VOLUME XVIII. Rsoorterani Post PUBLUUKO WEEtCUr AT DANBURY. N. C. 4*EP*KR & ?OS«, Pub's. IC AT KM OF Ht'BM'BII'TIOSi » Veur, injubto ill mtvanec f ' «\I KS Of IDVKKIISISIi. StmitlMl ne»..r M 1 time »t ■ \ r «»cli ndillttoml =3=r ~/,\ L. fUYMORE, A'l TORN EV AT LAW MtAiryN.C. S|»'eiai kt'-ntimi [.''• .l collection ••UiMii. £ ' W. F. VALUER, &W IF*. MT. AIRY, BURET co., N. T Tract..*? wberovev lilseerviws are wantd A beautiful Register (illustrated) o OAK HI lUi K INSTITUTE and Bl'S IN f.s.-. COLLEGE telling all about the celebrated school FREE Too should lo I'll* If you contemplate pat mnitiliS any school next year. t.. n:\ttin ;. «r Jj."> last jear. 'J bis SWiool is ioio |y Uicatetl ill the I'iediuout regio.i ••! N• ' (near tireeusboro, nere K° l 'd lioaril e.m ne U.iJ low- It has tplendiil hue lis. ami elegautly fiirnisbe.t »•>■ iet/ 14 .,t Is beautiful Chapel, ami Is eoniptel'-'j hcooJu 111 the South. Adilre,s a. A. & M. 11. Holt, Oak Rii*, X- C. The Wilmington Star. KLUUCTK N IN I'HICES. Attention is called to the fallowing jc duced rates of subscription, CASH is AHVAS OE : THE DAILY S CAR. One Year sti.oo .Three >Font!iasl.:i Six Months 3.00 I Od» Month* 60 THE WEEKLY STAR. Due Year SI.OO j Six Months 60 Three Mouths 30 cents. rjnr Telegraph News s.-nvv lias roe 'iitly • been largely inereas' l, ami it is our detcr nination to Ueet> the STAu "|> to tb ■ hi.- 'it Uimlaril of news-paper e\ lieu.v. Address, WjC. 11. KEN MID. Wiimiugtoii, N. Lewus White Lcod, Linwd Oih Turpentine-, Colors Dry, Colors in Oih Vurnixhes, Wood Filleri Hard Oil Hush Dryer- Ready mix ed fjainfs. S ? a i ii a'. jVlso Lilian in«nt of iill IrimlM »1" -."-Pain Brushes V ASHCIiA FT S- 0 fl 'FA "IS*. I Vinstoiu A C\ —" if —IF ¥OU WANT A— Tabic, Bureau, Cha mber Set, Tableware Coffins of all sizes, or -|[nnthing In Itje furniture |W,- -Call on- CICEKO TISE East side of ccun House Square, *Wlaat«a» IP* Kr»D»n't fnlHo ko through his mam moth fit:i"lislnnriil and see wh«re lie in.iuulacturcn his o« iijjiK«U NEW Ul fHi'l Wiifc;!' ILL FAIN BUY AT MRS. L. W. Ma"U I, Main Street, i'wo Poor-' Leluw Allen » t)l«l S«MUL Latest New York styes a. specialty. j Hats, Eiowrs, lLlij > i; as cheap ns can bo bought, Special iuducmuetits t-i tlse I OUN TRY Tit AUK. ORDERS by nviil promptly t (tended j in. Don't f.til to call and examine v i stock. IXvy. , v. AT rm; v. T. v.irKis:oi.l>«AX» -: j OF»PO3iTETIIB II KS'.L V >IJ • T 4 N j IT,is instil; full I i'i" of no : Imns, ci!■ ) I'n' Infect in Si/ring rind Su nt :>tvr XAvjUX'U -N,& Fur!id ir 'h' > • ruu/'hiilg in her !i 7 ar • rs / j.7 Tail and Sxnmine goods an ■ />' i ' " • —'AX>*" * no. mm.Yd nor mi at s un >,plw- \ ''»'•>'/ /'>.•>/• /?> . I//'; li 'v Ho!.'!. ■S»[ 'J - »Si WELL FU'x -VIS If Hh Vr!- .rmiYTivi; lEiiwivr.i. AH fur:n»!ii-l j' i .isouablo prices, •vp «r». m C:*'VA?v3! I" TBS WOBDf The mO(i!5KSlTr. i'AV.MK!: eaters ita ruii.'l> Vot.irM;*. .it tli** follow! lis rates ' I Ml'iMCri I J'l'll I' S o iub*3l Ibel*, i )«•:«.• r '-°® 10 mU il «•••>. I> V lU.OO >;l,■ -njiv , 1 jlsy Jiec lo ll.f 0!|8 SlMl iillJ a club of ten. Eight pav>. S3 Col r.ntw, -k!y. S«md r.V-U (i'li.h'„"h p >paUt) I, PfILK, vi i n il, X. C. !f.V* J,* 11. !».«"'• A" J - b**e '"u io i A Muntv OW'S I'M FENCE? 4 Wohsvo theC'.il-.VPCST and Httl j w v'C:>4 ttl,->," FENCING • uopo fcdivafNi. / v ! s; • ATec CKKTB i6K KOB. ■lwrtSndwlSht A Rtciio n.«d^Pr!c.jß LA W.N '* n * I KMETI.Bi reu«io alltyin. iT.LOUIS.MD. OAILAS.TEX. BMWJ HON f/;. v! Cun * liuliK't-at.«>!». l-iht.'.i- t , | -ut >: rw». N4>n"UK..(-r, i|,i(i J* i lls I'l'VKi. riuiiK ix*om!iioti>l !t. A! ".• s*.ll .t. (iuuuiim hastra»lc j::urk tuU cri«4vl jcU lluvi cm« \\ 1 upper. "NOTHINa HXJOCEEffei MKESIJCCESS/ DANBURY, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 8 1890. .1 W.iU,OFTOE. A little corn on a inaidju grew. Listen to my wnil of t e, (laused by tho pitieii of a too tiyht shoe, lnstea I of a lhr»o a number two, It grew. it gtew, I Listen to uiy wail of toe. J AH time wont on, a- time will Jo, Liatvji.'o JUJ wail of toe. TTie I'oru" w.ixal red il.e madon blue, ' i was I 'll tiiui-.i w.irjo tban tue f^rip (k">olicw,) Too true ! Too true ! n to my wail of too. I H'tf ha i a scat in the end of ilio pow, Listen to m'j wa'l of too, And a msn writ It another scut in view l'nt his cowhide boot on licr k tnnguroo, 1 Oh, whew ! Oh, wiiow ' Listun to my wail of oe. iiii' S i. ,MISSU>.\ IUV siom LtLliA !i E1.1.8V. IS 'i ie IJ ivas in Iced a tiis oiitentod !. ;ln jt-rl. As »he sat looking at tliu b\£ !•>•» which t>!a.'' 1 J iu tiro.jdaea she thought : 1, 0 d'iar nie ! Kva and '.lraji! an 1 l'lorrie will liavo hair b>x full, anJ I havu o:;ly ten pennies ia mine. What 'iall Ido ?" lL's>ie's |>iipa wa» a well.to-do fjr mer to a WrMeru village, 11.! airl licssio's iiututn i had omno to tho very li on • in wiiic'i thoy now lived, yens before, w'un b'g brother Alox. was a i b it»y. AU'x. wll tall and Be.siie stood a Ir ;lo ia aivo uf liihi, for bo « i" in col lug ■ and knew so ur.; ;h. As s'je sat there siie mndo a very pi t y pioturo, her hair falling in ourU I ii lit r shoulders, and har daik eyes pa ! r.-..- Nt t!i« I'li-o. Villi what c.iul I she !do ' Tliaro were so many pennies need led to fill tiiat hungry mite box. The ii'iiuios in the box tolled about in ratli - er an expectant way, for theie wn only • ■uiy on.! wit!; more hi fore the meeting, and she in • I't dors unytbing for tlii- I oor po .pie 'ii lie l ir A est. 1 ij- ami by tho r niu began to li^hi u sirmigely, a:>d*4l>o lug log burio-1 ! quite low ;s: tango Ulled the ' room, aril pa-s 'J in front of her wii.li I tltc.r dark Ii :os fiU (1 Willi rebuke. I Presently ouo mid : 4, 0 if 1 only bal | hat pjniiy that f»-'-»io B. spent ! 1 : could lia\B bought a ll.bin leaf for on ; llttlfl girl, and she could have learned to read of Jesus to mo ; but tho little | ' girl spent ii fir a slick of candy, and . f.irpdt us." l!es-ie begin to IVel t|iifcr, a.d a lump riirfl up in b>'r throat as she re iiiori'bcco I that, m i !:uw tin) ctttldv was ! n't half as good as il had looked, ana ! r bid in.de her really s'ek. "O, iii 1 how iiiuoli thai t-n cent l|i. to would have helped ine ! If ay il ! would have bought me a while Testa -1 wont ; not as bandsoine as Miss Bessie'*, to be sure, but the w rds were the sa me," -Ighed a poor old Indian woman Those pennies, Betide rcuiciu hired, hid tfniiu I>r such uiee gum, all done | u,i in silver p per ; but abo had felt | guil'y nil tl.e ti~ic she had it, for uiaui -Ima had lot bidden her to u?e it. Aud ! how d.d this wotiiiiu come to find out I libout it ? Oarrio Seiton wi, iho only ! 000 with lior at the Itiue. "O .-lear ! Why should these people trouble her ■so ?" And Bessie to cry. •'And the tive.oent pieofc you spent lon those little China dolls at tlm fair I ,—why 1 might have bought n mio mod i ipinc with it for my poor little »i«k ba ■ by," sighed a colored woman, ''and tho I baby dud beoiuao it did not have any ! mcdiaine " On they pissed, lolling }?essie of the careless p nniei she had spent, and how much thoy needed theiu till at length she pnt lurr hands up close to her tars, su ll at she could not year ; yet ilioy teemed to ipral: clearer and bndtr even then. "I!ut," I!i'B.-te said, '-how did yon Bud out find out. *0 much ? Why 1 guess 1 spent almost a dollar in nil, but IP was only a lew cents ut n time." When she said "d'dliir" thiy all fix ed their eyes ou her with such u de spairing look that for the first time it ! made l.er feel as though »he owed thorn something and wanted to help them iu the future : and the text the luiniitcr had preached >n eaiuu slowly to her mint) : "lu*a«mueh a- ye did it unto the least of tliaso," cto. Suddenly somebody took Imr in his arms, and a voice she recogniz'd at paya's si id : "Woy, my little 'Beown Betty,' hive you been dreaminj! 1 TJo. cle l'iek has been here, and left a whole gold dollar in remeinbr nee of riy But ty's eighth btrthdjy." '•O papa, and 1 cun sen I it the Indian l idy ! Hhc sai I she ne ' 1 it so much." "Merey inc, chil l ! Yes, a Irtudred if you want to, sail the toy«tided papa, A hsppy ltt:le light eanie into Bes sia's eTe*> and she jnmpid .tt»J put the pretty gold dollar in hvr mite box ; not without a little sigh, however, as sh- 1 guit'd on its fair yellow f.iee. The day that the ba'd met Bessie was jubilant, for she li.id earned that Very morning live cents for foi huskiog the eoru for dinner, and lit 1 t.iken the contiaet to tie it for the sum nor. Si with a light lieaVt she tripped over the fields to the church. And what u bar vest of mile boxes fillet by the little ones ! 1 . all they raised about tli rty dollars, and seut it away out to the ! •Sioux Knaervainn, where ii j bought so many tinv Tesstamcuts and 1 - aflets, lu tho next number of the Ssoeiotv paper it nus nieutioncd that the "Sun. ! beam Valley Society" had t'.ie I.irgca' ! mite offering fir Us viz'. It made lies, sic so hippy that the nevt time she was tc.iiptcd lo buy caudy shs put the lno.i ey, with 3 Utile prayer, into her luitc box, aud she didn't miss the cauJy a bit.—Ziotl's Herald, ./ WOM.LYO.Y ni.D ri. u vs. Qrccnsboro Workman | lam on old woman. 1 wear spectacles and a bum spuu dre s and a while u it ton ; cap. 1 om't remember General Wa.-h- j . iugton, but 1 was a stou pnl when General Jackson whipped the British jat Xeiv Or tans. 1 Oliver rode on a j railroad nor on one of I hose dog cari.i. I can remember wlien t nsed to ride bc | hind niy husband oil liorsab ok to meet ! ing, he wnb one of the children before h-iu t'Q i pillow, mid I i,-,"!I ttv" b..hy in i i>>v lap. I huso were go 1 1 and hippy tunes. Peoplii wen- tolglity linnest io 1 those d»\s. The emu cribs and sin ike i i houses had no loo'«s. We had uono of : /hese bells te ring .or meal tiui>>, but we Used i horn that cjuld be beard a i milo. Wa ildn't hnvo as much to do lo live h w ■ ! fi iiow_ .My g. Is mill I u-td no do alt that was done, titnl we were ; po.veit.,'l ! Ippy ti 11. My old iimi ti nil- .• i tin; woutJ ard e!r»»pj ed it up in i I and in winter l.mo wo had i rou» tig Bros t!>:tt 11.ado every body sit | !at a distance. Weoardol our wn i ! o .it n and w.iol ; spun II and iWMed it, lyolitwith wood, indigo an 1 ui*| le l urk and souutiiues wiili wjl.mt bark, and wovu il into warm ulotli or knit it .i.to tid stuckiii)!*. C.'ok Move', sawing machine* and suoli tl.in.rs were nol known in my day. > I. -g ii llinyo, l. u.-e raising's, quillings and coin aiiueliiiif!* ttfre »jd> ndid times :i Ui'l r.. . Mow aduys tl.e (eoplo liaVH prj icu an i i xi'tlinionii. i Wliun jiur.j.lf; got married, they got married. The man would plow up to the tiuia to start to Ins umriago, i.ud when ilie ceremmy wis over he would hurry back and hitch the old mart! to the plow where he left it is the furrow. The bridal pruents in those days were good for something. They wore not napkin ring#, painted vases, pickle dish es and curd bsrkets, but a cow ai.dealt, a spinning wheel and a pair of card*, an iron jot and oven and may be a frying pan and a Rut of plat. s. cups and saucers and knives and forks, for as Shakespeare said to Mary Authony at the battle of Brandy wine: "Man winu but little hero belew, Nor wants that little long." It hurts oiy feelings powerful to see how the young folks are stuck up. Tliev dou't know what it is to work, it costs iiiuro to fuppurt one gal now than it used to tube to taisj h family. And the boys are worse thin the gul*. Hot you see theft 1 isn't any n •• in tr. ii j« to stop things. Mailers will naturally go ou just like the_/ ure uutil limy burst iin 1 alien liiat will bo I can't toll. I'm a poor old woman of 93, My ears alO deaf aud I scarce can see^ ! Hut boforo I go I must spea'i n.y mind, |To the vain young folks that 1 have behind. 1 way uol chance to write any more, ; To the people who live 00 this tuuudano shore; •So to one and all I bid adieu. I Your humble servant ever truo. THK BANK OF BURLINGTON. Durham Stui. '/' lie Burlington batik, a brntith of the Morehead oann, of ibis plaes, wi• 1 opej for buiine-s at Birlinjtm tomorrow. A suitable room has been secure I IU the hotel at that place f>r the buitucas until a building can be secured. Mr. E G. Lmeberry, an experienced ao cuun mt of the bank here, will go up tins *• ternnon to retuaiu about three weens, and assist in straining die bu»i- I)|T 111 Hood shapj. I'hitJ Will bi t'.u only batik in Alamance county. The Barliugt iu peopU are taking a deep m teri-t in it a»d tiier - p o'p-et of a very successful institution. 110 J. u (}R !•] $ YSliOUi). .Salisbury Wj ehui m. The ulily way to boOUi a jtuie or a section i> to ride u;j on the (ir.it mailoblc point that lifts itself out of ti:o uetie.ul level. I'-uild 111. tliut and by tint means m ive yout ow.i town nearjr by ao uimy hu idreJi ot ; miles lo an active center. 1 here are uiiful i million* of nvtheru money now seeking southern investment. The j most cursory rc.i ii.ig ot the newspapers | lessons. The West i nuw an exhau- j I stud field, and tbo eyes >f the capital ist aru tin lied in satiety iroiu its fourteen went enrn, Sixty eent wheat, pi ive .ou inim a, bors is that freezj by thuu-uiids in its aretie winters and eat ll.-d that suave most miserably in the seasons of druib of it- lort'iil summers. I'lio bottom has fatten out ot tbe \N est. , I'lic ••Yankee dollar" will net stay any where per oemr i, it is tin unit mig ratory e tin ev.ry yet lovis • I by the j bau.l of uian. Ft irida, Georgia Ala j ba in, Kentucky au l Peunessee kn iw it ; by it by hundreds of millions. Aihcville in our o«i Sia'e, JU npiug U'ider Its tuuuh. Urcenibui I > ff.v s bec-elt mid press if the Slate ca i help her, and in ber their own 'owns. Ijjther let I 'h' first i.lfect, as tii • re word of ber spleu- ( did belief mid push, iheu, as a uaiural ooii»e(|itnee, ibe cyo of tbe capitalist baring been turned to out Mate, we | will rtapa benefit, if we have anything ;to oifor. If wo have nothing, tb -u ■ S we desire iiotbitig and are not dXpcctiug jo tlcfraud, it is fair to say. 'the in it i nr.ta up tout is paid for docs not coin i ni'o eousweritioD. Offtcntiiiics ihtre too much of i'. tti be handled by the ! man wli" !ni a lite to live. len e>l ■ | uuias stare him in the fact) l r one bi e; and down it go**, unie.nl. m UK'Uiuer in lier we have the first claim ol North , to a pUco uiuoug the i; ♦ u and tuel producing States. At thcsi'ini ti.n*, uls»ay*, remembering that il»e claim if an hoaettt ow-, go honest a> regards l;tr easy aceesfibility tu lime, ore : coke, and markets. THE ATM KJYT OF CliiL- D LI tCA '■ > Put tlie little ones to bei happy t Siy.iall cxollutlgl', ailuditlg te tllO lIAOI. soiuc parents have ut vlelorr IIIJ» [ 'i nsh iiiunt for Units emu uiue iring tiu Ilylly | until bedtiiu :. 'N.'vor -.vt.ip iriiiid un ijiist t>tfir.s they retire ; i rest. L .is ; too fat bar's caross, tli; 11111 ' • ki*J |be the la»t link Oft*:en tb.t d.iy" pa i. ! »f painor pleasure and the night'i l >leop. ' I If there is sorrow, puutfll went, ur dis gr-tce, let tiie.ii ucn U i.l t!w J4,'ti.ua and have hours of play in which t 1 j ivoover happiness, whio'.i ii childinJ» : r (ilit. Let the weary loet, the bu>y | brain, rest iu bed liap,iv." An like tha f 11 iw's philosophy aid hu.n inity. WHAT O VIOAS AJiE 111:11K run. Tin Sturdy Oak.) When I see a pcrsjn habitually refuse onions at tha utile trim fastidious;) (ss about iheir s u ill, Ia n s irry lot bur and for the e.iuiel that is doomed u bj swallowed by the one who .iliaus at the gnat. Tbit tbi» vegetable is naturally relishing is shown i.i tho constant use made of it ill soups, chowders, uie.it dressings an 1 compotes. If any do nit like o ii):is, it will pi j to cultivate the t isie. Li save 11! countries of Kurope ooiong with breade furin a sta plo diet for tin laboring people, the two artiotas being a match in streugth giving b'islitias. Their virtues as a disotcntant aaiong the w-nte iissues of the inner man are too obvious to uood tuure llian a ludiitiun An atl-rouuil Jaijumcut li;s HI the fact llion Aiuuri- cans are the mut nerve food. Allowing celoiy as a nervine all the credit clai med for it, and yot for chnpnesa and lor being conveniently to bo had at all serous, onions Irivo inueli the advan tage. Raw beef steak and onions •• li-»p ped almost to a pulp, and spread in anndwieh fsshi n oti slices of diet broad, make an idol food 'or o.mv iie*s>'n;. a id ft»r any ene in I'eoble licul'.ii THE PO WER OF .i UYM.S ■ An English actress, parsing ah.ng a street one day feeling very miserable, hoard some ladies in u lhifefin'jr *iti? - ing ■ "Depths of mercy, can there be) Mercy still reserved for mo V She went in and listened to the tou ching words and loathing music. The words made a profound impression upon her mind. As she went awty the words and sm lingered in her heart, and linally resulted in her conversion. Siie had mads an engagement to act once I moie ou tli stage. At the close of her performance -lio wi h clasped hands and streaming eyes, and san the same hymn | through with such wonderful pathos as I moved the audonee to tears and eau ] sed tr.aiij' others to seek their salvation. t m I THE BEST EEEI) FOE CO li w. We caunot too often repeat lo in i|tiircrs after the the best cow food, says an exchange, that no one food known wdl either keep or bring a cow up to thu b. st work lu butter-nakiuj. Short, line, nutritious grass is as good as or better than any otlior one thing, but the best of i.ruM needs to be reinforced |by giairi. So the very best conceivable j ration of grain needs to be reinforced by some other sueoule.it food, such ai good corn silag.'. MOKE MAY URE .LVD LEES ELY I). ff*;el:ly New*.j i ( ultivate less land if jour manure heap is small. There is just as UJU -b lack of judgment in endeavoring to cover eu acres w.th the in inure that should go on one acre as in using a lamp of butter on ten slieej of Bread when it will only answer for one. Besides this, it takes nio'c labor to spread the u-anure on ten ai res than on one. Concentrate your labor, concentrate your niMiure, at: J you may concentrate yout crops tt i tbnut h'HWKiing tho quantity. KILLED 3)'( taJR ETTES- A dispatch from New Yolk, dated j April 18, auios: "S.miusl Kt'uba!), a sixteen-year old member of the choir of St. Mary's Uuuroli, l!ro>ltlyn, died on Friday last at St. John's Hospital, from what ap peared to be cigarette poison. The hospital die tors satd thai lit* system had hceu so thoroughly impregnated wth tiiuoiiue that the Imuit »s usable to perform its proper functions." THE DYimT OF Fit (JI T TREES Fayetville Observer. The rapid dooaJunee of the fruit or ohards,—especially peach orchards—,!n this soatiou is very n tiuiable, and a natural cause thereof has bj n given us by a close observer. Tho large pir eentage of the area uot devoted to fruit mi >ng has b:en pbinted iu grafted trees for tlio past ton or fifteen years, seed ling* boing comparatively riro This is natural, as one planing an orchard desire to realize fioiu his l.ib is as toon as passible ; but u is uovenUeleis true thai, while a poach tr :o grown from tho seed is gold at a boamrfor and average lifetime, tho trees fro u grift are limi | ited in their usefulness to four or live j ears, lu this vicinity we could easily j designate sores of tiuo seedlings »h:ch have Leeu delighting geiier.itio . after generation growing up about tho homo, stead until the boy has bocjtue the gray.haired man and they arc faithful to tne seasons still. A WATCII for blind people has boon invented in Switzerland. In the tuiddlo jof every figure figure is a small peg which drops whati the hour hand reael es \ the figure. '! be owner feals that the peg is down and counts back to Iwolvo [ to determine the hour. NO 42 1 7 fit .'-i I'ST MA UC LYfiUEEXSnoIKK Grcen»bf»r.) "I'.itri«»t Wcs received thin wocrte a rccjuopfc f»r ft siirple copy '»f The Patriot from Dr. \\ liliuni Thorn «.U l»an\ of Mobtine ville, Crnm county, Arkansas, *h© writes ui that he rat the fir a male born in Greensboro af or i't ineirpora'ion. The iKclor w'tilcS that The Patriot was the lirat jriper lie ever haw. and that h>s . fin her hi nt ii to liiui rtyului'ly frimi 1847 to 1882 "when the \ inkee* slipped our mails weJt of Memphis." Should tins Doctor piy a visit to his o'-t hoiu» 1 ( we bopo he wiR, ho will be uiiittfwd at th 3 o-jntr*«t be tween the live, glowing city of to-dajr and the sleepy little hautlet lie loft many years ago. Gll l! YO VRSUOHS A ERST •'Yea sir," said a prominent shoe dealer, recently, 'that in gooa advic« about wearing shoes. If a man would never wear his shoes more than two days in succession, aud at tea it once a month go over them with a brush dipped in vaseliuo, he would Gud that they would give much better (satisfaction and last much longer. To do this a man ought to have three pairs of shoes. 'l'heu he could give each pair one day *>f work and two days of rest. During these twj days the leather has time to regain elasticity and stretch out the wrinkles the foot has made. The wr tikles become breaks in the leather if the shoo is con tinuously worn. The mac who now wears out three pairs of shoes, one after another, a year, tvilt find that same num ber will list !nm two j'-ars if worn as a buvc suggested. Of course 1 am witling. ,f he wears them out in one year." W llEßia IS Tin: DOL LAR. Progressive Farmer "What are Iho larmwa ooniplaMtng about? l'hey have never seen .he lime when 'hey could buy so much with a dollar as now." Ah, good liieud, there is tio man in this land who knows butter tliau the farmer the purchasing power of the dol lar. lie knows full well that it will buy more than ever before. He knows that it buys more bushels of wheat, more bushels of corn and more bushels of labor than ever before. It bu\s double as much of his cotton, corn, etc., as it did a few year.- ago. Yea, the farmer knows the ' dollar will buy mora than, ever before." Hut what is equaliv im portant and interesting to him is the other question: Will it jay marc taxes will it | tiy mire debt, will it pay more lawyer's fees, will it pay more doctor's bills, will it pay more on his mortgage than ever before? 1 bis is the scale iu which to weigh the dollar to see how niujh more it is worth than over before. Verily, the fanner knows the purchasing power of the dollar. Wo have often hoard of of latt» this sage and consoling remark made te the farmer. It is easy to tell him that a d liar will buy more than ever before Hut he iu voluntarily responds: Where ia the dollar? A tramp approached a citizen stand ing oti the street and said: "My dear pir, cau you tell me where I can get a good square meal l " "Yo»," said the citizen, just around the corner, you will tind a nice place where you can get a good meal for a quarter." "Thank you kindly," said the tramp and he bustenei away in the direction indicated; uud when he UaJ goue about half the distance be suddenly stopped Iu r ncd and hurried back to Ike oiuzeu and in the blands.-u and most poll e man ner, said to him : "My dear sir, you worn very kind to tell uie where 1 could get a meal lor a quarter, will you now please tell me whero 1 con get the quarterV' Farmers, when men tell you of the nut uut a dollar will purchase, ask them: Where can 1 get the dollar! Alexander Stevens of the Bazaar Aberdeed, Seotlaud, has, bas imported 107 Shetland ponies to this oountry. Anion# the equine lilliputiaus was the very little maie Dolly, five years old and thirty inches high. Dolly weighs 120 pounds. VUMt* 1 ■ I '.n Til K III.HOI) "J* W ikii 'ss, Malaria, ludifsMou and ISiliouHwe * tnkf IIUOWVA IRON WITT Uft. It ru'.et tfuii kly. Fo*" sale 11. ah Undent UHXiIo4C«. Cict WO (ftCIUiIM.

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