REPORTER AND POST. N KWH fjum jplaatbeds Pay your subscription. Dew istus. Plant p»t«i.,« (iCjtt full moon 0u« rises 7:07. Sun sets 5:17. Full moon next Saturday 7.17 p.m. Road change id Piediuoot Warehouse u. Fresh garden seed for salo at Pepper A»*ons. Mr. J. Ppot Taylor went to Winstoo last MoDday. Mr. T. R. Pepper of Winston spent A few day* in towD this week. It is rumored that tobacco is again bringHig big prices at Winston. Plant onions as'soon as tho ground id in order for working. Six boarders a*, the Couot y hotel— ; the Danbury white houso. We welcome bank always glad to got the Reidsvilb Times. Mr N. A. Martin reached home this evening from Winston sick, hope not hing terioui. J. F. Pepper has a few bushela of feed F "-h potatoes to mil. They are of .the Pearless *ancty. My wife oured of malariibj Simmons Liver Regulator —J N. Thompson, P««»or M- K Church, Leigh, Neb. _ Two prtaoners name Manuel were brought tp jail here I*m uieht we I am under pe ce warianti. Cbarlci I sum was brought in todty. We are Horry to learu that Prof. Welburn acbool will close here this week. The indication wera promising (or a large school po you owe us for this paper ? if so you laow what what we mean by viking. Hope you ara not tctiting for us to come to your house and beg you for tho anmll amount, »eod it to us, we will receipt by mail or the party you send by. Now that tbo Legislature is is in Mision we Lope it will not look over the fa?t that better geologioal information la regard to the natural resources of the State is one of its gr"aicst wants, and we hope that it wiil not be pickau nish in appropriating pa; for competent meu to do the work. Prof. Job At kioa, M. E.. who bag been piospectinc beie fo some six months is a* folly competent to report on her resources aftnr be make* examination as any one we know. Walter Bridges, Athens, Tenr, I writes : ''For six years 1 hsd been afflicted with running sored aud an en- 1 largenient of the bones in my leg. I tried everything I hevd «f without any permanent benefit until Hotanio Blood Balm fttKreeominoaded to me. After using (ix bottles the korc« healed, and 1 Ma now in better health than I have ev er been. 1 send this testimonial unso licited, because I othors o bo ben jfit tei." ■—— J New Ail. C K. Wall, General Merchandise, furniture, etc., Walnut Cove. Phillips A Watkioe, titoeial Meroban dise, Furniture and Cibtblog, Walnut Cove. John Hunt, Bating.House, Winston. Kx-Sheriff R. J.. Pulton's last ea'l for taxes. H D Shutt, Staple and Fancy Gro ceries, eenfestions, etc , Winston. See bil offer ot S6O gold watch. Read the Legal notices. THE SOUTHERN FARM. VditTd .v Uncle Remus, J§M IjM DR. Wm. L,. JONES, ' 'jcff Wfllborn, / To thc " lnlJon of »" ° ,ker •»•+- Mrs. W. H. Felton, Editress J rlcultnral magazines. Woman's Department. Ills ''Tbonghts for the Month" and Dairying, bj J. F. Dugr&ar. "Answers to Inquiries" alone And mere thun 100 of the best fcw/ V*V\\ pr,co lo an ' Special Writers In America. J? \ ff farmer. W HENRY W. BRADY, Founder. W - Commissioners of Agriculture of every Southern State will writo for it The January Issue printed in blllfl and gold, profusely illustrated. Handsomest tuuguziue ever published. Southern tarm SI.OO per year. Farm and Weekly Constitution $1.65. av-SArfPLE COl'Y FREE.-** Address THE SOUTHERN FARM, ATLANTA, 6A. DOCH Advert INLIIK Pay I Tht« question is not asked of largo advertisers who know that they have made fortunes by using printer's tnk, but we ask any olose observer if they ever ki.civ a town build umoh, a rail ro«4 built, and corporation to flourish much, or any privste ind vidual to at taio to any great thing* in business w thout advertising ? Say did you ' Even politicians will commit a diabolic al act to get Inmself advertised, even by boing cursed. » FINE TOBACCO LANDS FOR SALE. One tract 178 acres 11-2 miles so u th from Danbury. So far as the quality of the land is concerned it will produce as fine silky tobacco as any land in the county. It is comparative ly level, at least lavs well for cultivation aud is comparatively free from rocK. There is not one dozen acres on the place which may not be ploughed. The wood land isj well limbered, par chaser can find sale for every siica of »is surplus wod in Dan-i bury. There are two branches running! through the place with enough mead ow land on them to make hay for a .six horse farm. A direct line. The land is not more than one mile from Dan bury, so any one I wishing to grow fine ! tobacco can at the | same time be near enough to send their jch'ldren to school here. The J and pro duces grass and the grains well. one other tract 1-4 mile south of the above. This tract contains 490 acres while it includes most of the, Flatshoal mountain, it ex tends to the flat woods on the Sout h side from near the old Niehleaton mill to Mr. Jas. Southern's. Much of this is fine tobacco lar.d, well timbered. Any one wishing to purchase either of these places will be shwn a clear' abstract of title from the State to the present owner and get a waraantee title. Parties wishing fine to bacco lands at low prices will call on N M. PEPPER, Danhury, X. 0 BOARDING HOUSE First class meals at anjr aud all hours at fiie verjr lowest prices. Call on meat 447 Old Town St.. opposite T. 1.. Vaughn's Tobacco Factory, near Farmer*' Warehouse and I w.ll gu»iante„ Istiajtion. JOHN HUNT, WINSTON, N. 1-15 lyr ft Wo«H Pny for Igrnlt. |IM to MW M» Ko.uiu«l«-M".iiiK »ur«mnd llUlor* imouautiii ihrWorMl W'iu lo J. C. .Ui*t ur*ty A Co., PiulfeUttpui*, f LADIKI Needing a tonic, or children «h * t taliaiD£ tin. should Ink* r.noivii f i now KirrHßfl. Jtls plfß-nnHo :ur» jrfaWtt*. Indigo won. un-l i'.ilio'ißUWw. 'il 'Rletv kerpli. DANBURY sßfoiftanti* SPRIA G TERM BEGINS JANUARY 12th, 1891 AND CONTINUES FIVE MONTHS. » lastruotion thorough. Discipline good. Tuition cheap -from $1 to $2 per month. Beginners sl. The first pa.t of Grammar and Arith metic $ I.JO Advance In Grammar, Arithmetic and Hlitmy I 00 Foj further information write, or call on r. V. w^BofJK. DANBURY, N. C. 1.15 r ll i ■■ I.F-A.UEBS IS L OW PRICES •ItSf! a r —IK— -1 HARDWARE. |.N E. CORNER COL'RItT OOU6K SQUARE WINSTON. N. C. Olvf ll» * jrOiar Attcntlou : want the 1 »• I I test sty lex and best make I of Agricultural machinery I .Usobauics who want any. I thing in the Hardware line ' eonui-cted «vith their busi Ino s, and Housekeepers | | who want anything to use | in In r lor, Bud Room or a Kitchen, if found in a bard ■ ware si ru will Dud all they ] w aut at Brown Si Rogers', | Now is the time to buy a cheap stove. Then MINING M EN Will remember that this is headquar ter" for Dynamite, Fuse, Caps, Drilll Steel, Drill Hammers, Shovel , Picks »nd wheelbarrows. In faot everything neoessaiy to removing stone or earth except *«e bow grease." Come and soe though: if we comot supply you with this can tell you bow to use yuurs to the best udvautage. nov 27 90 anil Sale. Having beon appointed by 111* Clerk of the Superior court of Stokes county u commissioner to m ike pale of the land de sdrth»»d !n the partition proceeding entitle I R. O. //awkins and others v a Eli/alx-tli Hawkins and others 1 will OH Hon February 2d, ISWI, sell at pebllc aiietion to the high •*hi bidder. one traet of la.'d Ifi-m on the w.»ter of Braver island ( -Yedk, iu Snow Creek Township, adjoining the tan's f Ne«r*on Niacin, Luther Martin and other*, the sutne being lot No. iin 'ie diviaiw I the lands ot Obedlali (.'laybrook, decs sad. The snld tract contain? 92 aejes, more o less, and has on it a good two-story devil ing, kitchen, stables, out-buildings, an 01- cbard and other improvements. 4»ale on premises it 12 o'clock. Terms, cash. Tlii* 3d day of Jan IS9I. JOEL HAWKINS. Sr.. Commissioner. A. M. Stack, Att'y. Money to oan. Cl£,c3^ For five years at 7 |»r cent on ivi proved farms. I.nans 'epaynlilt in smal! annual instatemeiits, thus enabling farmers to pay oft their indebtedness without con suming thelrcrup in any one year. This January Ttb, 18! M. Apply to WALTER W.! KINO, X. C. I 7 «mo i Bu'kloi,N Arnica Salve. Til.; bust sak'c in the world for Cnts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, teller, chapped hands, chilhurns, ocrns, and all sk : n eraptions* and posi tively cures pies, or ug pay required. It is puaianlced to itiviroci'fect ,s:ili>fae lion, or money refunded. Price 25 els. per box. For sale by W. C. McUan. ess. DOH'T FAIL irCALL IN AT^ Arnold's • : JEWELRY STOUE :- When you co?ne to Winston and see the m -cha nical fig ure oj the {fid fnu tniUinj. It is flic wondet of the a'iiand also look] at my stock of matches. CIOCKS, S'BI rwaia an i I) ia onds. ' You will get a, good bar go in iii. a n ij/h ing 1/0/1 wu nt in my line. Don't forget the East side courthouse. Nov.s ,y {lf i.!]. f. ('iitMf.i l, AIILLINIIR and—— MESS IVJSI Side of tiio Court House JSquaro, Winston 59"# C Gives notice to her patrons and the public generally that she has now in Stock a very nice line of M i LUXE RY GOODS, STA TIOXARYAXD XOXIOXS, ETC. She proposes to have dress csput up in the■ T..4,nt rrrwß ! and to sell nnything in h 'r . ne as low as the lowcsi co de-ring quality of g toils of TAXES! L. /ST C ILL ! COME! I will uiwr the In* payers ot otoken county for the purpo.n of reeeivinff ill irnte. cine ni« at llie lullflwiu# time, uud piti-of, to-wil ; Walnut Cove. Tuesday, January 20, I*ol. Oermantoii, Daitnn, Thursday, •• 22, " Albert Boyle'aSt'e Fri. •• 2S, 41 Wi son'i store Saturday, 41 21, •' H. Venablea Store, Mott. 41 2«. 44 J no. L. •Smith's, J'ueWay, •' 71, •« Fra claoo, Wed esday, 44 2*. •• C. C. smith'* '''hu". ' 4 29. •• Fair Play, Friday, 4 * 30, 44 11. \V. Sheltun # Store, Sat. 44 31, 44 , Dntilmrv, M Feb. 2. 44 Handy Uidge, Tuesday, •• 3, 44 Preaton villa, Wsdiieaday, 44 4, •' «'art#»r*H St«>re. I'll uraday, 44 •**, '• Lad ford, Friday. 44 0, 44 It. J. DALTON, Shff. I tcli on hum in and horses and all an iinnls cured by Woolfotd'i Sanitary Lo tion. I This never farls. Sold bv W. W. McCANLKSS. Druggists. 11 5 ly PanburyjN. C. TCAIII I .nlrrl.t. 1., hilHI. U JII ■■ Wftj T4 11 HR I 3"*' r.-«r luU'r««l, . ' -rlheyllrel wlll.U«lW.h •Itr aiuialion •r«iu|.l >\ !.i»h y.. u ,aii MI, rhniamoast \> n*Aij •» fi't ma unUaa «ur. ...Jul aa abava. Va>uy ut ,d •m»4. I Ja«-ri> lint Mi.rkar ' »a,h OUirlrt i»i e.j«ot7 1 ha»e already iuf .it aiij pi»«IJ»tl »».0, i a « D i a tarfa nnmhir, %h • «rw nakiufr o»ai f£«*o a iavik It . NKW .j.,1 ».>!.! !,. lull PUM..UII rKtr. U. C. .', IS.I iKM, Au,u-» 1 ., iiuln.-. If you want a book no dif ference what kind> call on or send* your order to ft* Winston, F4. C. W A l'trce aHMirtment If #: of Hhiiik Hooka al- S v WH>> >|| liund. a k Tlicm 1 lH»okn \*err jg bought tor salo, and >f » will b.» M»bl as low us J ZM4S QQODS Are now coming in. if you want a nice present for your -best prl" go to LANJER'S for it where you will find many nice things, Doors, Ba§li, ISSindN, etc. We are prepared to (iirnisli doors, sash, 1)1 i nds, newels, turn ed balusters, hand rail, brackets, moul ding, scroll-sawing of all kinds, window {ranies, door frames, dressed lumber of all kinds, flooriug, ceil ing, weather-board ing, etc. of our own manufacture. Tie also carry in stock shingles, plastering liths, lime, cement, calcined plas ler, plastering hair and all kinds oj builders' supplies. MILjuEU bugs., Winston,. JV. C. SAY! HOLDUP! )"-)•» trjJl 1 ;ir:ccc loil in the s'xule at H. Jj- Shutt's, A'o. Lihr •*" v '- *?,r?td. So. nf Farmers Warehouse. The Leading Grocei'y and Confectionary of the Twiu-oity. You will always be (routed 0. K. He jive* you lie most gnnds for the least money Of uny man in the Twin-Oily. Our tuotto is "to sull low and lei tbem go" So it will enable us to buy more, etc To the wb» bnys Iftc "TBtJst guoi during 18111 we will give a HANDSOME GOLD WATCH K7- WORTH sr, 0.00.1*3, at the end ot the year. Pays tbe high- | est cash pnoes for all kinds of country ' produce. Yours always anxious to please willing you a prosperous year, 11. I). Sill TT, No. 42"2 Liberty t>t._ lirat door South ! Farmers \V. H , Winston. N. C. BTA P L E | .VXD— Also, First-Class II A Iv E li Y . I invito all i i need in my line to give me a call. lionii-mIM-r 1 am on Lll*rty stivt, H'in stoii, N. between 4lh and sth streets, convenient lo ill the warehouse!. (i]K-n dining ail h.isiiii'.s hours, and will make it to the interest of farmers and citi/."ns who wish such go»lt I carry to ir iv c mis a call. 1 know the needs of every class, md will «ive you such things as v m need at prices o satisfy you. Uespjetl'uily, J. 'l'. WOOUsOX. CI \l*K FEAR & YADKIN' VALI.'Y i!. K. 'OMI'AN Y.; CONIIKXMCP KIHKDI'IIE NO. l(t. N'OKTIIISOiMi i No. 1. N0.:!., No. IS. I 1 » v >\ ilining!on. !).-IO a m Ar Fay»?»tcvillr. I 4") p in Lv Fayetteville, 2.15 p n» Ar (Jreensboro, itf.4o " Lvo (Jretwhoro, 7.10 44 Lv Walnut CoYe!H.4:> " Ar Mt. Airy, 10.15 14 Lv Bcnetisville, ■ O.OOain Ar \lh*u»ii, | [ 0 i:l • Lv Mrtxloii, ' 10.2")* 4 Ar Fayu:tt*vlll«, I 12.30 a Lv. Millboio, | 7.23 a. m Ar Greensboro, I I O.UO a. in Lv Greensboro, j j 10.10 ain Ar Madison, 12 35 p m BOL v ri!iiorKi>. No 2. No I. oro f Lv Gr^usb^ro. Lv San ford, 12 q- Vr Fayettevdle, " 3 . n Lv l'"it> fltHv'lle Ar Wilmington, IJ V tfaydleville. r Ar 2 .. J ' 6J , _ Ar BencU gv iiie „v Mwii i.4n wi %,lcc n> l oro A' M horo, 4. u , 0.55 J. W. Fi»V, Gen'] Sirp'i, W. . KYLE, Ctan*l Puss. Agent. j lltiU tnal*at cw: «nw••»»•'il WTiy [ w'CjW "* * irn • ir| #*«*•»• *io % l k9k fml" 1 h *!•""« »r» E*w> h* / WRwi'i l "'" »«* « , n»il« raming frum #fc 10 '"j*«**. t "kwV.!'»"« lVnTru*«ri , |^ 11. II u I let ( A* l'o„ Km »MO l*t>r(lunl, .Mnlu« ••*MXYCO a jraar U l>»'«c matle hy John R. ■LMf •',- K As ||Y MT I V'll.y i-akih i.laio ntrr. a*.*,;., ims . k I'i'IMVA. HTtXkul A to., I OKTUND. 111 UII L I >r ** vs?.r&ir. "* W ''"'•"P 4 ' brl "«» r •n^rfeiVn"wMkar ZamMttUrT Mm* **'" ' ' 14,1 ' " we * k and U|.%»^ and mart Mer * little c\i>an»n.-» K* an fernlah you the >m. t>loym*«t and Hack y,. a lhl.K. No ipar, to •■•lain fc.-ra full •formation fl.Kk. I'UI J/ t 0-f AIUtUIA, LAIM. £*s •vLvi'' iT* 2 N * 1 h.iuif Willi- I JS 3 T " Ma'-I. tto,; ■ nr. ■Jfor«n».\v (~?■ VOOI.I i-v ;t WiitieliaUßl. it •• l,#"!*-* t* n« > * A BiMaC* ui HfpnJt - A. 2SSKVE, la®,§oo is m -HAWAY! OUR J "Stonewall" Homemade SHO £„ Are recognized as the best'and i> easiest wearing shoe on the market. They are made from old-fashioned bark tanned leather, having solid leather soles, heels and counters. No slip-shod Northern trash with tin counters aod paper soles If your dealer don't keep STONE WALL HOMEMADE SHOES, ask him to buy theui for you, and if he woo* do it, send to us for them. Don't boy some other shoe made ot hard burnt leather. Our STONEWALL HOMEMADH StloKft urc the only shoes tilling all the wants of the farmer and bis family. \V» have them all iu weights. For a farmer's Dress Shoe we ha?e • ; nice light kip sewed Shoe; also a nice j sewed kip button Shoe for ladies' dress. Von can get double the wear out ot these Shoes for the money than you can troiu any northern shoddy gQH OUll OFFER, To the Farmer s son or daugnter, be tween the ages of sis and eighteen, who will send us by Jauuai v Ist, 1891, the largest number of words spe led front the letters contained iu (lie words Stonewall Homemade Shoes arethe Besti. :7m —WE WILL QIVK— ; £ 8 0.00; |% and to t ho two |larg»M number wa will, give to'each £5. 0 0 iildtH* Tlios > aoir.petir.g for the priM§*'must bo between the ages of six and eighteen. Koclt word must be correctly spelled, and no letters are to be used except those •ontained > iu the words, "STONE WALL HOMEMADE SHOES ARE TII* j t?EST." When your list of words is | completed, mail them to us. with yoar uaiue, age and postaffite.. BEEHIVE BOOTS I j • ' Let welt enough alone" and boy j another pair of li» HIVE BOOT-, j which give you much mm iorjl.W j as you can get elsewhere for $3 00. Inonr SHOE AND HAT STORE we I carry the largestjline of JasbionaWfi fin* i Shoes and hats in the Sjate. Our pri» ees are as low as ever, notwithstanding the fact that fhofls have advai led fruq & to 15 per cent. Wheat Fertiliser^— We are again selling Rovster's High Grade Acid l'hosphaie, the Ureal Wh«a^ Fertiliiier. JViuon lower ih|»u othen! We have sold this hraud for two vears j and every one who used it says it' H n> I good as any, and many say "that tt'i ! much better or elover after tbw wiir.ii is cut than other biawls We br-"H'l the priee do\jn and wijl hold it there Hour- '\njiii:'.ii ip I lease, VJ a. S3A9TY & RR

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