"VOLUME XVIII. ReoDrtor and Post PUBMIBKD WBKKtT AT danbury, n. c. PEPPKR K So**, Pub'*. R IT** «*■ m n»« Kii-rio* •. T«ar, lu .. ItVrKS OF A»»S*TIS!S«: at H*ii>r«tanl nc»ur low) I #1 V p.r additional lusai Uon, ..■■■■■■ • VSVS- U.I A'l TOK NUY AT LAW Mt Airy N, O. *p«.cml »tleillioii given lu lU "' 0 llcet " claims. W. F. CARTER, &TTQ BWBT m & T-lt?! ?T*. MT. AIKY, SL'UKY CO., X. - I'rntlces whore ve. lilaseivlces aro wantd "l«§©Al9sß'f- A beautiful Register (illustrated) o OAK. RIDGE INSTITUTE and BUS IK r.Sb COLLEGE tolling all about t!i« calibrated school FREE ! Yau tkeuhl 'lo tliU ifyu contemplate pat raaiaiuc any school noxt year, i'n* ■••sfo TIUHItU. HI*I>K4H. or I'ttLl.Kai: ts:> Students last year. I hl« School ia fine ly laeaied iu the I'iediuont legion of N. (sear Greaujboio, where t;oo»l hoard e.m he had low. It has sp'.e idid buildings, tine atud; balls, and elegautly furnialie I >"■ :el- Aills, beautiful I'hapel, nn.l it c. lup •i'lv U;i« often Uv lust-class Sciio.U i.i the South. Address J. A. A M. 11. iloit, Oak Itis", The Wilmington Star. KEUUCTH N l\ rniCES. Attention is called to the following to duced rates of subscription, CASH IK ADVANCE : THE DAILY sr.VK. One Year sl>.oo Throo Monthssl.'>( Six Mouths 3.00 I One Mouths 50 TIIIS WEEKLY ST Alt. •■e Year SI.OO j Six Mouths CO Three Months 30 cents. Our Telegraph News servic' lias beeu largely increased. ami it is "iir iletor *nu»tion tc keep the SrAlt up I" the bi ' (il Unrfarii of uews-|iaper excellence. Address, \VSt. 11. KEN Mil). Wilmington, N. Money to LorsJ (in uni.imitkd amoi vts) On tioot) Ukai. Ksrvi'K S.otnufY with ioterest payrblc semi-annually or «> Ir »« preferred . Loans to mo fire years and secured by first mortgago Woods. Judguiouts, mortgages and liens of every descripti in paid oC and •Bg time given. _ Call on or address A M. STACK, Attorney at law Daobury, N. C. PAINTS WHITE LEAD LINSEED OIL KR YER TURPENTINE READY MIXED PAINT CO LOUS DRY COLORS GROUND INOIL If JRD WOOD FI L L Ell HARD OIL FINISH Also a full line oi W&T Paintbrushes ■ GO TO — raft & Ovc ns i ii Winmi+n, # C. FQZI DTll'lil'Hl « W— Browu*» lr«n IliiterM* rfcjtufcUuu mtn#i.d it. AJf dAAifer* h+*p It. §!.*» fi- I nttle. icnuinf Mi u»4 en***] i,»! "ucs m wrapper. - -"«■ ■ ■—— NEW fill ami ff iu to MILLINERY AT MR 3. L. W. MA TEN, Main Stieet, Two Doors Heiovr Allen't Old Sui.d. * Latest New York stylos a specialty. Hats, FicwTo, Ribbons Etc as cheap its can be bought. Special inducements to the COUN TRY THAI IE. ORDERS by mail promptly attended 10. Don't fjil to call and examine '• stock. BKfeßt&ftNny AT TUB "S. T. WATKIN* OL.L) STAND •!, OPPOSITE I'llK HOTEL I'OIJNT'N Iht:i in stork full, line of no I wax, also tko Li feet in. Spring and Summer I'itr'ins wishing ani/ l hii/£ in her line cire rjf/io.*stjd to -> Call ani examine goods and prices. BOHBDIY;! HOUSE at sam" phi § :'. itext tloor to , Ucrcha 'it 'vj/ute.'. rsm r3»[ • | -re •*» coon I,'OOMS, WELL EUE.YFS/fED T.I JJLES, ATTEXTIVJ! S+: H \ :I.YT.S. All furnished it reu'nnttile prices. IT. X, sas*v. ■)jim3 sl3s93, .Manufacturer of an,l Dea In- in all Iinds of Saddles, Harness, Collars. Whip*, Spurs Curry Comas, thrushes and everything usually kept H his line. Me Ado ftuiliing. (3-roonk!> > roC, ONWA2D! IS THE WO:.D ! The Pr.OtJUKSSIVK FAUM 1511 enters iU iiiiiii) vot.r>iit .it thi following rains: I subscriber. I year S 1.25 6 subset ibera, l year -'.OO 10 subs 'l ibers. I sear 10.00 Olio copy, l yuM'Jirc to Hit- one seinlirg a club of ten. Eight pas -s, 40 columns, weekly. Send CASH (charges pivpuitl) i, i.. roi.ii. M.MIU, N. C. Dtt. V. O. THOMPSON, DKUGGISr. U 7/7 sell unit Drugs at /he Loire.it I'rices either H hole sale- or lletail. Call/'ofan/■ thing in the Dr.iJ Li/ie be fore l/ou bay and be con vin red that the bottom //rices arc found here. i /A OIL, ST-1 77.XV/ 11Cl- a.! ' ±Ol hi WJTJJi, 5» Djiit ferret Ike pac?> South MWE OF TBS i CUUIV HOUSB SgiIAKF. WINSTON N. C. 5-Ton Cotton Gin Scales, S6O TTSitBTT BEAM BOX BRASS TARE BEAM. WarranUMl for 6 Years ! "JONES HE PAYB THE FREIBHT. For Frt* I 'rife /.«, AMrm JOKES of BIHGHAMTOH. Binghamton, *. T. "NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE«UCCE«S." I)A.\IiUKV, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL. D 189 ft IT WILL EVER BE THUS- A c tizen of Hurlem who *" ap proaching the railtoad depot, followed by a dog, halted and picked up a stone and flung it at tho caniuo with ihe ex clamation: "You good-fo -no'hingcur, but I'd like to knock yout head ofi 1 " .lust then a man eauie down a side street fallowed by another dog, and halt ed to *ay: "I've got another just nucb cur lieie. lie isn't worth his weight iu soap grease " "I'll poison mine this very tiight!" "And I'm going to thiow uiiue under the !»couiotive." "Say," aaid the second man, after a IUOUICUI'R thought, "CHII your cur up here and let us get 'em to fighting." "Good idea. Here, Jep-^Jep—Jep! v'ouie here, doggie!" The dog cautiously approiehed, and as the two animals began growling and walKiug around each other a sudden "Stuboy!" brought a climax, and they it wasn't u minute before the lint mm, whose dog was underneath, kicked the dog on top. ' Hold on, now. Givo uy dog a fair show!" shouted the other. '•lie's the biggest!" "No. he aim! Don't you kick my dog agate! "I'm a gf od mind to kick his owner' ' "I'd like to ceo you tiy itt" "1 can do it!" "Y >u're a liar." And with that tlicy began whaling sway at each otliur wiih tho greatest vigor, ending after five minuted in a draw. Meanwhile the dogs had quit and d is appealed. '•I allow no ono to kick my dog," gasncd o*jo and iic wiped at his bloody 0030. "And I! i; ing man can call me a liar," gri -.vied tho other, as ho hold his blick eye. ' I'll see you again." '•And I'll see you."—>X«w York ■Sun // E CO I'L I) h E EP. / SE CRET. Ar. old suldicr at the C.pitul yctor. d. y told this story of Monowall Jack son, says tbo Atlanta Constitution: It was during ilia va'.ley campaign, I atid a ladle was expected within a day or two, though Jackson's plans were s>■ ! carefully guarded tliat nut even lit* ad jutant could guess thorn intelligently. Tbjs setf.reliance was characteristic of Jaukson, and aversion to telling his plans were well known among his officers aud men. In fact, it wa- bis policy to surprise liis own mm no less than to surprise the enemy. General Jackson was one of a group of officers, and another of tlio group was a Georgia Colonel who is still living. Conversation was dragging. Jackson was thoughtful aud had litile to say, and the effect wa> dampening. Finally, to revive the conversation, the Georgian Colonel asked abruptly: "General, fill we bavo a fight to mot row!" Hvciybody knew in an instant that the blunder was irreparable, aud nobody realized this more than the lolonel. Jackson turned quiokh ijnd stared lull in the speaker'* face, Then be slowly surveyed the Colonelol froii) hea l to fogt aud back again. The silence was painful. ••I'olonel, '(said the General nlowly, but not in an unkind tone, 'lean you keep a secret!" -Yea, General," was the warm if e.iibarru-s?d assurance, "J know I can, (jcneri'l. Yes, sir." "Are you fjuilo certain, Colonel/" "I am f|nite certain, Genera!." •(Well, Uo'onel," in the satne quiet, even tunc, f'su can 1, sir." 7"he Cukiiel'n face Hushed crimson nud there wan a deathly a lence fur a hulf minute ur in.no. "•Now, I," said Jackson, with MOiue fotilimj, »/hat rudttiuss uf nunc hurt me as luueh as it did yuu, hut 1 trust that IT has taught you a valuable lemon. If we do have a tight tii-iuirrow, Colonel, your regiment shall have t ohanco." It in said that $5,000 was epuat fur Boyle at bin trial in thin city U t week. Yet his victim got ro assist woe and justice was thwarted. Partners that the fly has de stroyed tie plants on in tiy beds in lota A (WUJJ NAME Sunday Schtiol Tfiues. A young in-in does nit always fl 1 1 it ea«y to get on in the world without eduction of family influence o. pewonal friends or propeity or health ; but ho will find , in the long run, that it is Cur easier foUtfeun to n.ako his way among men without any or all of tho e advanta ges than tu in ik» substantial progress in the world without tl*; r.yati i of a gtod eliaraotor even thought be litis all those other possessions. Character stands for every whern, iu spite of frequent slighting*. .Uotl wbo are themselves licking in a good Aar aeter appreciate and value of it in others. A band of robber would want an honest treasurer. The young ina'i whose sward cannot b.i beliaved, whose honesty is not abofc sispeoi in and whim per. onalltfe i* nit whit it o jjf'it to be, is not the young ma'i iliat lb; busings woild lias open places fur He may have wealth and family position and a host of friend* ; but if he is without charter be is at a dis advantage in every position in life. Who i a young man who has lost liis ghi 1 nanie ill ikes an tioinit effort to recover it, liefii da that his way up war lis a bird i>ni —a great deal har der, in spile of all other helps, than it would have b.san if be lial mide a right start without thov help*. Friend* arc cjinparativelv po,varies* in their ellirtJ to win eonfi lenee for one who has pro ved himself unworthy of it on former occasion*. Thau it is that the young man is likely to realize as nevei before that '-a good nnue is rather to be chosen than great richei" even as a wor.lly in vestment. Hjcauie it is so hard to get along without a good nauir, or to icg ainitwVen ones surrendered, every hnung in >n who ha* that p ought to count it shove price, and to have a care lest he Icse it. MJ.YS' FLA'ITb liY OF II 'OM. IX. 1 would also youig woman nut to depend for bippiuus* upon the (lii tcric* of men. Uis a pour cO.npinconl your sex >hat so mitiy men feel obliged in your pruieme to offer unmeaning com pliiuonU. Meu capable of elegant nnd elaborate conversation elsowljerj some, times feel eallid uj on lit the door ol \ the dnwii'ig.roiu 10 d rop their eoiuuiou «on.«a aud to dole on ttsrh-s They SJ y tilings about v«u ap p 'it!a:io« mat you know, aud y know and t!i.-y know, aud they k.io.v. UIM false. 'Pliey say you are an angel*. Vou know you arc not. 'I hey tell "you are looking singular/ l.c.iuliful this evening," wh»n you know very well th >t the remark n on ly u co jiiuou |leositue men ;hiok ilint a emiversu ti in with a woman is intrre-tiug only as it i) dotted and .tpiced with flatteries and niealii igless cumuli ue;.j.s. |)et n.i id to tell the truth m offi le and store, and, s!i>p, tliny oo'l.ilJeied it hofloraulj tolu to u w.mrm. The sami tiling tjat th ly told yo i on this side of the drawing-roo.u, thr-'j niiujtus ifgo tliev said to jiiuj oue on tiie other • ije fif the drawiu^-room. Oil, let no one trample on your self-respiet. Tne meanest thing on which a woman can bi)ild her happiness is the flattcrost of mot). —lie*. T. l)e -Witt Talujsge, in .t/arch Ladias' Home Journal. The toruado tha: swept across the city of Louiiville, leaving death and and (/estruction behind", tho mighty floods thai over flowing the Mississippi delta, after sweeping »»»/ the burr.er that uiau lias vainly interposed are rem inders to us of this busy a,e that God reigns, aud that without His care and prot ctu n man is as nothing. When all is pro spcrous maiiking, absorbed in the labors and the pleasures of life, is pioac to forget the Great Creator, in whom "we liva aud move and luve our being " but when groat disasters befall, mau's hearts turn to Him as tho rivers of waters are turned. To the peeple of the stricken city and of the vas rogion of the overflow we tender most tamest sympathy, aud our hope and prayers for their speedy aelivry from all their afflictions.,—Manufactures Jlecord. A widower with a let of small chil dren married a widow who was similar- Iv blessed. In time the newly married couple added to the number. Hearing a voice iu the yard one day tbo fsth r went out ta see what was the matter. "Well, what was it >" asked his wife as he returned out of breath. "Your child ren and my children were pounding our children," was the reply. .—Texas Sifting. Our WON BY STRATAGEM. By Mits. M. A. MAX INS. til] APTl£:i IV. — Conltniel. "The evening wo arrived be c, a fort, mghi ago, 1 accident.! ly. really acci dentally, met this gentleman, Mr. Muy ii", who was once « very great friend of iLiue. but whoui 1 was forbidden, for certain reasons o!' my mother's, to he any lonjer frindly with. On the spur i of a moaient 1 iu ido up a )■ lull by which ' I cm. ll eitj y bis society for at loa->t a j tcwe.:ks before wo parted, probably forever. Very few of my friend* arc acquainted with eilberUerald Mayuo or Mr. Vniibruton, so I proposed to the former 'hat ho should, as a silt of juke, you know, take the name of ol the lat tor, ju.it while iu our company, you iuhj have ohs rv.vl that 1 bavo never introduced liitu oifiy casual acquain nuceii here. I impressed upon him that if you knew «h > ho really was, you woulJ report hi. prcs-.iicj to mamma, and then a lieu to all on- fun at Lu cerne. 110 agreed- -he generally did to anything I chose to do -and 1 intro ducil him to you as my fiuee. Of course it was all very wrong, but I meant it is as h sort of practical j ke, a bad or.o; perhaj!, especially as I soon found my lot was to plav soeji) I '.dille, and voiL tout !" "That was not all," MUs Itogcr9 sai 1 slowly. '"lt was not all a joke , tho c was S' uuthiug else." Thero waa filcn.:e for a few minutes between the two woui'n, and nothing was heard but the gintle splash-splasb of the lake ; tbeu, with a visihl.i effort, Alice said, in a hurled and nervous voiee : ''Y«s, you are right, thero wa* some thing else. You remember the diy you cane to llaythorpe ! I fetched you haidkeroliief t'roai your room, there was an I'liDnished letter on he floor " 1 Which you real. Anna interrupt ed. • |J.-.w honoroble ' Mow truly lion orable !" ; i '•You need not sneer so," retorted Alien. 'li was hardly honorable on | your part to purposo d 0114 y->"r best t> j ( tuarry my ituonled liusbaiii. I xmj ■ rep'aeing vour lette; 011 the table when two or farce words arrested mv ajien tion, and I read it llir-*ugh. 1 then j twisted it up ?nd let it blow out of the window You see, it was 1 who did evil ihat good u)iglit oonio. 1 have n•! ■ lost uiv lit} band, and you ajc engaged j to Ije married to tha t}ian you profess j 'to love. Mo barm lias been done, and I j suppose all parties will ba satUfiel." " And dn you think tli real Mr. Van. In u ton will «oj >y (liia liitli ouu.dy !' , a-ked Mis# Kogera quietly. ! ' I dure say i'. uiav amuse him, if you j thin't it absolutely necessary to tell I him, * replied Vlioe carelessly. "Hut jlu will hardly lliir.lt •nuuli of iho fart you played in ft; a* f«r u.ine, I I avo no | dout tint 1 jhall ho able to expl tin it I satisfactorily. And no » yoa tumtiou ■ ' h'ui," slu adiicd, rising and tuinjr the ; door, •«/ will go and see w'u're he ho is. ■ .Shall 1 send Gerald j 'fOno minute, Pattprson," exr ! claim'd the other ; '-I slmul l like to Biy one tiling more. I know it is use- i 'las to ask your pardon, but I s.var ' that I was sorry when it wis ■ too late. How can a girl like v iu, brought u;i to j have every liitigalwoU that you can wish (or, loved by fond parents, sh eld. |td by them from fn ui all ] ossib o care j or sorrow know or guess the teuipta- I lions which surround a woman like me, | woo liavc boon left to shift for myself [ 1 from earliest childhood ! 1 have hi 180 one to guard me against hard.-hips and ' troubles. True, 1 htvo a brother who lends ma a helping hind when he can, but, pojr follows, he needs ona too of- I j jen himself." 1 j As Alice listened, tbo hard expession ,iu her face mi cited away, aud her voi;e was kind and gentle as she replied : "Do not ppeak so bitterly, Anna. If j what you say i tru«, uiy fault is iiiueh greater than your.", for 1 have far less . excuse. Believe me, in everything j there is compensation. Remember, after ; all, you have Gerald, and if lie is nt a Mr. Naubruton, at least he is not quite , I penniless." And so sayingAlicc quiet, i ly left the room. j 1 "After all, you have Gerald !" These ; 1 words rang in Anna'fc ears as she paced | to and fry ; but bad «lie got him % W bat would he «ay if he kRSW, if bo evea bap. pened to know ' She wat. thiukmg this > uhtn the man himself entered the room, j He went straight to her and took her i into his arms. "Parlitig, can you ever forgive me for 1 having so grossly deeeiv-d you ? At \ first I did i for fun, and then afterwards I I tl: 1 not dare tell you, as 1 feared that j 1 you would send mo away, thiuking that : 1 was Alice's lover whom she was not i ; meet, and that 1 should not have to | I leave you. \\ h.t must you have tl ou- j | ght of mc, believing uie to be euguged ' Ito one girl, and yet knowing, as you ! must have aiiown, that 1 had fallen in j love with you ! Will you forgive me dearest ?" Se drew herself gently away fiom him. I "1 forgive you with all my heart ; listen to me, and than I wonder if you ; can pardon as easily." "I will listen t» nothing," l.e cried impetuously. "1 know you *love me, thai is enough.' Once more he put his arms aiouud ' 1 her, and this lime she did uut resist. "Are you sure,'' she uiurniered, 'you ' | "Are you sure,' she muttuered, "you ' i are not mistaking uie for Alice 1" For answer be kissed her lovingly j : and tonderly, aud she seemed quite sat- , ! isfied with that reply. ' THE END. Lawyer.— Have you auv opinion* re- | yarding the guilt or innoeenoe of the def' ndant? Possible J sir. Lawyer.—What lave you read about j Ibis case! ]'. J —.Ain't read nawtiiin' cbout it. Lawyer— Remember, you are »n your oath. L»o you mean to tell me that you j haven't read any thing at all about a ease so celebrated as this one' I'. ,1 —No, 1 ain't read nawthin about it. 1 ear."t read. Lawyer,—Oh, / beg your pardon.] You aro accepted —Philadelphia l'i j qoircr. BRIEFS- Edward Itellamv, author of "Look ing llaekward," will soon become editor of the Natimalist Magazine, which is ! published in Boston. One of the worst storms that ovor visited l>allas, Tunas, is raging in that neighborhood. All the water courses ! aio over their banks and many hridgee I have been swept away. Tlio crops have been badly damaged. li iriium's show opens in New York I City on the 12'h I T'lie homestead of Horace Greeley ct Chappaqnn, N. Y., was buruod to the I ground last thursday. Most of the books ; and papers were saved. Edward Sylvester, ( barley Mason, . and Harry Williumi, tlir**o noted eon ! nterfoiters, were arrested in liuft'alo, IN. Y., Thursday nigl.t. They had a nuuiner of counterfeit dollars in their i possession. Tho New Jersey Legislative Inves tigating Committee heard testimony shoving that dead and absent men voted j profusely last November. The Pacifio Mail Company's s'.enmcr i China arrive at Hong.Kong. March SI, twenty davs from San.Francisco. This jis 'he fastest trip ou recotd, reducing the tune yro days. The canals in New York [Stato will i be opened for navigation on May Ist. j After a chase of two yoars, Detective Pinkerton has nriesud, in Spsnisl Honduras, Kdtnuud Sturgis crawford who stole a package of §41,000 in bllli sent by the American Exchange Hank of New York City, to tho Adams Ex I prosi Company. Crawford hascoufes | sod and implicate.-, others T"E HOWCfr> 88U.ICRUN NO 39 A ST. I TEM LY\'i WI FE. Not l u :ig ago, wlicn speaking of hi* wife, I'linoa in reported to liave fait). ".Vlie it is who has made ine what I mi.." There have been Kiulish statesman who eoui I say quits a* much, liruite was su-s'ained nmiil the anxiety and agitation of public life by domestic felicity. "Krery care vani.'lies,' be s id, ••lb* moment I enter inv owi: ruf!" Iln description of hU wifu H too long to quite, but we must give an epiio.ue rf of it. Of her beaty bo ciij it did oat arise from future**, from complexion or Irom shape ; "she has all three in a high degree, but it io not by these that she touches tne heart ; it i» all tint sweetness of temper, benevolence, in, nocenoe and sensibili-.v which a fas> express, that forms her beiuty, Her eyes Inve a mild light, but they aw* you when she pleases; command, like a good man out of office, not by authority, but by virtue. Her staturei is not tali ; she is not made to be ibs adm ration of everybody, but the bap pines* of one, She baa all the firmness that does not exclude delicacy ; she has all the softness that does not imply weakness. Her voice is a low, soft music, not formed to rule in publio assemblies, but to charm tkoa; who can distinguish a company a crowd :it has advantage^—you must come close to bur to hear jt," 67/ E RIFFH OS KINS LY DICTED. A true bili of indictment was found against iShei iff Uoskins of (iuilford tor allowing Lige Moor# t > escape, and be was held in §I,OOO bail, which was giv en, for his appearance at next terra of court, i his, however, means nothing but a mere legal form, a* the grand jury is compelled by latv to present the o ffica who has cha ge of a prisoner and allows him to escape. All that Uoskias will have to do will be to chow that he was not responsible for the escape, and as ' the prisonor was re-captured, the case I will be dismissed by the court. Madi son Leader. THE QOJtPSE GOT MAD. A Har //arbor letter iu the Sew York Mall uud Expiess Contains the following. A goud story is told of a gcniicmao well known in New York, who is stop ping uot over a hundred linlus from the ishcrinau cottage, lit sent his man to & bar bur chop to have an artist come to the house the uoxt morning and pbave hi lit. Bright and early the barber ar rived, and, ringing the bell explaiuod to the ssrvant who answered it that Li had coiuo to shave a corpse, and roentioued the naiuo of the gentleman who had sent for bun. He was shown up to the gen tleman's apartments, and wittiout more ado entered, nud findiug the gentleman asleep proceeded to shave him. Hut thinking that a dead man would not complain if the razor did pull a little ho bad uot brought his best tools with him, so that his victim was soon aroused and glared at his tormentor. The bar ber lied precipnalcly from tbe house and 1 it was some time befoic an uuderstand j iug could be arrived at. It seems now that the terms pre scribed by the Leader for the dismissal of the case against Sheriff Hoskins, that is, to "show that he was not responsible for the "escape'' will be very difficult to comply with.—Greensboro Patriot Going to bed with a well filled s'ovn ach is tbo essential prerequisite of rer freshing slumber. The cautions sq o'ten reiterated in old medical journali against late suppers were directed chief ly to the bibulous habits of those early times. Nature and common sense teajh us that a full stomach is essential to quiet rcpo.se. Kvery man who has fouud it difficult to keep awake after a jieaity dinner has auswerad the problcn) for himself. The c are few animals that cat) be trained to rest antii after they aro fed.—American Analyst. Durham has six millionaire— J. 8« Carr. W. Duke, H. L~ Duke J. B. Duke, U. \V. Watta.jilj W. Dude. m - » m - jveurtftffie I'rrtiotis Andthuso troubled with nenrntiatiesa resulting from cure or overwork will I** relieved by inkii% Brown's iron Hitters. cemiina has trade murk and crowed red Hth * on wrapper. I.AOIKA Needing a tonic, or children V* - ' w«.uUi| ut». shoulc' Uit • IIKOWN'I IIION » » • !KNH. It Ik ideamtnt lo .akc, jur*ludigor Hi.n, au«l Uilio'isiic**. 'll 'ealet* kU.

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