oro Female College (;ri:u\ H9HO, *' v fpiMfr* »IXTV hKVBM II Hr-Silo. 111-- I'll M ■" {>riw|»!f"iu* liiililutK.il Infill., oil 'ii? _j.HI uf VUGI -u, ]B3H Sujierior iiJv»iiiugi! utli ruj in a'l the' Ji'|iartiiiciilK uI lojiiilii/ usually lauuli in Ivmale oiillo o 'cn Undo. liijtrutjiitio given in Typv-wrttutj; mil Sti iinnriipli also. Tonus moderate. For Catalogue a;•] >l \ 'i . jo.N I'rcudciii .Vu.tufaclunr ni' mul IJCI let-in fi ; v ,?v ..f ."aduLj, IlaiitoM, W liip ,Spn;- KJ.irry i'ouibs, Uruoh »* iu)u f vi>r) iliir>;: usually kept in tiU HuilJmg. CJ I*OOIINI>OI*O. (/ X KW M 48 il fffijtsir | MILLIXtiRY A r KF3. U »V. MA'tfM, luii ts:;c-«.t, Two !>n.irs itcli.w Vi' .i"> "HI! f 1 inJ. -i>trst New York sty I JS a sp ciai>y. Bats, Flowers, RibVrjs "ic. as clie -p as can be bought Special inducements it the I'OI'N TUV Til A UK. OIIDKHS by mail proiuplly attended 10. Duu't fail to call and examine stock. ILtaxxd for Sale. 750 acre* of fine tobaoeo land for aaluio 101 l aero tracts, or lot* to *uit the purchaser. Tht* land I* on the uorih side of Dan River m t?H>ke* county, some ten mile* nearly east from Dan bury, and near the road loodiug fioiu that p.ate to Madison: is well timbered, especially I* the pine timber aliuo.it unusually Qne. The land ia well adapted to growing uc tobacco. This in especially a tine to'iaoeo see tto»; it i* not merely an assertion, but will be buiu out hi it by sotuc of the heavio«t buyw* on the \V unu >u uiaiket, who act anil handle lubaaoo fruui all the tobaoeo section* hi this stale, us well M from a number of cnußtie* in Virginia, that (Mokes produce s a* good tobaoeo aa any Oouu ty ti| Mottb Ouioli ua. For priuoa itud terms apply to 1-IUJIK C. IUIIWICN, Administrator of I'uter llairstou, dee'd. WaltlUt Cove, N. C. "\OTHJtNO Hl T CCBi:PH J,!K»: >SI T JC. L-:KS.« DANBURY, N. C„ THURSDAY, AUGUST tl, 188' J. XTOTXC3SL jNsaspaM# SiUaifi FOR SALE My \ in in* »f in my IUIKU in I'uvrul' IV. K. *ViI IIM. t»\ivuU»r of .10-«*|»li W..IL. ipiinti I*. ii. Uavls UMI iiilim re* lurna l»* \ii' iit ie. »«»rNu»H»rii»r mill. 0 i u. », 1v II M*.* »•» i'.« ill{(ii • ii'V. •!h-l| MI'IIJI. i» I •' x '• • '•' ii! »'.> .1 **. at ! I OR!, -K IT HI., i tin LRUI*T «• 1 '.. M «:.i »' u« 'i. .it Moke* oHtniy in i *M»iri'.- •. I I • uj'iic «»|| ill!' »\ a !«*••* M|' CO\-: ; ■. il ; , ilj..ii : nj; tjc J.iniij ii A I I .* )..•>••. INNJII/ »{. IMV'-, •( II - . . ".i s.*» .r i v " pia.v is J »VIIU i i*r.: n » •mn* IIOIKIIII I itnl. • l' > l >* -i.l .. . I l;u i lia'of i It. i) ivi* o j .M! -•> H-iitl i*M»t*u; IJIU'U. This iln» lint , '/.!> of July ISSU. It. I. I. ALTON', .siH'iifl. LANDWANTED Ui.iii.-ii ii»r it u«ti p*.iviH4 fit |.niter a >iu ii 11.11* I. a 111*1, 11 I |»*|K t||| I. IIM U« r«*». TIIU l.lll'l .1 -I IM* iii a Mali* or «iiiltl"*tfiii. *\i»li Inir I ( •lv«i , Hl*iu on it. uurili m»i in >rc HIMII KI.MWI to j J -I. •?.«). i ui i. i; the im i:cy «*•!! rr.i«!y i.* «•' i .. • ('ill urt i«>*c."» oii |!iU fall ' M. I* . Iti-il K"l*lj> Ayem, Haiit.ury, N . »'•, -F 111* at I* IN'. DQ> YOU Dcfiir-kfp Farm in IJiiildolt.il County ? « 1 >f'Vr ibis tiki nerei of dnsirabl •I'oiing ia .d fot'sate ii tho 0. K. & V ll.ilioii i in I'.aa.J ilnh cotiniy, half way ' ' • ' I'.j iui Stalot Tbu'.. ne liO to .M acres botloui land, iuelud- 1 i-.ifi In or 1.) acres good meadow, about ov» iien s up land cleared, llie upland jis ralbor a gray soil uud no doubt will |i udnuo Ii ie tobacco, tho growth is i iii.istiy pitin, some ouk iVc. A or ' clurd, g. od waler and dwelling iu good condition. This is undoubtedly a de sirubie and very low at tho prico of $t ! 80. but my parly wants to sell I ~ . i money into some other bu* 1 -mess. If; u want »«.*'• a plane let uw hear | .i .::i _■ u. M. .V/ I'epi »r. Heal I'istiitu \gcnt, Ualibury, N.C. ! Lnud Sale. | !!; tlrl n. 1 ~15.0 ilivil .mil I'm' ■ ■ im«;4 ixwiteil !•) ,l i ilii'son Gliu and his wife Kli/.ubctli Gain to O. 11. Simmons on the 1-tli day of .Ir.uuary 1 fSo and recorded in llio lieg. inter's office of Stokes county ; see book j 20, !)77. 1 will as administrator with tlie will annexed ofsuid dee'd O. 11, .S'limiions, deo'd. sell at the court house ! door in Dunbury, on Saturday, 14tli of September 1889 two traets of laud ly iug and being in the county of Stokes !mi tbe waters of (lulfqlo creek, Said tracts arc particularly described in the mortgage deed and together contain one huii liud and fi fey (ores moil) or less ; ...Kit M..1 third ut this land IS clunrod, ■i.is upoi. .t 'j .i iu! juii'! ti nniijotit lll.lis •' U:l I r.'ll t.lbtlfiOO bull a, IS woll 1 iititi'i i- ui'i iii jduo«stino wheat and 'lll tIibUCCO. A.y per- on desiring to see said land will call no .no u; my residohes one half •. lie from Sandy llidgc post office in -t ikes county and 1 will show tbe gam:. This land adjoins Ktqhnrd Martin and .1/rs Sallic Amos and is in a desirable iiotgUbntliood. Terius of sale cash. August sth 1889. >V. 1,. Tilley, ADW'r. There >u a ruuior ourrent in Raleigh I'Yiday iliac Dr. UnsMtui li« 4 wri'tun a letter to oaeh of the direction Asylum stating th*' ho would not under any circuiu ataue«s tender hi* resignation, awigling an a reiuoo that it would be reflection on the director*, TIIO »oli»» itude lie show* Tor tlie direotnrs i> really touching. Tiiia] aolioitude oxkond* however, we presume to the live who voted for ao|uittal, not to the three who voted fur conviction. Jt is p. obable thai ever those who voted for hi* would not couaidcr the ciieuuiatanoea, aueh a reflection but o* tlie ooutfaty would regard it as a very happy sola tlon of a very diaagooeable problem. r r i#>t u it w. i . «> • • •• •ml. r .»l \* ft**! |..r iMKlilr.4 J. «t in ri| i ut»! iv. Trv .*l/•» \ •.% I Hit » i.i i i , tfS. I.vm'l. »■ ii-'v-afiMi i-fHiiu*. Suit) ill tt 4l w- Ml Utt.wl. iIH . AN KDITOR'3 OVKIt-CAUTIQN. Many people make uistokes and lose a lot by boiug too suspicious, too cau tious. Wo remember the last time we visited New York city—with which which place probably nobody else in Holgcville is so familiar. A man enmn up to as, as we stood on our hotel steps liter taking a noon time snaek at IM non'co's, aid »iys he io us: " /'lie ed i' t of i'oc lv.ic ;v.o iif.it.. J.ai / |>u»«Uia„ Hel a l a c.oi 'Jinc, ■»ui ic down "no:, and, I. o.» : i! / tne mat: i l.iiircl#/ i ton i ves w rrj bio : •' i'l.'i , piesntiK toj in ith, si . V»euri iwt ■!.«•( •ditor." ( t ill!' was ur.tru !, lot in" '!• ibis imrtei ilit* cir-mois' . i;. ; -■ t.cg ) ! our pu'don," lie sai-i, •' : ic.h;:{4 iiis hat 101 lto iy ' I merely wis'ied to t«:oli i you u tiokot to -uu diun i ot t'.: I'icss Club this evening." lie felt hurt and o did we. lie bad been ftK'eived with unnecessary suspicion and we bad miss ed a good diunur. ff'e merely mention tbia incident a> a reminder tc ih'jsa who are always saving "0) blow !" that it la uut always wise to go 100 slowly. We u.ust risk something it" wu vvou'd lo tru. iy great. —LMguv illc, N \ . tiai.nci. A NIGHT Ob' AG OA* a man's ii.vin ti'hxs wiiirr. at tiik Awrti. reuit iik was in. Some years ago I waa in lndiana/>olis, Ilid., ou business, and made tbere the acjuaintanoa of a ve iy pleasant and in toliim nt gent'oisan, who was u member oftb» Senate >f Indiana,—John Cobniu. He bad not reached ui'ddle lifu. With a fresh, roi'. iy complexiou and healthy look and vigorous s'nn ami bearing of eirly nniilmil, he bad un rlumadanoo , of white liair on his uea • thai i iJicatcd Iman of at least four-score ycfirs. I could not und. rstauu bow so y.iutVd'ul * man in personal appearance s'uoiilhave sucb remarkably while hair. . ("y'i isity led me after u very agreeable add soci able acquaintance ol several days, to ask: "Why is it, Mr. Cobarn, that as young a man as you are should have .yt white a lietd of hair lie answered ut once: "Oh, Mr. Briggs, there is a ter r ible 'lury coi - ncetod with my - liitc liair." And '. i told it to IUO a.t fellow* ' \ few yc.Ts ago 1 wan in ibr cattli! •*.«, rti'p. ping them b; carload;-'o the • as'. Onn night 1 had a tvaiu of *, \r. ia'. carlo id-, unii hud st i| pcd 'in a siil. auet to !ut a paiseiiw' train p;-ss, mJ .'it P! ti'iZ ii in av. iv ii. tl.e •'..irii my fu->t».,n , ud ] fur miles I was supported by one loot from fulling on the track, where 1 must I have beeu iimnediatcly crushed to death. My ftieugtb was exhausted. 1 thotig bt I must die. 1 could nut hold oil any longer. '1 ho train was stopped, I was discovered and rescued alive. Mv hair when I a I templed to get on the r: r, was black as night. When I was rescued i was white as K »gl3. CO OKI-ID COLONISTS I'OU VEU VE It MO NT. Th,i poiuiuigMonur of ag'im'turo for V«r.i i porlf thiil :.,Ll iiu .•. i f fanning ' i.i.l in iliii Hwu*, .»•!: *• i ouui pri li>.illy cit'iivai'-d, .i now ] growii.j; up into » wild«rns-, t!i • jio | pin wli.l OIICO cultivated llleui having eniigruiod vr wovej ,o ili» tow* ami I (lilirs, leaviny df-olalii.n bi.hinl t I»I | fins it. a ourious cuuimoiiiary on the fa j miliar assertion of tin- ndvantagc enjoy ed by the farmers of New Knglaui in eousctpicuce of the development of pro. touted manufacturers in that region, but the statement oeme, fri ui too high authority to be disputed, 7*lio interesting feature ol the situa tion, however; so far ss the South is concerned, is that lb* commissioner pro pose* to try to induce colonists to oe. eupy the abandoned lands by offering then for sale to actual eettlers at the rate of three to fite dollars an acre. This is an opportunity which the colored oui emigration societies in Voith Carolina should bot fail to utUico. There is roo« iu Vturnout evidently for about 100,000 colored families, and when it is remembered that Senatoi KJmundi will beou hand to extend welcome and equal rights and priveleges to all corners, surely no additional inducement uoed be mentioned. The colored people say they are not wanted iu North Oaroliiu. Vermont hi yearning for them. Let them go to Vermont at once, by all means. Ana | the white people of North Carolina 7/ l ft ,>/ n*, v I to offer to pay tho traveling expenses of eacli colony in order to give a fair| and aarlj start to a movement which prom ises so well for all eooccrnod.- News and Oourier LtJNO HOCKS. An extraordinary instance of long lours of labor came to light through 'lie r>tv*Mtiiit i oiiin>itoe .if tiic In as© of •r.!». roui.i Mii 'B fjw, ibotit !!•> . n>ull . u.l o; j >a.ii piiystqu. urn. s.. n iii-i 'i Otii'.i an i'atc .-pi. o«r n a mi;:turft iol .iubr.' v au ' le> :mti lie arrived n li ull \;» ll.iu.'mrg.. iri'rnding :o pro. 1 lo Vii pii vi, hut not. having 'uor.t y ■t.oi'jll In pay ! ir-'ho sent i>> Ala'iui'P'ter. 'J'here Ik- worlts lioiii > Voloclt in tuu movnii.g nnlii 12 at night and scaifime uutill ■>, in tiio morn making an average of twenty hours a duv for six day in llie week, leaving only lour hours f.ir sleep, lie earned i sliilliiigH a day during the busy time, astiug about tea woeks, uud from G to "( shillings pei week in tbu Hack season, mid oil this be bad to support u wile and six tin drcti. ll.' us.hi to work in ltoooijinuf.mrH .il liours a day for 20 francs a week, so tlmt lie was better off in iiounritiia than in Knglaud, but be had not sitlhoicut moans io return. lie bad written to dissuade lis countrymen against unm'tig ( to Kngla id.—,'jiglisli News. WHAT I.V 711K MOON ' Hut vlien wo look at the moon with 0 '.r telos.'opes do w - sec any truer- of water 1 There are, no doubt many I larg-* d io trjets which at a tirst glance seems like and were indeed termed "ser.'" bv tbe ull astronomers, aial 1 wliw'i they s: : l! absurdly retain, 'loser inspection snows thai llie so-c.21. d lunar seas art doerts, often marked with sniill crater* and with rocks. Th • telescope reveals t.o*eas and no oceans, no lakes and i)o riv. vs. Nor is the grandeur of the union's scenery over im paired by clouds over lier surface. Wlicnevet the uiooti is above the bori -1 m and lerreslrial clouds ire uut of the way. we can see tbe features ot her sur face with distinctness. Tlicra are no c' uds in the ii.ooii tboi.. arc even t!ic mials «" tio .apuiirs wbicti iuvari* b2_, arise wherever water i.> present; and iliere.iM illr.ir,o!ii;rs have baen led ti the com !a«i iti that our a'ullito is a steilto and a waterl ss d.'s;rt.—sCrt iu a I story of tln? Heavens FEW KIl ACItKS AM) BKTTiili KMTI'KXS. The PJJOI'I-KS* F.VUM AM) STOCK CYCU>I»KMA says : "The cost per bushel of grain decreases as the yield per acre increases. The same fact can he forcibly illustrated in an other way. One farmer, we will suppose, plows and cul tivates forty a res of land to raine six 'MIIU'.IV I I'lslul.-- of \\ be lt, I i>' oli lc|i t\\ cut y ai-; • to secure the saifie n- > .i|.»i:iu Now, at 'ii-st glnjtce o.ie might think that the lent, ihe plowing', planting, eulti valiuga.i l harvesting of the j extra twenty aeros would rep j resent tile dillierenee between j the two systems, hut looking i with a little more care into this matter, wo shall see that the extra twenty acres, if in grass or clover, will bring a good ineome with little or no expense. The twenty acres in grain will be more or lens im poverished, while that in grass or clover will have grown a second crop In-low the noil to enrich the land and improve its iiieehanieal condition, HO that, instead of a diminished yield the following year, we confidently look for an merexs ed one, Einperur William cODtumnn an anor. atou.4 tmannt of moil, boenuii wine ovary d»y. lie prefers t pipe to a e!g*r and lias uo utu nt Ml far a oigsrotte , CLIPPINGS , | From tin- Wilmington Shir. • • Jay Gould \» foiH of latub cbop*. The lambs that happen to Htray inte W all Strcot I a *e d i ovcred tbia • «• , l • /ha Lane Mills in New Oorleam tre working ou a contract to make | oti-n l-v/f » oove*«* I.4*K) ? , a leu. * ♦ ? )l«>ular. i *.t»r'?atO!;s to fome to Am erica it Franco initial» up«mi i,is extradi* lion. W'int '-.as America (tone to Hou* : lunger ' ! i • I 7be Aia^iiv.'tii ! ' -, , l- ■„ ~ a* home in England uow since li > bears tho familiar liuiu tf the A uiriovi roos- Hiii'.o o*er there. • • « Tlie State Farmers' Alliance of Al. ! abuiba, oow in session at Auburn, lias j resolved uni -r no vireiimstjtin»« la use J jjte fur baling ositon. If Sullivan is oonviotfll tbe punish l meat will be ouc year injiil and sl, ■ 'oo fine. The court may impose a less penalty but not less tliau a SV.IO fine • * • It ia not generally known that, there are gold and silver mines iu Dakota Since 1875, when the Dines were.ipcc el, tli- ou'pnt has be -' iu I f >ld and $1,710,000 in silver. * • Mi. IMaine is pielty well tixed fi.ian. j | ( uillv. lie has intt resU ill a gold and | s i or n.ito iu Culornuo, and also ia I •«1 ptOf '.'ii s ' IVnus_vlvr.ili.. all «f 1 wbivb ars paying baud some Iy. Mr. Blaine is thrifty. y • » Tin Atlaiitn .Jt "i: nt. 1 icrmil t that while nei,r> fi. u ' t)o Jer Stiites .re ii«v ted u> . I'i-- .S' ith. V. 110 ttt*. it:;ri U.C:. t, ! ■ : nil. iiiifraiits from ' ;iv Norlhorn State It might still turther roiuarK that no suoli uviution e>w.mi ' vouii. iiie. are uot wanted up lot. v. The .Siato L'l'ivcivitv has seaui'o 1 the acrrt-ies of a cotupcteu. te giva physical ustruction iu the gyw imiiuin. A fe? of s2."io will bo ic f|Uired of students who practice iu the gymnasium, ?il for the first tonu awl *1 .50 for the second, as compensation for the instructor. New York claims more park room tb.ia any other city iu tho country, 4,90.) acres. I'hiladrlphia ooines next with 2,78(1 acres, tlon Chicago with 2,847, 1 tow ton 2 28!), >S't. I.ouis 2,232, San Fracisco 2,181, Urouklyn 1139, and »al tiinote 770. • • The Hostuinstnr at New York his ordeied the delivery of sp: -in 1 delivery letters on Sunday •• as well us other days oil the ground that the people who pi y the tun cent* extr.i for special delivery are untitled to i! regardless of the day. , Tilts Sunday luw-ie.-istiug saloon keep i er» of C'iuciuatii concluded llmt discre ' tion wan the better part of ralor, plead the utercy of tiic oourt, and were dis charged on promise that thov would be. have themselves and obey the lawn. • a • lionry -W. Stanley is loat again IU Africa, aud wo are afraid Jitu iUnett Is, Mwe bare not beard from bint for fouia timo. Stanley will will find him self, but wc think loniebody will bave to go out and blow tbo bora for Jim. • • ■ New Orleans ha* a inuaijal prodigy, a colored boy twelrc years old, who witb but little ibntructioo plays the uiaatei piece* of the master eompoierx witb astonishing (kill. He despises a light order of mimic. • • • Since Queen Victoria hai come upon the throne the royal family hus hai cost the pe:>ple of Great liritaiu SIHH,(>IO,- 115, a u average of $!!,!!00,(MK) a yoar A pretty eostly institution for which there is no uio, fIOW£RS EOIUUiUiI Tbt Tarboro Southerner rucotiooos i the fact that one farmer in tbut county | iawed tbiti year and slipped north i 1,050 barrels of irisli poutxs from Hltocu aorci. It is a fair yield, but not extraordinary eoc We ha*- svp i/;M of six hundred bu»bel« to llic a-ic u •Juilford county and li, 0 reud ttc.i i.utlientieatcd accounts of a yield of imp thousand bushels to the •tore in Jtu . ("imte county, and ill ouc cist 'ilovjo i.midre! and fifty bushels tvitiim *(• • I'restct timsts of iue citj AVurvillo. Ylwrt i- 0' . s ta«i befveeu the Atliutic im ''ucißc, not ex lading t.'ali.'on.i i, (.:a ju.i foi ti c p> tat cist, A lit; 1, the Irish potato growi, to greater perfection tlnn • lose in sync |)oriun« u! Sot'h v-'.i.oi. . i. nt.J ti.e i'lu>i j min^ i Ita - . ootwitLstinuing tliis, of ban els o! Northern potatjvs ire m nj..Uy tuic yo.-tu (j -i !.uf. aities and town-, where liiey are sola it Si.6o tu §>2.lX) a bushel, to (apply (.be demand of those cities aud towus *hiio hundreds of our North Carolina iaruitri have to dujwnd on Northern growu potatoes from tlie seed they plant. Herx is room for ruloi »KA. i -Vlf or: A \\ estcrn editor tuea to remark: \ou May Urio tlie .iir it a ua ji jjog, .'Bug the oeean ou a rail f oco to diy, put the sky to sleep in a gourd, anbuok |le tlie belly band of etpruity but don't think you can escape the place that lies on the other side of purgatory if you don't pay for your i up.r | L>M Saturuaf a oegre oataeU Jaek- I »»u, aho into been prociaimiag him.-H.li j D.iuiei, the prophet persuaded threa j aegro UILII that th„y wee the | reprsMctativeb of S'lmdrah, -Vushaek, I Vbi'diiigi), the I line ohildtu of Kith 1 w '"''e»"J ti c f-ey fumaoe of Neb. juchadnemr >f „ld. The uegr.es obeying the command of Jackson,, euteied the gac of the Cupola furnace' nd rnslied into the heat of the inciting iron and, of eourse, were uu mediately burned to cinders. The negroes of the conuuunity still lo„k f#r their return. Hero it anothca evidence of supersti tious and barberous nature of the nogro —Star HO T > KlvKPSti RUT POTA 'I OSS tor the benefit of ioadc's, I g:vc jou iny (•\pcritiiee, eviei.diog over • twenty years, in preset ving swoct po ■ taloes. When u small boy I noticed that I mv father, who had a costly cellar, after Christmas, and that he always 1 had to buy his plan/ings frooi neighbor / m Philips / well rawcrubcr swoping biscuit for potatoes with tbe Philips uhildcn at school in March and April. From this neighbor [ loarncd how to keep sweet potatoes. Dig after the first signs -* " . r : ,ca the vines. Don't be i". Ir.r-v about it. Take ptcnty of tiuie; rather than rtoiry over getting thorn in t!.o tauc let theiu 9tay in tne pateh all night in small piles, putting vines over thorn to keep frost or heavy dew off. Put one or two I inonihs' supply in ecl'ar, tho others | to keep should be put up as follows ; I like time a'td d• > noi be iu a hurry Throw up foundation of dirt at least I eighteen inches, lurge enough to hold | twenty-five bushels or less, never more, in ouc hill. On this foundation siioiiM ' he spread dry pinu straw nt Irastm inches deep. After the potatoes hate been eu efuily piled on, coat with four or five inches of dry pine straw: on tbia place corn stalk vertically, makin each «talk fit snug and close to it* neighbor —on; round of stalks being sufficient. I*«t tbe stalks lap over apex of hill. Them .:ar«fulty oover with dirt about three inohe* thick until the weather get* colder, when as additional coat ing of dirt will be neeeessary. always leave top of hill tree from dtat. Tho traw and lapping tfUlk ends are tuS cient protection. An old window shutter* door or inch board placet! slooingly with slope to the north is all t.ic shelter neodnd. Tbe oolder tho winter, the tnorcdirt is necessary on tbe hills; too uiuch d'rt will cause rot IU njild weather. Potatoes are lucre ofua | damaged by beat than by eold Take down a whole hill, as necessity requires, | (or oeUnr or Mlket. and go potatoloss ( several days rather than broach your hill ii damp, fnrgtjy or rainy weather. I never have lost a crop of potatoes, and am enjoying tbctu now on my tablo three times a day if dosireifi. \nrycw Joyner in Bulletin '