Reporer Si Po&t. r»U WD AY NOV. 14 11*9 "♦ «MeT* nui you laka'a eelta, 4m*. fallk. ka'U pr.nt II." w i Atf Mjycriber who fail* to rwseiv AND POST every weeki MMm *f "P®" failure. Wa WWJ* where 'he fault b. topics at Home. QtatJ IliM yeaterday morning. C«urt (« ia (action h*re tbia ink Ja4g»J. A. Gilmer on lilt it oat. fkaaka, to tbe men, who in aen, ■become *p (bit week and paid thair aubaeription. art *erry to learu that Mr. I. F. Crater at Mt. Airy U yat very aick aad Ml espeeted to live. We ara pleaaed la eav that we bava added qaite a number of Daw aania* to oar *ub*oriptioo liat since aar lait i»- aaa. Mra. E. A. Pepper aud *ever*l af tba _ abildran aia viatting Mt. Airy thia week to aaa bar father, Mr. T. f. Prathar, ia qaita aiak. tt you ara a leadiag aaa ia tbia tout j if, aria your neighborhood, give ua . 'jrawr pe*t-*&oe address and tell ai to Ma 4 yea the KirorrH aad Post oil a . J»ar. Alniait every laadiag man ia tba aeuaty laktt it; wa waat all ta have it. Caart it ia iatfion tbia week with Jadge Oilaiar on tba boaoh. Lawjara la attend aaac . Settle, loliaitor, Wat. a»a, R. B. Glenn, Scott, Hinnum Morebeed, Pattereon Kernar and Hay -near*. Loaal lawyer*, Joyce, Stack, Kiag and Pbillippa Saianl Keveaue officer* ara in town (hi* wa.k. While wa do not aa taucb eeoturo the wan oaly do tbair du. j ly ia .asaauting tba law, wa da *ay tbat { it ia tba warit law. aud uiuit oppreecive. ly aiaoatad af any Uw with wbieb a fraa eaoatry Waa aver cursed, la *oa* | aaaaa Ua aaprincipled ■ avenue offieura ktia haaa known tw hire a nagra, 11 law , dawn uapriaeipled while mea to bay a , piat of brandy ar wbiakay andar pre. toaac af *ickneeo, aud tbca praiaeate the .aeller. Tba law ia and op. reecively corruptly executed, and should ha repealed, aad if eaoag ear law au kera there ara any traa ttateetnin wka kaaw af ita working* in rnral dlatrkat* 1 tbay will not raat until it ia repealed. Wa Learn tbat 16 priaonara war* cent to jail thia weak. At $lO par Heath far beard and two haadi to gaard then 1 aa iha road, will he at laaat $176.00 pea aaath eo*t to the aoantf. How da yea expect the eountr ever to gat ont ' ef debt at tnia rate f Would it ao! ba hit lee ta pat Aaaa on thaw, taka 'he aoacy aad kit* hand* ta work the road! 1 f aat, lat'a get an aagiaear, bava a lina awrveyad and pal tbeaa ta wark an a railraad ; any read wa aiay coanaol with will iron and equip it if wa will do the ' grading. The men we bar* aeat away lo wark in other patti ef tba Btato einee tba war would bava graded a read to Walnut Cove or Geiainton and fur aiabed the aroa* tie*, wbila tba feeding and guardiag would not aoat ware tbaa one-halt aa aiuab a* it now doa*. Thi* i* gettiag to ba a aeiioa* thing for Xiakea eounty ; $176.00 pel moatb far men to fill a few mud bolea, etc. la there no one in thi* «r other ooaattet ia . th* Stale, who oan get up a battel place for diapoaing af ariaiinal*. Kev. P. L. Greoiue ef Greenoborn, N. 0, a* Diatriat Secretary nf the Sib Platriet of |lia N. O. State S. School A**ociatien onlled a meeting of the Sun day acbool worker* of .Ytokea oeunty in Ihd eourt-houie, Tuenday, Nov. 11, aad orgauned a county 8. Acbool Am oiatiaa, with Cap* 8. It Tayi»r of a * burp a* I resident, with the f!l>wiug Viae piaiideat* J 0 Clarke. Kiao-ieeo. M L Huloh-r.ou, Lfute R"ck. J W Vaughn, wilaoa Store. J C" Plyup Uiue Call. A C Wall, Lima Rook. J .V Untbrock, Pine Hall. Waltar Watk|a, Fair Play. Albert Boyle*, Slato J W Gentry, Walnut Cave. W. J. Atkins Secretary aud Tr a*- ■rer, A.tsrn pariuanent orgamtation the Hi' hog tdjouruad to uieat an the call af Iha piMideut. Mr. Gr»oae made m iotorediag tnlk on 4a need »f ntara aad bettor Work an the tuhjaat far wbiah the meeting w« g ct(|ed Hf BMWr I I ROM BtTTtZS utiHHM), l>r»W|«»». Mai*. MPmewia ktm. anAttalMHr *Plia rni*i I ii. »ji Hi aim >»| It ouaahn ■Mania aark a«4 a.vknl i«a Uita* wra*fw GKORGK WHITEFIELD. Of Kngliab prachar*, WhUeflaid Waa by far the firat. Jfany bava aOrpalkd bin aa eeraaon maker*, but none bava approached him aaa pulpit orator, flia iufluuaa waa the aaaaa, whether addraa aiag iha uioat learoad ar the rad aat auditory. Oarriok uaed ta waep and tremble at bt* burata af paaaian, aad avail the eold Muaa aaid ha waa worth walking taeatf ailaa to haar. Hat tha greateat pioofof hlapawar ia, that ha t could gather aad keep aroand in awed aiiaiiee the wboia rabble af Bartholoaaw Fair. Far k liaaia Fagtn*d ha m* deeriad aad abaead. eaataatmad by Hogarth, and rtdieuled by Foota; but ba aaac lived down aaah hyatitily aad blamalaeaoee* of hi* aharaalar aa well ae by tba wonderful effeet of hi* elequeaoe fad aeal. fliaav Cowper'a warthy panogtiia of his, aa baa beea tba aaea with Huuyaa aluo, ta(to and learning have forbarne to epeak of the great Afathodiet preaefr atherwiee than with adairation aadpraieo. CAfIALISH COMING. Coaaodora Dateuian of tba Alantia and Danville railroad, ha* written a letter to Judge. L. K. Watt* atating hat he will bring a party of Koglieb capita li*tr froa Manchester the letter part of Ootob' r ta tbia aeetioa ea aa ax out aiou to'm*pe*t tba advaadag* of tbia port aad tbe (arroundiag aoontry with a view to iave*tm*nt. Tkt* part of Virginia i* aadoubtedly at treating the attentiou ef eapaaliat* aad opaaiag up opporiuiailie* fur investment. Tba party of New Yorkar* who war* here last noath with Coaiuodora Bateaau were iaiueajeiy plaaaad with tba outlook, and ar* lakiag itepa to argaaiaa a oar building aoiapaar hero on a Urge eealr, a* th* faailitiatai thi* point for obtaining the iion, cCal aad Wood* neaded ler ear bailding ar* *aperior to uo*t part* ef the eountrf letter.—«to Danvill* R*gi a ler. TIIK MODKHN" IDICA. Mr*. Yoaagbuibaad—"Oh, Char Tie, ihe eook gut kagrv thie anrning aad left, bag and bagg«{. Wliat ara we going ta do !" Mr. Yoagkuabaad — l "Why, iay love I thought you attenJed oooktag cehoo for **v*n month*!" Mrs. i nuugnu.baad—« 4 Se 1 did, dear, but th«t wa* Merely to leara oiHikiag a* aa aeeeapliebaanl."— Hur lingtou Free Pre**. .CIRCUMSTANTIAL KVIDXyCV. "Uuole lien, aen wa* fatlewiag arouad uiy beu uoop I aat night aad 1 came vary near oatobiag him. tla bad In* aaad oa a ebtakaa, bat let it ga when he heard ate." '• lioee, did yar *ay ba had a baa J oa a chi*k*n and den let it go V' "I did." •'Den'iwar'nt aonr of my ion. Dai atggar war'a't none of uiy Y. Time*. HOW TO RKVCITK TIIK DROWN /NO. A anted twimaar, ia aatwar to the qaeitioa : "What i* lb* ba*t o»ur*e lo pursue in aidtag poapla who ara drowa ing," *aya ; "Taka then by Ihe back hair aad h'>ld tbem at arrn'e laagth. I've natieed aaa tbiag about drawning people. Wbea ihey era *iaktag th* Grit tia* if thay *•* yea and they tiae agaia they know when to gtapp'a with on and the raenlt i* y«a balh do down together, with a Miang probability lhal vou will ba drowned. It it ay advice tba it you ge to ra*aaa a drnwaiag par. ton you (hould iwim around bun aad ceep behind him, ao ha won't *a* yoa when b» oome* up tba second tim*. Anotbar thing, wb*n going to a person'a ■ ••cue try to gaia hi* taniJence. It i* a fact tbat on* finger piac.d audar a awianur'* body will krophwtail ■at if yo* ean only gat bia lo boliae it " AttBBTB | rOB WASTES | Th* Modem (Maxtor. -^OR-»- A hlaltrj of tlie eapluiia aad Iriuaptia >t the worlu'i giratoal Agliter JOHN L. SULLIVAN. With atvmmt >4 Muldoan'a 9/*t»a of Mijainal Traiuina. ItOOO Agents Wanted Im medistely tasell thia haiak to oooiu * will rtre oa ra liberal tcra*. Tlir price I* only T» lllM'trallwaa |ila for ageme. Kverybody will Imj it. Tl>» (Jl'KI acirf ia lh- lueky out.ale tia**. Scihlat aaoe .Vic c«uap ir o itf, aa>. i aacure your choice of territory. a«ldre*a THE ATULKTIC PUP., CO., Moftl'JO PtaaSitaet; Si. Loui*, Ma; roa *r«wr»n r n?Ti**u** *"*" *T" IT* Aauld navar make enimie*, if for ■o ottar reaaoa, bcoanaa it ia ao bard > to Mm toward tbaa a* wa ought.— I Palmar. I Tba thiaf iagradieota iu tbe compoii. i lion af I beta qaalitie* that gain wtaaai - and pre tea, are good trath, geod t *anae and good breeding—Addiaon. i A Mare glorioua victory eahnot be I gained over another aan thnn the*, that j when tba injurv began on hia prrt iba i kindneea ihould begin on our*. —Tillot. I aaa. I A Ml that hath no virtue in himself r ewer eavieth vortoe in otharr, for men'e a aiadb will ailber feed upon their own r gaad, ar upon other't evil; and who t wanotb one will brey upon tba other. I Bacon. i Thay that govern most tnako laaat i noiaa. Yao*ee whou th*y row in a r barge that they tbat do drulgero work i *laah and puff aud iwoat, bul be that | govern* til* quietly at tbe atern and ! s*aea iateoa to stair.— 1 NOTICE TO CIVIL SUITORS. Ne other Jury oases will be called for (rial oa tbe Utvil taaue Dosket at Fall Term ISB9 of Stokes Sapetior Court, ' except tbo.e named below, and th* y will aot be called before Thursday aorniag Nov 14. ISS'J. Motiont in any civil cause will be beard at tbo con venience af tbe ooart. Witnette* will bo allowed to prove their attendance only from and inolad iag Thursday of th* T*rm : No. 14 Lawaou v* Priugl* *• 44 Vtnoa ra Ptrtee " 10 lltlt v* Thoaia* "S7 Turpin v* Vurptn •• 20 Caater va Sauuders " Si Williama v* Nowioni. Kx • 4 41 Railway Co v« Bair " 47 Jackson vt itote " 49 Hoie vi (fatkins, ct nl " SO Naedbam Ag't Vk Pearoe " 64 (ie«rge vs Georgo ' 66 /*oai va /aoai " M l.aagley v* Stat* Ada'r October ICth 1889. Calkmuar Coiiairrai. Th« Wilmington Star. EIUBCTU * IX PKK EM. i tttoaMaa i* aalled ta the fallowiag to daaed rata* of aubaoription, caau ia ADTA-ct: TUB DAILY STAR, i #aa Year $6.00 : Three Monthasl.6o (in Maatk* SCO | On* Month* 60 THI WEEKLY STAR. He fair SI.OO j Six Mowib* 60 Tbaa* Maatte 80 oento. •a* Tetep-afh Mow* tartic* baa recently ■eea largely uacroaaotl, and tt ia our iletar ataaßaa to heap tbo SrAnap totliablehesi aadard ef aewa-papar oxcollonce. Addraaa, WB. 11. KEMAKI), VTilmingtun, M. > . PWUDOPHM SINGER WAaaurra aTZAsa. LOT HIGH AME 1 PIFTIIN DAYS' TRIAL ' ■ Ml Ml HOBK KfMK TOO MI OK CHT> RlatAia Kxlw ka* a*Wa*Ulaa aaeotto. i*lia*aall*t akaitla, I* ■afialaoo aad Mfkl mail*, a*a—aa»a »r»*taek wa*w*a, la a t*lvtMta*« oaea. Daa't pT UMB oft m 06*. Wt ».n.l for clrculu. Kiaaaw. mm ia»im our bwAlm aa **r hi«h ptka* ■ i kJ» aa Ik. Rufl*L AddnM Tk. e. A. waaa ce., -T REMtkw.,niM«i*ki*,ra iHaniSHTsrTopSSTaiaasra ARCHiTECTt A BIIUKI9 H lilw aft HiitHo Aaarlaaa. J D ' Bn« * e Jlil , «£2lS!ira » .v»am/ftr Aa-t ta.ol aallli n»r>oti»n.A r.»rll ar fc«u«kirOr av'-rwork «tll Irr b*Uklii| |iruH Jt'Hei ». | kMf »Mvi rvl I1dv««i « rvppM. JlMKtb-C * Mill. fky»trffc a. a B.' mm • *aw—"*»4 i ■uoWliTwtt lalJfWW*. ' It to *taa*ana In jaW, aairw Ifatan*. tivll*o» Bn.aaad MtaSMaaan M* aeaß** ko«# u. r Young Ladieu, g* to tbe lied Stor* | Qeraehtoa, N. 0., for your fall and . winter dr***ing. The) hate the lateit Iflw af plain aod plaid, flannel*, with . faney braida and pluib trimming to , match. 7"b*y also htve all the urdina I J ttyles of draa to auit the trade * Fulton and Strader here opened a 1 general line of merchandise at Walnut 1 Cove. Go see thorn. i * Low prioes agaiuat the eredit aya . tana, la the motto of Hultou St Strader at Walnut Oav*. It will pay you to exaiL* their prioes before buying your wiuter lappliee. * You oan get baoon, meal, *hip atiifT ■agar, eoffce, &0., ai aauie priooa from Fultau & Strader at Waluut Cere ax pott oan iu Winston. * Tbe oa*h systsm enables HI to sail goede cheaper than tbeao wbo do acred. it buaiuess. FULTON k STRADIR, Walnut Core. * Fulton & Strader, at Walnut Core , will uisko you open your eyos with their low pricea in drr roods, boot*, aboes, hats, &0., if you will giro tk»m a call. * The Fanner's Alliance of Stokes county has decided that D C Slate sella thetn goods chaapor than any man in Qeriuanton, or $t ikes county. •■ 1 » • Money to Lend (IN UNLIMITED AMOUNTS) ON GOOU HIAL EKTATB SKOURITY with interest payable seiai.auuually or itllf i* preferred . Loans te run fire years aud secured by first mortgage bouds. Judgmeuts, mortgage* and liens of every description paid of and ong tiiue given. Call on er address A M. STACK, Attorney at law Danbury, N. C. I " I'l )■ 1 . ■_ i ■■ l ..jy.. Notice. Hating qualified a* executor of th* laM will and ♦»»!anient of Ana Neal, deo'd, we fifj to all p«rsoii9 iuieut*»d to *aid estatp to come forward and** p«riue;itto nv an! all person* having claims agaiuoc said *ntat« to picsant them duly authenticated ♦'•r m*; tlrmeut on or before the Ist Uajr of October IsOOorotli wisethis notice will ce plead in bar of their e co very. Tbis Sept. 27'h, IM9. JOHX W TTTTLK, ) J Ktecutor*. JAMKB M. NKALI. ) NOTICE! -.TAXES.- )-(0)-( ' Pleaso read the following law care fully and reinciuoer I am compelled tc obey tbfr time and crery man in the County will have lo confirm to this law : Hoc. 30 ') henever tbe taxes shall be due and unpaid, the Sheriff shall im mediately proceed to collect thciu, kc Sec. 5.% «ON TIIK FIRST MOS i DAY IN KKBBUAKY IS KACII YK.VR, ma Ml Klli KK IS D/KBC r DTO OFFKII AT PUM./OSALE AT TIIK CC.UIIT HOUSE ALL LAN PS ON WHIOA TIIK TAXES LKVIKD FOll TUB PREVIOUS VKA If still remain unpaid on the first Monday in January preceding. J aball endeavor to follow strictly th* abore lawa, therefore all parties are earnestly requeued to oomo forward and seitlo heir taxes. I will bo iu tuy of. fice during tbe montb of October, or you will hud a depnty there fur the pur pose of collecting taxe*. I wll visit the places bvlow for the same yarpote, on the days staled during the aiuuib of October, vit: Walnut Cove. Monday Oct '2l 'B9. (seruiantou Tuesday, " ii " Daliot Wedncsdar, " U Venable'* Th.rsday •• 24 " Francisco Friday •• 25 " Fair Flay Saturday '• y26 " Sandy Ridge, Thursday " 28 " VlTim's Score, Tuesday 41 29 " Those failing to aiest me at tha above named plaee* and settling their taxes will be visited by myself or depa. ty at ea«* with the express purpose of collecting the taxe* due. ELTTbs tax* ee most be wooad up. B. I. DALTON, SHWtur. Sept. 26th, 18S9. Blackberries—Cash '—We want to exohange cash for blackberries. Writs us at once stating quantity, and your price in youi ueaiee* deput for casb. Also cherries, apples, peaches, Rag*, Wax, eggs, chicken*, Ac. r HOUSTON DBO'B., Wlioleeale Grocers, Urecosbojn, N. C. , A a*r load of the best wheat fertili. icr h*a jfcst arrived for D. C. Slate. One at (lenMßtoa and one at Barak Hall, which *lll be eoli very eheap for caeh, ft TUllit •' DM. _•1 •**., of fteUea. o*ua. > O 9 "r l "* ""M* l HNk *e » (s( 1 WSMteiaoalk LAETHIMUHMSY V» " 1 pen- I (I MBailoas a.4 a*ea M i«ife a 4M." p JH w. N.StMtMI. EH—. Btwlrtit. H. writes "I tote Mttr k»*v« »nytfcl>f tewSMltysfillM TMt«r*f I at ittriM w T at. *i«m. -1 M SMltf for fomt iIbMH »*t e• ery kua*t I >Mi at# *•«» •• -Mtotiei H*lU 4ay'e w»e* T tot» mot mi »• gt«* n*U «r»m iMt UtteM I rwf •sse *!>« uk«*h*44orU) srvsi.d kwataeae vsloe ahull we start Vol to Uls bwaawVsa, eeetUrl WHteiavwantf le»na all *¥«wt h*r jotM*eif We arw starling attar; we mil sun ym* If /•* 4 t delay a«MI uvtker reu iloed »f y«« la tear pen bf ikt isiitrt 1t999 tote l»*ld yea erill beaklete i*rk a»f*l« fc*t 7f 111 Oa ittwai af * ~'.4 asaaifat-iaiar a Ml* Hi.Slilg» , ialjar Alhaata Mste towiil||ito »*«ple tot fee easST Beaad la Karal CHaiH M| Y*i+m Tlasb i kanaiaglr lae»*au4 iaas4aa BmJii—l tlkl—etot w.rtd Largest also UrwatMt barpia. tsoa A#«ato •eatod Liberal tonne llg asaiaf (tftoeaM Amf eafeaa boreae • maawM Moat *«IU la*M •} etgU-Uuto »e aa MUIa« aa«M«*rr Wfcarwver okew* otty *aa evaatt «a m. akaa*. i|oau taka **ea#4a af wfcii eHtb >M>#t» aU« bof»ro kaswi. CttM M|ii await every ««ti«r AataU tie toabiatf fvrtaaa*. UfiMaUa aa A«ek a« aiaa Vt*. IT. ea«4aaa wall a»«afkV». full mf namite aa la* aa a ftaa. ba tltaaa wbo wrtw m aa* mm. with MrtUalara aa4 taeaaa tar oae Fatollv aiblae, looks tad raMwala After faa toaaw aM, Ibe»l4 f*a taa le«e It g« o* funber. wby aa bM to toaa itorot* I. c. AUin ft w, ai«e«ta. a*«a Do You W.*JYTji Desir'/blr Farm tn f{iiqdolpl\ County? I offer this 10') scree of desirab farming laud for sale on th* 0. F. Jk Y Railroad in Raudolpb coanty, half way between Liberty aod Staler. There are 20 to 30 acres bottom land, includ ing 10 or 15 acres good meadow, about 30 acre* up land cleared, the uplaad ia rather a gray soil aud no doub' will prodnce fiuo tobacco, th* growth it mostly pine, soma oak ki. A good or chard, pood water tod dwelling in gocd condition. Tbi* is undoubtedly a dej sirable place aod very low at th* price of SBBO. but 1 my party wact* te soli ._ . r a.-is aionsy tnid-oowie ethsr sines*. If y*u waat *aeb a plaee let me bear from yaa. V. M Pepper, Real Kstato Agent, Dsn bury, N.O Mesk. 'llaie k To**** eateb oa eterythieg new aud attractive. Their •tore ia a thing of beauty, and their goods suitable te plea** th* moat fat. tidioua. f It is a well known fact, that th* pro prietors of the Red Store, (icrmanten, N. C., are u*ing every possible means, to control the trado «f tliia section of country. Low prtoes is their biggtft ad vertiser. t Croupy suffocations, mgbt cough* *ud all the oouiinon (flections of th* throat and luugs relieved by Dr J 11 McLean's Tar Wine and Lung Ualin. Old peaple auffer much Irom disor ders of the uriniary organ*, and alway* gratified at the wonderful effect* of l>r J it >lcLean'« Liver end Kidney K*lm in banishing tboir troubles, SI,OO per bottle. If yon spit up phlegis, and are trou bl-d with a hocking cough, uae I>r J H McLean's Tar wiue Lung Kalm. C- F. & Y. V. RAILWAY Crndensi'.l s>'heltliile No. 12.—Takingeffeoi WeJn'nlay June 12(li'8H l'as«eii«er | Kr«i;lit and soil iu all. | Acitnimo'n Lv IJeiieiUville 420 am j ,15 am ArrAe Maslon ft .t- r » " j 11 IMVO .Vsiinn '»•' | U 2.'» " Ar Kayeltevilln 7 s"> •' I '£ 05 ptu Lv Kayettevillo It HO " I tf 0) ain Ai 101*) " 12 i& pin l.v Sanford 10 20 •« | 2I > " Ar Ureenslioro ..I 4ft pin ; «00 •* Lv Un-miahoro.. ..2 Oft u i ft 20 am Ar Mt. Airy «00 " ' ft 00 j. m l'.isieu s er and mail \orvh liotind break fast at FajetteviMo aud dinner at Greens boro. " Train* .tfovlnf South l'as-engar Frei(ht and mail. Ann aecou'n Lv Mt. Airy 1 3ft aaa , a 30 a m Ar tirrenslM>ro 1 io " | 1 Ift p m l,v »ieeu*bori». e&ft *• I 7 00am Ar .>auforil 10:1 p m lISp m l.v Saufnrt 125 "I 2lftpm Ar Kayeltevill* :t 20 " 6 -'ft " i.v Kayeltevill* H 85" 745 am Ar Max ton t 25 -'lliSOp iu LvMaxlon 535 "I I Oft " Ar Heuet1.5Vi11c........1 ftO " 340 " l':i.sender an I mail Aoulh bou nd break- I'.tl at Greensboro an 1 d uiuer' at aa n - ford. ory end Madison Oranrhe*. rrrigbi and and Accoinmodaliun. 'trains moviaf North. Millboro I 7 2ft a SB Arrive «• reeasboi o. I aOO •• Leave lireonsowro | 10 19 " Arrive Madison | HMf e Tralus Moving Sviuh. Leave nad1i0n.............. leSpei Arrive G eonshor* 4 10 - l.eave Ore*n*bore 445 - arrive Millboro a3O " I'assetiger end Mail Treine rnn dally ex cept Sunday. Freight and Ai-lioniodaliou Train runs fftnu llennettsville to Kayetevlll* on Tue«- ' days, Thursdays auu .Saturdays ; might i and AivoiiinuHlaliou Train runs from t'ay . otltvllle to llrnetuville on Ueit>Uys. Wodnesdays and Fridays ; from Fajeite ville lo Greensboro on Mondays Wednes. i days aud Fridays, and from I lo to Fayettevill* on Tuenlaya, Tliurt lay« aud Saturdays ; between t.rK'inlxirn and Mt. Airy on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Train* on Factory and Madison Urancl ! run daily except Sunday. W. E. kYLE, Gen'l I'ai* . J. W. FRY, Gen'l Mup't. FOR I»§9, One"Way MAKE MONEY. ) - T-r It is a conceded fact that \ th« best way to make money is to gar a i 7. and the BEE HI YE gives you belou a list of artictes and or ices»which will enable yoirtor satmiQfc ey on your pnrchases if you will only come to see us. Amu' test tltel *Au«t/s, 75 tti, each. Komi und't " •• 4V " " Dtll't • - 41 " " Iron " aa - - itMt Ktrll, tt ' " lr»n M*uh4 llamu, 10 " « Tim Uhu, 11 •• - Urimdtlo M es, t md 1-3 ptr 10, ste*rtilft Imt It tts, sue A oreat isurto* Orm Cml •MS, isarua) lI.U * Or*M JmmrUm Ooee Oal rum, If eta, • n»m remit t*ad ImtiMdm, lata, /toeriM Com MluUtrt, (topr**«d,) aa,7& eacA. 4 ton larp tfa* Bitmap, | mis. 4 - " • MmttKm, I • •Also a full assortment oj Mattocks. Harrow Teeth» Dash tocijihes, Repair Links, How Bolt si Single Trees, Bxc.k litnds, Co t' Chains. Hope, PmekH R'nires. Tahiti Lathery, «Je.. §c., A ll soht at BEE HIVE cut prices. For the next 10 rfays w te,// offer SPECIAL l.\ DUCEMEXTS in alt Wia'er GWj, comu/ing of Joint, " "a Dresi Goodt, Underwear Rub. end assay other tAingi. ' Mi s4ls. W* are reoeivtug our Spring Stock of Shoe* and Hats, and as w* make these two linoe a SPECIALITY, wo will bo prepared to do you aoinc good on them *o bo prepared for bargains. Expect Ihem, ask for (hem, and you shall have then. If th.s money saving is not too much of a trifls to lot go unheeded, come to see us, trust out promises aud see if wu lio. We don't just make a broad assertion, (at most merchants do) that we sell cheaper than other bouses, but back our claim* by prices thai are bound to eonviuc* any •'doubting Thom as'' New Home Sewing Machines the best at hon est profits. OUlt RULE.— One price to all. OUW TElhlS. J -N ell aapot onah. t OUB, MOTTO-Tia beat bottom valuwa for the monejr clown. i - If you novel have tried as, speak te * yewt neighbor about us, aak him if he j hae ever tried tbe BEK HIYK, —if he - hi* ask bis opinion about our claims. t litre n* a trial te provs our pretae tioos. Will you do it' We feel tare ' you will. V our* aaxious to pleale, W, D. BAITY & Son*, X»u will bifi go »te «° if yon use Dr J H NeLeu'i Strengtb ing Bye Sulve; it reunret the film ■adscum which accumulates an the ey« balls, subduc« infiamation, ooals aud soothes the iifitatcd nerve.", strengthens weak aod fi»lli.if sight. '2 r »o. a box. {jermantiiriji^Utiia. for i BOVS AND GIRLS. nsrsctluof, TEAR 85. New aod CuuMßodioo* BoiWingi. Well Appointed Keoitatiua Rooms. Uomp#- taut Teachers aod Thorough Lnst.-ustiow. ,d Special Course For Those DesirT/Tg-to Teaco in the Pub lit"' rkhouls. Tuition per mnn/h, $1 ,]H) to $3.00. •Music, $3.00. Bi eluded, SB.OO. f Next Sension opon» August 26tk, Swm r. W V> OKRManton; n. 0. WANTE WaotcJ at one* 10,000 or 20,000 term el 6ns tebac.-o land. The land is wanted U ens body, or at uetr to£et?isr as ntj ba, tit jvrsfsrred that at at lestt 1,090 acres Isheuld be in small tracts and in ageedatate of ion, w it )i dwellings on (bass ready te ecaipv. Ho not etpect fancy prices ; we' will pay cash in hand if w« liny. N. U. I'tl'TKlt, Heal Ettate A^ent, Uaubury, *. O- July Ist, isss. LANDWANTO W»nte I far » pijfittf en idiaor a tmi tract of Imi«1 , net | ( >m titan 100 *cr«a. TUa lan* nilb« iu t |uml «tal«uf culliVulMb, with lair Unelliiif au it, waitli not man than 91.000 ta ti.fioo Moat ar all Ilia mil fea raadjr ai tooti an wa can get pu»c*4iun thia fall. N. M. I'epi*r, l'.cal Kaiata Agaut, Daul'mr/, K. }., July 4tti 14ftJ. e^:: SEABOIT k "REMPSON, Tin and Sheet Iron f/orkers. Witwotoxi XT. C. (OPPOSITE FARMKRS W . H. . ifter returning thanks to the good veople of Stokes for liberyl share of patronage on toba-coc/fues, wish tO calf their often iO Our large and iveli assOrted selected stOck Of (Jook gating |tovj, Also fcoep a large assortment of tinwa re, sheet copper sheet zinc, stove pi ping, &c. Roofing, guttering and repairing done on short notice, Give us a call. Good work and low prices. respct'y IhWU 6 l>im> laperfeot digeetien and aseitailatie* produce disordered conditions of lhe system which grow and are eoofiraied by neglect, DrJ H McLean's Strength Miking Cordial and Blood Purifier, k) its tonio pioperties, cures iudigestioa and givee tone t. lb* stomach. i er bottle. * » ( If your kidneys are inaoliso, yon will feel and look wretched, oven in the met I cheerful sooiety, and melancholy no the jolliest (locations. Dr Jll MoLeaa'e Liver and Kidney Balm, will MI ( right again SI,OO. Tv en you constipated, with IM* tfafn petite, headache, take one of |>r J H McLean's Little Livor an I Kidney Pal e lets.They are pleasant t« take a% • are wilyou. atrial

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