mmmmmmmm - LJM *. ■_». .JEfeiiJ*S'f»"PlßHE"jiMeS>lfegseWg | g THE DANBURY REPORTER-POST. iM. _ ' t I > _ X 1. #. •• - * " * "•;• Wat- '•' * VOLUME XIX. REPORTER AND POST. Ill'BLlfillEK WKKKI.V Mf Danbury. . . .N. C. FEFFKK 480N3, - Editors. ■«l« af NutMrlyllH t On# year, in advanoa $ 1.00 tsix months 75 Foar months 50 —— y R*IH »f 1 One Square (1" lines\ 1 tiuie $ 1.00 One coluutu one year $ 25.00 K. L. I LAY MOKE, ATT'): .-: r AT LAW, >IT. Atnv, - N. 0. Spkciai. attention giren to collection of claim*. W. F. CARTER, ATT'Y. AT LAW, Mt. Airy, Suauv Co., N. 0 FKACTICF.s wber ver hi* services are wanted. The Wilmington Star. ItEUUUTICN IX PRICES. At eution it oalled to the following ei duced rates of .subscription, CASH IN ADVANCE : THE DAI ST All. One Year SO.OO t Tbrco Montlissl.. r >C Mix Mouths D.OO | One Mo thi 50 THE WKKKLY rfTAK. One lfc»r $1.1)0. | Six Months 00 Three Months 80 cent*. Our Telegraph News service lias recently Vcn hrgely Inereased, ami it is mr de:e:- m'tiat'on to keep the StAu up to tlwUj'l'i Sl Uiitdard of ne . >-p.i|ier excelh-iieo. Add:ess, WJt. 11. KCX.MtI), Wilmington, N.. . Pioneer DRUG-s-STORE, OF iN. C. V. O. THOMPSON. WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL UEAIAR IN Z)mg'.v, Patent Medicinos> Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oil, Varnishes, \ Toi'et Articles, /• ■'••den Seets' Ao.ces, Waring Kxtracks. Perfumery an d Fancy Goods. Physicians and country me rein i supplied at low e*t mart prices. Orders by mail promptly and care fully attended to. A orfk side Court House. W.y rL ppP CONSUMP^ o, It hM permanently snr»' TDOCSAKM of eaeee prmiotiiieoa liy hop»- Im. If y«o hareprmn. nilrtry symp toms, such aa fougli, Difficulty of ItrwlhliiK. AC; don't del»T, but «"*' PISO'H CURE ron C* HIMn . kiwi'")lately. Bjr *. 35 co> * NKW SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINCRY AT MRS, L. W. MASTS IT, . Main St'eot, Tiv> Poors below Alba Oi l Sund. Sew fo 1; s ' > a specialty. | Hats, Plowrs, Ribbons Etc j as chciip as call he bought. Sj-ccial inducements tj tho COUN. I TUi* TUADE. OUIMSIIS by I»:*'' >i n.«J tlv _\nled to. Don't fail to caM cxuiu'»>o n:y | stuck. Uv* .1,, J.'foi-ry| AT Tilt: \. r. W ATKINs 01.1 l st.WII -t OFI'OSITE THE 110 El. FOIJXT'X Hits Uwttovk ftUl I hut of its turns, (tit" Ntc L'tet'l in Sj)ihn> ami Stunner " Pur'irs Hushing nuij l Jutl^I in her Hue are r&jttasted io Call and Examine goods ami //rices. BO.inm.YG HOUSE at sam e place, next door to Merchant'? Hotel. GOOD non irs. WELL FUIiYISHr/l) T.I --HL i:s, .rni:.YTJVi: ILYTS. All fuvuislK'il at rcus'-i'jhlc prices. IT. J. TEKrIT. If You CONSUMPTION i COUGH on COLD BRONCHITIS Throat Affection SCROFULA I Wasting cfFiesh Or «i*y Diwiw • rhere the Throat and Lumjt mro l.aek nf Strength or S'eroo Voir r, you can be relieve*i and Ciurtd by SCOTT'S EMULSION PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophoaphltes. PALATABLE AS MILK> Atk for .W|'« Kmu'itoii. and let no em pimnation O' ndiettation indure you to moot pi « ovhentuie. SoUl by all ItrUQQlai*. BCOTT iu SOWNK.Ch*ml«ll, N.Y. Chttptti A tut Bufinest College in the Werld *sl T,—-wrt«. t_i. I T71.».«1t-. t St..,' ..7.-3.1 >«. u "i mmm. P« dnilin t44rni WUkar It laHL l,«il*fU»i Ky. »■ •« DO YOU RAftK 0 WR,TI WANT A f TO US. Any I*iok 1* Ike worW furpUfcoJ »i |»*H Ch er's t-Y.** N«mclKM»k« VAttttri. (Sciirt siatup). Mctr f un ?»•#« Afcnr/, *5 Virrt.t St., N. Y. PH OTO-E N G RA V i MGT IT»Ay»TOIILUSrh*r£VtH).I *U»INt»S. Portrait*. iiMcuupfio: i"«. h>' V f-. lorlta, wochtaur, *C.. mat im •*•'- r f: ■ hi |.hg» iniM. M«J stamp for •l*„ONfi rhccU. •OOOWOOK. U«Uo|wliUA rrfil A'litcy, LOW 0 Vv:* u jtrKt, quick TIM*. K»» Tort. * * '■ *•*- " # 1 ■ " •• * Bubber Suid;b e i ail kinds. ■ j AmaapgLf umiofiaiirtigiLsTuty W y uitetsu urn nr. lllin rnu 4f»n»jr, 4J W«rr»n St.,>. T. ran nrti'Mvu I'm trma'a tr*a Mwn. ttirnlitam rnnouneau 11. All dnUn krcji U tl a) pc mttlr. tienulM tat imt» mark vt* cr»«>W Suo >u n m wu. • "NOTITIXO STICi:EIS!)M UKK DAiNJiURY, N. (J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER l 1!>90. •Convention of Democratio Clubs. j ( At Raleigh, September 25 VIHCE ASD OTHERS SPEAK. I Raleigh News-Observer ] Senator Vancq said : I cannot ad. , equately express to yo« mv gratification , at the reception you have ■_ ve« me. I havo ' ried to deserve Tour confidence and good will, and if I have made you •hink I deserve it that in about as good as if r really did deserve it. ter ) lam happy t> be among ou on this | uconvon. lu a speech which 1 mado here in July, I made the statement that . there was more section :! bitt' ncss at j the North now than ever was before. J Within the past Jew years the war ha> been pit as inuoh in tbe back ground ( as we have been able to put it, and eco. no:uie questions such as the tariff and the currency quostiou have been L.. >u- ght prominently before the people A* a lesull in 1884 wo elootnd a Democrat - ic President. The Republieauj that they were going to I dec |A*» fir, »U lime have resortod to stirr ig op ' isuiinaal t to aid i'iju 'it regaining theii*|*owe-, They are now fortifying and attempting to 4 tatu ale thcirro'* They have admit tod new States which Mod Republican rop- Irescnfltivet. Hy theadoptie i of an ' inf'omous system of rules they have tinned out twsl«'e>Cougreesincn. They havo attuiu|.iud to paat the "Force bill" to tf.kc charge of Congressional elec tions in the South. e i p I e s which constitute tbe essence of liberty are being di>»ie away with. There has not beon since the recon struction a more vital orisis than is now peodin,'. ASi j -jru utaa who sup. e Fo' Jo b of . no* to be al lowed to live among us. Don't under •wtafti-nwns advocating violenei, but there is snch a thing as driving such men out by fierce tut ilerance an i eon j cuipt aud they deserve all that can be heaped upon them. When I say there is a crisis pending 1 tell y>u tho truth When such a tti«a..uro as I s id threat, ened it is a oisis. "E al vigilance s the price of lib. The only sa'cty is to stand logo i. the tceio. ning and oome out tog-;".or at tlio end lltis a time when every man n > has I the good of his couutry at heart, and whose bar is straight, should subordi nate everything to the preservation of harmony. IIoN. W. 11. KITCIIIM. who lad been est- ed iuto the hall, wa llow '-jaclly called 'or and addressed ilii audience 110 said he did noi k'> - i v>here to begin He felt happ. to re ' lixo that he, with the other Denioorat- ' i icfjre him, had i. -e more looked iuio ' ho face of that w.m beloved Tiibuuc •>f the Fooplo, Zebulou U. Vance, lu poid an eloquent i,'-. ne tc - Vance He said that what Senator Vance had said was truo; tb-. there w." a crisis upon us. If there was one ni. • that he hud ooutempt for than i be | man it was be who was oue of us sod would turn bis hack on us and help our enemies to trample us in the dust. Any j man who was so low ought to be driven out of a civilised community to tiie do ;s, whoro he belonged. If there was a in-m here calling himself i Uemscrat who j would vote for a Republican ho wnul£ ( be glad to have him oome up on tho rostrum by the musical instrument and be would offer up a prayer for biui. And . it that would do biui no good tie wur r _'et Bonaior Vance to pray for Inui. There is danger confronting us I here is much unrest and apathy arnon; the people. The loss of what we m w have sc. .i ed to us by the supremacy . f the j Pciuociatic party would bo a .oriiblc eaiam .y to this country. Capt. Kitch en do' ounoed in powerful words the in iquitous tariff p ve. uo laws and tfaa prop i Fotcti'll." Many South ern uion 'iave to Congrose ioin tbe South afraid lest they should do some thing to offend the North. 'lbe " .nb has no re . at for snob »o • ■ • ! them in i jotoufit. I > • tould ) there upon their maohorH without fear ofvb the Not iff.'think. Tl »• r t J thing nooded now is uioij. It'« \ ' | sorry man who will go iuto a Democrat 1 >o oouvention and because ha is not sat- I itficd with the ticket come out and bo' ' A tnan who votes again t a D ui cra't is ou Democrat at all. If » ybo); bre h%»-done b* iaiited ti ! now, but ; he will ket;p i-n sinnii.g ne 1 i is • traitor aud miirht as well uu ou - • j the Radical partv wli -re ho b longs. J ' ('apt. KitefctH wade a powerful and rl I nqneut appeal foj ,the *U|>pori nt the Dcinoeratiu KmuiOe - »'id f.,r lurniiMiy. ' : Don't.say y u wolt'i fo£*lfc ima t un- ' ' l>s* he pie yea hi oaelf this r i that. L t Allianeeiu v ' 1 ill other kin l of men in tbu ■' uoerstic party | join fcnnds and march to . He aga t : .Vrred itluqueutly to ' " itor Vaooe i ie.jwdat , | dnf n mg applause. Capt. Kttr spessb w> powerful, eloquent ai i irtesietable a. j carried ' t. 3 convention lik > a *turu»..'^ Mr. ■exfjcslled for aid responded. Ho said hs was not I 're as Secretary of the S e Alliance but as a citizen snd a Democrat. He was here to tako.part in thcee proceed iugs in neoordauce with hi* allegi Mice to the Democratio party. He wa, in fa> vo ot tbe ! principles which the Dem ocratic party ha 1 always uplid'. At tor Senator Vance four-ftfthe of hie name was in the Alliance, and be be ' lieved that lour-fifths of bis lift Work had been in the Alliaooc. (Applause.) H j bolicvoJ that S nator Vanoe Wal tbe greatest living exponent of tee tar ! iff. We hope fui reform, bat we know ,'that reform must eomc thr .ugh the Democratic party, and we expect to light foi refoi u iu the convention and lo abitie by the tesult, V\ e kuow tb at we are lurrouaded by a black wal 1 , Aud wc kuow that tin ilk men ntttot and to gether. We are banded together not to pu I down tii.' temple of liberty, nt to put demagogues up in rfCce, bin .> advance the education and promote. I e. welfare of the people. Mr. Reddiuglield said that there were a great ninny friends of tbe Alliance who were nuiigible to membership who have manifested ki.i ly disposit m towa-d* tho Ailiauco at • ' aged it, aad i such he tendered his hearty thauks, Ho ctupli sized io importance of Demo crats standing together and U!iJ°Democratic principles. Chas. B. Aycook was colled on, an 1 amid great applause took the stand, and >i'll"v» v!J not uutf ar'i- oconv; : any sinuer», but to comfort the saints. How cm anyone be anythiog else but a Democrat! It i* to tßis party that we owe our liberty—and all that is desira ble in government and life. He then made a short speech of great force and i oqut ica, arousing much enthusiasm ( ' a: m ' »i'"r aiueb applause. M . Thjodo-e F. K it i, o' S- isbury was called ' • v JUS I He said that ho hailed with delight the forma tion of tho Young Men's Democratic Clubs io North Carolina for wc are ad monished by the ad» » Demreratic Icade-s that their work must bo taken up by the men of a younger I generation. He than' ed God that the ; young Dc . acy of North Carolina would be equal to be duties that devol ved upou lie spoke of tbe plank 1 i iii'vi io our State platform and il'- educator cf our youths, I talk to you, ho said, a- >■ tariff but II d that more learnedly; a ' u. it tho Force bill, but oi i • i that better; about Speaker Reed aud bis tyranny, but others oan do that 1 more cff.'ctivo'y;-about tbe ueoessity of returning to tho Senate tbat noble i 1 | man of them all, Z. H. Vanes for nhow I would g t' my right arm to save h s life if nooessary, but it is out of that I r ild s »k. Th> re is another matter that ap I peals to me—tbat appeals to us all, and 3 ir.vclves the • n rest of tbe people ' * neoo- of electing a i ure, fear ' less, leained judio'ary tor thi» Is il one of the sid • issues if iir ir paign! Is it'uo matter to us tb-. Her. rimon, Clark, ka. , should be it ■» ■ I* Do you reoolltot tho time wbi i . of North Carolina wore dragged frob their homos to be tried by a drum-head court-marshal! Where was Kboderic then' One blast from Ills bugle koru Was worth ton tbsusand men. There was no o»j then to lift a pro ;iing a n to save! If the Judicial ticket bo defeited may we not ex[>oot a repetition of thots sc..'lies! lie paid a high tribune to the now. | net • on this Judicial ticket, j Aud now, with the Foroe Hill tbrtst cntng us, it behnovei us to S. J .'nt W • j hn.- a fearless jid la• u.'l JuJ : > f i*i N.'tih Cara' « He made a cjpit ! oaa>pt'||n •ftrwli that «j j i j warmest acplantc on k'.l i>dn. Auditor Sanderliu waj oallrJ for vtil th« iruwd (jrectuJ biiu with a great deui oimtratiuu. Ue uiado a brilliant .-.jncoli and illustrated tint he was a young Democrat, "an upright, lowurigut an I al right Dim •crat.' His speech was a Ketu of tbougl t all I afl w»d of elo. quen ee. D. Freslon Farr Jr., responded to a call and ipoke ha idsoui. ly Although this eall was »o sudden, ho said, yet be could not refrain from responding for the love he bure to North Carolina: and especially was thi an iutereatlug liou to biui, fur two years ago he had, with otbeis, .rgantsed tbe clubs of he State iuto au organisation, and now In congratulated these clubs on the work thut bad been accomplished. Jcffer* u taught that the liberties of tbe p op e are best defended by the hands of : >e people. The Jefferson Societies are the very bulwarks of tbe people's liberties —so also the Farmers' Alliance are tbe repositories of these liberties. They havo identioal interests. Aud we shall all work together in a common c*i:-a so dear to all of us. We arc all ' a com mon faith—but it it necessary for us to oounsel together - to form a propaganda fcir the preservation of oar liberties. We must exercise that eternal v : p • lb it Ikh Used the practise of tb« Aur!o- Saxoti people Speaking o Zcb Vance, be Mid that God forbid the da; «> i his forui should fail to stand between us ii>4 t'joie who assailed our liberties. Mr Robert Glenn was called a '1 •as received with cheers, flu »vd: Wo are hero (a counsel together fur put » the Democrats in condition to win a gruat victory. I have heard of D«m ocran in the Alliance, and Democrats out of the Alliance. We are all Dcia ocra and are to put the Democrats ro top ami to keep the Hpublieamt from domination. There is no differeece be tweeu us. Tbcte is uot a solitary thi z the Alliance endorse but we eodo » it also, l.ow taxes, low freif'its, a fin - eial systorn that will benefit the people, free cuiuage of silver, free ballots uo t fir counts. We stand on the sujie plitform. I* ok t">' eoniiunn enemy in tlio •ye aud fight the hfjht together. We are all for equal justice to all Tie farmers' organizati a has put pol : '• citus 13 thinking, which will rtu t i universal good to all You nno l , strike down oue class without striking down the others. Let us 6ght not our. st •.M but the common enainy Aid *K '*" gO 0 I »•» ( i I 1 iO. Walter R. Uemv, K.q., being ctiled on paid a glowing tribute to the ladies, whom quite a number were present Once utore, be said, a time has come whan it is the duty of eve-/ patriot to be up and doing bis duty. He who dcoiar s that he take* uo inter est iu politcs is not a patriot in full measure. Such a man is a pensioner n the patriotic action of others. With our graud principles wo ought uot to be satisfied with a meagre 10,000 majority, but should crown ourpriaciple with 30,000. Tbis can be accomplished by organization. Lei us orgai ze, ai ■ I lorious victory will crown our endea vor. Mr Henry then for fi en uiiuu'es paid oue of the most eloquent and glo wiug tributes >o Z.bulon H. Vanoo that bat lias ever been ard. It was worthy of iho subject and lienor to tbe speaker Hit words awoke frcquont responsive echoes from te aodienoe. Marinon liutler, fit {., of Sampson, said bo waited to say that be came f . ii the greatest Alliance county in North Carolina, aud that county would send to the next Legislature one senator and two Representatives solid for senaur Vauce. (lon. Wliatertou J. Green waa 'he nrst Speaker called on. He laid he oauie to he hear tbt words of wisdom that would fall from tbc Ips of our Gamaliel tomorrow —not to speak himself. He would, however, say a word in relation to the Farmers' Allian ce, of wbich be was a wembor. lie spoke with great feeling of that orgar t ation, and asserted that it was a glut injustice to aaoribe to it any unpfcti iotiu motive, desire or purpose. It wi» a white niao'a organisation—-the majority eft he members being true Democrats, i i could never favor anything but tbj Demoontic i.arty. He brought goood ti iiug* fi JIB the west his frie.iJ, Gov. t'i apbell, of Ol> i had aaMired him that great St ite •• d take her plance in the democratic e '. nam aud would fill fourteen l>em oratio ' neats iu 'he u> it Congress. And i'iere , upou •.aid Colonel (in en, 1 presumed ( that North C toliua Would aeod back | right fro* Norm Carolioa Aud be uow call dou tbe pe»plo u> make thai 1 pli'd?" (fcMid iu eloqueu: terms bo den ounced tne tyrauieukl course ot dp.iakvr , Heed iu CougruTS, aui he reminded tUe / % "sni ir r -HI. people that in six weeks we had one { duly to perform .'V. Fuwt.. Lt us get tdy to go iuto the aaii. vans. See to il that every youug man i is iu line. News thai oornei ou every bicexe foreshadows Dduioeratis vie- I tuiy. From ail idieatiuus die Fifth 1 au J Niutn districts, now leprescutod iu ! tJougress Republicans, will next time | b reprc.-9uted by M'illiauis aud Craw- I ford iHi;»sttai:i.issa«i:iaixi:»r A HT: KtMCiW. [Tie following i taken from a reocnt issue of the National Republicau. Read it white meu whatever your |.j|i.ticil creed may be, and then csk yourself row any telf respecting whi.e man can *o;e or work with • party the organ of wMch advocates such infamous mea sures.— I'a.rot ] "Wlwi through the operation of tho Lodge National Election law six o seven Southern Stiles shall dtsca'd Democr-tic rule we shall look confi dently to seo-wuo measure of ju>tice done tbe blacks who have been so long defrauded of their rights. •'Heavy taxes >h uld be bid c r on tbe properly of the whites to dovelop aud extend the public sahool system iu those States, sepera e schools for the two racos should b* abolisbe i, and the plau of bringing tbe youth of both ooiors iuto close aud equal relatioua io schools aud churches giveu a trill, at e of tbe most poteui elements to break down the dsteatable Rourbonism of tbe Sou h. The rt-bt of the black to bear arms should be guaranteed to Lim, as well as all tbe social rights tuteuded to be seemed 1. u by tbe paesage of tbe 14th and l.i 'a Amendments to tbe Con stitution. The State laws against the intermarriage of tbe races should be re pealed and any discrimination against the black in tbe matters learning trad • or obtaiuing employment should be made a criminal offcufo, while tbe colored rnau's right to hold office should he la crcdly protected and recogni ed, A fsw years of this policy will solve the race I problem satisfactorily "Flie talk of Soithern Democratic Congressmen in the bouts of Ledge's National Elect ou Law bill rewinds one of the fiery diatrlte* ot Southern Rep resentative* just before the war, But the platform whip wis ciacked in tain tbii liuie. It has becu a long time since tbea and the world - all but the South ern section of the United State*— ina grown wiser." • ! are he party," say the negrecs "We aro a pait of you," lay the *bito IP a who rate tbe Kepublictn ticket.— Smitlifield Herald. Aooordiog to the Wilmington Bir tbe oolored vote North and South amo unts to 1,250 000, tad says our contem porary, -«it this bo deduotod from tbe vote oast for Harrison it would give Cleveland A popular white majority if nearly 1,350,000. In other woods, eountiniug the white vote alone, the in tekitgent, tai-paying, government sup porting citisens the Democratic party a in a majority of 1,350,000." —Germ an ton Times. Tbe Demosratio nominations alt have been made. Tnero ii no longer any contest among Democrat*. It ia now Democrat against Republican. Which will you take ' Cermantou Times. The farmers are interested ia pol. ites this year and are going to take an active part. The great bulk of them are Deuiocrts and arc at work for tb* Democratic ticket.—Oeruiaaton l'imca Tbo census shown that tbe town of Gettysburg, Pa, has a population «f 4.0*41 persons, This announcement uau | sea a eou temporary to remark; What an i iastguiticaut little suburb it to of tbo I great oity of the dead which lies outside lis lirniia. Probably nowhere else on I ibis ooutiueut, if iu tbe world diice sash i * liiudmi of UM livtf JE O about lbs *• l ualious ut life iu U«> »iiu'.t p, es i ence o suuli a u lude ot tUv 0o id.— I \Ycoalers Weekly. JNO 11 DANBURY II [Gil SCHOOL (MALE AND FEMALE.) Danbury, Stokes Co., N. C. * * * 9«U t«ra Qyfen* Men. Sept. Ist, 1890 L. V. WEL BORN, A. R, (Triuity t.'01.) Principal. Tlxe North Carolina Col lego of Agriculture fin 1 Mechanic Arts WILL BKOl.s l IS *ii> HEVTE.MiiEu . t i - THK now and large »boi« Hal! 1 for working in iron and Wood will road) f->r occupation, and all the de partments arc equipped f. r thorough work. Kxpousea are less than in «»> similar college in cxisteuoe Many members of the Frcamau ell» are already employed at rfluuu.eritiv-.' alarioH For further particulars address AI.EXANUE4 M- Pres Raleigh, N\ 0. BTA T L E —ASD— t'S.N'Y Also, Firit-C'lass BAKERY. liiivite aji Ijjieed uf goods In t:i> lino t» give tift' a ,-air Remember lam ort Liberty street, Win ston, X. C„ between 4tli audoili »t • •com enicut to all tlie warehouses. wi during .ill business hours, and will mak to th- Interest I farmers and citu wli . wish inch yooi.s as 1 carry to yl*. tu a call. 1 know the ni'eils of every class, ....! . 111 give you such tilings as > u need a. ji.-K. usalisiYyou. Respectfully, J. T. WOODM >N .JOB PR I NTING. JoB PRINTING. JOB PHI NTIXG. Executed with neatness AND I > I H PATC li ! AT REPORT Ell & POST REPORTER k POST OFFICE ! OFFICE ! ADMINISTR'S. NOTICE. Having tills day qualified as administra tor of tin' late Laiidon Duncan, dee'd., nv tier is bcreb) given that all persons h lilin; claims sgainst the estate of the saiil totidou Duncan, dee'd., must present them f r pay* nienl to tlie undersigned, ar.dall persont i deliteil to said to sdd estate mint com: lor ward and make immediate payrjcmit. l.laims ag»ii:st the estate must he pivsent ed within twelve mop: In or tliis notic* will be pleade I in bai. Aus. Bth, ISO'. M. T. MITCHEI,I„ Adm'r., of Landon Duncan, dec'it. i ■■■ 9 U Iff rant iFSsSra^TJa.'rj;- i 1 i -- r *-•' A ■' « —*l ■ *"»"'■ 1 '"'"""■UB'OWV S IHIIW BITTEIt*. • It rurt* qntrkly. hot uio by all If I irtidnt- uct'tiM)

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