W hen >ou tooum ttu Tm in City | pM 'shouli! not forgot that }§/ m J, Vogler iias l**g««t and best as •acted HOLIDAY itook in town snob •• silver wa ro, olocka bronzes, gold and #Ov«r headed isaqea and umbrellas, jew . tlry of ovory description, Aohiu, Luui kwt gold pen?, tin) best tliat are made Be ban just added to the stoek ■ very feaodaotuo case of the finest of FOOKET KNJVES AND SCISSORS tb Do forgot the place. ■"■ W. T. VOCLEK Winston, fiST" promptly A done . A ~~Wk-wnrtA .UU I Mr#*** QERMAJfTOJT, C H hoop in addition to a general as ■nrtuciit of Merchandise, Corn, Feas, Bud Hay, und the leading brands of feeitiliacr,; also food and livery sta te* c? yoofW kvt A URBA U CH 4M BER SET* TABLE I WARE, COFFINS of all sizes and. jrrc&\ or anything in the fitmiturtoline, tolVUm CIO i TJCB, last 'Mde of court-house square WINSTON, • • N. C- I Poo't fail to go dwough b» warn ed) oelablUtimcnt and see wbero he OaDufnehiters bis own good*. IF YOU WAIST ! Qtl or needles fcr any seur lns machine, or the latest wonder m improved m chines, call at\ SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO., OFFICE OPPOSiTI P. O. ORRSSTOH, a. CAROLIHA. h> Ww prkx* mi good good* -mM OliftAißfiS, BADDLBB, BRIDLES, COLLAR) MOtV ♦ LAPnoiW,^ LargMt otoolc in WINSTON N. ( (kMSS ta4 9M M Md U OOQTio «4. fciiMT WWpley ,V«« to 18. AUoa'f bardwar# lS«i«ee..lM Mala*. e o. 28 UNION SQU.",!it,NY. 'ATuanTA, E a c*C^Caa ■TXOWSJMX GBYGOBL QAIW **- TE *- *"' 3 • * «/ III.* ,t .l.t 1 IM.I i i alJiiWoTar HirainnNsuis UrfMt, fHKAPF.ST and B««t Equipped ttrfeoil im TiUo-w»ler Vlr|tßk«« Two hundred und f^Ttv Student* in attendance last session. Horn# comforts; moral trumln* ; pcrsotukl car* J loenticJlp snd climate deltghtfol. Hoard and Tuition OJIL¥ f42 50 per quartet. Write for cataloguefurther Utormatior- J. A. L Ca»«®y, Pwdcipal, KovfoUi » ' RESERVED FOR W, 0, FOOTER, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST fISBMA ?SB@B Wm' CBrawn. Prank C. Brow, A FRESH LOT OF b LANDRETH'S CLEYELANDS 4 FEMY'S GAROEN SEEDS BROWN'S DRUG STO R, ! WINSTON, . . . • *.® \» CRANITBj-IBONWgy SllJuisSttWptnt^iaß in ]«—» »~.n mm* PTO» L>» M«■ OP*"** »• •V- '* : V'... - . •***♦ • X: :• . « , • . •• • •.. ■ ■ •• '* ' • ■ • •. • i • ; *s■?■ • • . 1 '•;•/ ' I ' i ?'*■!£*'■ ' • ' '-C '"* »;s'y*v • V • '?ss. V •>«a "vii ■r»}£ 1 ' Jl* '•„••>•'•*• %f:./ -vm ' ' % K " $500,00 Reward, WILL BE PAID , FOR ANY MAN WHO SELLS CLOTHING Cheaper than TMNTON&CO,, 3 Doors North of Post-office, MllStfl' IKim* #• I , Jfi h ; | .. * I (7. E. BEXETI J. A. BENETT WINSTON MARBLE WORKS, ' MSMRSIS Marble and Granite Monuments, —— Headstones, Tablets, Mantels, sc, Opposite Brown's Warehouse Main Street, t 1 ! \ M ' |fc i J. • m WANTED! WANTED! 106,800 Mea, weaaea aad to 3 UY HARDWARE, skmuaaax mm &moxM «t ■Crawford's Hardware Store of every descrigUion. Mea dowking and Deering mow ers, warranted the best. Top buggiesatsso and $55, Phae tons, Hacks, Busies and Carts at any price desired and cheaper than ever be fore. Empire drills (lie best on the market. Building material of every description. Save your mon ey by buying from inc. R. R. Crawford. Winston, N. C. HINSHAW & MDEARIS. Three Cardinal their Dealings witk GOOD QUALITY LOWEST PRICES And Perfoct Nafißinctlon. They don't handle shoddy good*. , HIRMUAW A MKDKARIM, Buy Groceri»«, Grain, Flour, Kloar, Ship Molasses aud ill heavy goods by (he ear load and ihoir Dry good** Aetieae 4a other good a in original packages of tiri>t hands at ilio very lowest oasb prieee aa4 offor uucqutilled iuducoinetn>uts to cash buyers. Ilinshaw A Made arts, laimenie stock of la.lie* dress goods', notions, Iriaaaiaga Laeef, Hoisery, White Qaodii, Kleaehed and Urowa Domostia, Gmgbsias, Lewae Prints. Clial lies Ae , Alfo a splendid Assortment of Carpets and Straw Mai. ling* thai defy competition Umbrella*, parasols, fans, ate, . .; Hiushsw & Medaaria, etrry the largest stock of any house in Winatea, K. 0. turn's and boys' fiee, medium add heavy ehnos auJ Hoots iuelvding a larga as sortment of Bay Btata Sheas sod boots which are unexcelled in quality, It aad prices. Kittnirie their stock of hata, hoisery, shirts, collars, haodkerekie. aad unibrollars before you make any purehases. Tlinshaw A Medaaria, beat gradea syrup, molasses, snfir, soffses, teas, flair, meal. lird, bams, spices, extraoU, oraokeii, also a full lioo of sanned gaada aad fauey groceries at lowaat pries. Aiushaw A Medaaris, ladies, lllsass and childrons, shoes a specialty, all grade* from tho tinest to course heavy taoludiug a full assortment of P. Car, Zetglar .nd Kay shoes whteh are tho best's most popular on tbo market. It will pay yau to examine tbeir stock befere making your purchases. liinihaw A Medaaris, fall Btar Brand Speoial Tobaoeo Manure, Aaekar Breed Tobacco fc'ertilisor and Star Brand Gaano, tbrco of the best brands of fertiliser* made Tbey also sell onip the boat qtaalitie* of red elover, sapling elever, la- " " niothy, ereliard grass, Keataeky bluo grass and IlerJa grass seeds. Star Vraed Cuauo is the beat fertilizer Made for Ilia wheat and graaa oreps. Ilinshaw A Medaaris carry a full liue n( linse«d ail, wiudow glaai, pally, eeai oil, sole leather, rope, backets, tabs, begs, trays, papor bags, wrapping paper, hoes, mattocks, shovels, forks, grain aad grass teythos, hurso and aiule abeaa, horseshoe nails, saws, httnaiars hatchets, looks, screws, binges, all at the lewaal prises. Hinshaw k Medaaris, Headquarters fer teas, spiaas, caaasd frail*, aassissa, flavoring extracts, sulpbar, blue ataaa, aastar sad sweet ails, pataal asediaiaa •raakars, fiagar aad laasea saapa, Kay si baking pewdars, Hsi seferds bread preps are too* aad etber baking powder*. ilinshaw kMe dearie' basiaoes hat steadily moreased av«y saeoeediag yea aad has beea aiaeb larger ae far thia year than over before. I'bay aaa aad dr aoinpete aaoaeaefaly to atoek, quality aad prioes iu betb tkeir Wbaleaale aad Re tail department, which are kept eeparate uot only with aay aad all beaeea ia la State, bat with the Northern oitiee. Iltnubaw k Medearie bare increased their stosk ia both their Wbola Kctail department* ao as to meet tba demands of tboir iaoreaaed trade koop pabe with tba sew trade being evened ap by the three aaw railraa every one, la examioe tbeir ataak aad prioaa. They deal fairij wl iK ■ *. t HINSHAW & MEDBARIS, . 4,*. *l>aTON, W• c», una Ist,lt Wm * *