W hen >ou toeom tha Twin City fW nhool'l not forgot that J, Vogler has the largest and beat as- I (Mte.l HOLIDAY stook in town such m silver ware, (docks bronzes, gold and Hirer heodod cages and umbrellas, jew tlry of every desortptioo, Aohm, Lum kirt gold pons, the best that are made Bo has just added to tho stock • very handsome case of the finest of fOOKETKNJVKS AND SCISSORS fb Hot forgot the piaeo. T. VOGLEIi Whwton, - Q3r*Repair promptly A done . Jl ■ - - . OEBMAJVIOJY, C„ tfVUI keep in addition to a general as- PMrtwciit of Merchandise, Corn, Peas, gud U ny, und the leading brands of Keitiliscr, : aUo food and livery »ta- Ita. OtOOfKkVtA k B vrba U CH IM BER SETr TABL E I WARE, COFFINS of all sizes and jfrca*, or anything in the 1 fltrrdturto line, mW lo» CIC- ■ $£Q l TICE, east 'jido of court-house square WINSTON, • • N. C fWt fail to go through b» maiu gedi establishment and see whero he Oyioftiehitere bis own goods. IF "YOU WANT QU or needles fcr any sew ing machine, or the latest wonder in improved m ekJnev. call at\ SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO., OFFICE OPP©B;T* P. O. cotistor. a. caroliha. bmAm to low prie«« aad good goods fuaflßJw, 6ADDLBS, BRIDLES, COLLARS VOIP . LAP ROBK9, 4*., Lanreat ctock In WINSTON N. C as 4 *ee ate and b« oonvin mi. Jb W* WUlpley JWaat to *§. AUon's bard wart nn Ave ikt btti Nwiui-Bfch.ut m th« a»j ut« .-v>rrfWVMVi b tf u !V rwo(k.trMkirtMf »*.«*». (a#'t4rr latmtiica. r k> V"* YIMIMLmiL ■rguli **».. a~ tea. A "«—2B UNION SQUARE** ar.touiaj£Tii£^, t s Ir^'nima^fni —*• LaifMt, fHKAPEKT ana Bml Equlppr* *ek«ol im Tids-WftUr Vir«io»a. Two hundre J and ISift v Students is ttteadaocc Ust session. Home comforts; n:oral tru tiling ; fc |wyyal "*f| 1 Jpcnt|o« and climate dehghtfol. Hoard and Tuition OJ(L¥ 942.30 per quarter. Write for catalogvi>#i*jug fuithcr tatormatior. J. A. L Ca*B«&y, I'raocyal, Norfolk, V* RESERVES) FOE W, 1 POSTER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL druggist 6®M WSffOBO Wm . C . Brown. ***** c - Bro '" A FRESH LOT OF b L A N D R ET H > S' CLEVELANDS & PERSY'S GARDEN SEEDS BROWN'S DRUG STO R, ! WINSTON, . . . • W.O CRANITEIIRONWAHE* WgSm k Hon— *** M^|WlWt»»w"' L> " ' «'i'" COLLARS m-. .m—■WggßßjSßL.■ .' ■ - - • a- T ' , .. .L .•«" -f ■/: v«, . • ' ■ ■ ■ ' * f • •. • v • •*"' : *• . •' t- • ■■■ ijV. v-iir ; ' # - $500,00 Reward, WILL BE PAID FOR ANY MAN WHO SELLS CLOTHING Cheaper than THORNTON & CO., 3 Doors North of Post-ofllce, utßiaiir stsssi* C. E. BEXETI J. A. BENETT WINSTON MARBLE WORKS, imtkmrnm Marble and Granite Monuments, —— Headstones, Tablets, Mantels, se, Opposite Brown's Warehouse Main Street, t j 4 #, ... WANTED! WANTED! 100.00Q t A£ea., vromea childr«« to 3 UY HARDWARE, n«flnm 4iir ileitis «a ■Crawford's Hardware Store of every description. Mea dowking and Deering mow ers, warranted the best. Top buggiesat SSO and $55, Phae tons, Hacks, Busies and Carts at any price desired and cheaper than ever be fore. Empire drills (lie best on the market* Building material of every description. Save your mon ey by buying from me. R. 11. Crawford. Winston, N. C. - • p f——- HINSHAW &MDiARIS. Three Cardinal their Dealings with GOOD QUALITY LOWEST PRICE! And Pcrfi-ct Natisfaction. They dou't handle shoddy goods. , HIHSUAW k MEDKABIS, Buy Grocert", Oram, Flour, Flour, Wat, Mtdassca and all heavy goods by tlifl cur load and their Dry goodsa Aetieaa aa other goods in original packages of first bauds at :ho very loweat oasb prieee aad offer unequalled iiidueomem-nts (o cash buyers. llinshaw k Madearta, immense stock of U.116R drrse gooff.-*, notions, trimmings Lseer, lloisary, White Goods, Bleached and Urowu Oomoatio-, Giughama, Lavas Prints. Chalices he , Alfo a splendid Assortment of Carpets and Siraw Mat., tings thai defy eompotition. Umbrellas, parasols, C-ÜB, ate, . .; Uiuahaw k Medaarii, etrry the largest stock of any house in Wiaatea, V. 0. men's and boys' fise, medium and heavy i lioos and Itoota iuelvding a targa aa. •ortment of Bay Ktate £hee* and boots whiob are unexcelled in quality, It tad prices. Kximirie tbair slock of hata, hoiiury, shirts, collars, haadkarehie. aad umbrelUrs before you make any purchases. Ilinshaw k Medearis, beat gradea syrup, molassea, sugar, eoffses, teas, flair, meal. I'ird, bams, spices, exlrasU, oracksis, alio a full lino of vanned good* tad faucy grooerias at loweat pruj. Aiushaw Si Medearis, ladies, Missus and children!, shoaa a specialty, all gradea from 1110 finest to course heavy laoludiug a full assortment of 1\ C'ex, Zetglar •nd Jiay Sjate shoes whieb ara the most popular on tho market, ll will pay yau to examine tbeir stock before making your purobascs. Ilintbaw k Modearis, pell Btar Brand Special Tobacco Han a re, Anchor Bread tobacco fertiliser and Star Brand Guauo, thruo of the bast brauda of fertilisers made. 1 bey aiao aell onip the neat qualities of red elovar, aapliag elever, ti. niothy, erchard grass, Kea lucky bluo grass and Hftrd# graaa seeds. stir Mr aad Guano is tba boat fertiliser made for the wheat and graaa orapa. Ilinshaw k Medaaris carry a full liae nl linseed ail, window glass, patty, aaal oil, sole leather, rope, backets, tabs, keg*. trays, paper bags, wrapping p.per, hoes, mattocks, shovels, forks, grain and grass soythos, burse and mule skeee, horseshoe nails, saws, hammers hatchets, looks, soruws, binges, all at tba leweet prieea. Ilinshaw ft Medaarie, Headquarters far teas, apiaee, caaaad frail*, —esasee, flavorwg eitiaote, iuiphar, blue staae, eaator tad sweet ails, pataat aiadieiae eraekers, giager aad leaion aaaps, Keyal baking pewders, Heisefards bread preya aratiea aad athar baking powders. lliashaw AMe dear la' bastaoes has steadily moraaaed every saeeaadiag yea aad hat beea aiaeb larger aa far this roar than over befara. l'bey aaa aad df compote snooeaafaly in stock, quality aad priues IU bath their Wkaleaale aad Re tuil depart meat, whioh ara kept aeparate uat only wit* aay aad alt beaeea ta ta State, bat with tba Norther) cities. Htnsbaw A Madearis have increased their stack ia both tbair Whola Retail departsaenta so aa ta meet the demands of their taoreaaed trade hoop pabe with tba oow trade being opened up by the three aaw railraa every eaa,te oaamioe their ataak aad prices. They deal fairjf wi HINSHAW & MEDEARIB, ' ■ 4f»;' j* HIMTON, N CM ' oca Ist,lt I* »