REPOREP. &. POST. TIiniISRAY AUG. 22, I.SStt. i\)j>ics a Home. An* n'th oritior who fail* to receive tils HBPOIITER AMI) I'OKT every Week is i««|UCiitetl to report (lie failure. U'c trant to «ee wUtfre 'bo fault in. »'A ©Mat"* iimmitc yt»u tut.- n inrtc- Ami, I'ulth. lio'll |-r«»t it." lnurt adjourned Iml Friday «*ci'ing. After tue long rai .) spell weath er liero is delig It 1. Now is tlie lime tn the lieotn - taint. Stimo ol' our farniura Ii ive eoiitiucnoud •cuttiiiL' tnlMeeo The railr■•■•■l Milt b ■ o\> nf to travel jr ugh to Mt. Air, ti.ixi .yu.ird.y. %nii ' wluiat tl 4"J |«|' !• • The l-ito roa.u .''.itoneed tivv pi iu»i,.-r- /r (the railroad. Mrs |*eiir IV II .i->i'.m all 'i sri V? Il*«*tmi Haii-ston |iasittvl through lie. " to. I:iy. 'J'be |M'tifei«iis Ilea Im be.-u linilsoai I , mumei oiis a il aetlvelv eiu{ai;eil I his se. son Pli" K'B- io this inarkM afM b ntjht at l> t.. So, fail (, o 4 .u0 ie, not U'sinUle at l.j ef'.t'. Jr. U Benton Nelson of tlie Oerimiiiloii Timet, speiita day ln>ru last mnl an I look- i oil .is blight as onlinarily. Save your foddoi, uriub of the uiuad «* laud lit" beett overt)owed by the Ingl: water and feed will be *c»r«e. Omi't, don't, li.oi'i eut your tubaeco too soon unless tbe trust pushes you; | toliaueo is better thafi ua tooaeoo /ftt all. "Kit tuay gut tbero," but whan he 1 4ocs be will Slid D CSlate already theru *4lU>n goods cheaper fur ea»b than »D« mau tu (Jermanteu, All kinds of goods arriving almost /daily at I) C Slate's, iJerueiutou ; lie gives you the best values foi the money alown try hi iu. lliaokb rica are worth 3k; Cberrias 10 ; dned rpplea, nn. 2, .1 ots, no 3, 2 cis, no. 4, 1} ; peaches »Ji.'ed 5 to 7 jets, linpeclid halveV 2 ets, raspberries | A, daiusittis 3 J|r. Francis E, IVtiee near M *;iill |*ut. w«v i'mvveil us to d.»y som*' \"1! .a jgrnuiid leaves (seoni t pri.ijiii,' .vhic'i !i Jjad euit*d on eis stieks for wtiicb 1.0 lias iip i i'i.i le'twa |iat.'.il. You think from the few yellow burnt leaves nn you r tobacco ttiat it is loosing: not so; go through and look nt i», it i? not an bad as you think : a tew of the bottom leaies are firing, but the big part of the plant is gaining Mrs. John above tho Rook House lately narrowly eeoiped being kitten by a rattlvsnaku three and a half feet I. nn, which sho came enough on to touch w'c'ii sl.e was iu tho act of pulling *r«eds fro a;- iun 1 a head of cabbcge. It is a remarkable fact that out o. ioidii twenty men including lawyers, in. aide the bar, oni evening last week, eleven were ' barefooted on top of tlioir heads " 7'he quea'ion is, were they married men, or did tlioy just natural ly have uo in. hair, "tho place where the l»ool oitergravy." Wa arc pleased to say that we a idcd quite a number of name* to mir sub aonjitiou lint during court, anl tUudkful to those old subscriber* who atop; *d pud their aubsciiption, wbo like proa men, determined to suppor' their county paper. So fur as wo now ru jneuibcr of the whole nuuibor wbo |>aid their subscription, not ono ordered his piper discontinued. While there are, *nd always will be fotne dead beati, who will take a paper u (oog a* tboy can get it without paying, and then teil ( leir postmaster 'o notify the publisher that it ia not wanted. We bate no word of oondolenoe but turu then over to the d 1 and bis elan, and we half inelinal to believe with one of the bist old ladies we ever met wbo said, tl used to be sorry that there ia • plaee of tor ment, but some people are so mean that It ia a good thing there ia a h—l for them to go to." If you owo us for yoor paper, or any. thing else, and can't pay, remember that we do not even think hard of you bat if you aro taking our paper and dei/t intend paying, just tell ua so, and w» wili nark your name off, bid you good day, and torn yoa over to the old »el lee tor down below wbo keep* the ac counts of all who are too mean to pay tb«ir subscription when they cotiveo- Vepiently eap. 1 lio iv.'Vi jml»llc* i-Xinnin;: • tioif of c. lio i] u»ii''!it'rs vvi 1' lie "it tlit* 12. i:{. :ll|il I+ll,, n, I h,. vxamiiuitimm will ')t- wril ten. I • Tia»: Kaii: wolf. I Til » ?he wolf tha' hi I li' .-n it Hint' | he section around jinsi rffioo ii- k i dia»p|ienred as wo ure told . gome poo iplo went on tho hunt for it, but fsiled ito g?t up *it!i the ferneioits vinilnr j.'liDHgii they e«,t two fi:xe» as a reward ! fi>» tli« ir trouble. I ItARK BI RNT 1 Mr. VVto. I'itzer, Kid Stioil- lost n j b-iro uf tohneou by lire yesferdjy. lie onrinjr llo' -t.«lk and twin by char -'1 •»i.eii a stiek tell and beeai'ie I nited. L'c ine The f"lif.riug m-irriar lioete V:r I i 'tin ed t i .... I'.rtgi. erf Doii'. -i'i". oui Inst r port : H»' let Hotel, iu aid Kumiy Wil,. kin-. : V I: im-.F .1. H jl'soii (i inu and Nan !■> 0. Kag g . J W II ,lt.-ii at) I i II! i It.l/uttie. C*ANDJURYREPOPT I'd Honorable J. A. Gilmer, Judge Presiding: The Grand Jury for Au gust Term ISSSt of Stokes Su perior Court would respect i fully report to this honorable ,I'omt that they have acted up on all bill* which have been , brought before them and have made presentment of all mutters of » criminal uuturu tliat wore wilbin their kuo* ledge. limy would further report thai tbey have visited (lie poor house and jail aud found the poor litiune IU good condition aud the iu uales say th. y are well Ires' ed. Also found tile jail ill a eUltn healthy condition and the prisoner* seem to be treated fell, but would teoiin • n.eud some repairing be done to said ail a* wo d>u*t think it .tale. /'•ley would further report I y have eKaiiii'iod the court house a lind it not in very good condition b . t; i It tt will do for the present. 'I l.c; Would fnr'her ivpeoit i if i .iye examined ibe ol!i s ; tLct .... i ik and Ilcgistcr ol Deeds an I U-r- liioui n •jood condition. iicspcctifully Mt'mitted, \V 1,, i 11.1.KV , Foreinan Gruud Jury. Attgu-t 9rh, ISS-J. h Prisoner s Lament. A country man propensity t r indulging tt> \pplc Jf.-k Ivnl induced him iu fall into a'boll - spn'ii during the ttrvt week of court which lead to his bciug sentenced to jail for ten d.tys, has given tbe following account of his ex perience during his stay iu those quar ters, which ho styles, "te i days in Juuah's whale oi the belly • I hell." "/ was put into a coll tolerably wel l furnished with a blanket, sp.nui handle, aud bucket. Well I lay down using uiy arm for a pitl iu, aui iu a fow min utes ibe jailor brought Uie s supper I consisting of half a pound of corn dow ■ with a small crust on the upper side and a suisll piece of bacon ; alior smelling of the supper J agaiu rclurnua to uiy I blnnkot where 1 tumble i twi ' o'oloalf when the sheriff entered o. ' 'dl mo 1 wouid liuio lu go u stairs to uuotlior 11| st, h• had two women thai must on t-upy the noli-, the el 't's'o .on in»: in.d I found luybdf in ii cell wi'h t •n r others vlij extendud then bud to mull'' room for me by pullim; tli.'ir blanket liull in t|v- ; Ht'M in irliilii.- about * o'e.i ek tiiruk':ist caw.", »Pt r I'd-: X ■>-... in lo look aIM/Ul to see luw this cell was fori. Shetland j found a a water bucket, two tinsups n it! - j out baiulhs. spoon, spoon-liaml'e, qu i', piece of a and walor bucket which would oover t!»e s.uull of a pole cut. While pondering over my situation I found one of my iwinrsdi'' 111 a Ih w state of health, wbo was furnished with UK same diet I was ; 1 law that be must soon die and thinking my i-*»h critical I sent home tor nuliloiis , that were oHiked by my wife imp brought by my Aiitbftil son every day, wbo on bis return w tli food yen.d bring a water-melon wbicb sorveil lor water, for wo wer> furnished water but twice a day and Mint time but once, al last the tenth dsy rameaud 1 be gan tp wash np and prepare to leave the jail when I found that ill) flesh was all in large whelks. 1 began an examination of Urn rell sgaln and found i lo be literally lined with ehiiH-hes, fleas ui|i| Ik*. I con cluded that tbe oounty goveraiiient must be Republicaa, feeing the chinches, lloe and fleas, ard the nojjrws that guard 'd and o pened tbe doors, farnlab the dough, etc ; but i eoneoled myself by saying tliat I aoutd loave and get slwt of the uegnes, flws, Ilea aad eh indies, go lione, barn my clothes and still b» a good Democrat If I wanted U be, !IA Rl' 'SON'>' A. 'WTKKNAI. gos r.r.Nvi'.n r. i Uaro ii the list o fa nily *| > KM. I iiipM"> rrvlwd to dai It i oti 1. Tile l it si'l-iil'v brother. I ' 2 Tbo tit's hr tit -r in lti«. 1 ;! Tli" I'r:*i lt nt'fi» -r iu lr« » 'I .» I' ' lan The i.icut u Non .4 wite'a cou*- 1 in 1 0 The President'.-* nephew. 7. The President's (Uutfliter'« broth • | IT in law. 1 /'he l*r«- a a:u*nt*s brother's son n ! law I I*. The f'rctid«iit'« witu*H ntfce s htm* I hand. The IVeHiilent'u bom* a fitluT u law's mere's iMiihrnit. ! 1 \ /'So I'f oninti: * hrolb- i ,(\n. ITI, try V hff»the> i'i l*tw * '* Thi He'Tetary of*tfitc*M *t»n I • »• :*> *i lurv ..t s nephew 'J •r. .. •• Ou !, f»'Sr"'* tw« I ' j H! *!*' 1.. I' I *.l* IHII aHlunur's Wl'o ! 17 :i: .i. n HAM* I *rr » f 1 • lit*!: n i e. O, Ni .pot it m, thy ...*ni • is linn »i • - Twin Citf !>*:'.»• Superior Courts H Slate vs A M tirogan, lefni'inj pleads guilty, judgment §lO uud osts 16 Slate vs A M Origan, retailing, pleads guilty, judgment $lO aud cost*. 18 Mate vs A G Stuart, c. e. w, nol proa. 89 State vt> James 1 illey, c. !. W, mil pros. 41 State vs James Tilloy, (son of Aa ron Tilley) e. e. w, pleads guilty, j udg- uient suspended on payment ot costs. I 43 State vs Si 1 Huanetf, disturbing ' oongresstiou. pleads guilty, judgment jsuapcudtd on payuiuut of ousts. 50 State vs li'irles J N ensoul, a and j 0. pleads guilty,judgment, Hue aud |*...»s. 7i) State vs Walter Davis, col d, lat i aeiiy, guilty, jadgment lb months tn I county jiil to work on puMie roads. 11l f'ti'e vs Andrew Whto i.ntl /fill. Heath, affray, guilty, judgement us te '.Vh.te 10 ling' in jail to work on j t't-lu road*: as 'o lleatli cos s liJtd r. s , f J|. I h 4 ,i Mate vs J Nh"l»nn and .) F itges, i mil h , gil'y as to S 'lt n j . ge !!!•!,t $.lO Ulld Ousts. sr. Sta'iivs.) !i Aldrtdgo, false lupniM , , !eads gulf . judgement se.s. ! pcudud on pigment of easts. ! .Mi, State vs Jeff Aldridge, larceny, : pleuds guilty iilgouteiil 4 year- n ihe I p.... i, ||ii irv I «7. .St .tev .i:. I a. w , plaids goilij. j" g 1«» ml 4 ■ wWi w> j J V llieut i-t **. j Ss, 89,' and ill. .. 44 .W Katnii, re'ailtng liijn i. t leads gi:-ii> suspended «*n pivtu :nt ol I ■•osts. I ' i State vs J*m'.l v. • -tt> t Rija ' M-.iiiii, col' l, f. io i a. gut! 79 State vs Walter Davis, latoouy, I guilty, judgment l tf inos , hard lab'.ir on j the roads iu tli" county. 51 Stnle vs S I* Shel'on, n and b, ' guilty, Cue $7 and costs. I S'J State vs J I, ShcDon nod J F I Hedges a and b Sheltim guilt; 4 , lludgi s ; not guilty, fine f'J ' an 1 coin I 111 State vs A.l While ar.d Win. Heath, affray, gililtv NVfc'te tn e viutv ! iait for IT lays work 4 ! utt •. oun'y Heath to ray huf c ! 1' iite., I'J 1t...; Mid ":i 1.-iv« | son, eM'i.ii if jut 'icrs, verdi " truil' . ! piJ.fti i.t i-iH fenny an I costs a- t. . ii. j » ' R ii ■' il 1 Mab ,;... ■' P...' ,Tbo. A i je, . om ' poll I I > I ill th.! ea j 1' 11 t Main 4 4 l„: : b'.Ou io ' 0f; Ij j tr ' anou lot- v. !i« o ior u>' .id.. . . 'tjltsj eaeli fir tl. a 4 a, p.taraiieu t. ii >' ( term. CIVi;. DOCIvRT. (! MeOniilesa v* I'linobom ni ul ooitipi. " MuOntiliw vs Plinehein et al »• 8 MuCanloas vs liierson " 0 MoCunlcs* va I'linohem et al " 25 "-bort vs Gilbert et al, verdict for plaintiff. 28 Vaughn vs Wall, judgment, fc; plaintiff. 2tf Westmoreland vs Wal', non suit, 31 Benett vs Slate' verdict for plain, tifl, appeal :13 Myers va Hitting, Verdict for pliin (iff. 52 Railway Company v Walls, judg ment lor plaintiff. f>o Kailtvuy Company v.- Kulk, judg. mcnt for plaintiff. 82 Smith V 9 East, noo suit. 87 Auith va Wecstor, Don suit. !85 Dal Lou vt TilloUon et al, non mit MOTION DOCKET 1 Franois ot al v« Worth adin'r., et at.—Notice to iuue to parties of m»- ! tioo to let aaido judgment; order of ; publication mTbo Hornet, a paper pub -1 1 liu Pan bury. p i Wilkes v» Turpin, Bon suit Uiobanlsoa cl al, vs Stoolo, judtr iim'h- fir wan", of answer «J S UM AN WAIYL EH. ii, r nitirt of fl-ur, one liilf a toa , alt tbroy t.iliL"«j',.iiinfult fif i»p.iinfuU of baki'ig- I.vder, two tablespnonfuhi of lard, [ 11;: luf onu l.'iuon chopped very fine, I one tcupiioiiful of cionauion, fv>nr wel' in ati n eggs and one pint of milk, rub I ihe 111fd iuto the flour before adding the i tber ingredients: mi* into a smooth, l.i a iviiti r m hot waffle irou, serve with sugar flavored with lemon and out - , !l)tfg. 11l AKS IN TAIMiO HO. i A fiii'rt'spoiult'lit 'uritinj:" iVom Tuibiiro ivpi'i ts si-wrul i| i>m "•' •tic. ct ! ~iiitfcd in tliiil I. *f iV !\. '! I: -4 V» i_M't j 'i! Miiihlm;. 'K' ll ' wlu'ii :it |tfm;if» wcrt- mailt ui t'Mti r ■i vcii! Inn. ' At on.' of li" 'ni ;ht lny-fflar was fp«'o«*iiized. tile police Wen ! put on his track and tiu* luir j and an accomplice were I arretted and committed to Jail |to await trial at the Superior I Court which meets atTarboro ' in Oc toiler.—Star. Nurlh Carolina is uinving forward 11 many ways. In fact ilia ranking pro gru.«s along every line, but this progess jl3 not to marke tan in railroad building ] ami in llie establishment of manufactur ing interests u various kind*. M ith a , lew more years of such progress as wo I have made thus far in '.BBO and North Ouroiinu will have that diversity of •of industry it so greatly ueeds.—»Twid i Cuv Daily. | Tho Sunday Uw-rcsisttog saloon keop lers nt Cineiuatli concluded that discre j turn was me hotter part of valor, plead i tho mercy of the court, and were dis t clia uii lo'ouiuc that th"v would ba- I have ihcajaclvcs and obey tlic laws. * * ' « Henry ,U. Stanley is lost a£*in in \!'rica, and wo ar • afraid Jim Bem't' j if, ns we have noi heard from in in for -oni" time. Stanley will will find him ! .elf, but we think somebody will have to !»o out jtid blow the horn lor Im. • • • ' Ni v Or!;ans has a musical prodigy ;i ! ,jd hiy twelve yeal* old, who lloi li:;i> instruction plays the -;Hi ueos • f the master composers >v: 1 • ! skill. lie despises n 1.,/'.! orJ.r ol musio. * * » J i.'i-.i Vii't'-ria lii." come upou I the Umnio ilio royal faunly lias has oust il t pi -pic of Great Britain $108,010,- 11», an average of $H,360,000* year ! \ protty costly institution for which j ibvr- is no u te. Money to Lend ( l.\ I NUMITKI) AMOUNTS) ! ON Goon R.-.AL KST\tk B».CLKITV Itvi'li interest pavnble semi-annually or in" iil, i p-ofirrol . Loans to run hvo years and secured by first mortgage • bonds. .Judgments, mortgages and liens of every liesoriptiiu paid oft' and .•in lItUJ given. , Call .i' r.- Jd' ii M. ar vi 'K Nftin • va. 11\» IVtnbui y, N. C. 1 Clipping*. i* .o.j ific iijmet. !>t, undu'it. V n-itorn are still leaving the Spriugs. Farmers are busy cutting and ouri ng I t obaoeu. Mr. W. N. .Afebane aud family ai e at Piedmont. Too much proviousness i» the cause of base ball's death. Mr. 11. M.Joyce is the uew postmaster lor l)anbury. The protracted meeting at this place begins sth Sunday in September The jail birds are work ing on the Piedmont roatl. Mrs. John Lawson narrowly escaped being bitten by a r. 'tie-snake, lately. Dixie Olmor'i Excursion lruiu-Ui. Airy to the ooein, ban been postponed until S«pt 18th, on acooant of damage done to the C. V. k | V 11 Ir oad by the lite freshets, I 'i 11jiOr4 '"r • >', 1..T;n.»;. »fi. \■ I/. claims the r'.iaiuoi lutiip of N-i! {Vr linn on low priocs llefm !' . >.. I who has boniht of lliom * vntn ' liigtsl nf Sugar. ( >'l ' • M 'vrn)' ■W a car 1> ul tilt, j -i • • #1 the lied Store. (iCi ": v t Mllff. tll.M'.l &'C l I 111 «:V Ctl eVeiy til.ilij siev :mI ■■' . ■*t i ttei.' stOro t« n I'll. •_ .if i ill ir good*. »uitable tepU'uS" 'I" if ' i'j -. f:.u'. thai tie pro prietor!) of t(ip t! id Stui'o , (jul'UialllOll, X C., are iwiug oviiy possible mean?, to coutrol the trude of tliU section ul country. how pneo* is tlicir bigg.' i ad vertiser. Uroupy sufT.ieuliotiii, night couglm «•> all Lite common iilfvi'ii'iua ul ill. throat •lid lungs a|uiuklv relieved t.y L'r .1 II Mel.can't Tar Wine ai.ti liiu g H ■ Old peaple suffer much from li->oi dcrs of the uriniary organ*, uud il ways (tr.iiifi.-d at (Im wonderful effects ! 'V •) li McLean's l.iver and Kidue) i hi lianiaking llioil troul'i n, SI,OO ju botiK if \'iu fun up phlegm, and arc tiOu blid wilb a hacking cough, use Hi 1 U McLean's Tar wine Lung llalni. Nolicc ol* Action. tatc of North Carolina Stokes County In Superior Court, ArenaC. Davis, Administra- I [ l'l'ff. tix of Jesse J. Davis, dee'd, ) rs. Joseph Mitchell and his wife, "j Alice Mitchell, and otlier | heirs at law, of Jesie J. Da- J. Dcf'ts, | vis, dee'd. In this ease it appearing to the satis- ' taction cf the court that the dclcndaiits | Joseph Mitchell and his wife Alice | Mitchell are non residents of this State t and that service of summons cannot be be personally natde on them by reason ! of their oou residence and it further ap pearing that they arc necessary parties defend acts in this action. It is therefore ordered ihat service of summons be mauo upon them by publi- | cation for six successive weeks in tho | RbPiiRTBS-PobT* newspaper pub-' lished in Daiibury, Stokes County, N ■ 0., coiumaudiug the said uou resident I to appear at the office of tlic clerk of the | superior court of Stokes county on tir "itth day "f August I s ! 1 '.), and answer lie complaint of tho plaintiff which i tor a decree autiiormiii!! the plaintilT to sell a portion of her im 'tare- land fir the pay mi ut •!' iail iut jstutw ! t> t ; And let %• -,n ] iv ■, i. - . nt :..|,jii.;. atis ti:ki' notice tint i! iti-v fail > an , pear or answer tlic eu-c .v'•'.i 1 > lit nil expurte *s to them. | Given fuller my hand an.l I of office at Duolinry, N. I Thin 10th liny >f July 1 s•*>!•■ N. O. J'tTBI t, S I' C- F. & Y. V. RAILWA Y 3 r # *rii«l«*ns**«l fM*li«*l«litl** N"«». 12.—Taking elUa't Wednesday June r*MHiisp'r j Fii'iglit ami and HI «!l j Aon 1111111(1'n Lv lfc»iH , 't«vlll»» 4 :UI ain j 700 ain Arrive Max ton "• | o M*ave Miixion .*» *• i» l> Ar Fayoftevlile 7 -V. u 150 p m Lv Favettevllle BnO - 4 , fHiO am ARSIMIF.»NL 10 UO 44 . I J *IS J . Lv Suiif.rd 10 20 " | 240 » Ai Oroflosboro ..1 4o j» m , SOO »• Lv Ufrer»HlKHo....«i (V» •• Mt"» am Ar Mt. Airy 600 II *0 l'a»-»'ii*;«tr ami mail * on li hound li t'jwt al Fav«*ttevi!l«' a.i*l di.iu.:i at tin* i. liUltl. Train* .V«»vli. s 'outh. h,-.. t- Kp'i/i and mall. aim iw« • i. ILv Mt. Miy I l"» a 12 > j» ... •j ! " 4*» • I". JLv Giwnsborn '• 7 •n. • \rsaiif -d. lOipm I.* pin » s-.nfo .i i t~' '• - *" !• i" . Vr Fa* cti• III.; :l 2«» " • '• !.\ F.i,«s • 'II *)0»ai". ! ,*i an •• »i" " I It. •"> l"> I. +• • lAr llanottevllle 040 •• DM ■ ami South Ih»U ml hivitk at Greensboro ami -I nner at S a ii ford. ory and Madison Brandies. —freight and and Accommodation. Trains mow ox N"ortl». Leave Mlllboro I 7 20 a in Arrive Grnenshoio 1 000 •• lieave i»reens»oro | 10 10 44 Arrive Madisoi \l*#o 1» »•» Trains Moving South. Leave Madison.. I I 4R J» m Arrive G.eeusboro I 4 Ift 44 Leave Greensboro I 4 40 44 Arrive Millhom 16 W 44 ltasottgcr ami Mail Trains ritu«laily ex .•cot Sunday. Freight and Accomodation Train runs from Beuheltsviire to Fayeteville ou Tues days, Thursdays ami Saturdays ; irtrlght and Accommodation Train runs from Fay etteville to Uencttsvllle on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays ; from Fa> ette ville to Greensboro on Mondays Wednes days and Fridays, and from Ureenbom to to Fayetteville on Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays ; between Greensboro and Mt. Airy on Mondays, Wednesdays aud Fridays. Trains on Factory Madison Branch run daily except Sunday. W. E. KYLK, Ml Pass. Age.*. J. W. FRY* Gen'l Bupl. 'JB S£t SITE One'Way —TO— M VhE MONEY. ft i.s i ouiu t iU' / /'nit thnl ,7/r >Vs7 will 'n in"l\'i' htuiii'u is '> .si Iff it, ii lift till' HE i. Hi I K "iresyou bcloti a list n/' articlesantl nrices• u hicli i • / ' enable ijo i to .n> r • muir on fju'tr/) i''i''t .j. i j ijo!t ii it' lull/ come to xi iis. .i / /» i si el st ijrrft. ~i ~i rin } / . liuu t i.i i ■ •• •* iy 4> JrU'f •* •• 4\ *• 21» .SVt#/ 11*11/ j-.'hnM, u •* htm llortn-1 lliin>M t 50 " '• Tiiice C/miiiM, U2 *• M Crin'ltloHd *, 1 'iwl i-il /nv (U, llt'Crrxiblr linoh Lm'/r*, 11) i ts, riir/i. fin at *n f 'row i'ul hirfir, (»I"IT«>*9) SI,IS 44 Ufnt Atwrictiu Crow Cnl Fit**, 15 c/n, " I'lutc I'uiut* and LaiuUiihn, tuch. Fucorilr C 'urn Stu Hern, { «icA. 4 hhXi'x IHl'ijv sr.i 111 ndm/ t o •I '• " " .j 44 .11-o a full assortment uf ,11 attocJcs> Harrow Teeth, Dash Sri/ihcs, lie//air Links, t'luiv lioltsi Single 'frees, llie/c B fc.'t Is, Co o Chains, f'ij/ic, Pmeket Unices. Table ( iith-ri /. sc. #c., .I' l sold jatlSA' /i 111 J 7i cut prices. For the next 30 we will offer srKCf.IL I.\DVCEMEATS in nil if inter Goods, consisting of Jeans, I l i'/rn Dress Goo*/*, I aderioear, Rub. , I'iul many other things. sat! \hu. Wo are receiving our Spring Stock of Shoes niii Hats, and as we make these t vo lines a SI'KOI.VUTY, we will be prepared to do you Mime good on them -1 be prepared tor bargains. Kxpeot them, ask for them, and you shall have theiu. If :h.s money saviug is not too much of a trill", to let go unheeded, come to see us, trust our promises uod see it we lie. We don't just make a b.oad assertion, i.ut most merchants do) that )vt> sell cheaper than other houses, bit back our claims by prices that arc tound to convince any "doubting Thom as'' Xew Home Sewing Machines the l»est at hon est profits. OITli RULE.— OtH' price to all. OUR TKIIMS. J\' ett npot cnwli. OUR MOTTO-The best bottom vu 1 HUH tor the money down. 1 f you nevei have tried us, speak to youi neighbor about as, ask him if he has ever tried the BKK HIVE, —if he Ins ask his opinion about our elaims. '•ivc us a trial to provj oar preton tionr. Will yon do it 1 We feel sore you will. Yours anxious to please, W. I). Baity & SONS, Kotioc Hy virtue of ft demve (| i.' 'V Conr Olork of /»"•• f v. it sell for euflli on the prnni ■» 20th Day of A • • • ' in tI»C COlUlty of StoK-iS » /:>> ;,.»•.* I of land *ouiaii. i>£ •• In •■»' I limy acres iu«>ri? 01 io • ' » •'« * o u llu WAtsrs J ! ' ' : l\ • adjoining the lands of Thmta i' othcra, kuownnslhc W,.» i i' Then is a flood and fortohu 1 aog on bii«l laud with otl»» r j »«»1 not building «u;h lit. barn*. • it»i .s \c laud •- well tiuihoruu .ihuoij watered pr«ulueed finest'|Ua!i' of tofmt**' cor: and wheat a' the >un»» tune tu«-ri w»»" be «- !»i i hit of [ i uiial j.iopci ty. Terui.s oi diiiu CASM. j p || , July 10th 1 . \». J C» litviii}? qu .litied ft » JminiHtritoi u|ou the eatai • >♦ Matdda Hart dee d. 1 hereby £ ; vt: genual notice *«» all t•» - son* indebted to «nid estate to cuu forward ai i t.nk« 'uiiuk Ii to payu«»t and ull j- i »»ip Invinj iddii aid estate i• 1 ■.. t | rosatit them duly ai: ii 1 for . : lament 11 . » bciorc th'* ' •!. ». "t iM'' l or otherwise tln.Dotico v.ii So |* in bar of their r« • over; .Ju!\ 10th 18b-K »l. I .: \i • A!ni'r. WANTED Wanleil at oiuv 10,000 01' 20,'XJO acit'-s «»f tint-tobacco laud. 'l'lu land is wanted ij out* body, OI ai noar bigether .is nny In?; ti« prvftirrod that at at. lf»wt 2,0*) acres ixli«»nltl l** in small traotaaud in a »r«H)d state of cultivation, witfi lucm to occupy. I>«» not expect fancy price* ; w«* w ill pay cash hi Unii'l if wo buy. N.M. I'KIM'tCU, Kfitl Estate Agent . Daubury, N. t». July Ist, 1880. NOTICE OF ACTION. State of Nortli Carolina Stolros county, In Superior Court. Arena 0. Davis, Hlft', Joscpc Mitchell and hi* wifts Alice Mitcnell ami other ueirs at law of Jevse J. Davis, dee'd., defendants. In thin case it appearing to the satis faction of the court that the defendant.-. Joseph Mitchell and Ins wife Alice Mitch tdl are non-residents of this .State and that service of summons cat. nut bo per s.mally made on them by reason of their uon-resideuce, and it further appeana-; that they are ucccssary parti JS DU. ■ dants in this action It is therefore ordered thai serve,, of summons be made upon them by | üb lication for six successive weeks in tii>> UKINIKTSU, a newspaper pufttisho i In Daubury, Stokes county, N. (J , eo.i maiiding the said non.resideut defem' ants to appear at the office of the 'lo> of the Superor court of Stokes county on the 24th day of August ISM' and answer the complaint of the plji:iti:i which is tor a decree authoring the i sipnment of Davis to paid plaintiff ,'M tl lands of her husband Jesse .1. J>aw dee'd, which be owued at tlic tim of n. death. And let the said n-..i ro- J! defendants take notice that it' they i.ui to appear or answer the « ase >• 1 l.j heard ex parte as to them- Gtvs'i ,JI. der my hand and seal of vi. 'o ai l'j.i bory, N 0. •• This 10th day of July l^i) ». o. PKTftKK, c. - | Scabolt & | TIN AND SI [RET J RON WO UK ' Wi/vtfou an. / Wa'n-'M ('■>"> We \\ ish to say to the tobacco grower that v,v are prepar joti to fit 3i j* Tobacco Flues to order ei *i, jer at Walnut Cove I or W i list OH. See us before you buy. Respectfully, SKABOOLT& REMP^ON Imperfoet digeetion iiui a*»imiUtion produce disordered conditions of the system whioh grow and are ooofirmed bj neglect, Dr J H Mo bean's Strength eniniog Cordial and Hlood I'uriQer, by its tonic properties, cures indigestion and give* toue to the stomach SI,OO I er bottle. If your kidneys are inactive, you will feel and look wretched, even in the most cheerful society, and mclanoholy on 'ho jolliest occasions Dr Jll McLean'* Liver and Kidney Halm, will set you right again. SI,OO. Won you const ipa tod, with loss of ap petite, headache, take one of Dr J U McLean'* Little Liver and Kidnoy Pel lots. They are pleasant to take an cure wilyou. 25conts»vial